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Level :3AM December 2014 Correction of the First Term English Exam Time: 01h30


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يح لولعق جرب يرحبلا - رئازلجا

Web site : www.ets-salim.com / : سكافلا- Tel-Fax : :

Part One:

Section one: Reading comprehension. (07Pts) A/ the text is an e- mail. (01pt)

B/ Answer the following questions. (01pt) -Who is the receiver? The receiver is Roberto

-will Sara visit her grandmother Susan? Yes, she will.

C/ Say “true” or “False”. Correct the wrong statement. (03Pts) -True

- False. She lives in Miami.

-False. She will visit her uncle.

D/ find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following. (01Pt) -starts=begins -Journey= trip

Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to the following.(01pt) -Take off≠ land -old≠ new

B/ Mastery of language. (07Pts)

a- Supply the right punctuation and the capital letters where necessary.(02Pts) Next holidays, I will visit Turkey.

b-Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B. (01.5Pt) A B

-Do you like travelling?

-What is your favourite mean of transport?

-Where will you travel next holidays?

-I will go to Australia.

-Yes, I do.


C-Choose the correct form of the verb. (01.5pt)

Riad will visit London next month. It is a beautiful city. He is staying in a nice hotel.

c-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their vowels. (02Pts) -come -ticket -ten -have

/^/ (love) /e/ (get) /æ/ (cat) /i/ (sit)

-Come -ten -have -Ticket

Level :3AM December 2014

Correction of the First Term English Exam Time: 01h30


يح لولعق جرب يرحبلا - رئازلجا

Web site : www.ets-salim.com / : سكافلا- Tel-Fax : :

Part Two: (06Pts)

-Plan -Resources

-Introduction -The format: write an e-mail -Greeting.

-Developing ideas -Topic: write about your plans for next holidays.

-Vocabulary related to holidays -travelling -Use of the future simple.

-Use of the present continuous.

-Time markers.

-Names of countries- famous places.

-conclusion -feelings -expressions related to



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