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Dijkstra's Algorithm

Dans le document [ Team LiB ] (Page 194-199)

This algorithm, named after its inventor, E. W. Dijkstra, finds optimal paths in those cases where we can describe the geometry of the game world as a set of vertices with weighted connections between them being used to express distances. Take, for example, a level from a first-person shooter as shown in Figure 8.3. To the right you can see the same level represented in terms of vertices (rooms) and edges that are labeled with the distance from one room to another. This kind of data structure, often called a weighted graph, is what Dijkstra's algorithm starts with, so it shouldn't be surprising that this algorithm has been very popular in first-person shooter AI programming.

Dijkstra's algorithm is also called a "single source, shortest paths" algorithm, because it does not compute the path between two endpoints, but rather the optimal paths from one source node to all other nodes. The algorithm is very compact and elegant, but quite

complex. We will now review it thoroughly, so you can fully understand this cornerstone of path finding programming.

Figure 8.3. Top-down view of a game level and associated graph.

The explanation for Dijkstra's algorithm starts with a graph G=(V,E), with V vertices and E edges, and a node s, which is the source. It also has a weight matrix W, which is used to store the weights of the different edges. Starting from the source, we explore the graph using the edges, choosing the lightest weight ones first. For the first step, only the edges from the source can be expanded. But as we move forward, other nodes will have been visited already, and the newly expanded edge will be the one from all the vertices in the visited set that offers the lowest cost.

Every time we visit a new node, we store an estimate of the distance between that node and the source. For the first iteration, the estimate is just the weight of the edge we have expanded. Later, as new edges are added to the visited nodes list, the distance can always be broken down into two components: the weight of the edge we just expanded and the best distance estimate of an already visited node.

Sometimes, the expansion process will find a way to reach an already visited node using an alternative, lower-cost route. Then, we will override the old path and store the new way of reaching the node. This progressive optimization behavior is called node relaxation, and it plays a crucial role in the implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm.

Let's now focus on the algorithm. To begin with, we use two sets. One set contains the nodes that have not been visited (the Pending set), and the other holds the nodes that have already been explored (the Visited set). For efficiency reasons, the Pending set is usually implemented as a priority queue. Additionally, we need two numeric arrays. One array stores the best distance estimate to each node, and the other stores, for each node, its predecessor in the expansion process. If we expand node five, and then we expand node nine, the predecessor of nine is five. The first step of the algorithm initializes this data structure, so we can later loop and compute the shortest paths. The initialization is pretty straightforward, as shown in this subroutine:

initialise_single_source( graph g, vertex s) for each vertex v in Vertices( g )



end for distance[s]=0;

The second step consists of the relaxation routine. In graph theory, relaxation is the process of iteratively updating a value by looking at its immediate neighbors. In this case, we are updating the cost of the path.

Thus, Dijkstra's relaxation routine works by comparing the cost of the already computed path to a vertex with a newer variant. If the new path is less costly, we will substitute the old path for the new one and update the distance and previous lists accordingly. To keep the main algorithm clean and elegant, here is a subroutine that computes the relaxation step given two nodes and a weight matrix:

relax(vertex u, vertex v, weights w) if (distance[v] > distance[u] + w(u,v)) distance[v]=distance[u]+w(u,v);


end if

The w structure stores the weights of all edges in the graph. It is nothing but a 2D array of integers or floats. The value stored at w[i][j] is the weight of the edge from vertex i to vertex j. For unconnected vertices, w[i][j] equals infinity.

Here is the complete source code for Dijkstra's algorithm in all its glory, making reference to both the initialization and relaxation functions previously provided. Notice how we pass the graph, the weight matrix that specifies the lengths of the edges, and the source vertex that starts the whole process:

We start by resetting the distance and previous vectors. Then, we put all vertices in the Pending set and empty the Visited set. We must extract vertices from Pending to convert them to Visited, updating their paths in the process. For each iteration we extract the vertex from the Visited set that has the least distance to the source. This is done using the distance array. Remember that Pending is a priority queue sorted by distance. Thus, in the first iteration, the source (distance=0) will be extracted from the Pending queue and converted to Visited.

Now, we take each edge from the extracted vertex u and explore all neighbors. Here we call the relax function, which makes sure the distance for these nodes is updated accordingly. For this first iteration, all neighbors of the source had distance set to infinity. Thus, after the relaxation, their distances will be set to the weight of the edge that connects them to the source.

Then, for an arbitrary iteration, the behavior of the loop is not very different. Pending contains those nodes we have not yet visited and is sorted by the values of the distance. We then extract the least distance node and perform the relaxation on those vertices that neighbor the extracted node. These neighboring nodes can be either not-yet-expanded or already expanded nodes for which a better path was discovered. Iterating this process until all nodes have been converted from Pending to Visited, we will have the single-source shortest paths stored in the distance and previous arrays. Distance contains the measure of the distance from the source to all nodes, and backtracking from each node in the previous array until we reach the source, we can discover the sequence of vertices used in creating these optimal length paths.

