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Positivity of the density for the stochastic wave equation in two spatial dimensions


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ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

DOI: 10.1051/ps:2003002



Mireille Chaleyat–Maurel


and Marta Sanz–Sol´ e


Abstract. We consider the random vectoru(t, x) = (u(t, x1), . . . , u(t, xd)), wheret >0, x1, . . . , xd

are distinct points ofR2 andudenotes the stochastic process solution to a stochastic wave equation driven by a noise white in time and correlated in space. In a recent paper by Millet and Sanz–Sol´e [10], sufficient conditions are given ensuring existence and smoothness of density foru(t, x). We study here the positivity of such density. Using techniques developped in [1] (see also [9]) based on Analysis on an abstract Wiener space, we characterize the set of pointsy∈Rd where the density is positive and we prove that, under suitable assumptions, this set isRd.

Mathematics Subject Classification. 60H15, 60H07.

Received January 8, 2002.

1. Introduction

Consider the stochastic wave equation with two-dimensional spatial variable 2


u(t, x) = σ u(t, x)

F(dt,dx) +b u(t, x) ,

u(0, x) = u0(x), (1.1)


∂t(0, x) = v0(x) (t, x)[0,[×R2.

The coefficients σ and b are C functions with bounded derivatives of any order i≥1. The noise F(t, x) is supposed to be a martingale measure (in the sense given by Walsh in [16]) obtained as the extension of a centered Gaussian field{F(ϕ), ϕ∈ D(R+×R2)} with covariance

E F(ϕ)F(ψ)

= Z


dt Z

R2dx Z

R2dy ϕ(t, x)f(|x−y|)ψ(t, y). (1.2)

Keywords and phrases: Stochastic partial differential equations, Malliavin Calculus, wave equation, probability densities.

Partially supported by the grant ERBF MRX CT960075A of the EU.

∗∗ Partially supported by the grant BMF 2000-0607 from de Direcci´on General de Investigaci´on, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia.

1Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie, Laboratoire de Probabilit´es, 175/179 rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris, France; and Universit´e Ren´e Descartes, 45 rue des Saints P`eres, 75006 Paris, France; e-mail:mcm@ccr.jussieu.fr

2 Facultat de Matem`atiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via 585, 08007 Barcelona, Spain; e-mail:sanz@mat.ub.es c EDP Sciences, SMAI 2003


Assume that f :R+ R+ is continuous on ]0,[. Moreover, we suppose that the measure Γ(dx) =f(x)dx onR2 is a nonnegative tempered distribution. The initial conditionsu0, v0, are real functions satisfying some conditions that will be determined later.

We give a meaning to the formal expression (1.2) using its mild formulation, as follows. Let H be the completion of the inner-product space of measurable functionsϕ:R2Rsuch thatR



y|) |ϕ(y)| < ∞, endowed with the inner product hϕ, ψiH := R


R2dy ϕ(x) f(|x−y|)ψ(y). Denote by {ej, j 0} a CONS of functions of H. Then {Wj(t) = Rt



R2ej(x) F(ds,dx), j 0} is a sequence of independent standard Brownian motions.

LetS(t, x), (t, x)[0,∞[×R2, be the fundamental solution of ∂t22

g= 0. That is, S(t, x) = 1

t2− |x|2−1/2

1{|x|<t}. Set

X0(t, x) = Z

R2 S(t, x−y)v0(y) dy+

∂t Z

R2S(t, x−y)u0(y) dy


By a solution of equation (1.2) we mean a stochastic process{u(t, x), (t, x)R+×R2}satisfying u(t, x) =X0(t, x) +X


Z t


S(t−s, x− ∗)σ(u(s,∗)), ej()

H Wj(ds) +

Z t



R2S(t−s, x−y)b u(s, y) dsdy.


