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Kolmogorov Complexity and Algorithmic Randomness


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Kolmogorov Complexity and Algorithmic Randomness

Alexander Shen, Vladimir Andreevich Uspensky, Nikolay Vereshchagin

To cite this version:

Alexander Shen, Vladimir Andreevich Uspensky, Nikolay Vereshchagin. Kolmogorov Complexity and Algorithmic Randomness. American Mathematical Society, 2017, 9781470431822. �lirmm-01803620�




and Algorithmic



V. A. Uspensky

N. Vereshchagin




and Algorithmic



Surveys and Monographs Volume 220



and Algorithmic


A .Shen

V. A. Uspensky

N. Vereshchagin

American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island


ED ITO R IA L C O M M ITTEE Robert Guralnick Benjamin Sudakov Michael A. Singer, Chair Constantin Teleman

Michael I. Weinstein

H. К. Верещагин, В. А. Успенский, А. Шень

Колмогоровская сложность и алгоритмическая случайность

МИНМО, Москва, 2013

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 68Q30, 03D32, 60A99, 97K70.

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L ibrary o f C o n g ress C a ta lo g in g -in -P u b lic a tio n D a ta

Names: Shen, A. (Alexander), 1958- | Uspenskiï, V. A. (Vladimir Andreevich) | Vereshchagin, N. K.,

1928-Title: Kolmogorov complexity and algorithmic randomness / A. Shen, V. A. Uspensky, N. Vere­ shchagin.

Other titles: Kolmogorovskaya slozhnost i algoritmieskaya sluchanost. English

Description: Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2017] | Series: Mathe­ matical surveys and monographs ; volume 220 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016049293 | ISBN 9781470431822 (alk. paper)

Subjects: LCSH: Kolmogorov complexity. | Computational complexity. | Information theory. | AMS: Computer science - Theory of computing - Algorithmic information theory (Kolmogorov complexity, etc.), msc | Mathematical logic and foundations - Computability and recursion theory - Algorithmic randomness and dimension, msc | Probability theory and stochastic processes - Foundations of probability theory - None of the above, but in this section, msc | Mathematics education - Combinatorics, graph theory, probability theory, statistics - Foun­ dations and methodology of statistics, msc

Classification: LCC QA267.7 .S52413 2017 | DDC 511.3/42-dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016049293

