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On the relativistic KMS condition for the P (φ)2


Academic year: 2022

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P ( φ )



Christian G´erard1and Christian D. J¨akel2 1 Universit´e Paris Sud XI, F-91405 Orsay, France


2 ETH Z¨urich, H¨onggerberg, CH-8093 Z¨urich, Switzerland christian.jaekel@itp.phys.ethz.ch

Summary. The relativistic KMS condition introduced by Bros and Buchholz pro- vides a link between quantum statistical mechanics and quantum field theory. We show that for theP(φ)2 model at positive temperature, the two point function for fields satisfies the relativistic KMS condition.

1 Introduction

The operator algebraic framework allows to characterize the equilibrium states of a quantum system by first principles: when the dynamical law is changed by a local perturbation, which is slowly switched on and slowly switched off again, an equilib- rium state returns to its original form at the end of this procedure. In a pioniering work Haag, Kastler and Trych-Pohlmeyer [15] showed that this characterization of an equilibrium state leads to a sharp mathematical criterion, the so-calledKMS con- dition, first encountered by Haag, Hugenholtz and Winnink [14] and more implicitly by Kubo [23], Martin and Schwinger [24].

On the other hand, the vacuum states of a relativistic QFT are characterized by Poincar´e invariance and the spectrum condition [27]. Both the KMS and the spec- trum condition can be formulated in terms of analyticity properties of the correlation functions, but for almost 40 years the connection between these two conditions was not investigated in depth, and algebraic quantum statistical mechanics and algebraic quantum field theory were treated in this respect as disjoint subjects. But finally increased interest in cosmology and heavy-ion collisions led to a need to combine QFT and quantum statistical mechanics.

It was first recognized by Bros and Buchholz [6] that the thermal equilibrium states of a relativistic QFT should have stronger analyticity properties in configu- ration space than those imposed by the traditional KMS condition. The result of their careful analysis is a relativistic KMS condition which can be understood as a remnant of (and, in applications, as a substitute for) the relativistic spectrum condition in the vacuum sector.


1.1 Content of the Paper

The content of this short paper is as follows. In Section 2 we recall the construction of theP(φ)2model at positive temperature presented in [12]. In Section 3 we review the main ingredients of the Euclidean approach to thermal field theory. In Section 4 we show that the Wightman two-point function for fields satisfies the relativistic KMS condition. Section 5 is devoted to a brief discussion of the implications of the relativistic KMS condition.

2 The spatially-cutoff P ( φ )


model at positive temperature

The construction of interacting thermal quantum fields in [12] includes several of the original ideas of Høegh-Krohn [17], but instead of starting from the interacting system in a box the authors started from the Araki-Woods representation for the free thermal system in infinite volume. We briefly recall the main steps of this construction.

2.1 Preliminary Material The KMS condition

A stateωβ over aC-algebraAequipped with aC−dynamicsτtis called a (τ, β)- KMS state for someβ∈IR∪ {±∞}, if for allA, B∈Athere exists a functionFA,B

which is continuous in the strip{z∈C|0≤ =z≤β}and analytic and bounded in the open strip{z∈C|0<=z < β}, with boundary values given by

FA,B(t) =ωβ t(B)

, FA,B(t+iβ) =ωβ τt(B)A


Thus KMS states are characterized by a real parameterβ, which has the meaning of inverse temperature.

The relativistic KMS condition

Lorentz invariance is always broken by a KMS state. A KMS state might also break spatial translation or rotation invariance, but the maximal propagation velocity of signals is not affected by such a lack of symmetry.

Definition 1.A stateωβ over a C-algebra Asatisfies therelativistic KMS condi- tionat inverse temperatureβ >0if there exists some positive timelike vectore∈V+, e2= 1, such that for every pair of elementsA, B ofAthere exists a functionFA,B

which is analytic in the tube domain

Tβ:={z∈C2| =z∈V+(βe+V)},

and continuous at the boundary sets IR2 andIR2+ iβe with boundary values given by

FA,B(t, x) =ωβ t,x(B)

and FA,B(t+ iβe, x) =ωβ αt,x(B) for all (t, x) IR2. Here V± = {(t, x) IR2 | |t| < |x|, ±t 0} denote the for- ward/backward light-cones.


