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The Behavior of Rigid Analytic Functions Around Orbits of Elements of <span class="mathjax-formula">$\mathbb {C}_p$</span>


Academic year: 2022

Partager "The Behavior of Rigid Analytic Functions Around Orbits of Elements of <span class="mathjax-formula">$\mathbb {C}_p$</span>"


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The Behavior of Rigid Analytic Functions Around Orbits of Elements of C



ABSTRACT- Given a prime numberpand the Galois orbitO(x) of an elementxofCp, the topological completion of the algebraic closure of the field ofp-adic numbers, we study the behavior of rigid analytic functions around orbits of elements ofCp.


Let pbe a prime number,Qpthe field of p-adic numbers,Qp a fixed algebraic closure ofQp, andCpthe completion ofQpwith respect to thep- adic valuation. LetO(x) denote the orbit of an elementx2Cp, with respect to the Galois groupGˆGalcont(Cp=Qp). We are interested in the behavior of rigid analytic functions defined onE(x)ˆ(Cp[ f1g)nO(x), the com- plement ofO(x). The paper consists of five sections. The first one contains notations and some basic results. In the second section we study the zeros of rigid analytic functions, which are not rational, around finite sets ofCp

and, in particular, around orbits of algebraic elements ofCp, see Theorem 1 and Corollary 1. The next section is concerned with the transcendental case. One has a similar result of a theorem of Barsky, see Theorem 2, and then we prove that if all the points ofO(x) are singular points for a rigid

(*) Indirizzo degli A.: Simion Stoilov Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy Research Unit 5, P.O. Box 1-764, RO-014700 Bucharest, Romania.

E-mail: sachimescu@yahoo.com E-mail: Nicolae.Popescu@imar.ro E-mail: Marian.Vajaitu@imar.ro

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania.

E-mail: vralexandru@yahoo.com

(***) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Altgeld Hall, 1409 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL, 61801, USA.

E-mail: zaharesc@math.uiuc.edu


analytic functionF then one has lim infz!xjF(z)j ˆ0, see Theorem 3. In section four we give a few examples of rigid analytic functions onE(x) with and without zeros. The last section is concerned with some remarks related to zeros on a corona.

1. Background material

Letpbe a prime number andQpthe field ofp-adic numbers endowed with thep-adic absolute valuej j, normalized such thatjpj ˆ1=p. LetQp be a fixed algebraic closure ofQpand denote by the same symbolj jthe unique extension ofj jtoQp. Further, denote by (Cp;j j) the completion of (Qp;j j) (see [Am], [Ar]). LetGˆGal(Qp=Qp) endowed with the Krull topology. The group G is canonically isomorphic with the group Galcont(Cp=Qp), of all continuous automorphisms of Cp over Qp, see [APZ2]. We shall identify these two groups. For any x2Cp denote O(x)ˆ fs(x):s2Ggthe orbit ofx, and letQgp[x] be the closure of the ring Qp[x] inCp.

For any closed subgroup Hof Gdenote Fix(H)ˆ fx2Cp:s(x)ˆx for all s2Hg. Then Fix(H) is a closed subfield of Cp. Denote H(x)ˆ fs2G:s(x)ˆxg. Then H(x) is a closed subgroup of G, and Fix(H(x))ˆQgp[x].

The map s?s(x) from G to O(x) is continuous, and it defines a homeomorphism from G=H(x) (endowed with the quotient topology) to O(x) (endowed with the induced topology fromCp) (see [APZ1]). In such a wayO(x) is a closed compact and totally disconnected subspace ofCp, and the group G acts continuously on O(x): if s2G and t(x)2O(x) then s?t(x):ˆ(st)(x).

Now, ifXis a compact subset ofCpthen by an open ball inXwe mean a subset of the form B(x;e)\X, x2Cp, e>0 where B(x;e)ˆ fy2Cp:jy xj5eg. Let us denote byV(X) the set of subsets ofXwhich are open and compact. It is easy to see that anyD2V(X) can be written as a finite union of open balls inX, any two disjoint.

DEFINITION1. By a distribution on X with values inCpwe mean a map m:V(X)!Cp which is finitely additive, that is, if Dˆ Sn

iˆ1Di with Di2V(X) for 1in and Di\Djˆ ; for 1i6ˆjn, then m(D)ˆPn

iˆ1m(Di). (See also [MS].)


