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The thermal isomerization of polyacetylene studied by Raman scattering


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The thermal isomerization of polyacetylene studied by Raman scattering

S. Lefrant, M. Aldissi

To cite this version:

S. Lefrant, M. Aldissi. The thermal isomerization of polyacetylene studied by Raman scattering.

Journal de Physique, 1983, 44 (2), pp.235-239. �10.1051/jphys:01983004402023500�. �jpa-00209590�


The thermal isomerization of polyacetylene studied by Raman scattering

S. Lefrant

Laboratoire de Physique Cristalline (*), Bât. 490, Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France

and M. Aldissi

Laboratoire de Chimie Macromoléculaire, USTL, 34060 Montpellier Cedex, France

(Reçu le 10 mai 1982, révisé le 8 septembre, accepte le 4 octobre 1982)



Nous présentons une étude, par diffusion Raman, de l’isomérisation thermique de films de poly- acétylène. Pour différents temps et températures d’isomérisation, nous montrons que le profil des bandes Raman induites par le trans-(CH)x est modifié. Dans un premier stade, nous observons que les séquences trans augmentent

en longueur jusqu’à un maximum qui correspond au maximum de conductivité électrique mesuré sur des échan-

tillons similaires. Ensuite, une dégradation des films est observée, correspondant à la formation de défauts ponctuels

altérant l’alternance des liaisons carbone-carbone.



A study of the thermal isomerization of cis-(CH)x films has been carried out by means of Raman scattering spectroscopy. It is found that the Raman band profiles, induced by trans-(CH)x films, are dependent

both on the temperature and on the isomerization time. The trans sequences first increase in length to a maximum length occurring at the maximum of the d.c. conductivity as measured in similar samples. A degradation of the

films is then observed as punctual defects alter the carbon-carbon bond conjugation.


Physics Abstracts

78.30 - 82.35

1. Introduction.


Polyacetylene, (CH)x, is the simplest organic polymer which can exist in two

different forms : cis or trans. Films are usually poly-

merized at low temperature ( - 78 °C), where the cis

isomer is obtained. But the trans isomer is the most

stable form. Different treatments have been used to obtain it : a polymerization can be performed at a relatively high temperature (150 °C), an isomerization

can be induced by doping, or finally a cis-(CH)x sample

can be thermally treated. These different methods have been described elsewhere [1]. A variety of techniques [2]

have already been used to study the thermal isome- rization from cis- to trans-(CH)x ; we present in this

paper results obtained using Raman spectroscopy.

Many papers on Raman scattering induced by undoped dr doped (CH)x have been published pre-

viously [3-6]. The Raman technique is complementary

to the infrared absorption technique and is therefore used first to characterize the films. The two isomers,

cis- and trans-(CH)x’ having a different structure, give

rise to completely different Raman spectra. But this technique is considerably limited by the fact that

(CH)x films are polymerized in a disordered form,

since they consist of randomly oriented fibrils. Only partial alignment of the fibrils can be achieved by stretching [7], so that any polarized Raman spectrum is inefficient in giving information about the nature of the observed vibration modes. Nevertheless, very

interesting results are obtained concerning the mor- phology of the (CH)x chains and this property is mainly used in this study of the thermal isomerization of polyacetylene. Moreover, it has been shown

recently [8, 9] that light-scattering experiments yield

fundamental information on how the two isomers,

cis and trans, behave. In particular, a Raman study

extended to an excitation wavelength in the deep red (AL


676.4 nm) [10] revealed important differences in the Raman band profiles observed in pure trans- (CH)x compared to those due to the trans-part of a

mostly cis-(CH)x sample. Results obtained from a

thermally isomerized sample are in this respect very

important for the understanding of the isomerization processes.

