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In this thin multidomain we introduce a bulk energy density of the kind W(D2U), whereW is a convex function with growthp ∈ ]1


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c World Scientific Publishing Company



DAEIMI, Universit`a degli Studi di Cassino, via G. Di Biasio 43, 03043 Cassino (FR), Italia



DIIMA, Universit`a degli Studi di Salerno, via Ponte Don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italia


Received 3 October 2005 Revised 30 November 2005 Communicated by F. Brezzi

We consider a thin multidomain of RN, N 2, consisting (e.g. in a 3D setting) of a vertical rod upon a horizontal disk. In this thin multidomain we introduce a bulk energy density of the kind W(D2U), whereW is a convex function with growthp ]1,+[, andD2Udenotes the Hessian tensor of a scalar (or vector-valued) functionU. By assuming that the two volumes tend to zero with the same rate, under suitable boundary conditions, we prove that the limit model is well-posed in the union of the limit domains, with dimensions, respectively, 1 andN1. Moreover, we show that the limit problem is uncoupled if 1< p N−12 , “partially” coupled if N−12 < pN1, and coupled ifN1< p. The main result is applied in order to derive the equilibrium configuration of two joint beams, T-shaped, clamped at the three endpoints and subject to transverse loads. The main result is also applied in order to describe the equilibrium configuration of a wire upon a thin film with contact at the origin, when the thin structure is filled with a martensitic material.

Keywords: Fourth order operator; junction in thin multidomains; beam; wire, thin film;

martensitic material; dimension reduction; Γ-convergence.

AMS Subject Classification: 74B20, 74K10, 74K20, 74K30, 74K35, 78M30, 78M35

1. Introduction

Recently, there has been a growing interest in the thin structures theory, since these structures arise in many applications (see, for instance, Ref. 6 and references therein). The usual approach consists of dimensional reduction, through asymptotic analysis, from high dimensions to lower ones, and in finding

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ω ω


-h r


b n n

n n

Fig. 1. The thin multidomain.

precise relations between the initial models and the limit ones (see for example Refs. 1, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18, 19, 31–35).

In the past few years, a new insight in dimensional reduction problems has been given in Refs. 22–25, where the authors analyze the junction of two thin cylinders (for a survey on junction problems see also Refs. 7,8,11,15,27,29 and 30). The model, described in Ref. 22 through its integral energy and in Ref. 23 through the related constitutive equations, is a quasilinear Neumann second-order scalar prob- lem in a thin multidomain ofRN,N 2. Precisely, the thin multidomain consists of two vertical cylinders, one placed upon the other: the first one with constant height and small cross-section, the second one with small thickness and constant cross-section (see Fig. 1). The authors derive the limit problem, by assuming that the volumes of the two cylinders tend to zero with the same rate. An analogous analysis is performed in Refs. 24 and 25, in order to derive the limit problem in the case of the linearized elasticity system inR3.

In the same spirit, we consider an analogous thin multidomain of RN with a bulk energy density of the kind W(D2U), whereW is a convex function with growthp ]1,+[, and D2U denotes the Hessian tensor of a scalar function U. By assuming that the volumes of the two cylinders tend to zero with the same rate, under suitable boundary conditions on the top of the vertical cylinder and on the lateral surface of the horizontal cylinder, we derive the limit energy, and the limit junction conditions in the origin. More precisely, we prove that the limit problem is well-posed in the union of the limit domains, with dimensions 1 and N−1, respectively, and involves 6 limit functions. Moreover, we show that the limit problem is uncoupled if 1< p≤ N−12 , “partially” coupled if N−12 < p≤N−1, and coupled if N−1< p (see the limit space (3.8), Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.1).

Furthermore, if N2−1 < p, the minimizers of the limit problem depend also on the Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 2006.16:1887-1918. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by PIERRE & MARIE CURIE UNIV on 05/15/17. For personal use only.


limit of the ratio between the volumes of the two cylinders. They do not depend on it, if 1< p≤ N−12 .

We do not take explicitly into account lower order terms, volume forces and surface forces which can be easily treated (see Remarks 3.3 and 3.4).

Since the considered energies are convex, we just study the problem in the scalar case. The main results can be extended, without effort, to the vectorial case with RM-valued functions U (M > 1), always for convex energies W(D2U) (see Remark 3.4).

