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Convexity Properties of the Free Boundary and Gradient Estimates for Quasi-linear Elliptic Equations


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Partager "Convexity Properties of the Free Boundary and Gradient Estimates for Quasi-linear Elliptic Equations"


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Convexity Properties of the Free Boundary and Gradient Estimates for Quasi-linear Elliptic


Jean Dolbeault

Ceremade, U.M.R. C.N.R.S. no. 7534,

Univ. Paris IX-Dauphine, Pl. de Lattre de Tassigny 75775 Paris C´ edex 16, France

e-mail: dolbeaul@ceremade.dauphine.fr and

R´ egis Monneau

CERMICS, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chauss´ ees 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, Cit´ e Descartes Champs-sur-Marne, 77455 Marne-La-Vall´ ee, France

e-mail: monneau@cermics.enpc.fr October 15, 1999


This paper is devoted to a proof of the convexity of a free boundary for a quasi-linear problem defined on a convex domain in IR2 and to the obtention ofL-bounds on the gradient of a solution. The free boundary can be seen as the boundary of the coincidence set of an obstacle problem.

The bound on the gradient explicitely depends on the curvature of the boundary of the domain. The main tool is an estimate of the maximum of the gradient on the level lines, which involves their curvature. The second result is valid in an analytical framework only. We indicate how to extend our results to dimensions higher than 2.

Key-words and phrases: Quasi-linear elliptic equations – Free boundary – Gradient estimates – Fr´echet formula – Curvature of level sets – Obstacle problem – Coincidence set

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J25, 35J67, 35R35.


1 Introduction

Our first result is concerned with the following free boundary problem. Consider a solution of



=f(u) (1.1)

in Ω\Λt where Λt is a closed set strictly included in a given bounded domain Ω in IR2 such that

Const=t=u|∂Λt< u < u|∂Ω= ¯t=Const , (1.2)

nu= 0 on ∂Λt. (1.3)

Here∂nuis the normal (to ∂Λt) outgoing derivative ofu.

Theorem 1.1 Assume that a(0),f(0)>0 and that q7→a(q), u7→f(u) are in- creasing functions of classC1 andC0 respectively. If Ωis convex and ifuis a solution of (1.1) onΩ\Λtsatisfying Conditions (1.2) and (1.3), thenΛtis also convex.

This theorem has been proved in the special case where a≡a0and f≡f0

are constants by Friedman and Phillips [12] in two dimensions. Then the result of Friedman and Phillips has been extended to any dimension by Kawohl [15].

Similar results were also proved (in any dimensions) fora≡a0,f≡0 and∂nu=

const >0 in place of∂nu= 0 by Caffarelli and Spruck [6].

Here the notion of solution has to be understood as defined by variational inequalities (see for instance [3, 21]). Except for the final step of the proof of Theorem 1.1, based on approximation and uniqueness arguments, we will work in the framework of analytic solutions, unless it is explicitely specified.

This free boundary problem formally arises from the following obstacle problem. Consider the energy

E(u) = Z


2A(|∇u|2) +G(u)

dx (1.4)

whereA, Gare analytic convex functions on [0,+∞) such thatA(0), G(0)>0.

The Euler-Lagrange equation corresponding to a minimizer of (1.4) is nothing else than (1.1) with a=A and f=G. Assume thatu0 is a solution of such a problem in Ω with the boundary conditionu0|∂Ω= ¯t >0 and such that minu0= 0 and consider fort∈(0,¯t) the minimizerutof


u∈H1 0(Ω)+¯t u≥t


Thenutformally satisfies the free boundary problem with Λt={x∈Ω :ut(x)=t}.


Note that there is a natural way of generalizing Theorem 1.1 to higher dimensions and a formal result in that direction is stated in Section 3.4 (with a sketch of the main steps of the proof).

Our second result is an estimate on the gradient which holds for slightly more general equations than (1.1), but only for analytical solutions. Consider a solutionuof



=f(u,|∇u|2) (1.5)

with constant Dirichlet boundary conditions on a bounded domain Ω in IR2. With the direct trigonometric orientation and for anyx0∈Ω such that∇u(x0)6=

0, we may define the normal and tangent unit vectors nandτ to the level set {x∈Ω :u(x) =t}respectively byn=n(x0) =|∇u(x∇u(x0)

0)|andτ=−n, so that (τ,n) is a direct orthonormal basis in IR2. In theses local coordinates,uis a solution of

α(u,|∇u|2)Dτ τu+β(u,|∇u|2)Dnnu=f0(u,|∇u|2) (1.6) whereα,β andf0are given in terms of the functions aandf by

α(u,q) =a(u,q), (1.7)

β(u,q) =a(u,q) + 2aq(u,q)q , (1.8) f0(u,q) =f(u,q)−2au(u,q).

Here (D2u) is the Hessian ofuandDe1e2u= (D2u)e1·e2for anye1,e2∈S1. At this point, we may notice that if

β(u,0)≡α(u,0) (1.9)

on the set{x∈Ω :∇u(x) = 0}, Equation (1.6) is nothing else than α(u,0)∆u(x) =f(u(x),0),

which still perfectly makes sense even ifnandτare not well defined. Condition (1.9) is of course satisfied if u is a solution of Equation (1.5) and α and β are given by (1.7) and (1.8). Our main assumption is the following ellipticity condition:

x∈Ωinfα(u,|∇u|2)>0 and inf

x∈Ωβ(u,|∇u|2)>0. (1.10) We will not assume that the domain Ω is convex any more. An external sphere condition is indeed sufficient. To each point x∈∂Ω, we may associate the outgoing normal unit vectorn(x) and consider

ρ(x) = lim

ǫ→0 ǫ>0

max{ρ≥0 :B(x,ǫ)∩B(x+ρn(x),ρ)⊂Ωc}.


