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A New Approach

Dans le document ANSI Common Lisp (Page 21-24)

One of the aims of this book is to explain not just the Lisp language, but the new approach to programming that Lisp makes possible. This approach is one that you will see more of in the future. As programming environments grow in power, and languages become more abstract, the Lisp style of programming is gradually replacing the old plan-and-implement model.

In the old model, bugs are never supposed to happen. Thorough speci-fications, painstakingly worked out in advance, are supposed to ensure that programs work perfectly. Sounds good in theory. Unfortunately, the specifi-cations are both written and implemented by humans. The result, in practice, is that the plan-and-implement method does not work very well.

As manager of the OS/360 project, Frederick Brooks was well acquainted with the traditional approach. He was also acquainted with its results:

Any OS/360 user is quickly aware of how much better it should b e . . . Furthermore, the product was late, it took more memory than planned, the costs were several times the estimate, and it did not perform very well until several releases after the first.0 And this is a description of one of the most successful systems of its era.

The problem with the old model was that it ignored human limitations. In the old model, you are betting that specifications won't contain serious flaws, and that implementing them will be a simple matter of translating them into

L3 A NEW APPROACH 5 code. Experience has shown this to be a very bad bet indeed. It would be safer to bet that specifications will be misguided, and that code will be full of bugs.

This is just what the new model of programming does assume. Instead of hoping that people won't make mistakes, it tries to make the cost of mistakes very low. The cost of a mistake is the time required to correct it. With powerful languages and good programming environments, this cost can be greatly reduced. Programming style can then depend less on planning and more on exploration.

Planning is a necessary evil. It is a response to risk: the more dangerous an undertaking, the more important it is to plan ahead. Powerful tools decrease risk, and so decrease the need for planning. The design of your program can then benefit from what is probably the most useful source of information available: the experience of implementing it.

Lisp style has been evolving in this direction since the 1960s. You can write prototypes so quickly in Lisp that you can go through several iterations of design and implementation before you would, in the old model, have even finished writing out the specifications. You don't have to worry so much about design flaws, because you discover them a lot sooner. Nor do you have to worry so much about bugs. When you program in a functional style, bugs can only have a local effect. When you use a very abstract language, some bugs (e.g. dangling pointers) are no longer possible, and what remain are easy to find, because your programs are so much shorter. And when you have an interactive environment, you can correct bugs instantly, instead of enduring a long cycle of editing, compiling, and testing.

Lisp style has evolved this way because it yields results. Strange as it sounds, less planning can mean better design. The history of technology is full of parallel cases. A similar change took place in painting during the fifteenth century. Before oil paint became popular, painters used a medium, called tempera, that cannot be blended or overpainted. The cost of mistakes was high, and this tended to make painters conservative. Then came oil paint, and with it a great change in style. Oil "allows for second thoughts."0 This proved a decisive advantage in dealing with difficult subjects like the human figure.

The new medium did not just make painters' lives easier. It made possible a new and more ambitious kind of painting. Janson writes:

Without oil, the Flemish Masters' conquest of visible reality would have been much more limited. Thus, from a technical point of view, too, they deserve to be called the "fathers of modern painting," for oil has been the painter's basic medium ever since.0

As a material, tempera is no less beautiful than oil. But the flexibility of oil paint gives greater scope to the imagination—that was the deciding factor.

Programming is now undergoing a similar change. The new medium is the "object-oriented dynamic language"—in a word, Lisp. This is not to say that all our software is going to be written in Lisp within a few years.

The transition from tempera to oil did not happen overnight; at first, oil was only popular in the leading art centers, and was often used in combination with tempera. We seem to be in this phase now. Lisp is used in universities, research labs, and a few leading-edge companies. Meanwhile, ideas borrowed from Lisp increasingly turn up in the mainstream: interactive programming environments, garbage collection, and run-time typing, to name a few.

More powerful tools are taking the risk out of exploration. That's good news for programmers, because it means that we will be able to undertake more ambitious projects. The use of oil paint certainly had this effect. The period immediately following its adoption was a golden age for painting.

There are signs already that something similar is happening in programming.


Dans le document ANSI Common Lisp (Page 21-24)