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Time correlation functions of isotropic intermolecular site-site interactions in liquids : effects of the site eccentricity and of the molecular distribution


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1989

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Time correlation functions of isotropic intermolecular site-site interactions in liquids : effects of the site

eccentricity and of the molecular distribution

P.H. Fries, E. Belorizky

To cite this version:

P.H. Fries, E. Belorizky. Time correlation functions of isotropic intermolecular site-site interactions in

liquids : effects of the site eccentricity and of the molecular distribution. Journal de Physique, 1989,

50 (22), pp.3347-3363. �10.1051/jphys:0198900500220334700�. �jpa-00211148�


Time correlation functions of isotropic intermolecular site-site interactions in liquids : effects of the site eccentricity and of the

molecular distribution

P. H. Fries (1) and E. Belorizky (2)

(1) Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires de Grenoble, D.R.F., Laboratoires de Chimie (*), 85X, 38041

Grenoble Cedex, France

(2) Laboratoire de Spectrométrie Physique, associé au C.N.R.S., Université Joseph-

Fourier/Grenoble 1, B.P. 87, 38402 Saint-Martin d’Hères Cedex, France (Reçu le 29 mai 1989, accepté le 24 juillet 1989)

Résumé. 2014 Dans les théories de l’échange entre spins électroniques, de la relaxation nucléaire scalaire par des impuretés paramagnétiques, et du mécanisme, contrôlé par la diffusion, de

transfert direct des protons par effet tunnel dans les solutions, on doit calculer la fonction de corrélation ou la densité spectrale d’un couplage intermoléculaire purement radial, dont les fluctuations résultent de la diffusion des molécules. Pour les molécules polyatomiques, le couplage interspin ou intersite dépend à la fois des mouvements aléatoires de translation et de rotation. En utilisant la solution exacte de l’équation de diffusion, nous calculons la densité

spectrale d’un couplage intersite de la forme F(r)


(C/r) exp (- 03BBs r) que l’on développe sous

forme d’invariants rotationnels. L’importance des effets d’excentricité des spins et de la

distribution non uniforme des molécules à l’équilibre est discutée et illustrée par des exemples numériques. La théorie est ensuite appliquée au mécanisme de transfert intermoléculaire des protons par effet tunnel dans les solutions.



In the theories of electron spin exchange, of scalar nuclear relaxation by paramagnetic impurities, and of diffusion induced direct proton tunnelling in solution, one has to calculate the correlation function or the spectral density of a purely radial intermolecular

coupling, the fluctuations of which result from the diffusion of the molecules. For polyatomic

molecules the interspin or intersite coupling depends on both the translational and rotational random motion. By using the exact solutions of the diffusion equation, we calculate the spectral density for an intersite coupling of the form F(r)


(C/r)exp(- 03BBs r) which is expanded in

rotational invariants. The importance of the effects of eccentricity of the spins and of the non

uniform equilibrium distribution of the molecules is discussed and illustrated by numerical examples. The theory is then applied to the intermolecular tunnelling proton transfer mechanism in solutions.


Physics Abstracts

05.40 66.10 2013 82.20

(*) Equipe « Chimie de Coordination ».

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198900500220334700


1. Introduction.

In liquids the relative translational motion of interacting molecules is of fundamental

importance for many processes such as nuclear magnetic relaxation [la], dynamic nuclear polarization by free radicals [2-4] or electron spin exchange between free radicals [5, 6].

Besides the dipolar intermolecular interactions which are involved in relaxation processes and have been extensively studied [la, 2-4, 7, 8], the isotropic scalar interactions must also be considered for electron nuclear Overhauser effects in liquids containing free radicals [la, 2-4]

and for electron spin exchange mechanisms [5, 6, 9]. This scalar coupling between two spins is

of the general forms J, (r) SI . S2, where r is the intermolecular distance between the diffusing spins. Several different expressions for J,(r) have been used like the exponential decay

e- s r[6, 9] or (Alr) e- k, r12], or still a constant value Jo for r -- ro with J(r) = 0 for

r :> ro [6]. Pedersen and Freed [10] have also considered several alternate shapes of JS (r).

Note that the index s which reminds of the scalar nature of the interaction is introduced in order to ensure the uniqueness of the notations in this paper and the forthcoming ones.