The crucial assumption on Ω is

ρ0= min

x∈∂Ωρ(x)>0, (1.11)

and we may then define

K0=−1 ρ0

. (1.12)

If Ω is convex, instead of (1.12), we shall consider


ρ(x) = lim

ǫ→0 ǫ>0

max{ρ≥0 :B(x,ǫ)∩B(x−ρn(x),ρ)⊂Ω}, ρ˜0= max

x∈∂Ωρ(x)˜ ≥0 and define in that case

K0= 1

˜ ρ0

(1.13) (with the convention 1/∞= 0). With these definitions,K0 is nothing else than the signed curvature of∂Ω (which is positive for a ball).

Theorem 1.2 Assume that α, β and f0 are analytic. Consider an analytic solution u of Equation (1.6) in Ω such that u|∂Ω= ¯t >0 and minx∈Ωu= 0 and assume that Conditions (1.9), (1.10) and (1.11) are satisfied. Then there exists a continuous functionM(t,K)such that


whereK0 is defined either by (1.12), or by (1.13) if Ωis convex.

The heuristic idea of the proof of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 is the following:

use the value t of the solution u to evaluate quantities qi related to u which are bounded by the solution ¯qiof a corresponding ordinary differential equation (given by the radial case for instance). A ”first order development” along the level lines has been used in [9]. Here we perform a ”second order development”.

Actually, we obtain a system of two ordinary differential equations, which in- volves q1(t) = supu(x)=t|∇u(x)|and q2(t) =K(t), which is the curvature of the level line{x∈Ω :u(x) =t}at the point realizing the maximum forq1(t). Higher order developments could in principle be used, but the number of the quantities qi increases in such a way that practically only the first and the second order developments are interesting.

This method is easy to understand in the radially symmetric case. Assume that Ω =B(0,R0) and consider a radial solution of Equation (1.6). First let a= 1 (α=β= 1) and define for anyt∈(t,¯t) the functionK(t) such that

t=u 1




(t= 0 in the case of Theorem 1.2). If m(t) =u

1 K(t)

, a derivation of (1.14) with respect to tgives

K˙ =−K2

m , (1.15)

while Equation (1.6) becomes



m −K . (1.16)

Here ˙( ) and ( ) respectively denote the derivatives with respect to t and r.

Integrating Equations (1.15)-(1.16) from t to ¯t with the initial valuesm(t) = 0 and limt→t+ 1

K(t)= 0, we obtain the result of Theorem 1.2 with M(¯t,K0)≥max

s∈[t,¯t]m0(s)≥m(t) ∀t∈[t,t]¯, K0= 1

R0>0>−1, wheret7→m0(t) is the solution of


m0=f(t,m20) m0

+ 1, m0(t) = 0. (1.17) Note that

1 2



∂q(t,m20)(m20−m2) + 1 m+m0

(m20−m2) +o(m20−m2) as t→t, thus proving that m0(t)> m(t) for t−t >0, small. It is then easy to prove thatm0(t) =m(t) is impossible for a largert(see (2.24) for the dependence in K0 in the non-radial case).

The general radial case (a6≡1) is not much more difficult. Consider a system of cartesian coordinates (x1,x2):

τ=1 r



, n=1 r




(D2u) = 1 r3

(ru′′x21+ux22) (ru′′−u)x1x2

(ru′′−u)x1x2 (ru′′x22+ux21)


Dτ τu=ur=mK,Dnnu=u′′=mm. The equation for˙ Kis still (1.15) while the equation formhas to be replaced by


m= f0(t,m2)


β(t,m2)K . (1.18)

When Ω is not a ball, Equation (1.18) still holds while Equation (1.15) is replaced by an inequality, butK(t) is still bounded from below by a decreasing


function, which is itself bounded from below byK0. The conclusion of Theorem 1.1 then holds because ∂Λt has a nonnegative curvature if Ω is convex: see Sections 2 and 3 for more details. Arguments based on analyticity have been rejected in Sections 4 and 5.

The method applies to more general equations than (1.6) for which the key argument (Theorem 2.1) is still true. For fully nonlinear isotropic homogenous equations like

G(Dnnu,Dτ τu,|∇u|2,u) = 0, αandβ would then be defined by

α= (G)Dnnu and β= (G)Dτ τu

(with the ellipticity condition: α >0 andβ >0, similar to (1.10)).

2 Technical results, proof of Theorem 1.2

In this section, we assume that u is an analytic solution of Equation (1.6) on Ω\Λt(with eventually t= 0 or Λt=∅). Fort > t, let

Γt={x∈Ω :u(x) =t}, m(t) = max

y∈Γt|∇u(y)|, and Xt={x∈Γt:|∇u(x)|=m(t)}.

Note thatm(t)≥0 for anyt∈[t,t] by definition of¯ m. For anytsuch thatm(t)>

0, Γtis an analytic curve near anyx∈Xtandmhas the following properties.

