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The <span class="mathjax-formula">$ {C}^{1}$</span> closing lemma for generic <span class="mathjax-formula">$ {C}^{1}$</span> endomorphisms


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The C 1 closing lemma for generic C 1 endomorphisms

Alvaro Rovella

, Martín Sambarino

CMAT – Fac. de Ciencias, Univ. de la República, Iguá 4225, CP:11400 Montevideo, Uruguay Received 13 April 2010; received in revised form 2 September 2010; accepted 16 September 2010

Available online 18 September 2010


Given a compactm-dimensional manifoldMand 1r∞, consider the spaceCr(M)of self mappings ofM. We prove here that for every mapf in a residual subset ofC1(M), theC1closing lemma holds. In particular, it follows that the set of periodic points is dense in the nonwandering set of a genericC1map. The proof is based on a geometric result asserting that for genericCr maps the future orbit of every point inMvisits the critical set at mostmtimes.

©2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:37Cxx; 58K05

Keywords:Closing lemma; Critical points; Transversality

1. Introduction

LetMandN be real compactCmanifolds without boundary. For every 1r∞,Cr(M, N )will stand for the set of classCr maps endowed with the usualCr topology. WhenM=N, the spaceCr(M, M)will be denoted byCr(M).

The problem known asthe Closing Lemmastates that: given a nonwandering pointxof aC1mapf, is it possible to find aC1perturbationgoff such thatxisg-periodic? This was solved by C. Pugh for diffeomorphisms in 1967 [4].

Since then, many generalizations were obtained in different contexts besides of diffeomorphisms (see [5]). The case ofC1endomorphisms was not included in the above contexts.

Nevertheless, forC1endomorphisms of a compact manifold and by a clever extension of Pugh’s technique, L. Wen obtained aC1closing lemma valid for those having a finite number of critical points, see [7] and [8]. However, the set ofC1maps for which this hypothesis holds is not dense. Here we will prove that:

Theorem 1.There exists a residual set RinC1(M)such that givenfR,U a C1 neighborhood off andx a nonwandering point off, there exists a mapgU such thatxisg-periodic. Moreover, there exists a residual subset DofRsuch that for everyfDthe set of periodic points is dense in the nonwandering set.

Partially supported by ANII, proyecto FCE2007 No. 577.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:leva@cmat.edu.uy (A. Rovella), samba@cmat.edu.uy (M. Sambarino).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



This result answers positively the questions posted by M. Shub in the final section of [6]. The first main ingredient in the proof of Theorem 1 is Wen’s result on closing with finitely many singularities. The second one is a geometric result regarding the study of the singularities of a map. The study of the singularities of smooth mappings has been largely considered in the literature. It is well known, for example, that the singular set of a genericCmap admits a stratification in submanifolds. The singular or critical set of a mapfC1(M)is defined as the set of points where the differential off is not invertible, and is denoted bySf. Our interest here is to determine how frequently the future orbit of a point intersects the critical set off, at least restricting the study to a residual set of maps.

Theorem 2.LetMbe a compact manifold of dimensionm. Given any positive integerr1it holds that:

1. There exists a residual subsetRr ofCr(M)such that, for everyfRr, and every zM, the set of integers n0such thatfn(z)Sf contains at mostmelements.

2. There exists a residual subsetPr ofCr(M)such that for every mapfPr it holds that

n0fn(Sf)does not intersect the set of periodic points off.

2. Proof of Theorem 1 and some consequences

In this section we prove our generic C1 closing lemma assuming that Theorem 2 holds. We first state Wen’s result. To do that we need some definitions. A treeF=(Q, f )is an infinite sequence of mutually disjoint nonempty finite setsQ0, Q1, . . . , Qn, . . .whereQ0consists of a single pointq0together with a mapf :Q− {q0} →Qwhere Q=

n=0Qn such thatf mapsQn intoQn1for eachn=1,2, . . .. An infinite sequenceq0, q1, . . . , qn, . . .is an infinite branch ofFiff (qn)=qn1for eachn=1,2, . . .. A treeFis called complete iff is onto.