2. Experimental details.


A classical right-angle scattering geometry was used. The excitation line

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01983004402023500



was provided by a Spectra-Physics cw Ar+ laser

combined with a dye cell using Rhodamine 6G as a dye. The scattered light was analyzed with a Jobin-

Yvon double monochromator (Ramanor HG2S) equipped with holographic gratings. Detected photons

were counted by a classical photon-counting system coupled to a calculator used to store and treat expe- rimental data. All the samples studied were immersed

in liquid nitrogen. The good thermal exchange together

with a low incident laser power avoided any parasite isomerization of cis-(CH)x films which would occur

in room temperature experiments. (CH)x films were polymerized at - 78 °C following the procedure des-

cribed by Ito et al. [11], handled in a dry box and kept

at - 30 °C before use. The thicknesses of the films

were typically from 100 ym to 150 ym and scanning electron-microscopy observations revealed inter- connected fibers with a diameter of 200-300 A. As will be seen below, we used the 600 nm excitation in

our study and we estimate the penetration depth of

the laser light to be a few hundred angstroms. There- fore, all observations described here apply to the

surface of the sample as this technique is essentially

sensitive to the first fibers of the film. To minimize the parasite scattered light, the shiny side of the samples were chosen in our experiments. All the

films studied in Raman scattering came from the

same set of samples used for d.c. conductivity, EPR

and IR experiments described elsewhere [2]. A direct

correlation between the different measurements obtain- ed by several techniques has therefore been done.

Fig. 1.


Raman spectra of mostly cis4CH),,; AL


600 nm;



78 K : a) in the range 100-850 cm-’ ; b) in the range 850-1600 cm-1; c) absorption spectrum of the cis isomer.

The arrow indicates the excitation laser line.

3. General features of Raman spectra.


The first experimental results in Raman scattering and infrared absorption were published by Shirakawa et al. [3, 12]

who performed a normal-mode analysis for both

cis- and trans-(CH)x. Because of the unknown crys- talline structure of the two isomers only isolated

chains were considered, thus excluding interchain

vibration modes. The Raman active modes for cis-

(CH)X are 4 Ag + 2 B1g + 4 B2g + 2 B3g (point group D2h) and those for trans-(CH)x 4 Ag + 2 Bg (point

group C2h). Raman spectra have since been improved

and the Raman lines have been published by several

authors [4-6], but only those showing a strong resonant character are intense enough to be followed in this

study. (For weaker features see for example [5, 13].)

The Raman spectrum of cis-(CH)x is mainly composed of three strong lines at 908, 1-247 and 1541 cm-’ 1 respectively (Fig. 1). These lines are

observed with maximum intensity for an exciting wavelength ÀL


600 nm, which corresponds approxi- mately to the maximum of the absorption of the polymer. The Raman spectrum becomes weaker when the exciting wavelength is out of the absorption range.

Moreover, these Raman lines show a negligible dis- persion in frequency when the exciting line is changed (a shift of 5 cm -1 was reported only for the 1 541 cm -1 1

line by Lichtmann (13), going from 600 nm to

457.9 nm). This is interpreted as due either to a

negligible dispersion in the chain length of the poly-

mer, i.e. cis-(CH)x is mainly composed of very long chains, or more likely to a very small dependence of

the frequency of the vibration modes on the chain

length for the cis structure.

The Raman spectrum given by trans-(CH)x in the

range 900-1 700 cm-’ 1 contains mainly two bands

at 1050-1 120 cm-’ and 1450-1530 cm-1. The

profile of these bands has been extensively studied

and shows drastic modifications if the exciting wave- length is changed as shown in figure 2. When AL


676.4 nm the spectrum is composed of two sharp and strong lines at 1 065 and 1 458 cm-1 1 res-

pectively, while a o tail » is observed in the high- frequency side of each band. This modification

occurs in a gradual fashion for excitation wavelengths

of higher energy, going to a double band profile for AL


457.9 nm. This double band structure is more or less pronounced according to the « quality >> of

the sample. The Raman spectra presented in figure 2

are obtained for a supposedly high-quality film. A

o bad » sample would lead to a Raman spectrum with the low-frequency peak of each band much weaker.

