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VOLUME 14 – No 3-4/ 2018



13 Representations and strategies of young teachers: what uses on digital social networks?


Digital social networks (DSN) have become areas for information and communication exchange in everyday life. Considered as public spaces, they pose new educational questions. After showing how these spaces affect teachers, we present the results of a research project. These illustrate the practices of new teachers in primary and secondary education. Throughout their private and professional lives, all teachers question their presence on the DSN; however, they position themselves differently, depending on their individual roles in educating students.

35 Voter education in the digital space. The case of municipal elections in Tunisia SAMI ZLITNI

For the first free municipal elections in Tunisia, the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) used social networks for voter education purposes. In this article, we analyzed the ISIE’s publications on its four social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) from March 29 to May 6, 2018.

While the use of social networks is supposed to promote interactivity with citizens and develop the bidirectionality of communication, the ISIE’s role was limited to the dissemination of information. Therefore, the government agency’s digital publications were more focused on the mobilization and the institutional communication than on voter education.

The digital voter education campaign of the agency relied on the citizens’craze for social networks but did not achieve the expected objectives. Indeed, the turnout rate was only 33.7% for the first free municipal elections in the country.

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174 Les cahiers du numérique – n° 3-4/2018 55 Twitter, positioning and ethos in discourse analysis


This study questions the various modalities of uses and practices for Twitter in a personal positioning perspective. To discuss these points, we will analyze the different kinds of engagement in the social network and determine private and public spaces which can clash or even get entangled.

Writing tweets can create an ethos positioning which can guide the public reception. Depending on the accounts categories (collective, personal, personal account associated with a collective ...), we can observe that all this requires good control of uses conditions so that the practice does not deviate beyond what would have liked the twitto. Ethos can appear even involuntarily in tweets. These are the different cases that we will present, possibilities for mentions or hooks, as well as the possible public receptions based on concrete examples.

77 Which kind of reflexivity on polemical Twitter’s spheres? To put his own track and to engage in micro-conversations following talk shows like ONPC and TPMP SOPHIE JEHEL

We analyze in this article the public conversational Twitter’s spheres following four talk shows, ONPC (France 2) and TPMP (C8), and commenting acts of gender violence inside with an ethnographic methodology. They offer a materiality to the public’s voices reduced in the TV shows to the role of an extra. They could constitute “third spaces” vital in democracy. These micro-conversations show an engaged and participative public. They offer a plurality that is often lacking in the commented TV shows: publications of dissenting views, fierce criticism on the shows, that builds ways of reflexivity. To stamp his own track on these public spheres, to defend a personal point of view remains nevertheless a form of counter-figuration regarding the double devices (those of the TV shows and those of the online platform) where remarks embed themselves.

These devices have other goals (maximizing audience, velocity and capture of personal data) and promote self-affirmation in a peremptory and controversial way. They encourage the development of antagonistic camps that makes mutual understanding difficult and stimulates the spread of sexist and homophobic discourses.

107 Digital social networks and minority. media strategies and struggle for visibility of anglophones in Cameroon


The advent of the Internet and its multiple uses have favored the renewal of the public space in Cameroon. Starting from a corpus of nearly 850 digital content put online between January 1, 2016 and March 31, 2018, we explain in this article how digital social networks, in this case Twitter and

Cet article des Editions Lavoisier est disponible en acces libre et gratuit sur lcn.revuesonline.com


Summary 175 Facebook, represent an opportunity for minority actors, the case of the Anglo-Cameroonian minority, massively disseminate information and bring claims in the public space. We argue that the communication operators (the arobase and the hashtag) and the fake news play not only an organizational role for the Anglo-Cameroonian minority but also participate in strategies of visibility.

129 Social networks as a new sphere of mobilization in postautority situations. Case of the « eva affair » in Cameroon


Between june 2015 and december 2016, nearly sixty children disappeared in Cameroon. Among them, Eva, a two years old girl whose body was found beheaded in Douala. In spite of the proven size of these cases, the members of the government remained totally inactive and communicationally passive.

Faced with this inertia, many Cameroonians have invested social networks, including Facebook, and denounce and indignant against what they have considered as ritual crimes. This type of mobilization shows the plurality of uses of social networks in the specific case of post-authoritarian situations, marked by the locking of the classical public sphere. Through the "Eva affair", we analyse how Facebook has been used more as a public mobilization sphere, to build the alternative with the public political sphere, rather than as a simple social network for self-visibility.

151 The capture of human language by linguistic capitalism on platforms … and some ways out


This article proposes to examine the normalization of social relations and cultural consumption on facebook, by first focusing on the prefabricated elements of speech that frame the users expressive practices. By mobilizing the theory of the "architext", Peircian semiotics, political economy of communication and research-creation, I show that the language chosen by the user determines the proposals of cultural activities by the platform: the company tries to frame practices by using "calculated" cultural markers. I then try to circumscribe the general social and political project of facebook that may motivate the construction of these "architexts". The language barrier, for the moment, hinders the complete realization of this project:

machine translation is therefore a crucial challenge for the company. A final part deals with a few possible ways out of the "grammatisation" of human language by linguistic capitalism.

173 Summary/Abstracts

Cet article des Editions Lavoisier est disponible en acces libre et gratuit sur lcn.revuesonline.com


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