Dijkstra's algorithm is a remarkable piece of software engineering. It is used in everything from automated road planners to network traffic analyzers. However, it has a potential drawback: It is designed to compute optimal paths between one source and all possible endpoints.

Now, imagine a game like Age of Empires, where you actually need to move a unit between two specified locations. Dijkstra's algorithm is not a good choice in this case, because it computes paths to all possible destinations. Dijkstra's algorithm is the best choice when we need to analyze paths to different locations. But if we only need to trace a route, we need a more efficient method. Luckily it exists and is explained in detail in the next section.


A* (pronounced A-star) is one of the most popular and powerful problem-solving (and hence, path finding) algorithms. It is a global space-search algorithm that can be used to find solutions to many problems, path finding being just one of them. It has been used in many real-time strategy games and is probably the most popular path finding algorithm. We will thus devote some space to study it carefully.

Before we do so, I'd like to examine some simpler algorithms such as depth or breadth first, so we get a better understanding of the problem and can visualize what A* does more easily.

Let's begin by realizing that for the sake of path finding, states will be used to represent locations the traveler can be in, and transitions will represent unitary movements in any direction. Remember our good old checkerboard? Think about path finding in the same way. We have checkers that represent each portion of the map, and we can move one checker in any direction. So how many positions do we need to represent or, in other words, how many states do we need if we can only move on a checkerboard? A checkerboard consists of eight squares by eight squares, for a grand total of 64 possibilities. Games like Age of Empires are not very different: They use grids that also represent map locations. For Age of Empires, maps between 64x64 and 256x256 were common. A 64x64 grid yields 4,096 possible locations, whereas a 256x256 grid yields the infamous, 65,536 (two raised to the sixteenth power).

The original algorithms devised to explore such structures were exhaustive: They explored all possibilities, selecting the best one between them. The depth-first algorithm, for example, gave priority to exploring full paths, so nodes were expanded until we reached the endpoint.

A score was computed for that path, and then the process was repeated until all paths were computed. The name depth-first indicated that the algorithm would always advance, reaching deeper into the graph before exploring other alternatives. A different algorithm, called breadth-first, followed the opposite approach, advancing level-by-level and exploring all nodes on the same level before moving deeper.

That worked well for games such as tic-tac-toe, where the number of steps is small. But what happens when you try to apply the same philosophy to something like chess? There's a huge number of states to explore, so this kind of analysis is very risky both in terms of memory and CPU use. What about finding a path? In a 256x256 map (which can be used to represent a simple, 256x256 meter map with a resolution of down to one meter), we would need to examine 65,000 locations, even though some of them are obviously not very good candidates.

Are we really going to use regular state-space searches, where we will basically need to examine all those options one by one—in real-time? To make the response even more obvious, think not only about how many locations but also about how many different paths we need to test for. How many paths exist between two endpoints in a playing field consisting of more than 65,000 locations? Obviously, brute force is not a good idea in this situation, at least not if you want to compute this in real-time for dozens of units moving simultaneously. We need an algorithm that somehow understands the difference between a good path and a bad path, and only examines the best

candidates, forgetting about the rest of the alternatives. Only then can we have an algorithm whose CPU usage is acceptable for real-time use. That's the main advantage of A*. It is a general problem-solving algorithm that evaluates alternatives from best to worst using additional information about the problem, and thus guarantees fast convergence to the best solution.

At the core of the algorithm lies a node expansion policy that analyzes nodes in search of the complete path. This expansion prioritizes those nodes that look like promising candidates. Because this is a hard-to-code condition, heuristics are used to rate nodes, and thus select the ones that look like better options.

Assuming we model the path finding problem correctly, A* will always return optimal paths, no matter which endpoints we choose.

Besides, the algorithm is quite efficient: Its only potential issue is its memory footprint. As with Dijkstra's approach, A* is a short but complex algorithm. Thus, I will provide an explanation first, and then an example of its implementation.

A* starts with a base node, a destination node, and a set of movement rules. In a four-connected game world, the rules are move up, down, left, and right. The algorithm is basically a tree expansion method. At every step, we compute possible movements until all movements have been tried, or we reach our destination. Obviously, for any mid-sized map this could require many states, with most of them being arranged in loops. Thus, we need a way to expand the tree in an informed way, so we can find the solution without needing to explore all combinations. This is what sets A* apart from the competition: It quickly converges to find the best way, saving lots of CPU cycles. To do so, it uses a heuristic—a metric of how good each node is, so better looking paths are explored first.

Let's summarize what we have discussed so far. Starting with the base node, expand nodes using the valid moves. Then, each expanded node is assigned a "score," which rates its suitability to be part of the solution. We then iterate this process, expanding best-rated nodes first until these paths prove invalid (because we reach a dead-end and can no longer expand), or one of these paths reaches the target.

Because we will have tried the best-rated paths first, the first path that actually reaches the target will indeed be the optimal path.

