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The amalgamated duplication of a ring along a semidualizing ideal


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The Amalgamated Duplication of a Ring Along a Semidualizing Ideal


ABSTRACT- LetRbe a commutative Noetherian ring and letIbe an ideal ofR. In this paper, after recalling briefly the main properties of the amalgamated duplication ringR‚Iwhich is introduced by D'Anna and Fontana, we restrict our attention to the study of the properties ofR‚I, whenIis a semidualizing ideal ofR, i.e.,I is an ideal ofRandIis a semidualizingR-module. In particular, it is shown that if Iis a semidualizing ideal andMis a finitely generatedR-module, thenMis totally I-reflexive as anR-module if and only ifMis totally reflexive as an (R‚I)-module.

In addition, it is shown that ifIis a semidualizing ideal, thenRandIare Gorenstein projective overR‚I, and every injectiveR-module is Gorenstein injective as an (R‚I)-module. Finally, it is proved that ifIis a non-zero flat ideal ofR, then fdR(M)ˆfdI(MR(R‚I))ˆfdR(MR(R‚I)), for everyR-moduleM.


KEYWORDS. Amalgamated duplication, semidualizing, totally reflexive, Gorenstein projective.

1. Introduction

Throughout this paper all rings are considered commutative with identity element, and all ring homomorphisms are unital. Over a commu- tative local ring, semidualizing modules provide a common generalization

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

E-mail: maryamsalimi@ipm.ir

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

E-mail: elhamtavasoli@ipm.ir

(***) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, University of Tehran, and School of mathematics, Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran.

E-mail: yassemi@ipm.ir

The research of Siamak Yassemi was in part supported by a grant from IPM (No. 91130214).


of a dualizing (canonical) module and a free module of rank one. In [10], Golod introduced the notion of semidualizing modules, though suggestions of this notion can be traced back to Foxby [9] and Vasconcelos [18].

LetRbe a ring and letMbe anR-module. The idealizationRjM(also called trivial extension) introduced by Nagata in 1956 [14, Page 2], is a new ring where the moduleMcan be viewed as an ideal such that its square is 0.

In [11, Lemma 3.1], it is proved that if C is a semidualizing module for Noetherian ring R, then every injective (Rj C)-module is a direct sum- mand of theR-module HomR(Rj C;E), whereEis an injectiveR-module.

Also, Holm and Jùrgensen in [11, Lemma 3.3], showed that if C is a semidualizing module for Noetherian ringR, then

(i) RandCare Gorenstein projective overRj C.

(ii) HomR(R;E)Eand HomR(C;E) are Gorenstein injective over Rj C.

This paper builds on work of Holm and Jùrgensen for the amalgamated duplication instead of idealization. First, we recall the definition of amal- gamated duplication. In [6] D'Anna and Fontana, considered a different type of construction obtained involving a ringRand an idealIRthat is denoted byR‚I, called amalgamated duplication, and it is defined as the following subring ofRR:

R‚Iˆ f(r;r‡i)jr2R;i2Ig:

They showed thatR‚Iis reduced if and only ifRis reduced. This con- struction has been studied by different authors, since it allows to produce rings satisfying preassigned conditions and this is the main motivation for the investigations of the authors. In this paper, we study the ringR‚Ifor semidualizing ideal I. In Section 3, we show that if Iis an ideal of Noe- therian ringRsuch thatIis a semidualizingR-module, andMis a finitely generatedR-module, thenM is totallyI-reflexive as anR-module if and only ifMis totally reflexive as an (R‚I)-module (see Theorem 3.2). Also, we show that, ifIis a non-zero ideal of Noetherian ringRsuch thatIis a semidualizingR-module andMis a totally reflexive (R‚I)-module, then


for alli1, provided thatNis a locally finite flat dimensionR-module, and ExtiR(M;G)ˆ0ˆTorRi(M;HomR(I;G))

for all i1, provided that G is a locally finite injective dimension R- module.


Finally, we prove that ifIis an ideal of Noetherian ringR, then every injective (R‚I)-module is a direct summand of the R-module HomR(R‚I;M), whereMis an injectiveR-module. In addition, we show that ifIis semidualizing, thenRandIare Gorenstein projective overR‚I, and every injectiveR-module is Gorenstein injective as an (R‚I)-module.

2. Preliminaries

First, we deal with some applications of a general construction, in- troduced in [6], called amalgamated duplication of a ring along an ideal.

