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Hardy inequalities and dynamic instability of singular Yamabe metrics


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Hardy inequalities and dynamic instability of singular Yamabe metrics

Adriano Pisante

Department of Mathematics, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, P.le Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy Received 5 May 2004; received in revised form 16 March 2005; accepted 11 May 2005

Available online 19 January 2006


We study the Cauchy problem


ut=u+ |u|σ1u inRN×(0,+∞), u(x,0)=u0(x) inRN,

for nonnegative functionsu:RN×(0,+∞)→R+. HereN3,σ+1=2=N2N2is the Sobolev exponent of the embedding H1(RN) L2(RN)andu0=Uis a time independent positive solution with nonempty singular setΣ=Sing(U ), e.g. a distri- butional solution associated to a singular Yamabe metric onSN. We show that, ifΣis a finite set, then problem (P) has a weak solution which is smooth for positive time. Hence, time independent singular solutions may be unstable and the Cauchy problem (P) may have infinitely many weak solutions. A similar weaker result is proved for any nonnegative distributional solutionUwhen Σis a compact set.

©2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


Nous étudions le problème de Cauchy


ut=u+ |u|σ1u inRN×(0,+∞), u(x,0)=u0(x) inRN,

pour fonctions nonnégativesu:RN×(0,+∞)→R+. IciN3,σ+1=2= N2N2 est la puissance critique pour l’injection de SobolevH1(RN) L2(RN)etu0=U est une solution stationnaire singulière, par exemple une solution distributionelle associée à une métrique de Yamabe singulière surSN. Nous montrons que, siΣ=Sing(U )est un ensemble fini, alors le problème (P) a une solution faible qui est régulière pour temps positives. Par conséquent, solutions stationnaires singulières peuventˆetre instables et le problème de Cauchy (P) peut avoir un nombre infini de solutions faibles. De plus, nous montrons un rèsultat similaire pour chaque solution distributionelleUavec ensemble singulier compact.

©2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:35K15; 35K55

Keywords:Nonlinear heat equation; Singular solutions; Nonuniqueness

E-mail address:pisante@mat.uniroma1.it (A. Pisante).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.



1. Introduction

In this paper we study global nonnegative weak solutions for the Cauchy problem (P)

ut=u+ |u|σ1u inRN×(0,+∞), u(x,0)=u0(x) inRN,

whenσ =NN+22 and the initial conditionu0is neither bounded nor satisfies the usual integrability assumptionu0Lq(RN)for someqN2−1)=2, the Sobolev exponent associated to the embeddingH1(RN) L2(RN). It is well known that under this integrability assumption we can use the heat semigroupS(t )to recast problem (P) in the integral form

(E) u(t )=S(t )u0+ t


S(ts)u(s)σ1u(s)ds, (1.1)

and we can find a weak solution u of (E) (a so-called mild solution) in the space C([0, T0];Lq(RN)) for T0= T0(u0) >0 sufficiently small. Such a solution exists by a contraction mapping argument, as shown e.g. in [54, 55,18]. See [50] and [24] for related results in more sophisticated function spaces of Lorentz and Besov–Morrey type. See also [43] for a proof based on energy method also for nonlinear Leray–Lions operators but in bounded domains. Moreover, each solution can be extended up to a maximal time T > T0 so that uC([0,T );Lq(RN)), uLloc((0,T );L(RN))(actuallyuC(RN×(0,T )) for nonnegative initial data) andu(t )→ ∞ast ¯T by the classical blow-up alternative. Existence proof relies on the classical Kato trick of introducing an artificial seminorm|||v||| =ess sup0<t <T0tγv(t )r,γ=N2(1q1r), forq < rσ q to choose properly, whose finiteness, by standard parabolic theory, is responsible for the extra smoothness. Existence follows from the contraction mapping theorem for the operator

T (v)(t )=S(t )u0+ t 0

S(ts)v(s)σ1v(s)ds, (1.2)

on a suitable subsetK of the space X= {vL(0, T0;Lq(RN)),|v|<∞}. Uniqueness holds in the subsetK of this space and the same statement in the wholeC([0, T0];Lq(RN))holds but it has to be proved separately (see [54,55] and [4] for the case of bounded domains). However, we stress that uniqueness is a delicate issue and in the limiting caseq= N2 −1), it depends on the assumption q > σ which holds by our choice of σ. Otherwise, if q=N2−1)=σ, the so-called doubly critical case, nonuniqueness occurs (see [37,50]).

