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Perturbing the hexagonal circle packing: a percolation perspective


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www.imstat.org/aihp 2013, Vol. 49, No. 4, 1141–1157


© Association des Publications de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, 2013

Perturbing the hexagonal circle packing: A percolation perspective

Itai Benjamini


and Alexandre Stauffer


aWeizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel. E-mail:itai.benjamini@weizmann.ac.il bComputer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. E-mail:stauffer@cs.berkeley.edu

Received 20 January 2012; revised 15 August 2012; accepted 3 September 2012

Abstract. We consider the hexagonal circle packing with radius 1/2 and perturb it by letting the circles move as independent Brownian motions for timet. It is shown that, for large enought, ifΠtis the point process given by the center of the circles at time t, then, ast→ ∞, the critical radius for circles centered atΠt to contain an infinite component converges to that of continuum percolation (which was shown – based on a Monte Carlo estimate – by Balister, Bollobás and Walters to be strictly bigger than 1/2). On the other hand, for small enought, we show (using a Monte Carlo estimate for a fixed but high dimensional integral) that the union of the circles contains an infinite connected component. We discuss some extensions and open problems.

Résumé. Nous considérons une juxtaposition hexagonale de cercles de rayon 1/2 et nous la perturbons en laissant les cercles évoluer comme des mouvements browniens indépendants pendant un tempst. Nous montrons que, pourtsuffisamment grand, si Πtest le processus de points donné par les centres des cercles au tempst, alors quandt→ ∞, le rayon critique pour que les cercles centrés enΠt contienne une composante infinie converge vers celui de la percolation continue (qui est strictement plus grand que 1/2 comme l’ont montré Balister, Bollobás et Walters). D’un autre coté, pourtsuffisamment petit, nous montrons (à l’aide d’une estimation de Monte Carlo pour une intégrale de grande dimension) que l’union des cercles contient une composante infinie. Nous discutons aussi des généralisations et des problèmes ouverts.

MSC:Primary 82C43; secondary 60G55; 60K35; 52C26

Keywords:Hexagonal circle packing; Brownian motion; Continuum percolation

1. Introduction

LetT be the triangular lattice with edge length 1 and letΠ0be the set of vertices ofT. We seeΠ0as a point process and, to avoid ambiguity, we use the termnodeto refer to the points ofΠ0. Now, for each nodeuΠ0, we add a ball of radius 1/2 centered atu, and setR(Π0)to be the region ofR2obtained by the union of these balls; more formally,




whereB(y, r)denotes the closed ball of radiusrcentered aty. In this way,R(Π0)is the so-called hexagonal circle packing ofR2; refer to [4] for more information on packings. Clearly, the regionR(Π0)is aconnectedsubset ofR2.

1Supported by a Fulbright/CAPES scholarship and NSF Grants CCF-0635153 and DMS-05-28488.


Our goal is to analyze how this set evolves as we let the nodes of Π0 move on R2 according to independent Brownian motions. For anyt >0, letΠt be the point process obtained after the nodes have moved for timet. More formally, for each nodeuΠ0, letu(t))t be an independent Brownian motion onR2starting at the origin, and set



u+ζu(t) .

A natural question is whether there exists a phase transition ontsuch thatR(Πt)has an infinite component for small tbut has only finite components for larget.

Intuitively, for sufficiently large time, one expects that Πt will look like a Poisson point process with intensity 2/√

3, which is the density of nodes in the triangular lattice. Then, for sufficiently larget,R(Πt)will contain an infinite component almost surely only ifR(Φ)contains an infinite component whereΦ is a Poisson point process of intensityλ=2/√

3. In the literature,R(Φ)is referred to as the Boolean model. For this model, it is known that there exists a valueλcso that, ifλ < λc, then all connected components ofR(Φ)are finite almost surely [9]. On the other hand, ifλ > λc, thenR(Φ)contains an infinite connected component. The value ofλcis currently unknown and depends on the radius of the balls in the definition of the regionR. When the balls have radius 1/2, it is known that λcsatisfies 0.52≤λc≤3.38 [3], Chapter 8, but these bounds do not answer whether 2/√

