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A priori estimates for elliptic equations with reaction terms involving the function and its gradient


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terms involving the function and its gradient

Marie-Françoise Bidaut-Véron, Marta Garcia-Huidobro, Laurent Veron

To cite this version:

Marie-Françoise Bidaut-Véron, Marta Garcia-Huidobro, Laurent Veron. A priori estimates for ellip- tic equations with reaction terms involving the function and its gradient. Mathematische Annalen, Springer Verlag, In press. �hal-01906697v2�


terms involving the function and its gradient

Marie-Fran¸coise Bidaut-V´eron, Marta Garcia-Huidobro

Laurent V´eron

AbstractWe study local and global properties of positive solutions of−∆u=up+M|∇u|qin a domain Ω ofRN, in the range min{p, q}>1 andM R. We prove a priori estimates and existence or non-existence of ground states for the same equation.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J62, 35B08, 6804.

Key words. elliptic equations; Bernstein methods; ground states;


1 Introduction 2

2 The direct Bernstein method 8

2.1 Proof of Theorems A, A’ and C . . . 10

2.1.1 Proof of Theorem A . . . 10

2.1.2 Proof of Theorem A’ . . . 12

2.1.3 Proof of Theorem C . . . 12

2.2 Proof of Theorems B and B’ . . . 13

2.2.1 Proof of Theorem B . . . 13

2.2.2 Proof of Theorem B’ . . . 14

3 The refined Bernstein method 16 3.1 Proof of Theorem D . . . 17

4 The integral method 20 4.1 Preliminary inequalities . . . 20

4.2 Proof of Theorem E . . . 21

Laboratoire de Math´ematiques et Physique Th´eorique, Universit´e de Tours, 37200 Tours, France. E-mail:


Departamento de Matematicas, Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile Casilla 307, Correo 2, Santiago de Chile. E-mail: mgarcia@mat.puc.cl

Laboratoire de Math´ematiques et Physique Th´eorique, Universit´e de Tours, 37200 Tours, France. E-mail:




5 Radial ground states 26

5.1 Energy functions . . . 26

5.1.1 Exponential perturbations . . . 26

5.1.2 Pohozaev-Pucci-Serrin type functions . . . 28

5.2 Some known results in the case M <0 . . . 28

5.3 The case M >0 . . . 29

5.3.1 The caseM >0, 1< p≤ N+2N−2 . . . 29

5.3.2 The caseM >0,p > N+2N−2 . . . 31

6 Separable solutions 32 6.1 Constant solutions . . . 32

6.2 Bifurcations . . . 34

1 Introduction

This article is concerned with local and global properties of positive solutions of the following type of equations

−∆u=M0|u|p−1u+M|∇u|q, (1.1)

in Ω\ {0} where Ω is an open subset of RN containing 0, p and q are exponents larger than 1 and M, M0 are real parameters. If M0 ≤0 the equation satisfies a comparison principle and a big part of the study can be carried via radial local supersolutions. This no longer the case when M0>0 which will be assumed in all the article, and by homothety (1.1) becomes

−∆u=|u|p−1u+M|∇u|q. (1.2)

If M = 0 (1.2) is called Lane-Emden equation

−∆u=|u|p−1u. (1.3)

It turns out that it plays an important role in modelling meteorological or astrophysical phe- nomena [15], [13], this is the reason for which the first study, in the radial case, goes back to the end of nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. A fairly complete presentation can be found in [18]. If N ≥ 3, This equations exhibits two main critical exponents p = NN−2 and p= NN+2−2 which play a key role in the description of the set of positive solutions which can be summarized by the following overview:

1- If 1 < p ≤ NN−2, there exists no positive solution if Ω is the complement of a compact set.

Even in that case solution can be replaced by supersolution. This is easy to prove by studying the inequality satisfied by the spherical average of a solution of the equation.

2- If 1 < p < NN+2−2, there exists noground state, i.e. positive solution in RN. Furthermore any positive solution u in a ballBR=BR(a) satisfies

u(x)≤c(R− |x−a|)p−12 , (1.4)


where c=c(N, p)>0, see [19].

3- Ifp= NN+2−2 all the positive solutions inRN are radial with respect to some pointaand endow the following form

u(x) :=uλ(x) = (N(N−2)λ)N−24 (λ+|x−a|2)N−22

. (1.5)

All the positive solutions inRN \ {0} are radial, see [12].

4- If p > N+2N−2 there exist infinitely many positive ground states radial with respect to some points. They are obtained from one say v, radial for example with respect to 0 by the scaling transformation Tk wherek >0 with

Tk[v](x) =kp−12 v(kx). (1.6)

Indeed, the first significant non-radial results deals with the case 1 < p ≤ N−2N . They are based upon the Brezis-Lions lemma [11] which yields an estimate of solutions in the Lorentz spaceLN−2N ,∞, implying in turn the local integrability ofuq. Then a bootstrapping method as in [21] leads easily to some a priori estimate. Note that this subcritical case can be interpreted using the famous Serrin’s results on quasilinear equations [24]. The first breakthrough in the study of Lane-Emden equation came in the treatment of the case 1 < p < N+2N−2; it is due to Gidas and Spruck [19]. Their analysis is based upon differentiating the equation and then obtaining sharp enough local integral estimates on the term uq−1 making possible the utilization of Harnack inequality as in [24]. The treatment of the critical case p = N+2N−2, due to Caffarelli, Gidas and Spruck [12], was made possible thanks to a completely new approach based upon a combination of moving plane analysis and geometric measure theory. As for the supercritical case, not much is known and the existence of radial ground states is a consequence of Pohozaev’s identity [22], using a shooting method.

