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the cost of cancer treatment

The development of cancer treatment in 2010-2020 - report estimated in 2020 the cost of cancer treatment to be approximately EUR The development of cancer treatment in 2010-2020 - report estimated in 2020 the cost of cancer treatment to be approximately EUR The development of cancer treatment in 2010-2020 - report estimated in 2020 the cost of cancer treatment to be approximately EUR 1.5 billion. According to calculations by the actual treatment costs in 2015 to nearly 900 million in 2020 to about 1 300 million. In the same estimate the cost of rehabilitation was estimated to increase by 6.8 million to EUR 10 million. Screening costs were estimated in 2015 OLE van 19,1 million and EUR 26 million in 2020. The remainder of the growth was estimated to be due to the cost of productivity, but e.g. the amount of lost labor inputs not included in the assessment.

The calculation assumed when the number of outpatient care will increase by 5-10% per year, as well as perusterveydenhuol- Lossa that specialized medical care. As a result of inflation, unit prices was estimated to increase by 2% and therapies tilting specialized medical care by 3%

per year. The calculation does not take into account possible changes in screening changes. the cost of health promotion and cancer prevention was not evaluated.

after the publication of the report of the Nordic Cancer Union (Nordic Cancer Union, NCU) commissioned study, which compared the cost of cancer treatment in the Nordic countries has been published. It stated the unit costs of cancer treatment in Finland slightly smaller (about 5%) than in Sweden, Norway and Denmark, but made it difficult to compare Finland with regard to health inpatient care, the importance of which the viewpoint of the costs had to be taken into account separately. Still, the treatment was less expensive than the cost of treatment in other countries. Most of the cost is related to the cost of breast cancer, bowel cancer and prostate cancer, and particularly breast cancer, costs were also boosted productivity costs and costs of screening.

Nordic estimates that the cost increase was slower than in the Finnish study. The difference was thought to be due to a variety of cancer vallitsevuusennusteista and in that the NCU's Norwegian study evaluation is not included in the cost of treatment rising assumptions.

NCU's study, based on cancer vallitsevuusmuutosten calculated costs to rise Messa protected by 2025 around 21% since 2007 and a prevalence increase by 28.9% in the same time na. NCU's estimate, the cost of cancer care in Finland in 2025 is EUR 743 million.

NCU method used in the study was different from the study Mäklin and Rissanen, wherein the corresponding estimate for the year 2015 was 850 million euros. The difference is due not only to cancer vallitsevuusarvioiden difference between the increase in the estimated cost of the drug. In any case, these give a clear indication of the fact that the cost of cancer treatment will increase in the future.

Cancers caused an estimated cost of over EUR 750 million in 2011 in our country. In health care direct cost of this amount was EUR 623 million and EUR 135 million cost of productivity. The growth has been in our country, however, more moderate than previously expected, particularly with regard to drug costs. The drug affects the costs mm. the fact that the patent protection of many drugs railway ettua drug costs have been reduced. On the other hand the market has become and coming up with many new and expensive drugs, so the actual cost is difficult to predict. Anticancer share of total drug expenditure is about 20%. Most of the cost of the specialized generated at the beginning of treatment and on the one hand and metastatic disease with palliative stage.

In 2004, prostate cancer costs amounted to approximately EUR 180 million and breast cancer costs about EUR 70 million.

The latter costs were expected to grow by 2015 to more than 110 million euros per year, even if the missing chapter of specialized outpatient treatment costs and rehabilitation costs. These types of cancer treatment costs are likely to continue to grow, although the drug cost growth slowed down the game. Nordic study, colorectal cancer is increasing the most cost years tea 2025 (1.7%) and 1.1% of prostate cancer. In this calculation, the proportion of breast cancer in costs due to reduced slightly; By default, the prevalence is slower growth than the average eaters. However, Preva- lenssien growth in the Nordic countries is different, so the calculation is uncertainty.

Projections show the incidence of bowel cancer is growing rapidly in Finland, especially among 65-year olds the men over. Less than a 65-year-olds is not a corresponding increase to be expected. Figures non-, inside the effects of further screening. All in all, the prevalence of colorectal cancer will increase by nearly 50% by the year 2025. Colorectal cancer costs in 2004 were less than half the cost of breast cancer, while those stated at the time of about 2 300 breast cancers and about 4 000 per year. Ilmaantuvuu- of prostate cancer, the prediction has proved to be difficult, but it is assumed that the population will continue to grow still aging. Prostate cancer treatment would result in large costs, particularly vuodeosastohoi- do not need to because of it.