If the integrability assumptionu0Lq(RN)for someqN2−1)is not satisfied then the contraction argument breaks down and ifq <N2−1)there is some evidence that for suitableu0there is no solution in any reasonable weak sense (see [4,54]). On the other hand in this case nonuniqueness is well known (see [20]). An example of data of particular relevance is the family of singular initial conditionsu0(x)=λU (x),λ >0, where

U (x)=

N−2 2


|x|2−N2 , UL2, RN

, U /L2 RN

, (1.3)

and the Lorentz spaceL2, can be identified with the usual weak-L2 space of measurable functions satisfying sups>0s|{|f|> s}|1/2<∞. Indeed, in this situation both the initial data and the equation are invariant under the transformationUUδ,uuδ, given by Uδ(x)=δσ21U (δx)anduδ(x, t )=δσ21u(δx, δ2t ) for anyδ >0. Fur- thermore, theL2, theL2,and even the artificial seminorm ess sup0<t <T0tγv(t )r,γ=N2(q11r)forr > qare invariant under the same scaling. As a consequence, in our example this invariance rules out the contraction argument unless a smallness assumption onλis made (see e.g. [8,24,34]). The same kind of smallness assumption is required for a number of evolution equations in critical scale-invariant spaces, e.g. the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, the nonlinear wave equation, the Navier–Stokes system (see e.g. [8,44,26] Chapters 22 and 23 [24,34]). On the other hand, if we drop the smallness assumption and we takeλ=1 in the family above, thenu0(x)=U (x)is a singular steady state but it is well known (see [15]) that problem (P) admits a weak solution (according to the definition below)


which is smooth for positive time (quite surprisingly this regularisation phenomenon occurs even forλ >1,λ−1 1 as shown in the recent paper [47]). Thus, once smallness is dropped nonuniqueness may occur. This phenomenon happens also for some geometric flows when the initial data is a cone-like (homogeneous) time independent singular solution, like the mean curvature flow (see [22]), the wave map system in R2+1with values intoS2 (see [10]) and it can be also proved for the gradient flow for harmonic maps fromR2toS2even for quasi-homogeneous data (see [42]). Here we stress that, except for the last paper cited, both the nonuniqueness results just mentioned and other existence results for similar problems with cone-like initial condition (see [16,13]) are obtained by reduction to ODE.

The aim of this paper is to shed some light in problem (P) for some initial conditionu0L2,(RN)including the one in (1.3) (actually, for even much more rough data) without any smallness assumption on the scale invariant norms ofu0and without any reduction to ODE analysis.

For suitable positive functionsu0we construct by the monotone iteration method weak solutionsuas the pointwise limit of the suite{Tn(0)}constructed inductively from (1.2). Due to the positivity of the initial data these solutions turn out to be the minimal positive solutions of (P). To be more precise, we assume 0u0Ψ¯, for some (possibly discontinuous)Ψ¯ ∈L

N+2 N2

loc (RN)with suitable decay at infinity and satisfyingΨ¯+ ¯ΨNN−2+2 0 inD(RN). Under these assumptions the sequence vn=Tn(0)is increasing and pointwise convergent to a function¯ which is an a.e.

solution of the integral equation (1.1). Actually this function is also a globally defined weak solution of (P) according to the following definition.