The study of (1.2) when M 6= 0 presents some similarities with the one of Lane-Emden equation in the cases 1 and 2, except that the proof are much more involved. Actually the approach we develop in this article is much indebted to our recent paper [6] where we study local and global aspects of positive solutions of

−∆u=up|∇u|q, (1.7)

where p ≥ 0, 0 ≤q < 2, mostly in the superlinear case p+q −1 > 0. Therein we prove the existence of a critical line of exponents

(L) :={(p, q)∈R+×[0,2) : (N−2)p+ (N−1)q =N}. (1.8) The subcritical range corresponds to the fact that (p, q) is below (L). In this region Serrin’s celebrated results [24] can be applied and we prove [6, Theorem A] that positive solutions of (1.7) in the punctured ball B2\ {0}satisfy, for some constant c >0 depending on the solution, u(x) +|x| |∇u(x)| ≤c|x|2−N for all x∈B1\ {0}. (1.9) When (p, q) is above (L), i.e. in the supercritical range, we introduced two methods for obtaining a priori estimate of solutions: Thepointwise Bernstein methodand the integral Bern- stein method. The first one is based upon the change of unknown u = v−β, and then to show


that|∇v|satisfies an inequality of Keller-Osserman type. When (p, q) lies above (L) and verifies (i) either 1≤p < NN+3−1 and p+q−1< N−14 ,

(ii) or 0≤p <1 andp+q−1< p(N(p+1)−1)2 ,

we prove that any positive solution of (1.7) in a domain Ω⊂RN satisfies

|∇ua(x)| ≤c(dist (x, ∂Ω))−1−a


p+q−1 for all x∈Ω, (1.10)

for some positive c andadepending onN,pand q [6, Theorem B]. As a consequence we prove that any positive solution of (1.7) in RN is constant. With the second method we combine the change of unknown u=v−β with integration and cut-off functions. We show the existence of a quadratic polynomial G in two variables such that for any (p, q) ∈ R+×[0,2) satisfying G(p, q)<0 any positive solution of (1.7) inRN is constant [6, Theorem C]. The polynomial G is not simple but it is worth noting that if 0≤p <NN+2−2, there holdsG(p,0)<0, which recovers Gidas and Spruck result [19].

For equation (1.2) we first observe that the equation is invariant under the scaling transfor- mation (1.6) for anyk >0 if and only ifq is critical with respect top, i.e.

q = 2p p+ 1. In general the transformation Tk exchanges (1.2) with

−∆v=vp+M k


p−1 |∇v|q, (1.11)

hence if q < p+12p , the limit equation when k → 0 is (1.3). We say that the exponent p is dominant. We can also consider the transformation

Sk[v](x) =k


q−1v(kx), (1.12)

when q6= 2, which is the same asTk ifq = p+12p , and more generally transforms (1.2) into



q−1 vp+M|∇v|q. (1.13)

Hence if q > p+12p , the limit equation when k→0 is the Riccati equation

−∆v=M|∇v|q. (1.14)

It is also important to notice that the value of the coefficient M (and not only its sign) plays a fundamental role, only if q = p+12p . Ifq 6= p+12p the transformation

u(x) =av(y) with a=|M|(p+1)q−2p2 and y=ap−12 x (1.15) allows to transform (1.2) into

−∆v=|v|p−1v± |∇v|q. (1.16)


The equation (1.2) has been essentially studied in theradial casewhenM <0 in connection with the parabolic equation

tu−∆u+M|∇u|q =|u|p−1u, (1.17) see [14], [16], [17], [25], [27], [30], [31]. The studies mainly deal with the case q6= p+12p , although not complete when q > p+12p . When q = p+12p the existence of a ground state is proved in dimension 1. Some partial results that we will improve, already exist in higher dimension. The case M >0 attracted less attention.

In thenonradial case, any nonnegative nontrivial solution is positive sincep, q >1. We first observe, using a standard averaging method applied to positive supersolutions of (1.3), that if M ≥0, 1 < p ≤ N−2N when N ≥3, any p >1 if N = 1,2, then for any q > 0 there exists no positive solution in an exterior domain. When 0< q < p+12p the equation endows some character of the pure Emden-Fowler equation (1.3) by the transformation Tk. In [23] it is proved that if 0< q < p+12p , 1< p < NN+2−2 andM ∈R, any positive solution of (1.3) in an open domain satisfies

u(x) +|∇u(x)|p+12 ≤cN,p,q,M

1 + (dist (x, ∂Ω))p−12

for all x∈Ω. (1.18) Note that this does not imply the non-existence of ground state. In [1] Alarc´on, Garc´ıa-Meli´an and Quass study the equation

−∆u=|∇u|q+f(u), (1.19)

in an exterior domain of RN emphasizing the fact that positive solutions are super harmonic functions. They prove that if 1< q≤ N−1N and if f is positive on (0,∞) and satisfies

lim sup


s−pf(s)>0, (1.20)

for somep >NN−2, then (1.19) admits no positive supersolution. The same authors also study in [2] existence and non-existence of positive solutions of (1.19) in a bounded domain with Dirichlet condition.

