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Positive solutions of semilinear elliptic problems in unbounded domains with unbounded boundary


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Positive solutions of semilinear elliptic problems in unbounded domains with unbounded boundary

Solutions positives de problèmes semi-linéaires elliptiques dans des domaines non bornes ayant frontière non borné

Giovanna Cerami


, Riccardo Molle


, Donato Passaseo


aDipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Bari, Campus Universitario, Via Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy bDipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Via della Ricerca Scientifica n1, 00133 Roma, Italy

cDipartimento di Matematica “E. De Giorgi”, Università di Lecce, P.O. Box 193, 73100 Lecce, Italy Received 15 March 2005; received in revised form 8 August 2005; accepted 16 September 2005

Available online 24 February 2006


This paper is concerned with the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions of the equation−u+u=up1, 2< p <2= 2N

N2, with Dirichlet zero data, in an unbounded smooth domainΩ⊂RNhaving unbounded boundary. Under the assumptions:

(h1) ∃τ1, τ2, . . . , τk∈R+\ {0}, 1kN−2, such that

(x1, x2, . . . , xN)Ω ⇐⇒ (x1, . . . , xi1, xi+τi, . . . , xN)Ω,i=1,2, . . . , k, (h2) ∃R∈R+\ {0}such thatRN\Ω⊂ {(x1, x2, . . . , xN)∈RN:N

j=k+1xj2R2} the existence of at leastk+1 solutions is proved.

©2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


Dans cet article on étudie l’existence et la multiplicité de solutions positives pour l’équation−u+u=up1, 2< p <2= 2N

N2, avec la condition de Dirichletu=0 sur∂Ω. Le domaineΩ⊂RNest non borné et∂Ωest non borné aussi. En supposant que les conditions

(h1) ∃τ1, τ2, . . . , τk∈R+\ {0}, 1kN−2, tels que

(x1, x2, . . . , xN)Ω ⇐⇒ (x1, . . . , xi1, xi+τi, . . . , xN)Ω,∀i=1,2, . . . , k, (h2) ∃R∈R+\ {0}tel queRN\Ω⊂ {(x1, x2, . . . , xN)∈RN:N


Work supported by national research project “Metodi variazionali e topologici nello studio di fenomeni non lineari”.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:cerami@poliba.it (G. Cerami), molle@mat.uniroma2.it (R. Molle).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



soient vérifiées, on démontre que le problème possède au moinsk+1 solutions.

©2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:35J20; 35J65

Keywords:Nonlinear elliptic problems; Unbounded domains; Unbounded boundary

1. Introduction and statement of the results

In this paper we are concerned with the existence and the multiplicity of solutions to (P )


u+u=up1 inΩ,

u >0 inΩ,


where 2< p <2=2N/(N−2)andΩ⊂RN,N3, is an unbounded smooth domain with∂Ωunbounded.

Problem(P )has a variational structure: its solutions can be found looking for positive functions that are critical points of the functional



|∇u|2+u2 dx constrained to lie on the manifold

V = uH01(Ω): |u|Lp(Ω)=1 .

However, the usual variational techniques (minimization, minimax methods) cannot be applied straightly, because of the lack of compactness, due to the unboundedness ofΩ. Indeed, since the embeddingj:H01(Ω) Lp(Ω)is continuous, but not compact, the manifoldV is not closed for the weakH01-topology and, moreover, the basic Palais–

Smale condition is not satisfied byEat every energy level. Furthermore, as we shall see, the situations, one has to face, are strongly depending on the shape of the domain in which(P )is considered, so the corresponding technical difficulties can be considerably different.

WhenRN\Ω is a ball the existence of a solution to(P )can be, quite easily, proved (see [13]), by minimizing Eon the manifoldVr= {uHr(Ω): |u|Lp(Ω)=1},Hr(Ω)being the subspace ofH01(Ω)consisting of spherically symmetric functions, that, as well known [21], embeds compactly inLp(Ω). Analogous devices can be used when RN\Ω is bounded and it is “nearly” spherical, in a suitable sense, or enjoys of some other kind of symmetry [10]

and, moreover, whenΩis a “strip-like” domain [12].