The norm ofmis defined byk km :ˆsupfjm(D)j:D2V(X)g. Ifk k51m we say thatmis a measure onX.

DEFINITION 2. Let D be a infinite subset of P1(Cp). A function f :D!Cpis said to be rigid analytic (or Krasner analytic) on D provided that f is a uniform limit with respect to the topology of uniform con- vergence on D of a sequence of rational functions on D. (See also [FP], [Am].) We denote byA(D;Cp)the set of all rigid analytic functions defined on D.

The set XCp is said G-equivariant provided that s(x)2X for any x2Xand anys2G. (XˆO(x) is such an example.)

DEFINITION3. Let X be a G-equivariant compact subset ofCpandma distribution on X with values inCp. We say thatm is G-equivariant if m(s(B))ˆs(m(B))for any ball B in X and anys2G.

REMARK. On a Galois orbit O(x) there exists a uniqueG-equivariant probability distribution with values in Qp, namely the Haar distribution px, see [APVZ1] and [APZ2].

According to [APZ2], a rigid analytic function defined on a subsetDof P1(Cp) is said to be equivariantif for any z2D one has O(z)Dand f(s(z))ˆs(f(z)) for alls2G.

Let AG(D;Cp) be the set of equivariant rigid analytic functions on D with values inCpandAG0(D;Cp) the subset of those that vanish at1when 1 2D.

2. The algebraic case

LetSbe a finite set inCp and letF:P1(Cp)nS!Cpbe a rigid ana- lytic function which is not rational.

We study the zeros of such functions around S. In particular, one considers Sof the formO(a)ˆ fs(a):s2GˆGalcont(Cp=Qp)gthe orbit ofa2Qp. Let us recall the analogue of a classical result of Picard.

PROPOSITION 1 (see [AR]). Let FˆP1

1anXn2Cp[[X;X 1]] be a Laurent series that has infinitely many coefficients an 6ˆ0for n50and such that RF:ˆlim supn!1ja nj1=n ˆ0 i.e. 0 is an essential isolated


singularity for F. Then there are infinitely many critical radii ristrictly decreasing to 0 and for each e>0, y2Cp, the equation F(x)ˆy has infinitely many solutions05jxj5e.

For F as above, we define R‡F:ˆsupfr0:janjrn!0; n! 1g ˆ 1=lim supn!1janj1=n, by the Hadamard formula, see [AR]. One has the following result.

THEOREM1. Let S be a finite set inCpand let F:P1(Cp)nS!Cpbe a rigid analytic function. If F is not rational then F has infinitely many zeros in any neighborhood of at least one point of S.

PROOF. For the sake of simplicity we supposeF(1)ˆ0. Let us con- sider the Mittag-Leffler decomposition







b(a)n (z a)n; …1†

where Fa(z)ˆ P



(z a)n and jb(a)n j

en !0, n! 1, for any positive real number e and any a2S. It is easy to see that this condition is further equivalent tojb(a)n j1=n!0, whenn! 1. BecauseF is not rational there existse2Ssuch thatFeis not rational. In such a way from (1) one has



where H(z)ˆP





(z a)n. We have y:ˆH(e) is well defined and denote Aˆ jyj ˆ jH(e)j. It is clear that RFe ˆlim supjb(e)n j1=nˆ0 and R‡Feˆsupfr0:jb(e)njrn !0; n! 1g ˆ 1. (We note here that b(e)nˆ0, for anyn0, by (1).) BecauseFeis not rational we have thate is an essential isolated singularity forFe. By Proposition 1 we have that Fe has infinitely many critical radii ri strictly decreasing to 0 and for each y2Cp the equation Fe(x)ˆy has infinitely many solutions 05jx ej5e. One knows that lim supz!ejFe(z)j ˆ 1. Then there exists eA>0 such that if 05e5eA and jz ej e5eA we have jH(z)j5A‡1.

Let z02B(e;e) such thatjFe(z0)j>A‡1. In fact one has

i!1lim sup

z2S(e;ri)jFe(z)j ˆ 1 ˆlim supz!ejFe(z)j;

where S(e;ri) is the sphere centered at eand of radius ri. There exists


z12S(e;jz0 ej),jz0 ej ˆria critical radius, such thatjFe(z1)j 6ˆ jFe(z0)j becausejFejis not constant on the spheres of radiiri, which are the critical radii, andFehas zeros on these spheres. It is clear thatjF(z0)j ˆ jFe(z0)j.