LetRbe a commutative ring with unit element 1 and letIbe an ideal of R. Set

R‚Iˆ f(r;s)jr;s2R;s r2Ig:

It is easy to check thatR‚Iis a subring, with unit element (1;1), ofRR (with the usual componentwise operations) and that R‚Iˆ f(r;r‡i)jr2R;i2Ig. In the following, we recall some main properties of the ringR‚Ifrom [5] which we use in the next section.

PROPOSITION2.1. LetRbe a ring and letIbe an ideal ofR. Then the following statements hold.

(i) By introducing a multiplicative structure in the R-module direct sum RI by setting


the map f :RI!R‚I defined by f((r;i))ˆ(r;r‡i) is a ring iso- morphism and R-isomorphism too. Moreover, there is an split exact se- quence of R-modules

0!R!W R‚I!c I!0

whereW(r)ˆ(r;r)for all r2R, andc((r;s))ˆs r, for all(r;s)2R‚I.

Notice that this sequence splits.

(ii) R and R‚I have the same Krull dimension. Also, if R is a Noetherian ring, then R‚I is a finitely generated R-module.

In [1], [5], [6], [16], and [17], the properties of the ring R‚I were studied extensively.

The following notion was introduced by Golod, though suggestion of this notion can be traced back to Foxby and Vasconcelos.


DEFINITION2.2. Let C be a finitely generated R-module. An R-module G is totally C-reflexive if it satisfies the following conditions:

(i) G is finitely generated over R;

(ii) the biduality map dCG:G !HomR(HomR(G;C);C) given by dCG(g)(c)ˆc(g)for each g2G andc2HomR(G;C), is an iso- morphism; and

(iii) ExtiR(G;C)ˆ0ˆExtiR(HomR(G;C);C)for all i1.

In this paper, for anR-moduleM, we use ``Mis totally reflexive'' instead of ``Mis totallyR-reflexive''.

The following notion was introduced, seemingly independently and using different terminology, by Foxby, Golod, Wakamatsu, and Vasconcelos.

DEFINITION2.3. The R-module C is semidualizing if it satisfies the following:

(i) C is finitely generated;

(ii) the homothety mapxCR:R !HomR(C;C)given byxCR(r)(c)ˆrc for each r2R and c2C, is an isomorphism; and

(iii) ExtiR(C;C)ˆ0for all i1.

In addition an R-module D is called dualizing if it is semidualizing andidR(D)51.

By the term ``Iis a semidualizing ideal for ringR'', we mean thatIis an ideal ofRandIis a semidualizingR-module.

Recall that a complete projective resolution is an exact sequence of projective modules

P: !P1 !P0 !P0 !P1 ! ;

such that HomR(P;Q) is exact for every projective R-module Q. An R- moduleM is called Gorenstein projective, if there exists a complete pro- jective resolutionPwithMcoker(P0 !P0):The notion of Gorenstein injective modules are defined dually.

3. Main Results

Throughout this section, R is a Noetherian ring. We follow standard notation and terminology from [2].


In this section, we study the ringR‚Ifor a semidualizing idealI. In the following Theorem, we show that a finitely generatedR-moduleMis totallyI-reflexive if and only ifMis totally reflexive as an (R‚I)-module, provided thatIis a semidualizingR-module. First, we prove the following lemma:

LEMMA 3.1. Let I be a semidualizing ideal of R. Then the following statements hold.

(i) There is an(R‚I)-isomorphismHomR(R‚I;I)R‚I.

(ii) There is a natural equivalence of R-modules HomI( ;R‚I)HomR( ;I):

(iii) Let M be an R-module. Then the biduality map M !HomR(HomR(M;I);I)

is an R-isomorphism if and only if the biduality map M !HomR‚I(HomI(M;R‚I);R‚I) is an(R‚I)-isomorphism.

(iv) There is an(R‚I)-isomorphismHomR‚I(R;R‚I)I.

(v) If E is an injective R-module, then there is an equivalence of (R‚I)-module

HomR‚I(HomR(R‚I;E); )HomR(HomR(I;E); ):

PROOF. (i) We have the following isomorphisms ofR-modules:



sinceIis semidualizing. The proof of [1, Theorem 3.3] implies that theR- isomorphism HomR(R‚I;I)R‚Iis an (R‚I)-isomorphism.