The techniques we developed in this paper are based upon a delicate extension of the ones already introduced in [6]. Our first nonradial result dealing with the caseq > p+12p is the following:

Theorem A Let N ≥1, p > 1 and q > p+12p . Then for any M >0, any solution of (1.2) in a domain Ω⊂RN satisfies

|∇u(x)| ≤cN,p,q M


(p+1)q−2p + (Mdist (x, ∂Ω))q−11

for all x∈Ω. (1.21) As a consequence, any ground state has at most a linear growth at infinity:

|∇u(x)| ≤cN,p,qM


(p+1)q−2p for all x∈RN. (1.22)


Our proof relies on a direct Bernstein method combined with Keller-Osserman’s estimate applied to |∇u|2. It is important to notice that the result holds for anyp >1, showing that, in some sense, the presence of the gradient term has a regularizing effect. In the case q < p+12p we prove a non-existence result

Theorem A’ Let N ≥ 1, p > 1, 1 < q < p+12p and M > 0. Then there exists a constant cN,p,q >0 such that there is no positive solution of (1.2)in RN satisfying

u(x)≤cN,p,qM2p−(p+1)q2 for allx∈RN. (1.23)

Whenq is critical with respect top the situation is more delicate since the value ofM plays a fundamental role. Our first statement is a particular case of a more general result in [1], but with a simpler proof which allows us to introduce techniques that we use later on.

Theorem B Let N ≥ 2, p > 1 if N = 2 or 1 < p ≤ N−2N if N = 3, q = p+12p and M > −µ where

µ:=µ(N) = (p+ 1)

N −(N −2)p 2p


. (1.24)

Then there exists no nontrivial nonnegative supersolution of (1.2)in an exterior domain.

In this range of values of p this result is optimal since for M ≤ −µ there exists positive singular solutions. The constant µ will play an important role in the description developed in [7] of radial solutions of (1.2). Using a variant of the method used in the proof of Theorem B we obtain results of existence and nonexistence of large solutions.

Theorem B’Let N ≥1, p >1 and q = p+12p .

1- If Ω is a domain with a compact boundary satisfying the Wiener criterion and M ≥ −µ(2) there exists no positive supersolution of (1.2)in Ω satisfying

dist(x,∂Ω)→0lim u(x) =∞. (1.25)

2- If Gis a bounded convex domain,Ω =Gc andM <−µ(1) there exists a positive solution of (1.2) in Ωsatisfying (1.25).

We show in [7] that the inequalityM <−µ(1) is the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a radial large solution in the exterior of a ball.

Concerning ground states, we prove their nonexistence for any p > 1 provided M > 0 is large enough: indeed

Theorem C Let Ω⊂RN, N ≥1, be a domain, p >1, q= p+12p . For any M > M:=

p−1 p+ 1


N(p+ 1)2 4p


, (1.26)


and any ν > 0 such that (1−ν)M > M, there exists a positive constant cN,p,ν such that any solution u in Ω satisfies

|∇u(x)| ≤cN,p,ν((1−ν)M −M)


p−1(dist (x, ∂Ω))


p−1 for allx∈Ω. (1.27) Consequently there exists no nontrivial solution of (1.2)in RN.

The next result, based upon an elaborate Bernstein method, complements Theorem C under a less restrictive assumption on M but a more restrictive assumption onp.

Theorem D Let 1 < p < NN+3−1, N ≥ 2, 1 < q < NN+2 and Ω⊂ RN be a domain. Then there exist a >0 and cN,p,q>0 such that for any M >0, any positive solution u in Ωsatisfies

|∇ua(x)| ≤cN,p,q(dist (x, ∂Ω))p−12a −1 for all x∈Ω. (1.28) Hence there exists no nontrivial nonnegative solution of (1.2) in RN.

It is remarkable that the constants a and cN,p,q do not depend onM > 0, a fact which is clear when q6= p+12p by using the transformationTk, but much more delicate to highlight when q = p+12p since (1.2) is invariant. When |M| is small, we use an integral method to obtain the following result which contains, as a particular case, the estimates in [19] and [7]. The key point of this method is to prove that the solutions in a punctured domain satisfy a local Harnack inequality.

Theorem E Let N ≥3, 1< p < N+2N−2, q = p+12p . Then there exists 0>0 depending on N and p such that for any M satisfying |M| ≤0, any positive solution u in BR\ {0} satisfies

u(x)≤cN,p|x|p−12 for all x∈BR


\ {0}. (1.29)

As a consequence there exists no positive solution of (1.2)inRN, and any positive solution uin a domain Ω satisfies

u(x) +|∇u(x)|p+12 ≤c0N,p(dist (x, ∂Ω))p−12 for all x∈Ω. (1.30)

Note that under the assumptions of Theorem E, there exist ground states for |M| large enough when 1< p < NN−2, or anyp >1 ifN = 1,2.

