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Communication Between Routines

Dans le document OS PL/I (Page 67-79)

whose subscripts are all zero is held or, if

structure that contains a number of base


A data element or array within a structure.


Descriptors are generated when adjustable extents are involved, or when an item is to interpretive if STRINGSIZE were enabled.

The appropriate library module would be

Chapter 4: Communication Bet~een Routines 53

r--- ---,

Name of control block Conditions under which i t is I Location

generated I (control section)

Data element descriptor (OED) When conversion or stream I/O librarylstatic internal

modules are called. I

Array descriptor When an array has adjustable bounds t IStatic internal or may be passed to a library I

subroutine or other PL/I routine. I

Aggregate locator When structure or array descriptor is static internal I generated.

Area locator/descriptor When an area is declared with an adjustable size or may be passed as an argument.

Static internal

string locator/descriptor When a string is declared with an adjustable length or is passed as an argument.

Static internal

structure descriptor When a structure is declared with adjustable elements or is passed as an argument.

Static internal

Aggregate descriptor descriptor

When a structure contains elements declared with adjustable bounds.

static internal Symbol table. When an item may appear in

data-directed I/O or in a CHECK list

Static internal for internal items. Separate CSECT for

external items.

symbol table vector When GET DATA or POT DATA is used Static internal without a data list, or when SIGNAL

CHECK is used without a data list.



Figure 4.2. Descriptors, locators, and symbol tables: when generated, where held Data items that can be declared with an

adjustable value or an asterisk are:

string lengths, array bounds, and area sizes. Descriptors are, therefore, needed for strings, arrays, and areas. They are also needed for structures, because

structures can contain strings~ arrays or areas.

In order to connect the data with its descriptor, a further control block is generated. This is the locator. The locator addresses both the descriptor and the variable. For strings and areas, the locator is concatenated with the descriptor and contains only the address of the

variable. For structures and arrays, the locator is a separate control block and holds the address of both the variable and the descriptor. Called routines are

normally passed the addresses of locators, rather th.in the addresses of arguments when arguments requiring descriptors are passed.

When the descriptor and locator are not

concatenated, i t is possible to use the same descriptor -for a number of different data items, provided that these items have the same attributes. This process is known as "commoning" and is used to conserve space. Where possible, the compiler

commons structure and array descriptors and aggregate descriptor descriptors.

Except for controlled variables,

descriptors and locators are always held in the static internal control section,

regardless of the attributes of the data that they describe.

For controlled variables, the descriptor and, sometimes, the locator are held

immediately before the data. (For det.ails see 'Controlled Variable Control Block' in appendix A).

The following types of descriptor and locator are generated. Figure 4.2

summarizes the conditions under which they are generated and gives their storage

locations. In the main, they are set up during compilation and completed during execution, if necessary.

The string locator/descriptor holds the byte address of the string, information on whether or not it is a varying string, and the maximum length of the string. For a bit string, the bit offset from the byte address is held. (See figure 4.3.)

Area Locator/Descriptor

The area locator/descriptor holds the address of the start of the area and the length of the area. (See figure 4.4.>

~ggregat~ Locator

The aggregate locator holds the address of the start of the array or structure and the address of the array descriptor or

structure descriptor. (see figure 4.5.>

The array descriptor holds:

1. The relative virtual origin (RVO) of the array. This is the offset of the start of the first element in an array

(actual origin) from the virtual

origin. The virtual origin (VO) is the point at which element (0) would be held in a one-dimensional array, element (0,0) would be held in a two-dimensional array, etc. In a one-dimensional array, the address of any particular element can be discovered by multiplying together the subscript and the multiplier (see below) and adding the result to the virtual origin of the array. An extension of this method is used for

multi-dimensional arrays, the formula being:

Address of element (S~,S2, ••• ,Sn) n

= vo+')".(Mi *Si)

where S is the subscript number, and


M the multiplier, of the ith dimension, and VO is the virtual origin.

For unaligned bit-string arrays, the virtual origin points to the byte address before the element (0). The bit offset is held in the string

descriptor, which is concatenated with the array descriptor.