Remark 1.Note that in the limitβ→ ∞the tubeTβtends toward the forward tube IR2+ iV+.

As we will discuss in Section 5, the relativistic KMS condition has numerous applications. For instance, the famous Reeh-Schlieder property (in the thermal rep- resentation) is a direct consequence of the relativistic KMS condition (and weak additivity), no matter if the spatial translation or rotation invariance is broken by the KMS state or not [19].

2.2 The free neutral scalar field at temperatureβ−1

Let h = H12(IR) be the complex Sobolev space of order 12 equipped with the norm

khk2= (h,(2ν)1h)L2(IR,dx)

forν:= (D2x+m2)12.

LetW(h) be the abstract WeylC-algebra overh. OnW(h) we define the free time evolutiont}tIRby

τt W(h)

=W(eitνh), h∈h, t∈IR.

Form >0 the unique (τ, β)-KMS state on the Weyl algebraW(h) is given by ωβ W(h)

:= e14(h,(1+2ρ)h)

, h∈h, (1)

whereρ:= (eβν1)1,β >0.

The Araki-Woods representation

A realization of the GNS representation associated to the pair W(h), ωβ

is pro- vided by the Araki-Woods representation. We set:

HAW :=Γ(hh), AW :=F,

πAW(W(h)) =WAW(h) :=WF (1 +ρ)12h⊕ρ12h

, h∈h.

Herehis the conjugate Hilbert space toh,WF(.) denotes the Fock Weyl operator on the bosonic Fock spaceΓ(hh) andF ∈Γ(hh) is the Fock vacuum.

The generator of the time evolution

Since ωβ is τ-invariant, the time evolution can be unitarily implemented in the representationπAW:

eitLAWπAW(A)ΩAW :=πAW τt(A)

AW, A∈W(h). (2) The generatorLAW of the free time evolution, uniquely fixed by (2) and the request LAWAW = 0, is called the (free) Liouvillean. It is equal to dΓ(ν⊕ −ν).


Thermal fields

The Araki-Woods representationπAW is a regular representation, i.e., the map IR3 λ7→Wπ(λh) is strongly continuous for anyh∈h. Thus one can definefield operators

φAW(h) :=−i d


λ=0, h∈h,

which satisfy in the sense of quadratic forms on D(φAW(h1))∩ D(φAW(h2)) the commutation relations

AW(h1), φAW(h2)] = i=(h1, h2), h1, h2h. The net of local von Neumann algebras

The von Neumann algebra generated byAW(W(h))|h∈h}is denoted byRAW. To define the net of local von Neumann algebras, we introduce the IR−linear map

U: h=H12(IR) S0(IR) h 7→ <h+ iν1=h.

For I IR a bounded open interval, we define the following real vector subspace ofh

hI:={h∈h|suppUh⊂I}. (3) We denote byRAW(I) the von Neumann algebra generated by{WAW(h)|h∈hI}.

The algebra

A:= [




is called thealgebra of local observables. The union is over all open bounded inter- valsI⊂IR and the symbolS

IIRRAW(I)(C) denotes theC-inductive limit (see e.g. [20, Proposition 11.4.1.]).

Remark 2.We note that the Araki-Woods representation is locally normal w.r.t. the vacuum representation of the free field. Consequently, theC-algebraAis identical (up to∗-isomorphisms) to the algebra

AF:= [


πF W(hI)00(C)


whereπFis the Fock representation.

2.3 The spatially-cutoff P(φ)2 model at temperatureβ−1 LetP(λ) =P2n

j=0ajλj be a real valued polynomial, which is bounded from below, and letl∈IR+ be a spatial cutoff parameter. The spatially cutoffP(φ)2 model on the real line IR at temperatureβ1 is then defined by the formal interaction term

Vl= Z l


:P(φAW(x)) : dx, l >0.