Of this report, it is essential to examine in particular the rehabilitation and screening for cancer, as well as conditional käisyn development costs. in the light of new information Cancer Registry is obvious that the overall development support lee previously presumed to be in accordance with: women with breast cancer and prostate cancer, men dominate the incidence vuustilastoja. They are also two of the most costly cancer.

the cost of screening and HPV vaccination

Screening costs were estimated in 2015 to be 19.1 million and EUR 26 million in 2020. These figures include only the statutory screenings based on the call and include only the cost of screening visits and screening tests for, but not eg. Cancer precursors medical costs. Screening nan cost share the cost of all cancer is small, about 2%. Organized screening cost nusvaikuttavuus is probably a reasonably good level in our country, but cost-effectiveness in order to improve is important to reduce the

opportunistic screening.

Expected changes in screening may increase the cost. of Colorectal cancer screening program would increase the cost estimated at about 7-8 million, if the screen was performed by 60-69-year-olds, such as 4 is described in more detail in chapter.

The prospective prostate cancer screening of costs is more difficult to assess, but it is probably more expensive than a bowel cancer screening.

the cost of cervical cancer screening can be reduced in the future, especially if the screening tatiheyttä can be reduced to a life term tests reduced. The possible transfer Pap screening rather than HPV-screening may also affect the cost of follow-up and treatment, since the HPV screening to find all the precursors of more than a pap test. HPV vaccination in the prevention costs are about 2 million Euros per year higher than current costs.

Screening can often find cancer at an early stage and asymptomatic, wherein the cost of treatment of the cancer diseases are smaller than they would be without screening. This will take into consideration when assessing the cost of screening.

the cost of rehabilitation support

Rehabilitation costs are estimated at 6.8 million in 2015 and 10 million in 2020. The share of the cost of rehabilitation has been so smaller screenings, only less than 1% of cancer related to the overall cost. Cancer prevalence increases, the importance of rehabilitation can grow, even though the incidence of cancers in people of working age does not appear to appreciably increase. However, rehabilitation is also needed to support the aging tyvien groups.

It is estimated that about 20% of cancer patients would benefit from rehabilitation, which would mean about 8 000 rehabilitation client, the client by the year 2025. This represents a considerably large resources need arises. Often rehabilitation support also needs to close. Today, the Social Insurance Institution and the Cancer Society organized by the Rehabilitation and about 2 000 clients annually participates in the adaptation and, the total cost of group activities are about two million a year. Also, hospitals provide rehabilitative activities to their customers, as well as hospitals and the Cancer Society of avomuotoista activity recently with cancer sufferers. Some of cancer patients require scale facility and medical rehabilitation, which form the majority of the cost Come rehabilitation.

Timely and correct type of rehabilitation work supports the return of people of working age, as well as contribute to the survival of older patients' everyday challenges, and thus reduce the need for hospital care. All in all, rehabilitative activities may be regarded as resources-saving society.

Cancer prevention costs

the cost of health promotion has been estimated to be approximately 1-2% of the total cost of health care. However, cancer prevention and health promotion could reduce cancer incidence and mortality and thus also the costs. The best example is lung cancer, whose incidence is relatively rapidly decreased among men. This cost impacts have been considerable. the effects of the adult population's smoking cessation appear quickly, rather than the effects of a reduction in youth smoking appear slowly, until decades later.

Preventable cancers include cutaneous melanoma, whose incidence is growing rapidly in particular among the more than 65 years of age for men and women under 65 years of age. Melanoma mortality does not seem to grow, but the prevalence therefore increasing rapidly. Surviving the melanoma sufferers estimated in 2025 to be almost 50% higher while now. This is likely to have effects in particular, the costs of cancer monitoring.

the effects of changes in health care costs is difficult to predict. Primary care outpatient share growth is predicted for the development in 2010 of cancer treatment, which reviews the reports acetate, but its implementation with regard to cancer therapy has not been evaluated.

Specialized medical cancer are currently treated quite effectively, and at least the NCU in the light of the report's more cost-effectively than in the other Nordic countries.


• It is estimated the cost of cancer in 2015.

• evaluation of the cost is taken into account, as well as the direct costs of cancer (screening, diagnostic ka, treatment, rehabilitation, follow-up) and indirect costs (incl. disability).

• To monitor closely the development of cancer costs, taking into account epidemiological trends, as well as the development of diagnostics and treatments.

• Produce forecasts of changes in the cost of utilizing the Finnish Cancer Registry produced information on trends in cancer incidence, cancer mortality and prevalence.

• When assessing the cost of cancer is estimated also brought about by health promotion and screening nan with treatment costs savings.

• assessing the rehabilitation costs are taken into account also possible tuottavuuskustannus- of reduction (eg.

increased return to work after cancer), as well as the possible need for institutional care decline.

the assessment of cancer-related know-how costs are particularly THL in Tampere and Eastern Finland in universities and the Finnish Cancer Registry. knowledge of these operators utilized in the evaluation of the cost of cancer.