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A. C. Stark effect on the 4713 Å line emitted by a helium glow discharge in the field of a multimode T.E.A. CO2 laser


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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A. C. Stark effect on the 4713 Å line emitted by a helium glow discharge in the field of a multimode T.E.A.

CO2 laser

B. Dubreuil, P. Pignolet, A. Catherinot, P. Davy

To cite this version:

B. Dubreuil, P. Pignolet, A. Catherinot, P. Davy. A. C. Stark effect on the 4713 Å line emitted by a

helium glow discharge in the field of a multimode T.E.A. CO2 laser. Journal de Physique, 1982, 43

(6), pp.875-881. �10.1051/jphys:01982004306087500�. �jpa-00209465�


A. C. Stark effect on the 4713 A line emitted by a helium glow discharge

in the field of a multimode T.E.A. CO2 laser (*)

B. Dubreuil, P. Pignolet, A. Catherinot and P. Davy

Groupe de Recherches sur l’Energétique des Milieux Ionisés (**), U.E.R. de Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées,

Université d’Orléans, 45046 Orléans Cedex, France

(Reçu le 4 novembre 1981, révisé le 1er février 1982, accepté le 10 fevrier 1982)



Nous avons étudié le déplacement Stark dynamique de la transition radiative 43S1 ~ 2 3P0,1,2



4 713 Å) de l’hélium dû à l’interaction non résonnante des états 4 3S et 4 3P avec le rayonnement d’un laser à CO2 multimode.

Cette étude réalisée en fonction de l’intensité laser dans le domaine IL 35 MW/cm2 montre que pour

IL > 2 MW/cm2 le déplacement Stark dynamique de l’énergie du niveau 4 3S ne suit plus la dépendance linéaire

en IL donnée par la théorie des perturbations au second ordre. Un modèle à trois niveaux tenant compte de l’inter- action à tous les ordres permet de rendre compte globalement des résultats expérimentaux. Cependant, pour

IL > 1 MW/cm2, nous obtenons un élargissement important de la raie 4 713 Å accompagnant le déplacement

Stark dynamique. Cet élargissement croit avec IL et conduit à la formation d’un pseudo-continuum s’étendant

sur 50 Å pour IL


33 MW/cm2.

Nous interprétons cet effet comme étant dû aux fluctuations d’amplitude et de phase des modes du champ laser pendant l’interaction. L’enregistrement de la raie 4 713 Å nécessitant un très grand nombre de tirs laser, le profil expérimental reflète dans ces conditions la distribution statistique de l’amplitude des modes du champ laser.



In a helium glow discharge, the A. C. Stark shift of the 4 3S1 ~ 2 3P0,1,2 transition (03BB ~ 4 713 Å)

induced by nonresonant interaction of the 4 3S and 4 3P levels with a multimode CO2 laser field is measured as a function of laser intensity in the range IL 35 MW/cm2. Departure from the linear intensity dependence given by second order perturbation theory is observed for IL > 2 MW/cm2. A three-level atom model taking into account

the interaction with the laser field in a non perturbative way agrees with the experiment. Strong broadening is

also detected for IL > 1 MW/cm2. This broadening grows with IL until a quasi-continuum spreading over 50 Å

is observed for IL


33 MW/cm2.

This broadening results from amplitude and phase fluctuations of the laser field modes during interaction. For



33 MW/cm2 the recorded 4 713 Å spectral line shape reflects the statistical distribution of the mode ampli-



Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.


Nonresonant irradiation of an

atomic system by a laser field leads to a shift of the

quasistationary energy values usually referred as

nonresonant A.C. Stark effect or light-shift [1, 2].

Standard second order perturbation theory gives

the following formula for the energy shift of a state

I n> :

(*) Work partly supported by D.R.E.T. under contract no 79/151.

(**) Equipe de Recherche Associ6e au C.N.R.S.

In equation (1), all the quantities are in atomic

units except for IL, the laser intensity, which is expressed in MW/cm2. En, En, are respectively the

energy of the n ) and n’ > states, hWL is the laser photon energy and ( n’ E. r I n > is the electric dipole

matrix element with s, the polarization vector of the

laser field.

