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The Performance of Broadcasting with Network Coding in Dense Wireless Networks


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Submitted on 13 Feb 2007

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The Performance of Broadcasting with Network Coding in Dense Wireless Networks

Cédric Adjih, Song Yean Cho, Philippe Jacquet

To cite this version:

Cédric Adjih, Song Yean Cho, Philippe Jacquet. The Performance of Broadcasting with Network Coding in Dense Wireless Networks. [Research Report] RR-6120, INRIA. 2007. �inria-00129782v3�


inria-00129782, version 3 - 13 Feb 2007ISSN 0249-6399

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The Performance of Broadcasting with Network Coding in Dense Wireless Networks

Cédric Adjih, Song Yean Cho, Philippe Jacquet

N° 6120

Février 2007


Unité de recherche INRIA Rocquencourt

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in Dense Wireless Networks

Cédri Adjih, Song Yean Cho, Philippe Jaquet



Rapportdereherhe 6120 Février200715pages

Abstrat: We present aprotool for wireless broadasttransmission basedon network

oding. Theprotooldoesnotneedneighborsensingandnetworktopologymonitoring. We

giveananalysisoftheperformaneoftheprotoolinanunit graphwirelessnetworkmodel

withuniformdensity,andintheaseofasinglesoure. Weshowthatevenwithonesoure,

duetodensity,network odingoerssomegains.



byafatorarbitraryloseto 1whenthenetworkdensityinreases. In2dimensional (2D)


Relay(MPR) ooding.

Key-words: wirelessnetworks,networkoding, broadasting,multi-hop


les réseaux sans l denses

Résumé: Nousprésentonsunprotoolepourladiusiondanslesréseauxsanslbasésur

leodagederéseau. Leprotoolen'apasbesoindedéouvertedevoisinsetni dedétetion

delatopologieduréseau. Nousdonnonsune analysedelaperformaneduprotooledans

le as d'une soure simple et dans un modèle de réseausans l qui est un graphe disque

unité ave unedensité uniforme. Nousmontrons quemême ave uneseule soure,grâe à

ladensitédesnoeuds, leodagederéseaupermet desgains. Enpartiulier,nousprouvons

quedans un réseauunidimensionnel (1D), laperformane duprotoole simplebasé sur le

odage de réseau est prohe de la performane de l'inondation optimale (sans odage de


Dans réseaux en 2 dimensions, des simulations montrent que le rapport à l'optimal est

similairevoiremeilleur queelle del'inondationparrelaismultipoints(MPR).

Mots-lés : réseauxsansl,odagederéseau,diusion,multi-sauts


1 Introdution


atenodes: thepakets areforwardedby theintermediateroutersunmodiedforbothtra-

ditionaluniastand multiast ommuniation. Reently, thepioneering work of Ahlswede

et al. [1℄ hasshown that network oding, where intermediatenodesmix information from

dierent ows, an ahieve higherthroughput for multiasting than lassial routingover

networks represented as direted graphs. The works of [1,2,3,4,5,6℄ set theoretial and

pratialfoundationsfor theframework ofmanyreentworksonerning wirelessnetwork

oding (seesetion2). Thewirelessmediaisinherentlyabroadastmediawhihhasruial

advantagesineitallowsoverhearing. Theinherentadvantageouldbeexploitedby wire-

lessnetwork oding, permittinggainsbyreduingthenumberoftransmissionsrequiredto

transmitthesameamountinformation(energy-eieny). Dueto goodmathingbetween



tra,suhasin [7℄,[5℄and[10℄.


from theexisteneof dierentdiretional ows, forinstane in [8℄foruniast, in [9℄(with

pakets andanti-pakets pairs),andin [5℄.