Definition 1.1.Letu0L


loc (RN), u00 a.e., andu0(x)=O(eC|x|2)as|x| → ∞for someC >0. Letu:RN× R+→Rbe a measurable function such that for someC>0 we have|u(x, t )| =O(eC|x|2)as|x| → ∞uniformly ont. We say thatuis a weak solution of problem (P) ifu0 a.e.,uC0(R+;L


loc (RN)),u(0)=u0and for any ψC0(RN×R)we have


u0(x)ψ (x,0)dx+


u(x, t )ψt(x, t )dxdt+


u(x, t )ψ (x, t )dxdt



u(x, t )NN+22ψ (x, t )dxdt=0. (1.4)

Weak supersolution can be obtained choosingΨ¯ =λU, whereλ(0,1]andUL


loc (RN)is any positive distrib- utional solution ofU+UNN+22 =0. A plethora of such solutions with nonempty singular set is well known to exist (see e.g., [45,40,29,30,32,12]) and to be of relevance in the singular Yamabe problem (see [46], see [35] for a survey and Section 3 for a quick introduction). Here and throughout the paperΣ=SingUis the complement of the largest open set whereUisC.

The first existence result we have is the following.

Theorem 1.LetN3andUL

N+2 N−2

loc (RN),U >0a.e., such thatU+UNN−+22 =0inD(RN)andΣ=SingUis a nonempty compact set. Letu0a measurable function such that0u0λUa.e. for someλ(0,1]. Then there exist a unique minimal weak solutionuof(P), i.e. a weak solution such thatuva.e. inRN×R+for any weak solution vof (P). This solution satisfies0uλU a.e. inRN×R+. Ifλ(0,1)thenuC(RN×(0,))and for each t >0

u(t )

L(RN) 4


λ2−N4 −12−N4

t2−N4 . (1.5)

If in additionu0=λU,λ(0,1], thenuhas the following additional properties.

(1) (monotonicity)uis nonincreasing in time.

(2) (regularity vs minimality)Ifvis a weak solution of (P)such that0vλU a.e.,λ(0,1], andvC(RN× (0,))thenv=u.

(3) (uniqueness)Ifvis a weak solution such that0vλUa.e.,λ(0,1), andΣis a finite set thenv=u.


The convergence of the monotone iteration method is classical topic, at least if we assume the continuity of the weak supersolutionΨ¯. Under this hypothesis the universal bound (1.5) has already appeared in [53], giving theLdecay rate for large time. Here we extend the monotone iteration to singular datau0and singular weak supersolutionΨ¯. The universal bound (1.5) still holds and, quite surprisingly, theLblow-up rate ast→0+turns out to be independent of the integrability ofu0. About claim (2) we remark that the assumptionvλU,λ1 cannot be removed. Indeed, as proved in [47], ifu0=λU, 0λ−1 1 andU is given by (1.3) then there are at least two weak solutionsuλ which are positive and smooth fort >0 (the same multiplicity result seems to be true even for 0< λ 1, see [36]).

By the way, it is not hard to see that forλ >1 these solutions do not satisfy the pointwise bounduλu0despiteu0 is a weak subsolution. Indeed we would getuλ≡0 and

tuλuλ+ cλ

|x|2uλ inRN×(0,), cλ=λN42

N−2 2



N−2 2



the optimal constant of the Hardy inequality (5.8) below. Usinguλas a supersolution away from the origin it is not difficult to contradict the result of [3] (see also [6]) about complete blow-up for the linear heat equation with inverse square potential with constantcλ> c1. On the other hand, forλ=1, there is at least one solution which does not satisfyuλu0, despite u0=U is a weak (super)solution. Thus, the parabolic comparison principle fails both for singular subsolutions and for singular supersolutions.

In proving claim (3) we use suitable extensions of the classical Hardy inequality


V ϕ2dx


|∇ϕ|2dx for anyϕD RN

, V (x)=

N−2 2



|x|2, (1.6)

which gives the (form) positivity of the Schrödinger operatorLu= −uV (x)u. Here the idea is to derive smooth- ness from the pointwise boundvλU and from an Hardy inequality, and to infer uniqueness from claim (2). For any weak supersolutionΨ¯ as above we are able to show that if we setV (x)= ¯Ψ (x)N−24 , then (1.6) still holds, the choiceΨ¯ =UandUas in (1.3) giving the classical Hardy inequality with best constant. More generally, ifU >0 is a distributional solution with finite singular setΣandV (x)=U (x)N42 then inequality (1.6) holds and it is sharp, i.e.



