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A 'Modified' bin method for estimating annual heating energy requirments of residential air source heat pumps


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Publisher’s version / Version de l'éditeur: ASHRAE Journal, 21, 9, pp. 1-15, 1979-09

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A 'Modified' bin method for estimating annual heating energy

requirments of residential air source heat pumps

Cane, R. L. D.


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~ 2 1 d National Research Comeil national

no. 910


Council Canada de recherches Canada

cop 2 E3Llb~.





by RLD. Cane

Published in

ASHRAE Journal

VoL 21, No. 9, September 1979

p. 60.63

* DBR Paper No. 910

Division of Building Research




L'auteur dgcrit une mEthode de compartimentation modifige pour la prgdiction des besoins gnerggtiques des pompes 5 chaleur rgsidentielles 5 source agrienne. A l'aide d'un exemple, il compare la mEthode proposge 2 celle recomrnandee par llASHRAE. L'auteur compare ensuite les rgsultats avec les besoins GnergGtiques rGels enregistrgs dans une habitation identique 5 celle consid6rse dans l'exemple. La msthode modifige donne des rgsultats beaucoup plus proches de la consommation observEe que la methode normalisge de 1'ASHRAE. - - - * P - - - L L



R.L.D. Cane*


This article outlines a "modified" bin method for predicting heating energy requirements of residential air-source heat pumps. An illustrative example compares the proposed method with that recommended by ASHRAE. The results are then compared with the actual monitored heating energy requirement of a house identical to the one considered in the example. The "modified" bin method prediction is much closer to the observed con- sumption than the result of the standard ASHRAE method.

The bin method outlined in the ASHRAE Handbook (Systems 1976



43) overestimates the amount of purchased heating energy needed in reasonably well insulated dwellings because it erroneously assumes that purchased heat is needed whenever the out side temperature is below 18.3OC

(6S°F). The "modified" bin method presented here treats internal and solar heat gains separately from heat loss and thereby determines the "break even" temperature below which the heating system needs to operate This will automatically lead to elimination of the bin hours that occur in the non-heating months of the year.

"Research Officer, Energy and Services Section, Division of Building Research, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada KIA OR6


Estimating Heat Loss

A recent publication1 out lined a technique for estimating the "net" seasonal heat loss of the various components of a building's outer shell. The "net" heat loss values were determined by using a computer to evaluate the annual heating requirements of a "standard" and a "modified"

bungalow exposed to "testf1 year weather cycles for several locations across Canada. The consequence of increasing the area of windows and walls and varying the orientation of various components was examined in detail. The effect of exterior colour of walls and roofs was also evaluated.

Rather than applying a single degree day correction factor, CD, to the total heat loss rate, it was thought that each building component could be modified by a reduction factor derived from Ref. 1. To

quantify the reduction factors, it was necessary to estimate the heat loss in the absence of solar effects on external surfaces. For example, in the case of walls, solar absorptivity (a ) values of 0.45 and 0.90 were


used in Ref. 1 for light and dark surfaces respectively. The heat loss factor for the case as = 0 could be found by extrapolation. The result is illustrated in Fig. 1. The north-facing vertical surface was used as it was thought that the correction would be small and hence reduce the error

in the estimate. The heat loss factors obtained in this manner could then be compared with the values for cases of non-zero a


The ratio of


the heat loss factor for any other surface color to the value for a perfectly white opaque surface (aS = 0) is referred to as the seasonal heat loss reduction factor (SHLRF). This same procedure was applied to ceilings and windows. The SHLRF values are then multiplied by the design heat loss rate for the various components to obtain the adjusted heat loss rate as follows:


QL (i) = [Hwall0SHLRF + H

w ceiling SHLRF C

- 1



. . . l o (


(Tindoor-Tmean (i)


The SHLRF applies to all above-grade portions of walls including doors W

and foundation. For below-grade portions of walls and the basement floor the SHLRF is assumed equal to 1. The seasonal heat loss reduction factors for walls, windows and ceilings are shown in Fig. 2.