Recently [11, 12], it was shown that the direct intermolecular proton transfer between

equivalent molecules A and B in solution, AH+ + B ;:± A + HB + , by diffusion induced tunnelling, involves an isotropic coupling term AE(r) = (Air) e - /30 r between the acceptor

and donor molecular sites. For evaluating the relevant physical quantities like the relaxation

times or the proton transfer rate, it is necessary to calculate the correlation functions

g (t ) or their Fourier transforms j (oi ) of the random functions Js (r) or AE (r), further denoted

by F (r). This question was investigated with some details [13] when the sites located at the molecular centres undergo a purely translational relative motion. By using the exact solutions

of the usual diffusion equation it was shown that at low frequencies, the spectral density j (ùj ), denoted by J (£o ) for centred sites, is :

where /(0) and A are independent of the procedure used to incorporate the molecular impenetrability. On the other hand, at high frequencies, J(£O) strongly depends on the boundary conditions, decreasing like w - 2in the presence of a reflecting wall at the molecular

contact. The general expression for J(w ) will be recalled in the following section.

However, for polyatomic molecules in liquids, the relative position of the interacting spins

of two molecules (or the relative position of the donor and acceptor sites for the proton intermolecular transfer in chemical reactions [12]) depends not only on the translational motion of these molecules, but also on their rotational motion, except if the spins are at the

centres of their own molecules. Thus, the correlation functions of the intermolecular coupling

in polyatomic molecules depends on both their translational and rotational diffusive motions.

This effect has been considerably investigated in the case of the magnetic dipolar

intermolecular coupling which is relevant for nuclear magnetic relaxation, both on theoretical

[14, 15, 16] and experimental [17, 18] respects. It was shown that the eccentricity effects can

be of fundamental importance, leading to a measurable increase of the relaxation rates,

mainly in the high frequency range. These effects are considerably enhanced when a non

uniform relative equilibrium distribution geq(R) of the pairs of molecules, originating from

their correlations of positions, is taken into account [19, 20, 21]. The combined effects of the site eccentricity and of the pair correlations can increase the dipolar spectral densities by more

than one order of magnitude [20, 21].

It can be expected that for the isotropic intermolecular couplings which are usually short

range interactions, the eccentricity effects will play an even more important role than for the


slowly decaying dipolar coupling, and that these effects will also be more efficiently enhanced by pair correlations. The purpose of this article is to study these phenomena.

In section 2 the general formalism will be developed for an isotropic coupling of the form.

F (r) = (C Ir) exp (-A, r).

Numerical illustrations will be provided in section 3 and our theory will be applied to the

intermolecular tunnelling proton transfer mechanism in section 4.

2. Theory.



First, we briefly recall the main results obtained for centred sites [13].

Assuming that the random relative translational motion of the centres of two interacting

molecules in liquids can be described by a diffusion equation, and denoting by b the minimum distance of approach of these centres (b


2 a for identical spherical particles of radius a), we

want to evaluate the time correlation function :

or, equivalently, its Fourier transform or spectral density

where N is the number of interacting molecules per unit volume. Here the equilibrium

statistical density N of the molecules is assumed to be uniform and the conditional probability P (Ro, R, t) is the solution of the diffusion equation

with the initial condition

and the hard sphere boundary condition

It was shown [13] that the Laplace transform Õ (u) of G (t ) is given by :

with k


(u / D )1/2, D being the relative diffusion constant (D


2 Da for identical molecules).

The spectral density J(w ) is then simply proportional to the real part of Ù (o- ) :

At low frequencies (£or .-. 1, with T


b2lD), J(w) has the limiting behaviour (1) with :



In the specific case where :

we obtain from equations (1), (9) and (10) :

When F(7?) is given by equation (11), for wr » 1,

Now, assuming a non uniform equilibrium relative density Ngeq(Ro) of the molecules which interact with one of the studied particles, the time correlation function (2) is generalized by :

where the conditional probability P (IZO, R, t) is the solution of the generalized diffusion equation (Smoluchowski equation) [7, 8, 19] :

The effective potential Veq (R ) is related to geq (R ) by

The probability P (Ro, R, t ) can be expanded as

where y is the angle between Ro and R.