3 is smaller or larger than λc. However, using a Monte Carlo analysis, Balister, Bollobás and Walters [2] showed that, with 99.99% confidence, λclies between 1.434 and 1.438, which are both larger than 2/√

3. We then have the following two theorems, whose proofs we give in Section3.

Theorem 1.1. Ifλc>2/√

3, whereλc is the critical intensity for percolation of the Boolean model with balls of radius1/2,then there exists a positivet0so that,for allt > t0,R(Πt)contains no infinite component almost surely.

For the next theorem, we note that, for eacht, there exists a critical radius rc(t)so that, adding balls of radius r > rc(t)centered at the points ofΠtgives that the union of these balls contains an infinite component almost surely.

Theorem 1.2. Ast→ ∞,we have thatrc(t)converges to the critical radius for percolation of the Boolean model with intensity2/√


Before proving Theorems1.1and1.2in Section3, we devote Section2 to prove Theorem1.3below, which we believe to be of independent interest. Consider a tessellation ofR2into regular hexagons of side lengthδ

t, whereδ is an arbitrarily small constant. LetI denote the set of points ofR2that are the centers of these hexagons. Then, for eachiI, denote the hexagon with center atibyQi and define a Bernoulli random variableXi with parameterp independently of the otherXj,j=i. Define

C(p, δ)=



Whenp >1/2, which is the critical probability for site percolation on the triangular lattice, we have thatC(p, δ) contains a unique infinite connected component. We are now ready to state our main technical result, Theorem1.3 below. In Section2, we actually prove a stronger version of this theorem (Theorem2.2), from which Theorem1.3 follows.

Theorem 1.3. There exists a universal constantc >0and,for anyp(0,1)that can be arbitrarily close to1and any arbitrarily smallδ >0,there exists at0>0 such that,for allt > t0,we can coupleΠt,(Xi)iI and a Poisson point processΦ of intensity2

3+cδso that ΠtC(p, δ)ΦC(p, δ).

In words, Theorem1.3establishes thatΠt isstochastically dominatedby a Poisson point process insideC(p, δ).

As we show later in Lemma2.1,Πt cannot be stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process in the whole ofR2.


We note that the opposite direction of Theorem1.3was established by Sinclair and Stauffer [14], Proposition 4.1, who proved that, under some conditions on the initial location of the nodes, after moving as independent Brownian motions for timet, the nodesstochastically dominatea Poisson point process. The result of Sinclair and Stauffer has been used and refined in [13,15], and turned out to be a useful tool in the analysis of increasing events for models of mobile nodes, such as the so-called percolation time in [13] and detection time in [15]. We expect that the ideas in our proof of Theorem1.3can help in the analysis ofdecreasingevents, which have so far received less attention.

We remark that the proof of our Theorem1.3requires a more delicate analysis than that of Sinclair and Stauffer.

In their case, nodes that ended up moving atypically far away during the interval[0, t]could be simply disregarded as it is possible to show that the typical nodes already stochastically dominate a Poisson point process. In our setting, no node can be disregarded, regardless of how atypical its motion turns out to be. In order to solve this problem, we first consider what we call well behaved nodes, which among other things satisfy that their motion during [0, t]is contained in some ball of radiusc

t for some large constant c(we defer the complete definition of well behaved nodes to Section2). The definition of well behaved nodes is carefully specified so that any given node is likely to be well behaved and, in addition, it is possible to show that well behaved nodes are stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process insideC(p, δ). For the remaining nodes, which comprise only a small density of nodes, we use a sprinkling argument to replace them already at time 0 by a Poisson point process of low intensity. Then, even though the motion of the nodes that are not well behaved is hard to control, we use the fact that they are a Poisson point process at time 0 to show that, at timet, they stochastically dominate a Poisson point process of low intensity.

Now, for the case when the nodes ofΠ0move for only asmalltimet, we believe the following is true.