(ii) L et M be an R-module. In the following sequence, the first isomorphism is from (i), the second isomorphism is from Hom-tensor adjointness, and the third isomorphism is induced by tensor cancella- tion:

HomR‚I(M;R‚I) HomI(M;HomR(R‚I;I))




(iii) In the next sequence, the first isomorphism is from (i), (ii) and Hom-tensor adjointness, and the second isomorphism is induced by tensor cancellation:



It shows that there is an (R‚I)-isomorphism

MHomI(HomI(M;R‚I);R‚I) if and only if there is anR-isomorphism


By [15, Proposition 5.4.1 (a)], the biduality map dM I is an (R‚I)-iso- morphism if and only if the biduality mapdIMis anR-isomorphism.

(iv) It follows from (ii). Note thatIhas (R‚I)-module structure by Proposition 2.1 (i).

(v) In the following sequence, the first isomorphism follows from (i), the second isomorphism follows from [7, Thorem 3.2.11], and the third iso- morphism is induced by Hom-tensor adjointness:

HomR‚I(HomR(R‚I;E); ) HomI(HomR(HomR(R‚I;I);E); )

HomI(HomR(I;E)R(R‚I); )

HomR(HomR(I;E); ):

p THEOREM 3.2. Let I be a semidualizing ideal of R, and let M be a finitely generated R-module. Then M is totally I-reflexive as an R-module if and only if M is totally reflexive as an(R‚I)-module.

PROOF. L et E be an injective resolution of I as an R-module. Let W:R!R‚IbeR-homomorphism in Proposition 2.1(i). By [15, Proposi- tions 2.1.12 and 2.1.13],IandRare totallyI-reflexive, so according to [15, Proposition 2.1.4],RIis totallyI-reflexive. Therefore,R‚Iis totallyI- reflexive by Proposition 2.1(i). Hence ExtiR(R‚I;I)ˆ0 for alli1, so the complex HomR(R‚I;E) is an injective resolution of the (R‚I)- module HomR(R‚I;I). By Lemma 3.1(i), HomR(R‚I;E) is an injective resolution of the (R‚I)-moduleR‚I. This yields the first isomorphism in the next sequence:


ExtiI(M;R‚I) H i(HomR‚I(M;HomR(R‚I;E)))

H i(HomR((R‚I)IM;E))

H i(HomR(M;E))



It follows that ExtiI(M;R‚I)ˆ0 for all i1 if and only if ExtiR(M;I)ˆ0 for alli1. Also, we have the following isomorphisms:

ExtiI(HomR‚I(M;R‚I);R‚I) ExtiI(HomR(M;I);R‚I)


In the above sequence, the first isomorphism follows from Lemma 3.1(ii) and the second one follows from (), using HomR(M;I) in place ofM. It follows that ExtiI(HomR‚I(M;R‚I);R‚I)ˆ0 for all i1 if and only if ExtiR(HomR(M;I);I)ˆ0 for all i1. By Lemma 3.1(iii), the bi- duality mapM !HomR(HomR(M;I);I) is an isomorphism if and only if the biduality map M !HomR‚I(HomR‚I(M;R‚I);R‚I) is an iso- morphism. So, the assertion follows from definition. p COROLLARY3.3. Let I be a semidualizing ideal of R. Then I is totally reflexive as an(R‚I)-module.

PROOF. By [15, Proposition 2.1.12], I is totally I-reflexive as an R- module. So by Theorem 3.2,Iis totally reflexive as an (R‚I)-module. p COROLLARY3.4. Let I be a non-zero semidualizing ideal of R, and let M be a totally reflexive (R‚I)-module. Then the following state- ments hold.

(i) If N is a locally finite flat dimension R-module, then TorRi(M;N)ˆ0ˆExtiR(M;IRN) for all i1.

(ii) If N is a locally finite injective dimension R-module, then ExtiR(M;N)ˆ0ˆTorRi(M;HomR(I;N)) for all i1.


PROOF. By Theorem 3.2, M is totally I-reflexive as an R-module.

Therefore, (i) follows from [15, Proposition 5.4.8], and (ii) follows from

[15, Proposition 5.4.9]. p

In [15], Sather-Wagstaff investigated the behavior of semidualizing and totally reflexive modules under flat based change of ring, indeed, in [15, Propositions 2.2.1 and 5.3.1], he showed that if W:R !S is a flat ring homomorphism, then the following statements hold.

(i) L etCbe a finitely generatedR-module. IfCis a semidualizing R-module, then CRSis a semidualizing S-module. The con- verse holds whenWis faithfully flat.