The function ét (Ro, R, u) which is the Laplace transform of Ce (RO, R, t ), obeys a partial

differential equation [19] which is directly derived from the Smoluchowski equation (15) :



The hard sphere boundary condition is expressed by [19] :

or, equivalently, by

From equations (14) and (17), expressing Pl (cos y ) in terms of spherical harmonics, it is straightforward to obtain :

The function Co(Ro, R, o- ) obeys equations (18) and (20) with f


0. A detailed numerical

procedure for solving these equations is provided in reference [19]. It is possible to calculate

Ô (o- ) and consequently J(w ) for various realistic pair correlation functions geq (R ) or

potentials V eq (R).



We consider two molecules A and B with off-centred spins (or sites) as shown in figure 1. We denote by R


0 AOB the vector joining the centres of the molecules and by

pA, pB the positions of the spins with respect to the molecular centres. Introducing the vector r

between the two spins we have

The intermolecular coupling is

with r = Irl.

We have to evaluate the time correlation function of F (r). For this purpose it is necessary to

expand F(r) in terms of radial and angular variables.

Fig. 1.


Characteristic parameters of the relative position r of the interacting sites SA, SB.


It is clear that F (r ) is invariant through any rotation which simultaneously acts on R, PA, , PB, i.e. through an arbitrary rotation a of the whole system

Denoting by il, (dA and COB the orientations of R, pA, pB with respect to any fixed reference frame we introduce the following rotational invariants :

which are invariant through any rotation a of the system.

In equation (24) the symbols ÎA (XA ÎB e B À/ ) are the 3-j coefficients [22]. This expression is simply the linear combination of products of three spherical harmonics transforming according to the irreducible representation 2)() of the rotation group. The site-site coupling F(r) can be then rewritten in terms of the rotational invariants (24)

where F pA pB t(PA, pB, R) are purely radial functions to be determined.


we have

with R --::» p . Using the expansion ofc e À sr in terms of spherical Bessel functions [23a] we



where y is the angle between R and p and where i p and kl are defined by

where If + 1/2 and KI , 1/2 are usual modified Bessel functions of half integer order [23b]. Using

the addition theorem of the spherical harmonics, we obtain :

where w is the direction of the vector p.

Furthermore, the addition theorem [23c]


can be rewritten

Replacing p by its definition (26) and using equation (31) twice for developing ek.PA and

e - k . PB, we obtain :

Using the formula [22]

in order to evaluate the integral over d,f2k of equation (33), we obtain from equations (30) and (33)

According to the definition (24) of the rotational invariants, F(r) takes the form (25) with

Note that in equation (25) the sum over l ranges between 0 and 00, and that the values of

f A and f B are those compatible with f using the usual triangular inequality of addition of

angular momenta. The sum + QA + f B must be even. Obviously, A A, À B, À must be summed

between - fA and fA, - f Band f B, - f and f respectively and we must have ÀA + À B + À = 0.

Having separated F(r) into radial and angular parts, it is then easy to write the correlation

function g (t) of the random function F [r(t)] if we assume that there is no correlation

between the translational and rotational motions of the molecules. We have, PA and

P B being fixed parameters,


In this equation Ngeq(Ro) is the non uniform equilibrium relative density of the interacting

molecules as in equation (14) for the centred case and the translational conditional probability

is a solution of equations (15), (5), and (19). Using the expansion (17) and the addition theorem of the spherical harmonics we have

In equation (37) we have also assumed a uniform equilibrium distribution 1/4 ’TT’ of the directions wA and (a) B of pA and pB. The rotational conditional probability P A «(a) Ao’ COA, t )

obeys the usual rotational diffusion equation


DÂ being the rotational diffusion constant of the molecule A.

Consequently, we have [1b]


We have a similar expression for P «(J)Bo’ COB, t) with constants DÉ, Tt2B.


We replace the three conditional probabilities by their expression (38), (40a) in the


function g (t) fiven by equation (37) and we use the explicit forms of the rotational

invariants q,tAtBt and q, ÁtBt’ defined by equation (24). After integration over the angular

variables we obtain a considerable simplification because the only non vanishing elements in the various summations are such that the couples l, À obey to :

Then using the relation [22]

we easily find the desired expression of the correlation function

where the « radial » functions F pA pB e are given by equation (36).


Introducing the auxiliary correlation functions

we simply have

Using the Laplace transform 9 (u) of g (t ) we obtain the final expression


The functions è f (Ro, R, u) are solutions of the equations (18) and (20).

