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By looking at the sets EN = {wk}k≥N and the associated ideals, show that the “global” ring R=O(Ω)is never Noetherian


Academic year: 2022

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M2R Université Grenoble Alpes 2019-2020 Introduction to analytic geometry (course by Jean-Pierre Demailly)

Partial examination, 07/11/2019, 13:00 – 17:00 Any use of electronic devices is forbidden

Handwritten documents and lecture notes are allowed, printed documents are not (except exercise sheets) Answers to questions can be developed in French or English

Justifications of more or less trivial questions need not be very long ! The four problems are independent.

1. (a) Let Ω ⊂ Cn be an open set, let E = {wk}k∈N ⊂ Ω be an infinite discrete (i.e. locally finite) subset of Ω. By looking at the sets EN = {wk}k≥N and the associated ideals, show that the “global”

ring R=O(Ω)is never Noetherian.

LetIN be the ideal of functionsf ∈O(Ω)such thatf vanishes at every point ofEN. In dimension1, a well known theorem of Weierstrass states that there exists a holomorphic function vanishing with prescribed multiplicities (say 1) at all points of EN and nowhere else, hence the sequence of ideals IN is strictly increasing and Noetherianity is contradicted. In dimension n, we can reduce ourselves to dimension1 by considering the first projectionΩ1=p1(Ω)withp1:Cn→C, and exploiting the idea of the proof of the Weierstrass theorem. If Ω1 =C, we can take inductively a sequence wk ∈Ω withwk,1 =p1(wk)→ ∞, for instance with|w0,1| ≥1and |wk,1| ≥2|wk−1,1|, so that |wk,1| ≥2k. Then the infinite product

fN(z) =fN(z1) = Y


1− z1


is uniformly convergent on every compact subset, and we have fN ∈ IN and fN ∈/ IN−1 for N ≥ 1. If Ω16=C, we can pick a boundary point a∈∂Ω1 and a sequence of pointsΩ13wk,1 =p1(wk)→ awith wk ∈Ω, e.g. satisfying|w0,1−a| ≤1 and |wk,1−a| ≤ 12|wk−1,1−a|, so that |wk,1−a| ≤2−k. Then the infinite product

fN(z) =fN(z1) = Y



z1−a = Y


1−wk,1−a z1−a

converges on compact subsets of Ω(as z1−a6= 0 there), and so defines a functionfN ∈IN rIN−1. (b) LetSbe a complex analytic submanifold ofΩ. IfS is compact, prove thatS is in fact of dimension0 and consists of a finite set of points.

Hint. Apply the maximum principle to the coordinate functions.

Indeed, S can have only finitely many connected components Sj. AsSj is also compact, any coordinate functionz`reaches the maximum of its absolute value at some point ofSj and must therefore be constant.

This implies thatSj is a singleton.

(c) Show by an example that result (b) does not hold if one replaces “complex analytic submanifold” by real analytic (or even real algebraic) submanifold.

In fact, any sphereP

(xj −aj)22 defines a(n−1)-dimensional compact real algebraic manifold, and is contained in Ωifa∈Ωand ε >0 is small.

2. Let A be a germ of analytic set of pure dimension k in a neighborhood of 0 in Cn. One assumes that coordinates z = (z0, z00), z0 = (z1, . . . , zk), z00 = (zk+1, . . . , zn) have been chosen, and well as a small polydisk D= D0×D00 in Ck×Cn−k, such that the projectionp :A∩D→ D0,z 7→ z0 defines a ramified covering, with ramification locusΣ⊂D0. One denotes by dthe degree of the covering, and by z00=wj(z0),1≤j≤d, the branches of Ain a neighborhood of every pointz00 ∈D0rΣ.

(a) If f ∈O(D)is a holomorphic function, show that

Qf(z0) = Y


f(z0, z00) =




f(z0, wj(z0))

is holomorphic on D0rΣand actually extends holomorphically toD0.


The holomorphicity comes from the holomorphicity of thewj’s, and by a theorem explained in the course, the extension property comes from the fact thatQf is locally bounded whenz0approaches a pointa0∈Σ.

(b) Let B ⊂A be an analytic subset defined as B ={z∈A/g1(z) = . . .=gN(z) = 0} withgj ∈O(D).

The goal is to show that p(B)is an analytic subset of D0. Fort= (t1, . . . , tN)∈CN, define

h(z0, t) =Qt1g1+···+tNgN(z0).

Show thath defines a holomorphic function onD0×CN that is a homogeneous degreedpolynomial in t= (t1, . . . , tN). If h(z0, t) =P

hα(z0)tα, show thatp(B) is the common zero set of the functions hα. Hint. For any finite set of non zero points inCN, one can find a linear form that does not vanish on any of them ...