By starting from the two-dimensional plate energy of Kirchhoff–Love (see Ref. 12), the main result is applied in order to obtain a rigorous derivation of the equilibrium configuration of two joint elastic beams, T-shaped, clamped at the three endpoints, and subject to transverse loads (see Sec. 4.1). In this case the limit problem is coupled. The flexion and the twist of the T-structure are explicitly calculated and discussed in the case of some particular loads.

Our result is also applied in order to describe the equilibrium configuration of a martensitic multistructure consisting of a wire upon a thin film with contact at the origin (see Sec. 4.2). The fact that the limit problem is “partially” coupled allows us to build up a model where there is a surprising sharp phase transition, without transition layers, from an austenite phase to a martensitic phase, with bulk interfacial energy not identically null. For a survey on martensitic materials see, for instance, Refs. 3–6,28,31,32,36 and 37 and the large bibliography quoted therein.

Our results could also be considered in order to describe “non-simple materials of grade 2” (see Refs. 14,26,38,39 and references therein).

In the following section, after having introduced the problem in a thin mul- tidomain, we reformulate it on a fixed domain through appropriate rescalings of the kind proposed by Ciarlet and Destuynder in Ref. 13. Section 3 is devoted to describe the main result. Some mechanical applications of this result are described in Sec. 4. The proof of the main result is developed in several steps and it is based on the Γ-convergence method introduced by E. De Giorgi (see Ref. 17). A density result for the limit space is given in Sec. 5, a recovery sequence for the Γ-limit is built in Sec. 6 and a compactness argument is presented in Sec. 7. Finally, the proof is completed in Sec. 8.

2. The Original Problem and the Rescalings

LetN 2 be an integer number. In the sequel, x= (x1, . . . , xN−1, xN) = (x, xN) denotes the generic point of RN, Rk×ks (for k = N, N 1) the set of symmetric k×k-matrices. Moreover,Dx and Dx2,DxN and D2x

N stand for the gradient and the Hessian tensor with respect to the first N 1 variables, for the first and the second derivative with respect to the last variable, respectively. Then, according to these notations,D2x,xN stands for (DxN)x.

Letω⊂RN−1 be a bounded open connected set such that the origin inRN−1, denoted by 0, belongs to ω, and let {rn}n∈N, {hn}n∈N]0,1[ be two sequences Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 2006.16:1887-1918. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by PIERRE & MARIE CURIE UNIV on 05/15/17. For personal use only.


such that

limn hn = 0 = lim

n rn. (2.1)

For everyn N, consider the thin multidomain Ωn = Ωanbn (a for “above”,b for “below”) union of two vertical cylinders, one placed upon the other: Ωan = rnω×[0,1[ with small cross-sectionrnω and constant height, Ωbn = ω×]−hn,0[

with small thickness hn and constant cross-section (see Fig. 1). Moreover, set Ω =ω×]1,1[.

In the thin multidomain introduce a convex bulk energy density of the kind W(D2U). Precisely, let

W :M ∈RN×Ns →W(M)R (2.2)

be a function satisfying the following assumptions:

W is convex; (2.3)

a+α|M|p≤W(M)≤b+β|M|p, ∀ M ∈RNs×N; for some a, b∈R, α, β∈]0,+[ and 1< p <+∞,


where, ifM= (mi,j)i,j=1,...,N,|M|= i,j=1,N, m2i,j12

. Moreover, in the sequel, for a givenA∈R(Ns −1)×(N−1),B∈RN−1andC∈R,W



meansW(M), where M = (mi,j)i,j=1,...,N and (mi,j)i,j=1,...,N−1 = A, (mN,j)j=1,...,N−1=B, (mi,N)i=1,...,N−1=BT andmN,N =C.

For everyn∈N, consider a function Un which minimizes the energy






D2xUn (D2x,x

NUn)T D2x,x

NUn Dx2


dx, (2.5)

among all the functionsUn∈W2,p(Ωn) realizing the Dirichlet boundary condition ca +da ·x on top of Ωan, and fb+gbxN on the lateral surface of Ωbn, for some ca R,da RN−1andfb, gb∈W2,p(ω).

As usual, one tries to reformulate the problem on a fixed domain through appro- priate rescalings which map Ωn into Ω (see Fig. 2). Namely, by setting

un(x) =

uan(x, xN) =Un(rnx, xN), (x, xN) a.e. in Ωa=ω×]0,1[;

ubn(x, xN) =Un(x, hnxN), (x, xN) a.e. in Ωb=ω×]1,0[;


it is easily seen that uan W2,p(Ωa) assumes the rescaled Dirichlet boundary condition ca + rnda · x on top of Ωa, ubn W2,p(Ωb) assumes the rescaled Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 2006.16:1887-1918. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by PIERRE & MARIE CURIE UNIV on 05/15/17. For personal use only.