We also denote byO(x)=

n0fn(x)the negative orbit ofx.

Theorem 3. (See [8].) Let fC1(M) and let x be a nonwandering point of f. Assume that there exists yO(x)Ω(f )such that

1. O(y)Ω(f )Sf = ∅.

2. (O(y)Ω(f ), f )is a complete tree.

Then, given anyC1neighbourhoodUoff inC1(M)andUopen set containingx, there existgU andpUsuch thatpis a periodic point ofg.

This theorem corresponds to the Case 1 in the proof of Theorem A in [8]. In that case it was assumed that O(y)Sf = ∅; the arguments used there can easily be adapted.

Lemma 1.LetR=R1P1the residual set inC1(M)as in Theorem2. LetfRand letx be a nonwandering point off. Then, one of following statements holds:

1. There existsyO(x)Ω(f )such thatf1(y)Ω(f )= ∅. 2. There existsyO(x)Ω(f )such that

(a) O(y)Ω(f )Sf = ∅.

(b) (O(y)Ω(f ), f )is a complete tree.

Proof. Assume that (1) does not happen. Then, for anyyO(x)Ω(f )we have thatf1(y)Ω(f )= ∅.Thus, any point yO(x)Ω(f ) is contained in an infinite branch Σx= {x0=x, x1, x2, . . .}withf (xn)=xn1for n1 and wherexiΩ(f ).SincefRit follows that any branchΣx containsat mostmsingular points. Among the branchesΣxΩ(f )take one with a maximal cardinality of singular points in it, sayΣ= {x0=x, x1, x2, . . .}.

Then, there existsn0such thatxn/Sf for allnn0Lety=xn0. It follows thatO(y)Ω(f )Sf = ∅, otherwise we contradict the way we have chosenΣ. In particular,fn(y)Ω(f )is finite for alln0. This and the fact that (1)does not hold imply that(O(y)Ω(f ), f )is a complete tree. Thus, we have proved that(2)holds. 2


By virtue of Theorem 3 and the previous Lemma 1, to prove the first part of Theorem 1 we have to handle the situation where there exists yO(x)Ω(f ) such thatf1(y)Ω(f )= ∅. We will prove this reasoning as in Case 2 of Theorem A in [8].

LetfRwhereRis as in Lemma 1, and letU be a neighborhood of f. We will use without proof that there existssuch that for anyrsmall andxM, ifu, wB(x, r)then there existsh:MM such thath(u)=w, supp(h)B(x, r)and thathfU. Heresupp(h)denotes the set of pointsysuch thath(y)=y. Letx be a non- wandering point (and non-periodic, otherwise there is nothing to prove) off and letUbe any open set containingx. LetyO(x)Ω(f ) such thatf1(y)Ω(f )= ∅. Letk be such thatfk(y)=x and consider V an open set containing y such that fi(V ), i=0, . . . , kare disjoint and fk(V )U. Consider a decreasing sequence rn→0 such thatB(y, rn)V for alln. Sincey is nonwandering, we can pickznB(y, rn)such thatfmn(zn)B(y, rn) for somemn (which is larger thank) andfi(zn) /B(y, rn)for 1imn−1. Thus, we have thatfmn(zn)y and, taking a subsequence if necessary, we have thatfmn1(zn)wwithf (w)=y. Sincew is wandering, there exists an open setW containingw such thatfi(W )W= ∅for alli1. Therefore, fornlarge enough, we can take h1 supported onW such that h1(fmn1(zn))=w and h1fU. (We would like to push fmn1(zn) to a preimage ofzn but this is not possible, there is no preimage of zn inW). Consider alsoh2supported onB(y, rn) such that h2(y)=zn such that h2fU. Let h:MM be h=h1 inW,h=h2 on B(y, rn)and otherwise the identity. It follows that g=hfU. Notice thatzn, f (zn), . . . , fmn2(zn)does not intersectsW sinceW is wandering. On the other hand,f (zn), . . . , fmn1(zn)does not go throughB(y, rn)by the way we have chosenmn. Thereforegi(zn)=fi(zn)for i=0, . . . , mn−2. Now,gmn1(zn)=g(fmn2(zn))=h1(fmn1(zn))=w. And fi- nally,gmn(zn)=g(w)=h(f (w))=h2(y)=zn. Therefore,znisgperiodic. Moreovergk(zn)=fk(zn)U,and so we found agperiodic point inU. This completes the proof of the closing lemma forfR.