In ontrast, in this artile, we fous on broadastingwith a single soure. Our goalis

notsomuhtoahievemaximumperformanewithwirelessnetworkoding,but ratherto


general,non-wireless,aseof[1℄),thankto density,andtogiveaninsightonthedynamis

ofnetworkodingin suhanenvironment. Thereforeourapproahfollowsthespiritofthe

algebrai gossip [11℄,but fousingontheidiosynrasiesofthewirelessmedium.


sensing or network topology monitoring. We initially onsider its behavior in the one-

dimensional(1D)ase,i.ethe1Dunitdiskgraphmodel. Wedesribehowthepaketows


quantifythe performaneof the simpleprotool in an unit graphwireless network model,

with an asymptoti model. Our analysis shows that, in 1D, as the density inrease the

performaneoftheprotoolisloseto theoptimal broadastbyafatorarbitraryloseto

1. Simulationsonrmtheresultsoftheasymptotimodel.


diskgraphmodel. Thebehaviorin2Dshouldbeessentiallythesameasin1D(withthesame


themodelin1D.Simulationsresultsonrmthisinsight. Theartileisorganizedasfollows:

insetion2,wedesribethesimplenetworkodingalgorithmforwirelessbroadasting. In


analysis. Insetion3wedeveloptheanalytialmodelsandourresults. Insetion5weshow

thesimulationresultswhih onrmandextendouranalytialresults.

RR 6120


2 Related Work, Framework and Algorithms

2.1 General Framework of Wireless Network Coding

Thestartingpointofnetwork oding is theelebratedwork from [1℄,showingthatoding


general ase, it is out of reah of traditional transmission methods (i.e. without network


Subsequently, ithas been shownthat a simpleformof oding, linear oding [2℄,(using


boundsof[1℄. Furthermore,[3℄presentedonemethod whih doesnotrequireoordination

of (the oding at) the nodes, by introduing random linear oding and by showing that

suient eld size results in high probability of suess. With randomlinear oding, the

oding inside thenetwork isno longerpredetermined, sineit usesrandomoeientsfor

thelinearombinations. Thisapproahwasrenedby[4℄,intheontextofpaketnetworks:


beinluded in a speial additionalpaket header. Relying on thefundamental broadast

nature of the wireless media, [6℄ introdued the rst pratialimplementation of network

odingin awirelessenvironment,anddemonstratedgainsforrossinguniastdatatras.


andthatweareusingin thisartile.

Generation: rst,thepaketsaresupposedtobedividedintogenerations. Ageneration


linearombination. Intherestof thepaper,wewill assumethatallpaketsbelongto one

generationfromasoureand denoteagenerationsize thedimension, D.

Vetors: seond, the pakets are equally sized and are divided into bloks of sym-

bols over a eld Fp : ontent = (s1, s2, ..., sh). As in [4℄, the pakets inlude a header

whih isthelistofoeients. Hene thepaket formatis atuallyavetoroftheformat:

(g1, g2, . . . , gD;s1, s2, . . . , sh).

Transmission: atanypointoftime,anodeofthenetworkhasalistof vetors,linear

ombinations of initial soure pakets. When the node transmits, it generates a random

linearombinationofthevetorsv0, v1, ..., vk iturrentlyhas: P

iαivi (wherethei)are


Deoding: oneanodehasreeivedDlinearlyindependentvetors,itisabletodeode theDpaketsofthegeneration.

Withinthislassialframework,thetwonalquestionsare: whendoesthesouresenda

paket? and: whendotheothernodes(non-soure)maketransmissions? Thistransmission

sheduling istheheartofthealgorithm.



Algorithm1: NCAL1

Soure sheduling: poisson soure;thesouretransmitssequentiallytheD vetors



Nodes'start and stoponditions: thenodesstarttransmittingwhentheyreeive 1.2

therstvetor. Theyontinuetransmittinguntiltheyhaveenoughvetorstoreover

theD sourepakets. Thentheystilltransmitoneadditionalpaket(after usual


Nodes'sheduling: poissonretransmission;thenodesretransmitlinear 1.3


2.2 Algorithms for Transmission Sheduling

2.2.1 Single soure

Thetransmission sheduling used in ourartile is the algorithm NCAL1. Essentially, the


havesuientvetors. This algorithmanbeomparedto thealgorithmsused in [5℄,[10℄

and[11℄forinstane. Thealgorithm1isaversionofRandomLinearCoding(RLC)withpush

forthewireless ontext(hene, withfousonspatial gossip). It is alsoavariantof Blind-

Forwarding with NetworkCoding (BF-NC)from[10℄. Finally,thealgorithm1omparesto

the algorithm NC3 of [5℄, exept that we use asimple stop ondition. By hoie, in this



Inalgorithm1,theintentoftheadditionalpaket transmissionat1.2istogiveneigh-

bors onemorehanetogetthelasttransmissionompletingtheD dimensionspae.