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C ontents

Preface xi

Acknowledgments xiii

Basic notions and notation xv

Introduction. What is this book about? 1

What is Kolmogorov complexity? 1

Optimal description modes 2

Kolmogorov complexity 4

Complexity and information 5

Complexity and randomness 8

Non-computability of C and Berry’s paradox 9

Some applications of Kolmogorov complexity 10

Chapter 1. Plain Kolmogorov complexity 15

1.1. Definition and main properties 15

1.2. Algorithmic properties 21

Chapter 2. Complexity of pairs and conditional complexity 31

2.1. Complexity of pairs 31

2.2. Conditional complexity 34

2.3. Complexity as the amount of information 45

Chapter 3. Martin-Löf randomness 53

3.1. Measures on Π53

3.2. The Strong Law of Large Numbers 55

3.3. Effectively null sets 59

3.4. Properties of Martin-Löf randomness 65

3.5. Randomness deficiencies 70

Chapter 4. A priori probability and prefix complexity 75

4.1. Randomized algorithms and semimeasures on N 75

4.2. Maximal semimeasures 79

4.3. Prefix machines 81

4.4. A digression: Machines with self-delimiting input 85

4.5. The main theorem on prefix complexity 91

4.6. Properties of prefix complexity 96

4.7. Conditional prefix complexity and complexity of pairs 102

Chapter 5. Monotone complexity 115

5.1. Probabilistic machines and semimeasures on the tree 115


5.2. Maximal semimeasure on the binary tree 121

5.3. A priori complexity and its properties 122

5.4. Computable mappings of type £ -» £ 126

5.5. Monotone complexity 129

5.6. Levin-Schnorr theorem 144

5.7. The random number Q 157

5.8. Effective Hausdorff dimension 172

5.9. Randomness with respect to different measures 176

Chapter 6. General scheme for complexities 193

6.1. Decision complexity 193

6.2. Comparing complexities 197

6.3. Conditional complexities 200

6.4. Complexities and oracles 202

Chapter 7. Shannon entropy and Kolmogorov complexity 213

7.1. Shannon entropy 213

7.2. Pairs and conditional entropy 217

7.3. Complexity and entropy 226

Chapter 8. Some applications 233

8.1. There are infinitely many primes 233

8.2. Moving information along the tape 233

8.3. Finite automata with several heads 236

8.4. Laws of Large Numbers 238

8.5. Forbidden substrings 241

8.6. A proof of an inequality 255

8.7. Lipschitz transformations are not transitive 258

Chapter 9. Frequency and game approaches to randomness 261

9.1. The original idea of von Mises 261

9.2. Set of strings as selection rules 262

9.3. Mises-Church randomness 264

9.4. Ville’s example 267

9.5. Martingales 270

9.6. A digression: Martingales in probability theory 275

9.7. Lower semicomputable martingales 277

9.8. Computable martingales 279

9.9. Martingales and Schnorr randomness 282

9.10. Martingales and effective dimension 284

9.11. Partial selection rules 287

9.12. Non-monotonic selection rules 291

9.13. Change in the measure and randomness 297

Chapter 10. Inequalities for entropy, complexity, and size 313

10.1. Introduction and summary 313

10.2. Uniform sets 318

10.3. Construction of a uniform set 321

10.4. Uniform sets and orbits 323



10.6. Typization trick 326

10.7. Combinatorial interpretation: Examples 328

10.8. Combinatorial interpretation: The general case 330

10.9. One more combinatorial interpretation 332

10.10. The inequalities for two and three strings 336

10.11. Dimensions and Ingleton’s inequality 337

10.12. Conditionally independent random variables 342

10.13. Non-Shannon inequalities 343

Chapter 11. Common information 351

11.1. Incompressible representations of strings 351

11.2. Representing mutual information as a string 352

11.3. The combinatorial meaning of common information 357

11.4. Conditional independence and common information 362

Chapter 12. Multisource algorithmic information theory 367

12.1. Information transmission requests 367

12.2. Conditional encoding 368

12.3. Conditional codes: Muchnik’s theorem 369

12.4. Combinatorial interpretation of Muchnik’s theorem 373

12.5. A digression: On-line matching 375

12.6. Information distance and simultaneous encoding 377

12.7. Conditional codes for two conditions 379

12.8. Information flow and network cuts 383

12.9. Networks with one source 384

12.10. Common information as an information request 388

12.11. Simplifying a program 389

12.12. Minimal sufficient statistics 390

Chapter 13. Information and logic 401

13.1. Problems, operations, complexity 401

13.2. Problem complexity and intuitionistic logic 403

13.3. Some formulas and their complexity 405

13.4. More examples and the proof of Theorem 238 408

13.5. Proof of a result similar to Theorem 238 using Kripke models 413

13.6. A problem whose complexity is not expressible in terms of the

complexities of tuples 417

Chapter 14. Algorithmic statistics 425

14.1. The framework and randomness deficiency 425

14.2. Stochastic objects 428

14.3. Two-part descriptions 431

14.4. Hypotheses of restricted type 438

14.5. Optimality and randomness deficiency 447

14.6. Minimal hypotheses 450

14.7. A bit of philosophy 452

Appendix 1. Complexity and foundations of probability 455

Probability theory paradox 455


Simple events and events specified in advance 456

Frequency approach 458

Dynamical and statistical laws 459

Are “real-life” sequences complex? 459

Randomness as ignorance: Blum-Micali-Yao pseudo-randoinness 460

A digression: Thermodynamics 461

Another digression: Quantum mechanics 463

Appendix 2. Four algorithmic faces of randomness 465

Introduction 465

Face one: Frequency stability and stochasticness 468

Face two: Chaoticness 470

Face three: Typicalness 475

Face four: Unpredictability 476

Generalization for arbitrary computable distributions 480

History and bibliography 486

Bibliography 491

Name Index 501



The notion of algorithmic complexity (also sometimes called algorithmic en­ tropy) appeared in the 1960s in between the theory of computation, probability theory, and information theory.

The idea of A. N. Kolmogorov was to measure the amount of information in finite objects (and not in random variables, as it is done in classical Shannon information theory). His famous paper [78], published in 1965, explains how this can be done (up to a bounded additive term) using the algorithmic approach.

Similar ideas were suggested a few years earlier by R. Solomonoff (see [187] and his other papers; the historical account and reference can be found in [103]).1 The motivation of Solomonoff was quite different. He tried to define the notion of a priori probability. Imagine there is some experiment (random process) and we know nothing about its internal structure. Can we say something about the probabilities of different outcomes in this situation? One can relate this to the complexity measures saying that simple objects have greater a priori probability than complex ones. (Unfortunately, Solomonoff’s work become popular only after Kolmogorov mentioned it in his paper.)

In 1965 G. Chaitin (then an 18-year-old undergraduate student) submitted two papers [28] and [29]; they were published in 1966 and 1969, respectively. In the second paper he proposed the same definition of algorithmic complexity as Kolmogorov.

The basic properties of Kolmogorov complexity were established in the 1970s. Working independently, С. P. Schnorr and L. Levin (who was a student of Kol­ mogorov) found a link between complexity and the notion of algorithmic random­ ness (introduced in 1966 by P. Martin-Löf [115]). To achieve this, they introduced a slightly different version of complexity, the so-called monotone complexity. Also Solomonoff’s ideas about a priori probability were formalized in the form of prefix complexity, introduced by Levin and later by Chaitin. The notions of complexity turned out to be useful both for theory of computation and probability theory.

Kolmogorov complexity became popular (and for a good reason: it is a basic and philosophically important notion of algorithm theory) after M. Li and P. Vitânyi published a book on the subject [103] (first edition appeared in 1993). Almost everything about Kolmogorov complexity that was known at the moment was cov­ ered in the book or at least mentioned as an exercise. This book also provided a detailed historical account, references to first publications, etc. Then the books of C. Calude [25] and A. Nies [147] appeared, as well as the book of R. Downey and D. Hirschfeldt [49]. These books cover many interesting results obtained recently

1Kolmogorov wrote in [79], “I came to a similar notion not knowing about Solomonoff’s work.”


(in particular, the results that relate complexity and randomness with classical recursion theory).

Our book does not try to be comprehensive (in particular, we do not say much about the recent results mentioned above). Instead, we tried to select the most important topics and results (both from the technical and philosophical viewpoints) and to explain them clearly. We do not say much about the history of the topic: as is usually done in textbooks, we formulate most statements without references, but this does not mean (of course) any authorship claim.

We start the book with a section “What is this book about?” where we try to give a brief overview of the main ideas and topics related to Kolmogorov complexity and algorithmic randomness so the reader can browse this section to decide whether the book is worth reading.

As an appendix we reproduce the (English translation) of a small brochure written by one of the authors (V.U.), based on his talk for high school students and undergraduates (July 23, 2005) delivered during the “Modern Mathematics” Summer School (Dubna near Moscow); the brochure was published in 2006 by MCCME publishing house (Moscow). The lecture was devoted to different notions of algorithmic randomness, and the reader who has no time or incentive to study the corresponding chapters of the book in detail can still get some acquaintance with this topic.

Unfortunately, the notation and terminology related to Kolmogorov complexity is not very logical (and different people often use different notation). Even the same authors use different notation in different papers. For example, Kolmogorov used both the letters К and H in his two basic publications [78, 79]. In [78] he used the term “complexity” and denoted the complexity of a string x by K (x). Later in [79] he used the term “entropy” (borrowed from Shannon information theory) for the same notion that was called “complexity” in [78]. Shannon information theory is based on probability theory; Kolmogorov had an ambitious plan to con­ struct a parallel theory that does not depend on the notion of probability. In [79] Kolmogorov wrote, using the same word entropy in this new sense:

The ordinary definition of entropy uses probability concepts, and thus does not pertain to individual values, but to random val­ ues, i.e., to probability distributions within a group of values. [...] By far, not all applications of information theory fit ratio­ nally into such an interpretation of its basic concepts. I believe that the need for attaching definite meanings to the expressions H (x\y) and I(x\y), in the case of individual values x and у that are not viewed as a result of random tests with a definite law of distribution, was realized long ago by many who dealt with information theory.