Conjecture 1.4. There exists at0>0so that,for allt < t0,R(Πt)contains an infinite component almost surely.

We are able to establish the conjecture above given a Monte Carlo estimate for a finite but high dimensional integral. We discuss the details in Section4. Note that if Conjecture1.4is true, then a curious consequence of this and Theorem1.2is thatrc(t)is not monotone int.

We conclude in Section5with some extensions and open problems.

2. Stochastic domination

We devote this section to the proof of our main technical result, Theorem1.3, where we study the behavior of the balls after they have moved for a timetthat is sufficiently large. We will prove a stronger version of Theorem1.3(see Theorem2.2below), from which Theorem1.3will follow. In Section3we show how to use this result to establish Theorems1.1and1.2.

Intuitively, ast→ ∞,Πt looks like an independent Poisson point process of intensity 2/√

3. Since the intensity of Φis larger than 2/√

3, we would like to argue that there exists a coupling betweenΦandΠtsuch thatΦcontainsΠt. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved in the whole ofR2, as established by the lemma below, which gives that, for any fixedt, the probability that a sufficiently large regionS⊂R2contains no node ofΠtis smaller than exp(−(2

3+ c

δ)vol(S)), which is the probability thatΦ has no node inS. Hence,Φ cannot stochastically dominateΠt in the whole ofR2.

Lemma 2.1. Fixtsufficiently large and letSbe a hexagon of side length(logt )

tobtained as the union of6(logt )2t triangles ofT.Then,there exists a positive constantcsuch that


c(logt )2vol(S) . Proof. For simplicity we assume that(logt )

t is an even integer. Letx be the middle point of Sand consider the hexagon S of side length logt2

t composed of 3(logt )2 2t triangles ofT and centered atx. Note thatS contains the ballB(x,

3 logt 2

t )andS is contained in the ballB(x,logt2

t). Therefore, a node ofΠ0that is insideScan only


be outside ofS at timet if it moves at least (

31)logt 2


t. For any fixed nodeuΠ0, we have from the Gaussian tail bound (cf. LemmaA.3) that


2≥ logt 3


≤ 3


(logt )2 18


Each node ofΠ0 belongs to 6 triangles ofT, then there are at least (logt )4 2t nodes ofΠ0inS. Since each of them need to move more thanlog3t

t by timetforSto contain no node ofΠt, we obtain

P(ΠtS=∅)≤ 3


(logt )2 18

((logt )2/4)t


(logt )4t 72


Since vol(S)=323(logt )2t, the proof is completed.

Now we turn to the proof of Theorem1.3. The goal is to show thatΦ containsΠt inside a percolating cluster of a suitable tessellation ofR2. For this, we tessellateR2into hexagons of side lengthδ

t. We take this tessellation in such a way that no point ofΠ0lies on the edges of the hexagons; this is not crucial for the proof but simplifies the explanations in the sequel. LetHdenote the set of these hexagons. Consider a nodevΠ0. LetQi be the hexagon ofHthat containsvand letvbe a copy ofvlocated at the same position asvat time 0. We letvmove up to timet according to a certain procedure that we will describe in a moment, and then we say thatviswell behavedif we are able to couple the motion ofvwith the motion ofvso thatvandvare at the same location at timet. Recall thatI is the set of points given by the centers of the hexagons inH. ForiI, we define


jI: sup


t , (1)


C=4δ3/2. (2)

Fori, j such thatjJi we say thatiandjare neighbors.

Before we describe the motion ofv, we will state a stronger version of Theorem1.3. For a Poisson point process Ξ and an eventEwhich is measurable with respect to theσ-algebra induced byΞ, we say thatEisdecreasingif the fact thatEholds for a Poisson point processΞ implies thatEholds for allΞΞ. Theorem1.3follows from the theorem below withEibeing the trivial event that always hold regardless ofΞ.