One component of heat loss that remains to be included in Q (i) is L

the infiltration heat loss. In calculating design heat loss, infiltration

is typically assumed to be between 0.75 and 1.25 air changes per hour. 2

However, at other than design conditions it is highly unlikely that the air change rate is greater than 0.5 in reasonably tight construction. There is evidence to suggest that a more representative average value

(particularly new electrically heated homes) might be anywhere from 0.2 to 0.5 air changes per hour.3 The choice of a design infiltration rate and a seasonal rate must be made after careful examination of the

experimental data now available. 2

The final equation for the adjusted heat loss rate is:


(i! = [ (Hwall *SHLRF + H *SHLRFw +


1 W 1 wal l2 2


+ Hfloor - 1 + H *SHLRF + H 1

cei 1 ing c window

Estimating Heat Gains

In the previous section, the SHLRF for windows was set equal to 1


s e c t i o n , t h e s o l a r h e a t g a i n w i l l be c a l c u l a t e d s e p a r a t e l y .

The d i f f e r e n c e between t h e n e t h e a t l o s s and t h e h e a t l o s s f o r a p e r f e c t l y w h i t e opaque window ( i . e . , SHLRFwindow =1) r e p r e s e n t s t h e t o t a l u s e f u l s o l a r h e a t g a i n p e r u n i t a r e a o f window f o r t h e h e a t i n g s e a s o n . T h i s ' u s e f u l ' s o l a r h e a t g a i n (from F i g . 2) i s summed o v e r a l l f e n e s t r a - t i o n a r e a s a s f o l l o w s : - - " g a i n a l l wiidows ( g a i n A window


S S j j The f o l l o w i n g s h o u l d be n o t e d when c o n s i d e r i n g i n t e r n a l h e a t g a i n s from household e l e c t r i c i t y u s e and occupancy.

(1) A l l e l e c t r i c a l e n e r g y consumed by a p p l i a n c e s and l i g h t s w i t h i n t h e h e a t e d s p a c e , d u r i n g t h e h e a t i n g s e a s o n , i s assumed t o c o n t r i b u t e an e q u i v a l e n t amount o f h e a t f o r s p a c e h e a t i n g . T h i s does n o t a p p l y t o a l l c a s e s , a s , f o r example, when w a t e r i s h e a t e d on t h e element o f a cooking r a n g e and s u b s e q u e n t l y poured down t h e d r a i n , b u t it s h o u l d be s u f f i c i e n t l y a c c u r a t e f o r e s t i m a t i o n p u r p o s e s .

( 2 ) For domestic h o t w a t e r h e a t e r s (assumed e l e c t r i c ) and a s s o c i a t e d plumbing, s t a n d b y l o s s e s r e p r e s e n t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 20% o f t h e t o t a l

e l e c t r i c a l e n e r g y consumption f o r h e a t i n g t h e w a t e r a c t u a l l y u s e d . 4 Half o f t h e remaining 80% i s assumed t o be l o s t down t h e d r a i n . Thus a p p r o x i m a t e l y 60% o f t h e e n e r g y u s e d f o r d o m e s t i c h o t w a t e r h e a t i n g i s u s e f u l h e a t g a i n t o t h e s p a c e d u r i n g t h e h e a t i n g s e a s o n .

( 3 ) The occupany p a t t e r n f o r t h e household must be assumed. For

example, based on an a v e r a g e occupancy o f 2 , f o r 12 h o u r s , a t 65 w a t t s p e r o c c u p a n t , t h e r e s u l t i n g h e a t g a i n i s a p p r o x i m a t e l y


The information regarding household electricity use for appliances, lights and domestic hot water heating is available from electric utility


surveys. One survey indicated the following average consumption data:

2 so 46 4

(a) Domestic hot water heating = 5000 kW*h/yr


2 7P

(b) Appliances and lights = 7500 kW-h/yr (Muu;XhJi 1 9 7

A ~ W R M ) + L ' b I?-\ 3 klyL/t..

If it is assumed that electricity consumption is uniform over an


entire year, the heat gain would be 875 kW*h/month based on the data

from Ref. 5 . Combining this with the occupancy gain of 50 kW*h/month

yields an internal heat gain of 925 kW-h/month. - -- - - - -

Before the solar and internal gains can be incorporated into a bin analysis, the length of the heating season must be determined. As a first step, the months of June, July and August can be excluded. The remaining months can then be used to calculate the building break even temperature

as follows: L&P--- = k A



H =

gain [Hgain s + (Hgain I ) en] - ( 7 3 0 an)-'

The calculated value for the TBE can then be compared with the mean monthly temperatures for a locale. If the number of months with a mean

monthly temperature less than the T equals the assumed value for n, the


value for H is correct. Otherwise, the value for n is changed and a


new value for H is calculated.