As far as I know, the first paper published on the idea of revising information theory so as to satisfy the above conditions was the article of Solomonoff [187]. I came to similar conclu­ sions, before becoming aware of Solomonoff’s work in 1963-1964, and published my first article on the subject [78] in early 1965.



The meaning of the new definition is very simple. Entropy H (x\y) is the minimal [bit] length of a [...] program P that per­ mits construction of the value of x, the value of y being known,

# ( я |г /) = min 1{P).

A (P ,y )—x

This concept is supported by the general theory of “computable” (partially recursive) functions, i.e., by theory of algorithms in general.

[...] The preceding rather superficial discourse should prove two general theses.

1) Basic information theory concepts must and can be founded without recourse to the probability theory, and in such a manner that “entropy” and “mutual information” concepts are applicable to individual values.

2) Thus introduced, information theory concepts can form the basis of the term random,, which naturally suggests that ran­ domness is the absence of regularities.2

And earlier (April 23, 1965), giving a talk “The notion of information and the foundations of the probability theory” at the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Kolmogorov said:

So the two problems arise sequentially:

1. Is it possible to free the information theory (and the notion of the “amount of information” ) from probabilities?

2. It is possible to develop the intuitive idea of randomness as incompressibility (the law describing the object cannot be shortened)?

(The transcript of his talk was published in [85] on p. 126).

So Kolmogorov uses the term “entropy” for the same notion that was named “complexity” in his first paper, and denotes it by letter H instead of К .

Later the same notion was denoted by C (see, e.g., [103]) while the letter К is used for prefix complexity (denoted by KP(x) in Levin’s papers where prefix complexity was introduced).

Unfortunately, attempts to unify the terminology and notation made by differ­ ent people (including the authors) have lead mostly to increasing confusion. In the English version of this book we follow the terminology that is most used nowadays, with few exceptions, and we mention the other notation used. For the reader’s convenience, a list of notation used (p. xv) and index (p. 505) are provided.

A cknow ledgm ents

In the beginning of the 1980s Kolmogorov (with the assistance of A. Semenov) initiated a seminar at the Mathematics and Mechanics Department of Moscow State (Lomonosov) University called “Description and computation complexity”; now the seminar (still active) is known as the “Kolmogorov seminar”. The authors are deeply grateful to their colleagues working in this seminar, including A. Zvonkin,

2The published English version of this paper says “random is the absence of periodicity”, but this evidently is a translation error, and we correct the text following the Russian version.


E. Asarin, V. Vovk (they were Kolmogorov’s students), S. Soprunov, V. Vyu- gin, A. Romashchenko, M. Vyalyi, S. Tarasov, A. Chernov, M. Vyugin, S. Posit- selsky, K. Makarychev, Yu. Makarychev, M. Ushakov, M. Ustinov, S. Salnikov, A. Rumyantsev, D. Musatov, V. Podolskii, I. Mezhirov, Yu. Pritykin, M. Raskin, A. Khodyrev, P. Karpovich, A. Minasyan, E. Kalinina, G. Chelnokov, I. Razen- shteyn, M. Andreev, A. Savin, M. Dektyarev, A. Savchik, A. Kumok, V. Arzu­ manyan, A. Makhlin, G. Novikov, A. Milovanov; the book would not have been possible without them.

The authors express their gratitude to all the people who helped them to pre­ pare the Russian edition, especially Marina Feigelman who made a drawing for its cover, Olga Lehtonen who performed the cover design, and Victor Shuvalov who helped a lot with typesetting.

The authors were supported by the International Science Foundation (Soros foundation), STINT (Sweden), Russian Fund for Basic Research (01-01-00493- a, 01-01-01028-a, 06-01-00122-a, 09-01-00709-a, 12-01-00864-a), CNRS, and ANR (France, ANR-08-EMER-008 NAFIT and ANR-15-CE40-0016-01 RaCAF grants).

The book was made possible by the generous support of our colleagues, in­ cluding Bruno Bauwens, Laurent Bienvenu, Harry Buhrman, Cris Calude, Bruno Durand, Péter Gåcs, Denis Hirschfeldt, Rupert Hölzl, Mathieu Hoyrup, Michal Koucky, Leonid Levin, Wolfgang Merkle, Joseph Miller, Andre Nies, Christopher Porter, Jan Reimann, Jason Rute, Michael Sipser, Steven Simpson, Paul Vitånyi, Sergey Vorobyov, and many others.

We are thankful to American Mathematical Society (in particular, Sergei Gel- fand) for the suggestion to submit the book for publication in their book program and for the kind permission to keep the book available freely in electronic form at our homepages. We thank the (anonymous) referees for their attention and sugges­ tions, and Jennifer Wright Sharp for correcting our (numerous) English language errors.

For many years the authors had the privilege to work in a close professional and personal contact with Andrej Muchnik (1958-2007), an outstanding mathematician, a deep thinker, and an admirable person, who participated in the work of the Kolmogorov seminar and inspired a lot of work done in this seminar. We devote this book to his memory.

A. Shen, V. Uspensky, N. Vereshchagin November 1, 2016


B asic notions and notation

This section is intended for people who are already familiar with some notions of Kolmogorov complexity and algorithmic randomness theory and want to take a quick look at the terminology and notation used throughout this book. Other readers can (and probably should) skip it and look back only when needed.

The set of all integer numbers is denoted by Z, the notation N refers to the set of all non-negative integers (i.e., natural numbers), R stands for the set of all reals. The set of all rational numbers is denoted by Q. Dyadic rationale are those rationale having the form m /2n for some integer m and n.

The cardinality of a set A is denoted by \A\.

When the base of the logarithmic function is omitted, it is assumed that the base equals 2, thus logx means the same as log2 x (as usual, ln:r denotes the natural logarithm).

We use the notation [x\ for the integer part of a real number x (the largest integer number that is less than or equal to x). Similarly, \x] denotes the smallest integer number that is larger than or equal to x.

Orders of magnitude. The notation / ^ g+ 0(1), where / and g are expressions containing variables, means that for some c the inequality / ^ g + c holds for all values of variables. In a similar way we understand the expression / ^ g + 0(h) (where h is non-negative): it means that for some c for all values of variables, the inequality / ^ g + ch holds. The notation f — g + 0(h) (where h is non-negative) means that for some c for all values of variables we have \f — g\ ^ ch. In particular, / = 0 ( h ) holds if l/l ^ ch for some constant c; the notation / = Q(h) means that l/l ^ ch for some constant c > 0 (usually / is positive). The notation / = 0(fi) means that c\h ^ |/| ^ C2/1 (again, usually / is positive).

