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Ferrimagnetic spiral configurations in cobalt chromite


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1964

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Ferrimagnetic spiral configurations in cobalt chromite

N. Menyuk, K. Dwight, A. Wold

To cite this version:

N. Menyuk, K. Dwight, A. Wold. Ferrimagnetic spiral configurations in cobalt chromite. Journal de

Physique, 1964, 25 (5), pp.528-536. �10.1051/jphys:01964002505052801�. �jpa-00205822�


rence est donc due à des raisons purement géomé- triques


déplacement du cryostat dans le fais-


Nous avons construit un diagramme différence

dans lequel les intensités à la température ambiante

ont été renormalisées de façon à rendre nulle la différence des intensités des raies 311 (tableau VI).

Les calculs sont faits avec le facteur de forme de Fe2+ de la référence [2], ~.~(Fe) = 2, et avec le

facteur de forme de Cr2+ de la référence [3], E(Cr) = 3 j2.

Ce résultat n’est guère susceptible d’amélio- ration, la précision sur S(Fe) et S(Cr) étant respec-

tivement ~ 0,12 et -~ 0,15 et le facteur de corré- lation étant très voisin de l’unité.

Il est intéressant de comparer FeCr,S, et FeCr104 (Bachella [4], Pickart [5]). Le fait que la structure FeCr2S4 obéisse au schéma de Néel tandis que celle de FeCr104 est certainement hélimagné- tique permet de conclure que les interactions AB sont prédominantes dans FeCrIS4 vis-à-vis des

interactions B-B, et d’autre part que les interac- tions négatives Cr-Cr décroissent fortement avec la

distance, l’ion S2- étant considérablement plus grand que l’ion 02-.

Note ajoutée ~, la correction.


Nos résultats sont en accord avec ceux de SHIRANE (C.), Cox (R. E.) et PICKART (S, J.), Conférence on magnetism, Atlantic City, nov. 1963,

et J. -,,4ppl. Phys.. 964, 35, 95IL.

BIBLIOGRAPHIE [1] LOTGERING (F. K.), Philips Research Reports, 1956, 11,


[2] SCATTURIN (V.), CORLISS (L.), ELLIOT (N.) et HASTINGS (J.), Acta Cryst., 1961, 14, 19.

[3] CABLE (J. W.), WILKINSON (M. K.) et WOLLAN (E. O.), Phys..Rev.,1960,11$, 950.

[4] BACCHELLA (G. L.) et PINOT (M.), sous presse,1964.

[5] PICKART (S.), sous presse, 1964.


By N. MENYUK, K. DWIGHT and A. WOLD (1),

Lincoln Laboratory (2), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington 73, Massachusetts, U. S. A.



Le chromite de cobalt CoCr2O4 est un spinelle cubique ferrimagnetique aux basses temperatures avec une temperature de Curie Tc ~ 97 °K. Un diagramme de poudre à l’ambiante, corrigé des effets de temperature, montre qu’il s’agit d’un spinelle normal avec un paramètre d’oxygène égal à 0,38707 ± 0,00005. A 4,2 oK il y a, en plus des contributions magnétiques dans

les raies fondamentales, un grand nombre de satellites magnétiques.

Toutes ces raies additionnelles peuvent être indexées sur la base du modèle de la spirale magné- tique, proposée par Lyons, Kaplan, Dwight et Menyuk dans lequel les composantes en spirale des spins sont définies par un vecteur unique k dirigé selon la diagonale d’une face du cube. La valeur expérimentale de |k| est d’approximativement 5 % plus grande que prévue par la théorie. Le dia- gramme neutronique se trouve complètement déterminé dans cette théorie par la donnée du

rapport JAB/JBB et de la direction de l’axe du cone. Prenant JBB/JAB = 1,5 grace à des mesures

d’aimantation publiees antérieurement, les intensités des satellites sont trouvées être en excellent accord avec les intensités prévues par le modèle de la spirale ferrimagnetique, l’axe du cone étant

selon [001].

On sait que la configuration de spirale ferrimagnétique devient instable pour

JBB SB/JAB SA > 0,98

(c’est-à-dire pour JBB/JAB > 0,98 dans CoCr2O4). Notre résultat indique cependant que la confi-

guration réelle est encore stable dans un domaine de rapports d’intégrales d’échange bien au-delà

du début d’instabilité locale.