Lemma 2.1 Consider an analytic solution uof Equation (1.6) such that Con- ditions (1.9) and (1.10) are satisfied.

i)m(t)>0for any t > tas soon as

f0(u,q)≥0 for (u,q)∈[t,t]×[0,δ] for someδ >0. (2.1) ii) Ifα,β andf0 are functions of(u,q=v2)such that

minx∈ΩF(u(x),|∇u(x)|,Dnnu(x))≥0, (2.2)

with F(u,v,p) = 1 vα



−vαu α


+v(f0)u, (2.3) then t7→m(t) is non-decreasing and v2=|∇u|2 reaches its maximum on

∂Ω(here Dnnu=∂nv=n· ∇v).

As mentioned in the introduction, the main estimate is given by the gen- eralization to the non radial case of Equations (1.15) and (1.18).


Theorem 2.1 Consider an analytic solutionuof Equation (1.6) such that Con- ditions (1.9) and (1.10) are satisfied. With the above notations, m andK are solutions in the sense of distributions on (t,t)¯ of


m= f0(t,m2)


β(t,m2)K , (2.4)

K˙ ≤ −K2 m − 2



β(t,m2)|∂τK|. (2.5) Theorem 2.1 will be proved in all generality in section 4. Nevertheless, we give at the end of this section a proof of this theorem in a particular case.

Notations. In the following, we denote by∂τthe derivative along the curvilinear coordinate, on the (local) curve Γt: for a functionvdefined on a neighbourhood of x0 in Ω, (∂τv)(x0) =∇v(x0)·τ for τ=τ(x0) =|∇u(x1 0)|





if at least∇u(x0)6= 0. We can similarly define the normal derivative∂n=n· ∇forn= n(x0) =|∇u(x1 0)|





. With these notations, the Fr´echet formula are

τn=Kτ , ∂ττ=−Kn , (2.6)

nn=ρτ , ∂nτ=−ρn , (2.7)

where K=|∇u|1 Dτ τu=|∇u|1 (D2u)τ·τ is the curvature of the level line andρ=


|∇u|Dτ nu=|∇u|1 (D2u)τ·n. One may indeed write∂τu= 0 and derivations with respect to τ andnrespectively provide

0 =∂τ(τ· ∇u) =−Kn· ∇u+τ·((D2u)τ) =−K|∇u|+Dτ τu , 0 =∂n(τ· ∇u) =−ρn· ∇u+τ·((D2u)n) =−ρ|∇u|+Dτ nu .

Note that in general ∂τ(∂τu)6=Dτ τu and ∂n(∂τu)6=Du. With a straight- forward abuse of notations, we may define K(t) =K(xt) =D|∇u|τ τu(xt) while the quantity∂τK(t) in Inequality (2.5) is nothing else than∂τ(D|∇u|τ τu)|x=xt.

With these notations, we can now prove Lemma 2.1 and Theorem 2.1. Note that only Property i) of Lemma 2.1 will be used in Section 3. The computations for proving ii) are however a good introduction to the last part of Section 2.

Proof of Lemma 2.1.

i) If (2.1) is satisfied, thenm(t)>0 follows from Hopf’s lemma.

ii) Let us prove the monotonicity oft7→m(t). Considerv=∂nu=n· ∇u=|∇u|.

The following computations are done in the set{x∈Ω :v(x)>0}. First,



= 2vDnnu , (2.8)


and using the Fr´echet formula and 0 =∂τu, we also get

nv=Dnnu , (2.9)

τv=Du , (2.10)


v(Du)2, (2.11)

Dτ τv=Dnτ τu+1

v(Dτ τu)2. (2.12)

Using (2.8) and (2.9),



= 2v∂nv ,

while using the Fr´echet formula again and Equations (2.10), (2.11) and (2.12), we obtain

n(Dτ τu) =Dτ τv−1

v(Dτ τu)2−2

v(∂τv)2, ∂n(Dnnu) =Dnnv+1 v(∂τv)2. Consider now Equation (1.6) and apply the operator∂n:

0 = ∂n

α(u,v2)Dτ τu+β(u,v2)Dnnu−f0(u,v2)

= α(u,v2)Dτ τv+β(u,v2)Dnnv+B(u,v,∇v)· ∇v− F(u,v2,∂nv) where

B(u,v,∇v) =v

βu+ 2αqDτ τu+ 2βqnv−2(f0)q


v (β−2α)τ , F=α

v(Dτ τu)2−vαuDτ τu+v(f0)u. Using again Equation (1.6), we get

Dτ τu=1

α(f0−β∂nv) which provides

B(u,v,∇v) =v

βu+ 2αq

α(f0−β∂nv) + 2βqnv−2(f0)q


v (β−2α)τ and Equation (2.3). When Condition (2.2) is satisfied, Hopf’s Lemma applied

tov leads to the conclusion. 2

Proof of Theorem 2.1 in a particular case. In this proof we assume that locally int,Xtis supported in an analytic curvet7→xtsuch thatt=u(xt). The justification of such an assumption will be given in Section 4.


Equation form:By definition ofxt, 0 =∂τ(|∇u|2)(xt) = 2∂nu(xt)Du(xt) and according to Lemma 2.1,m(t) =∂nu(xt)>0: for anyt >0,

Du(xt) = 0. (2.13)

According to the assumption made on xt: t=u(xt), a derivation with respect tot provides

1 =∇u(xt)·dxt

dt =∂nu(xt)·(n·dxt dt ), n·dxt

dt = 1

m(t). (2.14)

Then according to (2.13) and (2.14), mm˙ = d


2|∇u(xt)|2) =∇u(xt)·(D2u)dxt dt


n+m(dxt dt ·τ)τ

=Dnnu(xt). By definition of

K(t) = 1

m(t)Dτ τu(xt), (2.15)

and using Equation (1.6), we obtain

αmK+βmm˙ =f0, thus proving equation (2.4).