However, thestopondition in NCAL1 still doesnotguarantee that allinformation is

disseminated to all nodes, hene for referene we used another algorithm, NCAL2 whih

assumesreeption reports andstoptransmittingonlywhenallneighborhaveallpaketsto


Algorithm2: NCAL2

Soure sheduling: asin 1.1.


Nodes'start and stoponditions: asin 1.2,thenodesstarttransmittingwhen 2.2

theyreeivetherstvetorbut theyontinuetransmittinguntilthemselvesand

their neighborshaveenoughvetorstoreovertheD sourepakets.

Nodes'sheduling: asin 1.3 2.3

RR 6120


2.2.2 Extension to multiple soures

Thetwo algorithm(NCAL1 and NCAL2) anbeextended formultiple soures. Considering

paketsfromdierentsouresarein thesamegeneration,synhronizationisneessaryand


3 Casading Wave Model

Figure1: Wavemodel

The entral fous of this artile is the study the behavior of the above algorithms in

wireless networks with are modeled with disk-unit graphs. The dynami behavior of the

networkisrepresentedingure1: thenodes(whitedisks)arerandomlydistributedinaline

topology,thesoureisoriginatingnewvetors,(additional dimensionsof thevetorspae)

and these new dimensionspropagate in the network as waves. We represented the eet

ofsome suessivetransmissions t0, t1, t2, t3 andt4. The eet ofonetransmission anbe summarized by howit inreases (or does not inrease)the dimension spae of the nodes.


dimensionoftheneighborsofthesoure(whihbeame1). Transmissiont2fromaneighbor

ofthesoure,propagatesfurther alinearombinationoft0 andt1. Thisproessontinues,

and d transmission from the soure in generalpropagates as seen in gure 1. Hene we

have a asade of waves. Note that this ours in our ase, beause we haveone soure

andaline topology, whereanyvetorthat anodereeivemustbealinearombinationof

thevetorsalreadyreeivedatanyleftneighbor. Preiseanalysisofthepropagationofthe



waveisparamounttotheharaterizationoftheperformaneofalgorithm1. Suhanalysis


4 Analysis of performane

4.1 Wave propagation model

In this setion, we provide an analysis of the propagation waves in the network oding

shemedesribedin setion2.2.1. Eahwaveisdenedbytheborderbetweenareaswhere

nodes have reeived samevetor spae ombination of pakets, asshown on gure 1. In

partiular thekth waveindiates the limitbetweenthe areawhere nodes havereeived a

vetorspaeof kdimensionwith theareaofthenodes whih havereeivedavetorspae

ofk1 dimension.

In1D, thewavepositionsare determinedby theposition of theborderon thepositive

realaxis: xk(t)is theabsissaofthekthwaveat timet, withoriginx= 0at theloation

ofthesoure. Wealsoassumethattheorderingxk(t)> xk+1(t)atalltimes. Themodelis


ˆ Soure transmission: thesouretransmitspakets atrateλν where ν is thenode

densityandλ <1 (averageneighborsizeisM = 2ν).

ˆ Neighborsofthesoure: notethatthenewreatedwavesatuallydepartfrompo-

sitionx= 1,sinetheallthediretneighborsofthesourereeiveeverytransmission ofthesoure.

ˆ Node retransmission: eah node retransmitsat rate1. Hene note that in aarea

oflengthunitandtimeunit,therelaynodestransmitat aPoissonrateofdensityν.

ˆ Wave propagation: whenarelay nodeat position y transmits avetor, twoases

an our. If there atually exists a losest wave border xi suh that xi > y and xiy <1,thenthetransmissionmovesthewaveborderatpositiony+ 1. Otherwise

transmissionhasnoeet onexisting waves.

Notie that wavepropagation may break the order of the xk, in whih ase the indexing

wouldneedto beadjusted.

4.2 Atual performane

From now we restrit our analysis to 1D unit disk graph model. Let onsider anode at

distane x from the soure node. Let∆(x, Q) bethe average time between the rst wave

and thelast wave. Forexampleifx1 we have∆(x) = 2Qλ , sine whenneighboringthe soure,thenodeexperieneanaveragetimeof


λM betweentwowavegenerations(i.e. two datapakettransmissionsbythesoure)wherethegenerationsize DisMQ.

