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NavLab: the autonomous vehicle of the 80s


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


How artificial intelligence could impact the car industry

Stéphane Canu

asi.insa-rouen.fr/enseignants/~scanu scanu@insa-rouen.fr



Road map

1 A very brief history of autonomous vehicles

2 Autonomous vehicles today

3 How has this happened? (Deep Learninng)

4 How Artificial Intelligence will change the Automotive Industry

5 Conclusion


Artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles

Artificial intelligence is about doing things better than human

→ It can do a lot of things better than a human driver


NavLab: the autonomous vehicle of the 80s

1 M $ , 10 km/h

http://www.rediscoverthe80s.com/2016/11/navlab- the- selfdriving- car- of- the- 80s.html/


DARPA Grand Challenge 2004

for American autonomous vehicles only 1 million $

140 miles (225km) from Barstow, California to Primm, Neveda


DARPA Grand Challenge 2005

2 million $ – 132 miles (213 km) in the desert, Primm, Neveda.

Stanford vs Carnegie Mellon

212.7 km at an average speed of 30.7 km/h Key issue

"The specific transfer function emulates human driving characteristics, and is learned from data gathered through human driving."


CMU autonomous vehicles


Road map

1 A very brief history of autonomous vehicles

2 Autonomous vehicles today

3 How has this happened? (Deep Learninng)

4 How Artificial Intelligence will change the Automotive Industry

5 Conclusion


Level 2/3 Autonomous vehicles for sale

100 000 $

Tesla Model X vs. Audi A8

Motivations Today:

I driver comfort (10 000e0 because of openpilot) Tomorrow

I save lives (safety)

I environmental issues


Comparaison des systèmes d’aide à la conduite (see



Level 4 experences in Rouen, Phoenix, 13 cities in China...

Waymo’s cars (Google) hit the 10 million-mile milestone on public roads New uses

public transportation (last kilometer) isolated people

autonomous ride services (taxi) . . .

pole- moveo.org/actualites/rouen- normandy- autonomous- lab- la- metropole- rouen- normandie- teste- un- service- de- mobilite- autonome/


Autonomous vehicle performance ranking

In total, 48 companies reported driving 2 million miles in autonomous mode on California roads and highways 2018


Advanced Driver Assistance Systems ADAS Ratings

Consumer Reports’ for major Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (nov 2020)


Safety Ratings

Safety Assist, which evaluated driver-assistance and crash-avoidance technologies.


Accidents: 8 lethal since 2015 (+7 processing)

https://www.republicanmatters.com/police- release- footage- of- fatal- uber- self- driving- car- accident/

What autonomy level?

→ Levels for AI ?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_self- driving_car_fatalities


The 3 IA Levels

What do you see ? (is it a cat?) specific intelligence

Why is it a cat? general intelligence

Is she going up or down? super intelligence


Specific, General and Super Intelligence

What do you see ? (is it a cat?) specific intelligence

Why is it a cat? general intelligence

Is she going up or down? super intelligence


When do we see super intelligence?


Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence Levels

Level 3 autonomy specific intelligence

Level 4 autonomy general intelligence

Level 5 autonomy super intelligence


Road map

1 A very brief history of autonomous vehicles

2 Autonomous vehicles today

3 How has this happened? (Deep Learninng)

4 How Artificial Intelligence will change the Automotive Industry


Reconnaissance d’objets : caltech 101 database (2004)

101 classes,

30 images par catégorie ...and the winner is NOT a deep network

I pas assez d’images

in What is the Best Multi-Stage Architecture for Object Recognition? Jarrett et al, 2009


The image net database (Deng et al., 2012)

ImageNet = 15 million labeled high-resolution images of 22,000 categories.

Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (a subset of ImageNet) 1000 categories.

1.2 million training images, 50,000 validation images,


A new fashion in image processing

shallow approaches deep learning

Y. LeCun StatLearn tutorial


Deep architecture and the image net (15%)

The Alex Net architecture [Krizhevsky, Sutskever, Hinton, 2012]

Convolution + Recitification (ReLU) + Normalization + Pooling 60 million parameters

using 2 GPU – 6 days regularization


ImageNet results

2012 Alex Net 2013 ZFNet 2014 VGG

2015 GoogLeNet / Inception 2016 Residual Network 2018 NAS Network

2020 EfficientNet (Transformers)


Reconnaissance d’objets par apprentissage

2020: GPT-3 contains 175 billion parameters Pour résoudre des problèmes spécifiques :

traitement d’image

reconnaissance de la parole, traduction automatique le texte : répondre à des questions, assistants, (GPT-3) planifier : Alpha GO


Big Models

GPT-3 requiert au moins 175 Go de mémoire vive


Detection, tracking and recognition of traffic signs (2011-13)

Recognition German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) data set, containing 51839 labelled images of real-world traffic signs.

