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Annotated bibliography on single-stack drainage and venting for single and multi-storey dwellings


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Bibliography (National Research Council of Canada. Division Of Building Research); no. BIBL-33, 1967-10-01



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Annotated bibliography on single-stack drainage and venting for single and multi-storey dwellings











WoFo Williamson

This selected annotated bibliography was prepared originally for the use of the Research

Committee of the National House Builders Association.

It deals exclu~ively wjtth reports of experhental studies carried out at various laboratories on waste pipe and vent drainage systems, lChe references

contained in this lfst are of reports and articles held in the Library of the Division of Building

is necessary for ea

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Soil and waste pipe systems for housing. Great Britain,

. Building Research Station, Dfgest 80 (second series).


This Digest discusses the pressure changes in a single-stack system that cause induced siphonage, back pressure, or self-siphonage and ef'fect loss of seal,

Smaller d i m e ter venting feasible for plumbing, study shows (editorls article), Heating, Plumbin and


Air Conditioning, Vol.



5 ,




This article describes a recent study on

venting single-storey plumbing systems that was undertaken by the National Bureau of Standards for NAHB, It was indicated in the study that substantial reduction in customary vent



from 1% in, to % in,


could be achieved without violating vent pressure

limitations. Further inves tlgations would be necessary, however, to confLmn the findings before recorrrmending specific changes f n venting requirements of existing plumbing codes.

Wyly, Robert S. Investigation of the hydraulics of horizontal drains in plumbing systems, U,S, Dept,

of Cammerce, Nat, Bureau of Stds,, Monograph



Investigations were carried out for hydraulics of flow using apparatus sirnulati ng horizontal and branch drains of plumbing systems. The effect of the hydraulic perfomances of drain systems are related to changes of slopes.

Useful equations were establfshed for estimating hydraulic capacfties for surge and steady flow


The experimental f i n d i n g s suggest t h a t though c a r e f u l design i t may be p o s s i b l e , t o reduce the number of conventional vents extending above plumbing f i x t u r e s i n small s y s t e m such as one- and t w o - f d l y houses,

Voegeli, Henry E, Drainage without vents stacks. Air

Ctonditioning, Eeatfng, and V e n t i l a t i n g , Vol. 60,

A W S ~ 1963, P * 77



This i l l u s t r a t e d a r t i c l e o u t l i n e s a method of s a n i t a r y drainage developed by the Swiss whereby

s t a c k venting can be eliminated. The system (Sovent) c o n s i s t s of breaking the f a l l of the water i n

the s t a c k a t each f l o o r , causing a e r a t i o n i n a s p e o i a l f i t t i n g and thereby keeping the negative pressure within t h e one i n c h allowed r e g a r d l e s s of the height af the building.

The system i s r e f e r r e d t o by t h e author i n another a r t i c l e e n t i t l e d "New Developments i n S a n i t a r ~

' Drainage" i n A i r conditionink, Heatinff and


Ventilating, becember 1964,

I n t h i s paper he has made suggestions f o r

designing such a system and, aided by i l l u s t r a t i o n s , has shown s e v e r a l possible a p p l i c a t i o n s of t h e

Sovent system t o bathroom drainage,

S i m p l i f t ed plumbing f o r housing. Great B r i t a i n , Building Research S t a t i o n Digest 32 (second s e r i e s ) , 1963.