Here : : denotes the Wick ordering (see e.g. [13]) with respect to thetemperatureβ1 covariance onIR:

C0(h1, h2) :=

h1, (1 + eβν) 2ν(1eβν)h2

L2(IR), h1, h2 ∈ S(IR). (4) Using a sequence of functionsk}approximating the delta-function, the limit

Vl:= lim


Z l


:P(φAWk(.−x)) : dx

exists on a dense set of vectors inΓ(hh). An approximation of the Diracδfunction can be fixed by settingδk(x) := kχ(kx), whereχis a function in C0 IR (IRd) with Rχ(x)dx= 1.

The perturbed KMS system

It can be shown (see [12]) that the operator sumLAW+Vlis essentially selfadjoint onD(LAW)∩D(Vl) and if we setHl:=LAW+Vl, then the perturbed time-evolution onAis given by

τtl(A) := eitHlAeitHl, A∈A.

The perturbed KMS state ωl onA is normal w.r.t. the Araki-Woods representa- tionπAW. In fact, the GNS vectorAW ∈Γ(hh) belongs to D eβ2Hl

and the perturbed KMS stateωlis the vector state induced by the state vector

l:= eβ2HlAW keβ2HlAWk.

These results are in complete analogy to the analytic perturbation theory for bounded perturbations due to Araki (see e.g. [5]). Identical formulas, valid for a certain class of unbounded perturbations, have recently been derived in [8].

2.4 The translation invariant P(φ)2 model at temperatureβ−1 Existence of the dynamics

LetI⊂IR a bounded open interval. Fort∈IR fixed, the norm limit

llim→∞τtl(A) =:τt(A)

exists for allA∈RAW(I). In fact, forAandtfixed,τtl(A) is independent oflforl sufficiently large.

By construction the elements of the local von Neumann algebrasRAW(I),Iopen and bounded, are norm dense inA. Thus the mapτ:t7→τt extends to a group of∗- automorphisms ofA. Moreover, ifx}xIRdenotes the group of space translations overA, defined by

αx WAW(h)

:=WAW(eix.kh), x∈IR, wherekis the momentum operator acting onh, then


for allt, x∈IR. Consequently the time evolution is translation invariant.


Existence of the thermodynamic limit

Letl}l>0be the family of (τl, β)-KMS states for the spatially cutoffP(φ)2models constructed in Subsection 2.3. Then it has been shown in [12] that

w lim

l+ωl=:ωβ exists overA. (5) Moreover, the stateωβ has the following properties:

(i) ωβ is a (τ, β)-KMS state overA;

(ii) ωβ is locally normal, i.e., if I IR is an open and bounded interval, thenωβ|RAW(I) is normal w.r.t. the Araki-Woods representation;

(iii) ωβ is invariant under spatial translations, i.e., ωβx(A)) =ωβ(A), xIR, AA; (iv) ωβ has thespatial clustering property, i.e.,

xlim→∞ωβ(Aαx(B)) =ωβ(A)ωβ(B) ∀A, B∈A.

The rate of the spatial clustering is related to the infrared properties of the Liouvillean [18].

3 Euclidean approach

As far as the formulation of the spatially cut-off thermalP(φ)2model is concerned, the Euclidean approach is only used to show that the sum of the operators LAW and Vl (which are both unbounded from below) is essentially selfadjoint on the intersection of their domains.

However, for the existence of the thermodynamic limit (5) the Euclidean ap- proach is used in a more sophisticated manner. The key argument in the proof of (5),Nelson symmetry, will be crucial for the proof of the relativistic KMS con- dition too. In order to formulate it, we briefly recall the Euclidean approach, in a framework adapted to the thermalP(φ)2 model (see [11], [21] for a more general abstract framework).