2. The high and low bounds for the subscripts in each dimension.

3. The multiplier for each dimension.

rhe multiplier is the distance between the start of one element and the start of the next element in the same

dimension. For example in the array declared A(2,2), the multiplier for the first dimension is the distance between the start of element A(1,1) and the start of element A(1,2).

when the array is an array of strings or areas the string or area descriptor is concatenated with the end of the array descriptor to provide the necessary

additional information. Array descriptors are commoned where possible. That is, one descriptor is used for a number of similar arrays.

The structure descriptor consists of a series of fullwords, giving the byte offset of the start of each base element from the start of the structure. If a base element has a descriptor, the descriptor is

included in the structure descriptor, following the appropriate fullword offset.

Where a bit offset is involved, this will be held in the descriptor for the bit string, or in the relative virtual origin if the item is a bit string array.

A structure must be mapped during execution if any of the elements in the structure have adjustable bounds or extents, or if the REFER option is used.

Where possible, structure descriptors are commoned. That is, one descriptor is used for a number of similar structures. If a structure or an array of structures

contains elements with adjustable extents, the structure descriptor is not set up during compilation. Instead, it is set up during execution from information held in the structure descriptor descriptor. (See below for information on arrays of

structures and structures of arrays.)

Chapter 4: Communication Between Routines 55


Byte address of strinJ Length


For varying strings, the maximum /

length is held




a=!fixed length 1=varying length

Figure 4.3. String locator/descriptor



Address of first byte of area Allocated length of area (in bytes)

Figure 4.4. Area locator/descriptor



Byte address of first byte of aggregate Address of array or structure descriptor

Figure 4.5. Aggregate locator



RVO (Relative virtual origin) Ml (multiplier)

U 1 (upperbound)


L 1 (lowerbou nd )

3 4


Bit offset

~---For bit strings only

3 4

3 4

3 4

Notes: 'I. For unaligned bit strings, RVO and multiplier are bit values.

2. For strings and areas, the area or string descriptor is concatenated to the end of the array descriptor.

Figure 4.6. Array descriptor


Multiplier and bounds for 1 st dimension

Multiplier and bounds for nth dimension

When a structure cannot be mapped during

compilation~ more information than is held in the structure descriptor is needed for dimensions, logical level, and alignment requirements, of all base elements, plus

The aggregate descriptor descriptor is set up in static internal storage and is

Where possible, aggregate descriptor descriptors are commoned.

Arrays of structures and structures of Arrays

Where necessary, an aggregate locator, a structure descriptor, and an aggregate descriptor descriptor are generated for both arrays of structures and structures of descriptors within the structure

descriptor. Take for example the array of


When data is passed to the PL/I library descriptors (OEDs) are generated. (Control blocks known as DEDs are also used by the compiler. rhese are £ompile-time DEQ~ and have a different format from those that are used during execution. Compile-time DEDs never appear in the executable program.)

information to library routines.

There are five types of DEDs:

arithmetic DEDs, arithmetic pictured DEDs, string DEDs, pictured string DEDs, and FEDs.

Arithmetic DEDs: are 4 bytes long.

&~!~hm~ti£-Eictured DEDs: (always decimal) are 8 bytes plus picture specification, which consists of at least one byte for every character in the pictured string.