!This Digest supersedes f i r s t s e r i e s d i g e s t s Nos, 48, 49 and 127. It has been enlarged t o cover plumbing stacks, vents and t r a p s f o r buildings up t o 20 storeys high and t o include d e t a i l s of f u r t h e r s i m p l i f i c a t i o n p o s s i b l e by the use of


and 6-in. s t a c k s ,

Service cores i n high f l a t s s a n i t a r y plumbing. Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Design B u l l e t i n 3, P a r t 1, 1962,

This i s the f i r s t of a s e r i e s dealing with


mainly of 10 or more storeys, Systems in

common use are exmined as well as a basically new system using


or 6-in, diameter soil pipe

The bulletin is divided into two parts. The first consists of short sections dealing with the design and development of various sytems of plumbing and factors affecting design and materials, The second contains illustrations

of different systems for blocks of flats from


to 20 storeys and


to 19-storey maisonettes. A schedule of suggested systems is presented, emphasizing the technical development of sanitary plumbing with the object of reducing costs, and producing simpli fled and efficient systems

conformfng to the bylaws of each local authority,

Griffiths, ToJe The hydraulic design of drainage pipework for domestic and for public buildi


Public Works

and Municipal Services Congress,


?s 2, Paper No.



This paper discusses methods of designing flow loads of drainage systems for domestic and

public buildings, By placing discharge unit values on each of the appliances in common use, the probable maximum rate of flow from a given number of

appliances is indicated by use of curves, The capacfties of soil and waste stacks can be determined for design purposes by reading from the appropriate design curve. Frequency of use of appliances and the rate and duration of

discharge are discussed and illustrated by tables.

Griffiths, T.J. Plumbing with particular attention to design and materials, From the Chartered Municipal Engineer, 1962.

In this paper the basic design requirements for plumbing in tall buildings are discussed,

possible approaches to design are suggested and common misconceptions are noted, Included is a brief discussion of the relevant properties of the materials most likeLy to be used for


Wyly, Robert S,, and Herbert N o Eaton. Pipe s i z e s f o r plumbing s t a c k s i n buildings, Technical News from U.S. ~ e p t , of Oommerce, *S Technical Report STR-25840 1961,

This study was concerned p r i m a r i l y with the mechanics of flow i n main v e r t i c a l drains and

vents. P e r t h r r t c h a r t s and i l l u s t r a t f ons were developed showing v e l o c f t y of water i n v e r t i c a l drains, r a t e s of a i r flaw, hydro- dynamic pressures, and permissible plumbing

loads. The r e p o r t provides information u s e f u l i n preventing over-sizing of pipes.

Wyly, Robert S


and Herbert N. Eaton, Capacities of s t a c k s i n s a n i t a r y drainage systems f o r buildings. National Bureau of Standards Monograph 31, 1961.

Some of the important r e s u l t s obtained i n i n v e s t i g a t i o n s of plumbing s t a c k c a p a c i t i e s i n t e s t systems a t the National Bureau of Standards and elsewhere a r e discussed.

Studies were undertaken of the flow conditions a t the junction of a drainage s t a c k and i t s h o r f z o n t a l branches, using a s p e c i a l l y designed flow simulator with s a n i t a r y - t e e s t a c k f i t t i n g s . Long-twn T-Y s t a c k f i t t i n g s were a l s o incor- porated i n the t e s t s . Tests were undertaken using a multi-storey t e s t system ( p r o t o t y p a l

s t a c k ) r a t h e r than the simulated s t a c k . The study a l s o included air flow i n d r a i n and vent pipes; pneqnatic pressures i n drainage s t a c k s ; a i r content of the l a y e r of water flowing on the wall of a s t a c k and v e l o c i t f e s i n t h i s l a y e r .

G r i f f i t h s , T. J. Drainage above ground. I n Symposium on New Trends i n Plumbing and S a n l t a t i o n . Journal,

Royal Society of Health. Vol, 79, No. 1, P,


1959. This paper describes the background of one-pipe


systems and t r a p s e a l s , and t e s t s undertaken t o improve t r a p s e a l s and venting and l e s s e n t h e i r c o s t , Further comments are made on s t a c k s i z e s .

Gyorog, D.A., F,M, Pawson, M, ASCE, and E,C?. Lundquist Model-prototype study of a plumbing drainage system. Proceedings of the American S o c i e t y of Uivil

Engineers, Vol, 85, May 1959. Journal of the Hydraulics Division, BY


p. 67,

Thfs paper describes how dimensionless groups of vapiables ma$ be used t o express the

perfomnance of a plumbing drainage system.