En chauffant au-dessus de 4,2 oK, les raies satellites disparaissent entre 25 °K et 35 °K, pour finalement dégénérer en une bande large observée à 50 °K et 70 °K. Malgré cette disparition, il

n’est possible, à partir du modèle collinéaire d’obtenir un accord, ni pour les contributions magné- tiques aux raies fondamentales, ni pour la variation thermique observée de l’aimantation. Par contre, les valeurs prévues par la théorie du champ moléculaire appliquée au modèle de spirale ferrimagnétique sont en bon accord avec les mesures expérimentales. Ces résultats corroborent la validité du modèle proposé pour CoCr2O4, et indiquent que l’approximation du champ moléculaire décrit fidèlement, dans le domaine ferrimagnétique, l’évolution de la composante axiale, mais

non celui de la composante azimutale.

(1) Present address : Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.

(S) Operated with support from the U. S. Army, Navy and Air Force.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01964002505052801




Cobalt chromite, CoCr2O4, is a cubic spinel which is ferrimagnetic at low tempe-

ratures with a Curie point Tc ~ 97 oK. The room temperature powder diffraction pattern on this material, corrected for temperature effects, shows that it is a normal spinel with an oxygen para- meter equal to 0.38707 :f: .00005. At 4.2 oK there are, in addition to the magnetic contributions to the fundamental spinel peaks, a large number of magnetic 11 satellite " peaks.

All of the additional peaks can be indexed on the basis of the ferrimagnetic spiral model pro-

posed for normal cubic spinels by Lyons, Kaplan, Dwight and Menyuk, in which the spiraling components of the spins are defined by a single k vector along a face diagonal. The experimental magnitude of |k| is approximately 5 % greater than theoretically predicted. The neutron dif- fraction pattern predicted on the basis of the spiral model is completely determined upon fixing

the exchange ratio JBB/JAB and the cone axis direction. Taking JBB /JAB = 1. 5 on the basis of magnetization measurements previously reported, it is found that the intensities of the various

peaks are in excellent agreement with the intensities predicted by the spiral model with the cone

axis along an [001] direction.

The ferrimagnetic spiral configuration is known to become unstable relative to small deviations for JBB SB /JAB SA > 0.98 (i.e. JBB/JAB > 0.98 in CoCr2O4). However, our results indicate that the true configuration closely approximates that predicted by the model over a range of

exchange interaction ratios which extends well beyond the onset of local instability.

Upon increasing the temperature above 4,2 °K, the satellite peaks disappeared between 25 °K and 35 oK, apparently degenerating into a broad plateau observed at 50 oK and 77 oK.

Despite this disappearance, a self-consistent fit to neither the magnetic contributions to the fundamental peaks nor the observed thermal variation of the magnetization can be obtained from a collinear model. However, the predicted values based on a molecular field treatment of the spiral model are in good agreement with these measurements. These results further corro-

borate the validity of the spiral model for CoCr2O4, and indicate that the molecular field approxi-

mation accurately describes the axial component throughout its ferrimagnetic range, but not the azimuthal component.

1. Introduction.


Cobalt chromite is a cubic

spinel with cell length ao = 8.332 A [1]. A study

of its magnetic properties has shown it to be ferri- magnetic with a Curie point 97 OK, and a magnetic moment at 4.2 OK corresponding to 0 . ~.4

Bohr magnetons (PB) [2]. This value is far below the value of 3 tJ-B predicted by the collinear Neel

theory of f errimagnetism.

A neutron diffraction study of CoCr204 at room temperature and throughout the f errimagnetic tem- perature range is presented in this paper. It is shown that the resultant diffraction pattern at

4. 2 oK can be interpreted on the basis of a ferri- magnetic conical spiral configuration of the type predicted for cubic spinels by Lyons, Kaplan, Dwight and Menyuk (LKDM) [3], and first obser- ved by Hastings and Corliss [4]. This interpre-

tation uniquely determines the exchange para- meter and direction of easy magnetization.

An unambiguous prediction of the magnetic pro-

perties of this material as a function of tempe-

rature was obtained from a molecular field calcu-

lation, and a comparison between the observed and

predicted neutron diffraction patterns is given.