Two cases may appear:

(i) jFe(z1)j5jFe(z0)jso one hasjF(z1)j maxfjFe(z1)j;A‡1g5jFe(z0)j ˆ jF(z0)j.

(ii) jF(z1)j ˆ jFe(z1)j>jFe(z0)j ˆ jF(z0)j.

This implies thatjFjis not constant onS(e;ri) soF has zeros on this

sphere. The proof is now complete. p

COROLLARY 1. Let a2QpnQp be an algebraic element and let F:P1(Cp)nO(a)!Cp be a rigid analytic function. If F is not rational then F has infinitely many zeros in any neighborhood of at least one point of O(a).

REMARK. IfF:P1(Cp)nO(a)!Cpis a rigid analytic function that is equivariant and is not rational, then it takes any values in any neighbor- hood ofO(a), so all the conjugates ofaare essential singular points ofF. In what follows we give another proof of Theorem 1 without the ana- logue of the classical result of Picard, by exploiting the fact thatFegiven above has a Weierstrass product and it is uniquely determined by its fa- mily of zeros. So, letF be as in Theorem 1. Let us consider the Mittag- Leffler decomposition







b(a)n (z a)n; …3†

where fa(z)ˆ P



(z a)n and jb(a)n j

en !0, n! 1, for any positive real numbereand anya2S. This condition is equivalent to havingjb(a)n j1=n !0, whenn! 1. SupposeF(1)6ˆ0 andF(0)6ˆ0. It is easy to see that there existse2Ssuch thatfeis not rational. In such a wayfehas the following decomposition (see [L])



1 an z e


where c is a nonzero constant, an2Cp such that ja1j ja2j janj . . ., limn!1janj ˆ0 and eachjaijappears in the decomposition offe


only a finite number of times. Let us consider Fˆfe‡g; gˆ X


fa: …5†

One has lim supz!ejfe(z)j ˆ 1 and denote Aˆ jg(e)j51. There exists eA>0 such that ifjz ej5eA then jg(z)j5A‡1. We have the following result that implies Theorem 1.

PROPOSITION 2. Let fe be as above and let e>0. Then there exists z02Cpsuch that:

1) jz0 ej5eandjfe(z0)j>A‡1.

2) there exists z12Cp,jz0 z1j5jz0 ejandjfe(z1)j5jfe(z0)j.

Let us see that Proposition 2 implies Theorem 1. We choose a positive real numberesuch thate5eAande5inffje aj:a6ˆe; a2Sg. Because jfe(z0)j>A‡1 andjg(z0)j5A‡1 one hasjF(z0)j ˆ jfe(z0)j>A‡1. From jz0 z1j5jz0 ej5ewe havejz1 ej5esojg(z1)j5A‡15jfe(z0)jand by jfe(z1)j5jfe(z0)jone obtainsjF(z1)j5jF(z0)j. On the other hand there are no elements ofSn fegin the closed ballB[z0;jz1 z0j] and even in the open ballB(z0;e). But the functionFis defined onB(z0;e) andjFjis not constant on this open ball soFhas zeros inB(e;e), see also [AR].

Now, let us give the proof of Proposition 2. As we know, the sequence (janj)n1 is decreasing and its limit is zero. We choose z0 of the form z0ˆe‡as(1‡u) withs sufficiently large andjuj51,u6ˆ0 that will be chosen later. One has

fe(z)ˆc Y1


1 ai

z e




z e ai

z e ; …6†




as(1‡u) ai as(1‡u) : …7†

It is clear thatjas(1‡u)j ˆ jasj. Now, ifjaij5jasjthen jas(1‡u) aij ˆ jas(1‡u)j ˆ jasj, and using (7) we have