The question becomes more difficult when RN \Ω has no symmetry properties. Indeed a classical, by now, result [13] states that, for a very large class of unbounded domains, those satisfying the condition: ∃ ¯x ∈RN: (ν(x),x)¯ 0 ∀x∂Ω,(ν(x),x)¯ ≡0, (P )admits only the trivial solution u≡0. Moreover, even whenRN\Ω is bounded, problem(P )is not easy to handle and cannot be solved by minimization: the infimum ofEonV equals the infimum ofu2H1(RN) on the manifold{uH1(RN): |u|Lp(RN)=1}and is not achieved [4]. Nevertheless, in this case, a careful analysis of the Palais–Smale sequences behaviour [4] has made possible an estimate of the en- ergy levels in which the compactness is saved and to give some answers to the existence and multiplicity questions for(P ). The existence of a positive nonminimizing solution to(P )has been proved (see [4,2]) by minimax meth- ods, and furthermore multiplicity results have been obtained, by using subtle geometric and topological arguments, in [6–8,19].

When bothΩ andRN\Ω are unbounded the compactness situation can be even more complex. Indeed, when RN\Ω is bounded, the above mentioned result states that a Palais–Smale sequence either converges strongly to its weak limit or differs from it by a finite number of sequences that are noting but normalized solutions of the limit problem


u+u=up1 inRN, uH1



“travelling to infinity” and infinitely far away each other. WhenΩ andRN\Ω are unbounded and invariant with respect to a group of translations, it is not difficult to understand that, besides the above described behaviour, a non- compact Palais–Smale sequence can also look like a solution of(P )(normalized inLp(Ω)) “travelling to infinity”, of course by means of translations that leaveΩ invariant. This happens, for instance, whenΩ is the complement of a cylinder:Ω=RN\ {(x1, . . . , xN)∈RN:N

j=k+1xj2R2}, where 1kN−2 andR >0; in fact, ifusolves(P ), thenu(xyi)/|u|Lp(Ω), withyi=(x1i,0, . . . ,0)andx1i −→

i→+∞+ ∞, is a noncompact Palais–Smale sequence at the same energy level of the critical point, ofEonV,u/|u|Lp(Ω). Moreover, we remark that even worse phenomena can occur, in fact unbounded domains with unbounded boundary exist such that the Palais–Smale condition for the related energy functionalEcan fail at every energy level (see [17]).

The question of the existence of solutions of(P )whenΩis an unbounded domain having unbounded boundary is still very partially investigated. Most of the known existence results concern domains bounded in some co-ordinates (strip-like, cylinders) (see [23] and references therein), while only recently some existence results have been proved under suitable condition at infinity onΩand on∂Ω [18,17].

The research, we present here, deals with problem(P )when Ω is an unbounded “exterior” domain having un- bounded boundary. Precisely, we suppose thatΩ satisfies the following assumptions:

(h1) there existkpositive real numbersτ1, τ2, . . . , τk, 1kN−2, such that

(x1, x2, . . . , xN)Ω ⇐⇒ (x1, . . . , xi1, xi+τi, . . . , xN)Ω,i=1,2, . . . , k, (h2) there existsR∈R,R >0, such that


(x1, x2, . . . , xN)∈RN: N j=k+1



The main result we obtain is contained in the following

Theorem 1.1. Let Ω be a smooth domain verifying conditions (h1) and (h2). Then problem (P) has at least (k +1) solutions, u1, u2, . . . , uk+1, nonequivalent, in the sense thati =j, i, j =1, . . . , k+1, does not exist (h1, h2, . . . , hk)∈Zksuch thatui(x1, . . . , xN)=uj(x1+h1τ1, x2+h2τ2, . . . , xk+hkτk, xk+1, . . . , xN).