Inequation forK:Consider

h(t) =dxt dt ·τ(xt).

We will use the notation ∂τK for ∂τ(D|∇u|τ τu)|x=xt and ∂nK for ∂n(D|∇u|τ τu)|x=xt

and we omit to specify thatx=xt. By definition ofxt, 0 = ¯F(t) =∂τ(1

2|∇u|2)|x=xt=∂nu Du , so

0 = 1 m

d( ¯F /m) dt (t) = 1

m∂n(Du) +h∂τ(Du), (2.16) and

0≥G(t) = (∂¯ τ)2(1



τ(Du) =G¯

m. (2.17)

Combining (2.16) and (2.17), we get

hG¯=−∂n(Du). (2.18)

On the other hand,

τK= 1 mDτ τ τu sinceDu= 0,

Dτ τ τu=m∂τK , (2.19)

and applying the operator∂τ to Equation (1.6), we get αDτ τ τu+βDnnτu= 0, which together with (2.19) gives


βm∂τK . (2.20)

Because of the Fr´echet formula (2.7) and sinceρ=D|∇u|u= 0,∂n(Du) =Dnnτu:

Equations (2.18) and (2.20) therefore imply hG=¯ α

βm ∂τK . (2.21)

Let us compute now

K˙ = 1

m∂nK+h∂τK ,

nK= 1

mDnτ τu− 1

m2DnnuDτ τu , (2.22) and with (2.17) again,

m=Dnτ τu+K(Dτ τu−Dnnu), Dnτ τu=G¯

m−mK2+ 1

m(Dτ τu)(Dnnu), which together with (2.22) gives

nK= G¯ m2−K2, and therefore

K˙ =−K2 m + G¯

m3+h∂τK . (2.23)

The system of equations (2.21) and (2.23) is now equivalent to:


1) either

τK= 0 and K˙ =−K2 m + G¯

m3, hG= 0¯ , 2) or

τK6= 0, G <¯ 0 and K˙ =−K2 m + G¯


βm(∂τK)2· 1 G¯. In this last case, an optimization on ¯Ggives

K˙ ≤ −K2 m −2

rα β·|∂τK|


(which is of course also true in case 1)). 2

The rest of the proof of Theorem 2.1 (i.e. whenXtis not locally supported in an analytic curve) will be given in Section 4. It is now easy to deduce Theorem 1.2 from Theorem 2.1 (heret= 0).

Proof of Theorem 1.2. K is decreasing and liminft→¯t

t<¯tK(t)≥K0. Then 1) eitherK0≤0 and

˙ m≤ f0

mβ+α β|K0|, 2) orK0≥0 and−αβK≤0,

˙ m≤ f0


In both cases,m(0) = 0, and if we denote by (K0) the negative part ofK0,m is bounded by the solution of


dt = f0(t,m20) m0β(t,m20)+α

β(t,m20)(K0), m0(0) = 0, (2.24) since ast→0,

1 2



∂q(t,m20)(m20−m2) + (K0)


(m20−m2) +o(m20−m2), thus proving that m0(t)≥m(t) for t >0, small (if K0≥0, replace (K0) by ǫ and take the limit ǫ→0, ǫ >0). It is then easy to prove that m0(t) =m(t) is impossible for a largert: m(t)< m0(t) for anyt >0, which ends the proof. 2

3 Proof of Theorem 1.1 and extensions

In this section we will prove Theorem 1.1. We first consider an extension of Problem (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3) for which we state a list of results with sketches of the proofs (except for Proposition 3.3). Then we prove Theorem 1.1 and Proposition 3.3, and state the natural extension of Theorem 1.1 to dimensions higher than 2.


3.1 An Extension of Problem (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3)


α(u,|∇u|2)Dτ τu+β(u,|∇u|2)Dnnu=f0(u,|∇u|2) in Ω\Λt t=u|∂Λt≤u|∂Ω=t

nu=const=λ≥0 on∂Λt


where∂Ω,∂Λt,α, β,f0 are analytic andα,β satisfy Assumptions (1.9)-(1.10) of the introduction. We assume moreover thatf0(t,0)>0 in case λ= 0.

We say that (3.1) hasanalytic solutions if∂Λt is analytic and we denote byut the corresponding solution (see for instance [5]).

The exterior problem in Ω = IR2\O withO convex andα≡β≡1 has been studied for λ >0 by Kawohl [19], Hamilton [13] and forλ= 0 by Kawohl [18].

Let us also mention two results on convex rings [6, 7]. For questions on the convexity of the level sets, we refer to [16].

We start with a perturbation result.

Proposition 3.1 If ut0 is an analytic solution to the free boundary problem (3.1) fort=t0, then there exists anη >0 such that (3.1) has analytic solutions for every t∈(t0−η,t0+η). Moreover the map t7→∂Λt is C (and ∂Λt is of class C).

Remark 3.1 A particular version of Proposition 3.1 is proved in [2] for problem (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3) with f(u) =f(0) +f(0)·u.

Sketch of the proof of Proposition 3.1. From the assumption of Propo- sition 3.1, we have ∂Ω, ∂Λt of class C, and we can apply the Nash-Moser inverse function theorem as in [2] to prove that (3.1) has a solutionutfortin a neighbourhood oft0with a smooth free boundary∂Λt∈C. We conclude with the help of the following result on the regularity of the free boundary due to Kinderleherer and Nirenberg [20]:

Lemma 3.1 Under the previous assumptions on the analytic problem (3.1), if the free boundary∂ΛtisC1 andut isC2 up to the free boundary, then the free

boundary ∂Λtis analytic. 2

Actually the perturbation result holds in a neighborhood oft.