jfe(z0)j ˆ jcj Y


as(1‡u) ai

as(1‡u) : …8†

Let us give an explanation about the form ofz0as above,z0ˆe‡as(1‡u),


withjuj51. If there existsz1that satisfiesjz0 z1j5jz0 ejandjfe(z1)j5 jfe(z0)j then je z1j ˆ je z0j so on the sphereS(e;je z0j) the function jfe(z)jis not constant and this implies thatje z0jis the same with one of the moduli jasj, s1. In such a way one has z0ˆe‡ast, jtj ˆ1 and z1ˆz0‡ast0,jt0j51, i.e.z1ˆe‡as(t‡t0). Denotejasj ˆrs. Let us com- putejfe(z0)jandjfe(z1)j. We factorize



z e ai

z e ˆhs(z)Hs(z);



hs(z)ˆ Y


z e aj …10† z e


Hs(z)ˆ Y


z e aj

z e : …11†

In (10) the product has a finite number of factors. Let us see thatjHsjis constant on the sphereS(e;rs), because ifjHsjis not constant thenHshas zeros on this sphere that is not the case. The inequalityjfe(z1)j5jfe(z0)jis equivalent to jhs(z1)j5jhs(z0)j that is equivalent to hs(z1)

hs(z0)51. Because jz0 ej ˆ jz1 ejit results that


hs(z0)ˆ Y


z1 e aj

z0 e ajˆ Y


1 z0 z1

z0 e aj51:

There existsjandajwithje‡ajj ˆrssuch that1 z0 z1 z0 e aj

51, which meansjz0 z1j ˆ jz0 e ajj5je z0j, soz0 e aj

z0 a ˆ1 aj

z0 e51.

Again, one obtains aj

z0 eˆ1 soz0 eˆaj(1‡w), withjwj51, for some aj with jajj ˆrs ˆ jasj i.e. z0ˆe‡aj‡ajw, with jwj51. Denote rˆminfjz0 e ajj:je‡ajj ˆrsg. We takez1such thatjz0 z1j rand for at least a j such that jz0 e ajj ˆr one has z0 z1

z0 e aj 1ˆ z1‡e‡aj

z0 e aj 51. This implies jfe(z1)j5jfe(z0)j and also jz0 z1j rˆ jz0 e ajj5jz0 ej. So z1ˆz0‡ast0 will be determined such that for


some aj with jz0 e ajj ˆr, z0 z1

z0 e aj 151. For this z0 z1 z0 e aj must have the residual image equal to 1. This implies

z1 z0 z0 e aj

ˆ as

z0 e aj



so the condition that determinez1is t0ˆ z0 e aj


: …13†

In such a way z1 is determined by z0. It remains to find z0, z0ˆe‡as‡asu, withjuj51, such thatjfe(z0)jis big enough (>A‡1) and je z0j ˆ jasjwithjasjsmall enough.

If in the decompositon of jfej as in (8) one has jaij>jasj, then jas(1‡u) aij ˆ jaijsoas(1‡u) ai

as(1‡u) ˆjaij

jasj>1. This implies jfe(z0)j ˆMsM0s


whereMsˆ jcj Q




andM0sˆ Q


as(1‡u) ai


1) We see thatMs is large enough as soon asas is small enough that meanssis large enough.

2) One has as(1‡u) ai

as(1‡u) ˆ1 ai

as(1‡u)ˆ(1‡u) ai

as where wˆ1‡uis also a unit inU1(Cp).

Now, letd2(0;1) and denote

Ud(Cp)ˆ fz:zˆ1‡y; jyj5dg:


ThenUd(Cp)U1(Cp) and the factor groupU1(Cp)=Ud(Cp) is an infinite group (because of the residual field ofCp that isFp i.e. infinite). Denote msˆ#fai:jaij ˆ jasjg. BecauseU1(Cp)=Ud=ms(Cp) is infinite we can find wˆ1‡u2U1(Cp) such that (1‡u) ai

as d

ms, for each 1ims. From this one obtains



as(1‡u) ai as(1‡u)



so by (14) we have

jfe(z0)j jcj Y


ai as



Finally it is clear that forslarge enough, by (16) one hasjfe(z0)j>A‡1, and the proof is done.