Hours of occurrence of outdoor temperature for the non-heating months should be excluded from the bins. The breakdown of hourly -

occurrence of outdoor temperature is generally available on a month-by-


month basis




Illustrative Example

The following example illustrates the application of the mcthod. The characteristics of a two-story single detached house with a heated


floor area of 164 m (including basement) are summarized in Table 1. For this analysis, the house is located in Ottawa, Canada (4673°C days).

, ,

Rather than using a single factor C each building component is D'

assigned a separate correction factor (SHLRF) derived from the "Net Annual Heat Loss Factor Method."' The values shown in Table 1, Col. 2, are

obtained from the various SHLRF plots by entering each plot at the degree days for Ottawa. The bracketed quantity in Col. 2 is the fraction of the total wall or door area in a particular orientation. The sum of the products of this value and its SHLRF yield an overall SHLRF to be

multiplied by the Design Heat Loss in Col. 1. Note that a SHLRF of 1 has been assigned for exposed floor, basement slab and below-grade walls, and that the below-grade heat loss is assumed constant and independent of indoor-outdoor temperature difference. A SHLRFI (infiltration) of 0.4 has been used, which is appropriate for tight construction. The

adjusted heat loss values (Col. 3) are summed over all components to yield an over-all adjusted heat loss characteristic which is analogous to the ASHRAE H /A CD.


Solar heat gains through windows and the internal heat gains remain to be considered. For this example the useful solar heat gain during the heating season (Col. 4) is 2230 kW-h. Recall that the internal heat gain

(occupancy and electricity consumed within the heated space) was calculated to be 925 kW*h/month.

For the Ottawa area, the months of June, July and August are non- heating months. The total extraneous heat gain (assumed to be constant over the entire heating season) can be calculated using equation (5). H = (2230 kW*h + 925 kW*h/month x 9 months) x (730 hour/month x 9 months)-'



7 , , 2 1 . 1


' b $ ~ d 7 .i'.71*1 =1.6 kW


- 7 -




U L f i L n L




( L 5 . f



d a c t ,Lwu-L r r l

w w

- h p k


b 5 ' ~ ) . . -


The next step is fa,compare the new method with the procedure \

recommended by ASHRAE. ~ h ~ ~ b i n calculation using the adjusted heat loss characteristic from Col. 3 of\,~able 1 is shown in Table 2. For the ASHRAE method, the design heat'.loss characteristic from Table 1, Col. 1,

, --

is first multiplied by the factor C = 0.62, which is appropriate for D

a design outdoor temperature of -13'~.~ The ASHRAE bin calculation is summarized in Table 3. The characteristics of a commercially available air source heat pump of 2; ton (9 kW) capacity are used in the example.

Com~arison of the ASHRAE and "Modifiedtt Bin Method

Tables 2 and 3 reveal the basic differences in the two techniques. Column 1, in both tables, is the number of hours over which the calcula- tion is made. In Table 2, the months of June, July and August are not included, which results in 717 fewer hours than Table 3 in the temperature range 40-65'~. Most of these hours would occur overnight and, thus for this period would not require heating due to thermal storage effects in the building (i.e., warm, sunny days, cool nights). Column 10 of Table 3

indicates that 818 kW*h of heating energy would be supplied by the heat pump in the temperature range 60-65'~; in Table 2 the need for heating was offset by a combination of solar and internal heat gains.

The seasonal performance factor (SPF) is 15% higher when determined by the ASHRAE method than by the modified bin method. The ASHRAE method predicts a heating energy consumption and savings over resistance heating, 74% and 108% higher than that obtained by the modified method. This

would lead to a substantial over-estimation of the economic benefit of the heat pump.

The house in this example is one of four in an energy conservation project located near Ottawa jointly sponsored by the National Research Council of Canada and the Housing and Urban Development Association of Canada. The monitored results from an occupied dwelling indicate that


the heating energy supplied by an electric furnace to this dwelling is approximately 10,500 kW*h per year. This is in good agreement with the

predictions by the modified bin method (11,523 kW-h), but is much less

than the 20,070 kW-h indicated by the standard ASHRAE method.

Although not used in the example bin calculations, it is recommended

that part load correction factors be used. 8'9 In well insulated houses,

the heat pump balance point is considerably below the accepted 25'-35'F range, resulting in many hours of operation at a reduced load factor. This would result in a reduction in the SPF from that calculated here.