3.1 Euclidean reconstruction theorem Euclidean measures on the cylinder

LetSβ = [−β/2, β/2] be the circle of lengthβ. The points in the cylinderSβ×IR are denoted by (t, x). LetQ:=SIR0 (Sβ×IR) be the space of real valued,β−periodic Schwartz distributions onSβ×IR and letΣ be the Borelσ-algebra onQ. Letµbe a Borel probability measure on (Q, Σ).

Forf∈ SIR(Sβ×IR), we denote byφ(f) the function φ(f): Q IR

q 7→ hq, fi.


ForT 0, we denote byΣ[0,T], the subσ-algebra ofΣgenerated by the functions eiφ(f) for suppf [0, T[×IR. Let r:Q Q be the time-reflection around t = 0 defined by rφ(t, x) = φ(−t, x) and let τtE:Q→Q be the group of euclidean time translations defined byτtEφ(s, x) =φ(s−t, x). The maprlifts to a∗−automorphism RofL(Q, Σ) defined byRF(q) :=F(rq), and the groupτtElifts to a groupU(t) of

∗-automorphisms ofL(Q, Σ). This group is unitary onL2(Q, Σ, µ) ifµis invariant underτtE.

Reconstruction theorem

Let HOS := L2(Q, Σ[0,β/2],dµ). We assume that the measure µ satisfies the Osterwalder-Schrader positivity

(F, F) :=



R(F)F0 ∀F ∈ HOS. LetN ⊂ HOS be the kernel of (., .). We set


where the completion ofHOS/N is done w.r.t. the norm (., .)12. The canonical pro- jectionHOS toHphys is denoted byV.

InHphyswe have the distinguished vector phys:=V(1), where 1 is the constant function equal to 1 onQ.

The unitary groupU(t) fort≥0 doesnotpreserveHOS(contrary to 0-tempera- ture theories), because distributions supported in the ‘future’ [0, β/2[×IR come back in the ‘past’ ]−β/2,0]×IR by time translations. NeverthelessU(s) for 0≤s ≤t sendsL2(Q, Σ[0,β/2t[,dµ) intoHOS.

Using the theory oflocal symmetric semigroups(see [10], [22]), it is possible to define a selfadjoint operatorLphys onHphyssuch that forF∈L2(Q, Σ[0,β/2t[,dµ) and 0≤s≤tone has

V(U(s)F) = esLphysV(F).

Finally ifA∈L(Q, Σ{0}), then multiplication byApreservesHOSandN, and one obtains a representationπphysof thealgebra of time-zero fieldsL(Q, Σ{0}):

πphys(A)V(F) :=V(AF), F ∈ HOS.

From this reconstruction procedure one obtains aβ-KMS system defined as follows:

(i) the C-algebra Aphys is the von Neumann algebra generated by the operators eitLphysπphys(A)eitLphys,t∈IR,A∈L(Q, Σ{0});

(ii) the dynamics τt onAphys is the dynamics generated by the unitary group eitLphys;

(iii) theβ-KMS state onAphysis the state generated by the vectorphys.


3.2 Euclidean measure for the translation invariant P(φ)2 model The spatially-cutoffP(φ)2 model at positive temperature allows an Euclidean for- mulation: the measure dµlfor the spatially cutoffP(φ)2 model is given by

l:= 1 Zle





C, (6)

where dφC denotes the Gaussian measure on (Q, Σ) with covariance C(u, u) = (u,(D2t +D2x+m2)1u)

(withβ-periodic b.c.) defined by Z


eiφ(f)C= eC(f,f)/2, f∈ SIR(Sβ×IR). (7) The partition functionZlis chosen such thatR

Ql= 1.

Existence of limiting measure

In order to show that one can remove the spatial cutoff one has to show that







F(q)dµ (8)

exists and defines a Borel probability measure onSIR0 (Sβ×IR).