We stress the fact that, dropping assumption (h1), Theorem 1.1 is not true and moreover(P ) could not have any solution, as one easily understands considering Ω= {(x1, x2, . . . , xN)∈RN: |(x2, . . . , xN)|> f (x1)}, where f:R→Ris a bounded smooth function such that 0<infRf <supRf < H,H∈Randf(t ) >0∀t∈R.Ω is a domain satisfying the above mentioned nonexistence condition, our condition(h2), but not condition(h1). Moreover we point out that if in assumptions(h1),(h2)we havek=N−1 then Theorem 1.1 does not hold, in general. Consider, for example,D= {(x1, x2, . . . , xN)∈RN: |x1|> R},R >0: since no solution exists on half-spaces, problem(P )has no solution onD. Indeed, the proof we carry on does not work whenk=N−1, because in such a case Lemma 4.7 is not true, withq=2.

On the contrary, a simple example of a domain to which Theorem 1.1 applies, giving the existence of at least two so- lutions, is obtained consideringΩ= {x∈R3: dist(x,E) > H},H∈R+\ {0}, withE= {(x1,cosx1,sinx1): x1∈R}.

We, also, must observe that, in domains verifying the assumptions of Theorem 1.1, but having richer symmetry properties (as the complement of a cylinder), solutions nonequivalent in the sense of Theorem 1.1 can be identified by a different kind of translation. Because of this we explicitly state the following corollary, for which, on the other hand, we have an independent proof, simpler than that of Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 1.2.Let Ω be a smooth domain verifying conditions(h1)and (h2). Then problem(P ) has at least one solution.

The paper is organized as follows: Sections 2 and 3 are devoted to build the variational framework for the study, namely, in Section 2, after some remarks, the necessary equivariant, Ljusternik–Schnirelmann type, theory is exposed, while in Section 3 the compactness question is studied. Section 4 contains some basic asymptotic estimates and in Section 5 the proofs of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 are displayed.


2. Notations, preliminary remarks, equivariant theory recalls Throughout the paper we make use of the following notations:

Lp(D), 1p <+∞,D⊆RN, denotes a Lebesgue space; the norm inLp(D)is denoted by| · |p,D;

H01(D), D ⊂RN, and H1(RN)H01(RN) denote the Sobolev spaces obtained, respectively, as closure ofC0(D), andC0 (RN), with respect to the norms



|∇u|2+u2 dx


, uRN=


|∇u|2+u2 dx



• ifD1D2⊆RN anduH01(D1), we denote also byuits extension toD2obtained settingu≡0 outsideD1. Hence for alluH01(Ω)



|∇u|2+u2 dx≡


|∇u|2+u2 dx;

• the generic point x =(x1, x2, . . . , xk, xk+1, . . . , xN)∈RN =Rk ×RNk is denoted by (x1, x2, . . . , xk, x) wherex=(xk+1, . . . , xN)∈RNk, k being the number that appears in assumption(h1), we put also |x| = (N


B(y, r)denotes the open ball ofRN, having radiusrand centred aty. We set

m:=inf u2RN: uH1 RN

,|u|p,RN =1

. (2.1)

The infimum in (2.1) is achieved (see [21,5]) by a positive functionω, that is unique modulo translation [16] and radially symmetric about the origin, decreasing when the radial co-ordinate increases and such that

|x|→+∞lim Dsω(x)|x|(N1)/2e|x|=ds>0, s=0,1 (2.2) (see [15] and [5]).

The following proposition shows that, on the contrary,(P )cannot be solved by minimization.

Proposition 2.1.Setting mΩ:=inf E(u): uV

(2.3) the relation

mΩ=m (2.4)

holds and the minimization problem(2.3)has no solution.

Proof. Since we may considerH01(Ω)as a subspace ofH1(RN), mΩm.

To prove that the equality holds, let us consider the sequenceyn)n∈Ndefined by ωyn(x):= ϕ(x)ω(xyn)


, xΩ,

where,∀n∈N,yn=((yn)1, (yn)2, . . . , (yn)k, yn)Ω, limn→+∞|yn| = +∞,ωis the function realizing (2.1) and ϕC(RN,[0,1])is a cut-off function defined byϕ(x1, x2, . . . , xk, x)= ˜ϕ(|x|),ϕ˜:R+→ [0,1]being aCnon- decreasing function such thatϕ(s)˜ =0∀sR,ϕ(s)˜ =1∀sR+1 (where R is the number defined in assump- tion(h2)). Using (2.2) it is not difficult to verify that

(a) limn→+∞ϕ(x)ω(xyn)ω(xyn)

p,RN=0, (b) limn→+∞ϕ(x)ω(x−yn)ω(xyn)

RN=0 (2.5)



n→+∞lim E(ωyn)=m. (2.6)

Let us now assumeuV exists so thatE(u)=m, then by the uniqueness of the family of functions realizing (2.1) u(x)=ω(xy) for somey∈RN.