To complete the proof of Theorem 1, we must prove that there exist a residual subsetDofRsuch that for every fDthe set of periodic points is dense in the nonwandering set. This follows by standard arguments. Let{Un}n∈N

be a countable basis ofM. For alln∈Nconsider:



Perh(f )Un= ∅

beingPerh(f )the set of hyperbolic periodic points off, and considerBn=C1(M)An. From the continuation of hyperbolic periodic points we know thatAn is an open set and thereforeAnBnis open and dense∀n∈N. Then D1=

n∈N(AnBn)is a residual set onC1(M). Let us see that iffD:=D1RthenΩ(f )=Per(f ).

Suppose, by contradiction, that exist somexΩ(f )−Per(f ), and letn∈Nsuch thatxUnandUnPer(f )= ∅ (in particularf /An). From the first part of Theorem 1, we know that for everyε >0 there existsgεC1(M)such that theC1distance betweenf andgεis less thanεandxPer(gε). Now we perturbgεto transformxon a hyperbolic periodic point keeping theC1distance betweenf andgεless thanε. This implies thatgεAnand thereforef /Bn, thenf /AnBnwhich is absurd becausefD.

Now we state some straightforward consequence of our main result.

Corollary 1.LetfC1(M)aC1Ω-stable map. ThenΩ(f )=Per(f ).

Now, lets define the set E1(M)=int

fC1(M): everypPer(f )is hyperbolic

whereintmeans “interior”. In other words,E1(M)is the set of endomorphisms such that there exists a neighborhood of it such that any periodic point of any endomorphism in this neighborhood es hyperbolic. ForfE1(M)we denote byPi(f )the set of periodic points of indexi(i.e.dimEps =i).

Corollary 2.LetfE1(M). Then,

1. There exists a neighborhoodV(f )such that ifUis a neighborhood of Per(f )andgV(f )satisfiesg=f inU, then Per(f )=Per(g).

2. There exists a neighborhoodV(f )such that ifUis a neighborhood ofPi(f )andgV(f )satisfiesg=f inU, thenPi(f )=Pi(g).


The proof of this corollary is simple and it is the same as for diffeomorphisms. Indeed, just take VE1(M) connected and the result follows from the fact that for eachnthe mapsν:V→Z,ν(g)={pPer(g): π(p)=n} andνi:V→Z,νi(g)={pPi(g): π(p)=n}are continuous and hence constants.

3. Singularities of self mappings

The first assertion in Theorem 2 will be a consequence of the following transversality result:

Theorem 4.Given a compact manifoldM, and anyn >0, defineGnas the set of mapsfC(M)such that the two following conditions hold:

1. For everyj n,fj(Sf)is a stratified submanifold.

2. The sequence of stratified submanifolds{fj(Sf)0jn}is in general position.

ThenGnis open and dense for everyn0.

3.1. Preliminaries on critical sets and transversality

In this subsection we collect some definitions and standard results, in preparation to the proof of Theorem 4.

There exist different definitions of stratifications of sets. The more adequate to our purposes is the following.

