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Commercialisation of Prosopis tree products 134

Chapter 4 Husbandry and management

5.4 Commercialisation of Prosopis tree products 134

Prosopis has been promoted widely for the last two decades as a firewood and fodder crop, with vast plantations established solely for producing these subsistence products.

Wood and pods play an important role in local economies in many regions world-wide, both native range and where introduced. As arid zones are frequently importers of natural resources, it is essential to promote local products in an attempt at import substitution. Also, in an increasingly market-orientated world, there are more possibilities for the export of Prosopis wood and pod products. These will increase the economic activity in arid zones, promoting investment with a positive impact on livelihood enhancement.

Commercialisation of tree products has not traditionally been the domain of natural resources researchers, and has remained a low priority in development for many years. Only recently has attention been given to this vital aspect of rural development.

Prosopis pod and wood products have been widely commercialised in the USA and Argentina for many years, and to a lesser extent in other American countries. Prosopis firewood and charcoal are also traded in all regions where the trees are found. These markets have evolved locally due to the relative ubiquity and very low cost of the raw material and to low processing costs. The promotion of local goods for local markets is gaining ground with an increased knowledge that this substantially aids local development.

Niche markets are also now developing for specialist ‘rustic’

products. Certified environmentally or socially sound production systems have expanded in recent years in response to increased consumer demand. Organic foods, Fair Trade goods and sustainably managed forest products are the main examples, but there is scope for the promotion of goods from arid zones as ‘greening the desert’.

Import substitution of wood and feed products, which can be produced from stands of Prosopis, should be a primary aim of rural development. Management and harvesting needs to be carried out by local populations, and processing needs to be kept as local as possible for integrated rural

development to occur. Detailed local surveys and analyses are required to elucidate which imported products could be substituted, which Prosopis products have most potential, and what is necessary to aid development. While impacts are being made on local markets, these products can be promoted regionally, nationally, or even internationally through certification, trade shows and promotion through a variety of environmentally and socially sound networks.

5.5 Conclusions

Prosopis trees already play a vital part in the ecology and the economy of many arid and semi-arid zones where they are found. They play an integral part in several sustainable land use systems that are improving the livelihoods of rural desert populations while preventing further soil degradation and assisting land reclamation. Most of the silvicultural constraints to arid zone development have already been overcome, particularly in nursery and plantation establishment. Further planting should, however, make the most of the best genetic material available. With so many Prosopis trees already planted, and often spreading widely by natural regeneration, the issue now is how best to make use of them.

Desertification can only be reversed if economic value can be given to arid zones. This involves the production,

processing and commercialisation of desert crops. Many have been suggested as ‘miracle’ plants over the last few decades, but most have failed to be adopted, being relatively intensive crops requiring high levels of investment and relatively better sites and soils. With low and very variable rainfall, returns will be poor unless irrigation is available. If irrigation is available, subsistence food crops become a priority. Agroforestry has been promoted, but again this has not been widely adopted by rural farmers in dry zones. Tree planting has been largely promoted for the positive effects on the environment, reasons that are not immediate priorities for land users.

Only trees which produce financial returns have been widely planted by farmers.

We, the authors, feel the objective should not be just to give the poorest in the world’s semi-arid regions more firewood, but to create a large market of high value products that can lift them from the lowest strata of poverty. Prosopis has been the species of the politically disenfranchised, who do not have the influence to request research and development funding for genetic improvement, processing technology and marketing.

Prosopis has the technical timber and pod qualities and environmental attributes to be a species of world-wide commercial importance. As scientists and development officers we must bring a balanced approach to research, development and marketing to ensure that such benefits reach the poor people of arid lands who truly deserve them.

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