This is impossible becauseω(x) >0∀x∈RNandRN\ Ω= ∅. 2

From the above result we can deduce, also, some useful estimates on theLp norm of a critical point and a lower bound for the energy of a changing sign critical point ofEonV.

Corollary 2.2.Letu¯be a nontrivial solution of (Pμ)

u+u=μ|u|p2u inD, uH01(D)

with eitherD=Ω orD=RN. Then

| ¯u|p,D m



. (2.7)

Proof. By (2.1), (2.3) and (2.4) we have m| ¯u|2p,D ¯u2D,

and beingu¯solution of(Pμ) ¯u2D=μ| ¯u|pp,D. Thus

| ¯u|pp,D2m μ and (2.7) follows. 2

Corollary 2.3.Letu¯be a critical point ofEonV. IfE(u)¯ ∈(m,212/pm)thenu¯does not change sign.

Proof. Let us assumeE(u)¯ =μ,| ¯u|p,Ω =1, u¯= ¯u+− ¯u andu¯+≡0, u¯≡0. Then, taking into account thatu¯ solves(Pμ)inΩand using (2.3),(2.4), we obtain


p,Ω u¯±2




1= | ¯u|pp,Ω =u¯+p


p,Ω2 m



that implies

μ212/pm. 2

Remark 2.4. Obviously, the same conclusion holds true for every changing sign critical point of u2RN on {uH1(RN): |u|p,RN=1}and every normalized changing sign solution of(Pμ)inΩor inRN.

We recall, now, some facts about equivariant critical points theory, that is the needful topological framework for our research.

LetXbe a normed space andGa topological group. Theaction ofGonXis a continuous map G×X−→[ ] X, [g, u] →gu

verifying the conditions


(i) 1·u=u, (ii) (gh)u=g(hu), (iii) uguis linear.

Theaction ofGonXissaidisometricif gu = ugGuX.

AsetAXisG-invariantifgA=Afor allgG.

Two elementsw, zXareG-equivalentifg(w)=zfor somegG. We denote by[w]theorbitofw, i.e. the subspace{gw: gG}, and byX/Gtheorbit space, i.e. the quotient space obtained by identifying each orbit to a point.

Two sequences(wn)n∈N,(zn)n∈N,wn, znXareG-equivalentif, for alln∈N,wnisG-equivalent tozn, in other words, a sequence(gn)n∈Nexists so thatgnGandgnwn=zn.

Amapf:YT,YX G-invariant set,T normed space, isG-invariantif fg(y)=f (y)gGyY.

Amapf:YX,YX G-invariant set, isG-equivariantif gf =fggG.

Definition 2.5.LetA, B, Y,BAY be closedG-invariant subsets of a normed spaceXon which a topological groupGacts. TheG-equivariant category ofAinY, relative toB, denoted by catGY(A, B), is the least integerlsuch that there exist(l+1)closedG-invariant subsets ofY,C0, C1, . . . , Cland(l+1)mapshjC(Cj× [0,1], Y ), such that

(a)Al j=0

Cj, BC0;




(i)hj(·, t )isG-equivariantt∈ [0,1], j=0,1, . . . , l; (ii)hj(c,0)=ccCj, j=0,1, . . . , l;

(iii)h0(c,1)∈BcC0; h0(B, t )Bt∈ [0,1];

(iv)∀j=1,2, . . . , l∃wjYsuch thathj(c,1)∈ [wj] ∀cCj.

If such a number does not exist, we say that theG-equivariant category ofAinY relative toBis+∞.