Maximum length for pictured arithmetic DEDs is 264 bytes.

~~~!ug_DEQ~: are 4 bytes long.

Pi£tured s!!!na_DED2: (always character string) are six bytes plus the picture specification, which consists of one byte for every character in the picture string.

rhe maximum length for pictured character DEDs is 261 bytes.

Chapter 4: communication Between Routines 57


Q=structure 1 =base element

2 3


I t

°ftset of entry for containing structure from

L_' _O_f_f_se_t_(_f_U_lIw_O_rd_) _ _ _ _ _ ----'_ start of ADD (all ones for a major structurel

Q=not bit string l:::bit string




Level Dimension



L---.L...,...--I--- \

l=last element Q=not last element

~---~---Alignment Length (bytes)


Base element


l=area Q=not area


All zero for areas and strings 7=byte

15=halfword 31 =fu Ilword 63=doubleword

There is a full word entry in the ADD for each structure lmajor and minor) and each base element.

Figure 4.7. Aggregate descriptor descriptor


Figure 4.8.



1 Space for structure descriptor allocated in static storage.

2 Aggregate descriptor descriptor allocated, and fields filled in from structure declaration.

3 Aggregate locator allocated, and address of structure descriptor place in second word.

Code is generated within the prologue of the block in which the structure is declared to call structure mapping routine, IBMBAMM, to acquire a VOA, and to complete the aggregate locator.


DURING EXECUTION 4 Prologue code olaces value of N(l byte) in

the string descriptor for 0 in structure descriptor.

S IBMBAMM is called to map the structure, using the information in the ADD and the SO (which contains the length of element D). D is aligned with E, then B is aligned with DE. (The rules for structure mapping are given in the language reference manual for this compiler.) The results of the mapping are placed in the structure descriptor.

6 IBMBAMM returns the length of the structure to compiled code, which acquires

a VDA for the structure and places the address of the structure in the aggregate locator.

Every member of the structure can be addressed by.

means of the address in the aggregate locator and the offsets within the structure descriptor. When bit offsets are involved, they are contained within the appropriate descriptor in the structure descriptor.


so 1 SO S

Space for offset of B Zero

Space for offset of D X'7'

Space for descriptor of D 4 1 byte




unused - -

---Space for offset of E X'S'


01 All ones Levell 00 Zero --~-- -10 X'31' X'4' Level 2 00 Zero

ADD is unchanged during execution.

00 Zero Level 2 00 Zero

10 X'7' Zero Level 3 00 Zero For meaning of entries, see Figure 4- -7.

11 X'31' X'4' Level 3 00 Zero

Al 3 Al 6

Space for address of structure r - Address of structure


-' - - - -Address of structure descriptor Address of structure descriptor

Declaration DCl1 A,

2 B FLOAT, 2 C,

3 0 CHAR(N), 3 E FLOAT;


~ VDA for structure

~ ----~--B---~

Example of handling a structure containing an adjustable extent

Chapter 4: communication Between Routines 59



Array of structures DCl1 AR(10),

28, 2 C;

Structure descriptor for AR Offset = 0

RVO= 8 Multiplier = 8 Upperbound = 10


lowerbound = 1 Offset = 4

RVO =8 Multiplier = 8 Upperbound = 10


lower bound = 1




Structure of Arrays DCl 1 ST,

28(10), 2 C(10);

Structure descriptor for ST Offset = 0

RVO =4 Multiplier = 4 Upperbound = 10


lowerbound = 1 Offset = 40

RVO =4 Multiplier


4 Upperbound = 10


lowerbound = 1 Note: Descriptors are identical apart from multiplier RVO offset values

Figure 4.9. structure descriptor for arrays of structures and structures of arrays

£:ED§._l!!!l2ut/O~~~!:-12~~§.l.: fall into five classes

1. A,B, and control format FEDs have four bytes.

2. E and F format FEDs are six bytes long.

3. Pictured arithmetic FEDs consist of four bytes followed by the pictured arithmetic DED.

4. Pictured character string FEDs consist of four bytes followed by the pictured character string DED.

5. C format FEDs are four bytes plus the two constituent FEDs that make up the complex item. They are used for complex data.

The first two bytes of any DED are the look-up byte and the flag byte. Taken together, they define the data type and permit a receiving routine to determine if i t needs to look further into the DED for more information. The general format of DEDs is shown in figure 4.10. Full details are given in appendix A.

SYMBOL TABLES AND SYMBOL TABLE VECTORS Data-directed I/O statements, and the CHECK condition, require the names of variables.

to be available throughout execution.

Normally, such names are not used after compilation. when required during

execution, these names are held in control blocks known as 2YmQQ1-tabl~2. Symbol tables hold the name of the variable, its address, and the address of its DED plus certain other information (see appendix A).