Definition 1. Given a smooth manifoldM, a pair(N, Σ )is a stratified submanifold ofM ifΣ= {N1, . . . , Nk}is a (finite) partition of a subsetN ofM, where eachNi is a (not necessarily closed) submanifold ofM such that the following conditions hold:

1. The union

ijNi is a closed set for everyjk.

2. For everyj k,xNj, and any vectorv tangent toNj atx, there exists a sequence(xn, vn)inT Nj1that converges to(x, v)inT M.

Note that the second condition implies that the dimensions of the submanifolds Ni are decreasing. Each of the submanifoldsNiΣis called a stratum. It is also common to say thatΣ is a stratification ofN.

The most relevant example is the setLs(Rm)of singular linear endomorphisms ofRm. IfLj denotes the set of linear maps having kernel of dimensionj, then{L1, . . . , Lm}is a stratification ofLs(Rm). Note that the codimension ofLj in them2-dimensional space of all linear self maps ofRmisj2.

Definition 2.GivenfC1(M)and 1j m, letSj(f )be the set of pointsxMsuch that the kernel ofDfxhas dimensionj.

Theorem 5.Given any compact manifoldMthere exists an open dense setGofC(M)such that for everyfG the following condition holds:

eitherSf is empty or there exists a maximumk=k(f )such thatSj(f )is nonempty for everyjkand is empty for everyj > k.

IfSf is not empty, so that the second alternative holds, then(Sf, Σf), whereΣf = {S1(f ), . . . , Sk(f )}, is a stratified submanifold ofM.

There existsG0open and dense inGsuch that for everyfG0no critical point off is fixed.

The proof of the first statement consists in using jets to formalize the idea that for an open and dense set fC(Rm)it holds thatDf is transverse to the stratified submanifoldLs(Rm)of the previous example. This proof can be found in Chapter VI of [1]. The proof of the last assertion is trivial, it will be used in the proof of the second assertion of Theorem 2.


There is another local property that will be used in the proof of Theorem 4. Given a mapfGand a pointxSf, there exist neighborhoodsUoff andUofxsuch that ifgUandSgUSf, thenSgU=SfU. This follows from the genericity of critical points.

Definition 3.LetMbe a compact manifold.

1. Any set{Ni: iI}of submanifolds ofMis transverse (also called in general position) if for any finite subsetJ of I such thatNJ :=

{jJ}Nj is nonempty, it holds thatNJ is a submanifold whose codimension is equal to the sum of the codimensions of theNj withjJ. This is denoted by{Ni: iI}.

2. A set{(Ni, Σi): iI}of stratified submanifolds ofMis transverse if{Ni: iI}for each choice of submani- foldsNiΣi. The notation is{Σi: iI}.

3. LetM0be a manifold; a smooth mapf :MM0 is transverse to a submanifoldN ofM0ifDfx(Tx(M))+ Tf (x)(N )=Tf (x)(M0)for everyxsuch thatf (x)N.

4. A mapfC(M)is transverse to a stratified submanifold(N, Σ )if it is transverse to eachNiΣ. The notation isf Σ.

IfV is an open subset of the manifoldMwe say thatf is transverse toΣ inV iff|V Σ.

Theorem 6.LetMandM0be manifolds, where onlyMis assumed to be compact.

Iff :MM0is aCmap transverse to a stratified submanifold(N, Σ )ofM0, then f1(Σ ):=

f1(Ni): NiΣ

is a stratification off1(N ). The codimensions ofNiandf1(Ni)are equal.

The set of smooth mapsf such thatfΣ is open and dense inC(M, M0).

The last assertion of this statement deserves an explanation. Recall that the submanifolds belonging toΣ are not necessarily closed; so it is not trivial a priori that the set of mapsf such thatfNis open whenNΣ. However, if f Nk, wherekis maximum such that the intersection ofNkwith the image off is not empty, then the last item in the definition of a stratified submanifold implies that everyCperturbation off is transverse toNjfor everyjk, and does not intersectNj for everyj > k.