In [10] we studied the existence and uniqueness of solution of (1.3) (see also [4]). We also addressed the smoothness of u(t, x), at a fixed point (t, x)∈R+×R2, in the sense of Malliavin Calculus, and the existence and smoothness of density for the probability law onRd of

u(t, x) := u(t, x1), . . . , u(t, xd) , witht >0 andx1, . . . , xd distinct points ofR2.

This last result has been obtained under the following set of assumptions

(i) there exista1 ≥a2 >0 such that 2(1 +a2)(a1−a2)< a2 ≤a1<2, positive constantsC1 andC2 such that fort∈[0, T],

C1ta1 Z t


y f(y)`n

1 + t y


(ii) u0:R2Ris of classC1, bounded, witha2/2(1 +a2)-H¨older continuous partial derivatives,v0:R2R and there existsq0∈]4,+∞] such that|v0|+|∇u0| ∈Lq0(R2);

(iii) σandb areC with bounded derivatives of any orderi≥1;

(iv) there existsa >0 such thatσ(u(t, xj))| ≥a, for any j= 1, . . . , d, a.s.

These conditions are satisfied for instance by the functionf(x) =x−α, 0< α <2, witha1=a2= 2−α.

In Millet and Morien in [8] there is a slight improvement of the previous result. These authors show that in the above-quoted set of hypothesis, assumptions (i) and (ii) can be replaced by the weaker ones:

(i’) there exist 0< a2≤a1<2 such that 2(a1−a2)< a21, positive constantC1 such that fort∈[0, T], C1ta1

Z t



1 + t y

dy (1.4)





y1−a2f(y) dy <; (1.5)

(ii’) u0:R2Ris of classC1, bounded, with 12(a21)-H¨older continuous partial derivatives,∇u0∈Lq1(R2) for some q1>2;v0:R2Rbelongs toLq0(R2) for someq0

4 1−(a22∧1),∞ .

Recently, in [6] a related problem has been studied. The results apply in particular to equations like (1.2) driven by a centered Gaussian noise with covariance given by

E F(ϕ)F(ψ)

= Z


dt Z

R2Γ(dx) ϕ(s, .)∗ψ(s, .)˜

(x), (1.6)

where Γ is a non-negative, non-negative definite tempered measure, the symbol means the convolution and ψ(s, x) =˜ ψ(s,−x). Notice that if Γ(dx) =f(|x|)dxthen (1.6) reduces to (1.2). It is proved that ford= 1 the following set of assumptions yield the existence and smoothness of density for the law ofu(t, x), witht >0 and x∈R2: the preceding condition (iii)

(iv’) there existsC >0 such that inf{|σ(z)|, z∈R} ≥C;

(v) there exists η∈(0,34) such that




(1 +|ξ|2)η <∞, (1.7)

whereµis the spectral measure of Γ.

In the particular case Γ(dx) = f(|x|)dx the above condition (1.7) implies property (1.5) of (i’) with a2 = 2(1−η)∈(12,2) (see for instance [5, 15]).

Denote bypt,x(y) the density ofu(t, x) aty∈Rd. The purpose of this paper is to prove the next statement.

Theorem 1. Assume that the conditions (i’, ii’, iii) and (iv’) hold. Suppose in addition that the functional

J(ϕ, ψ) = Z

R2dx Z

R2dy ϕ(x)f(|x−y|)ψ(y), ϕ, ψ∈ D(R2), (1.8) is positive. Then, for anyy∈Rd, pt,x(y)is stricly positive.

In the remaining of this section we give a brief description of the method we have used to approach this problem.

LetT > 0 be fixed. The reproducing kernel Hilbert space of the Gaussian process{(Wj(t))j≥0, t∈[0, T]} is the set HT of functions h : [0, T] RN such that P



0 |hj(s)|2ds < ∞. For any h HT, let {Φh(t, x), (t, x)[0, T]×R2}be the solution of

Φh(t, x) =X0(t, x) +X


Z t


S(t−s, x− ∗)σ Φh(s,∗)

, ej(∗)

H hj(s) ds +

Z t



R2S(t−s, x−y)b Φh(s, y) dsdy.