Definition 2.6.LetMbe aC1,G-invariant manifold embedded in an Hilbert spaceHon which the topological group G acts isometrically. LetFC1(M,R)a G-invariant functional. The functional F satisfies the G-Palais–Smale condition, briefly (PS)G, at the levelcif for every sequence(un)n,unM, such that

F (un)n−→→+∞c,F (un)n→+∞−→ 0

there exists a sequence(vn)n,G-equivalent to(un)n, relatively compact.

The following Ljusternik–Schnirelmann type theorem provides a lower bound for the number of critical points of an invariant functional in suitable ranges of its values.

Theorem 2.7.LetH be an Hilbert space on which the topological group Gacts isometrically. Let be MH a G-invariantC1,1- manifold andFC1,1(M,R)aG-invariant functional. Put for anyc∈R

Fc= uM: F (u)c ,

Kc= {uM: F (u)=c, (F )(u)=0 .

Consider−∞< a < b <+∞, and assumeKa= ∅ =Kband thatF satisfies the(PS)G for allc∈ [a, b]. ThenF has at leastcatGFb(Fb, Fa)critical points that are notG-equivalent and to which there correspond critical levels lying in(a, b).


Proof. SinceF isG-invariant, we have for alluM,gG F(gu)[v] =lim


F (u+tg1v)F (u) t


Thus, being the action ofGisometric, we obtain ∇F (gu), v


F (u), g1v


gF (u), v


and we deduce that∇F:MH is an equivariant map. Furthermore, because of the (PS)Gcondition, ifF has not critical values in the interval[α, β] ⊆ [a, b], there exists a positive numberδ >0 for which

F (u)> δuF1 [α, β]

. (2.8)

Indeed, if (2.8) were false, a sequence(un)n,unM, would exist so that F (un)n→+∞−→ c∈ [α, β],

F (un)n−→→+∞0.

Thus, a sequence(gn)n,gnG, would exist so that, passing eventually to a subsequence,gnunn−→→+∞vM. Hence we infer

F (v)= lim

n→+∞F (gnun)= lim

n→+∞F (un)=c,F (v)= lim

n→+∞F (gnun)= lim

n→+∞gnF (un)= lim

n→+∞F (un)=0 contradicting the nonexistence of critical values in[α, β].

Therefore, using well known methods (see e.g. [24] Lemmas 1.14 and 3.1), a number ε >0 and a continuous deformationηC([0,1] ×M, M)can be constructed so that

(i)η(t,·)t∈ [0,1]is aG-equivariant homeomorphism ofM; (ii)η(0, u)=u,uM;

(iii)η(t, u)=u,t∈ [0,1]ifu /F1[αε, β+ε];

(iv)η(1, Fβ)Fα; (v)F

η(·, u)

is nonincreasing∀uM.

Then, the conclusion follows, by applying classical arguments of the generalized Ljusternik–Schnirelmann theory (see [24] Theorem 5.19). 2

Remark 2.8.The same result could be also proved supposingH Banach, instead of Hilbert, space and under weaker regularity assumptions onF.

We end this section pointing out that, in our setting,a noncompact group of translations,G, acting onRNand, in turn, onH1(RN)andH01(Ω)is considered. Namely, for allh(h1, h2, . . . , hk)∈Zk, we defineTh:RN→RN, by

Th(x)=Th(x1, x2, . . . , xk, x):=(x1+τ1h1, x2+τ2h2, . . . , xk+τkhk, x)

hence we say that x, y∈RN are equivalent if and only if there exists (h1, h2, . . . , hk)∈Zk such that y=(x1+ τ1h1, x2+τ2h2, . . . , xk+τkhk, x).

ClearlyΩ is invariant under the action ofG.

Analogously, for allh(h1, h2, . . . , hk)∈Zk, we defineTh:H1(RN)H1(RN), by Th(u)(x):=u


=u(x1+τ1h1, x2+τ2h2, . . . , xk+τkhk, x)

and we say thatu, vH1(RN)are equivalentif and only if there exists(h1, h2, . . . , hk)∈Zk such that v(x1, x2, . . . , xk, x)=u(x1+τ1h1, x2+τ2h2, . . . , xk+τkhk, x).