В denotes the set {0,1}. Finite sequences of zeros and ones are called binary strings. The set of all binary strings is denoted by E. If A is a finite set (an alphabet), then An denotes the set of all strings of length n over the alphabet A, that is, the set of all sequences of length n, whose terms belong to A. We denote by A* the set of all strings over the alphabet A (including the empty string A of length 0). For instance, E — B*. The length of a string x is denoted by l(x). The notation ab refers to the concatenation of strings a and b, that is, the result of appending b to a. We say that a string a is a prefix of a string b if b = ax for some string x. We say that a is a suffix of a string b if b = xa for some string x. We say that a is a substring of b, if b = xay for some strings x and у (m other words, a is a suffix of a prefix of b or the other way around).

We also consider infinite sequences of zeros and ones, and Q denotes the set of all such sequences. The set of infinite sequences of elements of a set A is denoted by A°°, thus D, = B°°. For a finite sequence x we use the notation Qx for the set of all infinite sequences that start with x (i.e., have x as a prefix). Sets of this form


are called intervals. The concatenation xojof a finite sequence x and an infinite sequence w is defined in a natural way.

In some contexts it is convenient to consider finite and infinite sequences to­ gether. We use the notation E for the set of all finite and infinite sequences of zeros and ones, i.e., E = SUfi, and Ex denotes the set of all finite and infinite extensions of a string x.

We consider computable functions whose arguments and values are binary strings. Unless stated otherwise, functions are partial (not necessarily total). A function / is called computable if there is a machine (a program, an algorithm) that for all x, such that f ( x) is defined, halts on input x and outputs the result

f ( x) and does not halt on all inputs x outside the domain of / . We also consider computable functions whose arguments and values are finite objects of different type, like natural numbers, integer numbers, finite graphs, etc. We assume that finite objects are encoded by binary strings. The choice of an encoding is not im­ portant provided different encodings can be translated to each other. The latter means that we can algorithmically decide whether a string is an encoding of an object and, if this is the case, we can find an encoding of the same object with respect to the other encoding.

Sometimes we consider computable functions of infinite objects, like real num­ bers or measures. Such considerations require rigorous definitions of the notion of computability, which are provided when needed (see below).

A set of finite objects (binary strings, natural numbers, etc.) is called com- putably enumerable, or just enumerable, if there is a machine (a program, an algo­ rithm) without input that prints all elements from the set (and no other elements) with arbitrary delays between printing consecutive elements. The algorithm is not required to halt even when the set is finite. The order in which the elements are printed can be arbitrary.

A real number a is computable if there exists an algorithm that computes a with any given precision: for any given rational e > 0, the algorithm must produce a rational number at distance at most £ from a (in this case we say that the algorithm computes the number). A real number a is lower semicomputable if it can be represented as a limit of a non-decreasing computable sequence of rational numbers. An equivalent definition: a is lower semicomputable if the set of rational numbers that are less than a is enumerable. A sequence of real numbers is computable if all its terms are computable, and given any n we are able to find an algorithm computing the nth number in the sequence. The notion of a lower semicomputable sequence of reals is defined in an entirely similar way (for any given n we have to find an algorithm that lower semicomputes the nth number).

We consider measures (more specifically, probability measures, or probability distributions) on Q. Every measure can be identified by its values on intervals flx. So measures are identified with non-negative functions p on strings which satisfy the following two conditions: p{A) = 1 and p(x) = p(x0) + p(x 1) for all x. Such measures are called measures on the binary tree. We consider also semimeasures on the binary tree, which are probability measures on the space E of all finite and infinite binary sequences. They correspond to functions p such that p(A) = 1 and p(x) ^ p(x0) + p (xl). We consider also semimeasures on natural numbers, which are defined as sequences {pi} of non-negative reals with YlienPi ^ 1- ^ nat ural to



identify such sequences with probability distributions on the set Nj_, which consists of natural numbers and of the special symbol _L (undefined value).

Among all semimeasures (on the tree or on natural numbers) we distinguish lower semicornputable ones. Both the class of lower seinicomputable serniineasures on the tree and the class of lower semicornputable semimeasures on natural numbers have a maximal semimeasure (up to a multiplicative constant). Any maximal lower semicornputable semimeasure is called an a priori probability (on the tree or on natural numbers). The a priori probability of a natural number n is denoted by m(n); the a priori probability of a node x in the binary tree (that is, of the string x) is denoted by a(x). We use also the notation m{x) for a binary string x, which means an a priori probability of the number of x with respect to some fixed computable one-to-one correspondence between strings and natural numbers.

The plain Kolmogorov complexity is denoted by C(x), the prefix Kolmogorov complexity is denoted by K (x) (and by K'{x) when we want to stress that we are us­ ing prefix-free description modes). The same letters are used to denote complexities of pairs, triples, etc., and to denote conditional complexity. For instance, C( x\ y ) stands for the plain conditional complexity of x when у is known, and m(x, y\ z) denotes the a priori probability of the pair (x,y) (that is, of the corresponding number) when z is known. The monotone Kolmogorov complexity is denoted by AM, and the a priori complexity (negative logarithm of the a priori probability on the tree) is denoted by K A . (In the literature monotone complexity is sometimes denoted by Km and K m and the a priori complexity is denoted by KM.) Finally, the decision complexity is denoted by K R .

В В (n) denotes the maximal halting time of the optimal decompressor on inputs of length at most n (if the optimal prefix decompressor is meant, then we use the notation BP(n)). The function BB{n) is closely related to the function B( n ) defined as the maximal natural number of Kolmogorov complexity at most n.

We use also several topological notions. The space Nj_ consists of natural numbers and of a special element _L (undefined value); the family of open sets consists of the whole space and of all sets that do not contain _L. This topological space, as well as the space £ (where the family of open sets consists of all unions of sets of the form £ x), is used for the general classification of complexities. For the spaces 0. and £ and for the space of real numbers, we call a set effectively open if it is a union of a computably enumerable family of intervals (sets of the form £ x for the second space and intervals with rational endpoints for the space of reals).