Nelson Symmetry

Formally exchanging the role oftandxin (6) one notices that dµis the Euclidean measure of theP(φ)2model on the circle at temperature zero. This formal argument can be made rigorous (see [12], [17]). In particular one has:

e Rβ/2


−l:P(φ(t,x)):C 0dx)dt

= e Rl




. (9)

Note that on the r.h.s. Wick ordering is done w.r.t. the covariance Cβ(g1, g2) :=

g1, 1 2νg2

L2(Sβ,dt), g1, g2∈ S(Sβ).

The analog of (9) in the zero temperature case is called Nelson symmetry (see e.g. [26]).

It was first noticed by Høegh-Krohn [17] that the existence of the limit (8) is equivalent to the uniqueness of the vacuum state for theP(φ)2 model on the circle.

Using Nelson symmetry, the existence of the limit (8) is proved in [12]. Moreover it is shown in [12] thatµis OS positive, invariant under space-time translations, and that sharp-time fieldsare well defined: this means that if δk C0(Sβ) is a sequence of functions tending to the Dirac distributionδ0, then the limits

φ(t, h) := lim

k→∞φ(δk(.−t)⊗h) exist inT

1p<Lp(Q, Σ,dµ) for anyh∈C0(IR).


4 The relativistic KMS condition

In this section we show that two point functions for fields in the thermal P(φ)2

model satisfy the relativistic KMS condition.

Identification of physical objects

Let (Hβ, πβ, Ωβ) be the GNS triple associated to the KMS state ωβ over theC- algebraA. Let alsoPβ, Lβ be the unique generators of space-time translations such thatLββ=Pββ = 0.

As we saw in Subsect. 3.1, the Euclidean reconstruction theorem provides a Hilbert spaceHphys, a unit vectorphys, a representation πphys of the abelian von Neumann algebraUAW generated by{WAW(h)|h∈h, hreal valued}, and a self- adjoint operator Lphys. Since the Euclidean measure µ is invariant under space translations, we obtain also a selfadjoint operator Pphys implementing the space translations.

Let us briefly check that these two families of objects are identical (up to unitary equivalence). In the sequel we will freely identify them.

Let U(I) be the abelian von Neumann algebra generated by {WAW(h) | h h, hreal valued,supph⊂I}. It was shown in [12] that forAjU(I), 1≤j≤n,





= (Ωβ,Qn



Thus we can define a mapU:Hphys→ Hβ by

UeitLphysπphys(A)Ωphys:= eitLβπβ(A)Ωβ, t∈IR, AU(I), IIR. (11) From (10) we see that U preserves the scalar product, hence it can be uniquely extended by linearity to

E = Vect{eitLphysπphys(A)Ωphys| t∈IR, AU(I), IIR}

as an isometry. It follows from the Euclidean reconstruction theorem, thatEis dense inHphys. Moreover it is clear from (11) thatU intertwinesπphysandπβrestricted to Uand also intertwinesLphysandLβ. FinallyU also intertwinesPphysandPβ (note that the algebra of time-zero fields is clearly invariant under space translations).

To check thatU is unitary, we use a result in [12]: letBα(I) be the von Neumann algebra generated byt(A)|A∈U(I),|t|< α}. Then it was shown in [12, Prop.

6.5] that

RAW(I) = \



Since by construction β is cyclic for πβ(A), this implies that the range of U is dense inHβ. ThereforeU is unitary.


4.1 Wightman two point function for the thermal P(φ)2 model LetI⊂IR be a bounded open interval andhI the real subspace ofhdefined in (3).

By restriction to the local algebraRAW(I),πβ defines a CCR representation of the real symplectic spacehI.

Lemma 1.i) The representationπβ restricted toRAW(I)is quasi-equivalent to the concrete representation ofRAW(I);

ii) the CCR representationhI3h7→πβ(WAW(h))∈ B(Hβ) is regular.

Proof. It is well known (see e.g. [12, Lemma 6.2]) thatRAW(I) is a factor. Now it is shown in [20, Prop. 10.3.14] that ifRis aC-algebra andπis a factor representation ofR, thenπis quasi-equivalent to the GNS representation of anyπ-normal stateω.

