• Aucun résultat trouvé

departments in Addis Ababa, but also,a syStCT of Oob vauationin clerical occupations and a commercial teacher training programme,^ and he is preparing

■■ '

During 1962, posts have been established in East Africa (for the .tost African Caxion .Services .Organization) in Ethiopia, Ghana, ivory .,,£22*. Life, mSBL> -Nigeria, Spmalia; Sndag Tanganyika. Togo,'Tunisia . and Uganda. .. These OPEX posts, totalling--47, cover meteorology, public

.finance, economic development, national pensions,.personnel adoinistration, agriculture and anipal husbandry, statistics, telecommunicationsV industrial training, civil hviation, land valuation, judicial ..administration, police administration, public vorks, stores administration, geodetic"survey,

■land and water use, forestry, treasury administration,, hydrology and

•fisheries. TwentV-eight appointments.had'., been.aade by.the end of

October 1962 and others were expected before the end of-the year..

.. ; ... A number ,of -countries have sought: technical aid from the ILO to deal W1th. a shortage, of skilled clerical workers, Which is' a general obstacle against which.practlcally. air .developing 'bo^ri.,' in Africa .have to battle in-setting up an efficient public administration/ As

an example, at the .request of tho Ethiopian Govemment, an expert'in .clerical^trai^ing was sent by the ILO to Ethionia in July I96l under its

Regular Prog^e. ; Having dete^n.d the Specific Weeds for i^ving the

occupauonal skills and. the practical knowledge of standard procedures -ong the. clerical ,taff of. the .iniotries and Government agencies, he •

-dvxeed the Goverament on tho or5anization. of ln_service ^^^ '; "

cho.ce of subjects, methods and content of training, ahd measures to be

take^to improve the general

The expert is now setting up, not only a complete system of in-service

»„. for the clerical staff ,f the different public administration

departments in Addis Ababa, but also,a syStCT of Oob vauationin clerical occupations and a commercial teacher training programme,^ and he is preparing the way for a system, of correspondence courses for clerical staff in th

Provlncial^d.inistrations. Special courses for training future commercial

teachers started in the. autumn of 1962. :: ■ ■ '

There are practically no Amharic text-books in the field of business

yet aW 95 per cent of ,U Government employees speak only Amharic. The

HO expert, assisted by others, has designed an Amharic shorthand system.

* 1.4/210

Page :

He is also preparing text b.ooks^.insAm^aric, and ^gU|ha.corresp,o.pdence;,_;^

■■-'■.;■. and;- a'-b^ok-ic^ping'manual .specially: for..i)t.hippian^,*-,. Fiir,th.ermore.,..the

iv/alli'mat.ters; r;egar,dingr the. devqlopnient^ of. oler.icali: training-. ..;_. . ,., .,...

■- ■>■

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14^"" '"^

Page' 32

fSffi^c^l^ :;:^ V^a*™ «>.;.., ■■; *•:■:•

''Requests' from"Afric"an~;'Govefnment^'rW6i^d"i(^r'UKM"at^i^lSi52' indicate

that there" isan "increasing recognition1 of 'the' roleof f is'cai'and1 flneifeial measures in the'stlmulat'ioft'of'econbml^'growth. The'natureran'ii-vcharacter

istics of the assistance provided reflect their preference for long-term and institutional reforms instead of temporary or sporadic solutions.

The technical assistance rendered "by UNTA during 1962 has ranged from an overall and comprehensive examination of a country's fiscal situation in relation to economic development to the provision of assistance in training and of operational research and advisory services, in the fields of "budgeting, taxa

tion and finance (credit, "banking, etc.)- The assistance was asked both at

the working level and at top level in advisory functions. An example of the latter is found in Togo where the UKTA expert has "become economic adviser to the President and is engaged in the formulation of general economic and financial policy, and also with the formulation and execution of a programme of development.

The projects of wider import related to "broad questions of policy in the fiscal and financial field. For example, in Dahomey a UWTA expert is currently

in the fieldrcn a six-month mission to survey the Government's present ex

penditure programme and tax structure and to advise on a fiscal and expenditure policy designed to promote economic development. A similar project was

concluded in Cameroun in early 196*2. Of particular interest in this category

were requests for assistance with respect to the fiscal aspects of the problem of newly independent countries and of considerations relating to regional economic groupings. The independence of Somalia was followed by a request from that country for expert assistance in the preparation of an integrated budgetary system and that country continues to receive assistance in the

integration of the financial administration of its two regions as well as on fiscal policy problems.

As regards the sub-regional economic groupings, the expert team which

visited Tanganyika during the summer of 196*2 to advise the GovenHnent on the

economic and financial implications of joining the proposed East African

Federation included, two fiscal experts. Similarly the expert mission ^laQWesied^

by the*GcveraiESpte£l!^ data, on which

. e/cn. 14/210 ,.,■:' y Page 33 ;'■ ' -:-.:'-.

a "decision1 Vould be^ based concerning. the ■ form.. whi,ch-:the future relationships

of these'countries "should take, will- include. .• a fisca-L- expert.. ^,., :. ,_, r?,^

''\ ' in::W,fieldof buaget&g^thevpfoj'ects relating ..t,o training, and account

ing reforms1 were "most important^'" "■ Ilie;-iiBual-.motL-ve^in.;seekingr assistance .in;^

these fields':i;s to modernise budget ^management so.;a.s;to:.lend^effecUve ^.^

"support' i6 planning. ^Assistance in training- local-staff:in.mpdern; methods ,.

of ^^ar^^TftfJmin-fPt^tibn'has.been. given -to vCameroun; and Sudan. The expert;

provided'toitne^U.AlR: is engaged particularly,:^ giving, courses on;programme

and'^brfbrmance'budgeting and imdeyfilopingi.the wprk-on budget reclassification.

Hi's association and close working-relationship with ther National. Institute^ of PlanningVin"uVA. $'. lends furthervsuppo-rt.to: considerations.of integrating.,^

budgeting and planning. ..'■ '■-'..'"■? /-."'. '.* --^ >-'■; -y -:;:^.::/j The UNTA projects in the accounting field are of particular .significance.

The attempts at modernizing budgetary systems have brought into sharp focus the