Clearly,(z0, t)7→h(z0, t) is holomorphic for(z0, t)∈(D0rΣ)×Cn, and is a homogeneous polynomial of degreedintthere, i.e.

h(z0, t) =X

hα(z0)tα, hα∈O(D0rΣ).

Ashis locally bounded near every point ofΣ×CN, it must extend toD0×CN and is still a homogeneous polynomial there, by applying a continuity argument for the coefficients hα (we know that D0rΣ is dense in D0). The hint is obtained e.g. by saying that the union of finitely many hyperplanes cannot be the whole space in a complex vector space (e.g. by Baire – this is not true for vector spaces over a finite field!). Now, ifz0 ∈/ p(B), the preimages are(z0, wj(z0)),1≤j≤d(where some of the roots may coincide ifz0∈Σ), and for everyj= 1, . . . , d, theN-tuple(gk(z0, wj(z0))1≤k≤N is not zero. We can therefore find a linear form CN 3 (ξk) 7→ P

tkξk such thatP

tkgk(z0, wj(z0)) 6= 0 for all j, so that h(z0, t) 6= 0. This implies that some coefficienthα(z0) is non zero. On the other hand, ifz0∈p(B), there exists jsuch that (z0, wj(z0))∈B, and so P

1≤k≤Ntkgk(z0, wj(z0)) = 0; this implies that t7→h(z0, t) vanishes identically, thushα(z0) = 0for allα. We conclude thatp(B) is equal to the common zero set of thehα’s, hence that p(B) is analytic in D0.

(c) Let H be the hyperbola z1z2 = 1 in C2 and p : C2 → C be the first projection p : (z1, z2) 7→ z1. Is p(H) analytic in C? What happens ?

In that case p(H) = C is not analytic inC as it is not even closed (it turns out to be the complement of an analytic set!). There is no contradiction, sincep:H →Cis not a ramified covering.

(d) Let B ⊂ Cn be a compact complex analytic set. The goal is to show that B is finite and of dimension 0 (thus generalizing the result of 1 b). One argues by induction onn, letting p:Cn → Cn−1 be the projection to the first n−1coordinates.

– casen= 1.

– for n≥2, show that the fibers ofp|B must be finite.

– then show that p(B) is analytic inCn−1and conclude.

Hint. For any pointa0∈p(B) withp−1(a0)∩B ={(a0, a00j)∈Cn−1×C/1≤j≤m}, construct a neigh- borhoodV0 of a0 and polynomials Pj,k(z0, zn)∈O(V0)[zn]so thatBV0 :=B∩p−1(V0) is the union of

BV0,j :=B∩(V0×D(a00j, ε)) ={(z0, zn)∈V0×D(a00j, ε)/ Pj,k(z0, zn) = 0, 1≤k≤Nj}, 1≤j≤m and apply (b) with e.g. BV0 ⊂A:={Q

jPj,0(z0, zn) = 0}to infer that p(B)∩V0 is analytic.

– In dimension 1, an infinite compact set must have an accumulation point, but zeroes of holomorphic functions cannot have accumulation points. This implies thatB must be finite.

– Assume now thatn≥2. The fibers ofp|B can be seen as an intersection of analytic setsB∩({z0} ×C) in dimension 1. Their compactness implies that they are finite (possibly empty).

– Let a0 ∈p(B). Then we now that there are only finitely many points (a0, a00j), 1≤j≤m in the fiber.

Letε >0be so small that the disks D(a00j, ε) are disjoint. There existsr >0 so that B∩p−1(B(a0, r)) ⊂ [


B(a0, r)×D(a00j, ε),

otherwise k 7→ B ∩ p−1(B(a0,2−k))∩(Cn−1 rS

jD(a00j, ε)) would be a decreasing sequence of non empty closed sets with empty intersection. Since we can take ε and r arbitrarily small, we can as- sume thatB∩(B(a0, r)×D(a00j, ε))is defined by a finite collection of holomorphic equationsgj,k(z) = 0


inB(a0, r)×D(a00j, ε), 1≤k≤Nj, and since the fiberB∩p−1(a0) is finite, we can always arrange that zn7→gj,k(a0, zn)is not identically zero (eventually by adding one of the functions to those which do not have this property). By the Weierstrass preparation theorem, we can assume that gj,k is a polynomial Pj,k(z0, zn) ∈O(B(a0, r))[zn], possibly after shrinking r and ε, all zeroes of zn 7→Pj,k(z0, zn) being con- tained in D(a00j, ε). We takeV0=B(a0, r)and A:={Q

jPj,0(z0, zn) = 0}inV0×D(0, R) (R very large).

