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Agenda: adopted at the second Meeting of the Commission on 26 January 1960


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Second sessi..on

Provisional agenda item 11




E/CN.14/35/Add.2 26 January 1960 Original: ENGLISH

Teaching and research in the social s'ciences 'in Africa (Mditionalinformatipn relating to Appendix III to

Document E/CN.14/35) . MOROCCO'

dL'Ecole·Marocaine d'Administration ... Rabat

The School offers two year courses in Economics and Sta~istics,

Sociology,Political Science, Public Mministri:J;tioJ+and. Organisation and Methods•.. ,AllsUbjects are compulsory and lead to a ,diploma "Thich q,ualifies its holderS for entry into·thE! execbltiveuranche,'s'of the Moroccan,

l\.dministratidh.· . "..

,•••,... " . ' ',.'...-.: ;..- ..

I' .Of the staff of. nineteen French and Moroccan pro;t;essors and lE'icturers about half are also employed at


trl~iversity of Rabat; the remainder are professional administrators from the ]\!Iinistry of Finance, the Ministry of' National Economy and the Supreme Court of Morocco. Six of these are former graduates or teaching members of the French National School of Administration, the National School of Statistics, Paris, or other French Universities. '.

- "

There is no information a s to the exact number of students at the School in 1959. But at .the end of the academiC year, fourteen graduates proceeded to the National School of Administration in Paris, and six to the University' of Wa.shington for further studies."


"Institut des Hautes Etudes, Tunis

A nucleus. of university courses in the Social Sciences .is now being provided, or will be provided during the next academic year.· Tunisian students may now prepare for a Licence de Sociologie at the Centre drEtude~

de Sciences Humaines, and the first graduates are expected in June 1960 • . Introductory courses in Sociology have already been organised during the ]Jflst academic·. year (1958-1959) for the Licence de Lettres Arabes and ,rill be exteridedto courses leading to the Licence d'Histoire and the Licence de Sciences Economiguesi for which students will prepare during the coming ,academic ye8T'.




E/CN.l4/35/Add.2 page 2

Training ata university level'in Economics i:s ;1;0 'be, ani ezltension of the teaching facilities provided by the Centted' E'tud'es 'Ecoii'Om19ues;' Up till the present,two.year cour'ies have prepared candidates for a state diploma (equivalent to a teach:L:tig Licence). The syllabus includes:

General Economics, with emphasis on the economy of under-developed countries (productionnctors, prices and money, revenue distribution, monetary policy

@"d credit); Public Finance; Statistics (Mathematics, statis~icalmethods, sampling and quantitative analysis); Sociology; Geography; Accountancy;

Principles of Technology; Principles of Law.

The numb~I:<6fc'~uQ.entsprepajEitrgfor,·dlPl9ma8dl1ri't1.gJ:9:~8-l959 was forty-three. ' ; . ' " "

The staff of tlllenty-five .( six Tunisians and nineteen French nations) includes seven Economists, three Sociologists, four Geographers, ,f~tur.."

Statisticians, four Mathematicians, two Accountants and one Political Scientist •.

Gra.qilJ.ates, do not proceed to institutions abroad.

: :

Tl~e()eht:Je 'd'Etudes de Sciences Humaines,uptill thepreaent has provided courses only for Sociologya1'l.d PsYchology, l€adingto a'

Certificate in Sociology. I t had some sixty students, .l9-5g...1959;· ,.and , mos,tof these will proceed to a Licence in Sociology or Arab Lett,ers."

t ;

, ,', j



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