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A physical model of cell crawling motion


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A physical model of cell crawling motion

Didier Sornette

To cite this version:

Didier Sornette. A physical model of cell crawling motion. Journal de Physique, 1989, 50 (13),

pp.1759-1770. �10.1051/jphys:0198900500130175900�. �jpa-00211029�


A physical model of cell crawling motion

Didier Sornette

Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée (*), Faculté des Sciences, Parc Valrose, 06034

Nice Cedex, France

(Reçu le 30 septembre 1988, révisé le 14 mars 1989, accepté le 16 mars 1989)



On propose un modèle simple des mécanismes du mouvement de rampement de cellules sans cils ni flagelles. L’idée essentielle repose sur « l’exocytose dirigée



récemment dans de nombreuses cellules possédant une capacité motrice. On suggère que

l’exocytose dirigée est créée par une




osmotique fonctionnant à l’intérieur de la cellule.

Cette hypothèse permet d’obtenir une description quantitative précise de l’écoulement lipidique

membranaire d’avant en arrière de la cellule. On propose enfin que cet écoulement membranaire induit un écoulement du fluide environnant la cellule conduisant à une poussée d’arrière en avant

exercée par le fluide sur la cellule. Les valeurs typiques obtenues avec ce modèle sont comparées

aux données expérimentales existentes. L’accord quantitatif suggère que le mouvement de rampement de cellules repose non seulement sur une interaction cellule-substrat mais aussi sur une interaction cellule-fluide environnant.



A simple




model of the motion mechanisms of cells without flagella or

cilia is proposed. It relies essentially on the


directed exocytosis


discovered recently in many motile cells. An osmotic


pump » working inside the cell is suggested as a plausible motor for the

establishment of the directed exocytosis. The quantitative features of the cell lipidic membrane

backflow are obtained explicitly. This membrane flow induces a fluid motion outside the cell, leading to a thrust for forward motion exerted by the fluid on the cell. Typical values compare well with existing data : this suggests that cell crawling motion might involve not only cell-

substrate but also cell-fluid interactions.


Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

Movement is a fundamental property of living organisms intricately coupled to their intemal

machinery. In this letter, a simple




model of the motion mechanisms of cells without flagella or cilia is proposed. This form of motion is involved for example in the

movement of fibroplasts (which must migrate into a wound to take part in the healing process), of white blood cells (which move through the body to fight pathogens), of certain spermatozoa and some unicellular organisms [1]. It is believed generally that movement.

occurs as in amoeba and depends on the production of transient cytoplasmic extensions of the cell surface [2,3]. The view defended here is that lipid membrane flow, which is known to

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198900500130175900


occur in these cells, cannot be neglected and should provide a stimulus for re-evaluating the

models of movement.

In general, the understanding of individual cell motion involves three major problems : 1) what is the




of the cell ? This problem touches upon the complex structure and

function of the cell interior and is an active open field of research in biology and biochemistry [4]. Different types of cells have different motors. Schematically, the


motor » operates often by conformational changes in a protein (actin, myosin...) which can be utilized to slide

filaments past one another as in muscles [4, 5]. One can think of other types of motors such as the « pumps


which create gradients in various species concentrations within the cell ;

2) what is the mechanism of movement ? Here, the activity of the motor is taken for granted, the question of interest is : to what use is the motor put ? Nature has invented many types of locomotion modes, amongst them propulsion by different types of flagella [6, 7], ciliary motion [8] and crawling motion in cells without flagella or cilia [1-3] ;

3) what are the factors controlling the cell movement ? Several generic phenomena have

been proposed such as contact inhibition, chemotaxis, haptotaxis, galvanotaxis, phototaxis...

and the role of some of them has been well established [2]. The triggering factor is distinct for different cells or may involve a conjonction of several ingredients within a single cell.

However, the detailed biochemical mechanisms involved in these taxis phenomena are largely

unknown and remain an important field of research.