We find striking agreement between theory and experiment in some respects, and striking disa- greements in others, indicating that the molecular-

field approximation yields accurate predictions of

certain magnetic properties, but not of others.

The disagreements are shown to be due to corre-

lation effects, which can apparently play an impor-

tant role in materials with complicated spin confi- gurations.

II. Low temperature configuration.





Powdered samples of cobalt

chromite can best be prepared from the precursor

COCrO.4CSHN, as described by Whipple and

Wold [5], since the ignition of this complex mole-

cule results in a very finely divided, highly reactive

oxide. However, this precursor is usually found

to be deficient in chromium. Hence, after deter- mining the total chromium present in a trial sample

of CoCr204 prepared from this precursor, sufficient

(NH7)2Cr2Ü4 to correct the deficiency was dissolved

in about 10 ml of water and added to the remain- der. This resulted in a corrected Co-Cr ratio.

The mixture was then ignited, ground, fired at

1 200 ~C for three days, cooled slowly to 800 OC,

and then quenched.

Analysis of our final sample, based on a total

chromium determination, gave a Cr-Co ratio of 2.03 : 1. In addition, x-ray analysis showed the sample to consist of a single spinel phase with no impurity lines present in the diffraction pattern.

The neutron diffraction experiments were carried

out at the M. I. T. nuclear reactor. The powder sample was contained in a vanadium tube for the

room temperature spectrum, but the data at all other temperatures were taken with the sample in

an aluminum tube. The neutron wavelength was

1.196 A. For simplicity, all the tables and curves are normalized to a monitor count of 600,000 neu-

trons (~ 4 minutes) per 3 minutes of arc, although

this count was doubled at 4.2 OK. The form factors given by Watson and Freeman [6] for

cobalt and chromium were used in the data analysis.

The nuclear structure of CoCr204 was obtained

from the room temperature spectrum shown in figure 1. The oxygen parameter and normality

were obtained with the aid of an IBM 7090 com-

puter which was programmed to normalize to the


rrG, 1.


Room temperature neutron diffraction pattern

of CoCr2o4. The number of neutrons is based on a

monitor count of 600,000.

total integrated intensity of the peaks investigated

and obtain a best least squares fit by independently varying the oxygen parameter, the normality, and

the Debye-Waller correction. The oxygen para- meter was found to equal 0 . 38707 ~ . 0000~ and

the sample is normal with an uncertainty of 5 %.

This uncertainty is caused by the relative closeness

of the scattering amplitude of chromium and cobalt (bcr = .352, bco = .25) [7]. A comparison

between the theoretical intensities and experi-

mental values after correcting for temperature is given in Table I. We can therefore characterize the material as Co[Cr2]04’ with the chromium ions

in the brackets all on octahedral (B) sites, and the

cobalt ions all on tetrahedral (A) sites. Thus Co[Crl]04 has an ordered structure of the type

assumed in the analysis of LKDM.




(1) Corrected for Debye- "’Taller temperatur.e factor.

(z) Normal spinel, oxygen parameter = .38 707.

The neutron diffraction spectrum obtained at

4.2 OK is shown in figure 2. It is characterized by

a number of peaks which did not appear in the

room temperature spectrum, as well as by magnetic

contributions to the nuclear peaks. The addi-

tional magnetic peaks are designated as " satel- lites ", and the magnetic contributions to the nuclear peaks are called " fundamentals ".

FIG. 2.


4.2 oK neutron diffraction pattern of CoCr2o4’

Magnetic satellite peak positions are indicated by ver-

tical indices, the fundamental peak positions are indexed horizontally. The aluminum peaks are produced by specimen holder.

Although the satellite peaks cannot be obtained by


a simple integral enlargement of the unit cell, a pattern of this type can be obtained from a ferri-

magnetic spiral. In that case the fundamental contributions arise from the collinear-unvarying (k = 0) component of the spins in the z’ direction,

while the satellite contributions are due to the

spiraling component which is perpendicular to z’ in

the x’y’ plane. The dependance of the satellite peak locations upon the magnitude and direction

of the wave vector k which characterizes the spiral

has been dealt with in detail by LKDM [3] and Hastings and Corliss [4].

We attempted to index the various peaks in the

low temperature Co[Crl]04 spectrum assuming a k

vector in the h(i -~- j + k), h(2i + k), hk and h(i + j) directions. Agreement with the data

could not be obtained in the first three cases.