Applying this fact to RAW(I) (with its concrete representation) and to ωβ, we obtain that πβ is quasi-equivalent to the concrete representation ofRAW(I). This proves i). We know then that there exists a ∗-isomorphism γ from RAW(I) into πβ(RAW(I))00extendingπβ. This isomorphism is automatically weakly continuous.

Since the Araki-Woods representation is regular, the same holds true for the GNS representationπβ restricted tohI. ut

Since πβ is a regular CCR representation, we can define for h∈ hI the Segal field operators

φβ(h) :=−id


s=0. In the sequel we will consider only thetime-zero fieldsϕβ: ϕβ(h) :=φβ(h), forh∈hI, hreal.

Remark 3.If we restrict ourselves to time-zero fields, it is possible to give a direct proof that the CCR representation is locally regular, avoiding the use of the local normality of the stateωβ. In fact, let us show that

the map IR3s7→πβ WAW(sh)

is strongly continuous forh∈hI, hreal, (12) using the Euclidean approach.

It suffices to prove the weak continuity on a dense subspace ofHβ. From the reconstruction theorem, we see that we may take as a dense subspace of Hβ the linear span of the vectorsV(Qk

1eiφ(tj,hj)) for hj∈C0IR(IR), 0≤tj< β/2.

We see that it suffices to prove the continuity of the map IR3s7→



Yn 1



forhj∈C0IR(IR),tj∈Sβ. But this follows from the fact thatφ(0, h)∈L1(Q,dµ), shown in [12].

Lemma 2.β∈ D(ϕβ(h)),∀h∈hI, hreal valued.


Proof. Clearly it suffices to prove that

2(Ωβ,eisϕβ(h)β)(Ωβ,eisϕβ(h)β)≤C|s|2, 0≤s≤1. (13) By the reconstruction theorem, the r.h.s. is equal to



2eisφ(0,h)eisφ(0,h). Sinceφ(0, h)∈L2(Q,dµ), we obtain (13). ut

We now define Wightman two point functions. For a functionh ∈C0(IR) we denote byhthe functionh(x) =h(−x).

Proposition 1.There exists a unique Wβ(t, .) C0(IRt,D0(IR)) such that for h1, h2∈C0IR(IR):


=h1? h2 ?Wβ(t, x), (t, x)IR2. (14) Proof. For fixedtthe l.h.s. is a bilinear formQtw.r.t.h1andh2. Moreover it is shown in [12] thatβ(h)Ωβk ≤CkhkS, wherek.kS is a Schwartz seminorm. ThereforeQt

is continuous for the topology ofC0(IR), which by translation invariance, implies the existence ofWβ(t, .). The continuity w.r.t. the variabletofW(t, .) follows from the obvious continuity intof the l.h.s. of (14). ut

4.2 Relativistic KMS condition

The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of the following theorem:

Theorem 1.The distributionWβ(t, x)extends holomorphically toIR2+ iVβ, where Vβ := {(t, y) | |y|< inf(t, β−t)}. Therefore for Ai =ϕβ(hi), hi C0IR(IR)the two-point functionFA1,A2(t, x)is holomorphic inIR2+ iVβ.

4.3 Proof of Thm. 1

Let us briefly recall a few facts concerning the 0−temperatureP(φ)2 model on the circleSβ. The Hilbert space is the Fock spaceΓ(H12(Sβ)), whereH12(Sβ) is the Sobolev space of order12 onSβ with norm

kgk2= (g,(2b)1g)L2(Sβ,dt)

with b = (D2t +m2)12. For g H12(Sβ), we denote by φC(g) the (Fock) field operator acting onΓ(H12(Sβ)).