I t i s a l s o demonstrated t h a t d a t a obtained from t e s t s on a s c a l e model can be c o r r e l a t e d with those f r o m the p r o t o t ~ e i n terms of the d9snensionless p a r a m t e r s developed.

Wise, A.F.E, Drainage pipewoxk i n dwellings: hydraulic design and performance. Great B r i t a i n , BuildLng Research S t a t i o n , 1957,

The purpose of this book Ls t o compile and t o extend the r e s u l t s of plumbing and drainage s t u d i e s a t various Research S t a t i o n s , and t o document the new p r f n c i p l e s of design t h a t have been proven i n p r a c t i c e ,

The h i s t o r i c a l development of t r a d t t i o n a l i n s t a l l a t i o n methods i s t r a c e d t o show how problems i n s a n i t a t i o n have been worked out i n the p a s t . A n o u t l i n e of development s i n c e the w w i s given, with chapters on basic data, t h e i r a p p l i c a t i o n t o design, and costs. Factors governing design and t h e hydraulic problems involved a r e a l s o mentioned. Wise, A.F.E. Aerodynamic Studies t o Aid Drainage Stack

Design. journal, I n s t i t u t i o n of Public Health Engineers, Vol. 56, No. 1, p. 48-64, 1957,

The t h e o r e t i c a l processes taking place i n

the v e r t i c a l drainage stacks during p r a c t i c e a r e out 11 ne d




Tests have been made to determine ,friction losses within the system, for purposes of developing f ommlae,

Resistance coefficient fomnulae and ratio tables are given, Including the coefficient for bend loss at the bottom of the stack. Comparisons of actual and theoretical results are given, as well as comments on the terminal velocity of the water and af r velocity,

Eaton, Herbert


Pressure drafnage sys terns for buildings ,

Buildfng Research Institute, Washington, D.C. Technical reprint No,



Though the w e of pressure drainage is not

expected to be sidespread, it has the advantage of making full use of the capacity of the

drainage pipe.

The report discusses the advantages and dis- advantages of pressure drainage and how to calculate for the system, The drainage systems of two bufldlngs are analyzed to illustrate the w e of pressure drainage and methods of calculabing rate of flow.

Computation tables and flow charts are introduced in the report.

Dawaon, P.M. and D.E. IvIetzler. Summaries of two research reports on Plumbing Systems and Water Supply; Part 1:

"Investigation of loop and ci rcuft venting a battery of water closets and pedestal urinals1', Building Research Institute, ~ a b h i n ~ t o n , D.C. Technical Reprint Number



5% venting methods used in the test varied from no venting to individual venting of each


fixture, Controls on the vent pipe were

installed to determine whether smaller diameter vents would be satisfactory,

Take offs from the vertical stub and vent connections were varied to ascertain the most desirable arrangements.

Wise, AoF.Eo Design factors for one-pipe drainage, Journal, Royal Sanitar Insti tute






P. 231-241,


This paper deals with the main factors

causing seal loss, pressure disturbances i n the pipework and evaporation, and introduces the quea ti on of combined discharges and the probability of simultaneous flows. An

account is then given of several investigations

of the toxicity of sewer and drain gas.

Wise, A.F.E. Self-siphonage i n building drainage systems. Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, Vole




P O 789-808.


The paper deals with the aspect of the in-

vestigation termed self-siphonage. Experiments on basins fitted' with transparent pipework for observation purposes are described, and the basic cause of seal loss is shown. Two types of flow-plug movement and hydraulic-jump

formation are examined i n detail, and a theo- retical analysis is given to show their

relationship to discharge rate and siphonage.

Wise, A,F.E,, and J o Croft. Investigation of single- stack drainage for multi -storey flats , Journal,

Royal Sanitary Instit~.te, Vole


No. 9, p.