This process is called the skeleton of {u(t, x), (t, x) [0, T]×R2}. The functionh ∈HT Φh(t, x) R is Fr´echet differentiable (see the Appendix). Set Φh(t, x) = (Φh(t, x1), . . . ,Φh(t, xd)). Denote byγΦh(t,x)thed×d matrix whose entries are ¯ h(t, xi), ¯ h(t, xj)

HT, i, j = 1, . . . , d, where ¯D means the Fr´echet derivative operator. It is called the deterministic Malliavin matrix.


Then we proceed in two steps:

Step 1. Assume (i’, ii’, iii) and (iv). We prove the equivalence between the next two properties ony∈Rd: (a) pt,x(y)>0 and (b) there existsh∈HT such that Φh(t, x) =y and detγΦh(t,x)>0.

Step 2. Suppose (i’, ii’, iii) and (iv’). Then, if the functionalJ(ϕ, ψ) defined in (1.8) is positive, any y∈Rd satisfies (b).

For diffusion processes satisfying some non-degeneracy requirements the equivalence between the analogue of properties (a, b) above has been proved in [3].

A characterization of the points of positive density, analogous to the equivalence between (a) and (b), for functionals defined in an abstract Wiener space has been developed in [1] and then applied to diffusions.

A similar general setting, more close to the ideas of [3], has been presented in [14]. These abstract formulations allow to analyze many interesting examples in the infinite dimensional case, like solutions of stochastic partial differential equations (see, for instance [2, 9]).

We achieve the goal quoted in Step 1 proving first a weaker (localized) version of the criterium given in [14].

Step 2 requires to solve an inverse problem and also requires a careful analysis of the matrix γΦh(t,x). The positivity of the functional J(ϕ, ψ) is used in the study of the first question, the second one is carried out by exploiting assumption (i’).

The programme of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we precise the tools used in the above-mentioned Step 1. For the proof of (b) (a) we use Proposition 4.2.2 in [14]. The proof of (a) (b) needs the weaker version of Proposition 4.2.1 in [14] stated as Proposition 2. Section 3 is devoted to complete Step 1. We give an approximation result on a class of evolution equations which includes (1.3) and (1.9). This ensures the validity of the hypothesis needed to apply the criterium established in Section 2; but it has its own interest. Finally, we devote Section 4 to the proof of Step 2.

2. Points of positive density of functionals defined on an abstract Wiener space

We devote this section to set up the method of the proof of the first step of Theorem 1 in Section 1. We follow the approach of [14]; however some modifications are needed.

For the sake of understanding we start by giving some basic notions and facts on Malliavin Calculus and refer the reader to [13, 14] for a complete presentation of this topic.

Let (Ω, H, P) be an abstract Wiener space. For any h H we denote be W(h) the Itˆo–Wiener integral.

LetS be the class of cylindrical Wiener functionals, that is, the set of random vectors of the form F =f W(h1), . . . , W(hn)

, (2.1)

withf ∈ Cb(Rn), h1, . . . , hn∈H. ForF as in (2.1) the Malliavin derivative is theH-valued random variable defined by

DF = Xn



∂xi W(h1), . . . , W(hn) hi.

For any integerk≥1 and any real numberp∈[1,∞) we defineDk,pas the completion ofS with respect to the norm


E |F|p +

Xk j=1

E kDjFkpH⊗j



Suppose thatF = (F1, . . . , Fd) is a random vector whose components belong toD1,2. The Malliavin matrix of F is thed×dmatrix with entries

DFi, DFj

H, i, j= 1, . . . , d; it is denoted byγF.


SetD=k,p Dk,p. A random vectorF is nondegenerate ifF D(Rd), that means, all the components of F belong toD, and moreover det(γF)−1 > 0. It is well-known that the law of a nondegenerate random vector has aC density with respect to the Lebesgue measure.