The operator sum

dΓ(b) + Z


:PC(t)) :Cβ dt

is essentially selfadjoint and bounded below, and the Hamiltonian of the P(φ)2

model onSβ is


HC:= dΓ(b) + Z


:P(φ(t)) :Cβ dt−EC,

where EC is an additive constant such that inf σ(HC) = 0. The HamiltonianHC has a unique (up to a phase) ground state (i.e., vacuum state) induced by the state vectorC. Another fact we shall need is the following: ifg1, g2 arerealelements of H12(Sβ), then (φC(g1)ΩC,eyHCφC(g2)ΩC) is real fory∈IR+. This follows from the representation of eyHC using the Feynman-Kac-Nelson (FKN) formula.

Finally we note that

PC:= dΓ(Dt) is the momentum operator on the circleSβ.

The two-point function for the P(φ)2 model on the circle

Now consider the two-point functionWC for theP(φ)2 model on the circle WC(t, y) = C, φC0)eiyHCeitPCφC0)ΩC

, t∈Sβ, y∈IR.

WC is a tempered distribution onSβ×IR rigorously defined by hWC, f⊗gi:= (2π)21 φC0)ΩC,˜g(−HCC(f)ΩC

, forf∈C(Sβ),g∈ S(IR), and ˜gthe Fourier transform ofg.

To check thatWC is well defined as a tempered distribution, we use the bound k(HC+ 1)12φC(h)(HC+ 1)12k ≤CkhkH−1(Sβ), (15) which using thatδ0∈H1(Sβ) yields

|hWC, f⊗gi| ≤Ck(HC+ 1)˜g(−HC)kkfkH−1(Sβ)k(HC+ 1)12Ck2. The r.h.s. can clearly be estimated in terms of Schwartz seminorms off andg.

Analytic continuation

We first recall thespectrum condition on the circle[14]:

|PC| ≤HC. Set

V±:={(t, y)∈IR2 | |t|<|y|, ±y≥0}.

UsingkeHC(HC+ 1)k ≤C1 and the bound (15) we conclude that F(τ, z) := C, φC0)eizHCeiτ PCφC0)ΩC

is holomorphic inSβ×IR + iV+, has a moderate growth when=(τ, z)→0 and RF(t+ i, y+ i)f(t)g(y)dtdy

= (2π)12 φC0)ΩC,˜g(−HC)e(HC+PC)φC(f)ΩC

→ hWC, f⊗gi, when0, i.e.,

lim0F(.+ i, .+ i) =WC(., .) inS0(Sβ×IR).


Locality on the circle Clearly

WC= lim

k+Gk inS0(Sβ×IR), where

Gk(t, y) := C, φCk)eiyHCeitPCφCk)ΩC ,

and δk is a sequence in C(Sβ) with support in{t∈IR| |t| ≤k1}and tending toδ0 whenk→ ∞.

Now using locality (i.e., finite speed of light) on the circle, we see that if (t, y) Vβ,k,

Vβ,k={(t, y)| |y|<inf(t, β−t)−2k1}, then

Ck),eiyHCeitPCφCk)eitPCeiyHC] = 0,

because no signal can go from suppδk to supp (δk+t) in timey if (t, y) ∈Vβ,k. This fact can be shown by exactly the same arguments as those used for theP(φ)2

model on IR. Thus for (t, y)∈Vβ,k, the functionGk is real valued.

Edge of the wedge

According to the Schwarz reflection principle,WCcan now be view as the boundary value of a function holomorphic inVβ−iV+:

WC(t, x) =H(t, x) where

H(τ, z) := φC0)ΩC,eizHCeiτ PCφC0)ΩC . Thus

WC(t, y) =WCt,y),¯ (t, y)∈Vβ+i(V+∪V). (16) We can now apply the edge of the wedge theorem [27]. It implies that there exists an open ballB(0, d) :={z∈C2| |z|< d}such thatWC(t, y) is holomorphic inVβ+, where

Γ :=V+∪V∪B(0, d).

Moreover,WC(t, iy) is real for t Sβ, y >0 (by using the representation of eyHC as a Feynman-Kac-Nelson (FKN) kernel). ThusWC(t, iy) is real fort∈Sβ, y∈IR, by (16). Applying the Schwarz reflection principle one more time, we conclude that

WC(t, y) =WC(t,−y) ∀(t, y)∈Vβ+iΓ.