According to the definition of light-shift [1, 2], equation (1) is valid only for laser intensities such that

Calculation of equation (1) for the n


2,..., 7 states

of helium was performed in reference [3] for the CO2

laser and the neodymium laser wavelengths.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01982004306087500



Particularly the 4 3S and 4 3P states were shown

to be shifted as much as AE,3s


1.95 cm-1 and AE43p (averaged over the magnetic quantum num-

bers) = -0.64cm’’ for 1 MW/cm2 of the CO2

laser field (1iWL


944cm-’) due to the relatively

small detuning (64 3S,43p= 25 cm-1) from the allowed 4 3S --+4 3 P transition (Fig. 1). Experimentally the

shift of the 4 713 A line starting from the 4 3 S state

was investigated in reference [3] in the laser intensity

range IL 50 kW/cm2 and was found in quantitative agreement with the value deduced from equation (1).

Fig. 1.


Partial energy diagram of the 4 3S-43P-2 3p

states of helium.

Extrapolation of these results to higher CO2 laser

intensities indicates that, for IL > 10 MW/cm2, ð.E43S- > 20 em - 1 so that relation (2) is not fulfilled

and equation (1) is no longer valid.

In this case, the A.C. Stark effect on the 4 713 A

fluorescence line (4 Si - 2 3Po,1,2 transition) can

be described in the frame of a three-level model

including the 4 3 S, 4 3 P laser perturbed states and

the 2 3P detection level. This problem was investi- gated theoretically using the density matrix forma- lism [4, 5]. The equations of motion for the off-diagonal

elements in the rotating wave approximation are given by :

In (3) the subscripts 1, 2, 3 stand respectively for

the states 4 ’P, 4 3S, 2 3p of helium,

is the Rabi frequency in the laser field

where E is the polarization vector and OL(t) a complex

function taking into account amplitude and phase

fluctuation. Furthermore, T, and 72 are the damping

constants of levels 1 and 2 and W12


(El - £2)/n.

The spectrum of all transitions terminating in level 3

is connected to the Fourier transform of the dipole

moment operator

where W23 = (E2 - £3)/1i and d23 is the dipole

moment of the allowed 2 -+ 3 transition (the transition

1 - 3 is forbidden).

Resolution of equation (3) in the case of a well-

stabilized monomode laser field (ØL


0) indicated [4, 5] that the spectrum consists of a doublet centred at W23 + Am/2 (Am


WL - W12) and separated by


the one-photon component (emission process)

centred at


the two-photon component (two photon process)

centred at

Respective intensities of these two lines are.given by


In the low laser intensity regime : (OR, 7 1, 7 2 I Aw 1,

the shift of the one-photon component bw/2 reduces to

the quadratic Stark shift of the two-level system 1, 2 (eq. 1) and the two-photon component intensity is negligibly small. In the high field intensity regime a)R >> I ð.w I, T 1, Y 2 ðw /2 WR, the shift of the doublet becomes linear in Eo and we obtain the well-known

optical Autler-Townes effect [5, 6, 7] in a three-level



In the more realistic case of multimode lasers under-

going amplitude, phase and frequency fluctuations such as free-running high energy pulsed lasers, the complex phase OL(t) must be taken into account in

equation (3).

Several papers have dealt with this theoretical

problem in the case of phase fluctuations in resonance

fluorescence [8], phase and amplitude fluctuations in

multiphoton ionization processes [9, 10] (see refe-

rences [11, 12, 13] for experimental studies), in double

resonance and resonance fluorescence [4, 14, 15], and

in two-photon transitions [16].

In most of these papers, the multimode laser with a

large number of nearly independent modes fluctuating

from shot to shot is described by a non-monochro- matic chaotic field [9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16]. In this model, E(t) is a stochastic function of time obeying Markov

process, so that equations (3) are stochastic differen- tial equations.