Let Φ :H Rd be Fr´echet differentiable. By analogy with the random case we defineγΦ(h) as the matrix with entries¯ i(h),¯ j(h)

H, i, j= 1, . . . , d; it is called (after Bismut) the deterministic Malliavin matrix.

For anyy∈Rd we consider the following properties:

(A) the densitypof the random vectorF is strictly positive aty;

(B) there existsh∈H with Φ(h) =y and detγΦ(h)>0.

For elementsh1, . . . , hd∈H, z Rd, seth= (h1, . . . , hd) and define


(h) =W(h) + Xd j=1

zj h, hj

H, h∈H.

Moreover, forp∈[1,∞), k≥0, set

Rh,k,pF = Z


(DkF) (TzW)p


We next quote Proposition 4.2.2 of [14].

Proposition 1. LetF be a nondegenerate random vector, Φ :H Rd be a Fr´echet continuously differentiable mapping. Fix h∈H and assume that there exists a sequence of measurable, absolutely continuous transforma- tionsTnh: ΩΩ, n0, such that, for every ε >0, k= 0,1,2,3 and somep > d,

n→∞lim P

n|F◦TnhΦ(h)|> ε o

= 0, (2.2)

n→∞lim P

nk(DF)◦Tnh( ¯DΦ)(h)kH > ε o

= 0, (2.3)

M→∞lim sup


P n

RDΦ(h), k,p¯ F

◦Tnh> M o

= 0. (2.4)

Then (B) implies (A).

In order to set up the conditions ensuring (A) (B) we need a localized version of Proposition 4.2.1 in [14]. In fact, the Wiener functionalu(t, x) does not satisfy the convergence assumption needed to apply this proposition. A particular localization on Ω is required. This leads to a convergence in probability onD(Rd).

Let (Hn)n≥1 be an increasing sequence of finite dimensional subspaces ofH such thatn≥1Hn is dense in H. LetWn: Ω→Hn be a sequence of random variables belonging toD. We introduce a localizing sequence, as follows. Let

Aγn= n

ω:kWn(ω)k2H≤γ C(n) o

, n∈N, γ(0,∞), where{C(n), n≥1}is an increasing sequence such that

n→∞lim P


= 0, for some γ0>0.


Let Ψγ:R+ [0,1] be aC function with bounded derivatives of any order, such that

Ψγ(x) = (

1, if x < γ

0, if x >2γ. (2.5)

SetGγ,n(ω) = Ψγ kWC(n)n(ω)k2H

. Notice that l


n . (2.6)

Assume thatGγ,nD uniformly inn. That means, for all integerk≥1 andp∈[1,∞),

supn≥1kGγ,nkk,p<+∞. (2.7)

Proposition 2. Let F: ΩRd be a nondegenerate random vector,Φ :H Rd be infinitely Fr´echet differen- tiable such that

(H1) Φ(Wn)D(Rd), for any n≥1, and

n→∞lim E

kDk Φ(Wn)−F kp


= 0, for any k≥1, p[1,∞), γ≥γ0.

Then, for eachy∈Rd, (A) implies (B).

Proof. The arguments are similar to those of Proposition 4.2.1 [14] (see also [3] and [1]) with an additional ingredient of localization.

Let f be any continuous positive function with compact support [a0, b0] containingy; then c:=E f(F)


Fix γ γ0, ε ]0, c[; let n0 N be such that P (Aγn)c

< kfkε

for any n n0. Then, 0 < E f(F)


f(F) l1Aγn

+εand consequently,E

f(F) l1Aγn

>0, for anyn≥n0. Therefore (2.6) implies thatE


>0 forγ > γ0, n≥n0.