-1 ω



Fig. 2. The fixed domain.

Dirichlet boundary conditionfb+hngbxN on the lateral boundary of Ωb. Moreover, un= (uan, ubn) satisfies the following junction conditions:








uan(x,0) =ubn(rnx,0), x a.e. inω;


rnDxuan(x,0) = (Dxubn)(rnx,0), x a.e. inω;

DxNuan(x,0) = 1

hnDxNubn(rnx,0), x a.e. inω;

and minimizes the rescaled energy (divided throughrNn−1):

un= (uan, ubn)






 1 r2nD2xuan


rnD2x,xNuan T


rnD2x,xNuan Dx2






+ hn rNn−1









hnD2x,xNubn T


hnD2x,xNubn 1 h2nDx2






among all the functionsun subject to the same conditions ofun.

The aim of this paper consists of describing the limit energy, asn→+, when the volumes of Ωan and Ωbn tend to zero with same rate, that is



rNn−1 =q∈]0,+[. (2.7)

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3. Main Results

For everyn∈N, let (uan, ubn)∈ Un be a solution of the following problem:

Kna(uan) + hn

rnN−1Knb(ubn) = min


Kna(uan) + hn


, (3.1)







 1 rn2D2xua


rnD2x,xNua T 1

rnD2x,xNua Dx2




dx, (3.2)

Knb :ub∈W2,p(Ωb)







hnD2x,xNub T 1

hnD2x,xNub 1 h2nD2xNub



dx, (3.3)


Un ={(ua, ub)(ca+rnda·x+Wa2,p(Ωa))×(fb+hngbxN +Wb2,p(Ωb)) ua(x,0) =ub(rnx,0), x a.e. inω;


rnDxua(x,0) = (Dxub)(rnx,0), x a.e. inω;

DxNua(x,0) = 1

hnDxNub(rnx,0), x a.e. inω}, (3.4) with rn, hn, ca, da, fb and gb as defined in Sec. 2, Wa2,p(Ωa) the closure, with respect to W2,p-norm, of {ua C(Ωa) : ua = 0 in a neighborhood of ω× {1}}andWb2,p(Ωb) the closure, with respect toW2,p-norm, of{ub∈C(Ωb) : ub = 0 in a neighborhood of ∂ω×]1,0[}. Without loss of generality, one can assume that

fb= 0 =gb a.e. inB, (3.5)

for some (N1)-dimensional ballB such that 0∈B ⊂⊂ω .

To describe the limit energy of the sequence in (3.1), as n +, when the volumes of Ωan and Ωbn tend to zero with the same rate, introduce the limit func- tionalsKa,Kb, and the limit spacesVp (we point out the strong dependence onp for the limit junction conditions):

Ka: (ua, ξa, za)∈W2,p(Ωa)×(W1,p(Ωa))N−1×Lp(]0,1[;W2,p(ω))



D2xza (DxNξa)T DxNξa D2xNua

dx, (3.6)

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Kb: (ub, ξb, zb)∈W2,p(Ωb)×W1,p(Ωb)×Lp(ω;W2,p(]1,0[))




DxξbT Dxξb D2x


dx, (3.7)

















Ξ×Z, ifp≤ N−1

2 ; {((ua, ub),(ξa, ξb),(za, zb))∈ U×Ξ×Z:

ua(0) =ub(0)}, if N−1

2 < p≤N−1;

{((ua, ub),(ξa, ξb),(za, zb))∈ U×Ξ×Z: ua(0) =ub(0), ξa(0) =Dxub(0),

DxNua(0) =ξb(0)} ifN−1< p;



U = (ca+Wa2,p(]0,1[))×(fb+W02,p(ω)), Ξ = (da+ (Wa1,p]0,1[)N−1)×(gb+W01,p(ω)),

Z =Lp(]0,1[;Wm2,p(ω))×Lp(ω;Wm2,p(]1,0[)), (3.9) (Wa1,p(]0,1[) = {u W1,p(]0,1[) : u(1) = 0}, Wa2,p(]0,1[) = {u W2,p(]0,1[) : u(1) = 0 = Du(1)}, and for any subset A Rk, Wm2,p(A) = {v W2,p(A) :

Avd(x1, . . . , xk) = 0,

ADvd(x1, . . . , xk) = 0}).