Due to the complexity and often extreme specificity of cell behaviour, a physical model is

bound to be too naive and general for really describing biological motions. However, one may

hope that the simplistic model presented here may become a starting point for refined

analysis. The three main ideas which are presented below are the following :

i) an osmotic gradient within the cell drives a net flux of intracellular vesicles in a direction which determines the direction of motion of the cell ;

ii) the internal vesicle flux polarises the endocytosis/exocytosis cycle [9-11] thereby inducing a net return flow of lipid in the cell surface. This allows one to obtain the quantitative

features of the cell lipidic membrane backflow by the condition of conservation of lipid material ;

iii) the lipid surface flow is viscously coupled to the surrounding fluid medium, leading to a

net thrust for forward motion exerted by the fluid on the cell, which leads to locomotion. Its interest may rely on the fact that, starting from a specific hypothesis for the motor operation (the « pump motor »), everything can be determined ! In particular, the mechanism of

motion, the direction of migration, the velocity and efficiency of propulsion can be simply estimated, as we see below.

2. Ingrédients of the model.

It is known that a living cell continuously recycles part of its external membrane in its interior, using endocytosis-exocytosis cycles [1]. In an elementary endocytosis, a portion of the

membrane invaginates and detaches from the membrane, thus forming a closed vesicle in the interior. In an exocytosis event, a small vesicle, initially inside the cell, comes in contact with

the outer membrane and fuses with it. The physical integrity of the cell membrane is a

dynamical process resulting from an equilibrium between exocytosis and endocytosis on each

point of the membrane. As a consequence, a fraction of the membrane (for example in a

fibroplast cell, two percent of the membrane) is constantly found in the interior of the cell

under the form of small closed vesicles which were once part of the outer membrane.


Now, we suppose that the « pump motor » of the cell consists in creating a net flux of

vesicles in the direction, say, Ox. This vesicle flux induces a bias in the endocytosis-exocytosis equilibrium. More vesicles suffer


collisions » with the front of the cell membrane resulting in

an increased exocytosis in this part of the membrane. Conversely, there appears a depletion

of vesicles on the opposite side of the cell (the back) leading to a decrease of exocytosis on the

rear end.

Such an intracellular vesicle transport may take place via components of the cytoskeleton,

the microtubules or the microfilaments and are ATP-dependent [5, 12]... Another possibility,

which is explored here, concerns the role of a chemical gradient along the Ox axis which is created by the cell in its interior. If the corresponding molecules cannot permeate freely through the vesicle membrane, a net osmotic force appears on each vesicle pushing it towards

the low concentration region [13]. This defines the front of the cell as the place where more

vesicles collide.

In short, more material is put in the membrane-front than is taken away resulting in a net

surface increase in the front. Less material is put in the cell membrane at the rear end than is taken away, resulting in a net membrane depletion in the back. This




source-sink structure creates a hydrodynamic flow from the front to the back within the cell membrane.

This last picture was proposed in [9-11].

Now, in the presence of this membrane circulation, several mechanisms may be involved in the cell motion. The simplest is to recognize that the membrane flow couples with the fluid outside the cell and induces by continuity a backward outer fluid flow as seen in the cell frame

(see Fig. 1). Cell motion follows along Ox with a velocity roughly of the order of the backward lipid velocity in the cell membrane.

Fig. 1. - Simple picture of the external fluid flow created by the cell membrane as seen in the cell frame.

This model is based on recent results obtained by Bretscher [1, 9-11] on lipid circulation in the cell membrane. The backward lipid flow hypothesis within the membrane is in fact observed via the backward motion of small test particles attached to the membrane [1],

showing the existence of a continuous lipid flow from the leading edge to the trailing edge.

The hypothesis that this flow is triggered by the exocytosis-endocytosis processes is evidenced

by (see [1] and references therein for a general discussion) i) the efficient recycling of about


roughly two per cent per minute of the cell membrane in the cytoplasm in the form of

vesicles), ii) the experimental observation that ferritin receptors proteins (which are carried by the vesicles) are found in majority in the cell front (their recirculation with the membrane backflow dilutes their concentration), a fact consistent with the transport of vesicles towards the front, iii) the observation that proteins, which are crosslinked such that they diffuse only slowly (D - 10- 10 cm2/sec), and which are not transported by the vesicles and therefore

always remain in the membrane, are found at the rear of the cell, in agreement with what is

expected in presence of a backward membrane lipid flow carrying imbedded proteins. In fact, they are deplected from the front end of the cell. Of course, proteins which have normal diffusion coefficients (D ~ 10- 8 - 10- 9 cm2/sec) do not form detectable gradients since, in

this case, the diffusion is more rapid than membrane flow.