We remark that the action onH1(RN)of the groupG:= {Th: h∈Zk}is isometric, thatH01(Ω)can be seen as an invariant subspace ofH1(RN),V is an invariant manifold inH01(Ω)and the functionalEis invariant.


3. A compactness result

The purpose of this section is to show that there exists an energy interval in which the compactness of the functional Eis saved.

The result we prove is stated in the following

Proposition 3.1.The functionalEsatisfies theG-Palais–Smale condition onV at every levelc(m,212/pm).

Proof. Let(un)nbe a Palais–Smale sequence forEconstrained onV, e.g.



(b) limn→+∞E(un)=c, (c) limn→+∞E|V(un)=0

(3.1) and assume



. (3.2)

By definition ofE, (3.1)(b) implies that(un)nis bounded inH01(Ω), so there existsu0H01(Ω)such that, up to a subsequence,

(a)un u0 weakly inH01(Ω)and inLp(Ω),

(b)un(x)u0(x) a.e. inΩ. (3.3)

By (3.1)(c), there exists a sequencen)n,μn∈R, such that ∇E|V(un), w






|un|p2unw=o(1)wΩwH01(Ω) (3.4) and, in view of (3.1)(a), (b), setting in (3.4)w=un, we deduce

n→+∞lim μn=c. (3.5)


u+u=c|u|p2u inΩ,

uH01(Ω). (3.6)

Set now vn(x)=

(unu0)(x), xΩ,

0, x∈RN\Ω.

Then, by (3.3)(a),

vn0 weakly inH1 RN

andLp RN

(3.7) and

vn2RN= un2Ωu02Ω+o(1). (3.8)

Furthermore, by (3.3)(b), the Brezis–Lieb theorem can be applied and it gives

|vn|pp,RN= |un|pp,Ω − |u0|pp,Ω+o(1). (3.9)

Let us suppose, now,vnRN→0 strongly (otherwise we are done). So, up to a subsequence,vnRNk0>0

n∈N, for somek0∈R. Then, using (3.4), (3.6), (3.8), (3.9), we deduce thatk1∈Rexists such that|vn|pp,RN k1>0.

Let us decompose, now,RN intoN-dimensional hypercubesQl, having unitary sides and vertices with integer co-ordinates, and put for alln∈N




We claim thatγ∈R,γ >0, exists such that (up to a subsequence)

dnγ >0 ∀n∈N. (3.10)


0< k1|vn|pp,RN=




l∈N |vn|pp,Q2l





vn2Ql dnp2k2vn2RN,

k2∈R+\ {0}independent ofi. Thus, in view of (3.1) and (3.8), (3.10) follows.

Let us call, for alln∈N,ynthe centre of an hypercubeQnin which|vn|p,Qn=dn.

If(yn)n were bounded, then, passing eventually to a subsequence, we could assume that theyn, for alln, belong to the same cubeQ, and, hence, that they coincide. Thus, in Qwe would have, for all n,|vn|p,Qγ >0 and, on the other hand,vnQvnRN k3; as a consequence, by the Rellich Theorem,(vn)nwould converge strongly in Lp(Q)to a nonzero function, contradicting (3.7). Therefore

|yn| −→n→+∞+ ∞.

Let us, now, call v˜0the weak limit, inH1(RN), of the sequencev˜n(x):=vn(x+yn). Arguing as before in the hypercubeQcentred at the origin and having unitary sides, we conclude thatv˜0≡0. Moreover, as a consequence of (3.4), (3.5),v˜0is a weak solution, on its domainD, ofu+u=c|u|p2uand, since|yn| → +∞andΩ satis- fies(h2), we deduceD=RN, when dist(yn,RN\Ω)n→+∞−→ + ∞,D=Ω(up to a translation) when dist(yn,RN\Ω) is bounded.

Now, we claim that



(b)v˜0does not change sign, (c)v˜nn−→→+∞v˜0strongly inH01(D).

(3.11) Equality (3.11)(a) follows by observing that (3.8) implies

un2Ωu02Ω+ ˜v02D+o(1), (3.12)

thus, ifu0were not zero, taking into account thatv˜0≡0 and that Corollary 2.2 applies to bothu0andv˜0, we would infer

E(un)= un2Ω2m· m



+o(1) and, then

c212/pm contradicting (3.2).