GET DATA and PUT DATA statements without a data list, and SIGNAL CHECK statements when there is no check list, imply that the names of all variables known at that point in the program must be available. The necessary information is held in a further control block known as the symbol.J:.ab~

~tor. The symbol table vector holds the

addresses of symbol tables arranged in order of program blocks, commencing with the main procedure block. The symbol table vector consists of a series of fullword fields. These fields contain either the address of a symbol table, a fullword of zeros, or a further address within the symbol table vector. Toe end of entries for variables declared in each block, is followed by a fullword of zeros, which in turn is followed by the address in the symbol table vector where entries for the encompassing block begin. If there is no encompassing block, another word of zeros marks the end of the vector.

Figure 4.11 shows the relationship between variables, symbol tables, and the symbol table vector.

Data-directed I/O modules, and the CHECK module, use symbol tables and symbol table vectors in the following ways.

2~!_Q~!~1~L~LQ1L-EUT QAT~_l~L~L£lL-2!§~~~

£H~£~_l~L~L£l: In all these cases, the addresses of the symbol tables for A, B, and C are passed to the appropriate library module.

2~I_Q~I~~QI_Q~I~_SI§~~~_£tl~£~: When no data or check list is included in the statement, the library is passed the address of the start of the associated block entries for the symbol table vector.

By following the symbol table vector~ i t is possible to access the names of all the variables known in the block.

The contents of symbol tables vary according to the storage class of the variable. The method used for holding the address, and other information, is given in appendix A. For internal variables, symbol tables are held in static internal storage.

For external variables, symbol tables are held as separate control sections in static external storage. The name of each control section is the name of the associated variable followed by an X. Thus the

control section for the external variable B would be BX. Such a control section would also contain the DED of the variable (or DEDs if the variable was a structure).

Chapter 4: Communication Between Routines 61

String OED

I LOOk-UPb-y-t-e---.--F--a-g-b-y-te---~,---N-o~t~-u_-~_-_d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Arithmetic DED


LoOk-UPb_y_te __________


__ F_'_ag __ b_y_te _____________


___ p_r_ec_i_s_i_o_n ____________




__ 'e ______________


Pictured string OED

Look-up byte Flag byte Length of string

Length of string without/in~rtion characters Translation of picture

specification into internal format (one byte per character)

- ~

Pictured arithmetic OED

Look-up byte Flag byte Precision S~le

Length of picture Length of data Mantissa byte Exponent byte

Translation of picture specification into internal format (at least one byte per character)


Figure 4.10. Format of DEDs

Vector for main procedure

Vector for subroutine 1

Vector for subroutine 2





DCl A, B, C;





Symbol table vector A


00000 ... 0 00000 ... 0 X


00000 ... 0 I-Pointer


00000 ... 0

Symbol tables for:


.... A in main procedure


B in main procedure

.. .. ....

C in main procedure


X in subroutine 1



.... Y in subroutine 1

~ .... A in subroutine 1

~ .... X in subroutine 2


.... Y in subroutine 2



The symbol table vector is built up on a block by block basis, the last entry for each block being a word of zeros followed by a pointer to the first entry for the encompassing block. This mechanism allows for multiple declarations of names.

Figure 4.11. Symbol tables and symbol table vectors

Chapter 4: Communication Between Routines 63

PLISTART Receives control from system

Functional code

Carries out function required in source program. This usually involves calls to library subroutines.

... ..

I nitialization routines

Set up TCA, initialize storage and issue SPIE & STAE to initialize PL/I error-handling scheme.

control to the address in PLiMAIN.

Epilogue code Restores IBMBPI R's registers


Figure 5.1. Flow of control during execution

.. ..

Prologue code

Acquires DSA for main procedure, initializes control blocks, etc.

Termination routines Closes any files still open and returns control to system

- \

Chapter 5: Object Program Initialization

program is entered, and the initialization process that sets up the PL/I environment.

Initialization for multitasking programs is explained in chapter 14. It also gives a brief description of the program management area; a control area set up during program initialization ..

Dans le document OS PL/I (Page 67-79)