Most notions of computability theory (including Kolmogorov complexity) can be relativized, which means that all involved algorithms are supplied by an external procedure, called an oracle. That procedure can be asked whether any given number belongs to a set A. That set is also called an oracle. Thus we get the notions of “decidability relative to an oracle A”, “computability relative to A ”, etc. In the corresponding notation we use the superscript A, for example, CA(x).

In the chapter on classical information theory, we use the notion of Shannon en­ tropy of a random variable £. If the variable has к possible outcomes and p i , . .. ,Pk are their probabilities, then its Shannon entropy H (£) is defined as — YlkPk l°gVk- This definition makes sense also for pairs of jointly distributed random variables. For such a pair the conditional entropy of a random variable £ when i] is known is defined as H {£, rf) —H(r)). The difference if(£) + H (rj) — H (£, 77) is called the mutual


information in random variables £ and rj and is denoted by I(£:rj). A similar no­ tation I(x:y) is used in algorithmic information theory. As I(x:y) is commutative only up to a small error term, we usually say “the information in x about y” and define this notion as C(y) — C(y\x).



W hat is this book about?

W h at is K olmogorov com plexity?

Roughly speaking, Kolmogorov complexity means “compressed size”. Pro­ grams like zip, gzip, bzip2, compress, ra r, a rj, etc., compress a file (text, image, or some other data) into a presumably shorter one. The original file can then be restored by a “decompressing” program (sometimes both compression and decom­ pression are performed by the same program). Note that we consider here only lossless compression.

A file that has a regular structure can be compressed significantly. Its com­ pressed size is small compared to its length. On the other hand, a file without regularities can hardly be compressed, and its compressed size is close to its origi­ nal size.

This explanation is very informal and contains several inaccuracies—both tech­ nical and more essential. First, instead of files (sequences of bytes) we will consider binary strings (finite sequences of bits, that is, of zeros and ones). The length of such a string is the number of symbols in it. (For example, the string 1001 has length 4, and the empty string has length 0.)

Here are the more essential points:

• We consider only decompressing programs; we do not worry at all about compression. More specifically, a decompressor is any algorithm (a pro­ gram) that receives a binary string as an input and returns a binary string as an output. If a decompressor D on input x terminates and returns string y, we write D(x) — y and say that x is a description of y with respect to D. Decompressors are also called description modes.

• A description mode is not required to be total. For some x, the compu­ tation D(x) may never terminate and therefore produces no result. Also we do not put any constraints on the computation time of D: on some inputs the program D may halt only after an extremely long time. Using recursion theory terminology, we say that a description mode is a partial computable (=partial recursive) function from E to E, where E = {0,1}* stands for the set of all binary strings. Let us recall that we associate with every algorithm D (whose inputs and outputs are binary strings) a function d computed by D ; namely, d(x) is defined for a string x if and only if D halts on x, and d(x) is the output of D on x. A partial function from E to E is called computable if it is associated with (=computed by) some algorithm D. Usually we use the same letter to denote the algorithm and the function it computes. So we write D(x) instead of d(x) unless it causes a confusion.

Assume that a description mode (a decompressor) D is fixed. (Recall that D is computable according to our definitions.) For a string x consider all its descriptions,


that is, all y such that D( y) is defined and equals x. The length of the shortest string y among them is called the Kolmogorov complexity of x with respect to D:

CD(x) = min{ l(y) I D(y) = .r}.

Here l(y) denotes the length of the string y; we use this notation throughout the book. The subscript D indicates that the definition depends on the choice of the description mode D. The minimum of the empty set is defined as +oo, thus Co(x) is infinite for all the strings x outside the range of the function D (they have no descriptions).

At first glance this definition seems to be meaningless, as for different D we ob­ tain quite different notions, including ridiculous ones. For instance, if D is nowhere defined, then Co is infinite everywhere. If D(y) — Л (the empty string) for all y, then the complexity of the empty string is 0 (since D(Л) = Л and 1(A) = 0), and the complexity of all the other strings is infinite.

Here is a more reasonable example: consider a decompressor D that just copies its input to output, that is, D(x) — x for all x. In this case every string is its own description and Co( x) = l(x).

Of course, for any given string x we can find a description mode D that is tailored to x and with respect to which x has small complexity. Indeed, let D(A) — x. This implies Co( x ) = 0.

More generally, if we have some class of strings, we may look for a description mode that favors all the strings in this class. For example, for the class of strings consisting of zeros only we may consider the following decompressor:

D(bin(n)) = 000... 000 (n zeros),

where bin(n) stands for the binary notation of natural number n. The length of the string bin(n) is about log2 n (does not exceed log2 n + 1). With respect to this description mode, the complexity of the string consisting of n zeros is close to log2 n. This is much less that the length of the string (n). On the other hand, all strings containing symbol 1 have infinite complexity C o ­

lt may seem that the dependence of complexity on the choice of the decom­ pressor makes impossible any general theory of complexity. However, that is not the case.

O ptim al description modes

A description mode is better when descriptions are shorter. According to this, we say that a description mode (decompressor) D\ is not worse than a description mode Z)2 if

CDl(x) ^ Co2(x) + c for some constant c and for all strings x.

Let us comment on the role of the constant c in this definition. We consider a change in the complexity bounded by a constant as “negligible”. One could say that such a tolerance makes the complexity notion practically useless, as the constant c can be very large. However, nobody managed to get any reasonable theory that overcomes this difficulty and defines complexity with better precision.

Exam ple. Consider two description modes (decompressors) Di and Z)2. Let us show that there exists a description mode D which is not worse than both of


them. Indeed, let


0(0! / ) = Di(y),

D( l y) = D 2(y).

In other words, we consider the first bit of a description as the index of a description mode and the rest as the description (for this mode).

If y is a description of x with respect to D\ (or D2), then 0y (respectively, 1 y) is a description of x with respect to D as well. This description is only one bit longer, therefore we have

Cd{x) ^ Cd1 (t) + 1, Cd(x) ^ Cd2(x) + 1

for all x. Thus the mode D is not worse than both D\ and

D^-This idea is often used in practice. For instance, a zip-archive has a preamble; the preamble says (among other things) which mode was used to compress this particular file, and the compressed file follows the preamble.

If we want to use N different compression modes, we need to reserve initial log2 N bits for the index of the compression mode.