Ifu is a radial solutions of (1.2) in RN it satisfies

−u00− N−1

r u0 =|u|p−1u+M u0

q, (1.31)

on (0,∞). Using several type of Lyapounov type functions introduced by Leighton [20] and Anderson and Leighton [3], we prove some results dealing with the caseM >0 which complement the ones of [25] relative to the caseM <0.

Theorem F 1- Let p >1 and q > p+12p . Then there exists no radial ground state u satisfying u(0) = 1when M >0 is too large.


2- Let 1 < p < N+2N−2. If 1< q ≤p there exists no radial ground state for any M >0. If q > p there exists no radial ground state for M >0 small enough.

3- Let N ≥ 3, p > NN+2−2 and q ≥ p+12p . Then there exist radial ground states for M > 0 small enough.

We end the article in proving the existence of non-radial positive singular solutions of (1.2) in RN \ {0} in the case q = p+12p obtained by bifurcation from radial explicit positive singular solutions. Our result shows that the situation is very contrasted according M > 0 where a bifurcation from (M, XM) occurs only if p≥ N+1N−3 and M ≥0 and M <0 where there exists a countable set of bifurcations from (Mk, XMk), k≥1, when 1< p < NN+1−3.

In a subsequent article [7] we present a fairly complete description of the positive radial solutions of (1.2) inRN \ {0} in the scaling invariant caseq = p+12p .

Acknowledgements This article has been prepared with the support of the collaboration programs ECOS C14E08 and FONDECYT grant 1160540 for the three authors.

2 The direct Bernstein method

We begin with a simple property in the case M ≥0 which is a consequence of the fact that the positive solutions of (1.2) are superharmonic.

Proposition 2.1 1- There exists no positive solution of (1.2) in RN \BR, R≥0 if one of the two conditions is satisfied:

(i) M ≥0, q≥0 and eitherN = 1,2 and p >1 or N ≥3 and 1< p≤ N−2N . (ii) M >0, N ≥3, p≥1 and 1< q≤ NN−1.

2- If N ≥ 3, q ≥ 1, p > N−2N and u(x) = u(r, σ) is a positive solution of (1.2) in RN \BR, R≥0. Then there exists ρ≥R such that

1 N ωN



u(r, σ)dS:=u(r)≤c0rp−12 for all r > ρ, (2.1) with c0 :=

2N p−1

p−11 and

1 N ωN



ur(r, σ)dS

:=|ur(r)| ≤(N −2)c0r


p−1 for all r > ρ. (2.2) 3- If M >0, p≥0, and q > NN−1 there holds for

|ur(r)| ≤

(q−1)(N−1)−1 (q−1)M


rq−11 for all r > ρ, (2.3) and

u(r)≤q−1 2−q

(q−1)(N−1)−1 (q−1)M

q−11 r


q−1 for all r > ρ, (2.4) Furthermore, if R= 0, inequalities (2.1), (2.2)and (2.3) hold withρ= 0.


Proof. Assertion 1-(i) is not difficult to obtain by integrating the inequality satisfied by the spherical average of the solution and using Jensen’s inequality. For the sake of completeness, we give a simple proof although the result is actually valid for much more general equations (see e.g. [8] and references therein). In this statement we denote by (r, σ)∈R+×SN−1the spherical coordinates in RN, byωN the volume of the unit N-ball and thus N ωN is the (N-1)-volume of the unit sphere SN−1. Writing (1.2) in spherical coordinates and using Jensen formula, we get

−r1−N rN−1ur

r ≥up+M|ur|q. (2.5)

It implies thatr 7→w(r) :=−rN−1uris increasing on (R,∞), thus it admits a limit`∈(−∞,∞].

If `≤0, then ur(r)>0 on (R,∞). Hence u(r)≥u(ρ) :=c >0 forr ≥ρ > R. then rN−1ur

r ≤ −cprN−1 =⇒ur(r)≤ ρN−1

rN−1ur(ρ)− cp N

r− ρN rN−1


which implies ur(r)→ −∞, thus u(r) → −∞asr → −∞, contradiction. Therefore `∈(0,∞]

and either ur(r) <0 on (R,∞) or there exists r` > R such that ur(r`) = 0, u is increasing on (R, r`,) and decreasing on (r`,∞). Ifur(r)<0 on (R,∞), then we have forr >2R

−rN−1ur(r)≥ Z r

r 2

tN−1up(t)dt≥ rNup(r)

2N =⇒ u1−p

r≥ (p−1)r

2N =⇒u(r)≤

2N (p−1)r2

p−11 , which yields (2.1). If we are in the second case withr`> R, we apply the same inequality with r > 2r` and again (2.1) for r >2r`. Since u is superharmonic, the function v(s) = u(r) with s=r2−N is concave on (0, R2−N) and it tends to 0 whens→0. Thus

vs(s)≤ v

s =⇒ |ur(r)| ≤(N −2)u(r)

r ≤(N −2)c0r

p+1 p−1.

This implies (2.1) and (2.2). Note that the caser` > Rcannot happen ifR= 0, so in any case, ifR= 0 then ρ= 0.