However, for k = h(i -- j), all the observed satel- lite peaks could be indexed, as indicated in figure 3,

for h = 0 . 62. This is the direction predicted by LKDM, but is approximately 5 % above their predicted values of h = 0.59.

According to the LKDM theory, the spin confi- guration is completely characterized to within a

rotational degeneracy by a single parameter u, where



fiic. 3.


Satellite peak locations for ferromagnetic spiral

in CoCr204 as a function of wave vector k,where

k = h(i -f- j). Peak locations observed experimentally are shown by black squares. The thickness is a measure

of experimental uncertainty.

In the above equation, JnB and JAB represent

the exchange interaction between near-neighbor

A-B and B-B cations respectively ; and ¡SAI and

represent the magnitude of the magnetic

moment of the cations at the A and B sites respec-

tively. In a real material the rotation degeneracy

is lifted by anisotropy effects to establish a parti-

cular cone axis (z’) direction. This direction must be determined experimentally.

Consistency with the 4.2 0 K magnetization

value of Co[Cr2]04 with the LKDM theory requires

that u = 2 in this material [2]. Choosing this

value fixes the cone and phase angles of all six

sublattices (see figure 2 and eq. (10) of reference 3),

as indicated under Table II. Several cone axis directions were considered ; best agreement with

the observed diffraction pattern was obtained with the cone axis in the [001] direction. The compa- rison of experimental intensities with the values

predicted by the above ferrimagnetic spiral confi- guration with net magnetization in the [001] direc-

tion is given in Table I I. The magnetic intensities listed are absolute intensities, based on the instru-

ment normalization factor obtained from the room

temperature pattern.

It should be noted that every predicted peak is

observed and, conversely, there are no peaks pre- sent which cannot be accounted for by the ferri- magnetic spiral model. In the latter respect our

results differ from those obtained by Hastings and

Corliss with manganese chromite, as they observed

two extra-peaks which could be not accounted for

by the spiral theory. They also found their funda- mental peak intensities were uniformly high by a




(1) u = 2.0, Cone angles : Oi - P2 = 32°;

1>3 = ~4 = 1500 ; (Di = (P6 900.

Phase angles : 11 = Y2 = Y3 = Y4 ~ 0 ; Y5 = P6 = w

Net magnetization direction along [001].

factor of approximately 30 % ; this discrepancy

between theory and experiment does not occur in CO[Cr2]O4.



According to the LKDM theory, which considers only nearest-neighbor A-B

and B-B interactions, the f errimagnetic spiral struc-

ture is locally stable over a range of values exten- ding from the boundary of Néel mode stability (u = 8/9) to u N 1.3. For u > 1. 3, the spiral

is locally unstable relative to a more complex configuration. Furthermore, the magnetization

curve of Co[Cr2]O4 shows a sharp change in slope

at 27 OK, which has been interpreted as a transition

from the spiral model above this temperature to a

more complex configuration below. Under these


circumstances, discrepancies between the calcu- lated and experimental patterns are to be expected,

such as the possible existence of non-spiral peaks

or deviations from the predicted magnetic inten-

sities of the observed spiral peaks. However, although some descrepancies do exist, as discussed below, the most striking feature of the experi-

mental diffraction patterns is its agreement with

the pattern calculated on the basis of the spiral theory. This agreement permits us to fix the exchange interaction ratio JBB - 1.5 JAB with considerable accuracy in and strongly

indicates the [001] axis to be the easy direction of the net magnetization.

The most notable discrepancy between the calcu-

lated and experimental pattern is the low-observed

intensity of the 002(0) and 113(-1) satellite peaks.

Anomalously low values for the corresponding peaks were also found in [4], for which

u N 1.6. The similarity of behavior indicates that this departure from the spiral model may be due to the local instability. However, the rela- tively high fundamental peak intensities and the extra peaks observed in Mn[Cr2]O4 cannot satis- factorily be accounted for by merely noting that

u = 1. 6 > 1. 3, since these effects do not occur in

Co[Cr2]O4, for which u = 2. It therefore appears that the relative importance of magnetic pheno-

mena not considered by LKDM may vary signi- ficantly in these two materials. Amongst these

are the near-neighbor A-A and next-near-neighbor

B-B interactions, which might give rise to obser-

vable departures from theoretical predictions, such

as the wavelength discrepancy in Co[Cr2]04. H ow-

ever, the effect of these interactions should be

qualitatively similar in both CO[Cr2]O4 and Mn[Cr2]O4- It is therefore difficult to account for the contrasting nature of the departures from the spiral spin configurations in these materials on this

basis alone.