For every M 1, let αM Cb(R) be such that 0 αM 1, αM(x) = 0 if |x| ≤ M1 and αM(x) = 1 if |x| ≥ M2. Since F is nondegenerate we have that limM→+αM(detγF) = 1, a.s. Consequently, 0 < E


= limM→+E

f(F) Gγ,nαM(detγF)

and there exists a positive integer M such that E


We want to prove that forγ≥γ0



f(F)αM(detγF)−f Φ(Wn)αM(detγΦ(Wn))

Gγ,n= 0. (2.8)

This will imply the existence of a positive integern0 such that E

f Φ(Wn)


>0, (2.9)

for anyn≥n0. Let ¯f(x1, . . . , xd) =Rx1

a01· · ·Rxd

a0d f(u1, . . . , ud) du1. . .dud,a0= (a01, . . . , a0d).


The integration by parts formula of the Malliavin Calculus implies that Tn:=Eh

f(F)αM(detγF)−f(Φ(Wn))αM(detγΦ(Wn)) Gγ,n



f(F¯ )H{1,...,d} F, Gγ,nαM(detγF)


H{1,...,d} Φ(Wn), Gγ,nαM(detγΦ(Wn))i ,

where, for any multiindex α = (α1, . . . , αk) ∈ {1, . . . , d}k, Hα are random variables defined recursively as follows. If U is a nondegenerate functional and V D then H{i}(U, V) = Pd

j=1 δ


and Hα(U, V) =Hk}

U, H1,...,αk−1}(U, V)

, whereδis the adjoint operator ofDwhich is, asD, a local operator.

δis also called the Skorohod integral.

SinceGγ,n= 0 on (An )c, H{1,...,d}

F, Gγ,nαM(detγF)

= l1A


F, Gγ,nαM(detγF)

and H{1,...,d}

Φ(Wn), Gγ,nαM(detγΦ(Wn))

= l1A


Φ(Wn), Gγ,nαM(detγΦ(Wn))

. Consequently|Tn| ≤Tn1+Tn2with

Tn1= E

f¯(F)−f¯(Φ(Wn)) l 1A

n H{1,...,d} F, Gγ,nαM(detγF) and

Tn2= E

f¯ Φ(Wn))

l 1A



H{1,...,d} F, Gγ,nαM(detγF)


Φ(Wn), Gγ,nαM(detγΦ(Wn))i. Let us first check that limn→+Tn1= 0.Indeed,Tn1 Tn1,1×Tn1,2where


E |f¯(F)−f¯(Φ(Wn))|p1lA n

1/p Tn1,2= H{1,...,d} F, Gγ,nαM(detγF)


with 1p+1q = 1.

Assumption (H1) implies that

limn Tn1,1≤ kfk lim


E |F−Φ(Wn)|p1lA n


= 0.

Moreover, supn Tn1,2<+. Indeed, Proposition 3.2.2 in [14] yields:

Tn1,2≤C(q, d)

F−1|ak kFkab,c0 kGγ,nαM(detγF)kab000,c0

, for some positive real numbersk, a, c, a0, c0, a00>1 and positive integersb, b0.


The properties onGγ,nimply that supnTn1,2<+. We now prove that limn→+Tn2= 0. For anyp >1, Tn2≤ kf¯k E1lA



H{1,...,d} F, Gγ,nαM(detγF)

−H{1,...,d} Φ(Wn), Gγ,nαM(detγΦ(Wn))i. TheLp-inequalities for the Skorohod integral yield

Tn2≤C(d)kf¯k E1lA n





, for somer, r0 >1, e, e0N(see [12] for the one dimensional case).

Thus limn→∞Tn2= 0. This finishes the proof of (2.8) and therefore that of (2.9).

Next we consider a functionβK :R[0,1],C, such thatβK(x) = 1 if|x| ≤KandβK(x) = 0 if|x| ≤K+1.

SincekWnk2H is finite a.s., it is clear that for any fixedn≥1,βK(kWnk2H) converges to 1 a.s. asK→ ∞.