The behaviour of the Raman bands of trans-(CH)x showing a strong resonant character has been studied in detail. It is supposed to be due to a large dispersion

in the chain length of the trans polymer, or trans

sequences in a mixed sample. In unsaturated poly-

mers we observe an absorption band due to the tran-

sition from the bonding 7c state to the antibonding 7*


Fig. 2.


Raman spectra of trans-(CH)x thermally isome-

rized 1 hour at 140 °C ; T = 78 K. a) A,


676.4 nm;

b) AL


514.5 nm; c) AL 457.9 nm; d) absorption spectrum of the trans isomer. The arrows indicate the different excitation laser lines.

state of the electrons of the double carbon-carbon bonds (C =C). This energy transition, for molecules of different length, was calculated a long time ago by

Kuhn [14, 15] using the so-called free-electron theory

of conjugated molecules, and later improved [16, 17].

The longer the chains, the lower in energy is the tran-

sition, reaching a limit for infinite chains. The maxi-

mum absorption is therefore found at - 2.2 eV for

cis-(CH)x and - 2.0 eV for trans-(CH)x. On the other hand, recent calculations [18,19] of vibrational modes have been performed for trans-(CH)x to give an assign-

ment to the main bands. This high-frequency (1 458-

1 530 cm-1) is mainly due to the stretching mode of

the carbon-carbon double bond (C =C) while the low-frequency band (1 060-1 120 cm-’) is a mixture

of the stretching modes of the C =C and C-C bonds and the bending mode of the C H bond. By compa- rison with experimental data in polyenes of known length, an empirical formula has been derived for the stretching mode of the C =C bond and a limit is found for infinite chains [18]. Because of a contri- bution of this mode to the two strong Raman bands observed in trans-(CH)x, the frequency of these bands will depend on the chain length, and the longer

the chains the higher the frequency. Therefore, an

excitation wavelength AL


676.4 nm will mainly

reveal long chains since we are in resonance with the

absorption of such chains. The observed frequencies

at 1 060 and 1 458 cm-1 represent the lower limit for the corresponding vibration modes. On the contrary,

an exciting laser line at 457.9 nm will be in resonance

with the absorption of short chains for which resonant Raman modes will be enhanced. This « short chain model », although it gives a good qualitative inter- pretation of experimental Raman spectra, does not

explain the behaviour of the Raman bands due to the trans part of 95 % cis-(CH)x as shown recently [10].

With excitation in the deep red (ÀL


676.4 nm,

647.1 nm), the Raman bands due to the small fraction of short trans segments are strongly enhanced and present a structure different to that which is observed at this wavelength in 100 % trans-(CH)x. This beha-

viour is still unexplained. Nevertheless, the model described above need not be excluded for the purpose of the study presented in this paper.

4. Experimental results.


Raman spectra have been recorded for different thermal treatments. In order to follow their evolution, we have kept the excitation

wavelength at 600 nm. We have not measured absolute

Raman intensities and although results were quite reproduceable from one experiment to the other, a normalization of our spectra seemed to us somewhat speculative. Several isomerization temperatures were

Fig. 3.


Raman spectra of (CH)x at T = 78 K, ÅL = b00 nm,

after different times of thermal treatment at 115 °C. a) after

6 min. ; b) after 15 min. ; c) after 30 min.; d) after 60 min. ;

e) after 120 min. ; f ) after 400 min.



studied, but only results observed for three characte- ristic temperatures are presented : 115 °C, 140 °C and

190 °C. In agreement with EPR and conductivity results, they correspond to three characteristic ranges.



At 115 OC the minimum in resistivity is obtained after a

very long time [20] tmin. (a few months) of isomeri- zation. Figure 3 shows Raman spectra recorded after 6, 15, 30, 60, 120 and 400 min. of isomerization. At this relatively low temperature, the trans content in the (CH)x film increases, but the cis Raman lines are undetectable only on the last spectrum, i.e. after 400 min. of treatment. Furthermore, the profile of

the Raman bands due to the trans-(CH)x part is modified as the thermal treatment progresses. After 6 min. of thermal treatment, for example, Raman

bands are broad with rather flat peaks at 1 100 and

1480 cm-’ 1 respectively. Then the high-frequency

side of each Raman band decreases.