Among the many open questions on cell motion, the speculative answers proposed within

the physical model of this letter are the following : i) what distinguishes the leading edge of a

motile cell may be a gradient of chemical species built inside the cell ; ii) this gradient (or

whatever the motor is) works as a gear, converting the power used in establishing it into

viscous vesicle motion, which itself is converted in viscous lipid membrane motion via

exocytosis ; iii) this backward membrane flow creates a viscous backward external fluid flow

(seen in the cell frame) which implies a forward thrust exerted by the external fluid on the cell.

1 shall thus present the quantitative arguments for the model which subsequently will be compared more carefully with biological facts.

3. Movement of a semipermeable vesicle through an osmotic gradient [13].

Suppose a gradient of solute concentration gradient

is established by the cell along the Ox direction. Consider small vesicles with a semi-

permeable membrane which lets the solvent permeate freely, whereas the solute cannot cross

the membrane. The nature of the relevant solute molecules is not addressed here : many molecules may qualify in a biological cell as solute species (such as ions and many types of molecules and proteins...) which cannot permeate passively through vesicle membranes [14].

In the presence of a solute concentration gradient, the osmotic pressure given by van’t Hoff expression Ap = R T (C ’ - C - ) across a single flat membrane induces a net fluid flow

through it

where Lp is a hydraulic coefficient characteristic of the membrane permeability property with respect to the solvent, R is the ideal gas constant, T the temperature and C + (- ) is the value of the solute concentration just to the right (left) of the membrane along the Ox axis. Note that the solvent flows towards large solute concentration regions. Now take a single vesicle of radius « a


at rest with an inner homogeneous solute concentration C ln = Co. Suppose for example that C - C;n over the forward cap (in the direction Ox) and C + > Cln over the rear

cap of the vesicle. According to equation (2), solvent must be pulled into the vesicle over the forward cap and expelled from the vesicle over the rear cap (see Fig. 2). Therefore, if the

external fluid is steady, the vesicle cannot remain at rest but must move in the direction of lower concentration (Ox ). In fact, it is easy to convince oneself that the movement of the vesicle through the gradient will go on even if the inequality C - C in C + is not fulfilled. In

fact, the only necessary condition is C - C + .


Fig. 2.


Schematic representation of a vesicle in an osmotic gradient.

This effect has been studied in [13] in great detail. We can recover the main results by the following simple analysis. The stationary velocity of a single vesicle is simply given by the net

fluid flux through its surface divided by its surface area 4 ira 2


and reads

valid in the low solute concentration limit. Equation (3) states that the modulus of the vesicle

velocity is essentially that of the solvent across a semipermeable membrane with a difference of concentration C ’ - C - = a a. The limit of high solute concentration can also be evaluated

[13] but is not relevant to the case discussed here. Taking typically a = 10- 2 moles/cm4,

a -- r 102 nm, Lu .-- 10- 7 cm2 sec/gm (Lp may show large variations depending on the nature of

the different impurity molecules imbedded in the vesicle membrane and can range typically

from 10- 6 to 10- 11 cm2 sec/gm, the last value corresponding to pure bilayers [14]), at room

temperature, one obtains vves = 2.5 um/sec = 125 um/min.

4. Lipid backward flow in the cell membrane.

If N denotes the number concentration of vesicles affected by this osmotic motion within the

cell, the flux of vesicles incident upon an area dS of the surface of the cell membrane front is

Nv,e, . n dS where n is the normal to the surface dS. The


surface flux


is then given by

since each vesicle brings in a surface 4 7Ta2. In the reasonable limit where the lipid membrane

fluid is considered to be incompressible, this incoming


surface » flux triggers a gradient of

cell membrane lipid velocity such that the lipid incompressibility constraint is satisfied. As an

illustration, let us take the simple case of a spherical cell of radius A (extension to arbitrary shapes involves straightforward algebra). In the spherical case, the membrane lipid motion

goes from the front pole to the rear pole along great circles, with a rotational symmetry around the Ox axis, as depicted in figure 3. With the coordinates defined in figure 3, 0 being



latitude », the condition of lipid fluid incompressibility in the presence of the incoming

flux of vesicles fusing with the membrane leads to a fluid lipid velocity Vlip ( (0) in the

membrane given by


Fig. 3.


a) Schematic representation of a




cell. The vesicle flux which is incident on each surface element of the cell membrane triggers a lipidic membrane flow shown in b) such that the condition of conservation of lipids is fulfilled.

where df


A sin 0 d Q , dS


A 2 sin 0 d 0 dç and vves - ni 1 Vves 1


cos 0. The solution of

equation (5) is


Note that vo is proportional to Nv,e, a2 since this corresponds to the flux of lipid surface brought by the vesicles. The proportionality to the cell radius A comes from a cancellation between the cell internal surface cross-section A 2 offered to the vesicle flux and the line cross-

section A for the two-dimensional backward membrane lipid flow.