The numerical results for the A.C. Stark effect in double resonance and fluorescence resonance [14, 15]

indicate that the chaotic field tends to broaden the shifted fluorescence lines. This broadening can be

understood in terms of the amplitude fluctuations of the laser field inducing fluctuations in DR and in the Stark shift bco/2. At high intensities when the two levels 1 and 2 are completely driven by the laser field,

the amplitude fluctuations tend to suppress the

« natural » line structure and determine the spectrum of the fluorescence line. The observed spectral line shape reflects the amplitude distribution function of the laser modes. In this regime, the characteristic time of interaction ’rR - 2 n/(OR is much shorter than the coherence time of the laser field and the atomic system is very sensitive to the fast fluctuations of the field,

that is, to the instantaneous value of the field amplitude

and not to its mean value as in the low intensity case.

The main purpose of this paper is to present an

experimental study of these effects on the 4713 A (4 Si - 23PO,I,2) line (one-photon component) in

the field of a multimode T.E.A. CO2 laser for time

averaged intensities IL up to 35 MW/cm2. In this

« intermediate » intensity range (transition from qua- dratic to linear A.C. Stark shift) [17] intensity of the two-photon line is smaller by more than one order of magnitude than the one-photon line and was not


Observation of this two-photon line was performed

in a helium plasma by D. Prosnitz et al. [18] with CO2

laser flux in the range 100-500 MW/CM2.

2. Experiment


The experimental set-up was des- cribed in a paper dealing with A.C. Stark effect in

hydrogen [19]. Let us just recall that the partially polarized beam of a multimode T.E.A. CO2 laser operating at 10 Hz and producing 1 J distributed in a

main peak of 150 ns F.W.H.M. and in a 3 JlS tail at WL = 944 cm - 1 (P.20 line) is slightly focused along

the axis of a helium 20 mm length capillary glow

discharge. The fluorescence light is analysed with and

without laser irradiation by a 1.15 m grating mono-

chromator connected to a photomultiplier. The syn- chronization of the detection system with the laser

pulse is monitored by a clock which switches on the

discharge at 20 Hz and triggers the laser at 10 Hz.

A two channel (A and B) gated integrator synchronized by this clock analyses the photomultiplier signal. Gate A, 100 ns wide, is positioned on the laser pulse, the discharge being on; alternately, gate B is opened only

when the discharge is on and laser off. Output of gate A

gives the laser-perturbed signal whereas gate B gives

the unperturbed (reference) signal. Perturbed and reference line profiles are displayed simultaneously

on a two channel strip chart recorder by slowly rotating the grating of the spectrometer (speed

0.08 A/min).

In the present experiment, the spectral resolution is about 0.05 A in the vicinity of the 4 713 A line. Each point on the profile corresponds to a summation over

100 laser shots, that is an accumulation time of 10 s

and a scanned spectral range of 0.013 A.

Focusing of the laser beam in the discharge is per- formed so that the whole volume inside the capillary

tube is irradiated. Consequently, the available time-

averaged laser intensity IL (MW/cm2) depends on the capillary radius. According to the desired laser inten-


sity range, a 4 mm diameter capillary tube for X 15 MW/cm2 and a 2.5 mm diameter one for

IL 35 MW/CM2 are used.

Measurement of the pulse energy is performed at

the output of the discharge tube taking into account

transmission of the KBr windows, whereas temporal

evolution and adjustment with respect to gate A are

continuously controlled by a 1 ns time resolution photondrag detector connected to a 7844 dual beam Tektronix oscilloscope. This permits accurate deter-

mination of IL and E(t) the normalized temporal

distribution function of the laser pulse. However, the radiation of the multimode T.E.A. C02 laser

contains about 30 longitudinal modes in the 3 GHz

spectral bandwidth, corresponding to a typical cohe-

rence time of ;:t 330 ps. Measurement of the time

development of these modes cannot be performed and

we observe only interaction (beating) between these modes leading to a slight modulation of the time-

envelope function C(t). The measured quantity IL

represents the averaged intensity

where Em is the complex amplitude of the mth mode of the field (IL corresponds to the r.m.s. value of the field amplitude Eo = JIL) and differs from the actual instantaneous intensity IL(t) o probed » by

atoms. IL(t) is given by and can

be connected to the measured parameters IL and E(t)

in the form [11] : IL(t)


7L t(t) m(t) where m(t) is a

nearly periodic modulating function (period - 10 ns)



taking into account the mode interaction. IL and E(t)

are quasi-reproducible within 5 % from shot to shot,

but as the mode distribution fluctuates in phase and amplitude, m(t) is a quasi-stochastic function which cannot be easily characterized due to the 1 ns detector risetime.