Proposition 3.2 There existsη >0, such that for everyt in(t−η,t], the free boundary problem (3.1) has an analytic solution. Moreover the map t7→∂Λt is C (and∂Λt is of classC).

Remark 3.2 A particular version of Proposition 3.2 is also proved in [2] for problem (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3) with f(u) =f(0) +f(0)·u.


Sketch of the proof of Proposition 3.2. For t=t, the function ut≡t is a solution with Λt= Ω. This problem is then degenerate in t=t. Nevertheless, as in [2], we can apply a Nash-Moser approach in this degenerate case which

proves Proposition 3.2. 2

The last result on Problem (3.1) is the following

Proposition 3.3 Every analytic solutionutto the free boundary problem (3.1) satisfies:



∂ΩK . The proof of this result is deferred to Section 3.3.

Remark 3.3

(i) The “coincidence set”Λtmay have several connected components.

(ii) In Proposition 3.3 we get a global bound from below on the curvature of the free boundary. We must cite the remarkable work of Schaeffer [26] where for an obstacle problem of the type ∆u=f, he proves the existence of a local bound from below on the curvature K(x0)of the free boundary at a pointx0. For his proof the main tool is a quasiconformal mapping.

(iii) Propositions 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 are true for the more general problem where λ in (3.1) is replaced by an analytic function λ(t,K)≥0 such that K7→

λ(t,K)is nonincreasing (in the case sup∂Λtλ(t,K) = 0we have to do the additional assumptionf0(t,0)>0).

Let I={t∈(0,t ],(3.1)has an analytic solution ut}. From Proposition 3.1, we know that I is an open set and the map I∋t7→∂Λtis smooth. From Proposition 3.2 we haveI6=∅. By a classical argument of connexity, if we can prove thatIis closed, then we would haveI= (0,t] and∂Λtis diffeomorphic to

∂Ω for anyt∈I. In particular if Ω is convex we would conclude from Proposi- tion 3.3 that Λtis convex too (and as a consequence, Λthas only one connected component).

The difficulty is now to prove thatIis closed. In general this is not the case (see examples due to Schaeffer [25] for singular free boundaries for the obstacle problem in case Ω is not convex). Nevertheless for the obstacle problem (λ= 0) we will prove thatI is closed if Ω is convex (Theorem 1.1).

Remark 3.4 We will prove Theorem 1.1 in the context of analytic solutions but as soon as the solution is the limit of an approximating sequence of solutions in an analytical framework, the result holds as well. This argument applies for instance when existence and uniqueness results can be proved, which is true for the obstacle problem (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3) with a∈C1 andf∈C0 but is not known in the most general case of Problem 3.1.


3.2 Proof of Theorem 1.1

The main advantage of the obstacle problem (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3) compared to the more general free boundary problem (3.1) is that there exists a unique weak solution (see [24, 11]), and this solution is bounded inW2,∞ (see [11, 10, 3, 1]).

As a consequence of this uniqueness the map t7→ut∈W2,p is continuous for everyp∈(1,+∞). Moreover from the nondegeneracy lemma (see Caffarelli [4], and for example [22]), we have

Lemma 3.2 Consider a solution of Problem (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3). Under the as- sumptions of Theorem 1.1, for every t∈[0,t],

t→tlimΛt= Λt (3.2)

and |∂Λt|= 0. (3.3)

Let us prove thatt defined by

t= inf{t0∈(0,t],∀t∈[t0,t], (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3) has an analytic solutionut} is actually 0. Assume by contradiction that t>0. From Proposition 3.3 and Lemma 3.2, (3.2), we deduce that Λt is convex and inf∂ΛtK≥inf∂ΩK.

Case Int(Λt) =∅ : |Λt|=|∂Λt|= 0 from Lemma 3.2, (3.3). In this case there is no really free boundary, i.e. the solutionutsatisfies the Euler-Lagrange equa- tion (1.1) of the energy (1.4) without constraints. Consequently the uniqueness of the weak solution to the free boundary problem implies that ut=u0, and because we assumed that minu0= 0, we get t= 0, a contradiction.

Case Int(Λt)6=∅ : We use the following result due to Caffarelli [4]:

Lemma 3.3 Under the previous assumptions on the obstacle problem (1.1)- (1.2)-(1.3), if the coincidence setΛtis convex and if Int(Λt)6=∅, then∂Λt is C1 andut isC2 up to the free boundary.

Lemma 3.1 therefore implies that the free boundary is analytic. Finally t∈I, and Proposition 3.1 gives a contradition with the definition of t.

Ifaandf are not analytic but only of classC1andC0respectively, Remark

3.4 applies. This ends the proof of Theorem 1.1. 2

3.3 Proof of Proposition 3.3

From Morrey [23], we see thatu=utis analytic up to the free boundary∂Λt, because ∂Λt is analytic itself. Then we search for the pointsxt where |∇u| is maximum on Γt={u=t}ast→t.


Case λ >0 :Letx0∈∂Λtandγx0(t) be the integral curve of the vector fieldn such thatγx0(t) =x0andu(γx0(t)) =t. Then

γx0(t) =x0+t−t

λ n(x0) +o(t−t) fort≥t ,

|∇u(γx0(t))|=λ+ (t−t)D2nnu(x0)

λ +o(t−t), which gives, using (3.1),

|∇u(γx0(t))|=λ+ (t−t)



α(t,0)K(x0) +ǫx0(t−t)

, (3.4) for some continous functionǫx0 which tends to 0 uniformly inx0∈∂Ω:

ǫ(t−t) = sup


x0(t−t)| →0 as t→t , t > t .