Another possible source of the diff erent behavior in these materials arises from the fact that Mn2+

cations on tetrahedral sites contribute less than their spin-only value of 5 [8, 9]. This indicates

that the Mn2+ cations are not in a pure 6S5/2 state.

The effect of admixing additional states may well lead to non-negligible magnetic energy terms of a

from other than that of the Heisenberg exchange


Since the LKDM theory assumes that the total magnetic energy is of this form, additional terms

can lead to notable departures from the theory.

In on the other hand, both the and

Cr3 i cations appear to have their spin-only values

of 3 The agreement between our results and those predicted by the LKDM indicates that t,he

Heisenberg exchange term is a valid representation

of the magnetic interaction in this case, and that this theory is a good approximation over a range of values of B-B to A-B exchange interaction ratios which extends well beyond the limit of local stabi-


III. Thermal effects.




The rigorous minimization of the free energy at finite temperatures is at least as

difficult as the determination of the true ground state, even in the molecular-field approximation.

The thermal evolution of a stationary state of the

molecular-field free energy is a more tractable

problem. The LKDM spiral constitutes such a

stationary state at absolute zero, despite not being

the ground state [3]. At temperatures slightly

above absolute zero, random thermal fluctuations of the spins [10] would reduce the apparent

moments of the cations, but the resulting average moments would still correspond to a spiral-type configuration. The cone angles and the magni-

tudes of the average magnetic moments for each of

the three pairs of sublattices, as well as the magni-

tude of the propagation vector k, can all be expec- ted to vary continuously with temperature. Ho-

wever, it can be argued from symmetry conside-

rations that the sublattice phase angles and the

direction of the spiral propagation vector will

remain unchanged.

The molecular-field free energy can be explicitly expressed in terms of the above variables, and a system of seven transcendental equations in seven

unknowns can be obtained, as shown in Appendix A. The solution of this system by the Newton-Raphson method was carried out nume- rically on an IBM 7090 computer for a series of increasing values of the ratio using the

LKDM spiral as the trial solution for the lowest T /Tc, the final solution as the trial values for the next etc. The appropriate temperature

scale was then obtained from the experimental

value Tc = 97 OK.

Using the method described above, we computed

the spiral wavelength, cone angles, and effective

spin magnitudes at forty temperatures, equally spaced between absolute zero and for several

values of the exchange parameter u. The cone angles become zero and the distinction between the two pairs of B-sublattices vanishes when T gr 0 . 9 Tc for u N 2. This behavior represents

a transition from a low-temperature ferrimagnetic

spiral to a high-temperature collinear (Néel) confi-

guration. It is worth noting that the length of the

propagation vector at this transition is identical

with the value = 3.647 ~/2 which destabilizes

the Néel configuration in the LKDM ground-state

calculation, independently of u.


B. MAGNETIC MOMENT. - The magnetic moment

of a pure sample of cobalt chromite has already

been measured as a function of(temperature in an

external field of 11,000 Oe [12], the results being reproduced as the dashed curve in figure 4. We

have now made a similar measurement (on the

same powdered sample used in Ref. [2]) in an

external field of 500 Oe, which gives the solid

curve in figure 4. This low-field curve is approxi-



Magnetization of cobalt chromite as a function of temperature. The experimental data are shown as

curves ; the values calculated for a spiral model accor- ding to the molecular field theory are given as points.

mately proportional to the high-field one, as would

be expected on the basis of anisotropy effects, and

constitutes merely a lower bound for the sponta-

neous magnetization. Although the magneti-

zation in 11,000 Oe will presumably not be aff ected

greatly by anisotropy, it is subject to the effects of both paramagnetic and high-field susceptibility,

which persists down to absolute zero for canted spin configurations [11]. From these conside-

rations, it would appear that the true spontaneous magnetization for cobalt chromite probably f ollows

a curve having the same shape as the dashed curve

in figure 1, but lowered by an approximately

uniform amount. According to this model, the spontaneous magnetization would be expected to

attain its maximum value at about 77 °K, where

the experimental peaks occur.