Change in IL values cannot be achieved by varying

the voltage of the laser discharge without large

uncontrolled alterations in the discharge and in the laser pulse. On the other hand, the use of calibrated neutral filters at 10.6 Jlm with incident energy of 1 J is rather difficult so that we make use of the possibi- lity to set the gate A at different times along the

whole laser pulse shape E(t). Defining the mean laser intensity IL averaged over the time duration of the observation gate :


is the gate function, this experimental procedure permits quasi-continuous tuning of IL when the gate A

is positioned along the 3 ps tail (variation of C(t) 5 % during the 100 ns of the gate g(tl, t)), whereas higher IL values are obtained when gate A is positioned on the

main peak (with a variation of E(t) 25 %). With this operating mode, all experiments for a given capillary

tube are performed in the same laser irradiation condi-

tions. Particularly, the total laser energy passing through the discharge remains constant.

3. Results and interpretation.


Figures 2 and 3

show the experimental recordings of the 4 713 A line

Fig. 2.


Experimental recordings of the laser perturbed

and unperturbed 4 713 A line for It


0.1, 0.3, l.1 MW jcm2.

Fig. 3.


Same as figure 2 for IL


1.9, 2.8, 6.2 MW/cm2.


obtained for increasing values of IL. As expected [3], the

shift of the 4 ’S, -+ 2 3P0,1,2 transition towards the blue wavelengths increases with IL, but a strong

broadening is also observed for IL > 1 MW/cm2.

As discussed in part 1, this broadening results from fluctuations of the phase and amplitude of the laser modes, inducing fluctuations in the A.C. Stark shift

bw/2. Due to this asymmetric broadening, two line

shifts can be defined : the shift AA’ of the 4 713 A line peak value and the shift ðÀ of the line gravity centre.

These two measured shifts are reported in figure 4 as a

function of 79L. Error bars on 79L correspond only to the

measured extreme variations of E(t) g(tl, t) during

the 100 ns of a measurement and do not result from

noisy signal.

Fig. 4.


Plots of the 4 713 A line A.C. Stark shifts LBÀP, AA as a function of IL : M experiment with the 4 mm

inner diameter discharge tube; CJ experiment with the

2.5 mm inner diameter discharge tube, and the theoretical

curves corresponding to second order perturbation theory

and to the non perturbative three-level atom model.

The curve AA


f(I[) shows a deviation from

linearity for IL > 2 MW/cm2, (bw/2 Am > 0.2) and

tends to the square-root limit of the optical Autler-

Townes effect at higher intensities. Drawn with these data are also theoretical curves deduced from equa- tion (1) and equations (4-5) taking into account coupling of the 4 3 S (M


0) and 4 3p (M


± 1) magnetic sublevels by the laser field propagating along

the quantization axis z - with polarization vector



(x + y)/, ,,,/2 [3]. For IL9 2 MW/cm2 the fit by equation (1) is in broad agreement with experiment so

that second order perturbation theory can be used in

this intensity range. Fit of the data by equation (4) (non perturbative three-level atom) is also rather good

in the whole explored intensity range provided the

laser field amplitude Eo is taken as Eo


To = JIL.

On the contrary, the shifts of the peak value AA’ are

found lower in a ratio - 1.2-1.3 than the mean values

A/L for Ig > 2 MW/cm2, and cannot be fitted by equation (4) using the mean laser intensity IL. This

effect is indeed connected to amplitude fluctuations of the laser modes and the relevant difficulty of measur- ing the actual laser intensity « seen » by atoms. Theo-

retical investigations of the A.C. Stark effect induced

by monochromatic chaotic field [14, 15] discussed in part 1 indicate that the Stark shift AA’ caused by a strong chaotic field (phase and amplitude fluctuations)

is less than that caused by a phase-fluctuating field

with the same average intensity IL. For higher values

of IL, AA’ tends to the limit AA/,y2 where AA is the

mean Stark shift. This limit corresponds to the ratio

between the r.m.s. field amplitude value and the most

probable value. The measured ratio AAP A/L/1.25

for IL > 2 MW/cm2 agrees with this theoretical result.