Now, we need to devote some space to the rating process. Because it is a general-purpose problem-solving algorithm, A* uses a very abstract way of rating states. The overall score for a state is described as:

f(node)= g(node) + h(node)

where f(node) is the total score we assign to a node. This cost is broken down into two components, which we will learn to compute in the next few pages. For now, suffice it to say that g(node) is the portion that takes the past decisions into consideration and estimates the cost of the path we have already traversed in moves to reach the current state. The h(node) is the heuristic part that estimates the future. Thus,

it should give an approximation of the number of moves we still need to make to reach our destination from the current position.

This way we prioritize nodes, not only considering how close they are to the destination but also in terms of the number of steps already taken. In practical terms, this means we can have a node with a very low h value (thus, close to the target), but also a very high g value, meaning we took many steps to reach it. Then, another, younger node (low g value, high h value) can be prioritized before the other one because it obtains a lower overall score. Thus, we estimate it is a better candidate. Figure 8.4 provides a visual representation of the A*


Figure 8.4. The A* algorithm. Left: chosen path. Right: nodes required to compute it.

Notice how this method is valid for many problems, whether it's playing tic-tac-toe, building a puzzle, or computing paths. We add a component that accounts for our past behavior and estimate our future as well. For path finding problems, computing g is not really a problem; it's just the number of steps taken to reach the node. If we think in terms of a tree, it's the level in the tree. The heuristic part, on the other hand, is more complex. How do we estimate the remainder of the path without effectively examining it? For path finding, the main approach is to estimate remaining distance as the Manhattan distance between our current location and the destination. Remember that the Manhattan distance is the sum of the differentials in X and Z, as in the expression:

Manhattan(p1,p2) = abs(p2.x-p1.x) + abs(p2.z-p1.z)

If you try to visualize it, the Manhattan distance is the number of steps we would need to make if we were unobstructed. Thus, it is an optimistic heuristic. It always underestimates the effort required to reach our goal. This is an essential characteristic. If we can guarantee our heuristic is always underestimating (or giving the exact estimation) of the path ahead, A* always produces optimal paths. This is because it will try to find the path that more closely resembles (in terms of score) the estimate. Think about it for a second: A target node has a score of (N,0), which means N is the number of steps we needed to take, and 0 is the estimation of what remains. Using an estimate that is always optimistic forces us to reach the path with a minimal N value for the end node, which is what we are looking for. By the way, the Manhattan distance heuristic is a good choice for four-connected game worlds.

If your world is eight-connected, Manhattan would not always be optimistic, so I'd recommend the classic Euclidean distance equation defined here instead:

distance = sqrt( (p1.x-p2.x)2 + (p1.z-p2.z)2)

The downside is the added cost of squaring and computing square roots, but convergence to the optimal solution always requires optimistic heuristics.

We have seen how and why A* works. Now, let's propose a complete A* algorithm. Here is the pseudocode:

priorityqueue Open list Closed

s.g = 0 // s is the start node s.h = GoalDistEstimate( s ) s.f = s.g + s.h

s.parent = null

Notice how we use two data structures: Open is a priority queue that stores nodes we have visited, sorted by f-value. Thus, we can always extract the best-rated node. Then, we start by placing the start node in Open. We expand nodes in the while loop until no more nodes exist (that means we have explored the whole tree and did not find a solution, so we return failure). Then, at each step, we pop the best candidate from Open. We compute all successors from this node and rate them, storing them in Open as well. If the new rating is better than the previous one for the same node, notice how we overwrite the old value with the new one. This is useful when we have already visited one node, but a newer path yields a better score. As nodes are visited and expanded, we place them in Closed. We iterate this process until we have reached a goal or until no more nodes are in Open, meaning there is no solution.

A* is a powerful algorithm. But it does not come without a host of problems of its own. First, it precomputes the whole path before even performing the first step. This makes it unusable for scenarios with dynamic geometry, such as collisions between soldiers, and so on.

Second, A* always produces optimal results. This might seem like an advantage instead of a problem, but paths computed using A*

sometimes look too perfect, and we need to modify the algorithm to add a degree of believability to the results. Third, A* computes the whole path in a single process. So how can we blend that with fog-of-war techniques? Many times we won't be seeing the whole path at once, so precomputing it using A* will simply be wrong. Our walking character will effectively see inside the fog-of-war to construct the path, which is cheating. Fourth, A* can create memory use problems. In any decent-sized map with obstacles, A* will explore lots of states to compute the best option. It is true that the end result will be optimal, but it will have claimed a high price in the process. A* is a

memory-hungry algorithm, and considering its main use is found in strategy games where we need to move many units at once, this can become a pretty serious issue. Some variants have been proposed to deal with these issues. Two of the most popular variants are

memory-hungry algorithm, and considering its main use is found in strategy games where we need to move many units at once, this can become a pretty serious issue. Some variants have been proposed to deal with these issues. Two of the most popular variants are

Dans le document [ Team LiB ] (Page 194-199)