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Niveau :2AM December 2014 First Term English Exam Time: 01h30


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يح لولعق جرب يرحبلا - رئازلجا

Web site : www.ets-salim.com / : سكافلا- Tel-Fax : :


We have always been fascinated by the pyramids .So last year we went to Egypt. We spent a nice fortnight there. First, we visited the pyramids .we liked the guide because he answered all our questions and he knew so much about the history of the pyramids. Then, we went down the Nile on a boat. It was a wonderful cruise . I will never forget our holidays in Egypt.

Section one : Reading comprehension (7pt)

A 1/-Read the text carefully and choose the most suitable title (1pt) Egypt

Wonderful holidays The Nile

2/ Answer the following questions (2pt) a-what did the writer visit ?

b-did he like his holidays ?

B / choose the correct response (2pts) 1- the writer visited Egypt ...

a- year ago b- next year c- last winter

2- the guide answered all the questions because he knew the history of ...

a- Algeria b-France c- the pyramids

C/ 1 - Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to the following : (1pt)

never ≠ Horrible ≠

2 -Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following:


loved = vacation=

Niveau :2AM December 2014

First Term English Exam Time: 01h30

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يح لولعق جرب يرحبلا - رئازلجا

Web site : www.ets-salim.com / : سكافلا- Tel-Fax : :

Section Two :Mastery of language (7pt) A- order these words alphabetically (2pt) Forget - fascinated -fortnight -first

B- Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (3pts)

Last week, my family and I (to go ) to Bouchaoui forest .we (to have) a picnic there. We (to play),(to buy) ice-creams and (to walk) .we (to return) home very late

C- classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final "ed" (2pt) Visited - liked -answered -helped

/t/ /d/ /id/

Part two :Situation of integration (6pt)

you went on holidays with your family or friends .write an e-mail (6 lines ) here are some questions to help you

Where and when did you go ? who did you go with ?

What did you visit ?

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