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Estimate of K-functionals and modulus of smoothness constructed by generalized spherical mean operator


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Estimate of K-functionals and modulus of smoothness constructed by generalized spherical mean operator"


Texte intégral


Estimate of K-functionals and modulus of smoothness constructed by generalized spherical mean operator


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences Aïn Chock, University of Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco

E-mail: m_elhamma@yahoo.fr MS received 17 January 2013

Abstract. Using a generalized spherical mean operator, we define generalized modu- lus of smoothness in the space L2k(Rd). Based on the Dunkl operator we define Sobolev-type space and K-functionals. The main result of the paper is the proof of the equivalence theorem for a K-functional and a modulus of smoothness for the Dunkl transform onRd.

Keywords. Dunkl operator; generalized spherical mean operator; K-functional;

modulus of smoothness.

AMS Subject Classification. 47B48, 33C52, 33C67.

1. Introduction and preliminaries

In [2], Belkina and Platonov proved the equivalence theorem for a K-functional and a modulus of smoothness for the Dunkl transform in the Hilbert space L2(R,|x|+1), α >−1/2, using a Dunkl translation operator.

In this paper, we prove the analog of this result (see [2]) in the Hilbert space L2(Rd, wk). For this purpose, we use a generalized spherical mean operator in the place of the Dunkl translation operator.

Dunkl [4] defined a family of first-order differential-difference operators related to some reflection groups. These operators generalize in a certain manner the usual differ- entiation and have gained considerable interest in various fields of mathematics and also in physical applications. The theory of Dunkl operators provides generalizations of vari- ous multivariable analytic structures. Among others, we cite the exponential function, the Fourier transform and the translation operator. For more details about these operators, see [3,4,6,7,9,10,12] and the references therein.

LetR be a root system in Rd,W the corresponding reflection group,R+ a positive subsystem ofRandka non-negative andW-invariant function defined onR. The Dunkl operator is defined forfC1(Rd)by

Djf (x)= ∂f



k(α)αjf (x)f (σα(x))

α, x , x ∈Rd.



Here,is the usual Euclidean scalar product onRdwith the associated norm|.|andσα

the reflection with respect to the hyperplaneHα orthogonal toα. We consider the weight function



|α, x|2k(α),

wherewkis W-invariant and homogeneous of degree 2γwhere

γ =



We letηbe the normalized surface measure on the unit sphereSd1inRdand set dηk(y)=wk(y)dη(y).

Thenηkis aW-invariant measure onSd1, and we letdk =ηk(Sd1).

The Dunkl kernelEk onRd×Rd has been introduced by Dunkl in [5]. Fory ∈Rd, the functionx −→Ek(x, y)can be viewed as the solution onRdof the following initial problem:

Dju(x, y)=yiu(x, y), 1≤jd, u(0, y)=1.

This kernel has a unique holomorphic extension toCd×Cd.

Rösler has proved in [12] the following integral representation for the Dunkl kernel, Ek(x, z)=

Rdey,zx(y), x∈Rd, z∈Cd,

whereμxis a probability measure onRdwith support in the closed ballB(0,|x|)of center 0 and radius|x|.


Letz, w∈Cdandλ∈C. Then (1) Ek(z,0)=1,

(2) Ek(z, w)=Ek(w, z), (3) Ek(λz, w)=Ek(z, λw),

(4) For allν=1, ..., νd)∈Nd, x∈Rd, z∈Cd, we have

|DνzEk(x, z)| ≤ |x||ν|exp(|x||Re(z)|), where

Dzν = |ν|

∂zν11. . . ∂zνdd, |ν| =ν1+ · · · +νd. In particular,

|DνzEk(ix, z)| ≤ |x|ν for allx, z∈Rd.


Proof. See [3].

The Dunkl transform is defined forfL1k(Rd)=L1(Rd, wk(x)dx)by f (ξ )ˆ =ck1

Rdf (x)Ek(iξ, x)wk(x)dx, where the constantck is given by


Rd e−|z|


2 wk(z)dz.

The inverse Dunkl transform is defined by the formula f (x)=


f (ξ )Eˆ k(ix, ξ )wk(ξ )dξ, x∈Rd.

The Dunkl LaplacianDkis defined by Dk =




From [11], we have that iffL2k(Rd),

Dkf (ξ )= −|ξ|2f (ξ ).ˆ (1)

The Dunkl transform shares several properties with its counterpart in the classical case.