The relevant spectral densities j «(ù ) are then simply derived from the expression (44a) of

§(o-) using the relation (8).

Note that if PA




0 (centred case), the only non vanishing term in equation (36) is F°°°(R )


8 7T5/2(C IR) exp (- À, R ) and equation (44a) reduces to

with F (R) = (C /R ) exp (- Às R), i. e. to the expression (21) of G (u) previously obtained for the centred case.

3. Numerical results.

In this section we shall illustrate the above general theory by some numerical examples in

order to evaluate the relative importance of both eccentricity effects and pair correlation functions for an isotropic intersite coupling of the form (23).

We consider two spherical molécules of radius a (b = 2 a ) with pA


p B. The translational correlation time is T


b21D with D


2Da. We assume that



kiT. Using the

Stokes formulae [1] we have k


3/2, but for nearly spherical molecules, k is significantly larger [24] and for the purpose of numerical illustration we shall assume a typical value

k = 5.

Introducing the dimensionless spectral density, / ( ) defined by

where j(CJJ) is directly obtained from equations (8) and (44), we have calculated the values of

j (co ) for the cases pA


0 and (p AI b)2 = 0.1 and for various ranges of the interacting force :


As b


1, 3, 5. Increasing values of As correspond to a decreasing range of the interaction.

The calculations were performed : (i) for a uniform distribution of the molecules



1 ; (ii) for a pure liquid made of hard spheres with a typical reduced density 0.8 (number of molecules in the volume b3) and a pair correlation function given by the very accurate Verlet and Weis approximation [25] yielding a contact value geq (b )


4.03 of the radial distribution function.

In figure 2 we represent the frequency dependence of the reduced spectral densities il(ù),r) for various values of the interaction range 1/À, when the spins (or sites) are at the

molecular centres (PA = p B 0 ) and when the radial distribution geq (R)


1 for R ==== b is uniform. The function î 1 (£ù -r considerably increases with the interaction range 1/ As at every frequency since F(7?) = (C /R ) exp (- As R) also increases with 1 /,k, for all distances R. The value of i (,wr ) decreases by 4, 3 and 2 orders of magnitude for As b


1, 3 and 5 respectively

when wT varies between 0 and 100. This simply results from the shortening of the correlation time of F (R ), when k, increases, leading to a smoothing of the spectral density. As expected (see Section 2), at low frequencies, j (w T ) decreases linearly with (WT)1/2.

Fig. 2. - Frequency dependence of the reduced spectral density j , (tor ) in the case of centred spins

located on uniformely distributed molecules for three values of the range parameter À S.

The eccentricity effects vs. cvT are shown in figure 3 for the uniform distribution

9 eq (R) = 1 by representing the ratio of the spectral densities for off-centre and centred sites

Te(úJT /Tc(úJT ». For co = 0 this ratio is 1.07, 1.94 and 6.03 when Às b = 1, 3 and 5

respectively, while for w -r


100 it is 2.8, 9.2 and 46 for the same k, values. Thus, the

eccentricity effects increase both with À sand úJT. When the range of interaction decreases the


Fig. 3.


Frequency dependence of the ratio 7. ) /j ,(£or ) of the spectral densities for off-centre and centred sites in the case of a uniform molecular distribution for three values of k,. The eccentricity parameters are (p,lb)’


(p,lb )2 = 0. 1.

random function F (r) becomes more sensitive to the relative orientation of the molecules.

This effect is particularly important when the two interacting molecules are close together,

i.e. for short times corresponding to large wr.

The influence of the non uniform molecular distribution is first illustrated in figure 4 wherè

we represent the frequency dependence of the ratio jlc c(-,r )/i , (cor ) of the spectral densities

Fig. 4.


Frequency dependence of the ratio PIC (cor )/] c (wr ) for centred sites where Pcc is the spectral density relative to the Verlet and Weis radial distribution of model ii and where Tc corresponds to



1 (model i)..


associated to the non uniform (model ii) and to the uniform (model i) molecular distribution for centred sites. As expected the higher contact value geq (b ) for model ii results in a

significant increase of the spectral densities. Again this effect is all the more pronounced as Às increases and can reach a value - 4 for k, b = 5. Indeed, the Verlet and Weis function of

noticeably greater than unity in the vicinity of R b and the increase ofy will be all the larger

as this integration range includes all the significant values of F (R ). Obviously, this completely

occurs for large values of k,.