Theorem 2.2. There exists a universal constantc >0 so that the following holds for anyp(0,1)that can be arbitrarily close to 1 and any δ >0 that can be arbitrarily small. For eachiI,let Ei be a decreasing event measurable with respect to theσ-algebra induced byΦ

jJiQj,whereΦis a Poisson point process of intensity

2 3+c

δ.Assume that,for any fixedδ >0,ast→ ∞,we haveP(Ei)→1,and letC be the union of theQi for whichEi holds.Then,there exists at0=t0(p, δ) >0such that,for allt > t0,we can coupleΠt,(Xi)iI andΦ so thatCC(p, δ)and

ΠtC(p, δ)ΦC(p, δ).

Remark 2.3. In Theorem2.2above,it is not crucial thatEi is measurable with respect to theσ-algebra induced by Φ(

jJiQj).This condition is enough for our purposes,but Theorem2.2also holds if,for eachiI,Eidepends only on a set of eventsEj whose cardinality is bounded above by a constant independent oft.


We devote the remainder of this section to prove Theorem2.2. We start describing the motion ofv. Letft be the density function for the location of a Brownian motion at timet given that it starts at the origin ofR2. We fixtand, for eachi, jI such thatiandj are neighbors, we let

ϕt(i, j )= inf

xQi,yQjft(yx). (3)

Ifiandj are not neighbors we setϕt(i, j )=0. Then, the motion ofvis described by first choosing ajJi with probability proportional toϕt(i, j )and then placingvuniformly at random in Qj. The main intuition behind this definition is that, when v is well behaved, its position inside Qj has the same distribution as that of a node of a Poisson point process insideQj. Therefore, as long as the number of well behaved nodes that end up inQjis smaller than the number of nodes in ΦQj, we will be able to couple them with Φ. Another important feature of the definition of well behaved nodes is that, ifvis well behaved and ends up moving to hexagonQj, then we know that, at time 0,v was in some hexagon ofJj. In particular, there is a bounded number of hexagons from whichv could have moved toQj, which allows us to control dependencies.

Now we show that nodes are likely to be well behaved. Since the area of each hexagon ofHis 3


2 δ2t, we have that

P(vis well behaved)=


3√ 3

2 δ2t ϕt(i, j ). (4)

The idea is thatδ is sufficiently small so thatft varies very little (i.e., ft is essentially constant) inside any given hexagon ofH, but, at the same time,Cδis large so that the probability thatvmoves to an hexagon that is not inJi is small. We can then obtain in the lemma below that the probability thatvis well behaved is large.

Lemma 2.4. Letvbe a node ofΠ0located inQi.We have (C−3)2≤ |Ji| ≤4

3C2, and,for sufficiently larget,we have

P(vis well behaved)≥1−6√ δ.

Proof. Forj /Ji, we know, by definition, that there exist ax0Qi and ay0Qj such thatx0y02> Cδt. Then, by the triangle inequality, we have that, for anyyQj,



t , (5)

where we used the fact that, for any two pointsy, y0in the same hexagon, we haveyy02≤2δ√

t and, for any xQi we haveix2δ

t. Therefore, if we add balls of radiusδ

t centered at eachjJi, these balls cover the whole ofB(i, Cδ


t), which yields

|Ji| ≥vol(B(i, Cδ√

t−3δ√ t )) vol(B(0, δ√

t )) =(C−3)2. For the other direction, note that if we add balls of radius

3 2 δ

tcentered at eachjJi, these balls are disjoint and their union is contained inB(i, Cδ

t ), which gives

|Ji| ≤ vol(B(i, Cδ√ t )) vol(B(0, (√

3/2)δ√ t ))=4



Now we prove the second part of the lemma. Note that, using (4) and (3), we have P(vis well behaved)=


3√ 3 2


−supxQi,yQjxy22 2t



1 2πt exp

(zi2+3δ√ t )2 2t

dz, (6)

where the last step follows by the triangle inequality. Now, from (5), the ballB(i, Cδ

t −3δ√

t ) only intersects hexagons that are neighbors ofi. We denote bySa= [−a/2, a/2]2 the square of side lengtha, and, for any z= (z1, z2)∈R2anda∈R+, we use the inequality(z2+a)2(|z1| +a)2+(|z2| +a)2. Then, applying (6), we obtain