3. The transcendental case

Let x2Cp. For any e>0 denote B(x;e)ˆ fy2Cp:jx yj5eg and B[x;e]ˆ fy2Cp:jx yj eg. For anyd>e>0 also denoteE(x;e;d)ˆ fy2B(x;d):jy tj e, for all t2O(x)\B(x;d)g and E[x;e;d]ˆ fy2 B[x;d]:jy tj e; for allt2O(x)\B(x;d)g. The complement ofE(x;e;d) inB(x;d) is denoted byV(x;e;d). Both setsE(x;e;d) andV(x;e;d) are open and closed, and one has: \eV(x;e;d)ˆO(x)\B(x;d). Denote E(x;d)ˆ [eE(x;e;d)ˆB(x;d)nO(x) andE[x;d]ˆ [eE[x;e;d]ˆB[x;d]nO(x). For anyx2Cpande>0 denoteH(x;e)ˆ fs2G:js(x) xj5egandH[x;e]ˆ fs2G:js(x) xj eg. LetSe (respectivelySe) be a complete system of representatives for the right cosets of Gwith respect toH(x;e) (respec- tivelyH[x;e]). ThenE(x;e;d)ˆ [s2SeB(s(x);e)\B(x;d).

(Whendˆ 1we dropdin the above notations and obtain the standard notations and results as in [APVZ1].)

Letdbe a fixed positive real number and letF:E[x;d]!Cpbe a rigid analytic function such that the set of real numbers fekFkE[x;e;d]gd>e>0 is bounded. (HerekFkE[x;e;d]ˆsupz2E[x;e;d]jF(z)j.)

By the Mittag-Leffler Theorem (see [FP]) one can write:

F(z)ˆF1(e)(z)‡F(e)2 (z) where

F1(e)(z)ˆ X





(z s(x))n; a(e)n;s2Cp; ja(e)n;sj en !0;


F(e)2 (z)ˆ X




b(e)n;s(z s(x))n; b(e)n;s2Cp; jb(e)n;sjdn!0;

for any z2E(x;e;d). It is easy to see that F(e)2 (z)ˆF(e20)(z) for any 05e05e5d, soF2(e)(z) has analytic continuation on the entireB[x;d], which we denote it byF2(z). DenoteF1(z)ˆF(z) F2(z).


One also has

F(e)1 (z)ˆ X



where F1;s(e)(z)ˆ P



(z s(x))n, ja(e)n;sj

en !0. By Cauchy's inequalities, one obtains

…17† ja(e)n;sj enkF1kE[x;e;d]ˆ

enkF F2kE[x;e;d]enmaxfkFkE[x;e;d];kF2kE[x;e;d]g; n1:

The Mittag-Leffler's decomposition is unique, so, for any 05e05eone has F1;s(e)(z)ˆ X

t2Se0;^tˆ^s s(x);t(x)2B(x;d)

F1;t(e0)(z); z2E[x;e;d]

(here^tˆ^smeanst2sH(x;e)) and so for anys(x)2B(x;d) X



(z s(x))nˆ X

t2Se0;^tˆ^s t(x)2B(x;d)



a(em;t0) (z t(x))m: …18†

Since jz s(x)j e, and js(x) t(x)j5e, it follows that jz t(x)j ˆ jz s(x)jand so:


(z t(x))mˆ a(em;s0) (z s(x))m

1 t(x) s(x) z s(x)


ˆ a(em;t0) (z s(x))m



m‡k 1 k

ht(x) s(x) z s(x)

ik : …19†

If we denotem‡kˆn, then by identifying the coefficients of the terms of degreenin (18) and (19) one obtains:

a(e)n;sˆ X

t2Se0;^tˆ^s t(x)2B(x;d)

Xn 1


n 1 k

a(en k;t0) (t(x) s(x))k; …20†


Now for any n1 one defines a sequence fmn;egn;e of measures on O(x)\B[x;d] by the equality



a(e)n;sds(x); …21†

wheredydenotes the Dirac measure concentrated aty2Cp.


By (20) one obtains, fornˆ1:

a(e)1;sˆ X

t2Se0;^tˆ^s t(x)2B(x;d)

a(e1;t0); 05e0e:

This equality further implies that for any ballBof radiusd0,ed05d, one hasm1;e(B)ˆm1;e0(B) whenevere0e. Then by (17) and the Banach-Stein- haus Theorem (see [R]) there results that the mapping


e m1;e(B)

(where B runs over all the open balls of O(x)\B[x;d]) defines a p-adic measure onO(x)\B[x;d]. One says thatmˆm1is themeasure associated to the rigid analytic functionF. Here we remark that ifk kF E[x;e;d]is uni- formly bounded for any 05e5done hasmˆ0.