Included in figure 4 are three sets of points, representing the magnetization values obtained

from our molecular field calculation [12] for three

values of the exchange parameter : u = 1.98, 2.03

and 2.08. All three sets have approximately the

same shape as the dashed curve. However, since

the peak magnetizations are attained at 82 °K,

78 OK and 73 OK, respectively, we conclude that

u = 2.03 gives the best fit. In support of this conclusion, we note that the points f or u = 1.98


fall too far below the solid curve at low tempe- ratures, whereas those for r~ = 2.08 give dis-

tinctly worse agreement with the neutron dif-

fraction results described in the next section. Fun-

thermore, the displacement between our high-field

data and the points calculated for u = 2.03 is consistent with the high-field susceptibility deter-

mined for MnCr204 [11].

Thus, the molecular-field calculation for

u == 2.03 gives extremely good agreement with

the spontaneous magnetization deduced from the

experimental data shown in figure 1. This calcu- lation predicts a transition from the low-tempe-

rature spiral configuration to a high-temperature

collinear one at the temperature ~’t = 86 oK, as

indicated in figure 1, with a small, and probably undetectable, discontinuity in the slope of the

M vs T curve. Below 27 oK, the experimental data

deviates markedly from the spiral predictions.

This transition appears to be due to the local insta-

bility of the spiral configuration at such low tempe-

ratures. Although direct substantiation of this

hypothesis would be desirable, the necessary calcu- lation of the stability of the molecular-field free energy is beyond the scope of this paper. Never-

theless, such instability has been predicted for the ground state [3].



Since the spiral model yields excellent agreement with

the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization of cobalt chromite above 27 oK,

and since the spiral appears to be unstable below this temperature, one might expect to obtain even

closer agreement between the experimental and

calculated neutron diffraction patterns at inter-

mediate temperatures than at 4.2 °K. We found 77 °K and 50 aK to be convenient temperatures,

both being below the spiral-to-Néel transition tem-

perature ~’t = 86 °K predicted for u = 2.03. The

pattern obtained at 50 oK is shown in figure 5,

and our findings at 77 °K are similar to these


The sharp satellite peaks observed at 4.2 °K are

not present in our 50 °K pattern. The locations

and peak intensities of some of these satellites are

indicated in figure 5, and .it is evident that the

dominant satellite (20 = 1605’) has been replaced by a broad, liquid-type peak which extends from

~.2°30’ to 200 [13]. Most of the degeneration from

a coherent to a liquid peak occurs in the tempe-

rature interval 30°- 32 OK, as was determined by scanning over a 24’ interval centered about 16°5’

while the sample warmed up from 4.2 OK. Such behavior would normally be interpreted as a spiral-to-collinear transition at about 31 oK. Ho- wever, this explanation not only contradicts our

analysis of the magnetization data, but also fails to

account for the persistence of considerable short-

range order (as indicated by the sizable liquid

peak) up to at least 77 oK.


In addition to the liquid peak, the pattern shown in figure 5 includes appreciable magnetic contri-

butions to the intensities of the nuclear peaks,

FIG. 5. - Neutron diffraction pattern from cobalt chromite

at 50 OK. The locations and intensities marked with S refer to the principal satellites observed at 4.2 OK in Ref. 2. The monitor unit was 600,000 counts.

which are given in Table III. The corresponding magnetic intensities calculated from our molecular- field treatment of a [110] spiral model (with u = 2

and the cone axes in the [001] direction, as esta-

blished by the 4. 2 ~K measurements) are also given

in Table III [14]. Here the agreement between theory and experiment is exceptionally good, being

well within the statistical uncertainties. The data

presented in Table II shows that similar agreement exists between the experimental intensities and the

spiral calculation at 77 ~K. Not only this agreement itself, but also its improvement over the analagous

results at 4.2 OK accord with the predictions of our spiral model [15].




(1) Taken from the top of the liquid peak.

We’* have also considered the case of collinear

spins in the molecular-field approximation [16].