For the achievement of the present theory the combined effects of the eccentricity of the interacting sites together with the non uniform molecular distribution are simultaneously

taken into account. For this purpose we report the ratio j Pc (, 7- )lj , (w -r ) in figure 5 where

jPc is the spectral density associated to model ii for off-centre sites and where Tc corresponds

to model i for centred sites. Again we observe that this ratio increases with the value of

À s ; it also increases with WT because the increasing behaviour of the eccentricity effects with

frequency dominates the non monotonous variation of the pair correlation effects (see Figs. 3 and 4). In the case of nuclear relaxation induced by a scalar coupling with an electronic spin, where k, b is - 5, these combined effects can enhance the relaxation rate by one or even two orders of magnitude.

Fig. 5. - Frequency dependence of the ratio P"C(wr)lic(cùr) where pc is the spectral density

associated to model ii for off-centre sites (PAlb )2 =(p Blb )2 =0. 1 and where Tc corresponds to model i

for centred sites.

4. Intermolecular proton transfer mechanism.

In a recent study [12] a theoretical model for the intermolecular proton transfer AH+ + B :;:± A + HB + between identical molecules A and B in solution was proposed. In

this model the proton is initially assumed to be in the ground bound state of a three

dimensional (3D) spherical potential well belonging to molecule A. When the diffusing

molecules A and B collide, the proton can tunnel through a 3D potential barrier and can be

trapped in an equivalent 3D spherical well belonging to molecule B. This corresponds to a


resonant process in a 3D double potential well. An analytic expression of the transfer rate can

be obtained by evaluating the résonance frequency of the double well within the LCAO

approximation, and by using a classical description of the relative translational diffusion of the wells. Typical values of the tunnelling transfer rate were provided and it was shown that this mechanism may dominate the normal activated process as the temperature is lowered. More

precisely, assuming that the attractive potential of the proton with the molécule A is an

isotropic 3D well of finite constant depth

it was shown that, to a good approximation, the energy splitting of the double spherical well is given by

where r is the distance between the two centres of the wells located on the molecules A and B.

In equation (47a) /3 o is given by

where Eo is the ground state energy of the proton with mass M in the individual potential (46)

and where C is a complicated expression of Vo, Eo, and ai, given by equation (14b) of

reference [12b].

Denoting by NB the number of molécules B (acceptors) the proton transfer rate is simply given by [12]

where the average probability WAB of a proton transition per unit time taken over a statistical ensemble of pairs of interacting molécules is

According to equations (37) and (45) the proton transfer rate k can be rewritten

where N


NB V’ V being the volume of the sample.

First, assume as in reference [12] that the relative translational motion of the two well centres is represented by the solutions of the usual diffusion equation such as b is the minimal distance of approach of these centres and D is their relative translational diffusion constant

approximated to that of the two molecules. The transfer rate, kl, is according to equation (12)


Expressing C as a function of the maximal energy splitting DE(bl) through equation (47a),

this rate becomes

which is the formula (34) of reference [12b].

Now, we have to consider the important fact that the proton acceptor and donor sites are not usually at the centres of the molecules A and B and, consequently, that the energy

splitting AE(r) is also affected by the rotational random diffusion of the molecules. The geometry of the problem is described in figure 6 and it is possible to apply the general

formalism presented in the above sections. When the eccentricity effects are taken into account the proton transfer rate, k, is given by equation (49) where the Laplace transform g(0) and the associated spectral density j (0) are expressed by equations (44) and (45).

Fig. 6. - Various distances involved in the proton tunnelling between the two sites SA, SB. The

minimum distance of approach of the molecular centers is b


2 a ; the minimal intersite distance is

bl = b - 2 p and corresponds to the situation where SA and SB are on OA OB when the molecules collide.

According to the rapid convergence of the series (44), specially for low values of WT (here



0), it is reasonable to restrict the series to the term f = fA = f B


0 as a first

approximation. The proton transfer rate, k, simplifies then to

where Gooo is given by equation (44b). From equation (36), if PA



or, equivalently,


where dE(R) is defined by equation (47). From equations (53) and (44b), the proton transfer rate, k, is approximated by

where G(0) is the Laplace transform (21) which corresponds to centred sites.