This theorem is a consequence of the Thom Transversality Theorem, which is stated here in a mild version, suffi- cient for all our purposes.

Theorem 7.LetΛbe an open set in an Euclidean space,Mand N compact manifolds and assume that a smooth mapF :Λ×MN is transverse to a compact submanifoldV ofN. Then the set ofλΛsuch thatFλV has total(Lebesgue)measure inΛ, whereFλ:MN is the map defined byFλ(x)=F (λ, x).

One also has continuous dependence of f1(N )onf. Indeed, a possible way of defining this continuity is as follows:

Theorem 8.Letf :MM0be a smooth map transverse to a stratified submanifold(N, Σ )ofM0. Given a sub- manifoldN0Mtransverse tof1(Σ ), there exists aCneighborhoodU off such thatg1(Σ )is transverse to N0for everygU.

3.2. Proof of Part 1 of Theorem 2

Until now we treat withCmaps, in preparation for the proof of Theorem 4. Now we give the proof of Part 1 of Theorem 2 and for this it is necessary to treat maps that are notC.

For maps inC1(M), the variation of the critical sets is not continuous; however, the following semicontinuity is easy to establish:

GivenfC1(M)and a neighborhoodUofSf, there exists a neighborhoodV0off such thatSgUfor every gV0.


Theorem 4 implies Part 1 of Theorem 2:

Givenn >0, letUnbe the set offCr(M)such that sup



0jn: fj(z)Sf


wheremis the dimension ofM.

Proof thatUnis open inCr(M).

LetfUn; givenzMthere exist neighborhoodsDzofz,Uz ofSf andVzCr(M)off such thatgj(Dz)Uz= ∅for everygVzand every 0jnsuch thatfj(z) /Sf. CoverMwith a finite number of suchDz, and let U andVbe the intersections of the correspondingUzandVz. LetV be the intersection ofVwith the neighborhood V0associated to the neighborhoodUofSf given by the semicontinuity ofSf stated above. Then, for everygVand zM, it holds thatgj(z)Sgfor at mostmiterates between 0 andn. This proves the claim.

Proof thatUnis dense inCr(M).

Given anyCr open setU, use the denseness ofC(M)inCr(M)and Theorem 4 to get a mapgGnU. To prove thatgUn, letxMand{j1, . . . jk}be the set of indexesj nsuch thatgj(x)Sg. LetNi be the stratum of gji(Sg)that containsx. By Theorem 4 the set{N1, . . . , Nk}is transverse (in general position), and as it has nonempty intersection, it comes that:



Ni =



This proves the density ofUn.

To conclude the proof of Part 1 of Theorem 2, letRr be equal to the intersection of theUnwithn1.

3.3. Perturbation techniques

The first result needed for the proof of Theorem 4, allows us to make local perturbations without changing the critical set:

Lemma 2.Letf :Rm→Rmbe aCmap in the open and dense setGobtained in Theorem5and let0∈Sf be a critical point. There exist arbitrary small numbersaandb,0< a < b, and aCnonnegative functionϕequal to1 inBa, equal to0outsideBband whose gradient is orthogonal to the kernel ofDf at each critical point off inBb. (Badenotes the ball centered at0and having radiusa.)

Proof. Assume thatf (0)=0 and defineN (x)= f (x)2. There exists a neighborhoodB of 0 such thatf1(0)B= {0}, so one can choose an arbitrary small positive numberbsuch thatm=min{N (x): x∂Bb}is positive, where

∂B denotes the boundary of the setB. Choose anym(0, m)and leta(0, b)be such thatN (x) < mfor every x< a. Now leth: [0,+∞)→Rbe aCnonnegative function such thath(t )=0 iftm, andh(t )=1 iftm. Finally define the functionϕas being equal to 0 outsideBband such thatϕ(x)=h(N (x))inBb.