For the predetermined value u = 2, this calcu-

lation yields the intensities shown in Tables III

and IV for the collinear model. The serious dis- crepancy between the experimental and theoretical intensities of the (111) peak at 50 °K is sufficient to

preclude any possibility of a spiral-to-collinear

transition at 31 OK [17]. Even at 77 oK, the

collinear model gives less satisfactory agreement

with experiment than does the spiral calculation.

This fact, together with the marked improvement

in agreement at 77 OK over that at 50 OK, substan-

tiates the existence of a spiral-to-collinear tran-

sition at some higher temperatures 86 OK

as predicted by the spiral model).




(1) Taken from the top of the liquid peak.

Consequently, one must search for an alternative

explanation for the disappearance of the satellite peaks at 31 OK which does not involve a basic

change in the spiral ’structure of the spin confi- guration. In this connection, it appears signi-

ficant that the total intensity of the liquid peak in figure 5 is approximately 4 070, compared to 4 224

for the combined theoretical intensities of the two

lowest-angle satellites. Such agreement suggests

that the satellite peaks are in essence still present,

but broadened beyong recognition by the effect of locally correlated thermal fluctuations on the long-

range azimuthal coherence of a conical confi-

guration [18]. However, it should be pointed out

that the calculated satellite-peak intensity drops

below 1 000 by 77 °K, whereas the intensity of the liquid peak remains approximately unchanged.



The measurements at 4.2 OK established unambiguously that cobalt chromite has an exchange parameter u #* 2, that the [001]

is the direction of easy magnetization, and that the

ground state is an LKDM f errimagnetic spiral to a high degree of approximation. Upon extending

the theory to finite temperatures by a molecular-

field calculation normalized to the experimental

Curie point, we find excellent agreement between


the measured magnetization curve and those com-

puted for u gr 2. The significance of this result is

enhanced by the sensitivity of the calculated mag-


netization to u. In addition, extremely goodg agreement exists between the measured intensities of the magnetic contributions to the nuclear dif- fraction peaks at 50,OK and 77 OK and those com-

puted from the spiral model. This detailed agree- ment is particularly impressive in view of the

inflexibility of the model: the fitting of theory to experiment involved no variable parameters.

Moreover, these findings demonstrate that the molecular-field approximation can reliably predict

the behavior of the k = 0 Fourier component of a spiral spin configuration.

Only the disappearance of sharp satellite peaks

at 31 OK disagrees with predictions of the mole-

cular-field calculation for the spiral model. How- ever, our results show that this loss of coherent

scattering from the ko -=/=- 0 Fourier component is

not the result of a spiral-to-collinear transition.

An alternative explanation can be derived from the well-known failure of the molecular-field approxi-

mation to account adequately for correlations between the thermal fluctuations of neighboring spins. In a spiral structure, these correlations would have the effect of broadening the satellite peaks by introducing additional Fourier compo- nents with k N ka even at temperatures well below

the Curie point. The above interpretation is sup-

ported by the agreement between the intensity of

the liquid peak at 50 OK and that expected from

the satellites, and also by the small remnance of

this peak in the vicinities of the two lowest-angle

satellites as indicated in the diffraction pattern

of CoCr20 4 at 4.2 OK. Thus it appears that the molecular-field approximation can yield good, or

poor, predictions for finite temperatures according

to whether the k = 0 component, or the k ~ 0 component, of a spiral spin configuration is invol-




We should like to express our thanks to E. R. Whipple for his assis- tance in the preparation and analysis of the cobalt chromite sample, to T. A. Kaplan for his helpful discussions, in particular concerning the molecular

field approximation, to C. G. Shull, R. M. Moon,

D. Murray and W. Phillips for their help in the experimental work conducted at the M. I. T.

Reactor, and to J. B. Goodenough for his support throughout the course of this investigation.


The general expression for the free energy of a

system is

where the probability operator p is a function of all the operators which appear in the Hamiltonian.

For the Heisenberg Hamiltonian, these operators

are the Si associated with each magnetic site in the lattice. The molecular field approximation re- places the true probability function by a product of independent, s-ngle-ion probabilit"es :

Then the problem consists of finding that set

of pi which minimizes the free energy of eq. (1).

The necessary condition that the free energy be

stationary with respect to arbitrary small variations of the functions pi yields [19] the familiar result


where Zi is a normalizing constant, ~ _ (kT)~l,


Here the exchange integrals are positive for antiferromagnetic coupling.

