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Average behaviour of discretizations

Discretizations of a generic conservative homeomorphism

5.4 Average behaviour of discretizations

We now want to study the average behaviour of discretizations of a generic homeo-morphism. For example, we could imagine that even if for a generic homeomorphism f, the event “fN is a cyclic permutation” appears for infinitely many orders N, it is statistically quite rare.

More precisely, we study the frequency of occurrence of properties related to the discretizations of generic homeomorphisms: given a property (P) concerning discretiza-tions, we are interested in the behaviour of the proportion between 1 and M of dis-cretizations satisfying the property (P), when M goes to infinity. For this study, we assume that the sequence of discretization grids is always self similar (which is true for example for the torus equipped with discretizations upon uniform grids of orders powers of an integer, see Section3.7). This prevents us from having to deal with tricky arithmetic problems about overlay of grids.

Definition 5.25. Letf ∈Homeo(X,λ). We say that a property (P) concerning discretiza-tions issatisfied in average if for all N0∈Nand allε>0, there exists N ≥N0 such that

the proportion of integers M∈ {0,· · ·,N}such thatfM satisfies (P) is greater than 1−ε,

We will show that most of the dynamical properties studied in the previous section are actually satisfied on average for generic homeomorphisms. To start with, we set out a technical lemma:

Lemma 5.26. LetT be a dense type of approximation inHomeo(X,λ). Then for a generic homeomorphismf ∈Homeo(X,λ), for allε>0and allα>0, the property(P): “ENcontains at least α disjoints subsets which fills a proportion greater than 1−εof EN, each of them stabilized byfN and such that the restriction offNto each one is conjugated to a map ofT by a bijection whose distance to identity is smaller thanε” is satisfied in average.

In practice, this lemma provides many properties satisfied on average, for instance:

– quantitative properties on discretizations, such as possessing at least M periodic orbits;

– properties of existence of sub-dynamics on discretizations, such as possessing at least one dense periodic orbit.

Proof of Lemma5.26. Let us consider the set C = \

It is simply obtained in combining the density of the type of approximationT and the fact that the sequence of grids is always self similar.

This lemma allows us to obtain some properties about the average behaviour of discretizations. For instance here is an improvement of Corollary5.36.

Corollary 5.27. For a generic homeomorphismf ∈Homeo(X,λ), the property “fNhas a ε-dense periodic orbit and the cardinality ofΩ(fN) satisfiesCard(Ω(fN)) =o(qN)” is satisfied in average.

Or an improvement of Corollary5.13.

Corollary 5.28. For a generic homeomorphismf ∈Homeo(X,λ)and for allε>0, the prop-erty “fN isε-topologically weakly mixing” (see Definition5.11) is satisfied in average.

Or even an improvement of Corollary5.20.

Corollary 5.29. For a generic homeomorphismf ∈Homeo(X,λ)and for allε>0, the prop-erty “Card(fCard(EN(EN))

N) <ε” is satisfied in average.

And an improvement of Corollary5.22.

Corollary 5.30. For a generic homeomorphismf ∈Homeo(X,λ)and for allM∈N, property

“fN has at leastMperiodic orbits” is satisfied in average.

However, note that the most simple property about discretizations,i.e.being a cyclic permutation, cannot be proved by using Lemma 5.26. To do this, we need a slightly more precise result, that requires the hypothesis that the grids are always strongly self similar.

Theorem 5.31. For a generic homeomorphismf ∈Homeo(X,λ), the property “fNis a cyclic permutation” is satisfied in average.

Note that this implies that most of the discretizations of f does not behave like a random map of a set of cardinalityqN, as a random map of a set withqelements has in average logqperiodic orbits (see for example [Bol01, XIV.5]).

Lemma 5.32. Let f ∈ Homeo(X,λ) and ε > 0. The sequence of grids is supposed to be always strongly self similar. Then there existsN0∈Nsuch that for allN≥N0, there exists a permutationσNofEN, such thatdN(f ,σN)<ε,σN|EN0 is a cyclic permutation ofEN0 and for

Figure 5.3: Construction7 of Lemma 5.32 for two grids of orders 3 and 6 and zoom around a point of a grid of order 3

Proof of Lemma5.32. Applying Lax’s theorem (Theorem5.5), we can find an integer N0 and a cyclic permutationσN

0 of EN0 such thatdN0(f ,σN

0)<ε. As the sequence of grids is always strongly self similar, we can suppose that N0 is big enough to verify the con-clusions of Definition3.13.

