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Dans le document Honeywell Multics (Page 160-200)

The easter operation code calculates the date for Easter and inserts its text in that date if it falls in the printed month. The syntax is:


There are only two fields, the operation code, easter, and the text to be placed in the box. An example:

easter,Family reunion

3-105 AG92-06



The rename operation code allows you to change the names of days or m.onths. Its syntax is


The OLDNAME field gives the name of a day or month to be changed. If the name

n f tl"l~t n~'U nl" ft'\n ... tl"l u'~r ~"''I7';ftnrl.., ,.l.. .. ..,. ... A .;... +l.."" "'''4040'''''''+ ; ... "' ... t ; _ _ _~ tl.. ....

Vol W,l... - .... J Vol ol,uV,u .. ,u nUooll ,t'.l"''' .lVw.:I.lJ "'.l.lQ..l.l6~ .l.l.l 1.J..l'" "'&..i.L.L"'.L.L" .L.L.l YV\.ICI.&..LV.L.l VI I.J.l"

command, OLDNAME must be the current name. The NEWNAME field gives the name to replace the OLDNAME. For example, rename, Monday,Lundi.


The following illustrates the kind of segment you might create to put fixed holidays into a calendar.



date,Ol/Ol,New Year's Day date,02/02,Ground Hog Day

rel,2,Mon,2 weeks,Washington's rel,2,Mon,2 weeks, birthday easter,Easter

rel,4,Mon,2 weeks,Patriot's Day rel,5,Sun,1 week,Kother's Day rel,5,05/24,Kon,Kemorial Day date,07/04,lndependence Day rel,9,O,Kon,Labor Day

rel,lO,Kon,l week,Columbus Day date,11/11,Veterans Day

rel,ll,Kon,Tue,Election Day rel,11,Thu,3 weeks,Thanksgiving date,12/25,Christmas Day

3-106 AG92-06A


Additionally you might create a segment to include personal information in a calendar.


personal calendar info


date,05/21,Kirstenls Birthday date,11/16,Momls Birthday

repeat,Saturday,O,lweek,Racquetbal1 Fred

Assume you want a calendar for the coming December, including fiscal week numbers, holidays, and personal information. If the above segments are named "holidays" and

"personal" (and are in your working directory). you type the following to print the calendar on the terminal:

calendar -dt 12/01 -fw holidays personal

3-106.1 AG92-06A



Name: calendar_clock SYNTAX AS A COMMAND

calendar_clock {time_string} {-control_args}


[calendar_clock {time_string} {-control_args}]


returns the complete clock value from the four-digit year down through the microsecond in a sequence that allows

"1982-12-23_18:06:30.421857JIllt_Thu". The format

"/\ 9999yc-/\my-l\dm_/\ Hd: /\ MH: /\ 99. (6)9UM_ 1\ za_ /\da".

ARGUMENTS time_string

direct string

comparison, e.g .•

to produce this is

indicates the date about which information is desired. If you supply no time_string. the current date is used. The time string is concatenated to form a single argument even if it contains spaces; you need not quote it (See Section 1 for a description of valid time_string values.)


STR specifies the language in which month names. day names, and zone names are to be expressed. (Default English)

-zone STR

STR specifies the zone to be used to express the result (Default Greenwich Mean Time, GMT)


Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default language and zone. Use the display_time_info command to display a list of all acceptable language and zone values.

3-107 AG92-06


allows you to delete a request for an absentee computation that is no ionger needed.


you can chose request_identifiers from the following:


is the full or relativepathname for the absentee input segment of requests to be canceled. You can use the star convention.

-entry S1R -et STR

identifies requests to be canceled by STR, the entryname portion of the absentee input segment pathname. You can use the star convention.

-id ID

identifies one or more requests to be canceled by request identifier. You can give this identifier to further define any path or -entry identifier (see "Notes").


searches all priority queues for the specified request type starting with the highest priority queue and ending with the 10wesL It is incompatible with -queue.

-brief, -bf

suppresses messages telling that a particular request identifier was not found or that requests were canceled when using star names or -all.

-foreground, -fg

specifies that the foreground absentee queue contains the request(s) to be canceled.

-queue N, -q N

specifies that queue N of the request type contains the requests to be canceled, where N is a decimal integer specifying the number of the queue. If you omit it, all the queues are searched.

-sender STR

specifies that only requests from sender SIR should be canceled. You must also give one or more request identifiers. In most cases the sender is an RJE station identifier.



Person_id.Project_id, Person_id, or . Project_id. Both r and d extended access to the queue are required. This control argument is primarily for operators and administrators.


You need 0 extended access to the queue to cancel your own request and r and d extended access to cancel somebody else's request


If you supply -id. only one path or -entry is allowed. If you give -id in addition to a path or -entry, they must match the same request If you provide any path or -entry STR request identifiers, only one -id ID request identifier is accepted and it must match any requests selected by path or entryname.

You can supply multiple -id ID identifiers in a single command invocation only if you give no path or entry request identifiers. The -queue, -foreground, and -all control arguments are mutually incompatible.