Note that ∇ϕ(x)=h(N (x))N (x) in Bb, and that∇N (x) is a linear combination of the rows of the matrix associated toDfx, hence orthogonal to the kernel ofDfx. 2

Definition 4.GivenfC(M),xMand a neighborhoodUoff, say that a triple(V , U, f1)is adequate tox, f,U if the following conditions hold:

1. BothUandV are open neighborhoods ofxsuch thatVU. 2. f1is a map inU that coincides withf outsideU.

3. Sf =Sf1.

For the proof of the theorem, we will still need two preliminary results where some local perturbations are per- formed. The first one says that we can perturb in order to make transverse the preimage of transverse manifolds, without changing the preimage of one of them. This will be used in the induction step.


Proposition 1.LetfG0(G0as in the last assertion of Theorem5),U aCneighborhood off andxSf such thatf (x)N1N2, andf N2, whereN1 andN2 are transverse submanifolds. There exists an adequate triple (V , U, f1)forx, f,U such thatf11(N2)=f1(N2)and:

1. f1N1inV.

2. f11(N1)f11(N2)inV.

Before beginning with the proof note that the transversality ofN1andN2does not imply the transversality of its preimages. It is easy to prove that if, in addition,f is transverse toN1N2, thenf1(N1)f1(N2).

Proof. Let(U, τ1)be a local chart atx such thatf (U)V, where(V, τ2)is a local chart atf (x). Asx is not fixed forf one can chooseUsuch thatf (U)U= ∅. By taking adequate local charts one can also assume that τ2(Ni)is a subspaceWi fori=1,2. Of course,W1W2. Letf˜=τ21f τ1:Rm→Rmand define, for the functionϕ of Lemma 2, and for eachwW2, the maps

F :Rm×W2→Rm byF (X, w)= ˜f (X)+ϕ(X)w and for eachwW2,f˜w:Rm→Rmbyf˜w(X)=F (X, w).

Note thatDF(0,0)generatesW2, from which it follows thatF W1in a neighborhood of(0,0), sinceW1andW2 are transverse. By the parametrized transversality theorem it comes thatf˜wW1for an open set of valueswW2. Therefore, it is no loss of generality to assume from the beginning thatf˜is transverse toW1.

Note also thatDF(0,0)is a submersion, because (by hypothesis)xF =Df˜xgenerates a subspace complementary toW2andwF generatesW2.

Letf˜w(X)=F (X, w)and choosewsmall so thatf˜w is transverse toW1W2in a ballBa. Observe that every critical point off˜is a critical point off˜wbecause the gradient of∇ϕis orthogonal to the kernel ofDf˜. This implies by genericity thatSf˜=Sf˜

w. Definef1as the map that coincides withf outsideU=τ11(Bb)and is equal toτ21f˜wτ1 inV =τ11(Ba). Therefore, there exist vectorswof arbitrary small norm such that the triple(V , U, f1)is adequate to x, f,U.

By the choice ofwW2it comes that the preimages ofN2underf1andf2are equal. On the other hand,f1is transverse toN1andf11(N1)f11(N2), by the remark preceding the proof of the proposition. 2

The second ingredient in the proof of the induction step of Theorem 4 is the following proposition, intended to show thatSf can be made transverse to a newfn(Sf)without changingfj(Sf)forjn−1.

Proposition 2.Suppose thatf is a map inC(M),N1andN2are transverse submanifolds ofMandf N1N2. If N0is another submanifold ofM,Uis a neighborhood off, andx is a point inMsuch thatxN0f1(N1N2), then there exists a triple(V , U, f1)adequate tox,f,U, such that:

1. N0f11(N1), and 2. f11(N2)=f1(N2).

Proof. As in the proof of the above proposition, one can assume that f acts in Rm and that each Ni is a linear space. The mapf1will be obtained from a perturbation of the typef1(x)=f (x)+w2ϕ(x), forw2W2andϕas in Lemma 2. DefineL=Dfxand letV be a subspace whereLis injective and such thatL(V )W1=Rmthis last exists becauseLis transverse toW1W2. Letπ:W2LV be the projection which assigns to eachw2its component in LV relative to the decompositionLVW1=Rm. Letπ0=(L|V )1π. Note thatπ0:W2V is surjective since W2+W1=Rm. Note thatL1(W1+w2)=L1(W1)+π0(w2)forw2W2. AsVL1(W1)=Rm, it follows thatL1(W1)+v is transverse toW0for almost everyvV. Asπ0 is surjective, it comes thatL1(W1+w2)is transverse toW0for almost everyw2W2.

This is equivalent to say thatLw1

2(W1)is transverse toW0, whereLw=L+w. But this must hold also forfw2, that is arbitrarily close toLw2. 2


3.4. Proof of Theorem 4

It will be proved that ifnis a given nonnegative integer, then:

Sf, f1(Sf), . . . , fn(Sf)

for everyf in an open and dense subset ofC(M). The proof will be done by induction.

The initial step requires thatSf is a stratified submanifold; this is an immediate consequence of Theorem 5.

Induction step:Assume that for everyf in some open and dense setVnit holds that for each 0jn,fj(Sf)is a stratified submanifold and

Sf, f1(Sf), . . . , fn(Sf) .

We have to prove that there exists an open and dense setVn+1such that forgVn+1we have 1. gj(Sg)is a stratified submanifold for everyj n+1.

2. {Sg, g1(Sg), . . . , g(n+1)(Sg)}.

Notice that the set of mapsgsatisfying each one of (1) and (2) is open. So, to complete the induction step it suffices to show that in any nonempty open setU contained inVnthere exists a mapgsatisfying (1) and (2).

Let us prove first that f1(n+1)(Sf1)is a stratified submanifold for somef1U. For this, it is sufficient to find f1Usuch thatf1f1n(Sf1).

LetfU. For everyxSffn+1(Sf), letJxbe the set of indexesj∈ {1, . . . , n}such thatxfj(Sf), and for everyjJx, letMjbe the stratum offj(Sf)containingx. Take a neighborhoodUofxsuch thatf (U )U= ∅and the following two conditions hold: first,Ufk(Sf)= ∅for every 1knthat does not belong toJx, and second, that UM= ∅for every stratumMof fj(Sf)of dimension less than that ofMj. DefineN2=

jJxf (Mj) and letN1be the stratum offn(Sf)containingf (x). It follows thatf (x)N1N2. Note that by the hypothesis of the induction, N1N2 andf N2. So Proposition 1 can be applied to obtain a triple (V , U, f1)adequate to x, f,U such thatf1N1inV, whilef11(N2)=f1(N2). The point here is that the perturbation off is supported inU, and as the preimage of N2 is not changed when the perturbation is made, thenN1can be thought as a fixed manifold that does not depend on the map. It follows thatf1f1n(Sf)inV, which provides the perturbation that makesf1f1n(Sf)locally. The way these local perturbations are accomplished in order to obtain a mapf1that is transverse tof1n(Sf1)is standard and can be done by means of partitions of unity, as in the proof of the Transversality Theorem, see references [2, Theorem 3.2], [3, Section 3.2] or [1, Theorem 4.9].

Once it is known that f1(n+1)(Sf1)is a stratified submanifold, this property persists in a neighborhood of f1 (contained inU). For eachxM, defineJ (x)as the set of indexes 0jn+1 such thatf1j(x)Sf1. Let alsoMj be the stratum off1j(Sf1)that containsx. If 0∈/Jx, then there is nothing to prove sincef1is locally a diffeomorphism aroundx and the induction hypothesis implies that the images of these submanifolds form a transverse set. On the other hand, ifn+1∈/Jx, the induction hypothesis applies directly. For the other cases take a neighborhoodUofxas above.