This paper is devoted to prove the following result

Theorem 3.1. LetW be a function satisfying(2.2)–(2.4),and let,for everyn∈N, (uan, ubn) ∈ Un be a solution of Problem (3.1). Let Ka, Kb andVp be as in (3.6)–

(3.8),respectively. Assume that (2.1)and(2.7)hold.

Then, there exist an increasing sequence of positive integers {ni}i∈N and ((ua, ub),(ξa, ξb),(za, zb)) Vp, depending possibly on the selected subsequence {ni}i∈N, such that

uani ua weakly in W2,p(Ωa),

ubni ub weakly inW2,p(Ωb), (3.10)




 1

rniDxuani ξa weakly in(W1,p(Ωa))N−1, 1

hniDxNubni ξb weakly inW1,p(Ωb),





 1

rn2iDx2uani D2xza weakly in(Lp(Ωa))(N−1)×(N−1), 1



Dx2Nubni Dx2Nzb weakly in Lp(Ωb),

(3.12) Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 2006.16:1887-1918. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by PIERRE & MARIE CURIE UNIV on 05/15/17. For personal use only.


asi→+∞,and((ua, ub),(ξa, ξb),(za, zb))is a solution of the following problem:

Ka(ua, ξa, za) +qKb(ub, ξb, zb)

= min

((ua,ub),(ξab),(za,zb))∈Vp{Ka(ua, ξa, za) +qKb(ub, ξb, zb)}. (3.13) Moreover, the energies converge in the sense that


Kna(uan) + hn


=Ka(ua, ξa, za) +qKb(ub, ξb, zb). (3.14) Furthermore,ifW is strictly convex,Problem(3.13)admits a unique solution. Con- sequently convergences (3.10)–(3.12),hold true for the whole sequence.

Remark 3.1. Let us point out that the limit problem is uncoupled if 1< p≤ N−12 , partially coupled by the junction condition:ua(0) =ub(0) if N−12 < p≤N 1, and coupled by the previous junction condition for uand by the junction conditions:

ξa(0) = Dxub(0), DxNua(0) = ξb(0) if N−1< p. Moveover, if N−12 < p, the minimizers of the limit problem depend also on the limit of the ratio between the volumes of the beam and the plate. They do not depend on it, if 1< p≤N2−1. Remark 3.2. IfW(D2U) =|D2U|p, then it is evident thatza = 0 =zb. Remark 3.3. If one considers volume forces of the kind



withJn∈Lp−1p (Ωn), then in the rescaled problem (divided throughrnN−1) one has terms of the kind:


jnauandx+ hn rNn−1


jnbubndx, where

jn(x) =

jna(x, xN) =Jn(rnx, xN), (x, xN) a.e. in Ωa; jnb(x, xN) =Jn(x, hnxN), (x, xN) a.e. in Ωb. Then, by assuming that

jna ja weakly inLp−1p (Ωa) andjnb jb weakly inLp−1p (Ωb), the additional term




jbubdx Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 2006.16:1887-1918. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by PIERRE & MARIE CURIE UNIV on 05/15/17. For personal use only.


will appear in the limit problem. Similarly, it is possible to add surface forces on the lateral surface of Ωan and on the basis of Ωbn.

As regards the original problem proposed in the previous section, from the rescaling (2.6) and Theorem 3.1, the result below follows:

Corollary 3.1. LetW be a function satisfying(2.2)–(2.4),and let,for everyn∈N, Un be a minimizer of the original problem introduced in Sec.2. Let Ka, Kb and Vp be as in(3.6)–(3.8),respectively. Assume that(2.1)and(2.7)hold.

Then, there exist an increasing sequence of positive integer numbers {ni}i∈N and((ua, ub),(ξa, ξb),(za, zb))∈Vp,depending possibly on the selected subsequence {ni}i∈N, such that







Uni(x, xN)dx ua weakly inW2,p(]0,1[),




Uni(x, xN)dxN ub weakly inW2,p(ω),







DxUni(x, xN)dx ξa weakly in (W1,p(]0,1[))N−1,




DxNUni(x, xN)dxN ξb weakly inW1,p(ω),







D2xUni(x, xN)dx−−


D2xza(x, xN)dx weakly in(Lp(]0,1[))(N−1)2,




Dx2NUni(x, xN)dxN 0


D2xNzb(x, xN)dxN weakly inLp(ω),

as i +∞, and ((ua, ub),(ξa, ξb),(za, zb)) is a solution of Problem (3.13).

