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escherichia-coli strains

Cytotoxic Escherichia coli strains encoding colibactin colonize laboratory mice

Cytotoxic Escherichia coli strains encoding colibactin colonize laboratory mice

... Abstract Escherichia coli strains have not been fully characterized in laboratory mice and are not currently excluded from mouse ...E. coli were isolated from 45 laboratory mice, identified ...


Influenza A virus infection of intestinal epithelial cells enhances the adhesion ability of Crohn's disease associated Escherichia coli strains

Influenza A virus infection of intestinal epithelial cells enhances the adhesion ability of Crohn's disease associated Escherichia coli strains

... of Escherichia coli to Caco-2 intestinal ...different Escherichia coli strains isolated from CD patients by altering surface ...


Application of suppressive subtractive hybridization to identify specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26

Application of suppressive subtractive hybridization to identify specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26

... Enterohaemorragic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains are responsible for food poisoning in humans in developed countries via consumption of vegetal and animal foodstuffs contaminated by ruminant ...EHEC ...


Cytotoxic Escherichia coli strains encoding colibactin isolated from immunocompromised mice with urosepsis and meningitis

Cytotoxic Escherichia coli strains encoding colibactin isolated from immunocompromised mice with urosepsis and meningitis

... CRISPR/Cas9 deletion of Rag2 and Il2rγ in the W sh /W sh mouse background Deletion of the host immune response is crucial for survival of human cells after transplanta- tion into murine models, as well as allowing for ...


Relatedness of Escherichia coli strains with different susceptibility phenotypes isolated from swine feces during ampicillin treatment.

Relatedness of Escherichia coli strains with different susceptibility phenotypes isolated from swine feces during ampicillin treatment.

... * Perhaps the only criticism about the study design is the lack of enumeration data. The authors showed in their previous publication that blaTEM copy numbers were higher in the treated animals versus the control ...


Specific DNA probes to detect Escherichia coli strains producing cytotoxic necrotising factor type 1 or type 2

Specific DNA probes to detect Escherichia coli strains producing cytotoxic necrotising factor type 1 or type 2

... The results of colony hybridisation with cnj2 DNA fragments derived from pEOSW1 and pEOSW3 indi- cated that these fragments were both sensitive and specific as probes for dete[r] ...


Application of suppressive subtractive hybridization to identify specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26

Application of suppressive subtractive hybridization to identify specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26

... EHEC strains by applying subtractive suppressive hybridisation (SSH) technique on one bovine O26 EHEC strain with one bovine O26 non- pathogenic strain, on the one hand, and with one human O26 EHEC strain, on the ...


Extensive genomic diversity and selective conservation of virulence determinants in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of O157 and non O157 serotypes

Extensive genomic diversity and selective conservation of virulence determinants in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of O157 and non O157 serotypes

... Background Escherichia coli is a commensal intestinal inhabitant of ver- tebrates and rarely cause diseases except in compromised ...of strains, however, cause diverse intesti- nal and ...


Characterization of mucosa-associated Escherichia coli strains isolated from Crohn’s disease patients in Brazil

Characterization of mucosa-associated Escherichia coli strains isolated from Crohn’s disease patients in Brazil

... E. coli strains are classified into four main phylogenetic groups (A, B1, B2 and ...E. coli strains. The strains iso- lated in this study have a more homogeneous profile when classified ...


Cytotoxic Escherichia coli strains encoding colibactin and cytotoxic necrotizing factor (CNF) colonize laboratory macaques

Cytotoxic Escherichia coli strains encoding colibactin and cytotoxic necrotizing factor (CNF) colonize laboratory macaques

... E. coli (ExPEC) strain iso- lated from a case of neonatal meningitis [ 12 ...E. coli strains induce enlargement of cells and nuclei with- out mitosis (megalocytosis), cause G2 cell cycle arrest, and ...