Notice that since the functionsf andαM are positive and the random variableGγ,nis positive and bounded by 1, the inequality (2.9) implies that for anyn≥n0,


f Φ(Wn)


>0. (2.10)

Thus, for any fixedn≥n0 there existsK0(n) such that for anyK≥K0(n), E

f Φ(Wn)


>0. (2.11)

This yields, for anyK≥K0(n) and anyε >0

PΦ(Wn)−y< ε, detγΦ(Wn) 1

M,kWnk2H≤K+ 1

>0. (2.12)

Indeed, otherwise, if for someK≥K0(n) and someε >0 PΦ(Wn)−y< ε, detγΦ(Wn) 1

M,kWnk2H≤K+ 1

= 0, (2.13)

one could find a functionf bounded, positive and continuous such thaty∈suppf and E

f Φ(Wn)

αM detγΦ(Wn)


= 0, (2.14)

because l1{|detγΦ(W n)|≥1

M}≥αM detγΦ(Wn)

and l1{kWnk2H≤K+1}≥βK(kWnk2H). This contradicts (2.11). Let k¯ = K0(n) + 1. Then from (2.12) we can find a sequence of elements hm Hn such that for any m 1, Φ(hm)−y<m1,khm2

H¯kand|detγΦ(hm)| ≥ M1.

The compactness of bounded and closed sets in Hn implies that we can select a subsequence converging to some elementh∈H which verifies Φ(h) =y and|detγΦ(h)|>0. That means (B) holds.

In this article we shall apply the preceding results to the following particular case. Fix anyT >0. Consider a sequence{Wj(t), t[0, T]}, j 0, of standard Wiener processes and let (Ω, HT, P) be the associated Wiener space. That means Ω = C([0, T]; RN), HT is the Hilbert space L2([0, T];RN) and P is the Wiener measure on Ω. The random vector F will be u(t, x) = (u(t, x1), . . . , u(t, xd)), the solution to the wave equation (1.3) at different points (t, x1), . . . ,(t, xd) of [0, T]×R2. The functional Φ :H Rd will be the skeleton Φh(t, x) = (Φh(t, x1), . . . ,Φh(t, xd)) defined in (1.9).

Let us precise which are the sequences (Tnh)n≥0 and (Wn)n≥0in the above Propositions 1 and 2.


For any fixed n N we denote by ∆i the interval iT

2n, (i+1)T)2n

and write Wj(∆i) for the increment Wj (i+1)T2n

−Wj iT2n . LetWn= Wjn=R·

0 W˙jn(s) ds, jN

be as in [11], that is, ˙Wjn= 0 if j > nand, for 0≤j≤n,

W˙jn(t) =






2nT−1Wj(∆i−1) 1i(t), if t∈[2−nT, T],

0, if t∈[0,2−nT].

Notice that for each n∈N, W˙jn,0 ≤j ≤n

belongs to the finite dimensional subspace ofHT generated by 2nT−1 1i, i= 1, . . . ,2n1 . We identify W˙jn,0≤j ≤n

with an element ofHT by putting ˙Wjn0 for j > n.

For anyh∈HT define

Tnh(ω) =

Wj−Wjn+ Z ·


hj(s) ds, j0

. (2.15)

Girsanov’s theorem yields thatP◦ Tnh−1 P.

Finally, the localizing sequence Aγn,n≥1 of Proposition 2 is defined as follows. Fix γ >2T `n2,t∈[0, T];


Aγn(t) =

nkWn1l[0,t]k2HT ≤γn22nT−1

o· (2.16)

Clearly the setsAγn(t) decrease intand increase inγ. Moreover,

n→∞lim P Aγn(T)c

= 0. (2.17)


P Aγn(T)c

Xn j=1

2Xn−1 i=0

P |Wj(∆i)|2≥γn2−n

≤n2nP |Z| ≥√



√γn12 exp −γn


≤γ12n12T12exp −n


2T log 2


whereZ is a standard Gaussian random variable. Thus (2.17) holds true.