Assertion (3.11)(b) is a direct consequence of Remark 2.4 and of the arguments of Corollary 2.3.

Let us prove, then, (3.11)(c). Let us assume, by contradiction, thatv˜nv˜0strongly. Then, settingwn(x):=(v˜n


v0)(x),wn(x) 0 weakly inH1(RN)and inLp(RN), andwn(x)0 strongly inH1(RN). So, we can repeat step by step the argument before applied to(vn)n, concluding that a sequence of points(zn)n,zn∈RN,|zn| −→n→+∞+ ∞, and a nonzero function,w0, exist such that

wn(x):=wn(x+zn) w0(x) weakly inH01D ,

Dbeing eitherRNorΩ, andw0being a solution of−u+u=c|u|p2uinD. Furthermore the inequality wn2RN= wn2RN= un2Ω− ˜v02D+o(1)


holds, thus

un2Ω˜v02D+ w02D+o(1) and, then,


follows, contradicting (3.2) and giving (3.11)(c). Now, (3.11) and (3.9) imply|˜v0|p,D=1 and, by (3.11)(b), we can supposev˜00 onD. Hence, ifD=RN, the uniqueness of the positive regular solutions to−u+u=c|u|p2u in RN implies c=E(v˜0)=m, contradicting (3.2). Therefore, D=Ω and 0<dist(yn,RN \Ω) < H for some H∈R+\ {0}. Let us consider the sequence(hn)n=(hn,1, hn,2, . . . , hn,k)∈Zksuch that

τihn,iyn,i< τi(hn,i+1), i=1,2, . . . , k, n∈N, and define

un(x1, x2, . . . , xk, x):=un(x1+τ1hn,1, . . . , xk+τkhn,k, x).

The sequence(un)nisG-equivalent to(un)n and converges strongly inH01(Ω)to a functionuthat is a nontrivial critical point ofEonV. 2

4. Useful tools and basic estimates

For what follows we need to introduce a barycenter type function. For alluLp(RN)we set


u(x)= 1



u(y)dy ∀x∈RN,

|B(x,1)|denoting the Lebesgue measure ofB(x,1), and ˆ


˜ u(x)−1


RN u(x)˜ +

x∈RN; we, then, defineβ:Lp(RN)\ {0} →RNby

β(u)= 1

| ˆu|pp,RN


x ˆ u(x)p

dx. (4.1)

We point out that β is well defined for all uLp(RN)\ {0}, because uˆ≡0 and has compact support, thatβ is continuous and



=β u(x)

+yuLp RN

\ {0},y∈Rn, (b)β


=0. (4.2)

Remark 4.1.We stress the fact that the above barycenter map has been introduced some years ago by the first and the third author ([9], pages 265–266).

This map has been useful in many situations; in fact, it has been used also in [6,17,18] and recently, with a very slight modification, in [3] (actually, in [3] the definition of barycenter map is introduced as a new one and the definition given in [9] is not quoted).

We set, for allr∈R+,

Dr:= (x1, x2, . . . , xk, x)∈RN: |x|< r and

Br :=inf E(u): uV , β(u)Dr

, (4.3)

so, in particular,

D0:= (x1, x2, . . . , xk, x)∈RN: x=0



B0:=inf E(u): uV , β(u)

= (β(u)

k+1, β(u)

k+2, . . . , β(u)


. (4.4)

We remark that

B0Brr >0. (4.5)

In what follows, for everyy=(y1, y2, . . . , yk, y)∈RN, we set zy=(y1, y2, . . . , yk,1,0, . . . ,0)∈RN

and we denote byS,ΣandΛ, respectively, the sets S:= (x1, x2, . . . , xk, x)∈RN: |x| =2

, (4.6)

Σ:=S+z0, (4.7)

Λ:= σ y+(1σ )zy: yΣ, σ∈ [0,1]

. (4.8)

For everyρ >0 we define the operator Ψρ:Σ× [0,1] −→V


Ψρ[y, σ](x)= ϕ(x)[(1σ )ω(xρy)+σ ω(xρzy)]

|ϕ(x)[(1σ )ω(xρy)+σ ω(xρzy)]|p,Ω

, (4.9)

whereϕC(RN,[0,1])is the cut-off function introduced in Proposition 2.1.