Fortclose enough tot, the mapx07→γx0(t) is a diffeomorphism from∂Λtonto Γt={u=t}. Then for everyxt∈Xtsuch thatt→t,t > t, there exists a unique xt0∈∂Λtsuch thatxtxt0(t) and then:


=λ+ (t−t)f


λα(t,0)β(t,0)α(t,0)K(xt0) +ǫxt0(t−t)

. (3.5) Thus



|∇u(γx0(t))|=λ+ (t−t)


λα(t,0)−β(t,0) α(t,0) inf

x0∈∂ΛtK(x0) +O(ǫ(t−t))

. (3.6) LetXt={x0∈∂Λt:K(x0) = inf∂ΛtK}. We will prove the

Lemma 3.4 With the above notations,

d(xt0,Xt)→0 ast→t .

Thenxt0→x0∈Xtandxtxt0(t)→x0. ConsequentlyK(xt)→K(x0) = inf∂ΛtK and fort > t,K(t) = infxt∈XtK(xt)→inf∂ΛtK. Now from Theorem 2.1, we have K˙ ≤0, thus

K(t)≥K(t), and passing to the limitt→twe get



∂ΩK , which proves the proposition in caseλ >0.


Proof of Lemma 3.4. If the lemma was false, then up to extraction of some subsequence,xt0 would tend tox1∈∂Λt ast→t+ withx16∈Xt, i.e.


∂ΛtK . (3.7)

In this case


0(t))| −λ

t−t =supx0∈∂Λt|∇u(γx0(t))| −λ t−t

and by (3.5)-(3.6) we get f0


αK(xt0) +ǫxt

0(t−t) = f0

λα−β αinf

∂ΛtK+O(ǫ(t−t)). Taking the limitt→t+ we prove that

K(x1) = inf

∂ΛtK ,

a contradiction with (3.7). This ends the proof of lemma 3.4. 2 Case λ= 0 : Assume that 0 =λ=|∇u| on ∂Λt. Let us remark that n(x) =


|∇u(x)| is well defined for xclose to ∂Λt. But it is delicate to prove that the field nis analytic on Ω\Λtup to the boundary∂Λt. To avoid this difficulty we introduce the vector field n0 only defined on ∂Λt as the exterior unit normal vector to Λt. Forxclose enough to∂Λt, leth=d(x,∂Λt) andx0∈∂Λtsuch that x=γx0(h) forγx0(h) defined byγx0(h) =x0+hn(x0). Forhsmall enough, the map (x0,h)7→γx0(h) is a local diffeomorphism. Then


0 Dn0u(x0+sn0)ds


0 ds(Dn0u(x0) +sDn20n0u(x0) +s22Dn30n0n0u(x0) +O(s3)) which gives


2 Dn20n0u(x0) +h3

6 D3n0n0n0u(x0) +O(h4) We have now to evaluateD2n0n0u(x0) andD3n0n0n0u(x0).

Lemma 3.5 With the previous notations,

Dn20n0u(x0) =f0

α6= 0. Then

h= ( 2

Dn20n0u)12(t−t)12−1 3


(D2n0n0u)2(t−t) +O((t−t)32)


and a computation (where repeated indices are summed) gives

|∇u(γx0(h))|2 =|∇u(x0)|2+ 2∇iuD2iju·yj

+12{D2ijuDik2u+ 2∇iuD3ijku}yjyk

+16{6Dijk3 uDil2u+ 2∇iuDijkl4 u}yjykyl+O(|y|4)

= (D2n0n0u)2h2+ (Dn20n0u)(D3n0n0n0u)h3+O(|y|4)

= 2(t−t)(Dn20n0u)2+43(t−t)32(D3n0n0n0u)(D22

n0n0u)12+O((t−t)2) fory=γx0(h)−x0. Similarly to Lemma 3.5, we have the

Lemma 3.6 With the same notations as above,

D3n0n0n0u(x0) =−(Dn20n0u(x0))K(x0). Combining these computations, we may evaluate

|∇u(γx0(h))|2= 2(t−t)(D2n0n0u)2−4

3(t−t)32K(x0)(2Dn20n0u)2)12+O((t−t)2). As in the first case we see thatK(t)→inf∂ΛtKast→t,t > tand then inf∂ΛtK≥ inf∂ΩKbecause ˙K≤0. This ends the proof of Proposition 3.3 in the caseλ= 0.