A simple computation shows that for any 0≤t < t0≤T,p∈[2,) and [t, t0]i for somei,

E kWn1l[t,t0]kpHT ≤np2. (2.18)


In fact,

E kWn 1[t,t0]kpHT













≤np2. Let

Gγ,n(ω) = Ψγ

kWnk2HT n22nT−1

= Ψγ

n−2 Xn j=1





, (2.19)

n≥1, where Ψγ is given by (2.5). This sequence satisfies property (2.7). Indeed, this can be proved by direct computations, as follows.

Letk∈Nand fix a setBk=i= (ri, ji)R+×N, i= 1, . . . k}. Letα= (α1, . . . , αk) and denote byPm the set of partitions ofBk consisting ofmdisjoint subsetsp1, . . . , pm, m= 1, . . . , k; set|pi|= cardpi. LetY be any random variable inDk,2, k≥1, gbe a realCk function with bounded derivatives up to orderk. Leibniz’s rule for Malliavin’s derivatives yields

Dkα g(Y)

= Xk m=1



cmg(m)(Y) Ym i=1

D|ppii|Y, (2.20)

with some positive coefficients cm, m = 1, . . . , k, c1 = 1. We want to apply this formula to g = Ψγ and Y =n−2Pn



i=1Wj(∆i−1)2,n≥1. Notice that these random variables have null components on then-th Wiener chaos for n≥3. Hence, it suffices to prove (2.7) fork = 0,1,2 andp∈[1,∞). For these values of k, the order of the derivatives in the right hand-side of (2.20) are clearly less or equal to 2.

Fork= 0, the result is obvious, since Ψγ is bounded by 1. Set

Fn =n−2 Xn j=1





then,Dr,jFn = 0, ifj > nand forj≤n

Dr,jFn =n−2




2Wj(∆i−1) l1i−1(r).


1,j1)(r2,j2)Fn= 0, ifj1> norj1≤nbutj16=j2 and, forj1=j2≤n, D2(r1,j1)(r2,j2)Fn =n−2




2 l1i−1(r1) l1i−1(r2).


Applying H¨older’s inequality it is easy to check that









Moreover, a direct computation shows that


 X




dr1 Z T





Thus, for anyp∈[1,∞) andk= 0,1,2, we have that supnkFnkk,p<∞. Then, by means of (2.20) we complete the proof of (2.7) for the sequence of random variables defined in (2.19).

3. Approximation in probability in D

. Characterization of points of positive density

In this section we present an approximation result for a class of evolution equations which include as particular cases (1.3) and (1.9). This general setting allows to check the validity of the assumptions of Propositions 1 and 2 for the Wiener functionalF =u(t, x).

LetA, B, G, b:RR, h∈HT. Consider the evolution equations Xn(t, x) = X0(t, x) +X


Z t


nhS(t−s, x− ∗)A Xn(s,)

, ej()iH Wj(ds) +hS(t−s, x− ∗)B Xn(s,)

, ej()iHW˙jn(s)ds +hS(t−s, x− ∗)G Xn(s,)

, ej()iHhj(s)ds o +

Z t



R2S(t−s, x−y)b Xn(s, y)

dsdy, (3.1)

X(t, x) = X0(t, x) +X


Z t


nhS(t−s, x− ∗) (A+B) X(s,∗)

, ej(∗)iH Wj(ds) +hS(t−s, x− ∗)G X(s,∗)

, ej(∗)iH hj(s)ds o +

Z t




S(t−s, x−y)b X(s, y)

dsdy. (3.2)

The existence and uniqueness of solution for equations (3.1) and (3.2) have been addressed in [11]. Notice that the processesXn andX depend onh∈HT.

We introduce the following set of assumptions (see (1.5) and (ii’) in Sect. 1).