Detection The German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark is a single-image detection

assessment 900 images (600 for training and 300 for test) and the winner is


Object recognition for autonomous vehicles

https://www.nvidia.com/en- au/self- driving- cars/drive- px/


Two components are needed detection

recognition (characterization)


Perception is scene understanding

Scene understanding is

Multi-task learning


Components of self driving cars software (1)


Components of self driving cars software

AI inside: uses data

(Deep) learning based programming


Decision making is an imitation model

Imitation model is

Multi-Task and multi objective learning

Mayank Bansal , ChauffeurNet: Learning to Drive by Imitating the Best and Synthesizing the Worst, ICML 2019


Machine learning issues in self driving

multi task multi objective

architecture design issues

the never ending learning (long tails events) under budget


HydraNet: Tesla Autopilot Neural network architecture

in 2020 : 48 networks, 1,000 outputs, 70,000 GPU h to train Multi task learning

Sharing feature over space, cameras and time


HydraNet: Tesla Autopilot Neural network architecture

Multi task learning

Sharing feature over space, cameras and time


Tesla Neural Network

backbone ResNet50 (2020), RegNet (2021) (a Facebook 2020 paper) feature fusion : EfficientDet (from a Google 2019 paper)

decision module (multi task fine tuning)

I head

I trunk

I terminal


Tesla car crash

1916 Tesla’s car crash was due to a confusion between white side of trailer with brightly lit sky


Managing the confidence


Data: the long tail of situations

Rare driving situations

Drago Anguelov (Waymo) - MIT Self-Driving Cars lectures https://medium.com/waymo/how- do- we- prepare- for- rare- and- odd- situations- on- the- road- by- following- these- 3- steps- 1abd73d93e15


Tesla improving: iterative process


multi task learning fleet learing

testing = shadow mode for more training data


Tesla’s point of view on data

Gathering process

I 221 triggering situations manual labelling (1000 people)

I 2d -> 3d

I reconstruction labelling auto labelling

I use specificly trained networks

I human to clean simulation

I rare event

I sensor robustness

I adversarial exemples


Tesla’s release and validation


Waymo’s point of view

uses autoML (NAS cells)

Drago Anguelov (Waymo) - MIT Self-Driving Cars lectures


Waymo’s AutoML

Proxy end-to-end search: Explore thousands of architecture on a scaled-down proxy task, apply the 100 best ones to the original task,

validate and deploy the best of the best architectures on the car.

Drago Anguelov (Waymo) - MIT Self-Driving Cars lectures https://medium.com/waymo/automl- automating- the- design- of- machine- learning- models- for- autonomous- driving- 141a5583ec2a


Waymo’s AutoML (mobil eye is missing)

1) The first graph shows about 4,000 architectures discovered with a random search on a simple set of architectures. Each point is an architecture that was trained and evaluated. The solid line

marks the best architectures at different inference time constraints. The red dot shows the latency and performance of the net built with transfer learning. In this random search, the nets were not as good as the one from transfer learning. 2) In the second graph, the yellow and blue points show the results of two other search algorithms. The yellow one was a random search on a refined set of architectures. The blue one used reinforcement learning as in [1] and explored


Tesla vs. Waymo (vs. Openpilot, MobilEye, Appolo. . . )

Tesla Waymo

Autonomy Diver assist Self driving

objective Hands on the wheel no driver

Sensors Camera Lidar + Camera

Autopilot on highway Taxi in a known area

Data from the Fleet Simulation

3 millions miles per day 16 billions simulated miles AI multi task deep learning

semi supervised

hybrid deep learning reinforcement & Auto ML Running

by now 1 000 000 100


2014/2016 2010


Open Pilot: 1000 $


Openpilot : l’étiquetage des données par crowd sourcing


Openpilot : surveillance du conducteur

EfficentNet inside



Road map

1 A very brief history of autonomous vehicles

2 Autonomous vehicles today

3 How has this happened? (Deep Learninng)

4 How Artificial Intelligence will change the Automotive Industry

5 Conclusion


Programmation par l’exemple : le pari de Tesla & Waymo

Tesla is collecting “just over 3 million miles [of data] per day.”

Waymo train the car with 6 million miles driven on public roads and 5 billion driven in simulation

Learn agent for driving situation simulations


Massive open data sets

and simulators (Carla, google & microsoft)


Les 5 composants d’un système de conduite autonome

https://devblogs.nvidia.com/parallelforall/deep- learning- self- driving- cars https://medium.com/udacity/how- self- driving- cars- work- f77c49dca47e


Les données de ApolloScape


Des compétitions académiques


Des plateformes de développement ouvertes

Open source code, written by hundreds of students from across the globe!

Autoware (japon), NVIDIA’s DriveWorks and others

https://www.udacity.com/self- driving- car


Data for self driving cars: CNN

Tesla Project Dojo


L’IA dans l’automobile au delà du véhicule autonome

Assistance à la conduite (AI copilote)

Maintenance prédictive

Production : usine 2.0


Pour quoi faire ?

Accepter les voitures autonomes Une histoire de confiance

Nous voulons comprendre les enjeux conduite du changement


Pour quoi faire ?

self driving trucks and tractors


Road map (done)

1 A very brief history of autonomous vehicles

2 Autonomous vehicles today

3 How has this happened? (Deep Learninng)

4 How Artificial Intelligence will change the Automotive Industry

5 Conclusion


Future of AI in Automotive Industry

The value of your data (IA fuel) big data

Robustness (degraded conditions) deep learning theory Level 4 Autonomous driving common sense (cf Y. LeCun) unsupervised learning Predictive Maintenance data + prior knowledge

Acceptability (safety) Ethic

Interpretable AI





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