4.2 ISOMERIZATION TEMPERATURE 14O °C. - ISO- merization times are obviously shorter at higher

temperatures. At 140 °C Raman spectra have been studied after 1.5, 3, 7.5, 15, 30 and 150 min. of thermal treatment. The Raman lines due to cis-(CH)x are no longer detectable after an isomerization time of 7.5 min. Thus the isomerization is faster than was

initially supposed; the result was also confirmed by

Fig. 4.


Raman spectra of (CH)x at T


78 K, AL


600 nm,

after different times of thermal treatment at 140 °C. a) after

1.5 min. ; b) after 3 min. ; c) after 7.5 min. ; d) after 15 min. ; e) after 30 min. ; J) after 150 min.

IR and NMR results [2]. Moreover, the profile of the

trans bands is also modified as was the case for the 115°C isomerization temperature. For example, for



30 min. the low-frequency part of each Raman band (peaked at 1 075 and 1 465 cm-1 respectively) is predominant. For longer times this behaviour is reversed, as shown by an increase in the high-frequency

side of the bands (see spectrum f in Fig. 4 for example).



A few years ago this temperature was used to perform iso-

merization from the cis to the trans form of polyace- tylene and isomerization times were typically 30 to

60 min. and even longer. Raman spectra have been recorded for t equal to 1.5, 2.75, 5, 9 and 200 min.

Complete isomerization is achieved after a very short time of thermal treatment at 190°C (see for example spectrum a in Fig. 5). Raman bands due the

trans isomer present an usual profile when t


90 or

165 s, but get broader and shift towards higher frequencies when t increases (9 min. for example).

The last spectrum in this series reveals in addition a

fluorescent background which is characteristic of

some degradation of the film.

Fig. 5.


Raman spectra of (CH)x at T


78 K, AL


600 nm,

after different times of thermal treatment at 190 °C. a) after

1.5 min. ; b) after 2.75 min. ; c) after 5 min. ; d) after 9 min. ; e) after 200 min.

5. Discussion of Raman results and conclusion.


Recently, Kuzmany et alp [21] performed similar

experiments for isomerization temperatures lower

than those described here and they paid much attention


to the diffusion induced by short trans sequences.

In our case we have studied the thermal isomerization of (CH)x films, looking essentially at long chains

because of the laser excitation wavelength set at

600 nm.

The study of Raman spectra of polyacetylene (CH)x obtained after different times for different isomerization temperatures leads to the following

conclusions :

i) Isomerization from cis-(CH)x to trans-(CH)x

is much faster than initially supposed; for example,

it is completely achieved after a few minutes at 190 °C.

In agreement with other experiments [2], and in particular with EPR results [22], the temperature

range which seems to us the most appropriate in

order to perform a good isomerization is situated between 140 °C and 160 °C, with a typical isomeriza-

tion time of 60 min. at 140 °C.

ii) The profile of the Raman bands due to trans- (CH)x (1 060-1 120 and 1458-1 530 cm-1 respectively)

is modified during the thermal treatment, suggesting

that the (CH)x chain length distribution is changed.

At the beginning, short trans sequences exist in the film in large concentration. Then this concentration decreases in favour of long chains until tmin. is reached, tmin. being the isomerization time for which the maximum of conductivity is obtained. If the isome- rization time is longer than tmin., some degradation

of the films begins to be observed, evidenced by a

shortening of the trans-(CH)x sequences. This pheno-

menon occurs mainly at high temperature (Fig. 5).