|∇ϕ|2dx, ϕ∈C0 RN



V ϕ2dx=1

=1. (1.7)

Combining (1.6) forV (x)=U (x)N42 with the pointwise boundvλU,λ <1, we are able to control the nonlinear term with the linear part, at least whenΣis a finite set (see Section 5), and obtain smoothness fort positive. At the beginning of our research we introduced these generalised Hardy inequalities in proving smoothness of the minimal positive solution, under suitable assumption onΣ. Actually for such purpose a much simpler argument, originally introduced in [53] for continuous data, can be used, assumingΣ to be just a compact set. However, this argument does not extend to nonminimal weak solutions, and this is exactly where the generalised Hardy inequalities come into play.

As final remark we observe that inequality (1.5), which holds for anyλ <1, can be regarded as an instability result for the singular steady stateU(e.g. in theL


loc (RN)topology) in the sense that the differenceUuλ(t )cannot be made arbitrarily small uniformly fort0, no matter how small(1λ)U=Uuλ(0)is.

So far, the main question we want to address is, in view of the explicit dependence onλin (1.5), what happens to uλ(t )=u(t, λU )asλ1. In particular, do we have nonuniqueness or the increasing sequenceuλverifiesuλUas λ1? In other terms we can ask the following question. Ifu0=Udo we haveu(t, U )U? In both cases the answer is not obvious and it depends in a critical way on the smoothness ofU. Indeed it is well known that ifUL2loc(RN) thenUHloc1 (RN)and in turnUC(RN)(see [51]). By the classification of [7] (see also [27] for a much simpler proof),UL2(RN)and it is given by a well known formula (see Section 3). Due to the aforementioned uniqueness theorem for problem (P) whenu0L2(RN), it is not hard to see that in this caseu(t, λU )u(t, U )U. On the other hand, as already mentioned, ifU is given by (1.3) thenu(t, λU )u(t, U )U anduC(RN×(0,)).

Since the regularity ofU plays a crucial role in the nonuniqueness phenomena for problem (P), we find this topic worth of deeper investigation. Therefore, we sharpen theL2loc-regularity condition which is implicit in [51] into an


ε-regularity theorem in the Lorentz spaceL2,in the spirit of the analogous results for generalised harmonic maps (see [1,17]). We have the following result.

Theorem 2.LetN3,Ω⊂RN an open set and letuL

N+2 N2

loc (Ω)be such thatu >0a.e. inΩandu+uNN−2+2 =0 inD(Ω).

(1) There exists ε0>0 depending only on N such that ifBR(x0)Ω and uL2∗,(BR(x0))=ε < ε0 then uC(BR(x0)).

(2) IfBR(x0)ΩanduL2,q(BR(x0))for someq∈ [2,)thenuC(BR(x0)).

The smallness assumption in the previous theorem cannot be removed in view of the explicit example (1.3). Going back to the dynamic instability ofUand the behaviour ofuλasλ1 we remark the following. Due to the monotonic- ity ofuwith respect to the initial data, the two questions are both related to the validity of an a-priori estimate for the suite{Tn(0)},u0=U, in the scale invariant norm| · |introduced above. A direct derivation of this estimate seems difficult and instead we are forced to use monotonicity methods and a suitable blow-up argument. We confine our- selves to the case whenΣis a finite set. Such distributional solutions with finitely many point singularities arbitrarily prescribed do exist and were first constructed in the important paper [45]. For such initial condition the main result of the paper answers the previous question negatively.

Theorem 3.LetN3and UL

N+2 N−2

loc (RN),U >0 a.e., such thatU+UN+2N2 =0inD(RN). Assume thatΣ= SingU= {P1, . . . , Pk}is a finite set. Letu0(x)=U (x). Then there exists a unique weak solutionuof (P)such that 0< uUa.e. anduC(RN×(0,)). Moreoveruis decreasing in time, and ifΣ= {0}, i.e. ifUis radial, then uis radial and radially decreasing for allt >0. We haveu=u, the corresponding minimal weak solution given by Theorem1. Moreoveru(·, t )L(RN)→0ast→ ∞.