The paper describgs work done on multi-storey

flats, mainly labbratory experiments with a 4-in. cast iron stack 60 ft high, The paper shows results of laboratory and field tests of various appliances discharging together,


Practical application of test data is described, The rate and duration of discharge as well as frequency of use of appliances are given in tables. The questdon of probability of simul- taneous discharge is discussed, Trap seal loss is illustrated in diagrams,

Eaton, Herbert N., and Robert S, Wyly. Frost closure of roof vents in plumbing systems, U,S. National

Bureau of Standards, Building Materials and Structures Report



The report outlines the experimental studies that were carried out in the laboratory of the National B w e a u of Standards in which vent pipes as labge as


in. of a simulated roof vent would be completely closed by frost, A theoretical analysis was made of the heat- tranafer processes that are involved


the freezing of a roof vent which made it possible to predict to what extent an exposed roof sent of any assumed diameter will freeze up under any given condition,

McGhan, Fred W. Performance of plumbing fixtures and drainage stacks, Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington, D.C, Housing Research Paper



This publication summarises the results of an extension of the investigation of various aspects of plumbing drainage systems. The investigations were conducted by Robert S. Wyly and Otto Hintz, under the supervision of Herbert


Eaton, Clhief, Hydraulics Section Nechanical Division of NBS.

Th,e summary is divided into four headings x 1. The diffusion of gases through water seals

of plumbing fixture traps;

2. Evaporation of the water seals of plumbing fixture traps;


Report on the discharge characteristics of household plumbing fixtures;


Hydraulics and pneumatics of 2-in. building drainage stacks.


Wise, AoFeE, One -pipe plumbing: -Some recent experimental hydraulics at the Building Research Station.

Journal, Institution of Sanitary Engineers, Bol,


Part 1, p.20-49,



brief account of the possible effects of

discharges from appli ances on trap seals in simple one-pipe systems is given, The pipe systems

used to investigate these effects and the procedures adopted in carrying out tests are &mibed, Included with the test results are

the observations offlow and quantitative data. Contrast in results and extreme seal losses are mentioned in this section to give some idea of arrangements of pipes to avoid in design,

One-pipe (single stack) plumbing for housing (Part I) Great Britain, Building Research Station Digest NO,



The Digest concerns the principles of one- pipe and single-stack plumbing


their ad- vantages and disadvantages including those relating to costs and use of materials


as compared with the two-pipe sys tern,


One-pipe (single stack) platnbing for housing (Part 11)

-Principles of Design, Great Britain, Building Research Station Digest No.



The Digest contains explanatory notes

on siphonage and back pressure and outlines the principles to be followed in designing the various sections of the single-stack system of plumbing,

Wyly, Robert S. and Herbert N o Eaton, Capacities of plumbing stacks in buildings, National Bureau'of Standards


Building Materials and Structures Report 132. 1952,

Also: Capacity of plumbing stacks. National


Bureau of Standards


Bui lding Research Summary Report

86, 1952.

An ex eriment is described using


3-112, stack and 19-, 2- and 3-in, sanitary tee fittings


where a hori zontal branch joined the stack, Two horizontal branches joined the stack at the

same level. A cylindrical chamber that could regulate pressure replaced the uppermost part of the stack, Various sizes of pipes were installed i n the stack to regulate the

thickness of the sheet of water running down the stack. Equations were developed to be used i n determinfng various flow combinations,

French, John L, and Herbert N, Eaton, Self -siphonage of fixture traps, United States Department of

Oommerce, ~uil-ding Materials


tructures Report 126.


This paper describes the method used and results obtained in an experimental inves- tigation of the self-siphonage of fixture traps i n plumbing systems, The different factors that affect self-siphonage are determined and the method for reducing the ill effects of self-siphonage are suggested. Recommendations and conclusions are presented,

The paper shows the importance of standardizing fix- ture traps and hydraulic characteristics of

plumbing fixtures such as lavatories, sinks, and trays,

Eatan, Herbert M. and John L. French. Fixture unit ratings as used i n plumbing system design. Housing and Home Finance Agency, Housing Research paper



D.C. 1951.