There exists β0∈]0,2 [ such that (C1) R

0+ r1−β0 f(r) dr <+∞;

(C2) u0:R2Ris of classC1, bounded, with 1201)-H¨older continuous partial derivatives,∇u0∈Lq1(R2) for some q1>2; v0:R2Rbelongs toLq0(R2) for someq0]4 1−(β20∧1),∞];

(C3) the coefficientsA, B, G, bof equation (3.1) (and (3.2)) areC functions with bounded derivatives of any orderk≥1.


Conditions (C1–C3) ensure that the trajectories of the solution of (1.3) are β-H¨older continuous in (t, x) for β < 1201) (see Th. 2.2 in [8] and Prop. 1.4 in [10]).

For any separable Hilbert space Ewe denote by HT(E) the Hilbert space of functions g: [0, T]EN such thatP



0 kgj(s)k2Eds <. Notice thatHT(R) =HT. In this section we will deal withE=RdandE=H, whereHhas been defined in the introduction.

We now state the main technical result of this section. We shall see later in Theorem 3 that by a particular choice of the coefficientsA, B,Gof equations (3.1) and (3.2), the next Theorem 2 allows to complete the first step of our programme.

Theorem 2. Assume (C1–C3). Then, for anyp∈(1,∞), k∈Z+, γ >2T `n2and every compact setK⊂R2,

n→∞lim sup

0≤t≤T sup


kDk Xn(t, x)−X(t, x) kpH

T(Rd)⊗k 1Aγn(t)

= 0, (3.3)

where, fork= 0, D0=Idand k · kHT(Rd)⊗0 is the Euclidean norm inRd. Moreover, the convergence in (3.3) is uniform in hon bounded sets ofHT.

This theorem provides an extension of Proposition 2.3 in [11], where the convergence stated in (3.3) has been proved in the Lp norm. Actually, in this proposition the localizing sequence is given by ¯Aγn(t) = n

sup0≤j≤n sup0≤i≤([2ntT−1]−1)+|Wj(∆i)| ≤ √γ2−n/2n1/2 o

, which is included in Aγn(t) and also satisfies limn→∞P ( ¯Aγn(T))c

= 0 (see Lem. 2.1 in [11]). However looking carefully at the proof we realize that only two facts concerning the localization are needed: (a)E kWnkpHT1lA¯γn(t)

≤Cnp2np2 and (b)E kWn1l[tn,t]kpHT1lA¯γn(t)

Cnp. Here we have used the following notation: for any n 1, t [0, T], we set tn = max{k2−nT; k = 1, . . . ,2n1 :k2−nT ≤t},tn= (tn2−nT)0. Property (a) is clearly true with Aγn(t) instead of ¯Aγn(t), by the very definition ofAγn(t). Property (b) is a trivial consequence of (2.18).

The proof in theDconvergence consists in a quite long and tricky exercise with almost no new ideas. For this reason we do not give a detailed proof. Instead, we draw an outline and also state the technical lemmas which are needed. With these ingredients we provide the readers interested in a complete proof with the main guidelines to check by themselves this extension.

Let us introduce some additional notation.

Xn(t, x) =X0(t, x) +X


Z tn


nhS(t−s, x− ∗)A Xn(s,∗)

, ej(∗)iHWj(ds) +hS(t−s, x− ∗)B Xn(s,)

, ej()iHW˙jn(s)ds +hS(t−s, x− ∗)G Xn(s,∗)

, ej(∗)iH hj(s)ds o +

Z tn



R2S(t−s, x−y)b Xn(s, y) dsdy,


X(t, x) =X0(t, x) +X


Z tn


nhS(t−s, x− ∗)(A+B) X(s,∗)

, ej(∗)iHWj(ds) +hS(t−s, x− ∗)G X(s,∗)

, ej(∗)iH hj(s)ds o +

Z tn



R2S(t−s, x−y)b X(s, y) dsdy.


Notice that, although it is not explicit in the notation,X depends onn.


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