In proving the previous result the key point it to derive a suitable a-priori estimate on the solutions uλ in the

“subcritical” case λ <1, using a blow up argument originally introduced in [19] to obtain the L decay rate of classical global solutions of (P) ast tends to infinity. Combining a suitable variant of it with the precise asymptotic analysis ofUat isolated singularities developed in [7] and [23] we are able to prove thatuλuC(RN×(0,)).

On the other hand we are able to show that there is no regular steady-states for (P) lying belowU. In turn this forces the solutionuto converge to zero uniformly ast→ ∞. Moreover, whenUis radial the solutionuis radial and it has the same (either discrete or continuous) scale invariance of the initial data. Due to this possibly discrete invariance, we call these solutions (quasi-)selfsimilar.

Using the global solution of Theorem 3 for radial initial data and taking into account the asymptotic analysis of U at isolated singularities developed in [7] and [23], we are able to give a much more precise description of the asymptotic behaviour ofu, both nearΣast→0+and ast→ ∞. We have the following result.

Theorem 4.LetN3,Uas in Theorem3andu0(x)=U (x). Letube the unique weak solution of (P)constructed in Theorem3, so that0< uUa.e. anduC(RN×(0,)). Then

(1) for each2< pthere existsC(p) >0such that for eacht >0 u(t )

Lp(RN)CtN2(2∗11p). (1.8)

(2) For each PjΣ let Uj(x) be the unique radial singular solution such that for some αj >0 we have U (x)Uj(x)=O(|xPj|22N+αj)as|xPj| →0. Letuj(x, t )the corresponding radial solution as given by Theorem3. There existsri0such that asi→ ∞


N2 2

i u

ri(xPj), ri2t

uj(x, t ) in Cloc2,1


. (1.9)

Moreover, for eachη >0such thatΣBη(Pj)= {Pj}and for each2< pwe have tN2(2∗11p) u(t )uj(t )

Lp(Bη(Pj))→0 ast→0+. (1.10)


(3) Assume thatU has a nonremovable singularity at infinity, i.e. U (x)C|x|22N for large x, so that there exist a unique radial singular solutionUsuch that for someα>0we haveU (x)U(x)=O(|x|22Nα)as

|x| → ∞. Letu(x, t )the corresponding radial solution as given by Theorem3. There existsrisuch that asi→ ∞


N2 2

i u

rix, ri2t

u(x, t ) inCloc2,1


. (1.11)

Moreover, for each2< pwe have tN2(2∗1p1) u(t )u(t )

Lp(RN)→0 ast→ ∞. (1.12)

Thus, the solutionuturns out to be asymptotically (quasi-)selfsimilar both as(x, t )(P ,0),PΣ, and ast tends to infinity in the sense that the “tangent flows” obtained by scalinguboth at the singular points and at infinity turns out to be the (quasi-)selfsimilar radial flows given by Theorem 3, associated to the radial “tangent maps” ofU at the corresponding points. It is easy to prove that the same statement holds for the solutions corresponding to each λ(0,1). We observe also that forλsmall enough we can improve (1.10) and (1.12) to a power-like decay. Indeed, for example, the asymptotic propertyU (x)U(x)=O(|x|22Nα)as|x| → ∞easily yieldstN2(2∗1p1)S(t )US(t )ULp(RN)=O(tδ) ast→ ∞for someδ >0. Hence, using semigroup techniques the claim follows arguing as in [8], Theorem 6.1. We conjecture that the same conclusion holds forλ=1, i.e. for the solutions considered in Theorems 3 and 4.

An immediate consequence of Theorem 3 is the following result.

Corollary 1.LetN3andUL

N+2 N2

loc (RN),U >0a.e., such thatU+UNN+22 =0inD(RN)andΣ=SingUis a nonempty finite set. Letu0(x)=U (x). Then problem(P)has infinitely many weak solutions.

