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The Pascal adic transformation is loosely Bernoulli


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Élise Janvresse, Thierry de la Rue

Université de Rouen, LMRS, UMR 6085, CNRS, 76821 Mont Saint Aignan, France Received 22 April 2003; accepted 2 September 2003


The Pascal adic transformation is one of the simplest examples of adic transformations. We recall its construction by cutting and stacking and prove that it is loosely Bernoulli.

2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


La transformation Pascal adique est un des exemples les plus simples de transformations adiques. Nous rappelons sa construction par découpage et empilement et montrons qu’elle est lâchement Bernoulli.

2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC: 28D05

Keywords: Adic transformation; Loosely Bernoulli systems Mots-clés : Transformation adique ; Systèmes lâchement Bernoulli

1. Introduction

The notion of adic transformation has been introduced by Vershik (see e.g. [4,5]), as a model in which the transformation acts on infinite paths in some graphs, called Bratteli diagrams. As shown by Vershik, every ergodic automorphism of the Lebesgue space is isomorphic to some adic transformation, with a Bratteli diagram which may be quite complicated. Vershik also proposed to study the ergodic properties of an adic transformation in a given simple graph, such as the Pascal graph which gives rise to the so-called Pascal adic transformation.

1.1. The Pascal adic transformation

Here we recall the construction and some basic properties of the Pascal adic transformation with parameterp, following the cutting and stacking model exposed in [2]. Our spaceXis the interval[0,1[, equipped with its Borel σ-algebraAand the Lebesgue measureµ.

E-mail addresses: elise.janvresse@univ-rouen.fr (É. Janvresse), thierry.delarue@univ-rouen.fr (T. de la Rue).

0246-0203/$ – see front matter 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.



Fig. 1. Cutting and stacking construction of the Pascal adic transformation.

Let 0< p <1 be a fixed parameter. We start by dividingXinto two subintervalsP0def

= [0, p[andP1def

= [p,1[. LetPdef= {P0, P1}be the partition obtained at this first step. We also considerP0andP1as “degenerate” Rokhlin towers of height 1, respectively denoted byτ01andτ11.

On second step,P0andP1are divided in proportions(p,1−p). The transformationT is defined on the right piece ofP0by sending it linearly onto the left piece ofP1; note that both intervals have the same lengthp(1p).

This gives a collection of 3 disjoint Rokhlin towers denoted byτ02, τ12, τ22, with respective heights 1, 2, 1 (see Fig. 1).

After step n, we get (n+1) towersτ0n, . . . , τnn, with respective heightsn


, . . . ,n


, the width ofτkn being pnk(1p)k. Denote by Fkn the base ofτkn. At this step, the transformation T is defined on the whole space except the top of each stack. We then divide each stack in proportions(p,1−p), and defineT on the right piece of the top ofτkn by sending it linearly onto the left piece of the base Fkn+1 ofτkn+1 (both have the same length pnk(1p)k+1).

Repeating recursively this construction, T is finally defined almost everywhere, and clearly preserves the measureµ.

It is well-known (see e.g. the proofs given in [2]) thatT is ergodic and has zero entropy.

1.2. Loose Bernoullicity

In this section and in Section 2.1, we consider a general dynamical system(X,A, µ, T ), whereT is an invertible measure-preserving transformation of the Lebesgue probability space(X,A, µ). The notion of loose Bernoullicity has been introduced by Feldman in 1976 [1], then used by Ornstein, Rudolph and Weiss [3] to develop the study of Kakutani equivalence for measure preserving transformations. In the zero-entropy case, saying that a transformationT is loosely Bernoulli is equivalent to saying thatT is isomorphic to a transformation induced by an irrational rotation. The characterization of loose Bernoullicity given by Feldman makes use of the so-called

P-name” of a pointx.

LetP= {P0, . . . , Pk}be a finite measurable partition of(X,A, µ). ForxX, we setP(x)def=j ∈ {0, . . . , k}if xPj. Form < ninZ, we define theP-name ofx(frommton) by

P|nm(x)def= jmjm+1· · ·jn, where, for eachmin,jidef

=P(Tix). The entireP-name ofxis the doubly-infinite sequenceP|+∞−∞(x).


wheresis the greatest integer in{0, . . . , l}such that we can find 1i1< i2<· · ·< island 1j1< j2<· · ·<

jslwithvir =wjr (r=1, . . . , s).

Definition 1.1. LetT be a zero-entropy measure preserving transformation on the probability space(X,A, µ), and letPbe a finite measurable partition ofX. The process(P, T )is said to be loosely Bernoulli (LB) if for allε >0 and for all sufficiently largel, we can findAXwithµ(A) >1−εsuch that

x, yA, f¯


< ε.

The transformationT is said to be LB if for each finite partitionP the process(P, T )is LB.

Remark. In order to prove that a transformationT is LB, it is enough to verify that (P, T ) is LB for some generating partitionP.

1.3. Main result

Theorem 1.2. The Pascal-adic transformation is loosely Bernoulli.