Furthermore, fornˆ2, by (20) one obtains a(e)2;sˆ X

t2Se0;^tˆ^s t(x)2B(x;d)

[a(e2;t0)‡a(e1;t0)(t(x) s(x))]:

IfBis an open ball ofO(x)\B[x;d] of radiusd0, by the previous equality and (21) there results that

m2;e(B) m2;e0(B)ˆX



t2Se0;^tˆ^s t(x)2B(x;d)

a(e1;t0)(t(x) s(x)) 2


3 75

and so by (17) one has:

jm2;e(B) m2;e0(B)j ee0k kF E[x;e0;d]eM

whereMˆsupd>e>0ek kF E[x;e;d]51, by hypothesis. Then by (17) and the Banach-Steinhaus Theorem, there exists a measure m2 onO(x)\B[x;d]

defined by


e m2;e(B);

for all the open ballsBofO(x)\B[x;d]. In the same manner for alln3 one can define a measuremnonO(x) by:


e mn;e(B):

Next, by an easy computation it follows that for all n2, one has mn;e Men 1, and so mnˆ0 for all n2. In what follows we shall


prove that

F1(z)ˆ Z



z tdm(t); z2E[x;d]:


Indeed, with the above notations and using (17) one has:

F1(z) Z



z tdm1;e(t) ˆ

F1(z) X


a(e)1;s z s(x)





a(e)n;s (z s(x))n

; …23†

for anyz2E(x;d). Ifdˆdist(z;O(x)\B(x;d))>0, for any 05e5dfrom (23) and (17) one has

F1(z) Z



z tdm1;e(t) sup


1 d

e d

n 1

ek kF E[x;e;d]; …24†

which tends to zero whenetends to zero.

By the definition ofmˆm1 (see (21)) one has Z



z tdm(t)ˆlim





z tdm1;e(t):

By (24) and the analytic continuation principle one obtains (22). Finally one has the following result, which is similar to a theorem of Barsky (see [B] and [APVZ1]):

THEOREM2. Let x be a transcendental element of Cpand letd be a fixed positive real number. Let F:E[x;d]!Cpbe a rigid analytic func- tion such that the set of real numbersfekFkE[x;e;d]gd>e>0is bounded. There exists a unique p-adic measuremF on O(x)\B[x;d]such that F has the following integral representation

F(z)ˆG(z)‡ Z



z tdmF(t); z2E[x;d];


where G(z)is an entire function on B[x;d], and the representation of F is unique.


REMARK. It is easy to see that ifFhas a singular pointt2O(x)\B[x;d]

thenk kF E[x;e;d]! 1;e!0 so one has lim supz!tjF(z)j ˆ 1and moreoverF is transcendental overCp(z). Indeed, if the reverse is true one hasmFˆ0 andFhas no singular points onO(x)\B[x;d], which is false.

One has the following result.

THEOREM3. Let x be a transcendental element of Cpand letd be a fixed positive real number. Let F:E[x;d]!Cpbe a rigid analytic func- tion such that all the points of O(x)\B[x;d]are singular points of F. Then lim infz!xjF(z)j ˆ0.

PROOF. Let us suppose the reverse. One has lim infz!xjF(z)j>0 so there exists M>0 and d0>0 such that jF(z)j>M for any z2B[x;d0]nO(x). For the sake of simplicity, let us supposedˆd0. (We can work with the restriction of F toE[x;d0].) By definition, F is a limit (in uniform convergence on eachE[x;e;d]) of rational functions of the form

F(z)ˆ lim


P(e)n(z) Q(e)n(z); …26†

without poles inE[x;e;d]. Fix 05e5dand letnMbe a natural number such that

F P(e)n Q(e)n



for any nnM. Because jF(z)j>M, for any z2E[x;e;d] one obtains P(e)n(z)

Q(e)n (z)

>M, for any z2E[x;e;d], so F is a uniform limit of rational functions without zeros and poles inE[x;e;d]. DenoteG(e)n(z)ˆP(e)n (z)

Q(e)n(z). One has

1 F

1 G(e)n


F G(e)n

E[x;e;d] 1 FG(e)n


5 1

M2F G(e)n


for anynnMso 1

Fis rigid analytic onE[x;d]. Two cases may appear:

(I) The function 1

Fhas analytic continuation onO(x)\B[x;d] and then 1

Fˆ0 onO(x)\B[x;d]. Sincexis transcendental overQp,O(x) has limit points insideB[x;d] (see [APZ1]), and this forces 1

Fto be identically zero, which is a contradiction.