If M >0, we have withw(r) =−rN−1ur

wr≥M r(1−q)(N−1)|w|q.

We have seen that w(r) > 0 at infinity with limit ` ∈ (0,∞], hence, on the maximal interval containing ∞ wherew >0, we have (w1−q)r≤(1−q)M r(N−1)(1−q). We have for r > s > R

w1−q(r)−w1−q(s)≤Mln r


, ifq = N−1N and

w1−q(r)−w1−q(s)≤ M(q−1) (q−1)(N −1)−1


ifq < NN−1, and both expressions which tend to−∞ whenr→ ∞, a contradiction. This proves 1-(ii). If q > NN−1, the above expression yields, whenr → ∞,

`1−q−w1−q(s)≤ − (q−1)M



This implies


(q−1)(N −1)−1 (q−1)M


sN−1−q−11 ,

and (2.3).

Remark. The previous is a particular case of a much more general one dealing with quasilinear operators proved in [8, Theorem 3.1].

2.1 Proof of Theorems A, A’ and C

The function u is at least C3+α for some α ∈ (0,1) since p, q > 1. Hence z = |∇u|2 is C2+α. Since there holds by Bochner’s identity and Schwarz’s inequality


2∆z+ 1

N(∆u)2+h∇∆u,∇ui ≤0, (2.6) we obtain from (1.2),


2∆z+|u|2p N +2M

N |u|p−1uzq2 +M2

N zq−p|u|p−1z−M q

2 zq2−1h∇z,∇ui ≤0.

Since for δ >0,

zq2−1|h∇z,∇ui| ≤


zq−12 |∇u|=


zq2 ≤δzq+ 1 4δ

|∇z|2 z , we obtain for any ν ∈(0,1), provided δ is small enough,


2∆z+ |u|2p N +2M

N |u|p−1uzq2 +M2(1−ν)2

N zq−p|u|p−1z≤c1


z , (2.7)

where c1=c1(M, N, ν)>0.

2.1.1 Proof of Theorem A

We recall the following technical result proved in [6, Lemma 2.2] which will be used several times in the course of this article.

Lemma 2.2 Let S >1, R >0 and v be continuous and nonnegative in BR and C1 on the set U+={x∈BR:v(x)>0}. Ifv satisfies, for some real number a,

−∆v+vS ≤a|∇v|2

v (2.8)

on each connected component of U+, then

v(0)≤cN,S,aRS−12 . (2.9)


Abridged proof. Assuminga >0, we set W =vα for 0< α≤ a+11 , this transforms (2.8) into

−∆W + 1

αWα(S−1)+1≤0, (2.10)

and then we apply Keller-Osserman inequality.

Proof of Theorem A. Suppose p+12p < q. We set r= p−12p ,r0 = r−1r , then, for any >0 p|u|p−1z≤ r|u|(p−1)r

r + zr0

r0r0 = (p−1)r|u|2p

2 + (p+ 1)zp+12p 2r0 . We fix η∈(0,1) and so that r = N(p−1)2(1−η) and get


N +c2zp+12p , where c2 = p+12 N(p−1)



. We perform the change of scale (1.6) in order to reduce (1.2) to the case M = 1 by setting u(x) = αp−12 v(αx) with α = M


(p+1)q−2p. Then the equation for z=|∇v|2 is considered in Ωα=αΩ. Choosing nowη= 12 we obtain


2p p+1 ≤ 1

4Nzq+c3, where c3=c3(N, p, q)>0, hence


2∆z+v2p 2N + 1


|∇z|2 z . Put ˜z=

z−(4N c3)1q

+, then


2∆˜z+ 1



˜ z , hence, from Lemma 2.2, we derive


z(y)≤c4(dist (y, ∂Ωα))q−12 where c4=c4(N, q, c1)>0 which implies

|∇v(y)| ≤c04

1 + (dist (y, ∂Ωα))q−11

∀y∈Ωα. (2.11)

Then (1.21) and (1.22) follow.

Assume now that there exists a ground stateu. Fixy ∈RN and consider{yn} ⊂RN such that |yn|= 2n >|y|. We apply (2.11) with Ωα=Bn(yn). Then

|∇v(y)| ≤c04

1 +|2n− |y||q−11 ,


and letting n→ ∞ we infer

|∇v(y)| ≤c04 ∀y ∈RN. (2.12) Hence, by the definition of v and y we see that

|∇u(x)| ≤c04M


(p+1)q−2p ∀x∈RN

which is exactly (1.22 ).

2.1.2 Proof of Theorem A’

Suppose 1< q < p+12p . By scaling we reduce to the case M = 1 and we replace u by v defined by (1.6) as in the proof of Theorem A withα=M


2p−(p+1)q. From (2.7) withν = 14 the function z=|∇v|2 satisfies


2∆z+v2p N + 1


z . (2.13)

By H¨older’s inequality,

pvp−1z≤ 1

4Nzq+p(4N p)q0−1v(p−1)q0. Since (p−1)q0 = 2p+2p−(p+1)qq−1 we derive


2∆z+v2p N


2p−(p+1)q q−1

+ 1

4Nzq ≤c1

|∇z|2 z . If maxv≤cN,p,q := (4q0−1pq0Nq0)


2p−(p+1)q, we obtain


2∆z+ 1

4Nzq≤c1|∇z|2 z ,

which implies that z= 0 by Lemma 2.2, hencev is constant and thus v= 0 from the equation.