We note that

Ψρ[y,0](x)= ϕ(x)ω(xρy)

|ϕ(x)ω(xρy)|p,Ω =ωρy(x). (4.10)

For everyρ >0 we consider, also, the map ξρ:Σ× [0,1] −→ρΛ

defined by

ξρ[y, σ] =ρ

(1σ )y+σ zy

. (4.11)

Proposition 4.2.LetBr be the numbers defined in(4.3). Then for allr∈R+, there existsμr∈R, such that

Brμr> m. (4.12)

Proof. Clearly, for allr0,Brm; to prove (4.12) we argue by contradiction and we assume thatBrˆ=mfor some ˆ

r0. Hence, a sequence(un)nmust exist such thatunV and (i)β(un)Drˆn∈N,

(ii) limn→+∞E(un)=m. (4.13)

Then, by the uniqueness of the minimizers family of (2.1), a sequence of points(yn)n,yn∈RN, and a sequence of functionsn)n,χnH1(RN)exist so that, passing eventually to a subsequence, still denoted by(un)n,

(i)un(x)=ω(xyn)+χn(x)x∈RN, (ii) limn→+∞χn(x)=0 inH1


and inLp

RN (4.14)

(see also [4] Lemma 3.1). Therefore, by (4.2), (4.14)(i)and the continuity ofβ, the relation β(un)ynn−→→+∞0

holds and, together with (4.13)(i), implies that the sequence(yn)n is bounded. Hence, either the sequence(yn)n is bounded, or it is unbounded, but, in view of the assumption(h1), it can be replaced by an equivalent sequence, still


denoted by(yn)n, contained in a bounded set; so, passing eventually to a subsequence, we conclude thatynn→+∞−→ y.¯ Thus, either(un)nor aG-equivalent sequence, still denoted by(un)n, satisfies

n→+∞lim un(x)=ω(x− ¯y).

Then, by (4.13)(ii), m= lim



ω(x− ¯y)2+

ω(x− ¯y)2 dx

that is impossible, becauseω(x)realizes (2.1),ω >0 inRNandRN\ Ω= ∅, so the statement follows. 2

Lemma 4.3.LetΣ, Ψρ,B0be as defined, respectively, in(4.7), (4.9), (4.4). Then there existsρ˜∈Rsuch that for all ρρ˜

B0 max


Ψρ[y, σ]

. (4.15)

Proof. Taking into account (2.2), (4.2), (4.10), (2.5)(a), it is not difficult to verify that

ρ→+∞lim β◦Ψρ[y,0] −ρy

RN=0 ∀yΣ. (4.16)

Thus, forρ large enough, βΨρ× {0})is homotopically equivalent inRN\D0toρΣ and, then, there exists (y,ˆ σ )ˆ ∈Σ× [0,1]such thatΨρ)[ ˆy,σˆ] ∈D0, so


Ψρ[ ˆy,σˆ]



Ψρ[y, σ] , as desired. 2

Corollary 4.4.LetΣ, Ψρandρ˜as in Lemma4.3. LetBr,r∈R+, as defined(4.3). Then for allρρ˜ Br max


Ψρ[y, σ]

. (4.17)

Proof. Inequality (4.17) is an immediate consequence of (4.15) and (4.5). 2

Next step is to establish some, crucial, asymptotic estimates on the energy ofΨρ× {0})and ofΨρ× [0,1]).

To this end, we need, first, to recall some known results:

Lemma 4.5.For alla, b∈R+, for allp2, the relation (a+b)pap+bp+(p−1)

ap1b+abp1 holds true.

Lemma 4.6.LetgC(RN)L(RN)andhC(RN)be radially symmetric functions satisfying for someα0, b0,γ∈R

|x|→+∞lim g(x)exp α|x|

|x|b=γ ,


h(x)exp α|x|

1+ |x|b

dx <+∞. Then




exp α|y|



h(x)exp(−αx1)dx holds.


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