Eqs. (3) and (4) can be used to evaluate the

definition Si > = tr . (Si pi) explicitly, giving

where Si represents the spin quantum number for

the ith ion. Eqs. (4) and (5) generate a set of coupled equations whose solutions are all statio- nary states of the molecular-field free energy, which can by virtue of the above equations be

written in the form

The desired solution consists of that stationary

state (set of Si > satisfying eqs. (4) and (5))

which minimizes FM, and its rigorous determi-

nation would require examination of all such sets of Si > - a formidable problem.

However, it is relatively simple to compare all the possible stationary states having a specified form, such as that of a ferrimagnetic spiral. For

the purpose of explicit calculation, it is convenient

to further define :



where F is a constant with the dimensions of energy and where the J’j are dimensionless ratios. (In

the case of a normal cubic spinel with nearest neighbor interactions, E = 3SA SB JAB and the J’;;

can be expressed in terms of the single exchange parameter [3].) Furthermore, for a ferrimagne-

tic spiral we can write


in the notation of Ref. 1. Llpon rewriting eq. (5)

in these terms, one finds that the magnitudes are given by the Brillouin functions [20]

while the directional properties require that

where and H’v refer to the magnitudes of the

axial and radial components of respectively.

Given k and the y’J, the above equations yield a unique set of and and the free energy of this

stationary state can be evaluated by substitution into eq. (6). The requirement that the derivatives of the resulting expression with respect to the remaining variables, denoted generically by ~,

vanish gives the final set of equations,

Thus the f errimagnetic spiral which minimizes the molecular-field free energy can be determined

by the simultaneous solutions of eqs. (9), (10) and (11).


[1] ARNOTT (R. J.), Lincoln Laboratory Quarterly Pro-

gress Report, Solid State Research, July 15,1961.

[2] MENYUK (N.), WOLD (A.), ROGERS (D. B.) and

DWIGHT (K.), J. Appl. Phys., 1962, supp. 33, 1144.

[3] LYONS (D. H.), KAPLAN (T. A.), DWIGHT (K.) and

MENYUK (N.), Phys. Rev., 1962, 126, 540.

[4] HASTINGS (J. M.) and CORLISS (L. M.), Phys. Rev., 1962, 126, 556.

[5] WHIPPLE (E.) and WOLD (A.), J. Inorg. and Nucl.

Chem., 1962, 24, 23.

[6] WATSON (R. E.) and FREEMAN (A. J.), Acta Cryst., 1961, 14, 27.

[7] BACON (G. E.), Neutron Diffraction, p. 31., Oxford University Press, London, 1962.

[8] BONGERS (P. F.), Thesis, U. of Leiden, 1957.

[9] HASTINGS (J. M.) and CORLISS (L. M.), Phys. Rev., 1956, 104, 328.

[10] The molecular-field approximation is equivalent to

the requirement that all the spins fluctuate inde- pendently of each other.

[11] JACOBS (I. S.), J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 1960, 15, 54.

[12] This calculation was based on the spin-only moments

of 3 03BCB for the cobalt and chromium ions.

[13] The fine structure indicated by the 50 °K pattern

appears to undergo modification by 77 oK.

[14] The intensities calculated for u = 2.08 disagree signi- ficantly with our experimental values, showing that

the exchange parameter cannot be that large.

[25] At 4.2 oK, the discrepancies between the experi-

mental and calculated fundamental intensities were

all of the order of 4 ~Itotal, which is greater than

the probable statistical error.

[16] Collinear configurations can be stationary states of

the free energy only when both pairs of B-sublat-

tices possess the same average moment, i.e. when they are Néel configurations.

[17] The elimination of this hypothesis is also required by

the large discrepancy below 50 °K between the experimental magnetization curves of figure 4 and

the predictions of the collinear model.

[18] A similar suggestion has been made by J. M. HASTINGS

and L. M. CORLISS in Ref. 4.

[19] KAPLAN (T. A.), Private communication. The classical

analogue has been given by KAPLAN (T. A.), Phys.

Rev., 1961, 124, 329, and by FREISER (M. J.), Phys.

Rev., 1961, 123, 2003.

[20] (S, Z) in our notations means Bs(Z).


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