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The text


Academic year: 2022

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The text

Peter is seven years old. He goes to a school near his house. He always goes there and comes home on foot. However, last week he returned home from school late. His mother was in the kitchen and she was waiting for him.

“Why are you late today?” She asked him.

“My teacher was angry and he sent me to the headmaster after the lesson.” He answered.

“The headmaster? Why did he send you to him?”

“Because the teacher asked a question and no one of the pupils gave him the right answer except me.” Said Peter.

“But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster, then? Why didn’t he send all the other stupid pupils instead?” The mother asked her son angrily.

“It’s simple, mum. His question was: who put the glue in my chair.”

Re R ea ad di in n g g Co C om mp pr r eh e he en ns si io on n ( (7 7M Ma ar rk ks s) )

TaTasskk 11:: CChhoooossee aa ssuuiittaabbllee ttiittllee ffoorr tthhee tteexxtt.. TTiicckk (( )) tthhee rriigghhtt aalltteerrnnaattiivve e ((11 mmkk)).. good boy

Peter, the naughty boy intelligent boy


Taasskk 22:: AAnnsswweerr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg qquueessttiioonnss ((33 mmksks).). a- Why was Peter’s mother angry?


b- Why did the teacher send Peter to the headmaster?


c- Is Peter a polite pupil?


TaTasskk 33:: FFiinndd iinn tthhee tteexxtt tthhee ooppppoossiitteess ooff tthhee wwoorrddss bbeellooww ((22 mmksks).). - Early ≠ ………..

- Far ≠ ………..

- Wrong ≠ ………..

- Intelligent ≠ ………..

TaTasskk 44:: WWhhaatt ddoo tthhee uunnddeerrlliinneedd wwoorrddss iinn tthhee tteexxtt rrefefeerr ttoo ((11 mmkk)).. - He: refers to ……….

- -

Him: refers to ……….




2000303--2200004 4

G G lo l ob ba al l T T es e st t N N ˚ ˚ 1 1

D D ec e ce e mb m be er r, , 20 2 00 03 3

LeLevveell ::99thth FF..BB..EE TTiimmiinngg :: 1 1 HHoouurr T:T: MMRR.. BBEELLGGACACEEMM NaNammee ………………………………………………………………………....………….... ClClaassss ………..……………………………………………………………NNºº……………..…………..



La L an n gu g u ag a ge e ( (8 8 M Ma ar r ks k s) )

TTaassk k1:1: FFiillll iinn tthhee bbllaannkkss wwiitthh wwoorrddss ffrroomm tthhee bbooxx bbeellooww ((33 mmksks))

DDaavviidd SSmmiitthh iiss a a ………………………………………………. . sscchhooooll ppuuppiill.. HHee wwoorrkkss ………………………………………… aanndd

……… all subjects. He loves his teachers because they are friendly and they don’t ………. him. His classmates enjoy their lessons, ………. They hate the school ……… They dislike strict discipline.

TTaassk k2:2: MMaattcch h tthhee uutttteerraanncceess wwiitthh tthheeiirr ffuunnccttiioonnss ((22..55 mmkkss))

Utterances Functions Answers

1- He can drive a car.

2-Good morning, Sir.

3-You shouldn’t eat too much sweets.

4- I’m Sarah Jackson.

5- I think the weather is fine today.

a-Inviting b-Introducing c-Advice

d-Expressing Opinion e- Ability in the present f-Greeting







TaTasskk 33:: CCiirrccllee tthhee rriigghhtt aalltteerrnnaattiivvee ((22..55 mmksks))

MyMy ffaaththeerr iiss [[ aa // aann // tthhee]] sshhooppkkeeeeppeerr.. HHee [h[haavvee // hhaass // hhaadd]] aa ssmmaallll sshhoopp.. IItt [[sseellll // ttoo sseellll //

sseellllss]] aallmmoosstt eevveeryrytthhiinngg.. IItt iiss aallssoo tthhee ppoosstt ooffffiiccee.. CChhiillddrreenn wwhhoo lliivvee nneeararbbyy aallwwaaysys ssttoopp [[ttoo sspepenndd // ssppeennddiinngg // ssppeenndd]] aa ffeew w ppoouunnddss oonn cchohoccoollaattee aanndd icice-e-ccrreeaamm oonn [[tthheeiirr // ththeeyy // tthheemm]]

wwaayy toto sschchooooll..

W W r r it i ti i ng n g ( (5 5 M Ma ar rk ks s) ). .

TaTasskk 11:: RRee--oorrddeerr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg wwoorrddss ttoo gegett aa mmeaeanniinnggffuull sseenntteennccee (1 mk) Should / you / your / at / early / brush / an / teeth / age.

 ………

TaTasskk 22:: YYoouurr frfrieienndd hhaass ggoott aa ttooootthhaacchhee.. TTrryy ttoo adadvviissee hihimm ttoo ssttoopp eeaattiinngg ssweweeettss.. UUssee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg nonotteess:: - - sshhoouulldd // sshhoouullddnn’’t…t…

-- bbrruusshh yyoouurr tteeeetthh / / eeaatt ffrruuiitt iinnsstteeadad ooff ffoooodd aanndd ddrriinnkkss wiwitthh ssuuggaar r iinn tthheemm - go to the dentist regularly / not eat sweet things





……… .

…….. Good Luck! …….

HHaarrdd // lilikkeess // pupunniisshh // pprriimmaarryy / / bbuutt // rruulleess



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