Remark. If u is a positive ground state of (1.2) radial with respect to 0, it satisfies ur(0) = 0 and it is a decreasing function ofr. The previous theorem asserts that it must satisfy

u(0)> cN,p,qM2p−(p+1)q2 . (2.14)

2.1.3 Proof of Theorem C

Suppose p+12p =q. For A >0 we consider the expression (up+A|∇u|q)2−N pup−1|∇u|2



N p up−12 |∇u| up+A|∇u|q+√

N p up−12 |∇u|



Now the function Z 7→ ΦA(Z) = up +AZq −√

N p up−12 Z achieves its minimum at Z0 =

N p qA


up+12 and

ΦA(Z0) =


1−p−1 p+ 1

N(p+ 1)2 4p

p−1p A

p+1 p−1

# up. Thus setting


p−1 p+ 1


N(p+ 1)2 4p


, (2.15)

we obtain that if A ≥M, then ΦA(Z) ≥0 for all Z. Put Mν = (1−ν)M for ν ∈ (0,1) such that M< Mν, we derive from (2.7)



N −pup−1z+Mν2−M2

N zq≤c1|∇z|2

z , (2.16)

which yields



N zq≤c1|∇z|2 z . Using again Lemma 2.2 we obtain

|∇u(x)| ≤c01((1−ν)M−M)q−11 (dist (x, ∂Ω))q−11 , (2.17)

which is equivalent to (1.27).

2.2 Proof of Theorems B and B’

2.2.1 Proof of Theorem B

Since the result is known whenM ≥0 from Proposition 2.1, we can assume thatM =−m <0 and N = 1,2 or N ≥3 withp < N−2N , u is a nonnegative supersolution of (1.2) in BcR and we set u=vb withb >1. Then

−∆v≥(b−1)|∇v|2 v +1

bv1+b(p−1)−mbq−1v(b−1)(q−1)|∇v|q. (2.18) Here again q= p+12p , setting z=|∇v|2 we obtain

−∆v≥ Φ(z) bv where

Φ(z) =b(b−1)z−mb

2p p+1v

2+b(p−1) p+1 z


p+1 +v2+b(p−1). Thus Φ achieves it minimum for

z0 =

mpbq−1 (b−1)(p+ 1)





Φ(z0) =v2+b(p−1)

1− pp (p+ 1)p+1

b b−1



. (2.19)

In order to ensure the optimal choice, when N ≥ 3 we take 1 +b(p−1) = N−2N , hence b =


(N−2)(p−1) which is larger than 1 becausep < NN−2. Finally Φ(z0) =vN−2N +1

1− 1

(p+ 1)p+1

2p N −p(N−2)



. Hence, if

m <(p+ 1)

N −p(N −2) 2p


(N), (2.20)

we have for some δ >0,

−∆v≥δvN−2N , (2.21)

and by Proposition 2.1 that is no positive solution in an exterior domain of RN. IfN = 2 for a givenb >1 we have from (2.19) that if

m <(p+ 1)

b−1 bp

p+1p , then, for some δ >0,

−∆v ≥δv1+b(p−1). (2.22)

The result follows from Proposition 2.1 by choosing blarge enough.

2.2.2 Proof of Theorem B’

1- We assume that such a supersolution u exists and we denoteu=ev, then

−∆v≥F(|∇v|2), (2.23)


F(X) =X+e(p−1)v+M e

p−1 p+1v


p p+1.

Clearly, ifM ≥0, thenF(X)≥0 for any X≥0. Next we assumeM <0, then F(X)≥F(X0) =e(p−1)v 1−pp

|M| p+ 1


=e(p−1)v 1− |M|

µ(2) p+1!


Hence, if|M| ≤µ(2),vis a positive superharmonic function in Ω which tends to infinity on the boundary. Such a function is larger than the harmonic function with boundary value k >0 for any k (and taking the value min

|x|=Rv(x) for R large enough if Ω is an exterior domain). Letting k→ ∞ we derive a contradiction.


2- Let R >0 such that Ωc⊂BR and let wbe the solution of

−∆w−ae(p−1)w = 0 inBR∩Ω dist(x,∂BlimR)→0

w(x) =−∞

dist(x,∂Ω)→0lim w(x) =∞,


with a= 1− |M|



<0, obtained by approximations. By the argument used in 1, ae(p−1)w ≤ |∇w|2+e(p−1)w− |M|e


p+1w|∇w|p+12p , hence

−∆w≤ |∇w|2+e(p−1)w− |M|e


p+1w|∇w|p+12p . Thereforev =ew is nonnegative and satisfies

−∆v−vp+|M| |∇v|p+12p ≤0 inBR∩Ω v= 0 on ∂BR

dist(x,∂Ω)→0lim v(x) =∞.


