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The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Journal


Academic year: 2022

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The Museum of the Romanian Peasant Anthropology Journal

Revue d’Anthropologie du Musée du Paysan



— 23 / 2018 —

Curating Change

in the Museum The Antidote Museum

25 Years On


Managing editor: Anamaria Iuga

Associate editors: Gruia Bădescu, Simina Bădică, Damiana Oțoiu Editorial Board

International Board

Dominique Belkis (Université de Saint-Etienne & Centre Max Weber) Margaret H. Beissinger (Princeton University)

Sanda Golopenția (Brown University, Providence, USA) Daniela Koleva (St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia) Marianne Mesnil (Université Libre de Bruxelles) Daniela Moisa (University of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada) Seth Murray (North Carolina State University, USA) Michael Stewart (University College London) Romanian Board

Șerban Anghelescu (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Bucharest)

Vintilă Mihăilescu (National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest) Ioana Popescu (National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Bucharest)

Zoltán Rostás (University of Bucharest)

Smaranda Vultur (Western University, Timișoara)

Ana Maria Zahariade (University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, Bucharest) Address: MUZEUL NAȚIONAL AL ȚĂRANULUI ROMÂN, Editura MARTOR Șos. Kiseleff no. 3, sector 1, Bucharest, 011341, Romania

Tel. +4021 317 96 61

Website: www.martor.muzeultaranuluiroman.ro

MARTOR is indexed by CEEOL, EBSCO, Index Copernicus, Anthropological Index Online (AIO), and MLA International Bibliography.

English proofreading: Ioana Miruna Voiculescu Graphic Design: Viviana Iacob, Ioana Popescu

Intermediary photographs: Ethnological Archive, National Museum of the Romanian Peasant

Cover photo: F12-16, Marius Caraman, Exhibition “Chairs” [Scaune], 1991, Museum of the Romanian Peasant DTP: Oana Rădoi

Drawings on the side: Ioana Bătrânu, and children's drawings–Creativity Workshops Printed at: Expression Graphic Studio SRL, Bucharest

This issue has been edited in collaboration with New Europe College,

and Le Centre Régional Francophone de Recherches Avancées en Sciences Sociales:

Proiect editorial co-finanțat de Administrația Fondului Cultural Național.

This issue of Martor has been published with the financial support of the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN Romania).

Proiectul nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziția Administrației Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN nu este responsabil de conținutul proiectului sau de modul în care rezultatele proiectului pot fi folosite. Acestea sunt în întregime responsabilitatea beneficiarului finanțării.

This project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the ways its results may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary.


Contents • Sommaire

Curating Change in the MuseuM

entrance hall. Curatorial statement 7

Gruia BĂDESCU, Simina BĂDICĂ, Damiana OȚOIU

Curating Change in the Museum: Introduction to the Volume 9

First hall. transitional Museology:

Museums react to social and Political Change 15


Revolutionary Curating, Curating the Revolution: Socialist Museology in Yugoslav Croatia 17 Charline KOPF

Dakar’s Museum of Black Civilisations:

Towards a New Imaginary of a Post-ethnographic Museum 37


Working with Contested Ethnographic Collections to Change “Old Museum” Perspectives:

Mutare Museum, Eastern Zimbabwe, 2015-2017 59

study Corner. the antidote Museum 25 Years On 71


The Museums of the World and I.

My Museum Experience in an Eastern European Country 73 Florian FOUCHÉ, Marianne MESNIL

Le musée antidote mis en pratique: regards croisés d’un artiste et d’une ethnologue

sur le Musée du Paysan Roumain 94 second hall. the antifragile Museum: embracing Change 119 Cheryl KLIMASZEWSKI

Towards a Typology of an Emergent Museum Form 121 Selma HARRINGTON, Branka DIMITRIJEVIĆ, Ashraf SALAMA

Cracks and Light: Observing the Resilience of the History Museum

of Bosnia and Herzegovina 143 Flaminia BARTOLINI

From Iconoclasm to Museum: Mussolini’s Villa in Rome as a Dictatorial Heritage Site 163 Martijn van GILS

Material Remembrance in Contentious Spaces: Framing Multi-Scalar Memories and National

Culpability in the Museo della Fondazione della Shoah 177











third hall. Museums reviews and interviews 199 Jasmina AL-QAISI

Objects + Things = Stuff. A Visitor’s Guide to Berlin’s Museum der Dinge 201 Irina HASNAȘ HUBBARD, Iulia IORDAN

Elephants, Cuckoos, Horses, and Me. A Different Exhibition About Toys 209

exit through the Bookshop 223

Janet Marstine, Critical Practice: Artists, Museums, Ethics, New York: Routledge, 2017, 212 pp.

(recensé par Martin HULLEBROECK) 225 Fiona Candlin, Micromuseology. An Analysis of Small Independent Museums,

London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016, 224 pp.

(reviewed by Anca-Maria PĂNOIU) 233 Visual archaeologies

by Viviana IACOB 237






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