P(vis well behaved)≥

B(0,Cδ t


1 2πtexp

(z2+3δ√ t)2 2t


S(2Cδt−6δ t )/


1 2πt exp

(z2+3δ√ t)2 2t



(Cδt+3(21)δt )/2


√1 2πt exp

z21 2t



1− 6δ

√2π− 2



δ2(C+3(√ 2−1))2 4


≥1− 12δ

√2π− 4


δ2C2 4


where the second to last step follows by the standard Gaussian tail bound (cf. LemmaA.3). Then, using the definition ofCin (2), we have that π4eδ2C2/4=πδe. Plugging this in the above inequality we obtain

P(vis well behaved)≥1−√ δ



2π + 1



δ for allδ(0,1].

We will treat the nodes that are not well behaved by means of another point process. For any pointx∈R2, we set q(x)=iifxQi. Then, letgt(x, y)be the density function for a nodevthat is not well behaved to move fromx to yafter timet. We have that

gt(x, y)=ft(yx)ϕt(q(x), q(y))

P(vis not well behaved) . (7)

For eachvΠ0, letNv(μ)be a Poisson random variable with meanμ, and letΨ0(μ)be the point process obtained by puttingNv(μ)points atvfor eachvΠ0. We set eμ=P(vis well behaved)and, from Lemma2.4and the fact thatδis sufficiently small, we henceforth assume thatμ≤1. We can then use a standard coupling argument so that Nv(μ)≥1 if and only ifvis not well behaved. The intuition is that, by replacing each node ofΠ0that is not well behaved by a Poisson number of nodes, we can exploit the thinning property of Poisson random variables to show that, as the nodes move, they are stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process.

For eachwΨ0(μ), letξw(t)be the position ofwat timetaccording to the density functiongt. DefineΨt(μ)to be the point process obtained by




The following lemma gives thatΨt(μ)is stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process.


Lemma 2.5. Defineμ so that eμ is the probability that a node of Π0 is well behaved.There exists a universal constantc >0such that,for anyδ(0,1),ifΨis a Poisson point process with intensityc

δ,then for all sufficiently largetit is possible to coupleΨwithΨt(μ)so thatΨt(μ)Ψ.

Proof. Since the nodes ofΨ0(μ)move independently of one another, we can apply the thinning property of Poisson random variables to obtain thatΨt(μ)is a Poisson point process. LetΛ(x)be the intensity ofΨt(μ)atx∈R2. By symmetry of Brownian motion and the symmetry in the motion of well behaved nodes, we have that



μgt(v, x)=


μgt(x, v). (8)

Recall that, for anyz∈R2and >0, we definez+S as the translation of the square[0, ]2so that its center is atz. Define the squareR1asx+St, the annulusR2as(x+S5Cδt)\R1and the regionR3asR2\(R1R2). We split the sum in (8) into three parts by considering the setsP1=Π0R1,P2=Π0R2andP3=Π0R3.

We start withP2. We can partition each hexagon ofHinto smaller hexagons of side length√

3/3 such that each point of Π0 is contained in exactly one such hexagon. This is possible since the dual lattice2of T is a hexagonal lattice of side length√

3/3, so the hexagons of side length√

3/3 mentioned above can be obtained by translating and rotating the dual lattice ofT. We denote byHthe set of hexagons of side length√

3/3 obtained in this way.

For each z∈R2, letHz be the hexagon that contains zinH. EachHz has side length √

3/3 and area√ 3/2.

Therefore, the distance between any two points ofHzis at most 2√

3/3. Thus, by the triangle inequality, we have that, for any pointzR2, the hexagonHzx+S5Cδt+43/3. Similarly, for any pointzR2, the hexagonHzdoes not intersectx+St43/3. LetR1 =x+St43/3andR2 =(x+S5Cδt+43/3)\R1, which gives that


μgt(x, v)≤ 2





μgt x, z


Now, note that P(vis not well behaved)μ =1μeμ11μ/2≤2 sinceμ≤1. Then, using the definition ofgt from (7) and the definition ofϕt in (3), we have that


μgt(x, v)≤ 4





ft zx

ϕt q(x), q

z dz

= 4





ft zx

− inf



xz dz.