Schwinger two-point function for the thermalP(φ)2 model

Leth∈C0IR(IR) and set I(t, x) :=



φ(0, h)φ(t, αxh)dµ, t∈Sβ, x∈IR, whereαxh(y) =h(y−x). By [13, Thm. 7.2], we get:


I = 2R

−∞<x1x2<h(x1) C, φC0)e(x2x1)HCφCt)ΩC


= 2R

−∞<x1x2<h(x1−x) C, φCt)e(x2x1)HCφC0)ΩC

h(x2)dx1dx2. But C, φC0)e(x2x1)HCφCt)ΩC

is real by the FKN formula and hence C, φC0)e(x2x1)HCφCt)ΩC

= C, φCt)e(x2x1)HCφC0)ΩC , which yields:

I(t, x) = 2R

−∞<x1x2< h(x1)r(t, x2−x1)h(x2−x) +h(x1−x)r(t, x2−x1)h(x2)

dx1dx2, (17) for

r(t, x) = C, φC0)exHCφCt)ΩC

=WC(t,ix), x≥0.

We have seen thatWC(t, y) =WC(t,−y) for (t, y)∈Vβ+ iΓ, which when restricted tot∈Sβ,<y= 0, yieldsWC(t,ix) =WC(t,−ix).

Therefore exchanging the variablesx1andx2 in the r.h.s. of (17), we obtain:

2I(t, x) = Z


h(x1)WC(t, x2−x1)h(x2−x)dx1dx2=h ? h?WC(t, x), (18) whereh(x) :=h(−x).

Wightman two-point function for the thermal P(φ)2 model

Let β be the GNS vector for the thermal state ωβ, and let Pβ and Lβ be the generators of space-time translations such thatPββ =Lββ = 0. We recall that ϕβ(h) forh∈C0IR(IR) is the field operator in the GNS representation.

LetWβ(t, x) be the two-point function for the thermalP(φ)2 model, defined by ϕβ(h1)Ωβ,eitLβϕβxh2)Ωβ

=h1? h2 ?Wβ(t, x), (19) forhi∈C0IR(IR). Since dµis the Euclidean measure for the thermalP(φ)2model on the line, we have

Wβ(it, x) =WC(t,ix), 0< t < β/2, x∈IR. (20) As we have seen,WC(t, y) is holomorphic inVβ+iΓ. Thus we deduce from (20) that Wβ(t, x) is holomorphic inΓ + iVβ. Applying (19) withh1 =h2 =:h, we deduce from this fact that

ϕβ(h)Ωβ ∈ D(e(sL+yP)/2) ∀(s, y)∈Vβ.

But by the spectral theorem this clearly implies that Wβ(t, x) is holomorphic in IR2+ iVβ. ut


5 Outlook

The condition of locality leads to strong constraints on the general form of the thermal two-point functions which allow one to apply the techniques of the Jost–

Lehmann–Dyson representation. As has been shown by Bros and Buchholz [6][7], the interacting two-point functionWβ can be represented in the form

Wβ(t, x) = Z


dmDβ(x, m)Wβ(0)(t, x, m).

HereDβ(x, m) is a distribution inx, mwhich is symmetric inx, and Wβ(0)(x, m) = (2π)1


dνdp ε(ν)δ(ν2−p2−m2)(1eβν)1ei(νtpx) is the two-point correlation function of the free field of massmin a thermal equilib- rium state at inverse temperature β. In contrast to the vacuum case, the damping factors Dβ(x, m) depend in general in a non-trivial way on the spatial variables x.

They describe the dissipative effects of the thermal background on the propagation of sharply localized excitations.

If the underlying equilibrium state satisfies the relativistic KMS condition, the function Dβ(x, m) is regular in x and admits an analytic continuation into the domain{z∈C| |=z|< β/2}.


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