A qualitative measurement of the relative concen-

tration of short and long chains has been made pre-

viously [23]. This measurement depends strongly on

the starting material; nevertheless it illustrates quali- tatively the above conclusions.

iii) The quality of trans-(CH)x obtained after ther- mal isomerization also depends on the starting cis- (CH)x material, where the chemistry is obviously

very much involved. This is in agreement with obser- vations of Druy et al. [7], who showed that different

cis-(CH)x films were not stretchable in the same

way. For example, a reticulated film which is difficult to stretch will keep its defects during the isomerization process. Nevertheless, for the starting material used in this study, the conditions given above (T





60 min.) gave the so-called «high-quality»

samples of trans-(CH)x as shown by the Raman spectra of figure 2, described in detail elsewhere [13, 24].

Degradation processes can only be clearly detected in

these high-quality films.



We are indebted to Dr.

Rzepka for help in the experimental work and to

Dr. Bernier for valuable discussions. This work was

supported in part by the D.R.E.T. under contract

no N/683.


[1] See for example Chem. Scr. 17 (1981), Proceedings of

the Int. Conf. on Low Dimensional Synthetic Metals, Helsingor.

[2] BERNIER, P., LEFRANT, S., ROLLAND, M., GALTIER, M., MONTANER, A., ALDISSI, M., LINAYA, C. and SCHUÉ, F., submitted to J. Electron. Mater.

[3] SHIRAKAWA, H., ITO, T., and IKEDA, S., Polymer J. 4 (1973) 460.

[4] LEFRANT, S., LICHTMANN, L. S., TEMKIN, H., FITCHEN, D. B., MILLER, D. C. WHITWELL II, G. E. and BURLITCH, J. M., Solid State Commun. 29 (1979)


[5] KUZMANY, H., Phys. Status Solidi 97 (1980) 521.

[6] LICHTMANN, L. S., FITCHEN, D. B. and TEMKIN, H., Synth. Metals 1 (1979/80) 139.

[7] DRUY, M. A., TSANG, C. H., BROWN, N., HEEGER, A. J.

and MACDIARMID, A. G., J. Polym. Sci. : Polym.

Phys. Ed. 18 (1980) 429.

[8] LICHTMANN, L. S., SARHANGI, A. and FITCHEN, D. B., Solid State Commun. 36 (1980) 969.


and MACDIARMID, A. G., Phys. Rev. B 24 (1981).

[10] LEFRANT, S., FAULQUES, E., LAUCHLAN, L., KLETTER, M. J. and ETEMAD, S., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 77 (1982) Part D, Proceedings of the Int. Conf.

on Low Dim. Conductors. Boulder.

[11] ITO, T., SHIRAKAWA, H. and IKEDA, S., J. Polym. Sci. : Polym. Chem. Ed. 12 (1974) 11.

[12] SHIRAKAWA, H. and IKEDA, S., Polym. J. 2 (1971) 231.

[13] LICHTMANN, L. S., Ph. D Thesis, Cornell University, 1981, unpublished.

[14] KUHN, H., Chem. Acta 31 (1948) 1441.

[15] KUHN, H., J. Chem. Phys. 17 (1949) 1198.

[16] KUHN, H., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod. 17 (1959) 404.

[17] LABHART, H., J. Chem. Phys. 27 (1957) 957.

[18] SCHÜGERL, B. and KUZMANY, H., J. Chem. Phys.

74 (1981) 953.

[19] JUMEAU, D., FAULQUES, E. and LEFRANT, S., to be published.

[20] ROLLAND, M., BERNIER, P., LEFRANT, S. and ALDISSI, M., Pol. Commun. 21 (1980) 1111.

[21] KUZMANY, H., IMHOFF, E. A., FITCHEN, D. B. and SARHANGI, A., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Proceed- ings of the Int. Conf. on Low Dim. Conductors, Boulder.

[22] BERNIER, P., LINAYA, C., ROLLAND, M. and ALDISSI, M., J. Physique Lett. 42 (1981) L-295.


ALDISSI, M. and LINAYA, C., Recent Dev. Cond.

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