Now, by the triangle inequality, we have that zx



3/3 and xz




2zx2+4δ√ t+2√


To simplify the equations we write 4δ√ t+2√


t, which holds for alltsufficiently large. With this, we have


μgt(x, v)

≤ 4



1 2πt


(zx2−2√ 3/3)2 2t


(zx2+5δ√ t )2 2t


2Recall that the dual lattice ofT is the lattice whose points are the faces ofT and two points are adjacent if their corresponding faces inT have a common edge.


Note that we can write exp

(zx2−2√ 3/3)2 2t


(zx2+5δ√ t)2 2t


exp 2√

3zx2−2 3t



t+25δ2t ) 2t


zx22 2t


Now we use that, forzR2, we have zx2522Cδt+2√

6/3. Then, the first exponential term above is 1+o(1)and, for the second exponential term, we can use the inequality ex≥1−x, which gives, ast→ ∞,


μgt(x, v)≤ 4

√3 25√


2 +o(1)


1 2πtexp

zx22 2t



δ+o(1) (9)

for some universal constantc1>0.

For the terms of (8) where vP3 we have that gt(x, v)= P(vis not well behaved)ft(x,v) . Then, let R3 =R2\(x + S5Cδt43/3)so that, for eachzR3, we haveHzR3, which allows us to write


μgt(x, v)≤ 4





ft x, z

dz≤ 4



1 2πt exp

(zx2−2√ 3/3)2 2t


Now, lettingw=zxand writingw=(w1, w2)we have that w2−2√


|w1| −2√ 3/32


|w2| −2√ 3/32

−4/3, which we use to bound above

vP3μgt(x, v)by

√4 3exp


3t (w1,w2) /S5Cδ t4


1 2πtexp

(|w1| −2√ 3/3)2 2t


(|w2| −2√ 3/3)2 2t

dw1dw2. (10)

We break the integral above into two parts. The first part contains the terms for which either w1 or w2 is in [−2√


3/3], which can be bounded above by

4 2


2 3/3

5Cδ t /22


1 2πtexp

(w1−2√ 3/3)2 2t


= 16√ 3 3√


5Cδ t /22


√1 2πtexp

(w1−2√ 3/3)2 2t

dw1=o(1). (11)

The second part we further split into two pieces: the first for|w1| ≥233 and|w2| ≥5Cδ2t233, and the other for the converse, i.e.,|w1| ≥5Cδ2t233 and|w2| ≥233. Then we can bound above the second part by



2 3/3

5Cδ t /22


1 2πtexp

(w1−2√ 3/3)2 2t


(w2−2√ 3/3)2 2t



5Cδ t /22


√1 2πtexp

(w1−2√ 3/3)2 2t


+o(1) (12)


for some constantc2>0. Summing (11) and (12), we obtain an upper bound for the integral in (10), which establishes the bound


μgt(x, v)c2

+o(1). (13)

Finally, for the terms in (8) withvP1, we use thatμgt(v, x)≤2ft(v, x)π1t for allv, x which gives that


μgt(x, v)≤ 1 πt

√2 3



√3 3


c5δ2+o(1) (14)

for some universal constantc5>0 and where 2 3(5δ



3 )2is an upper bound for the number of points inP1. Plugging (9), (13) and (14) into (8) yields



μgt(x, v)c1

δ+ c4


We now proceed to the proof of Theorem2.2.