Variabilité des souches de Escherichia coli provenant de divers poulaillers au Québec

Variabilité des souches de Escherichia coli provenant de divers poulaillers au Québec

... Rep-PCR genomic fingerprinting, which uses repetitive intergenic DNA sequences, was investigated as a mean to identify signature pattern of chicken fecal Escherichia coli populations and evaluate their ...


Escherichia coli, de la colonisation oropharyngée à l'infection pulmonaire : épidémiologie et physiopathologie

Escherichia coli, de la colonisation oropharyngée à l'infection pulmonaire : épidémiologie et physiopathologie

... E. coli comme espèce préoccupante dans son acquisition de résistances aux ...E. coli issus de colonisation rectale, oropharyngée, respiratoire et de PAVM de patients de réanimation sous ventilation ...


Etude d'antibiorésistance des souches escherichia coli responsable de la colibacillose aviaire

Etude d'antibiorésistance des souches escherichia coli responsable de la colibacillose aviaire

... La colibacillose est l’une des plus importantes causes de pertes économiques dans le secteur avicole. Elle est d’origine bactérienne, due à Escherichia coli, constitue un des problèmes majeurs chez la ...


Rôle des facteurs de virulence des Escherichia coli pathogènes aviaires dans la colibacillose

Rôle des facteurs de virulence des Escherichia coli pathogènes aviaires dans la colibacillose

... Herein, using three APEC strains representing the most important serotypes worldwide (01, 02, and 07$) and their isogenic mutants for different virulence factors (LPS, Ki capsule, and ty[r] ...


Les R-loops et leurs conséquences sur l'expression génique chez Escherichia coli

Les R-loops et leurs conséquences sur l'expression génique chez Escherichia coli

... E. coli, une délétion de topoisomérase III engendre un taux élevé de recombinaison RecA dépendante (Schofield et ...E. coli, une double délétion de topoisomérase I et III engendre un défaut de ségrégation ...


Études des mécanismes de régulation du riborégulateur lysine chez Escherichia coli

Études des mécanismes de régulation du riborégulateur lysine chez Escherichia coli

... 1.4.2 Polynucléotide phosphorylase (PNPase) La polynucléotide phosphorylase (PNPase) est une exonucléase 3'-5'. C’est une enzyme très processive, mais elle est inhibée lorsqu’elle rencontre des structures d’ARN double ...


Biosynthèse hétérologue de l’Orange Carotenoid Protein chez Escherichia coli

Biosynthèse hétérologue de l’Orange Carotenoid Protein chez Escherichia coli

... 1-2 Plasmides portant les gènes nécessaires à la conversion du β-carotène en échinenone, canthaxanthine ou zéaxanthine dans Escherichia coli Chez Synechocystis PCC 6803 et Arthrospira PCC 7345, l’OCP lie ...


Biosynthesis of soluble carotenoid holoproteins in Escherichia coli.

Biosynthesis of soluble carotenoid holoproteins in Escherichia coli.

... Sciences, RD10, F-78026 Versailles, France. Carotenoids are widely distributed natural pigments that are excellent antioxidants acting in photoprotection. They are typically solubilized in membranes or attached to ...


Profil d'antibiorésistance des souches escherichia coli chez le poulet de chair

Profil d'antibiorésistance des souches escherichia coli chez le poulet de chair

... souches escherichia coli chez le poulet de chair Résumé : Le maintien de l’équilibre de la flore digestive est un soutien important pour la santé de la volaille en raison de sa sensibilité, surtout, aux ...


Caractérisation de PRT, la nouvelle toxine RTX chez escherichia coli

Caractérisation de PRT, la nouvelle toxine RTX chez escherichia coli

... 30 La protéine Sat fut découverte chez la souche UPEC CFT073 où elle est codée sur l’îlot de pathogénicité II chromosomique (PAI-II CFT073 ) et possède une activité cytotoxique envers les cellules de la vessie et des ...


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