2. Proof of the loose-Bernoullicity

2.1. Equivalence of loose-Bernoullicity with seemingly weaker properties

Lemma 2.1. Suppose that for allε >0 and for all sufficiently largel, we can findBX×Xwithµµ(B) >1−ε such that

(x, y)B, f¯


< ε.

then the process(P, T )is LB.

Proof. Givenε >0, letBX×Xwithµµ(B) >1−εbe such that

(x, y)B, f¯


< ε/2.

We can findxXsuch thatµ(Bx) >1−ε, where Bxdef


yX|(x, y)B .

But, because of the triangular inequality forf¯, for allyandyinBxwe have f¯


< ε.

Thus, the definition of LB is satisfied, withAdef=Bx. ✷

Lemma 2.2. Suppose that for all ε >0 and for µµ-almost every (x, y)X×X, we can find an integer l(x, y)1 such that


P|l(x,y)0 (x),P|l(x,y)0 (y)

< ε, then the process(P, T )is LB.


Fig. 2. Covering of{0, . . . , l}with good intervals and bad points.

Proof. Let us fixε >0. Forµµ-almost every(x, y)X×X, we definel(x, y)as the smallest integerk1 such thatf (¯P|k0(x),P|k0(y)) < ε/3. Sinceµµ(l(x, y) <)=1, there existsn∈Nsuch that


l(x, y)n

< ε2/3.

For anyl >3n/ε, we consider Mldef

=1 l




Using Markov’s inequality and the fact thatT preserves the measureµ, one can easily check that µµ(Mlε/3)E(Ml)

ε/3 2/3 ε/3 =ε.

Therefore, the setBdef= {Ml< ε/3} ⊂X×Xis such thatµµ(B) >1−ε. Let us fix(x, y)B. We want to show thatf (¯ P|l0(x),P|l0(y)) < ε. We say thatk∈ {0, . . . , l−1}is bad ifl(Tkx, Tky) > n. Since(x, y)B, there are less thanlε/3 suchk.

We define(ji)i0 and (ri)i0 recursively byj0=r0 def= inf{r0|r is not bad}, and for i1 such that ji1ln,



Tji1x, Tji1y

+ris not bad , ji=ji1+l

Tji1x, Tji1y +ri.

We denote byf the greatest indexisuch thatji is defined:ljf< n(see Fig. 2).

Recall the definition off¯: (l+1)f¯


f1 i=0




f1 i=0


Tjix, Tjiyf¯

P|jjii+l(Tjix,Tjiy)(x),P|jjii+l(Tjix,Tjiy)(y) +

f1 i=0



f1 i=0


Tjix, Tjiyf¯

P|l(T0 jix,Tjiy)(Tjix),P|l(T0 jix,Tjiy)(Tjiy) +

f1 i=0







Tjix, Tjiy +

3 +n < (l+1)ε.

Therefore, we proved that for all sufficiently largel, we can findBX×Xwithµµ(B) >1−εsuch that

(x, y)B,f (¯ P|l0(x),P|l0(y)) < ε. We conclude with Lemma 2.1.


Lemma 2.3.Pis a generating partition for the system(X,A, µ, T ), i.e.




Proof. As in [2], for eachn1, we define the basic blocks of leveln Bn,k (0kn), which are words on the alphabet{0,1}, by the following induction:Bn,0def=0,Bn,ndef=1, and for 1kn−1,



It is straightforward to verify thatBn,k is theP-name of lengthn


of any pointx lying in the baseFknofτkn. We are now going to prove by induction onnthatBn,kcharacterizes the base ofτkn. More precisely, for anyn2 and 1kn−1,


0 (x)=Bn,k, thenxFkn. (1)

Indeed, (1) is clearly satisfied forn=2. Next, suppose that (1) is satisfied forn−1, and pick anx such that P|(nk)1

0 (x)=Bn,k(1kn−1). First, assume that 2kn−2. We have then P(nk11)1

0 (x)=Bn1,k1, (2)

so thatxFkn11, and P(n−1k )1


T (nk11)x

=Bn1,k, (3)

which impliesT (nk−11)xFkn1. Thus, after climbing the towerτkn11, the image ofxgoes to the next towerτkn1, which is possible only ifxFnk (otherwise, the image ofx would go back toFkn11). For the casek=1, we first have to notice that

m2, ∀1jm−1, Bm,j begins with “0” and ends with “1”. (4)

(We leave to the reader the verification of (4) by induction onm.) Now, ifP|n01(x)=Bn,1=0Bn1,1, we know thatT xF1n1because (1) is true forn−1, and then we can tell thatxF0n1: otherwise, the letter preceeding Bn1,1would be “1”. This yieldsxF1n. The casek=n−1 is similar.

Now, for a fixedn1 we observe that the entireP-name of any pointx is a concatenation of basic blocks of leveln. Because of (1), this decomposition into basic blocksBn,k is unique, and knowing theP-name ofx gives for anynthe value of kn(x)and tells us in which rung ofτkn

n(x) x lies. But the partitionQnofX into rungs of towersτkn, 0knis constituted of intervals whose maximal width is max(p,1−p)n ; moreoverQn+1refines Qn. Therefore

n1Qn=A. ✷

Lemma 2.4. Forµ-almost everyxX, we have kn(x)

n −→

n→+∞1−p. (5)


Fig. 3. Representingkn(x)as the sum ofnindependent Bernoulli random variables.