The plan of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we present some preliminary results concerning the monotone iteration method. In Section 3 we review the basic properties of singular solutions corresponding to singular Yamabe metrics on SN which will be used in the sequel. In Section 4 we prove anε-regularity theorem (Theorem 2) for these singular solutions using Lorentz spaces. In Section 5 we obtain the extended Hardy inequalities and we prove Theorem 1. In Section 6 we present a simpler direct proof of Theorem 3 for radial singular steady statesU and we construct the corresponding (quasi-)selfsimilar solutions. In Section 7 we prove Theorem 3 in the general case and we derive Corollary 1 as a straightforward consequence. In Section 8 we use some asymptotic analysis and prove Theorem 4. A very weak form of the maximum principle for the heat equation is confined in an appendix.

2. Preliminary results

Let us denote byKt(x)=(4π t )N/2e|x|


4t ,t >0, the standard heat kernel inRNand byS(t )the associated heat semigroup,S(t )v0=Ktv0. The following lemma expresses the well-known smoothing effect of the heat semigroup.

The proof is an easy application of Young inequality inLpspaces and it will be omitted.

Lemma 2.1.Let1βγ∞. For allt >0and allv0Lβ(RN) S(t )v0

Lγ(RN) 1 tN2(1β1γ)

v0Lβ(RN), (2.1)

and for1β <S(t )v0v0

Lβ(RN)→0 ast→0+. (2.2)

Using the previous lemma we can prove the following existence result of the minimal and the maximal weak solutionsuandu¯of problem (P). The assumption on the behaviour ofΨ¯ at infinity is far from being optimal but it is modelled on the applications we have in mind.


Proposition 2.1.LetN3andΨ¯ ∈L


loc (RN),Ψ >¯ 0a.e., such that Ψ¯ + ¯ΨN+2N2 0 inD


, (2.3)

andΨ (x)¯ =O(|x|2−N2 )as|x| → ∞. Letu0a measurable function such that0u0Ψ¯ a.e.. Then there exist two weak solutionsu,u¯ of (P)such that 0uu¯Ψ¯ inRN×R+. Moreover uvu¯ a.e. inRN×R+ for any other weak solutionvof(P)such thatvΨ¯ a.e. inRN×R+. If in additionu0= ¯Ψ then for all0t1< t2we have u(t1)u(t2)andu(t¯ 1)u(t¯ 2)a.e. inRN, i.e.uandu¯are decreasing int.

Proof. DefineMΨ¯ := {v:RN×R+→R, 0vΨ ,¯ a.e.}. For anyvMΨ¯ we set

T (v)=S(t )u0+ t 0

S(ts)v(s)NN+22 ds



Kt(xy)u0(y)dy+ t 0



v(y, s)NN−2+2

dyds. (2.4)

We have the following

Lemma 2.2.For anyvMΨ¯ the functionT (v)is well defined andT (v)MΨ¯.

Proof. Since bothu0andvare positive functions,T (v)is always well defined, possibly infinite. More precisely, by (2.4) for eacht >0 the functionTt(Ψ )(¯ ·)=T (Ψ )(¯ ·, t )is defined a.e. inRN. AsT is monotonically increasing both inu0and inv, it is enough to prove thatT (v)MΨ¯ whenu0= ¯Ψ andv= ¯Ψ.

Now we are going to prove thatT (Ψ )¯ ∈MΨ¯, i.e. thatT (Ψ )¯ Ψ¯ a.e. inRN×R+. Lett >0 be fixed. For each 0< ε < twe set

Ttε(Ψ )¯ =S(t )Ψ¯ +



S(ts)Ψ¯NN+22ds. (2.5)

ThusTtε(Ψ )¯ Tt(Ψ )¯ and, by the monotone convergence theorem,Ttε(Ψ )¯ →Tt(Ψ )¯ a.e. asε0.

Observe that sinceΨ¯ 0 inD(RN)andΨ¯ decays to zero at infinity, by approximation we can test this inequality withKt(x− ·)because fort >0,Kt belongs to the Schwartz class. SinceS(t )Ψ¯ is smooth fort >0, differentiating under integral sign and using the identitytKt =Kt we easily conclude thatS(t )Ψ¯ is decreasing int. Moreover S(t )Ψ¯ ¯Ψ a.e. ast0 becauseS(t )Ψ¯ satisfies the heat equation with initial conditionΨ¯.