Fixture M t s and fixture unit rating are dealt with, the derivation of these two terns are briefly related, and the mathematf cs of the probability relations associated with them are Indicated in simplified f o m . The significance and use of these terms in the determination of design flow rates for water supply systems in buildings containing large numbers of fixtures w e clarified, The

procedure indicated can also be utilized to determine drainage flow rates, provided the proper unit ratings are assigned to the fixtures ,


French, John L. Stack venting of plumbing fixtures. National Bureau of Standards


Buildeng Naterials and Structures Report 118* Washengton, D.C. 1950.

I This report describes the methods used and

the results obtained in an investigation of the adequacy of stack venting a group of plumbing fixtures on the top floor of a building. Trap- seal losses of stack-vented flxtures in an experimental ins tallation are reported, a test loading having a reasonable probability of occurrence is developed, and a criterion of satisfactory trap-seal lass is proposed, The

experimental results u e interpreted in the light of the adopted test loading and the permissible trap-seal loss,

French John L,, H,N, Eaton and Robert S o Wyly. Wet venting of plumbing fixtures. National Bureau of Standards, Building Materials and Structures Report 119, Washington, DOC.


Tests were carried out on traps for different sizes of wet vents. Tests were also made on connections of branch lines to stacks

using long- and short-turn bends and compari ng effects on the water seal of traps, The effect of trap seal losses in relation to diameter changes of fixture drains was investigated.

Hunter, Roy B, Methods of estimating loads in plumbing

systems. National Bureau of Standards, Building

Materials and Structures Report 65, Washington, DwC,1940, This report describes a method of estimating

from a given number and kinds of plumbing fixtwes the probable sewage loads to be expected in a system. A table was developed giving relati ve load-producing values for

several types of commonly used plumbing fixtures,

A probability function curve is included which is to be used in conjunction with the


Dawson, F.M. and A,A, Kalihske, Report on Hydraulics and Pneumatics of the Plumbing Drainage System, Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Researoh, Technical Bulletin No, 2.


'Phis report concerns the flow of water in horizontal drains and vertical stacks and

the pneumatic principles pertaining to vent design, and presents test data indicating the operation of ordinary P-traps and desp- seal traps under comparable conditions. Bn

extensive analysis is made of the probability

of simultaneous discharge from a group of plumbing fixtures, Tables of drain, stack,

and vent-pipe sizes are presented.

Dawson, F.W, and A , A , Kallnske, Report on Hydraulics and Pneumatics of Plumbing Drainage Systems -1. University of Iowa Studies, Bulletin 10.


The purpose of these studies is to establish definite minimum drain, stack, and vent

sizes for vari ous plumbing installations,

The report deals with the hydraulics of steady flow in partially full vertical pipes of

plumbing systems, A rational analysis of the flow is p~esnted, with considerable experimental data, It also deals with the pneumatic

disturbances caused by the flow of water in vertical pipes, and with the factors affecting the amout of air necessary to prevent

excessive negative pressures in adjoining drains,

Babbitt, Harold E, Tests on the Hydraulics and Pneumatics of House Plumbing, Universltg of Illinois Bulletin No. 46, Vol. XXV, Part 11, Bulletin No,


Engineering Experiment Station.



of the relative !effectiveness of various types of traps


resisting seal rupture through sf h o a g e , self-siphonage, and back presswe;

(27 study of the most effective tgpe

of connection at the base of the stack;


and a series of tests to determine the effectiveness of by-pass venting.


report of a test on the drafnage pipes of a tall building under constrmction is also included. The conclusitons of the tesCs are discussed and recmendatltons made for improved design.


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