Moreover, the energies converge in the sense that


1 rNn−1



D2xUn D2x,x

NUnT D2x,x

NUn D2x



=Ka(ua, ξa, za) +qKb(ub, ξb, zb).

Furthermore,ifW is strictly convex,Problem(3.13)admits a unique solution. Con- sequently the previous convergences hold true for the whole sequence.

Remark 3.4. LetN≥2 andM 1 be two integers and W :M ∈(RN×Ns )M →W(M)R,

be a convex function satisfying (2.4) with M ∈(RN×Ns )M. For every n N, let Un: Ωn RM be a minimizer of the energy (2.5) among all the admissible vectors Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 2006.16:1887-1918. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by PIERRE & MARIE CURIE UNIV on 05/15/17. For personal use only.




realizing the Dirichlet boundary conditionca+da·xon top of Ωan, andfb+gbx3 on the lateral surface of Ωbn, for someca(W2,p(]0,1[))M, some (M ×(N1))-matrixda andfb, gb


, where·reads as a row column product.

Then, it is easily seen that the statements of Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.1 still hold true, with the limit functions in (3.10)–(3.12) belonging to the following spaces:

ua ∈ca+ (Wa2,p(]0,1[))M, ub∈fb+

W02,p(ω)M , ξa ∈da+ (Wa1,p(]0,1[;RN−1))M, ξb∈gb+

W01,p(ω)M , za (Lp(]0,1[;Wm2,p(ω)))M, zb (Lp(ω;Wm2,p(]1,0[)))M. Moreover, if we add to (2.5) a term of the type

nΦ(DUn)dx, where Φ :M ∈(RN)M Φ(M)R

is a continuous function satisfyingp- growth and coercivity assumptions, then it is evident that the additional term:

|ω| 1


Φ (ξa, Dx3ua)dx3+q



Dxub, ξb dx1dx2

will appear in the limit problem. Let us point out that the presence of the leading energy depending on the Hessian tensor allows us to avoid of assuming Φ convex.

4. Applications

4.1. Junction of two beams (coupled limit problem)

In this section we derive rigorously the equilibrium configuration of two joint elastic beams, T-shaped and clamped at the three endpoints (see Fig. 3). We assume that the material of the beams is isotropic and homogeneous, and that the forces applied to the beams are transverse to the T-structure.

-1 1


0 Fig. 3.

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rn Fig. 4.

We derive our model via an asymptotic analysis based on a dimensional reduc- tion of a Kirchhoff–Loveaplate (see Ref. 12). Namely, for everyn∈N, we introduce an approximating T-shaped plate Ωn = Ωan

bn = (]−rn, rn[×[0,1[)

(]1,1[× ]−rn,0[) (see Fig. 4) with the following flexural energy:



(∆Un)2+ 2(1−ν)((Dx21x2Un)2−D2x1UnD2x2Un)dx1dx2


JnUndx1dx2, (4.1)

whereν ]0,12[ is the Poisson ratio, 2c >0 represents the flexural rigidity modulus of the plate (precisely, c = 12(1−νEh32), with E >0 Young modulus and h denoting the small thickness of the plate), and Jn represent the transverse forces to the plate.

For everyn∈N, letUn : Ωn Rbe the transverse displacement of the plate, which minimizes the energy (4.1) among all the kinematically admissible fields Un∈H2(Ωn) such thatUn and its normal derivative vanish on ]−rn, rn[× {1}and on{−1,1} ×]−rn,0[. Letjaandjbbe the weak-L2limits of the rescaled forces (see Remark 3.3).

In order to derive our model, we pass to the limit, asn→+, in (4.1). Then, by applying Corollary 3.1, it is easily seen that




 1 2rn



Un(x1, x2)dx1 ua weakly inH2(]0,1[), 1

hn 0


Un(x1, x2,)dx2 ubweakly inH2(]–1,1[),




 1 2rn



Dx1Un(x1, x2)dx1 ξa weakly inH1(]0,1[)), 1

hn 0


Dx2Un(x1, x2,)dx2 ξb weakly inH1(]–1,1[),

aIn the Kirchhoff–Love theory, a plate, being a three-dimensional solid with a dimension (the thickness) very small with respect to the others, is described by a two-dimensional object.

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