Next we extendvby zero inBRc and denote by ˜vthe new function. It is a nonnegative subsolution of (1.2) which tends to∞on∂Ω. For constructing a supersolution we recall that if M ≤ −µ(1) there exist two types of explicit solutions of

−u00=up+M|u0|p+12p (2.26)

defined on Rby Uj,M(t) =∞ for t≤0 and Uj,M(t) =Xj,Mtp−12 , j=1,2, fort >0 whereX1,M

and X2,M are respectively the smaller and the larger positive root of Xp−1− |M|

2 p−1

p+12 X


p+1 +2(p+ 1)

(p−1)2 = 0. (2.27)

Since Ωc is convex it is the intersection of all the closed half-spaces which contain it and we denote by H the family of such hyperplanes which are touching∂Ω. IfH∈ H let nH be the normal direction to H, inward with respect to Ω, H+ ={x∈ RN :hnH, x−nHi >0} and we define UH in the direction nH by putting

UH(x) =U2,M(hnH, x−nHi) =X2,M(hnH, x−nHi)p−12 for all x∈ H+. Hence and set, for x∈Ω :=∩H∈HH+,

u(x) = inf

H∈HUH(x). (2.28)

Then u is a nonnegative supersolution of (1.2) in Ω and

u(x)≥X2,M(distx,Ω))p−12 ∀x∈Ω.


Nextv = lnu blows up on∂Ω, is finite on ∂BR and satisfies

−∆v−ae(p−1)v ≥0 inBR∩Ω. (2.29)

By comparison withwsincea <0,v ≥w. Henceu ≥v inBR\Ωc. Extendingvby zero as ˜v we obtain u ≥v˜in Ωc. Hence u is a supersolution in Ωc where it dominates the subsolution


v. It follows by [29, Theorem 1-4-6] that there exists a solutionuof (1.2) satisfying ˜v≤u≤u,

which ends the proof.

3 The refined Bernstein method

The method is a combination of the one used in the previous proofs. It is based upon the replacement of the unknown by setting first u = v−β as in [19] and [10] and the study of the equation satisfied by |∇v|. However we do not use integral techniques. Since u is a positive solution of (1.2) inBR, the functionv is well defined and satisfies

−∆v+ (1 +β)|∇v|2 v + 1

βv1−β(p−1)+M|β|q−2βv(β+1)(1−q)|∇v|q= 0 (3.1) inBR. We set

z=|∇v|2 , s= 1−q−β(q−1) = (1−q)(β+ 1), σ= 1−β(p−1), and derive

∆v = (1 +β)z v + 1

βvσ+M|β|q−2βvszq2. (3.2) Combining Bochner’s formula and Schwarz identity we have classically


2∆z≥ 1


We explicit the different terms (∆v)2= (1 +β)2z2

v2 +M2β2(q−1)v2szq+ v

β2 + 2M(1 +β)|β|q−2βvs−1z1+q2 +2(1 +β)

β vσ−1z+ 2M|β|q−2vs+σzq2,

∇∆v= (1 +β)∇z

v −(1 +β)z

v2 ∇v+σ

βvσ−1∇v+M s|β|q−2βvs−1zq2∇v +M q

2 |β|q−2βvszq2−1∇z, h∇∆v,∇vi=

1 +β v +M q

2 |β|q−2βvszq2−1

h∇z,∇vi −(1 +β)z2 v2

βvσ−1z +M s|β|q−2βvs−1zq2+1. Hence


2∆z+ 1


1 +β v +M q

2 |β|q−2βvszq2−1


−(1 +β)z2 v2

βvσ−1z+M s|β|q−2βvs−1zq2+1≤0.



3.1 Proof of Theorem D

We develop the term (∆v)2 in (3.3) and get

−1 2∆z+

(1 +β)2

N −(1 +β) z2

v2 +M2β2(q−1)

N v2szq+M

s+2(1 +β) N

|β|q−2βvs−1z1+q2 + v

N β2 +

1 +β v +M q

2 |β|q−2βvszq2−1

h∇z,∇vi+N σ+ 2(1 +β)

N β vσ−1z+ 2M|β|q−2

N vs+σzq2


(3.4) Next we set z=v−kY wherek is a real parameter. Then∇z=−kv−k−1Y∇v+v−k∇Y,

h∇z,∇vi=−kv−k−1Y z+v−kh∇Y,∇vi=−kv−2k−1Y2+v−kh∇Y,∇vi, h∇z,∇vi

v =−kv−2k−2Y2+v−k−1h∇Y,∇vi,

M vszq2−1h∇z,∇vi=−kM vs−qk2−k−1Yq2+1+M vs−qk2 Yq2−1h∇Y,∇vi,

−∆z= div kv−k−1Y∇v−v−k∇Y

=kv−k−1Y∆v−k(k+ 1)v−k−2Y z+ 2kv−k−1h∇Y,∇vi −v−k∆Y

=kv−k−1Y∆v−k(k+ 1)v−2k−2Y2+ 2kv−k−1h∇Y,∇vi −v−k∆Y.

From (3.2)

∆v = (1 +β)v−k−1Y + 1

βvσ+M|β|q−2βvs−kq2Yq2, therefore

−∆z=k(β−k)v−2k−2Y2+ k

βvσ−k−1Y +kM|β|q−2βvs−kq2−k−1Yq2+1 + 2kv−k−1h∇Y,∇vi −v−k∆Y.