The proposed bin method using SHLRFs and a separate accounting for solar and internal gains provides an accurate estimate of heat loss and hence heat pump energy consumption in well insulated residential


The continued use of all hours of occurrence of outdoor temperature

below 18.3"C ( 6 5 O ~ ) without regard to time of year is not appropriate.

The outdoor temperature data are published in Canada in a format that allows separation of the hours on a month-by-month basis. If the

proposed method is used, the bins should include heating season hours of

occurrence from the thermostat set point down, since the solar and internal gains are treated separately (Table 2).


The author wishes to acknowledge the helpful discussions with his

colleague, G.P. Mitalas, whose work provided the basis for the SHLRF values.

This paper is a contribution from the Division of Building Research, National Research Council of Canada and is published with the approval of the Director of the Division.


Nomenclature A window j H gain I H g a i n S j H g a i n n




n e t a r e a o f window j (m o r f t )


design h e a t l o s s r a t e f o r c e i l i n g (kW) - design h e a t l o s s r a t e f o r basement f l o o r (kW)


t o t a l monthly i n t e r n a l h e a t gain ( e l e c t r i c a l and occupancy)



- u s e f u l s o l a r h e a t gain f o r window j (kW-h/m )


average h e a t gain ( i n t e r n a l and s o l a r ) assumed c o n s t a n t (kW)


design h e a t l o s s r a t e by i n f i l t r a t i o n (kW)


design h e a t l o s s r a t e f o r wall (kW)


design h e a t l o s s r a t e f o r window (kW)


l e n g t h of h e a t i n g season (months)


a d j u s t e d h e a t l o s s r a t e , b i n i (kW)


seasonal h e a t l o s s r e d u c t i o n f a c t o r f o r c e i l i n g


seasonal h e a t l o s s r e d u c t i o n f a c t o r f o r i n f i l t r a t i o n


seasonal h e a t l o s s r e d u c t i o n f a c t o r f o r wall


outdoor temperature a t which h e a t g a i n s j u s t o f f s e t h e a t

l o s s (OC o r OF)


design indoor temperature (OC o r OF)


mean outdoor temperature i n b i n i (OC o r OF)


design indoor-outdoor temperature d i f f e r e n c e (deg C o r deg F)


design indoor - mean outdoor temperature i n b i n i (deg C o r deg F)



1. G.P. Mitalas. Net Annual Heat Loss Factor Method for Estimating Heat Requirements of Buildings. Nat. Res. Council of Canada, Div. Bldg. Res.

Bldg. Res. Note 117, 1976.

2. ASHRAE Handbook; 1977 Fundamentals


Chapter 21. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers.

3. G.T. Tamura and A.G. Wilson. Air Leakage and Pressure Measurements of Two Occupied Houses.

~ S H ~ A E

Journal, Vol. 5, No. 12, 1963.

4. Canadian Standards Associdtion. Performance Requirements for Electric Storage-Tank Water Heaters. CSA Standard C191-1973, June 1973.

5. V.S. Manian and A. Juchymenko. Energy Usage and Relative Utilization Efficiencies of Oil-, Gas-, and Electric-Heated Single-Family Homes. ASHRAE Trans. Vol. 81, Part 2, 1975.

6. Environment Canada. Atmospheric Environment Service. Hourly Data Summaries, July 1967.

7. ASHRAE Handbook; Systems 1976 - Chapter 43. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers.

8. C.E. Bullock and W.R. Reedy. Heat Pump Cyclic Performance and Its Influence on Seasonal Operation. Procs. 3rd Annual Heat Pump Technology Conference. April 10-11, 1978, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, Oklahoma.

9. G.E. Kelly and J. Bean. Dynamic Performance of a Residential

Air-to-Air Heat Pump. Nat. Bur. Stds., Thermal Engineering Section, Center for Building Technology NBS Building Science Series 93, 1977.