For the uniform radial distribution geq (R) = 1 of model i, /(0) = 1. G (0) is given by equation


(12) and the approximated expression (53) of k has the analytical form

Note that in the above formulae b is the minimal distance of approach of the centres of the diffusing molecules and not the minimal distance of the well centres as in equations (50-52).

If the effects of eccentricity were neglected (pA = 0) the factor K defined by

would be unity. Thus this factor gives a rough estimate of these effects.


In référence [12] we considered individual spherical potential wells of radius al


0.1 À,

with a minimal distance of approach bl


0.85 À. Taking a reasonable diameter of the molecules A and B, b


3 À, we have

so that the eccentricity parameter is (p Alb)2


0.13. For the three values of 1/130


0. 30 À,

0.16 À and 0.1 À previously chosen, we obtain K


634, 1.4 x 107 and 2.2 x 1013.

This result was not « a priori » obvious : on one side with off-centred sites, the minimum distance of approach of the two sites is considerably lowered, thus increasing the transfer rate, but on the other side, because of the rotation of the molecules, the sites spend less time in front of each other. We have shown that the first effect is the dominant one, thus increasing

the proton transfer.

Within the framework of our description the proton transfer rate k


NB WAB is, according .

to equations (49) and (45),

In table 1 we report the values of J(O), in the centred case /c(0) (model i), in the case of off-

centred wells Je(O) (model i), and in the case of off-centred wells JC(O) with a non uniform

radial distribution of the molecules (model ii) for the three values of l/j3o discussed above.

We also give the value of the transfer rate k obtained with /(0) together with our previous

estimate ki of k [12] given by equation (52). We see that the ratio Je(O)/Jc(O) varies from

103 to 1015 which shows the importance of the effects of eccentricity which was already

predicted by the large values of the factor K given by equation (57). On the other hand the

effect of the pair correlation function characterized by the factor j p‘ (0 ) j e (0 ) is only of the


order of 5. The values of k obtained in table 1 are lower than the estimate kl calculated in our

previous paper [12], mainly for short range interactions. The reason is that our previous

model was equivalent to the centred case described here and that we took an irrealistic small value b1 1 = b


0.85 Â for the minimal distance of approach of the molecular centres. This

simplification amounts to excessively enhance the statistical weight of the molecular collisions where the sites are at the minimal distance bl, to the prejudice of those much more frequent

where the molecular orientations give much larger intersite distances which are considerably

less favourable to the proton transfer.


However, with the new values of k obtained with the more accurate description of this

paper, the general conclusions previously drawn in reference [12] remain valid. The proton transfer rate k is inversely proportional to D and behaves as TI / kT, with the viscosity increasing exponentially with 1 / T. Consequently k increases with decreasing temperature and in the case of a low barrier height, the diffusion induced proton transfer (k - 109 s-1 ) may

dominate the usual activation process.

Table 1. - Reduced spectral densities 1 (0) and transfer rates k and k, of the proton between

typical spherical potential wells o f constant depth V o and radius al


0.1 Â. The rate k is given by equation (58) with j-(O) = iec(O) and the rate kl of reference [12] is calculated by equation (52). 1/,So and AE(bl) are defined in the text and in reference [12]. The various

parameters are : relative diffusion constant, D


10- 5 cm2 S- 1; minimal distances o f approach o f the molecular centres b


3 Â and o f the well centres bl = 0.85 Â ; eccentricity parameter

(p Alb)2 = 0 .13 ; rotational diffusion constant Dr


5.5 x 10 10 S-l ; number density ofproton

acceptors N BIV


1021 cm- 3.

5. Conclusion.

We have developed a general formalism for calculating the spectral densities of random time

functions of the distance between two sites (or spins) belonging to translating and rotating


spherical molecules. The only assumption is the stochastic independence of the rotational and translational molecular motions. Our model allows the introduction of pair correlation effects in the translational dynamics. The relevant spectral densities are obtained as series expansions

of the eccentricity parameters. For the random functions C exp (- k, r)lr, these series

converge rapidly, mainly for low wr values, and the number of significant terms seldom

exceeds about 10 for reasonable values of wr -- 100. The first application of this theory was

the improvement of our previous model for intermolecular direct proton transfer between identical molecules in solution. This formalism will be further applied to the calculation of the scalar hyperfine contribution to the relaxation rate of nuclear spins in presence of

paramagnetic nitroxide radicals.


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