Theorem1 The average number of paket transmission by a node at distane x to the

soureis∆(x, Q) + 1.

RR 6120


Proof: The node starts to shedule enoded paket when it reeives the rst wave and

ontinueaslongasit hasnotreeivedthelastwavewhih arrivesin average∆(x, Q)time

unit later. Sine the enoded paket generation is Poisson of rate 1, the average number

ofenoded paket transmittedduring∆(x, Q)isexatly∆(x, Q). Thereforethenumberof

paketsheduledis∆(x, Q) + 1. The+1denotesthelastpaketwhihissheduledduring

the∆(x, Q)periodbut isatuallytransmitted aftertheperiodaordingtoalgorithm.

Corollary1 Thetotalaveragenumberofpakets(dataandenoded)transmittedbyallthe

nodesbetween distane0anddistaney isequal toQM+M2 Ry

0(T(x, Q) + 1)dx.

Proof: The term QM denotes the data pakets transmitted by the soure. The other paketsaretheenodedpaketgeneratedbytherelaynodeswherethedensityν= M2.

Whenthenodeisnotneighborofthesoure,i.e. x >1,wehavetheexpression∆(x, Q) =


λ + (x1) (slsf). where sf istheaverageslownessofrstwavepropagationandsl is

theaverageslownessofthelast wave.

Theorem2 Wehavesf M2 andsl (116λ


Beauseλ <1 thetimegapbetweentherstwaveandthelast waveisproportionalto


M. WhenM → ∞thetimegapbeomeszero,thusthewavepropagationproessdoesnot bringmuheetontheperformane.

Corollary2 The total average number of paket transmittedby nodes between distane 0

anddistaney isequal toQM+ (2Qλ + 1)M y2 +O(y11

λ)whenM → ∞.

Corollary3 Theaveragenumberofretransmissionsperdatapaketbetweendistane0and

distaney isequal to1 + (2λ+Q1)y2+O((1y1


If thenetworkis limited todistane y to thesoure: N = yM2 assuming thesoure isthe

leftmost node on the network, we have a retransmission ratio equal to 1 + (λ2 + Q1)MN + O((1 N

λ)QM2)whihisarbitrarilyloseto2MN whenN, M→ ∞andλ1.

4.3 Wave propagation slowness

Inthis setion we useν = M2 theuniform densityof node perunit lengthin the 1Dunit


4.3.1 Propagation ofthe rst wave

Theorem3 Therst wavemovesataverage speedvf = ν2 lengthunit pertimeunit.



Proof: the relay nodes that move the rst wave are those whih are betweenx1(t)1

and x1(t). This nodes reate a transmission rateof ν transmissions per time unit. Eah transmissionmovesthewavebyanaveragetranslationof


2 unitlength.

Corollary4 The average slowness of the rst wave satises sf 2ν timeunit per length


Proof: wehavetheinequalitysf v1



4.3.2 Propagation ofthe last wave

Theorem4 Thelastwave propagatesatan average slownesssmaller than


1λ2 timeunit


The proof of this theorem is based on lemmas that study an upper bound of the atual


4.3.3 The upper-bound system


thanatualwaveposition: yk(t)< xk(t)foralltandk. Wedesribesuhsystem.

Letbeanumbersuhthat 1 <1λ. Weuttherealaxisin equalintervaloflength


. Wewillforethewavepositionsyk oftheupper-bound systemto beintegermultipleof

1 .

ˆ (unhanged)Thesouretransmitspaketsatrateλνwhere M2 isthenodedensityand λ <1

ˆ Thenewreatedwavesareat absiss11.

ˆ (unhanged) Relay nodes transmit at a Poisson rate of ν per length unit and time


ˆ When a relay node transmits at absiss y ]k1,k] for k < ℓ, it moves a wave at



toposition1 +k1. Iftherewasnowaveatposition 1,thentherelay

nodetransmissionhasnoeet onwavepositions.

ˆ When a relay node transmits at absiss y ]k1,k] for k , it moves a wave at



toposition1 +k1. Iftherewasnowaveatposition k,thentherelaynode

transmissionhasnoeet onwavepositions.

Notie that thewavesin theupper bound systemmoveless frequently than in theatual

system,andwhentheymove,itisonashorter distane. Thereforethisisanupper-bound


RR 6120


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