Such an effect was also observed in resonant multi-

photon processes [20].


Recordings of the 4 713 A line for 79L > 6 MW/cm2 (Fig. 2) show that the line structure tends to disappear

in a large pseudo continuum. In this regime (the shift

becomes nearly proportional to the amplitude of the

laser field) iR 48 ps is much shorter than the cohe-

rence time of the laser field so that the atoms follow the time development of the mode structure. The

« instantaneous» Stark shift becomes very sensitive to fluctuations of the mode amplitudes and phases.

Experiments were performed in this direction up to



33 MW/cm2. As shown in figure 5, the perturbed

4 713 A line is now a broad continuum lying on the

blue side of the unperturbed line and spreading over


40 A with a rather flat intensity distribution. For this laser intensity, the atomic line shape is certainly completely determined by the mode amplitude distri-

bution function [4, 14, 15].

In order to give a quantitative approach to this analysis, we performed a numerical simulation of the

experiment using results of the non perturbative approach (eqs. 4-5) and assuming a Gaussian distribu- tion function of the longitudinal laser mode ampli-

tudes [22] :

where Eo


,,/79L is the main value deduced from measurement and E012 the standard deviation.

The 4 713 A line intensity value in a 0.013 A spectral

range is obtained by accumulating contributions of 30 x 100 laser field amplitudes (100 laser shots)

distributed according to equation (7) and assuming

that the transition dipole d23 is constant. Moreover,

this calculation takes into account the supplementary broadening due to the temporal variation of the enve-

lope function £(t) g(t, to) during the 100 ns accumu-

lation time.

Some results of this simulation for different 79L values

corresponding to the experimental recordings of figure 2 and figure 3 are presented in figure 6. The

numerical simulation fdr h


33 MW/cm2 is drawn

on figure 5 with the experimental recording. Broad agreement with experiments is observed although equation (7) does not exactly represent the amplitude

distribution function of the actual laser modes. How-



Fig. 5.


Experimental recording of the laser perturbed 4 713 A line for Il


33 MW/cm2. The laser beam was blocked two times during this recording in order to check the ground level.

Fig. 6.


Results of the numerical simulation of the experiment for different mean laser intensity values Ïl corresponding

to the experimental recordings of figures 2 and 3.

ever a recent experiment on multiphoton ionization of caesium atoms [22] confirms that a 3 GHz bandwidth

neodymium laser field can be considered as being

Gaussian in the same way as chaotic light.

4. Conclusion.


The A.C. Stark effect of the one-

photon component (4 713 A) line of the 4 3P-4 3S-2 3P three-level system of helium in the field of a multimode T.E.A. CO2 laser was investigated in the intermediate

intensity range IL 35 MW/cm2. Departure from

second order perturbation theory (quadratic Stark shift) is observed for IL > 2 MW/cm2. At higher

intensities the mean Stark shift becomes a nearly linear

function of the laser field amplitude. Fluctuations of the longitudinal mode amplitude and phase distribu-

tion lead to a large broadening of the shifted line. For

IL > 6 MW/cm2, when the typical interaction time becomes much shorter than the correlation time of the

CO2 laser field, the o unperturbed » line structure

tends to disappear in a broad flat continuum. The

perturbed line shape then reflects the statistical distri- bution of the mode amplitudes in the laser averaged

over a large number of shots.

In this form, the observed laser-induced Stark


broadening can be connected to the Stark broadening

of spectral lines emitted by plasmas where the statistics of electric fields (spatial and temporal ion distribution)

inside the plasma manifests itself in the line shape [21].

Analysis of this broadening is currently used in plasma

spectroscopy to determine some statistical properties

such as averaged ion number density. Laser induced A.C. Stark effect can also be used as an experimental

tool to investigate the statistical properties of the

radiation field [4].


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