Let us observe what happens for the order N0+ 1. We will define an application σN0

0+1on EN0+1, which will be close to the homeomorphismf. On EN0, we defineσN0


as being equal toσN0. The idea is to repeat the proof of Lax’s theorem for the elements of EN0+1\EN0. To do that, we have to find a partition of X into sets with the same measure, such that every element Ax of this partition is one to one associated to a point

7. Do not forget that we identify some points of the boundary!

xof EN0+1\EN0, and has “small” diameter. So it suffices to split equitably the mass of the cubes EN0 to the other cubes.

For this purpose, we cut each cube of EN0+1corresponding to a pointxN0of the grid EN into αN−1 subsets of the same measure 1/(qN0+1N−1)) (see Figure 5.3). Each of these subsets is assigned to the cube corresponding to the point hi(xN0). For each x∈EN0+1\EN0, we define Ax as the union of the cube Cx with the subset that is asso-ciated to it. Then all the sets Ax have the same measure and have a diameter smaller than twice the diameter of a cube of EN0+1plusε. We can now apply Lax’s theorem to the homeomorphismf and the partition{Ax}xE

N of X, this partition being numbered the same way as the partition EN0+1 (some numbers are skipped); this gives a cyclic permutation of EN0+1\EN0 which is close tof. This cyclic permutation defines the per-mutationσ0N

0+1where it was not yet. This σN0

0+1 is close tof and permutes cyclically the elements of EN0and these of EN0+1\EN0.

We finish the proof by an induction, iterating N−N0times.

Corollary 5.33. Let f ∈ Homeo(X,λ) and ε > 0 (we recall that the sequence of grids is supposed to be always strongly self similar). Then there exists N0 ∈ N such that for all N ≥ N0, there exists a homeomorphism g whose distance to f is smaller than ε such that for all M∈ {N,· · ·,N0}, the discretizationgM is a cyclic permutation ofEM. Moreover, this property can be supposed to be verified on a neighbourhood ofg.

Proof of Corollary5.33. Letf ∈Homeo(X,λ) andε>0. Lemma5.32gives us an integer N0∈Nsuch that for all N≥N0, there exists a permutationσN of EN, whose distance to f is smaller than ε/2, such that σN is a cyclic permutation of EN0 and for all M ∈ {N0+1,· · ·,N},σMis a cyclic permutation of EM\EM1. Set N≥N0, the idea is to modify slightly the orbits ofσNsuch thatσNbecomes a cyclic permutation on all the sets EM.

We begin by choosing two points xN0 ∈ EN0 and x0N

0+1∈ EN0+1such that x0N

0+1 be-longs to the cube corresponding to the pointxN0. Then, we modifyσNin interchanging the pointsxN0 etx0N

0+1, in other words we set σNN0(x) =






0+1) ifx=xN0 σN(xN0) ifx=x0N


σN(x) otherwise.

Thus,σNN0is a cyclic permutation of EN0+1and the discretization of order N0+1 ofσNN0is also cyclic. We build the same way some mapsσNN0+1,· · ·,σNNin interchanging the images of two adjacent points lying in the grids EM et EM+1. Then, for all M∈ {N0,· · ·,N}, the discretization of σNM1on EM is a cyclic permutation. Moreover, the distance between the map σNN and σN is smaller than ε/2. Combined with Proposition 3.3, this allows us to interpolateσNNto a homeomorphismg whose distance tof is smaller thanεsuch that for all M ∈ {N0,· · ·,N}, the discretization of order M of g is a cyclic permutation of EM. A careful reader would notice that it may happen that in this construction, the discretizations ofg are not uniquely defined; depending on the choices made during the definition of PNon E0N, these discretizations may not be cyclic permutations. If we want to avoid this problem, it suffices to modify slightly the map σNM; moreover this ensures that the conclusions of the corollary are verified on a whole neighbourhood of g.

Proof of Theorem5.31. Let the set homeo-morphismg0 close enough tog, we have


N + 1Cardn

M∈ {0,· · ·,N} |gM0 ∈Po


Such a homeomorphismgis simply given by Corollary5.33for N≥N0such thatεkN>


Remark5.34. However, the property of approximation by bicyclic permutations in av-erage cannot be proven directly with this technique.

Remark 5.35. A simple calculation shows that everything that has been done in this section also applies to the behaviour of discretizations in average of Cesàro average, in average of average of Cesàro average etc.,i.e.when studying quantities