Normally, deletion can be made only by the user who originated the request

When star names are not used and a single request identifier matches more than one request in the queue(s) searched, none of the requests are canceled. However, a message is printed telling how many matching requests there are.

If the absentee process has already logged in, the user is given the choice of bumping the job and cancelling the request from the queue, or allowing the job to continue running and remain in the queue. This allows the user to cancel a running absentee process. When a running absentee process is canceled by a user or an operator. the message "Process terminated by the system. The reason will be sent by Multics mail."

will appear in the absentee output segment.


The command line

car >udd>Demo>CPEBach>dump>translate

deletes the absentee request that the user had made in the default queue that was associated with the control segment >udd>Demo>CPEBach>dump>translate.absin.



deletes the absentee requests that the user made in the default queue that were associated with all control segments ending with the ~~.draitabsin;; component combination found in the >udd>Demo>LNTolstoy>doc directory.


ccp names {-control_arg}



one or more programs in the current COBOL run unit to be canceled.


are the reference names of COBOL programs that are active in the current run unit. If the name specified in the PROG-ID statement of the program is different from its associated name argument~ name must be in the form refname$PROG-ID.

CONTROL ARGUMENTS -retain_data, -retd

leaves the data segment associated with the program intact for debugging purposes.

(See "Notes" below.) NOTES

The results of the cancel_cobol_program command and the execution of the CAl'lCEL statement from within a COBOL program are similar. The only difference is that if a name argument is not actually a component of the current run unit, an error message is issued and no action is taken; for the CANCEL statement, no warning is given in such a


To preserve program data for debugging purposes, the -retain_data control argument should be used. The data associated with the canceled program is in its last used state; it is not restored to its initial state until the next time the program is invoked in the run unit

3-110 AG92-06

Refer to the run_cobol command for information concerning the run unit and the COBOL runtime environment Also refer to the related commands display_cobol_run_unit (dcr) and stop_cobol_run (seT).

Name: canceLdaemon_request, cdr SYNTAX AS A COMMAND

cdr request_identifiers {-control_args}


deletes an I/O daemon request that is no longer needed.


request_identifiers can be chosen from the following:


identifies a request to be canceled by the full or relative patbname of the input data segment The star c-onvention is allowed.

-entry STR, -et STR

identifies a request to be canceled by STR, the entryname portion of the input data segment pathname. The star convention is allowed.

-id ID

identifies one or more requests to be canceled by request identifier. You can use this identifier 10 further define any path or -entry identifier (see ;'Notes").


searches all priority queues for the specified request type starting with the highest priority queue and ending with the lowest It is incompatible with -queue.

-brief, -bf

suppresses messages telling that a particular request identifier was not found or that requests were canceled when using star names or -all.

-queue N, -q N

specifies that queue N of the request type contains the requests to be canceled, where N is a decimal integer specifying the number of the queue. ~f you omit it, all the queues are searched.



"printer." The print_request_types command lists the request types.

-user User_id

specifies the name of the submitter of the request to be canceled if it is not the same as the group identifier of the process. The User_id can be equal to Person_id.Project_id, Person_id, or . Project_id. Both rand d extended access to the queue are required. This control argument is primarily for operators and administrators.


You need 0 extended access to the queue to cancel your own request and rand d extended access to cancel somebody else's request


If you supply -id, only one path or -entry is allowed. If you give -id in addition to a path or -entry, they must match the same request If you provide any path or -entry STR request identifiers, only one -id ID request identifier is accepted and it must match any requests selected by path or entryname.

You can specify multiple -id ID identifiers in a single command invocation only if you give no path or -entry request identifiers.

\V-nen you don't use star names and a single request identifier matches more than one request in the queue(s) searched, none of the requests are canceled; however a message is printed telling how many matching requests there are.

Normally, deletion can be made only by the user who originated the request.

If the request is already running, the entry is still removed from the queue but the running request is not stopped. You are given a message stating that the request is running.

When a request has been removed from the queue after it has started running and before it has finished, any user requested deletion of the segment (done with the -delete control argument to the dprint and enter_output_request commands) are ignored by the system.

See the dprint, dpunch, and enter_output_request commands.



cdr >udd>Alpha>Doyle>dump>translate.list

deletes the request that the user made in queue 3 of the default request type printer to print the segment >udd>Alpha>Doyle>dump>translate.list

The command line

cdr >udd>Alpha>Lamb>dump>probe.pl1 -request_type punch

deletes the request that the user made in queue 3 of request type "punch" to punch the segment >udd>Alpha>Lamb>dump>probe.pll.

The command line cdr joe sam


cancels the requests to print segments joe, sam, and any requested segments with two-component entrynames in the current working directory in queue 3 of the printer request type.

Name: cancel_output_request, cor SYNTAX AS A COMMAND

cor request_identifiers {-control_args}


deletes an I/O daemon request that is no longer needed.

ARGUMENTS request_identifiers

can be chosen from the following:


identifies a request to be canceled by the full or relative pathname of the input data segment The star convention is allowed.

-entry STR, -et STR

identifies a request to be canceled by STR, the entryname portion of the input data segment pathname. The star convention is allowed.