Proof of lemma 3.5. Let

n0(x) =n0(x0(x)) withx0(x)∈∂Λtsuch thatx=γx0(x)(d(x,∂Λt)). (3.8) We noteτ0= (n0):

0 =∂τ0(x)(∂τ0(x)u) =Dτ20τ0u+∇τ

00)u=D2τ0τ0uon∂Λt, 0 =∂τ0(x)(∂n0(x)u) =Dτ20n0u+∇τ0(n0)u=D2τ0n0uon∂Λt. From (3.1) we deduce that

D2n0n0u(x0) =f0

α . 2

Proof of Lemma 3.6. Let us introduce the function v(x) =∂n0(x)u(x)

where n0(x) is defined in (3.8). Then v is analytic in a neighbourhood of∂Λt up to∂Λt. In particular it is easy to verify that

n0v=D2n0n0uin Ω\Λt. (3.9)


Sincev= 0 and|∇v|=D2n0n0u=const >0 on∂Λt, the curvature of∂Λtis given at a pointx0 by

K(x0) =D2τ0τ0v

|∇v| . (3.10)

It is also easy to verify that on∂Λt

Dn20n0v=D3n0n0n0u , Dτ20τ0v=D3n0τ0τ0u

and we can derive Equation (3.1) relatively to the fieldn0(x). Denoting byα,β andf0the quantitiesα(u,q), β(u,q), f0(u,q) forq=|∇u|2, andq= 2|∇u|D2nn0u, we get

αDnnn3 0u+βD3τ τ n0u+(D2nnu)(∂uα·v+∂qα·q) +(D2τ τu)(∂uβ·v+∂qβ·q) +2J

=∂uf0·v+∂qf0·q where

J=α(D2·nu)∂n0n+β(D·τ2u)∂n0τ . An independent computation gives

n0n= (D2τ n0u

|∇u| )·τ , ∂n0τ=−(D2τ n0u

|∇u| )·n and thus


|∇u|(D2 u)(D2n0τ).

Let us recall that we have α(u,0) =β(u,0) and then α−β=O(|∇u|2), J= O(|∇u|), which implies

J= 0 on∂Λt. On∂Λt,

Dnnn3 0u+D3τ τ n0u= 0,

which gives Dn30n0n0u(x0) =−D3τ0τ0n0u=−Dτ20τ0v=−(D2n0n0u(x0))K(x0) from (3.9) and (3.10). This ends the proof of Lemma 3.6. 2

3.4 Higher dimensions

In this subsection, we formally extend our approach to dimensionsd≥3. The main difference is that the curvature has to be replaced by the arithmetic mean curvature. We will justify the derivation of this system only at a formal level by considering the generic case.

Letube a solution of α(u,|∇u|2)




Diiu+β(u,|∇u|2)Dddu=f(u,|∇u|2) (3.11)


whereDii is defined as follows. Consider

Γt={x∈Ω :u(x) =t} ⊂IRd

and n(x) =|∇u|∇u(x) the unitary normal vector, orthogonal to the hyperplane Π = Π(x) tangent to Γt atx. For i= 1,2,...d−1, we may diagonalize (D2u)Π= PΠ(D2u)PΠwherePΠis the projection on Π and defineτi(i= 1,2,...d−1) as the corresponding eigenvectors such that (τ12,...τd−1d=n) forms an orthonor- malized basis in IRd (the derivative along the normal to the level hypersurface, i.e. along the direction n, corresponds to the indexd. Ford= 2, it was noted with the lettern). λi= (τi,(D2u)Πτi) are the eigenvalues of (D2u)Πand we de- fineµi= (τd,(D2u)τi) = (τi,(D2u)τd) fori= 1,2,...dand the curvaturesKi=|∇u|λi (i= 1,2,...d−1). With the notations Diju= (τi,(D2u)τj) the Fr´echet formula are (as in Section 2, dii· ∇, so that two derivatives do not necessarily com- mute and i

i can be different from 0):



=dn dτi

= λi


(without summation oni= 1,2,...d−1), dτd

d=dn dn=





|∇u|τi, dτi






j=1 j6=i

aijτj (i= 1,2,...d−1) where

aij= 2µ|∇u|iµj−D3diju

|∇u|(Kj−Ki) (i,j= 1,2,...d−1) (at least forKj6=Ki) and

aid=− µi

|∇u| (i= 1,2,...d−1), and fori,j= 1,2,...d−1,





k=1 k6=i




|∇u|(Kk−Ki) (k= 1,2,...d−1, k6=i) and



As in Section 2, we denote byxt∈Γta point which realizes the maximum of|∇u|2on Γtand assume thatt7→xtis an analytic curve. We assume moreover that Ki(xt)6=Kj(xt) for anyi,j= 1,2,...d−1 (j6=i). By definition ofxt,

d dτi

(|∇u|2)(xt) = 0 (i= 1,2,...d−1),

thus proving thatµi|x=xt= 0. Because|∇u|2restricted to Γthas a critical point atx=xt, we may also define its Hessian as

d dτi

( d dτj

(|∇u|2)) = d dτj

( d dτi

(|∇u|2)) =:H(τij)≤0, where

H= (D2(|∇u|2))Π−2(Dddu)(D2u)Π


(D2(|∇u|2))Π= 2((D2u)Π)2+ 2|∇u|(Dd··u)Π.

In the following, we shall assume for simplicity that H is actually negative definite. Let us compute now dtd(Pd−1


1) With notations similar to the ones of the 2-dimensional case, we have 1

δt(xt+δt−xt) = ( 1

|∇u|+b δt)n+ (~h+Bδt) +~ O((δt)2) where~h= (h1,h2,...hd−1),B~∈Π(xt). With~δ=xt+δt−xt,

δt=u(xt+δt)−u(xt) =~δ· ∇u+1

2(~δ·(D2u)~δ) +o(|~δ|2)

=δt+ (b|∇u|+1

2(~h·(D2u)~h) +1 2


|∇u|2)(δt)2+o((δt)2), we get


2(~h·(D2u)Π~h)−1 2



2) Using the Taylor expansion of |∇u(xt+δt)|2− |∇u(xt)|2 and maximizing it with respect to~h, we get

~h=− 1



. (3.12)