We mention here, in particular that Parseval theorem holds inL2k(Rd). As in the classical case, a generalized translation operator is defined in the Dunkl (see [13,14]). Namely, for fL2k(Rd)and x ∈ Rd we define τx(f ) to be the unique function inL2k(Rd) satisfying

τxf (y)=Ek(ix, y)f (y)ˆ a.e. y∈Rd. Form to Parseval theorem and Proposition 1.1, we see that

τxf L2

k(Rd)f L2

k(Rd) for allx ∈Rd.

The generalized spherical mean value offL2k(Rd)is defined by Mhf (x)= 1


Sd1τx(f )(hy)dηk(y), (x∈Rd, h >0).

We have

Mhf L2

k(Rd)f L2

k(Rd). (2)


LetfL2k(Rd)and fixh >0. Then MhfL2k(Rd)and Mhf (ξ )=jγ+d

21(h|ξ|)f (ξ ),ˆ ξ ∈Rd. (3)


Proof. See [8].

Let the functionf (x)L2k(Rd). We define differences of the order m(m∈ 1,2, . . .) with a steph >0.

mhf (x)=(IMh)mf (x), whereI is the unit operator.

For any positive integer m, we define the generalized module of smoothness of themth order by the formula

wm(f, δ)2,k = sup


mhf L2

k(Rd), δ >0.

LetW2,km be the Sobolev space constructed by the operatorDk, i.e., Wm2,k= {fL2k(Rd): DkjfL2k(Rd); j =1,2, . . . , m}. Let us define theK-functional constructed by the spacesL2k(Rd)andW2,km,

Km(f, t )2,k = K(f, t;L2k(Rd);W2,km)

= inf{ fg L2

k(Rd)+t Dkmg L2

k(Rd); gW2,km}, wherefL2k(Rd), t >0.

Forα > 21, letjα(x)be a normalized Bessel function of the first kind, i.e., jα(x)= 2α+1)Jα(x)

xα ,

whereJα(x)is a Bessel function of the first kind (Chap. 7 of [1]).

The functionjα(x)is infinitely differentiable,jα(0)=1.

We understand a generalized exponential function as the function [2]

eα(x)=jα(x)+icαxjα+1(x), (4)

wherecα =(2α+2)1, i=√


From (4), we have|1−jα(x)| ≤ |1−eα(x)|

2. Main results

Lemma 2.1. Letf (x)L2k(Rd). Then mhf L2

k(Rd)≤2m f L2 k(Rd).

Proof. We use the proof of recurrence formand the formula (2).

Lemma 2.2. Forx ∈R, the following inequalities are fulfilled:

(1) |eα(x)| ≤1, (2) |1−eα(x)| ≤2|x|,

(3) |1−eα(x)| ≥cwith|x| ≥1, wherec >0 is a certain constant which depends only onα.


Proof. See [2].

Lemma 2.3. Forx ∈R, the following inequalities are fulfilled:

(1) |jα(x)| ≤1,

(2) |1−jα(x)| ≥c1with|x| ≥1, wherec1>0 is a certain constant which depends only onα.

Proof. Analog of proof of Lemma 2.2.

In what follows,f (x)is an arbitrary function of the spaceL2k(Rd);c, c1, c2, c3, . . .are positive constants.

Lemma 2.4. LetfW2,km,t >0. Then wm(f, t )2,kc2t2m Dmkf L2


Proof. Assume thath(0, t],mhf = (IMh)mf is the difference with the steph.

From Proposition 1.2, formula (1) and the Parseval equality, mhf L2

k(Rd) = (1jγ+d

21(h|ξ|))mf (ξ )ˆ L2 k(Rd); Dmkf L2

k(Rd)= |ξ|2m ˆf (ξ ) L2

k(Rd). (5)

Formula (5) implies the equality mhf L2




h2m|ξ|2m |ξ|2mf (ξ )ˆ L2 k(Rd).


mhf L2




(h|ξ|)2m |ξ|2mf (ξ )ˆ L2

k(Rd). (6)

According to Lemma 2.2, for alls∈Rwe have the inequality|(1eα(x))2ms2m| ≤ c2, wherec2=22m. We have

mhf L2

k(Rd)c2h2m |ξ|2mf (ξ )ˆ L2 k(Rd)