If a fraction X --= 2 % of the membrane is in the form of vesicles, their concentration, supposed to be uniform inside the cell, is

Inserting (8) in (7) gives vo


3 Xv ves = 6 x 10- 2 vves. Note that the dependence of

uo with the cell enters only through the parameter X ! With our estimate vves = 125 um/min,

this leads to vo ~, 10 um/min.


The existence of such a flow even in absence of a substrate is suggested in some cells such as

neutrophils which can show surface capping when in suspension.

5. External fluid flow and cell motion.

The hydrodynamic lipid membrane backward flow interacts with the outer medium. In

general, cells are in contact with a substrate or with an extracellular matrix. It is a common

hypothesis to assume that receptors in the membrane which are carried along the lipid flow

may bind to the substrate or to the matrix and therefore form a




which provides the

thrust for forward motion [15, 2] ; the backward motion of the membrane with respect to the cell becomes equivalent to a forward motion of the cell with respect to the substrate.

In the present model, 1 want to stress that there is no real need of substrate for the cell to move. Indeed, by continuity of the fluid velocity due to viscosity leading to a « stick » boundary condition, the membrane lipid flow must induce a fluid flow in the surrounding

medium represented in figure 1 as seen in the cell frame. For a spherical cell of radius A and a

surface lipid flow given by equation (6), the external fluid flow can be calculated exactly following [16]. If V is the cell velocity (to be determined) along Ox in a fluid at rest at infinity,

the fluid velocity field reads [16]

where n


r/r, t is the unit vector tangent to the membrane along the direction of the lipid

backward flow and a and a2 are two constants to be determined from the following boundary

conditions :

Equations (10) and (11) lead to

The total force exerted by the fluid on the cell is then given by Stokes formula [16]

were 17 is the dynamical viscosity (n = 10 - 3 kg/s . m for water). The minus sign in expression (13) allows to recover the usual result that a sphere moving with velocity

+ V in a fluid suffers a resistance to its motion, i.e. the fluid exerts a force on the sphere in the opposite direction to the velocity. However, if al becomes negative, the reverse effect will

occur as we now see.

The equilibrium state of the cell motion is determined from the condition that the cell is an

isolated system and thus no extemal forces are acting on it : this reads F


0 which implies



0. This determines V


(2/3) vo as the cell velocity. With the numerical values given above, a typical cell velocity is V = 6 um/min which compares well with the values observed in vivo and in vitro [1-3]. This result suggests that so-called crawling cell motions usually

considered to occur via a specific cell-substrate interaction may well involve a non-negligible

interaction between the cell and the outer fluid. In other words, the thrust needed for forward motion can be taken from the fluid as well as from a solid substrate.

Let us give more precisions on the force distribution. First, it is easy to see that the fluid


pressure is uniform around the cell due to the fact that al


0 (see for example Ref. [16]). The dynamic force distribution exerted the fluid on the cell is given by

and [16]

With a1 = 0 and a2 = - A 3/2, we have the following fluid velocity field using the cylindrical symmetry around the direction of cell motion :

This yields finally the contribution of the quadrupolar velocity field on the force in the direction of cell motion :

The monopolar contribution is zero due to the condition al


0. We verify that a complete integration of the force field given by equation (17) over the cell surface gives a total force F

equal to zero, as already stated above.

In order to understand more precisely the origin of the thrust given by the fluid on the cell,

suppose that at time zero, the cell, initially at rest, suddenly established its membrane lipid

flow. At first, its velocity V is small but steadily the cell accelerates until it acquires its equilibrium velocity V


(2/3) vo. This scenario is obtained directly on examination of

equations (12a) and (13). As long as the cell velocity V is smaller then (2/3) vo, the coefficient al is negative and therefore the total force exerted by the fluid on the cell is positive in the

direction of the cell motion. This means that the cell receives a positive accelerating thrust

from the fluid which stops as the equilibrium velocity V


(2/3 ) vo is reached. This is indeed a true equilibrium since a larger V would change the sign of al and produce a force opposing the

cell motion which would bring it back to its equilibrium velocity. In the case where V # (2/3 ) vo, the complete spatially dependent force field can be obtained from a derivation

parallel to that leading to equation (17). Let us focus on the monopolar component which is the only one which gives a non-vanishing total force [16] :