(ii) L et C be a semidualizing R-module and let M be a finitely generated R-module. If M is totally C-reflexive, then the S- moduleCRMis totally (CRS)-reflexive. The converse holds whenWis faithfully flat.

Assume that I is a non-zero flat ideal of Noetherian ring R. It is straightforward to see that the mapW:R !R‚Iis faithfully flat, since R‚IRI, by Proposition 2.1(i). So we have:

LEMMA 3.5. Let I be a non-zero flat ideal of R. Then the following statements hold:

(i) Let C be a finitely generated R-module. Then C is semi- dualizing R-module if and only if CR(R‚I) is a semi- dualizing(R‚I)-module.

(ii) Let C be a semidualizing R-module and let M be a finitely generated R-module. Then M is totally C-reflexive if and only if the(R‚I)-module MR(R‚I)is totally(CR(R‚I))-re- flexive.

PROPOSITION3.6. Assume thatIis a non-zero flat ideal ofR. LetCbe a semidualizingR-module, and letM be a totallyC-reflexiveR-module.

Then the following statements hold.

(i) If N is a locally finite flat dimension(R‚I)-module, then Tori I(M;N)ˆ0ˆExtiI(MR(R‚I);CRN) for all i1.

(ii) If N is a locally finite injective dimension(R‚I)-module, then Tori I(M;HomI(CR(R‚I);N))ˆ0ˆExtiI(MR(R‚I);N)

for all i1.


PROOF. Note thatR‚Iis a flatR-module, sinceIis a flat ideal of R. By Lemma 3.5,CR(R‚I) is a semidualizing (R‚I)-module and MR(R‚I) is a totally (CR(R‚I))-reflexive (R‚I)-module.

(i) In the following sequence, the equality follows from [15, Proposition 5.4.8], and the isomorphism holds, sinceR‚Iis a flatR-module

0 ˆTori I(MR(R‚I);N)

Tori I(M;N)R(R‚I);

for all i1. So, TorRi ‚I(M;N)ˆ0, since R‚I is faithfully flat R- module.

In the following sequence, for all i1, the equality follows from [15, Proposition 5.4.8], and the isomorphism induces by tensor can- cellation:

0 ˆExtiI(MR(R‚I);(CR(R‚I))IN)


(ii) In the following sequence, for all i1, the equality holds by [15, Proposition 5.4.9], and the isomorphism holds, since R‚Iis a flat R-module

0 ˆTori I(MR(R‚I);HomR‚I(CR(R‚I);N))

Tori I(M;HomI(CR(R‚I);N))R(R‚I):

So, Tori I(M;HomI(CR(R‚I);N))ˆ0, since R‚I is a faith- fully flat R-module. By [15, Proposition 5.4.9], we have


p LetIbe a semidualizing ideal ofR. In the following, we investigate that R andIare Gorenstein projective overR‚I. Also, we show that every injectiveR-module is Gorenstein injective as an (R‚I)-module. First, we prove the following lemma:

LEMMA3.7. Let I be an ideal of R. Then the following statements hold.

(i) If M is a(faithfully)injective R-module, thenHomR(R‚I;M) is a(faithfully)injective(R‚I)-module.

(ii) Every injective (R‚I)-module is a direct summand of the R-module HomR(R‚I;M), where M is an injective R-module.


PROOF. (i) The following sequence of (R‚I)-isomorphisms makes clear that ifMis a (faithfully) injectiveR-module, then HomR(R‚I;M) is a (faithfully) injective (R‚I)-module

HomI( ;HomR(R‚I;M)) HomR((R‚I)R‚I ;M)

HomR( ;M):

Note that in the above sequence, the first isomorphism follows from Hom- tensor adjointness, and the second isomorphism is induced by tensor can- cellation.

(ii) L etJbe an injective (R‚I)-module. It is enough to show thatJis embeded into anR-module of the form HomR(R‚I;M) where M is an injectiveR-module. ConsiderJ as anR-module and embed it into an in- jective R-module M. Then use isomorphisms in part (i), to convert the monomorphism ofR-modulesJ,!Mto a monomorphism of (R‚I)-mod-

ulesJ,!HomR(R‚I;M). p

THEOREM3.8. Let I be a semidualizing ideal of R, and let E be an injective R-module. Then the following statements hold.

(i) R and I are Gorenstein projective over R‚I.