ThenBV0 is defined inA by the finite set of equationsP1k1P2k2. . . Pmkm = 0 where1≤kj ≤Nj, and we can apply (b) to conclude thatp(B)∩V0 =p(BV0) is analytic in V0. This implies that p(B) is analytic inCn−1, and by induction thatp(B) is finite. As the fibers are finite, we conclude thatB itself is finite.

3. Let α ∈]0,1[. One defines the Hopf surface Xα to be the quotient(C2r{(0,0)})/Γ by the discrete groupΓ'Zof homothetieshkα,k∈Z, withhα(z) =αz.

(a) Prove thatXαis C (or even Cω)-diffeomorphic to the product of spheres S1×S3 via the map


exp(2πi log|z|/logα), z/|z|


We have herehkα(z) =αkz. Clearly, the above map f is real analytic onC2r{(0,0)}as a composition of real analytic functions, and passes to the quotient onXα. Indeed, if we replacezbyαz, thenlog|z|/logα is replaced by1+log|z|/logαandexp(2πi log|z|/logα)does not change; the quotientz/|z|is not changed either. Now, one easily sees thatf is bijective and has an inverse bijection g=f−1 given by

g(t, u) = exp(Arg(t)×logα)/2π)u∈(C2r{(0,0)})/Γ.

This is again well defined since a change ofArg(t)intoArg(t) + 2kπmultiples the image byαk, so that we still get the same point in (C2r{(0,0)})/Γ. The above formula shows thatgis real analytic onS1×S3. (b) Show that Xα can be equipped with the structure of a complex analytic surface, and give explicitly an atlas consisting of 2 open sets in C2.

One can take for instance U0 = {z ∈ C2/ α < |z| < 1} and U1 = {z ∈ C2/ α3/2 < |z| < α1/2} and Ω0, Ω1 their respective images in Xα. By definition of the quotient topology, these are open sets homeomorphic to U0,U1, and the charts τj : Ωj →Uj are defined by assigning to every classz˙∈Ωj its unique representative z ∈Uj. It is more or less obvious that Ω0∩Ω1 consists of all points z˙ such that

|z|∈ {α/ k, αk+1/2, k∈Z}, with transition maps τ011(Ω0∩Ω1)→τ0(Ω0∩Ω1),

z7→α−1z on α3/2<|z|< α z7→z on α <|z|< α1/2 τ100(Ω0∩Ω1)→τ1(Ω0∩Ω1),

z7→z on α <|z|< α1/2 z7→αz on α1/2<|z|<1.

This is a holomorphic atlas in complex dimension 2.

(c) Check that

ω(z) = i


defines a hermitian metric on Xα that is not a Kähler metric, but show however that ∂∂ ω= 0.

Since hα|z|2 = α2|z|2 and hα∂∂|z|2 = α2∂∂|z|2, we see that hαω = ω. Therefore ω passes to the quotient and defines a (1,1)-form on Xα. As i∂∂|z|2 = i(dz1∧dz1+dz2∧dz2) is positive definite on C2r{(0,0)}, we conclude that ω is a positive definite hermitian metric onXα. A calculation gives

∂ ω= −i

|z|4∂|z|2∧∂∂|z|2= −i


= −i

|z|4 z1dz1∧dz2∧dz2+z2dz2∧dz1∧dz1

6= 0, thusω is not Kähler,

∂∂ ω=− i

|z|4∂ z1dz1∧dz2∧dz2+z2dz2∧dz1∧dz1

+ 2i

|z|6∂|z|2∧ z1dz1∧dz2∧dz2+z2dz2∧dz1∧dz1

=− i

|z|4 ·2dz1∧dz1∧dz2∧dz2+ 2i

|z|6(z1dz1+z2dz2)∧ z1dz1∧dz2∧dz2+z2dz2∧dz1∧dz1

=− i

|z|4 ·2dz1∧dz1∧dz2∧dz2+ 2i

|z|6(|z1|2+|z2|2)dz1∧dz1∧dz2∧dz2= 0.


(d) If P(z), Q(z) are homogeneous polynomials of degree d on C2 without common zeroes, show that Φ(z) = (P(z), Q(z)) defines a holomorphic morphism ϕ : Xα → Xβ for certain values of β (which ones ?).