To the dynamic force distribution exerted by the fluid on the cell given by equation (14), one

must add the static pressure contribution which no more vanishes for al = 0. The result for the force along the direction of cell motion is :

With equation (12a), this yields


The fluid thrust on the cell is thus proportional to the factor [ (2/3 ) vo - V ]. The positive sign

of f,, means that when (2/3 ) vo


V, the fluid indeed accelerates the cell. The force field (20)

is represented in figure 4.

Fig. 4. - Case when V (2/3 ) vo. The monopolar force field is represented as a function of the lateral

angle 8. The other quadrupolar contribution averages to zero over the whole cell surface and thus does not contribute to the thrust provided by the fluid on the cell. The positive sign of f x means that when

(2/3 ) Vo > V, the fluid indeed accelerates the cell.

In fluid motion at such low Reynolds number as Re


AV / v ~, 10- 5 (where v = q /p is

kinematic viscosity and p is the fluid density), inertia is totally irrelevant [6]. This means that,

if the cell motor stops suddently, the cell stops almost instantly (within = 0.3 >sec) after coasting over a distance no larger than 0.1 À ! This implies that the direction of the cell motion is completely determined by the solute gradient and the response of the cell motion to any change in its internal gradient is immediate. Of course, the cell may not be able to change

its gradient so rapidly but this is a different story (see Sect. 7). In sum, crawling over a solid or




in a fluid at very low Reynolds number is very similar with respect to the thrust needed for forward motion.

The lipid membrane flow should also induce a circulating fluid flow within the cell. If the fluid inside the cell had the viscosity of water, its typical order of magnitude would be again given by Vo = 2 w 10- 2 Vves which is much smaller than Vves: vesicles would not feel the presence of this flow. However, this order of magnitude is very much overestimated since the

cytoplasm is a complex viscoelastic fluid [17] which impedes notably internal fluid motions.

6. Power efticiency.

In order to sustain the solute concentration gradient against spontaneous diffusion j

= -

D VC, where D is the solute diffusion coefficient, the cell must continuously spend

some power Posm. The ideal gas law shows that the energy spent for bringing n solute

molecules from a pressure po to a pressure p is

With p


RT (Co + aA ), po


RTC o from van’t Hoff equation and with n = 7T A 2 j solute

molecules transported per unit time, the power spent by the cell to maintain the solute

concentration is


in the limit of small aA/Co- Only a fraction of this power is used to propel the vesicle. The power spent per vesicle is given by Stokes formula 8 7TTJaÍ (vves)2, where a1 is the coefficient of the r-1 term in the fluid velocity field around a vesicle given by an equation of the form of

equation (9). It is determined from the boundary conditions [13] :

wich give ai = 6 a/5. For a total of 4 TTA 3 N /3 vesicles, the power efficiency of the (osmotic pressure) -> (vesicle flux) transduction is e


{4 TT A 3 N /3} 48 TT ’YJa (vves)2 /5 Posm which


where we have used 4 TT A 3 N /3 = X (A / a )2. Note that e is independent of the solute concentration gradient a. Taking D


10- 8 cm2/sec, X


2 %, ’n = 10- 3 gls.m, we obtain

e ~, 2 x 10- 4 which is small by industrial standards ! In fact, it turns out that efficiency is really

not the primary problem of cell motion. For cells with a specific motility apparatus such as flagella, e is of the order of 10- 3 [6]. This is very low but not unphysical for cells. Crawling efficiency appears to be only slightly worse than specific motility efficiency [18] !

The power carried by the vesicles is in turn transformed into viscous dissipation in the

backward lipid membrane flow and in fluid flow in the outer medium.

7. Concluding remarks.

A physical model of a certain type of crawling motion of cells without flagella or cilia has been

proposed. Some concluding remarks are of order.

1) The mechanism for the vesicle flux (discussed in Sect. 3) is independent from the argument for the establishment of the lipid membrane flow by exocytosis (Sect. 4) and the corresponding cell motion (Sect. 5) : section 4 and section 5 remain valid (with appropriate

numerical modifications) if the « motor » does not function as a


pump » but rather as a


rolling foot-path » [5] for the vesicles involving the cytoskeleton.