= c2h2m Dkmf L2

k(Rd)c2t2m Dmkf L2 k(Rd). Calculating the supremum with respect to allh(0, t], we obtain

wm(f, t )2,kc2t2m Dmkf L2 k(Rd)

For anyfL2k(Rd)and any numberν >0, let us define the function Pν(f )(x)=1(f (ξ )χˆ ν(ξ )),

whereχν(ξ )is the function defined byχν(ξ )=1, for|ξ| ≤νandχ (ξ )=0, for|ξ|> ν, 1 is the inverse Dunkl transform. One can easily prove that the function Pν(f )is infinitely differentiable and belongs to all classesW2,km.


Lemma 2.5. For any functionfL2k(Rd). Then fPν(f ) L2

k(Rd)c4 m1/νf L2

k(Rd), ν >0 Proof. Let|1−jγ+d

21(t )| ≥ c1 with |t| ≥ 1 (see Lemma 2.3). Using the Parseval equality, we have

fPν(f ) L2

k(Rd) = (1χν(ξ ))f (ξ )ˆ L2 k(Rd)


1−χν(ξ ) 1−jγ+d


|ξ| ν

m 1−jγ+d 21

|ξ| ν


× ˆf (ξ ) L2k(Rd).

Note that sup


1−χν(ξ )

1−jγ+d 21


ν ≤ 1


Then fPν(f ) L2


1−jγ+d 21

|ξ| ν


f (ξ )ˆ L2

k(Rd)=c4 m1/νf L2 k(Rd). COROLLARY 2.6

fPν(f ) L2

k(Rd)c4wm(f,1/ν)2,k. Lemma 2.7. The following inequality is true:

Dmk(Pν(f )) L2

k(Rd)c5ν2m m1/νf L2

k(Rd), ν >0, m∈ {1,2, . . .}. Proof. Using the Parseval equality, we have

Dmk(Pν(f )) L2

k(Rd) = Dmk(Pν(f )) L2

k(Rd)= |ξ|2mχν(ξ )f (ξ )ˆ L2 k(Rd)


|ξ|2mχν(ξ )

1−jγ+d 21

|ξ| ν

m 1−jγ+d 21

|ξ| ν


× ˆf (ξ ) L2k(Rd)


Note that sup


|ξ|2mχν(ξ )

|1−jγ+d 21

|ξ| ν

|m = ν2m sup


|ξ| ν


|1−jγ+d 21

|ξ| ν


= ν2msup




21(t )|m.



c5= sup




21(t )|m. Then, we have

Dmk(Pν(f )) L2

k(Rd)c5ν2m m1/νf L2 k. COROLLARY 2.8

Dkm(Pν(f )) L2


Theorem 2.9. One can find positive numbersc6andc7which the inequality c6wm(f, δ)2,kKm(f, δ2m)2,kc7wm(f, δ)2,k,

fL2k(Rd), δ >0.

Proof. Firstly prove of the inequality c6wm(f, δ)2,kKm(f, δ2m)2,k.

Leth(0, δ], gW2,km. Using Lemmas 2.1 and 2.4, we have mhf L2

k(Rd)mh(fg) L2

k(Rd)+ mhg L2 k(Rd)

≤ 2m fg L2

k(Rd)+c2h2m Dkmg L2 k(Rd)

c8( fg L2

k(Rd)+δ2m Dkmg L2 k(Rd)),

wherec8 = max(2m, c2). Calculating the supremum with respect toh(0, δ]and the infimum with respect to all possible functionsg∈Wm2,k, we obtain

wm(f, δ)2,kc8Km(f, δ2m)2,k, whence we get the inequality.

Now, we prove the inequality

Km(f, δ2m)2,kc7wm(f, δ)2,k.

SincePν(f )W2,km, by the definition of a K-functional we have Km(f, δ2m)2,kfPν(f ) L2

k(Rd)+δ2m DkmPν(f ) L2 k(Rd). Using Corollaries 2.6 and 2.8, we obtain

Km(f, δ2m)2,kc4wm(f,1/ν)2,k+c5ν2mδ2mwm(f,1/ν)2,k, Km(f, δ2m)2,kc4wm(f,1/ν)2,k+c5(νδ)2mwm(f,1/ν)2,k. Sinceνis an arbitrary positive value, choosingν=1/δ, we obtain the inequality.



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