Proof of Theorem2.2. We first prove this theorem for the case whenEi is the trivial event that holds regardless of Φ, which is precise Theorem1.3. Then, at the end, we prove Theorem2.2. We start by giving a high-level overview of the proof. First, we assume that all nodes ofΠ0are well behaved. Then we consider a hexagonQiofHand count the number of such well behaved nodes that are insideQi at timet. Note that, by the definition of well behaved nodes, given that a node is inQi at timet, then its location is uniformly random inQi. Therefore, in order to show that they are stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process, it suffices to show that there are at most as many nodes ofΠ0

inQiat timet as nodes of the Poisson point process. This will happen with a probability that can be made arbitrarily large by settingt large enough. We then use the fact that, since nodes are considered well behaved, a node can only be inQi at timetif that node was inside a hexagon ofJi at time 0. Therefore, if we consider a hexagonQjsuch that JiJj=∅, we have that the well behaved nodes that are able to be inQi at timet cannot end up inQj. Hence, the event that the well behaved nodes inQiare stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process is independent of the event that the nodes inQj are stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process. This bounded dependency is enough to complete the analysis of well behaved nodes. On the other hand, to handle nodes that are not well behaved, we add a discrete Poisson point process at each node ofΠ0so that the probability that we add at least one node at a given vΠ0 is exactly the same as the probability thatv is not well behaved. Thus, this discrete Poisson point process contains the set of nodes that are not well behaved. We then use Lemma2.5to conclude that the nodes that are not well behaved are stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process, which concludes the proof.

We now proceed to the rigorous argument. For eachvΠ0, letξv(t)be the position ofvat timetgiven thatvis well behaved, and let




Note that, since eμis the probability that a node is well behaved andΨ0(μ)is the point process obtained by adding a random number of nodes to the points ofΠ0according to a Poisson random variable with meanμ, then there exists a coupling so that


Lemma2.5establishes thatΨt(μ)is stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process of intensityc1

δfor some universal constant c1>0. It remains to show that Πt is also stochastically dominated by a Poisson point process.

Unfortunately, this is not true in the whole ofR2as shown in Lemma2.1. We will then consider the tessellation given byHand show that, for each hexagonQi of the tessellation withXi =1, where theXi are defined in the paragraph preceding Theorem1.3,Πtis stochastically dominated by a Poisson point processΠof intensity(1+√

δ)2/√ 3.


In order to see this, for eachiI, we define a binary random variableYi, which is 1 ifΠhas more nodes inQi thanΠt. Then, since each node ofΠtis well behaved, wheneverYi=1, we can coupleΠwithΠtsuch thatΠΠt inQi. First we derive a bound for the number of nodes ofΠt insideQi. For eachvΠ0, letZv be the indicator random variable forξv(t)Qi. Then, since the probability thatξv(t)Qi is proportional toϕt(q(v), i), the expected number of nodes ofΠtinQi is



E[Zv] =



ϕt(q(v), i)

M =



ϕt(i, q(v))

M ,

where the last step follows by symmetry ofϕt, andMis a normalizing constant so that


ϕt(i, j )=


ϕt(i, j )=M for alli.

Since the density of points ofΠ0per unit volume is 2

3 and the area ofQi is 3


2 δ2t, we have that the number of points ofΠ0inQj is 3δ2tfor anyj. Also, note that forv, vΠ0Qjwe haveϕt(i, q(v))=ϕt(i, q(v)). Therefore, we obtain



E[Zv] =3δ2t M


ϕt(i, j )=3δ2t.

A simpler way to establish the equation above is using symmetry, because 3δ2t is the number of points ofΠ0inQi. Since the random variablesZvare mutually independent, we can apply a Chernoff bound for binomial random vari- ables (cf. LemmaA.2) to get








δ/2)2(3δ2t )22t|Ji|


−9δ3t 8C2


where the last step follows from Lemma2.4. Using a standard Chernoff bound for Poisson random variables (cf.