Using a generalization of this idea, we can prove the following theorem:

Theorem 1 (Solomonoff-Kolmogorov). There is a description mode D that is not worse than any other one: for every description m,ode D' there is a constant c such that

Cd(x) ^ Cd'(x ) + c for every string x.

A description mode D having this property is called optimal.

Proof. Recall that a description mode by definition is a computable function.

Every computable function has a program. We assume that programs are binary strings. Moreover, we assume that by reading the program bits from left to right, we can determine uniquely where it ends, that is, programs are “self-delimiting”. Note that every programming language can be modified in such a way that programs are self-delimiting. For instance, we can double every bit of a given program (changing 0 to 00 and 1 to 11) and append the pattern 01 to its end.

Define now a new description mode D as follows: D{Py) = P{y),

where P is a program (in the chosen self-delimiting programming language) and y is any binary string. That is, the algorithm D scans the input string from the left to the right and extracts a program P from the input. (If the input does not start with a valid program, D does whatever it wants, say, it goes into an infinite loop. The self-delimiting property guarantees that the decomposition of input is unique: if Py — P 'y1 for two programs P and P \ then one of the programs is a prefix of the other one.) Then D applies the extracted program P to the rest of the input (y) and returns the obtained result. (So D is just a “universal algorithm”, or “interpreter” ; the only difference is that program and input are not separated, and therefore we need to use a self-delimiting programming language.)

Let us show that indeed D is not worse than any other description mode P. We assume that the program P is written in the chosen self-delimiting programming


language. If y is a shortest description of the string x with respect to P, then Py is a description of x with respect to D (though not necessarily a shortest one). Therefore, compared to P, the shortest description is at most l(P) bits longer, and

CD( x ) ^ C P(x) + l(P).

The constant l(P) depends only on the description mode P (and not on x).

Basically, we used the same trick as in the preceding example, but instead of merging two description modes, we join all of them. Each description mode is prefixed by its index (program, identifier). The same idea is used in practice. A self-extracting archive is an executable file starting with a small program (a decompressor); the rest is considered as an input to that program. This program is loaded into the memory, and then it decompresses the rest of the file.

Note that in our construction, the optimal decompressor works for a very long time on some inputs (as some programs have large running time) and is undefined on some other inputs.

Kolm ogorov com plexity

Fix an optimal description mode D and call Cd(x) the Kolmogorov complexity

of the string x. In the notation Cx>(.t) we drop the subscript D and write just C(x). If we switch to another optimal description mode, the change in complexity is bounded by an additive constant: for any two optimal description modes D\ and D2 there is a constant c(D\, D2) such that

ICD l (x ) - Cd2{x)\ < c( Dx, D 2) for all x. Sometimes this inequality is written as

CdA x ) = Cd2(x) + 0(1) ,

where 0 (1) stands for a bounded function of x.

Could we then consider the Kolmogorov complexity of a particular string x without having in mind a specific optimal description mode used in the definition of С(.т)? No, since by adjusting the optimal description mode, we can make the complexity of x arbitrarily small or arbitrarily large. Similarly, the relation “string x is simpler than ÿ \ that is, C(x) < C(y), has no meaning for two fixed strings x and y: by adjusting the optimal description mode, we can make any of these two strings simpler than the other one.

One may then wonder whether Kolmogorov complexity has any sense at all. Trying to defend this notion, let us recall the construction of the optimal description mode used in the proof of the Solomonoff-Kolmogorov theorem. This construction uses some programming language, and two different choices of this language lead to two complexities that differ at most by a constant. This constant is in fact the length of the program that is written in one of these two languages and interprets the other one. If both languages are “natural”, we can expect this constant to be not that huge, just several thousands or even several hundreds. Therefore if we speak about strings whose complexity is, say, about 105 (i.e., a text of a long and not very compressible novel), or 106 (which is reasonable for DNA strings, unless they are compressible much more than the biologists think now), then the choice of the programming language is not that important.

Nevertheless one should always have in mind that all statements about Kol­ mogorov complexity are inherently asymptotic: they involve infinite sequences of


COMPLEXITY AND INFORMATION 5 strings. This situation is typical also for computational complexity: usually upper and lower bounds for complexity of some computational problem are asymptotic bounds.

C om plexity and inform ation

One can consider the Kolmogorov complexity of x as the amount of informa­ tion in x. Indeed, a string of zeros, which has a very short description, has little information, and a chaotic string, which cannot be compressed, has a lot of informa­ tion (although that information can be meaningless—we do not try to distinguish between meaningful and meaningless information; so, in our view, any abracadabra has much information unless it has a short description).

If the complexity of a string x is equal to k, we say that x has к bits of information. One can expect that the amount of information in a string does not exceed its length, that is, C(x) ^ l(x). This is true (up to an additive constant, as we have already said).

Theorem 2. There is a constant c such that C(x) ^ l(x) + c for all strings x.

PROOF. Let D(y) = у for all y. Then Cd{x) = l(x). By optimality, there

exists some c such that

C( x) ^ Cd{x) + c— l(x) + c

for all x.

Usually this statement is written as follows: C(x) ^ l(x) + 0(1). Theorem 2 implies, in particular, that Kolmogorov complexity is always finite, that is, every string has a description.

Here is another property of “amount of information” that one can expect: the amount of information does not increase when algorithmic transformation is per­ formed. (More precisely, the increase is bounded by an additive constant depending on the transformation algorithm.)

Theorem 3. For every algorithm A there exists a constant c such that C(A(x)) < C(x) + c

for all x such that A(x) is defined.

PROOF. Let D be an optimal decompressor that is used in the definition of Kolmogorov complexity. Consider another decompressor D'\

D'{p) = A{D{p)).

(We apply first D and then A.) If p is a description of a string x with respect to D and A(x) is defined, then p is a description of A(x) with respect to D' . Let p be a shortest description of x with respect to D. Then we have

Cdi(A(x)) ^ l(p) = Cd(x) = C(x). By optimality we obtain

C(A(x)) ^ Cd.(A(x)) + c ^ C(x) + c


This theorem implies that the amount of information “does not depend on the specific encoding”. For instance, if we reverse all bits of some string (replace 0 by 1 and vice versa), or add a zero bit after each bit of that string, the resulting string has the same Kolmogorov complexity as the original one (up to an additive constant). Indeed, the transformation itself and its inverse can be performed by an algorithm.