If Φ : C2 r{(0,0)} → C2r{(0,0)} descends to a map ϕ : Xα → Xβ, we must have by definition Φ(αz) = βk(z)Φ(z) for some k(z) ∈ Z. In fact, the connectedness of C2r{(0,0)} and the continuity of k(z) = (logβ)−1log|Φ(αz)|/log|Φ(z)| imply that k(z) is a constant k∈ Z. Now, if Φ = (P, Q) with P, Q homogeneous of degree d, we have Φ(αz) = αdΦ(z) for every z ∈ C2r{(0,0)}, i.e. αd = βk. If d = 0, Φ is a constant, we have k = 0 and there is no constraint on β. If d > 0, then αd < 1 and thus k > 0 as well. Therefore β must be of the form αd/k, i.e. logβ/logα =d/k ∈ Q+. Conversely, if logβ/logα=d/k∈Q+, such polynomial maps exist, e.g.Φ(z1, z2) = (zd1, z2d).

(e) Observing that the universal cover ofXαisC2r{0}, conclude that any non constant holomorphic mor- phismϕ:Xα→Xβ lifts to a holomorphic mapΦ :C2→C2 such thatΦ(αz) =βpΦ(z)for somep∈N. Infer that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such morphisms is logβ/logα∈Q+, and thatΦ must be homogeneous of some degree.

AsC2r{0}is simply connected, the composition

C2r{0} −→Xα

−→ϕ Xβ = (C2r{0})/Γ

lifts to a holomorphic map Φ :C2r{0} →C2r{0}. The Riemann-Hartogs extension theorem implies that Φ extends to a holomorphic map Φ : C2 → C2. Also, the discussion made in (d) implies that Φ(αz) =βkΦ(z) for some k∈ Z. Let Φ(z) = P

p∈N2apzp (ap ∈C2) be the Taylor expansion of Φ. An identification of coefficients in the relationΦ(αz) =βkΦ(z)leads to the conclusion that we can only have monomials of degree d= |p| =p1+p2 such thatαdk, i.e. d= klogβ/logα and Φ must be of the formΦ = (P, Q) with homogeneous polynomials of degreed. Sinceϕis assumed to be non constant, this is possible only withd, k >0 andlogβ/logα=d/k ∈Q+.

(f) Give an example of a pair of non homeomorphic compact complex surfaces, resp. of a pair of homeo- morphic (and even diffeomorphic) but non biholomorphic ones.

Examples on non homeomorphic compact complex surfaces are for instanceX1/2 andY =P1×P1(Y is simply connected andX1/2is not). Now, we have seen thatX1/2andX1/3are bothCω-diffeomorphic to S1×S3, but non biholomorphic since log 3/log 2∈/ Q+ (there are no relations of the form3k = 2d with d, k >0).

4. Except for (g) below, letX =Rn/Zn be then-dimensional torus, considered as a C manifold.

(a) Show thatCdifferential forms of degreeponXcan be interpreted as formsu(x) =P


onRn(the summation is over lengthpincreasing multi-indices), where each functionuI satisfies a certain periodicity condition.

Pulling back any form u on X by the quotient maps Rn → X = Rn/Zn leads to interpreting u as a differential form onRn with coefficientsuI that are Zn-periodic functions.

(b) Infer from (a) that forms with constant coefficients give rise to a natural ring morphism ϕ: Λp(Rn)→HDRp (X,R).

If we take the coefficients uI to be constant, then one trivially getsdu= 0, and thus we get a morphism ϕ: Λp(Rn)→HDRp (X,R), u7→ {u}

where {u} is seen as the cohomology class of the corresponding constant-coefficient form on Rn/Zn. By definition, this is trivially a ring morphism.

(c) For p+q =n, one defines a bilinear map

HDRp (X,R)×HDRq (X,R)−→R, ({u},{v})7→




whereX is given the usual orientation ofRn, and{u}denotes the cohomology class of ad-closed formu.

Show that the above bilinear form is well defined.


We have to show thatR

Xu∧v does not change when the representativesu, v of our classes{u},{v}are changed. By definition of cohomology classes, we have to take du = 0, dv = 0. Now if u is changed to u+dw, then



(u+dw)∧v− Z


u∧v= Z


dw∧v= Z


d(w∧v) = 0 by Stokes’formula. Similarly, R

Xu∧v is left unchanged ifv is replaced by v+dw. TheR-bilinearity of the map is trivial.

(d) Derive from (c) that the cohomology class of a constant-coefficient form u=P

uIdxI is equal to0if and only if u= 0, in other words thatϕ is injective.

Hint. Usev=dx{I where{I means the complement of I in{1,2, . . . , n}.