LemmaA.1) we have

P Πhas less than(1+√

δ/2)3δ2tnodes inQi


δ(3δ2t ) 8(1+√



Therefore, we obtain a constantc2such that P(Yi=1)≥1−exp

c2δ3t C2

. (15)

The random variablesY are not mutually independent. However, note thatYi depends only on the random variables Yi for whichJiJi=∅. This is because, for anyiI, only the nodes that are inside hexagonsQj withjJican contribute toYi. Therefore, using Lemma2.4, we have thatYidepends on at most(43C2)2other random variablesY. By havingtlarge enough, we can make the bound in (15) be arbitrarily close to 1. This allows us to apply a result of Liggett, Schonmann and Stacey [7], Theorem 1.3, which gives that the random field(Yi)iI stochastically dominates a field(Yi)iI of independent Bernoulli random variables satisfying

P Yi=1


c3δ3t C6

for some positive constantc3. So, with t sufficiently large, we can assure that P(Yi=1)is larger than p in the statement of Theorem2.2. Then, we have that, wheneverYi=1, the Poisson point processΠΨt(μ)stochastically


dominatesΠtinsideQi. SinceΠandΨt(μ)are independent Poisson point processes, we have that their union is also a Poisson point process of intensity no larger than

√2 3+ 2



δ. (16)

So, by setting c properly in the definition ofΦ, we can couple Φ andΠΨt(μ) so that ΦΠΨt(μ). This completes the proof for the case whereEi holds regardless ofΦ. For the other case, letYi=Yi1{Ei}. Then, for any ε >0, we can settlarge enough so thatP(Yi=1)≥1−P(Yi =0)−P(Eci)≥1−ε. SinceEidepends only on theEj for whichjJi, we apply [7], Theorem 1.3 as before to obtain that the random field(Yi)iIstochastically dominates a field(Yi)iI of independent Bernoulli random variables satisfying



whereεcan be made arbitrarily close to 0 by settingεarbitrarily small. Hence we can have 1−εp. With this, wheneverYi=1 we have thatΦstochastically dominatesΠt inQi andEi holds, completing the proof.

3. Large time

In this section we give the proofs of Theorems1.1and1.2. Both proofs use Theorem2.2.

Proof of Theorem1.1. For eachiI, letNi be the set of hexagonsQj such thatQi andQj intersect. Now, letEi be the event that the largest component ofR(Φ(

jNiQj))has diameter smaller thanδ

t /10. Clearly,Ei is a decreasing event. Ifλc>2

3, we can setδsmall enough so that the intensity ofΦis smaller thanλc. Then, using the exponential decay of the radii of clusters in subcritical Boolean model [11], Theorem 10.1, we obtain thatP(Ei)→1 ast→ ∞. Note that, wheneverEiholds, the regionR(Φ)does not have a component that intersects two non-adjacent edges of hexagonQi. By settingplarger than the critical value for site percolation on the hexagonal lattice, and using Theorem2.2, we obtain that the set of hexagons for whichEi doesnothold has only finite connected components.

Therefore, any such component must be surrounded by hexagons j for which Ej holds andΠtQjΦQj; hence,Qj is not crossed byR(Πt). This gives that all components ofR(Πt)are finite.

Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let rcλ be the critical radius for percolation of the Boolean model with intensity λ. Let λ0=23+c

δ, wherecis the constant in Theorem2.2so thatλ0is an upper bound for the intensity ofΦ. Then, as in the proof of Theorem1.1, letNi be the set of hexagonsQj such thatQi andQj intersect, and defineEi to be the event that adding balls of radiusr < rcλ0 centered at the nodes ofΦdoes not create a component with diameter larger thanδ

t /10 inside

jNiQj. Therefore, Theorem2.2withp larger than the critical value for site percolation on the hexagonal lattice implies that, ift is large enough, the union of the balls do not have an infinite component in the whole ofR2. This implies that

lim inf

t→∞ rc(t)rcλ0.

Now it remain to relate rcλ0 withr2/


c . For this, we note that the Boolean model with intensityλ and radiusr is equivalent (up to scaling) to the Boolean model with intensityλ¯ andr¯providedλr2= ¯λr¯2. Therefore, for anyε >0, we have that

rcλ+ε=rcλ λ

λ+ε. (17)

Using this we obtain that, for anyδ >0, lim inf

t→∞ rc(t)rcλ0=r2/

3 c


3 2√



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