DefineN1=f1(Mn+1), and




By hypothesis,N1andN2are transverse submanifolds andf1is transverse to their intersection. We will show that we can perturbf1to obtaingso thatSg is transverse tog1(N1N2). First show that we can perturb to obtainf2 such thatSf2 is transverse to the preimage ofN1by applying Proposition 2. Indeed, letN0=M0be the stratum of Sf1that containsx; thenN0can be considered as a fixed submanifold because the perturbations leaveSf1 unchanged by Lemma 2, as well asN1andN2, that do not change by the choice of the perturbations. We will now perturb this map in order to prove that the intersection of the corresponding{Mj: jJx}is transverse at x. To do this apply Proposition 2 again, takingN1andN2as above but definingN0=

jJx\{n+1}Mj. As before, by means of partition of unity we obtaingUsatisfying (1) and (2). This finishes the proof of Theorem 4.


3.5. Proof of Part 2 of Theorem 2

Proof. Given integersnandk, wheren0 andk1, denote byPkn(f )the set of pointsxMsuch thatfn(x)is a periodic point off of period at mostk. Given any fixedk >0, there exists an open and dense setKSk such that, for everyfKSk, every periodic point off of period at mostkis hyperbolic. In particular, for everyfKSk, the following properties hold:Pk0(f )is a finite set, it varies continuously withf, and it does not intersect the critical set off. Now fix somer1 and define:


f: Pkn(f )Sf = ∅ .

Note thatAnk is open inCr(M); indeed, given disjoint neighborhoodsU of Pkn(f )andV of Sf, it is clear that for every perturbationgoff it holds thatPkn(g)UandSgV.

Fix some positivek. We will prove now by induction onn that everyAnk is dense inCr(M). This implies the theorem.

To prove the claim, letfCr(M)andU a neighborhood off. We can begin takingfKSkG as both are residual sets. The initial step of the induction is then consequence offKSk. So assume thatfAnk1. Note that asfG, the preimage of any point is a finite set, so it is sufficient to prove that ifxSfPkn(f )then there exists a perturbationgoff such thatPkn(g)SgU= ∅for some neighborhoodUofx. So begin with anxSfPkn(f );

there exists a neighborhoodUof x such thatUPkn1(f )= ∅and such thatx is the unique point ofSfPkn(f ) inU. AsPkn1(f )is a (zero-dimensional) submanifold, one can use again the Thom Transversality Theorem to find a mapgUsuch that the restriction ofgtoUis transverse toPkn1(f )andf =goutside the closure ofU. This last assertion implies thatPkn1(g)=Pkn1(f )by the choice ofU. It follows thatg|U is transverse toPkn1(g)which is equivalent to say that every point ofPkn1(g)is a regular value ofg, or thatPkn(g)SgU= ∅. This provides the proof of the induction step. 2


We are grateful to Sylvain Croviser, Pablo Guarino and Andrés Sambarino for useful and enlightening discussions.


[1] M. Golubitsky, V. Guillemin, Stable Mappings and Their Singularities, Grad. Texts in Math., vol. 14, Springer, New York, 1973.

[2] D. Kahn, Introduction to Global Analysis, Academic Press, 1980.

[3] M. Hirsch, Differential Topology, fourth ed., Grad. Texts in Math., vol. 33, Springer, 1991.

[4] C. Pugh, The closing lemma, Amer. J. Math. 89 (1967) 956–1009.

[5] C. Pugh, C. Robinson, The closing lemma, including Hamiltonians, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 3 (2) (1983) 261–313.

[6] M. Shub, Endomorphisms of compact differentiable manifolds, Amer. J. Math. 91 (1969) 175–199.

[7] L. Wen, TheC1closing lemma for non-singular endomorphisms, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 11 (1991) 393–412.

[8] L. Wen, TheC1closing lemma for endomorphisms with finitely many singularities, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 114 (1992) 217–223.


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