Proof. Suppose thatx lies in towerk∈ {0, . . . , m}at level m(x∈τkm). Then, at level(m+1),x lies either in towerkor tower(k+1), with probabilityp, 1prespectively. Therefore,kn(x)is the sum ofnindependent and identically distributed Bernoulli random variables(Xm){1mn}withP (Xm=0)=p=1−P (Xm=1).

By the law of large numbers, we obtain that forµ-almost everyxX, knn(x) −→

n→+∞E[Xm] =1−p. ✷ Letr1 be a fixed interger. We consider each towerτknas a stacking of 2r blocks which are pieces of towers of levelnr.

Lemma 2.5. Forµµ-almost every(x, y)X×X, we can find arbitrarily largensuch that

kn(x)=kn(y), (6)

andxandyare both in the first block of level(nr)inτkn


Proof. We have seen in the previous lemma that if (x, y) follows the lawµµ, then km(x)and km(y)can be respectively represented as mi=1Xi and mi=1Yi, where(Xi){1im} and(Yi){1im} are independent and identically distributed Bernoulli random variables with parameterp. We want to prove that we can find arbitrarily largemsuch thatkm(x)=km(y)andXm+1, Xm+2, . . . , Xm+r andYm+1, Ym+2, . . . , Ym+r are equal to 1. One can easily verify thatkm(x)km(y)= mi=1(XiYi)is a symmetric random walk and is thus recurrent. Hence, we can find arbitrarily largemsuch thatkm(x)=km(y). Let us callm1(x, y) < m2(x, y) <· · ·such integersmand consider the events(Aj)j1defined by

Aj= {Xmj+1= · · · =Xmj+r=Ymj+1= · · · =Ymj+r=1}. Using the strong Markov property, we can check that

• for anyj 1,P (Aj)=(1p)2r >0;

(Aj r)j1are independent (becausemr(j+1)mrjrfor allj1).

Therefore, we can find arbitrarily largemj such thatkmj(x)=kmj(y)andAj happens. ✷ 2.3. Conclusion

Because of Lemma 2.3, to achieve the proof of Theorem 1.2 it is enough to show that the process(P, T )is LB.

For this, we are going to verify that(P, T )satisfies the hypotheses of Lemma 2.2. Givenε >0, choose an integer rsuch that(1p)r< ε/2. Let(x, y)X×Xbe such that

knn(x) −→



Fig. 4. Coupling of largeP-names.

• there exist arbitrarily largensatisfyingkn(x) = kn(y), andxandyare both in the first block of level(nr) inτkn


(The preceding lemmas tell us that these properties are satisfied forµµ-almost all(x, y).) Let us consider such ann, and notekforkn(x). Observe that ifnis large enough, the height of the first(nr)-block ofτkn, in which bothx andy lie, is very small compared to the height ofτkn. Indeed, the height of this(nr)-block isnr


, and we have





=k(k−1)· · ·(kr+1)

n(n−1)· · ·(nr+1)∼(1p)r asn→ +∞. Thus, ifnis chosen large enough, and if we setldef=n


, bothP|l0(x)andP|l0(y)begin with a suffix ofBn,kwhose length is greater than(1ε/2)l.

It is then easy to find a common subsequence ofP|l0(x)andP|l0(y)whose length is greater than(1ε)l, which gives



< ε.

3. Open questions

So far, very few ergodic properties of the Pascal adic transformation are known. Many important questions concerning its spectral properties remain open; in particular it is not known whether it is weakly mixing or not.

More closely related to the present work, we can point out that the class of zero-entropy and loosely Bernoulli transformations contains several interesting subclasses: rank one, finite rank, local rank one (where rank onefinite ranklocal rank oneloosely Bernoulli). To which of these subclasses do the Pascal adic transformation belong? Although the cutting and stacking construction suggests that it is not of local rank one, even proving that it is not rank one seems to be a difficult question.


[1] J. Feldman, New K-automorphisms and a problem of Kakutani, Israel J. Math. 24 (1976) 16–38.

[2] X. Méla, Dynamical properties of the Pascal adic and related systems, PhD Thesis, Chapel Hill, 2002.

[3] D.S. Ornstein, D.J. Rudolph, B. Weiss, Equivalence of Measure Preserving Transformations, in: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 262, 1982.

[4] A.M. Vershik, A theorem on the Markov approximation in ergodic theory, J. Soviet Math. 28 (1985) 667–674.

[5] A.M. Vershik, A.N. Livshits, Adic models of ergodic transformations, spectral theory, substitutions, and related topics, in: Representation Theory and Dynamical Systems, in: Adv. Soviet Math., vol. 9, Amer. Math. Society, Providence, RI, 1992, pp. 185–204.


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