Here is one more example of a natural property of Kolmogorov complexity. Let

X and y be strings. How much information does their concatenation xy have? We

expect that the quantity of information in xy does not exceed the sum of those in x

and y. This is indeed true; however, a small additive term is needed.

Theorem 4. There is a constant c such that for all x and y C{xy) < C(x) + 2 log C(x) + C{y) + c.

Proof. Let us try first to prove the statement in a stronger form, without the term 2 log C(x). Let D be the optimal description mode that is used in the definition of Kolmogorov complexity. Define the following description mode D '. If D{jp) = x and D(q) — y, we consider pq as a description of x y , that is, we let D'(pq) = xy. Then the complexity of xy with respect to D' does not exceed the length of pq, that is, l{p) + l{q). If p and q are minimal descriptions, we obtain Co ' (з^у) ^ CD{x) + Co{y)- By optimality the same inequality holds for D in place of D ', up to an additive constant.

What is wrong with this argument? The problem is that D' is not well defined. We let D'ijpq) = D(p)D(q). However, D' has no means to separate p from q. It may happen that there are two ways to split the input into p and q yielding different results:

V\4i=V242 but D{pi)D{qi) ф D(p2)D(q2).

There are two ways to fix this bug. The first one, which we use now, goes as follows. Let us prepend the string pq by the length l(p) of string p (in binary notation). This allows us to separate p and q. However, we need to find where l(p) ends, so let us double all the bits in the binary representation of l(p) and then put 01 as separator. More specifically, let bin(fc) denote the binary representation of integer k, and let x be the result of doubling each bit in x. (For example, bin(5) = 101, and bin(5) = 110011.) Let

D'{ bin(/(p)) Olpq) = D{p)D(q).

Thus D' is well defined: the algorithm D' scans bin(/(p)) while all the digits are doubled. Once it sees 01, it determines l(p), and then scans l(p) digits to find p. The rest of the input is q, and the algorithm is able to compute D(p)D(q).

Now we see that Со'(ху) is at most 2/(bin(/(p))) + 2 + l(j>) + l{q). The length of the binary representation of l(p) is at most log2 /(p) + 1. Therefore, xy has a description of length at most 2 log2 l(p) + 4 + l{jp) + l(q) with respect to D' , which

implies the statement of the theorem. □

The second way to fix the bug mentioned above goes as follows. We could modify the definition of Kolmogorov complexity by requiring descriptions to be self-delimiting; we discuss this approach in detail in Chapter 4.



Note also that we can exchange p and q and thus prove that C(xy) ^ C(x) + C(y) + 2 log2 C(y) + c.

How tight is the inequality of Theorem 4? Can C( xy) be much less than C(x) + C(y)? According to our intuition, this happens when x and y have much in common. For example, if x — y, we have C(xy) = C(xx) = C(x) + 0(1), since xx can be algorithmically obtained from x and vice versa (Theorem 3).

To refine this observation, we will define the notion of the quantity of infor­ mation in x that is missing in y (for all strings x and y). This value is called the Kolmogorov complexity of x conditional to y (or “given y” ) and is denoted by C(x\y). Its definition is similar to the definition of the unconditional complexity. This time the decompressor D has access not only to the (compressed) description, but also to the string y. We will discuss this notion later in Section 2. Here we mention only that the following equality holds:

C(xy) = C(y) + C(x I у) + О (log n)

for all strings x and у of complexity at most n. The equality reads as follows: the amount of information in xy is equal to the amount of information in у plus the amount of new information in x (“new” = missing in y).

The difference C(x) — C(x\ y) can be considered as “the quantity of information in у about x”. It indicates how much the knowledge of у simplifies x.

Using the notion of conditional complexity, we can ask questions like this: How much new information does the DNA of some organism have compared to that of another organism’s DNA? If d\ is the binary string that encodes the first DNA and

d2 is the binary string that encodes the second DNA, then the value in question is

C(d\ |^2)- Similarly we can ask what percentage of information has been lost when translating a novel into another language: this percentage is the fraction

C (original | translation) / C (original).

The questions about information in different objects were studied before the invention of algorithmic information theory. The information was measured using the notion of Shannon entropy. Let us recall its definition. Let £ be a random variable that takes n values with probabilities p \ , ... ,pn- Then its Shannon entropy # (£) is defined as

#(£) = X ^ ( “

log2Pi)-Informally, the outcome having probability pi carries log(l/pj) = — log2Pi bits of information (=surprise). Then #(£) can be understood as the average amount of information in an outcome of the random variable.

Assume that we want to use Shannon entropy to measure the amount of infor­ mation contained in some English text. To do this, we have to find an ensemble of texts and a probability distribution on this ensemble such that the text is “typical” with respect to this distribution. This makes sense for a short telegram, but for a long text (say, a novel) such an ensemble is hard to imagine.

The same difficulty arises when we try to define the amount of information in the genome of some species. If we consider as the ensemble the set of the genomes of all existing species (or even all species that ever existed), then the cardinality of this set is rather small (it does not exceed 21000 for sure). And if we consider all


its elements as équiprobable, then we obtain a ridiculously small value (less than 1000 bits); for the non-uniform distributions the entropy is even less.

So we see that in these contexts Kolmogorov complexity looks like a more adequate tool than Shannon entropy.

C om plexity and random ness

Let us recall the inequality C(x) < l(x) + 0(1) (Theorem 2). For most of the strings its left-hand side is close to the right hand side. Indeed, the following statement is true:

Theorem 5. Let n be an integer. Then there are less than 2n strings x such that C(x) < n.

P r o o f . Let D be the optimal description mode used in the definition of Kol­ mogorov complexity. Then only strings D(y) for all y, such that l(y) < n, have complexity less than n. The number of such strings does not exceed the number of strings y such that l(y) < n, i.e., the sum

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + 2n_1 = 2n - 1

(there are 2k strings for each length к < n).

This implies that the fraction of strings of complexity less than n — c among all strings of length n is less than 2n-c/2 n = 2“ c. For instance, the fraction of strings of complexity less than 90 among all strings of length 100 is less than 2“ 10,

Thus the majority of strings (of a given length) are incompressible or almost incompressible. In other words, a randomly chosen string of the given length is almost incompressible. This can be illustrated by the following mental (or even real) experiment. Toss a coin, say, 80000 times, and get a sequence of 80000 bits. Convert it into a file of size 10000 bytes (8 bits = 1 byte). One can bet that no compression software (existing before the start of the experiment) can compress the resulting file by more than 10 bytes. Indeed, the probability of this event is less than 2“ 80 for every fixed compressor, and the number of (existing) compressors is not so large.