(1) (2) ( 3 ) (41 ( 5


Design Heat Seasonal U s e f u l Below-

Loss R a t e Heat Loss Adjusted S o l a r Grade


I n s u l a t i o n , * (HL/AtD) * * Reduct i o n Heat Loss Heat Heat

Building Component m Nominal F a c t o r Rate ( a L / ~ t D ) Gain Loss

W/"C (SHLRF ) w/"C kW*h k W C e i l i n g 59.4 R5.6 11.6 0.68 7.9 Walls ( f a c i n g ) : N 30.0 R3.5 0.96(0.18) (windows S 43.0


39.0 o.81[ 0.67(0.26) 31.6 excluded) E 43.6 " ( T o t a l ) 0.84 (0.26) ( T o t a l ) W 48.8 I ' 0.84(0.29) Windows ( f a c i n g ) : N 5 . 9 T r i p l e Glazed S 5 . 8 " 33.2 1 . 0 33.2 E 0 . 9 I t ( T o t a l ) ( T o t a l ) W 0 . 0


Doors (facing) : N 1 . 9 I n s u l . Door 5 . 8 0.96(0.61) 5 . 3

[windows P l u s Storm O.gl


excluded) E 1 . 2 " ( T o t a l ) 0 . 8 4 ( 0 . 3 9 ) Exposed Floor 3 . 7 R3.5 1.1 1.0 1.1 Basement x a l 1 8 . 9 R1.8 4.2 0.81 3.4 (above- grade ; windows excluded) A + & v * + * L ~ jy '


= I 7 9 51.k


I n f i l t r a t i o n



9 3 . 3 37.3 Lnur i % ~ L~,,.,, $ v ~ . 8 (0.75 a. c / h r )


( 0 . 3 a . c / h r ) r T o t a l h e a t loss r a t e , W/*C


y * . 2 2 \ I I Basement slab*** 52.0 n i l 5 . 4 W/m 1 . 0 5.4 W/m 1 58 Basement w a l l f * * 2~79- \I, - I 0.95 (below-grade) 62.3 R1.8 10.75 I T 1 .O 10.75 I ' 2 2 3 0 r f l ? L '"L L'L = 2 4 7 9 . q * R v a l u e i s i n S I u n i t s ( m u l t i p l y by 5 . 6 7 f o r R v a l u e i n B r i t i s h U n i t s ) % -


~ a p w . 4 b.3) s 3


A t = 47.2 C d e g [72-



E5 .F F 6.1 Z ' L


D ' 3 2 3 0

Belou g r a d e h e a t l o s s assumed c o n s t a n t and independent of o u t d o o r t e m p e r a t u r e


ht&% & X I 1 4 1


@ !A '3.L"




f < (;.. . J - F



*Months o f J u n e , J u l y and August e x c l u d e d


A d j u s t e d Below Ave


Energy H e a t i n g

Outdoor Heat Grade B u i l d i n g Ave


Power Consumed Consumed by Energy

Temp. Loss Supp 1 i e d

Number Heat Heat H e a t i n g Heat Pump I n p u t t o by

Range, R e s i s t a n c e by


of ( 6 L / ~ t D x d ~ ~ Y LOSS, Gain, Required, C a p a c i t y , Heat Pump, Heat Pump, H e a t e r s , System,

Hours* k~ kW kW kW k W k W k W * h k W * h k W - h 65-69 215 0.20 60-64 293 0.53 55-59 398 0.87 50-54 475 1 . 2 0 45-49 491 1 . 5 3 40-44 554 1 . 8 7 35- 39 668 2.20 30- 34- _ 728 2 . 5 3 h i 0 . 0 1 2 . 6 4 . 2 0 0 0 0 . 0 1 1 . 7 4.0 0 0 0 0.22 1 0 . 8 3 . 8 3 1 0 8 7 0 . 5 5 9 . 9 3 . 7 98 0 261 0 . 8 8 9 . 1 3 . 4 161 0 432 1 . 2 2 8 . 2 3 . 3 272 0 676 1 . 5 5 7 . 3 3 . 1 440 0 1035 1.88 6 . 6 3.0 622 0 1369 , Z - 2 9 _ - 5SIj 2 . 7 , , 0,25 1 . 6 0 2.22 6 . 0 2.9 - 575 D -


1190 - 20-24 46 7 3.20 15- 19 383 3.53 10-14 348 3.87 5-9 2 75 4.20 0-4 210 4 . 5 3 -5 - -1 145 4.87 -10 - - 6 8 3 5.20 -15


-11 4 1 5 . 5 3 -20 - -16 15 5 . 8 7 2.55 5 . 6 2.8 595 0 1191 2.88 5 . 2 2 . 7 573 0 1103 3.22 4 . 8 2 . 6 607 0 1120 3.55 4 . 3 2 . 6 590 0 976 3 . 8 8 3 . 9 2 . 5 522 0 815 4.22 3 . 3 2.4 348 133 6 12 4 . 5 5 2 . 7 2 . 3 19 1 153 378 4.88 2 . 3 2 . 1 8 6 106 200 5.22 2 . 0 1 . 9 2 8 48 78 6325 Y \ 5739 440 11523 2.87




