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View of Volume 25, Number 1: Review Board / Comité consultatif


Academic year: 2021

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Review Board/Comité consultatif

Mark Abley Poinle-Claire, Qllebec Glen S. Alkenhead University of Sas/aJJchewan Anthony Adams Cambridge University IsaAron

Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles RodneyBaln

University ofWestem Ontario Robert Baker

North Shore Comnuuaity College (Lynn, MA)

John Baugh

University ofTexIlS al AlUtin Garth Boomer

Education Dept.


South ArutTalia André Brassard Université de Montréal N. Peggy Burke University of Iowa PIerre Calvé University of Ottawa RlchardCoe

Simon Fraser University Donald G. Doehrlng McGili University James Draper Ontario Institute for Studies in Educalion

Eleanor Duc:kworth Harvard University Glen Eskedal Suffolk University Avlgdor Farine Université de Montréal Mona FarreU Concordia University Françoys Gagné

Université dM Québec à Montréal Léonard Goguen

Université dM Moncton Gerald Grace

University of Dw:ham (England) Janet Hansche Tullme University Nancy E. Hicks University of Regina PaulHIrst Cambridge University Ken Hoeltzel

Stale University of New York al Plattsburgh WayneK.Hoy Rutgers U~versity Roselmlna Indrlsano Boston University Ishu Isblyama

University of British Columbia J.D. Jelferls

Bishop's University (Retired) Hennlna Jobanoson Luled University (Sweden) Vlvlan F. Klnsey-TaUey St. Charles Parish Schools. LA Edward W. Keyserlln&k McGill University Jacques Lamontagne Université de Montréal Wlnfred Lehmann University ofTexIlS al Austin Donald M. Little Acadia University Barry Lucas University of Sas/aJJchewan NeU McDonald University of Manitoba Charles P. McFadden University of New Brunswick Robert Mulcahy

University of Alberta Hugh Munby Queen's University AUanNeUsen

Mount St. Vincent University Carole Oglesby Temple University Richard Pearson Syracrue University Lydia Raubenhelmer Nalionallnstitute for Personnel Research, RSA DoqlasRay

University ofWestem Ontario Joseph Relmer Brandeis University BruceRoald Dalhoruie University Doualas A. Roberts University of Calgary D.H. Saklofske University of Sask.atchewan Ronald Smith Concordia University Claude TrotUer Université Laval Karen Watson-Gegeo University of Hawaii Norman Watts Acadia University


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ISSN 0024-9033.


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