(II) 1

F has singular points onO(x)\B[x;d]. Let us suppose that xis a singular point. As in the above considerations one obtains a sequence (yn)n1 such that yn!x and 1

F(yn)! 1 i.e. jF(yn)j !0 that is also

false. p

REMARK. The hypothesis that x is transcendental over Qp is really needed in the statement of Theorem 3. Situation is completely different ifx is algebraic. Indeed, ifxˆais algebraic overQp, one can takeFˆ1=Pa, wherePais the minimal polynomial ofaoverQp, and then the conclusion of the theorem is obviously false for suchF.

COROLLARY2. If F is as in the above Theorem and a2Cpthen there exists a sequence zn2CpnO(x)such thatlimn!1F(zn)ˆa.

PROOF. We apply Theorem 3 forFaˆF a. p

REMARK. One could say that the points ofO(x)\B[x;d] are essential singular points forF.

COROLLARY 3. Let x2Cp be a transcendental element and d be a fixed positive real number. Denote Dˆ [s2GB(s(x);d)nO(x). Let F2 AG(D;Cp)be a rigid analytic function that is equivariant and such that x is a singular point of F, i.e. F does not have analytic continuation to [s2GB(s(x);d). Then lim supz!xjF(z)j ˆ 1 and lim infz!xjF(z)j ˆ0.

Moreover, for any a2Qp there exists a sequence (zn)n12CpnO(x) such that limn!1F(zn)ˆa, so all the points of O(x) are essential singular points for F.

4. A few examples of rigid analytic functions with and without zeros 1) In this section we give an example of a rigid analytic function such that it has no zeros on P1(Cp)nO(x). For, letx2CpnQp, and let (en)n1 be a strictly decreasing sequence with limit 0. Denote Hnˆ fs2G:js(x) xj5eng and Snˆ(Hn=Hn‡1)left be a complete system of representatives on the left for Hn=Hn‡1. Let us define the following sequence of rational functions





1 x s(x) z s(x)





z x

z s(x); n1:



For any d>0 the sequence (fn)n1 is uniform convergent on Cpn [s2GB(s(x);d). It is easy to see that

fn‡1(z)ˆfn(z) Y


1 x s(x) z s(x)


wherehn(z)ˆ Q


z x

z s(x). One hasfn‡1(z) fn(z)ˆfn(z)(hn(z) 1). For anyd>0 there existsndsuch thaten5dfor anyn>nd. In such a way one hasjfn(z)j ˆ jfnd(z)jas soon as dist(z;O(x))d. Moreover

hn(z) 1ˆ Y


1 x s(x) z s(x)


ˆ X


x s(x) z s(x)‡ X


x s(x)

z s(x)x t(x) z t(x)

‡( 1)#Sn‡1 Y


x s(x) z s(x): …28†

By (28) one obtains

jhn(z) 1j sup


x s(x) z s(x) en‡1

d ; …29†

for any n>nd and any z with dist(z;O(x))d. Clearly, (29) implies limn!1jhn(z) 1j ˆ0 uniformly inz. We have

jfn‡1(z) fn(z)j ˆ jfnd(z)j jhn(z) 1j jfnd(z)j en‡1 d ; …30†

that tends to 0 as soon asn! 1uniformly inz, dist(z;O(x))d. By (27)- (30) one defines

f(z)ˆ lim



that is a rigid analytic function onP1(Cp)nO(x). Moreoverxis a singular point off, sof does not have analytic continuation to the entireO(x).

It remains to prove that f has no zeros in CpnO(x). For, let z2 CpnO(x) such thatf(z)ˆlimn!1 fn(z)ˆ0. Let us supposedˆ jz xj. If en5d one has x s(x)

z s(x)51 so 1 x s(x)

z s(x)ˆ1 and jhn 1(z)j ˆ1. It follows that for anyn>nd

jfn(z)j ˆ jfnd(z)j;


wherendˆmaxfk:ekdg. It is clear thatjfn(z)jcannot be small enough as soon asjz xj ˆd, withdfixed, which means thatf has no zeros.

