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Assembly proclaims 1994 international year of sport


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Mo. 4518

·2 6 october 1993

AsseJ\bly proclaiJlS 1994 International Year of Sport

The General Assembly on 25 october proclaimed 1994 as the International Year of sport and the Olympic Ideal and urged member states to observe an "olympi.c truce" for a week before and after each of the olympic games. It took that action through its adoption of two resolutions on building a peaceful and better world through sport.

Also this afternoon, the Assembly invited direct contributions to the University for Peace and to the Trust Fund of Peace, which was established to assist the university through voluntary contributions. In adopting its resolution on the subject, the Assembly invited member states to accede to the international agreement for the establishment of the University for Peace.

By its text on the International Year of sport, the Assembly invited full participation in the year by states, non-governmental organizations and the united Nations systenl. By its text on the Olympic Truce, as orally revised, the Assembly requested thai: the Secretary-General promote its observance. It also called on st:ates to cooperate with the· International Olympic Committee in its efforts to promote the truce.

All three texts were adopted without a vote.

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