Since Ψ¯ + ¯ΨNN−2+2 0 in D(RN)we can test this inequality with the heat kernel Kts(x− ·), 0< s < tε becauseKt, Kt andtKt are bounded and decay exponentially as|x| → ∞locally uniformly fort >0 (a rigorous justification can be done as in the proof of Proposition A.1). Thus we have

Ttε(Ψ )¯ =S(t )Ψ¯ +




Kts(xy)Ψ (y)¯ NN+22dydsS(t )Ψ¯ −




yKts(xy)Ψ (y)¯ dyds

=S(t )Ψ¯ +




sKts(xy)Ψ (y)¯ dyds=S(t )Ψ¯ +S(ε)Ψ¯ −S(t )Ψ¯ =S(ε)Ψ .¯

Since we have already shown thatS(ε)Ψ¯ Ψ¯ a.e. we obtainTtε(Ψ )¯ Ψ¯ a.e. inRN. Asε→0 we haveTt(Ψ )¯ Ψ¯ a.e. and the conclusion follows sincet >0 can be chosen arbitrarily. 2

The functionu=T (v)inherits from the heat kernel some regularity in time.


Lemma 2.3.LetvMΨ¯ and letu=T (v). Thenu(t )u0inL


loc (RN)ast→0anduC0(R+;L


loc (RN)).

Proof. Since ¯ it is enough to prove that u(t )u0 inL1loc(RN)as t →0 anduC0(R+;L1loc(RN)) and the conclusion follows easily applying the dominated convergence theorem. By assumption there existsR0>0 such thatΨ¯ is bounded for |x|R0. We writeΨ¯ = ¯Ψ1+ ¯Ψ2, whereΨ¯1= ¯Ψ χ{|x|<R0}0, Ψ¯2= ¯Ψ − ¯Ψ10. Clearly by the assumptions onΨ¯ we haveΨ¯1LNN+22(RN)and alsoΨ¯1L1(RN)becauseΨ¯1has compact support. On the other handΨ¯2Lp(RN)for anyp >2by the decay assumption onΨ¯ at infinity. Similarly, we splitu0=u10+u20, u10=u0χ{|x|<R0}, so thatu10LNN+22(RN)andu20Lp(RN)for anyp >2. For eacht >0 andp >2, using (2.4), ¯, Holder inequality and (2.1) we have

u(t )−u0

L1(BR0) S(t )u0u0

L1(BR0)+ t 0



S(t )u10u10

L1(RN)+C(R0, p) S(t )u20u20

Lp(RN)+ t 0


N+2 N−2



+C(R0, p) t 0


N+2 N2


Lp(RN)ds S(t )u10u10

L1(RN)+C(R0, p) S(t )u20u20

Lp(RN)+t Ψ¯1 NN−2+2


N+2 N2(RN)

+t C(R0, p) Ψ¯2 NN+22

Lp N+

2 N2(RN)

, (2.6)

whence the r.h.s. goes to 0 ast→0 by the assumptions onu10,u20,Ψ¯1,Ψ¯2, and (2.2).

Now letT >0 be fixed and choose 0< t1< t2< T. We will consider one of them fixed and we will prove only one-side continuity ast2t1→0. First let us argue as above and splitv=v1+v2wherev1={|x|<R}0 and v2=vv10, so thatviΨ¯i fori=1,2.




0) S(t2)u0S(t1)u0


0)+ t2









N2 ds



Clearly we can argue as in (2.6) to prove thatI1→0 ast2t1→0. Thus it suffices to prove thatI2→0 ast2t1→0.

Splittingvas above and using the pointwise inequalitiesvi Ψ¯i, the semigroup property and (2.1), we get I2






v1(s)NN−2+2 ds


+ t2



v1(s)NN−2+2 ds


+ t1







N2 ds


+ t2






T 0








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