Ifu=dw, then



u∧dx{I = Z


dw∧dx{I = Z


d(w∧dx{I) = 0 by Stokes, and on the other hand



u∧dx{I = Z


uIdxI∧dx{I =± Z


uIdx1∧. . .∧dxn=±uI, thusuI = 0for every I. This means that ϕis injective.

(e) Givena∈Rn, one defines operatorsLa, Ga and M acting on smooth p-forms u by La(u) =v (resp.

Gau=w,M u=ue) where

vI(x) =DauI(x), wI(x) = Z 1


uI(x+ta)dt, ueI(x) = Z



where dλ is the Lebesgue measure on Rn and Da the derivative in direction a. Show that La, Ga

and M commute with the exterior derivative d, and that M u=ue always has constant coefficients (i.e.

independent ofx). Compute explicitlyGa◦La andd◦M.

The commutation ofLa, GaandM withdcomes from the commutation ofDawith partial differentiations

∂/∂xk (Schwarz’ theorem for smooth functions), resp. from differentiation with respect to parametersxk

under the integral sign, for the integral expressions ofwI(x)andueI(x). The periodicity ofuI tells us that ueI is just the average value of uI when seen as a function on Rn/Zn, hence it is a constant. Therefore d◦M(u) =due= 0 and we already conclude from this thatd◦M = 0. By definition

La(u) =X


DauI(x)dxI, Ga(u) =X


Z 1





Ga◦La(u)(x) =X


Z 1



dxI =X


(uI(x+a)−uI(x))dxI =u(x+a)−u(x).

(f) The “interior product” iau of p-form u by a is defined to be the alternate (p−1)-form such that iau(x)(ξ2, . . . , ξp) = u(x)(a, ξ2, . . . , ξp). The well known “Lie derivative formula” (that can be admitted here) states that d(iau) +ia(du) =Lau. Infer from this that for the torus, the operator


defined by ha = Ga ◦ ia satisfies the so called “homotopy formula” d(ha(u)) + ha(du) = va with va(x) =u(x+a)−u(x), and that for every closed formu,va is cohomologous to zero. Finally, conclude from all the above results that eu−u is cohomologous to zero and that ϕis an isomorphism.

By the commutation ofGa with dand the Lie derivative formula, we find

d(ha(u))+ha(du) =d(Ga◦ia(u))+Ga◦ia(du) =Ga◦(d(ia(u))+ia(du)) =Ga◦Lau= x7→u(x+a)−u(x) .


When du= 0, this implies that

u(x+a)−u(x) =dha(u)(x),

i.e. x7→u(x+a)−u(x) is cohomologous to0. It we integrate over a∈Rn/Zn, this gives

eu(x)−u(x) = Z


dha(u)(x)dλ(a) =d Z



(again, by commutation of ∂/∂xk and R

with parametersxk), that is

eu−u=dK(u) where K(u)(x) = Z


ha(u)(x)dλ(a) = Z


Z 1




This means that every d-closed form u is cohomologous to its average u. We infer from this thate ϕ is surjective, hence an isomorphism.

(g) ifX =Cn/Λ is a compact complex torus (whereΛ is a lattice inCn'R2n), use a similar technique to show that there is aninjective morphism given by constant-coefficient forms

ψ: Λp,q(C)n→Hp,q


Let us computeR

Xu∧v withu=P

|I|=p,|J|=quI,JdzI∧dzJ andv=dz{I∧dz{J. Ifu=∂ w for a certain (p, q−1)-form w, then



u∧dz{I∧dz{J = Z


∂ w∧dz{I∧dz{J = Z


dw∧dz{I∧dz{J = Z


d(w∧dz{I∧dz{J) = 0.

Here, we have used the fact that ∂w ∧dz{I ∧dz{J = 0, since the bidegree of this wedge product is (p+ 1, q−1) + (n−p, n−q) = (n+ 1, n−1). On the other hand, if uhas constant coefficients, then



u∧dz{I∧dz{J =±uI,J



dz1∧dz1∧. . .∧dzn∧dzn=±(2i)nuI,J, therefore uI,J = 0 and ψ is injective.

Note. One can show that ψ is actually an isomorphism, but this is a bit harder than for De Rham cohomology (and the required technology has not yet been explained in the course!).

The result was probably (somehow) already known to Riemann, but the “modern technology” is to use Hodge theory: on a compact Kähler manifold,Hp,q

(X,C) is isomorphic to the space of harmonic(p, q)- forms. On a torus, this means that ∆uI,J = 0, but by the maximum principle, harmonic functions are constant on a compact manifold. Thus, for a torus, we get that Hp,q

(X,C) is isomorphic to the space of constant-coefficient forms. (This turns out to be also true for Bott-Chern cohomology groups).


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