3) We computePd−1 i=1i:




i= d dt(




Ki(xt)) = 1


d dn(




Ki) +~h· ∇Π(




Ki). (3.13) Using the Fr´echet formulas, we get inx=xt


dn = 1

|∇u|(Ddiiu−DdduKi), (3.14) dKi


= 1

|∇u|Diiju . (3.15)

4) On one hand let us remark that 0≥tr(H) = 2|∇u|

(d−1 X



) , so that



d dn(




Ki)≤ − 1






5) On the other hand, deriving Equation (3.11) with respect to τj proves that αX


Diiju+βDddju= 0

Consequently d


i=1Ki) =−αβD|∇u|ddju. SinceDdj2(|∇u|2) = 2|∇u|Dddju, then

~h· ∇Π(




Ki) = 2β

α[PΠ(Ddd·u)]H(−1)[PΠ(Ddd·u)]≤0 becauseH <0. Therefore

d dt(




Ki)≤ − 1






Remark 3.5 Instead of Equation (3.11), we could consider a fully nonlinear isotropic homogenous equation.

In view of the free boundary problem, we may simply quote that if the domain Ω⊂IRdis convex, the mean curvaturePd−1

i=1Kiof the free boundary at the limit point of the points that maximize the gradient, is positive. Concerning


the estimates on the gradient, it is clear that Theorem 1.2 can be generalized to any dimension, thus providing an estimate taking the geometry of the domain into account. However a rigourous justification of these estimates would involve a tedious discussion of the various special cases, similar for the methods to the 2-dimensional case, but much longer. This is why we left it here at a formal level.

4 Analyticity and proof of Theorem 2.1

In this section we introduce analytic functions relevant to our problem and recall a simple result which gives the main motivation for introducing analytic functions and analytic sets. Then we give the proof of Theorem 2.1 in this framework.

Let us recall thatxt∈Xtif and only ifu(xt) =tand|∇u(xt)|= max



dτ(|∇u|2/2)|x=xt= 0. (4.1) Now let us define on{|∇u|>0}the analytic function:

F(x) = d

dτ(|∇u|2/2)|x. LetX=S

t∈[t,t]Xt. From (4.1), we haveX⊂ {F= 0}. We defineanalytic sets as sets where analytic functions vanish.

4.1 Preliminaries on analytic sets

From [8] (chapter 8: Etude locale des fonctions et des ensembles analytiques;

Propositions 4.2.5, 7.2, 7.7 and Theorem 1.2.2) we deduce the

Theorem 4.1 ForN≥1let Fi(x1,x2), i= 1,2,...,N be real analytic functions of (x1,x2)∈U where U is an open set of IR2. We assume that F16≡0 and Fi(0) = 0,i= 1,2,...,N. Then there exists a ballBr(0) andk∈IN such that





{Fi= 0})∩Br(0) ={0} ∪(




γj) for a disjoint union of analytic open curves γj(s), s∈(0,1) with

lims→0γj(s) =γj(0) = 0

lims→1γj(s) =γj(1) =xj∈∂Br(0) (4.2) Moreover the same property is true for every ball Br(0)with r< r.


This result gives a precise description of the structure of analytic sets. In our proof of Theorem 2.1, we are interested in the following special situation.

LetF16≡0 be an analytic function withF1(0) = 0. Theorem 4.1 forN= 1 gives the existence of an open curve γ⊂ {F1= 0} with γ(0) = 0. Let F0 be a second analytic function such that F0(0) = 0 and ∇F0(0)6= 0. What can be said on d(F0◦γ)/ds? The answer to this question is given by the:

Corollary 4.1 Consider a real analytic functionF0 of the variables (x1,x2)∈ U, where U is an open set of IR2, such that F0(0) = 0 and ∇F0(0)6= 0. If γ: (0,1)→U is an analytic curve such thatγ(0) = 0, then for anǫ >0small enough, on the interval(0,ǫ),

i) eitherd(F0◦γ)/ds≡0, ii) or±d(F0◦γ)/ds >0.

The proof of this corollary is given in the appendix. It takes advantage of the following classical result.

Proposition 4.1 Letg andhbe two analytic functions defined on the interval (−1,1). If0 is an accumulation point of the set {s∈(−1,1), f(s) =g(s)}, then f=g on(−1,1).

4.2 Proof of Theorem 2.1

With our notations,X⊂ {F= 0}.

Case A: F≡0

Lemma 4.1 IfF≡0, thenΩis a disk and the solutionuis radially symmetric.

Proof. IfF≡0, then|∇u|=const=m(t) on each level line Γt={u=t}. Letγ be a smooth curve such that u(γ(t)) =t. Then dtd|∇u(γ(t))|=f0αβK(γ(t)).

Because |∇u(γ(t))|=m(t) and γ(t) is arbitrarily chosen on each Γt, we see that K=const=K(t) on Γt. Because Ω is bounded, the level lines of u are circles. Moreover ∂nn= (Du)τ /m(t), and Du=F/m(t)≡0, thus proving that: ∂nn= 0.

This implies that ifx1∈∂Ω andγx1 is the integral curve of the vector field nsuch thatu(γx1(t)) =t andγx1(t) =x1, then dtdn(γx1(t)) = 0:

γx1(t) =x1+ (t−t)n(x1) andu(γx1(t)) =t

Because this is true for every pointx1in the circle∂Ω, we see that the circles Γt have the same center which is x0=x1+ (t−t)n(x1). In particular the solution

is radial on the disk Ω =B1/K(t)(x0). 2

The computations of Section 1 then apply without modifications.


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