3-113 AG92-06

-id ID

identifies one or more requests to be canceled by the request identifier. You can use this identifier to further define any path or -entry identifier (see



searches all priority queues for the specified request type starting with the highest priority queue and ending with the lowest It is incompatible with -queue.

-brief, -bf

suppresses messages telling that a particular request identifier was not found or that requests were canceled when using star names or -all.


specifies that the requests to be canceled are found in the queue(s) associated with

"" "" tne


"t'equest "type---(see-

"Notes" ""below)."

-print, -pr

specifies that the requests to be canceled are found in the queue(s) associated with the default printer request type (see "Notes").

-punch. -pch

specifies that the requests to be canceled are found in the queue(s) associated with the default punch request type (see "Notes").

-queue N, -q N

specifies that queue N of the request type contains the requests to be canceled, where N is a decimal integer specifying the number of the queue. If you omit it, all the queues are searched.

-request_type STR -rqt STR

indicates that the requests to be to be canceled is to be found in the queue for the request type identified by STR (see "Notes").

-user User_id

specifies the name of the submitter of the request to be canceled if it is not the same as the group identifier of the process. The User_id can be equal to

Person_id.Project_id, Person_id, or . Project_id. Both r and d extended access to

the queue are required. This control argument is primarily for operators and administrators.


You need 0 extended access to the queue to cancel your own request and rand d extended access to cancel somebody else's request

3-114 AG92-o6

you give rio path or -entry request identifiers.

If you give any path or -entry STR request identifiers. only one -id ID request identifier is accepted and it must match any requests selected by path or entryname.

When you don't use star names and a single request identifier matches more than one request in the queue(s) searched, none of the requests are canceled; however a message is printed telling how many matching requests there are.

Normally, deletion can be made only by the user who originated the request

If the request is already running, the entry is still removed from the queue but the running request is not stopped. You are given a message stating that the request is running.

When a request has been removed from the queue after it has started running and before it has finished. any user requested deletion of the segment (done with the -delete control argument to the dprint and enter_output_request commands) are ignored by the system.

The -print, -punch, -plot, and -request_type control arguments are mutually exclusive.

If you supply none. then cor searches the default request type used by eor -print (as displayed by the print_request_types command).

See the dprint, dpunch. and enter_output_request commands.

Name: cancel_resource, cnr SYNTAX AS A COMMAND

cnr -id reservation_id {-control_arg}


cancels reservations made with reserve_resource using the reservation identifier obtainabie from iist_resources.

ARGUMENTS reservation_id

must be present and is the reservation identifier of the reservation to be canceled.

3-115 AG92-{)6

allows a privileged cancellation to be done, such as the cancellation of a reservation belonging to another user. Use of -priv requires access to rcp_sys_.

Name: cancel_retrieval_request, crr SYNTAX AS A COMMAND

err request_identifiers {-eontrol_args}


allows you---to-delete a--request for a volume retrieval -that-is no- longer--needed.


request_identifiers can be chosen from the following:


identifies a retrieval request to be canceled by the full or relative pathname of the segment or subtree. The star convention is allowed.

-entry STR, -et STR

identifies requests to be canceled by STR, the entryname portion of the segment or subtree pathname. The star convention is allowed.

-id ID

identifies one or more requests to be canceled specified by request ID number.

This identifier can be used to further define any path or -entry identifier (see



indicates that all retrieval queues are to be searched starting with the highest priority queue and ending with the lowest priority queue. This control argument is incompatible with the -queue control argument.

-brief, -bf

suppresses messages telling you that a particular request identifier was not found or that requests were canceled when using star names or the -all control argument.



omitted, only the default priority queue is searched. This. control argument is incompatible with the -all control argument

-user User_id

specifies the name of the submitter of the requests to be canceled, if not equal to the group identifier of the process. The User_id can be Person_id.Project_id, Person_id, or . Project_id. Both r and d extended access to the queue are required. This control argument is primarily for operators and administrators.


You must have 0 extended access to the queue to cancel your own requests. You must have r and d extended access to cancel a request entered by another user.


If any path or -entry STR request identifiers are given, only one -id ID request identifier will be accepted and it must match any requests selected by path or entryname.

Multiple -id ID identifiers can be specified in a single command invocation only if no path or entry request identifiers are given.

Normally! deletion can be made only by the user who originated the request

When star names are not used and a single request identifier matches more than one request in the queue{s) searched, none of the requests are canceled. However, a message is printed telling how many matching requests there are.


The command line:

err >udd>Demo>BSpoek>dump>translate

deletes the retrieval request for the specified segment or subtree that you had made in queue 3.

3-117 AG92-06


Name: canonicalize, canon SYNTAX AS A COMMAND

canon pathl {path2} {-control_args}


ensures that the contents of a segment are in canonical form.


is the pathname of the input segment path2

is the pathname of the output segment. If you omit path2, path1 is overwritten


-contents of

the -jnput



overwrites the output file without querying.

-input_tabs -every X, -itabs -ev X

-input_tabs -every X, -itabs -ev X

Dans le document Honeywell Multics (Page 160-200)

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