2) If the « pump » hypothesis is correct, what is the mechanism by which the solute

gradient concentration is established ? It is well known that many functions in biological cells operate by setting up concentration or ionic gradients. These gradients almost always involve

membrane (external and internal) components of the cell. It has been suggested [14] that the endoplasmic reticuluum might qualify has a relevant « pump ». In fact, the notion that osmotic driving forces are involved in extensions of cell bodies is not new and physical analyses of such mechanisms already exist (see for example Ref. [20]).

3) A number of observations, collectively termed persistence phenomena, suggest that cells

can retain a memory of migration for many minutes. Persistence phenomena are difficult to

account for if the cell migration is actin-mediated [2]. On the other hand, the




motor model proposed here is in agreement with the existence of a memory effect. It corresponds to

the time T necessary for the solute gradient (1) to relax to a uniform concentration profile :

is the time taken by a solute molecule to cover a typical distance A. With D = 10- 8 cm2/sec

and A = 10 um, T .~ 1 min whereas for A = 100 um,

T .-

3 h !


4) Equation (8) together with the result of section 5 (V


2/3 vo) predict that the cell

velocity V is independent of the cell type as long as the fraction X of the cell membrane which is in the form of vesicles is independent of the cell. This is in agreement with the observation that velocities of many different types of cells are quantitatively similar : 9 um/min on Ascaris extract, 6-11 um/Bmin for nematode sperm cells, 15-25 ktm/min for leukocytes, 6-12 um/min

for Fundulus « deep » cells, 6-14 um/min for Dictyostelium mucoroides... (see [19] and

references therein).

5) Crawling in a fluid via the backward membrane flow mechanism is reasonable if Brownian motion can be neglected. The dimensionless number Dcell/V A, where Dceii


kT/6 7T7JA is the diffusion coefficient of a spherical cell of radius A, weights the importance

of cell Brownian diffusion with respect to the directed cell motility. With V .- 10 um/min, we

find Dceu/V A = 10- 3 for A


10 um and 10-1 for A = 1 iim which shows that Brownian motion can indeed be neglected.

6) The discussion has been restricted to the case of a very simple spherical cellular shape.

Also, an implicit hypothesis is that exocytosis-endocytosis processes do not change the shape

of the membrane. This is valid in the limit of small vesicles fusing slowly, with rapid lipid ajustment. In reality, the finite size of the vesicles and the finite lipid flow lead to the appearance of a ruffling edge at the front of the cell, signaling that this is the place where the


action » in the cell motion takes place. This limitation in our model should not change the

main points of this paper. In any case, this « growth » process involving « surfaces patchworks » seems a promising field for future researches.

7) The « pump » mechanism proposed in section 3 does not involve any kind of chemotaxis. Indeed, in a neutral medium, the cell may choose to move by setting up an internal solute concentration gradient which is the source for vesicle motion. This is different from an osmotic force acting directly upon the cell when embedded in a solute concentration


8) The naive views which have been presented here may not be relevant for most biological

cells. However, Nature shows an incredible variety of cell locomotion mechanisms : it would be surprising indeed if this one has nothing to do with that chosen by some organism. Let us hope that the present ideas will stimulate a reassessement of models of motion without cilia or



It is a pleasure to acknowledge stimulating discussions with J. Febvre, J. Pouyssegur, G.

Romey and C. Sardet and to thank J. P. Boon and N. Ostrowsky for a critical reading of the manuscript. 1 dedicate this work to Paul-Emmanuel Sornette whose birth coincided with that of the ideas presented here.


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The ritual’s complexity imposed the clear identifi cation of the key visual points in- side the baptistery, three areas transpiring from the sources as essential: the verti- cal

In this paper, we are concerned with the La- grangian controllability of the three dimensional Euler equation for perfect incompressible fluids by means of a boundary control.. It is

The critical condition for the onset of grains motion, driven by the oscillatory boundary-layer flow induced by Faraday waves in a Hele-Shaw cell, was experimentally studied for

In summary, we see from these synthetic sequences that the optical flow formulation under location uncertainty can achieve to estimate good results for 2D DNS turbulent flow

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Tucsnak, Existence of solutions for the equations modelling the motion of a rigid body in a viscous fluid, Comm.. Coron, On the controllability of 2-D incompressible perfect