(ii) HomR(R;E)E andHomR(I;E)are Gorenstein injective over R‚I.

PROOF. (i) By Lemma 3.1 (iv), HomI(R;R‚I)I. It means, the dual ofRwith respect to the ringR‚IisI. But dualization with respect to the ring preserves the class of finitely generated Gorenstein projective modules by [3, Observation (1.1.7)]. So, to prove part (i), it is enough to show that Ris Gorenstein projective overR‚I. By [4, Proposition 2.16], it is enough to show thatRis a totally reflexive (R‚I)-module, sinceRis a Noetherian ring andRis a finitely generated (R‚I)-module. By Theorem 3.2, it suffices to show thatR is a totallyI-reflexive R-module, and this follows from [15, Proposition 2.1.13].

(ii) First, we show that HomR(I;E) is Gorenstein injective overR‚I.

SinceIis Gorenstein projective overR‚I, it has a complete projective resolution as follows:

P: !P1 @!1 P0 @!0 P 1 ! ;

such that Pi are projective (R‚I)-modules and Icoker@1, and HomI(P;Q) is exact where Q is a projective (R‚I)-module. We can assume thatPconsists of finitely generated (R‚I)-modules, sinceRis a


Noetherian ring. By Lemma 3.7(i), the (R‚I)-moduleJˆHomR(R‚I;E) is injective. Consider the exact complex KˆHomI(P;J) of injective (R‚I)-modules. Note that for every injective (R‚I)-moduleLwe have

HomI(L;K) ˆHomI(L;HomI(P;J))




Also, HomI(L;J) is a flat (R‚I)-module, so it is the direct limit of projective (R‚I)-modulesQa, that is, HomR‚I(L;J)lim! Qa:So by ()

HomI(L;K)HomR‚I(P;lim! Qa)lim! HomI(P;Qa);

is exact. This shows thatKis a complete injective resolution overR‚Iand ker (HomI(@1;J)) ˆHomI(coker(@1);J)




Therefore, HomR(I;E) is a Gorenstein injective (R‚I)-module.

Using the same argument, one can show that HomR(R;E)E is

Gorenstein injective overR‚I. p

In [12] and [13], some properties of homological dimension of R‚I were investigated.

PROPOSITION3.9. LetIbe a non-zero semidualizing ideal of local ring R. ThenIis a dualizingR-module if and only ifR‚Iis Gorenstein.

PROOF. By [13, Lemma 2.1], idR‚I(R‚I)ˆidR(I). So, the assertion

follows by definition. p

COROLLARY3.10. Let I be a non-zero semidualizing ideal of local ring R. Then I is an injective R-module if and only if R‚I is a quasi- Frobenius ring.

PROOF. Recall that the ringRis called quasi-Frobenius ifRis a Gor- enstein ring of Krull dimension zero (see [7]). The assertion follows from

Proposition 3.9. p


PROPOSITION3.11. Let I be a non-zero flat ideal ofR. For every R- moduleM we have:

(i) idR(M)ˆidR(MR(R‚I)) (ii) fdR(M)ˆfdR(MR(R‚I))

PROOF. Note thatR‚Iis a faithfully flatR-module. (i) follows from [20, Corollary 2.9] and (ii) follows from [20, Corollary 2.11]. p COROLLARY3.12. Let I be a non-zero flat ideal of R. For every R-module M, we have


PROOF. By [12, Lemma 2.3], we have fdR(M)ˆfdI(MR(R‚I)), and by Proposition 3.11, fdR(M)ˆfdR(MR(R‚I)): p PROPOSITION 3.13. Let I be a non-zero ideal of a ring R of Krull dimension zero. If R‚I is a Gorenstein ring, then idR(R‚I)ˆ fdR(R‚I).

PROOF. Note that dim(R‚I)ˆdim(R)ˆ0, soR‚Iis self-injective.

By [20, Corollary 3.4], idR(R‚I)ˆfdR(R‚I). p THEOREM3.14. Let I be an ideal of Artinian ring R. Then R is Gor- enstein if and only ifExtiR(k;R)ˆ0.

PROOF. By assumption, R is Gorenstein if and only if R is self injective. Note that Ris an Artinian ring if and only if Ris an Artinian (R‚I)-module. So, the assertion follows [8, Theorem 6.1]. p Acknowledgments. The authors are very grateful to the referee for several comments that greatly improved the paper.


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 26 Ottobre 2011.



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