2) Now, we give an example of a rigid analytic function that has in- finitely many zeros aroundO(x). For, let us consider the same notations as above and let (an)n1be a sequence fromQpsuch thatjx anj enfor any n1, via the theorem of Ax-Sen, see [Ax]. Then we define





1 ai s(x) z s(x)





z ai

z s(x); n1:


Using the same arguments as above it is easy to see that (Fn(z))n1 is uniformly convergent onCpn [s2GB(s(x);d), for anyd>0, and denote its limit byF(z), which is rigid analytic onP1(Cp)nO(x) and has (an)n1as the set of zeros.

3) Another example of rigid analytic function that has zeros in every neighborhood of any of its singular points is the trace series of a trans- cendental element ofCp, for more details see page 38 of [APZ2].

REMARK. The above examples satisfy the following properties:

lim supz!xjf(z)j ˆ 1and lim infz!xjf(z)j ˆ0.

5. Some remarks related to zeros on a corona

Letf :P1(Cp)nO(x)!Cpbe an arbitrary rigid analytic function that is equivariant with respect to G and f(1)ˆ0. For any positive real number e consider the Mittag-Leffler decomposition of f on E0(x;e):ˆ

P1(Cp)n [s2SeB(s(x);e), whereSeis a complete system of representatives ofGwith respect to the subgroupsH(x;e)ˆ fs2G:js(x) xj5eg:





a(e)n;s (z s(x))n; …33†

wherea(e)n;sˆs(a(e)n;e) andeis the neutral element ofG, see [APVZ1]. In what follows we considerenthe fundamental sequence of all distances onO(x), more precisely the image of the following function: d:O(x)!R‡, d(s(x))ˆ js(x) xj, which is continuous and its image is a strictly de- creasing sequence (en)n1with limit 0. Fixe>0. There exists a uniquem such thateme5em 1,m1. (One can considere0ˆ 1.)

Denoteyˆ 1

z x. Then jz xj e if and only ifjyj 1

e. We have the


following identity X






n‡k 1 k

ak; jaj51:


For aˆ z x

s(x) x, s6ˆe, the condition jaj51 means that jz xj5

mins2Se;s6ˆejs(x) xj, which means that for a fixed positive real numbere

witheme5em 1one haseme jz xj5em 1, so 1

em 15jyj 1 e. Using (34) in the above conditions one obtains


(z s(x))nˆ 1

(x s(x))n

1 s(x)z xxn

ˆ 1

(x s(x))n X


n‡k 1 k

h z x s(x) x




( 1)k n‡k 1 k

(x s(x))n‡k (z x)k: …35†

Let us defineef(y):ˆf(z) withyˆ 1

z xas above. From (33) and (35) one has





b(e)k y k‡b(e)0 ; …36†


b(e)k ˆX




( 1)ka(e)n;s n‡k 1 k

(x s(x))n‡k ; k0:


Becausef is equivariant by (37) we have the following upper bound jb(e)k j sup


ja(e)n;ej en‡km 1 ˆ 1

ekm 1sup


ja(e)n;ej enm 1



ekm 1A(f;e);




ja(e)n;ej en


. The inequalities (38) give us

R~f :ˆlim X


jb(e)k j1=k 1 em 1: …39†


Now, from Cauchy's inequalities

ja(e)n;ej enk kf E0(x;e)


one obtainsja(e)n;ej1=n ek kf 1=nE0(x;e)so R‡~f :ˆ 1

lim supn!1ja(e)n;ej1=n 1 e > 1

em 1R~f ; …41†

which means thatef(y) is a Laurent series on the coronaR~f 5jyj5R‡~f . In such a way the zeros ofef(y) on the above corona are the same as the zeros of f(z) in the coronaeme jz xj5em 1.

REMARK. In the previous examples 1)-3) from Paragraph 4, ~f associated tof has no zeros in the above corona. Moreover, in example 2) the zeros of~fare precisely onjzj ˆR‡~f orjzj ˆR~f . In the casex2Qpit is easy to see thatR‡~f ˆ 1so the finite zeros of~f are precisely onjzj ˆR~f . Acknowledgments. We are grateful to the referee of this paper for valuable suggestions and comments.

The fifth author's research was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-0901621.


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 21 giugno 2011.


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