1.10 2 2 ;r

2 2 2 , 5 3 ( 0 = 1\90 k v L Heating Energy S u p p l i e d by System


L o k u


2,l--f- SPF = = 1 . 9







1.9 kd =r 5 7 5 k'+JL Energy Consumed+ Energy Consumed

b by Heat Pump by R e s i s t a n c e H e a t e r s


k *

N O ;

,&d U'L- 4


I 1 A&







(31 (41 ( 5




(73 (8) ( 9 ) (10) ', Energy Heating

Outdoor Heat Consumed Energy

B u i l d i n g Ave. Power Consumed by S u p p l i e d

R e s i s t a n c e by 55-59 692 0 . 3 9 $4 50-54 633 0


84 r.lL 540 45-49 1


16 1 , ~ 1139 ':c\ x 565 40-44 1 .49 ',a\ 35-39 670 1 . 8 1 2.14 1849 2.70 728 30- 34 2.14 2,*& 2249 ? ~ t z 25-29 5 36 2 .46 2.1s 1828 . ' " 20-24 467 2


78 3.11 1742 \ t a b 15-19 383 3 . 11 3.43 1555 lL77 10-14 348 3 . 4 3 3.15 1524 ' " 3 1 1292 ~ 3 % ;


- --- .- ~ ~- - .- 4.":.Qe.- fq%o . / -


. .,. . . ~ - -


- 5 - -1 145 4.34 " ' 4 767 YLL -10


-6 83 4 - 7 3 .a's 471 i:"F -15 - -11 4 1 5.05 ',7 15 -20 - -16 5 . 3 7 5 - 3 0 7042 7855 1099 " ' 20020 2 x 4 9 + , o ~ & ! 3 ' ? 5 = 5.63 H e a t i n g Energy S u p p l i e d by System 5.03n2to = b5L kwt* SPF = = 2 . 2 2 + 4 h,?. 3.9 r&?'o


gJq kuh


1 0 5 b - S I 9 = 2 3 1 k v k


Energy Consumed + Energy Consumed



2 . 5 by Heat Pump by R e s i s t a n c e H e a t e r s

~ . 5 ~ 2 1 , 3 = 525



Energy Saving o v e r R e s i s t a n c e H e a t i n g = 11116 kW-h


A l l 12 months i n c l u d e d


This publication is one of a s e r i e s of r e p o r t s produced by the Division of Building R e s e a r c h , National R e s e a r c h Council of Canada. No a b r i d g e m e n t of thie r e p o r t m a y be published with- out the w r i t t e n authority of the Division. E x t r a c t s m a y b e lished f o r p u r p o s e s of review only.

pub - Copies of thie and o t h e r publications of the Division m a y b e ob- tained by mailing the a p p r o p r i a t e r e m i t t a n c e (a Bank. E x p r e e s , o r P o s t O f f i c e Money O r d e r , o r a c h e q u e , m a d e payable to the R e c e i v e r G e n e r a l of Canada, c r e d i t NRC) to the Publications Section, Division of Building R e s e a r c h , National R e s e a r c h Council of Canada, Ottawa. K1A OR6. S t a m p s a r e not a c c e p t - able.

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disassociation with the arpa domain and its understanding the domain would be used by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names (ICANN) and Numbers and the Internet

This document more clearly distinguishes telephone numbers as identifiers of network termination points from dial strings and removes the latter from the purview of

Existing implementations of RFC 3261 that do not participate in the resource priority mechanism follow the normal rules of RFC 3261, Section 8.2.2: &#34;If a UAS does

A way to make route selection the same as it would be with the full IBGP mesh approach is to make sure that route reflectors are never forced to perform the BGP route selection

As has always been the case, the default behavior when a source- filter attribute is not provided in a session description is that all traffic sent to the

This document defines a new parameter &#34;enumdi&#34; for the &#34;tel&#34; Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to support the handling of ENUM queries in Voice over

The date/time information is extracted from the header, shifted to the specified time zone, and the value of the given date-part is determined.. The test returns true if

However, if not enough duplicate ACKs arrive from the receiver, the fast retransmit algorithm is never triggered -- this situation occurs when the congestion window is