It is natural to consider incompressible strings as “random” ones: informally speaking, randomness is the absence of any regularities that may allow us to com­ press the string. Of course, there is no strict borderline between “random” and “non-random” strings. It is ridiculous to ask which strings of length 3 (i.e., 000, 001, 010, Oil, 100, 101, 110, 111) are random and which are not.

Another example: assume that we start with a “random” string of length 10000 and replace its bits by all zeros (one bit at a step). At the end we get a certainly non-random string (zeros only). But it would be naive to ask at which step the string has become non-random for the first time.

Instead, we can naturally define the “randomness deficiency” of a string x as the difference l(x) — C(x). Using this notion, we can restate Theorem 2 as follows: the randomness deficiency is almost non-negative (i.e., larger than a constant). Theorem 5 says that the randomness deficiency of a string of length n is less than d with probability at least 1 — l / 2d (assuming that all strings are équiprobable).

Now consider the Law of Large Numbers. It says that most of the n-bit strings have frequency of ones close to 1/2. This law can be translated into Kolmogorov complexity language as follows: the frequency of ones in every string with small



randomness deficiency is close to 1/2. This translation implies the original state­ ment since most of the strings have small randomness deficiency. We will see later that actually these formulations are equivalent.

If we insist on drawing a strict borderline between random and non-random objects, we have to consider infinite sequences instead of strings. The notion of randomness for infinite sequences of zeros and ones was defined by Kolmogorov’s student P. Martin-Löf (he came to Moscow from Sweden). We discuss it in Section 3. Later C. Schnorr and L. Levin found a characterization of randomness in terms of complexity: an infinite binary sequence is random if and only if the randomness deficiency of its prefixes is bounded by a constant. This criterion, however, uses another version of Kolmogorov complexity called monotone complexity.

N on-com putability of C and B e rry ’s paradox

Before discussing applications of Kolmogorov complexity, let us mention a fun­ damental problem that reappears in any application. Unfortunately, the function C is not computable: there is no algorithm that given a string x finds its Kolmogorov complexity. Moreover, there is no computable non-trivial (unbounded) lower bound for C.

Theorem 6. Let к be a computable (not necessarily total) function from £ to N. (In other words, к is an algorithm that terminates on some binary strings and returns natural numbers as results.) I f к is a lower bound for Kolmogorov complexity, that is, k(x) ^ C(x) for all x such that k(x) is defined, then к is bounded: all its values do not exceed some constant.

The proof of this theorem is a reformulation of the so-called Berry’s paradox. This paradox considers

the minimal natural number that cannot be defined by at most fourteen English words.

This phrase has exactly fourteen words and defines that number. Thus we get a contradiction.

Following this idea, consider the first binary string whose Kolmogorov com­ plexity is greater than a given number N. By definition, its complexity is greater than N. On the other hand, this string has a short description that includes some fixed amount of information plus the binary notation of N (which requires about log2 N bits), and the total number of bits needed is much less than N for large N. That would be a contradiction if we knew how to effectively find this string given its description. Using the computable lower bound k, we can convert this paradox into the proof.

Proof. Consider the function B( N) whose argument N is a natural number.

It is computed by the following algorithm:

perform in parallel the computations k(A), k(0), fc(l), k(00), k(01), k( 10), fc(ll),... until some string x such that k(x) > N appears; then return x.

If the function к is unbounded, then the function В is total and k(B(N)) > N by construction for every N. As к is a lower bound for K, we have C(B(N)) > N. On the other hand B( N) can be computed given the binary representation bin(iV)


of N, therefore

C(B(N)) < C(hm(N)) + 0(1) ^ /(bin(iV)) + 0(1) ^ log2 N + 0(1)

(the first inequality is provided by Theorem 3 and the second one is provided by Theorem 2; term 0(1) stands for a bounded function). So we obtain

N < C ( B { N ) ) ^ \ o g 2N + 0(l),

which cannot happen if N is large enough.

Some applications of Kolm ogorov com plexity

Let us start with a disclaimer: the applications we will talk about are not real, practical applications; we just establish relations between Kolmogorov complexity and other important notions.

O ccam ’s razor. We start with a philosophical question. What do we mean when we say that a theory provides a good explanation for some experimental data? Assume that we are given some experimental data and there are several theories to explain the data. For example, the data might be the observed positions of planets in the sky. We can explain them as Ptolemy did, with epicycles and deferents, introducing extra corrections when needed. On the other hand, we can use the laws of the modern mechanics. Why do we think that the modern theory is better? A possible answer: the modern theory can compute the positions of planets with the same (or even better) accuracy given fewer parameters. In other words, Kepler’s achievement is a shorter description of the experimental data.

Roughly speaking, experimenters obtain binary strings and theorists find short descriptions for them (thus proving upper bounds for complexities of those strings); the shorter the description, the better the theorist.

This approach is sometimes called “Occam’s razor” and is attributed to the philosopher William of Ockham who said that entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity. It is hard to judge whether he would agree with such an inter­ pretation of his words.

We can use the same idea in more practical contexts. Assume that we design a machine that reads handwritten zip codes on envelopes. We are looking for a rule that separates, say, images of zeros from images of ones. An image is given as a Boolean matrix (or a binary string). We have several thousands of images and for each image we know whether it means 0 or 1. We want to find a reasonable separating rule (with the hope that it can be applied to the forthcoming images). What does “reasonable” mean in this context? If we just list all the images in our list together with their classification, we get a valid separation rule—at least it works until we receive a new image—however, the rule is way too long. It is natural to assume that a reasonable rule must have a short description, that is, it must have low Kolmogorov complexity.

Often an explanation for experimental data is only a tool to predict the future elements of the data stream. This aspect was the main motivation for Solomonoff [187]; it is outside the scope of our book and is considered in the book of M. Hutter

[es]-Foundations of probability theory. The probability theory itself, being currently a part of measure theory, is mathematically sound and does not need any extra “foundations”. The difficult questions arise, however, if we try to understand


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