Replacing h∇z,∇vi and ∆z given by the above expressions in (3.4) and z by v−kY, leads to

−∆Y +


2 +(1 +β)2

N −(k+ 1)(β+ 1)


N β2 + M2β2(q−1)

N v2s+k−kqYq + k+β+ 1

v +M q|β|q−2β

2 vs+k−kq2Yq2−1



N vs+σ+k−kq2Yq2 +

s+2(1 +β)

N −k(q−1) 2

M|β|q−2βvs−kq2−1Y1+q2 + 1 β


2 +σ+2(1 +β) N

vσ−1Y ≤0.

For 1, 2 >0,


v|h∇Y,∇vi| ≤1v−k−2Y2+ 1 41

|∇Y|2 Y , vs+k−kq2Yq2−1|h∇Y,∇vi| ≤2v2s−kq+kYq+ 1


|∇Y|2 Y .



−∆Y +v2σ+k

N β2 +2M|β|q−2

N vs+σ+k−kq2Yq2 + M2β2(q−1)

N −M q2|β|q−1 2


v2s+k−kqYq +


2 +(1 +β)2

N −(k+ 1)(β+ 1)− |k+β+ 1|1

v−k−2Y2 + 1

β k

2 +σ+2(1 +β) N

vσ−1Y +

s+2(1 +β)

N − k(q−1) 2


≤ |k+β+ 1|

1 +M q|β|q−1 22

!|∇Y|2 4Y .

(3.5) We first choose 2= M|β|


qN , then

−∆Y + v2σ+k N β2 +


2 +(1 +β)2

N −(k+ 1)(β+ 1)− |k+β+ 1|1

v−k−2Y2 + 1

β k

2 +σ+ 2(1 +β) N

vσ−1Y + M2β2(q−1)

2N v2s+k−kqYq+ 2M|β|q−2

N vs+σ+k−kq2Y2q +

s+2(1 +β)

N −k(q−1) 2


|k+β+ 1|

1 +N q2 2

|∇Y|2 4Y .

(3.6) In order to show the sign of the terms on the left in (3.5), we separate the terms containing the coefficient M from the ones which do not contain it. Indeed these last terms are associated to the mere Lane-Emden equation (1.3) which is treated, as a particular case, in [6, Theorem B]

where the exponents therein areq = 0, andp∈ 1,NN+3−1

. We set H1,1= v2σ+k

N β2 +


2 +(1 +β)2

N −(k+ 1)(β+ 1)− |k+β+ 1|1

v−k−2Y2 + 1

β k

2 +σ+2(1 +β) N





1,1(t) =


2 +(1 +β)2

N −(k+ 1)(β+ 1)− |k+β+ 1|1

t2 + 1

β k

2 +σ+2(1 +β) N

t+ 1

N β2,



HM,2 = M2β2(q−1)

2N v2s+k−kqYq+2M|β|q−2

N vs+σ+k−kq2Yq2 +

s+2(1 +β)

N − k(q−1) 2





−∆Y +v2σ+k1,1(v−1−k−σY) +HM,2

|k+β+ 1|

1 +N q2 2

|∇Y|2 4Y .

The sign of ˜H1,1 depends on its discriminantD1 which is a polynomial in its coefficients. Then if for 1 = 0 this discriminant is negative D0 is negative, the discriminant D1 of ˜H1,1 shares this property for 1 > 0 small enough and therefore H1,1 is positive. The proof is similar as the one of [6, Theorem B] in case (i) but for the sake of completeness we recall the main steps.


D00 :=N2β2D0= N k

2 +σN + 2(1 +β) 2


N k(β−k)

2 + (1 +β)2−N(k+ 1)(β+ 1)

. Then

D00 =


4 −1

(2σ+k)2+ 2(p−1)(2σ+k) + ˜L where ˜L= (p−1)k2+p(λ+ 2)2 >0. Put

S = 2σ+k

k+ 2 = 1− 2β(p−1)

k+ 2 and T(S) =

(N −1)(p−1)

4 −1

S2+ (p−1)S+p.

After some computations we get, if k6=−2, D01:= (p−1)D00

(k+ 2)2 = (p−1) k

k+ 2−S 2


+T(S). (3.10)

We choose S >2 such that k+2kS2 = 0, hence β = 2(p−1)2−k . If p < NN+3−1 the coefficient of S2 in T(S) is negative. HenceT(S)<0 providedS is large enough which is satisfied if k <−2 with

|k+ 2|small enough. We infer from this thatβ >0,D0 <0 and ˜H1,1 >0 if1 is small enough.

In particular ˜H1,1(t)≥c6(t2+ 1) for some c6 =c6(N, p, q)>0, which means v2σ+k1,1(v−1−k−σY)≥c6


. (3.11)

Secondly the positivity of HM,2 is ensured, asβ and M are positive, by the positivity of A:=s+2(1 +β)

N −k(q−1)

2 .

Replacing sby its value, we obtain, since 1< q < N+2N and β+2+k2 >0, which can be assume by taking|k+ 2|small enough,

A= 21 +β

N −(q−1)

β+ 1 + k 2

>−k N Then we deduce that

−∆Y +c6 v−k−2Y2+v2σ+k



Y , (3.12)


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