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Academic year: 2022

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September 19, 2011

Frenemies in the Middle East Page8


8 Confleet!"g the!

Owen Matthews Why Israel fears Turkey's F.M. Erdogan.

11Cornpass Niall Ferguson Texting makes u stupid.

12 Werner; the Gayle Tzemach Lemmon Chile's former president fights for women's equality.

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Terror at the courthouse Page 14

14 NewsBeast

India's tryst with terraI;

Emmy Dominees' favorite shows; Alice Waters on

eating at McDonald's.

55 Omnivore

Pearl lam bares al! in a new rock clac; a surprising

photo discovery;

Leslie Marmon Silko reflects on Lucca, Italy.

Forgotten "witches" of Ghana Page 38

Feature s Long-Iost photos. now found Page 56

19 Let's Just Fix It!

Ordinary Americans aren't just sitting around waiting for Washington ta solve their problems.

PLUS: Mayors and entrepreneurs weigh in with 14 new ideas.

32 London's Streets of Rage Inside the break world of Britain's

frustrated youth.

By Mike Giglio 38 'Witches'

Accusations of sorcery still drive women from their homes in Africa.

By Sophie Grove 44 Whitey Bulger's payback The mob boss is finally behind bars-

so why is Boston still scared?

By T. 1. English 48 Agent Provocateur How Italian Vogue's editor shocked the fashion world and built an empire.

By Jacob Bernstein




Illustration by Christian Northeast for


Vol. CLViII, No, 12, September 19, 2011@2011 by The NewsweeklDaily Beast Company LLC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011. Primedby Roto Smeers, Weert, Netherlands. Ali rights reserved. Registered at the Post Office as a newspaper. Copyright under the International CopyrightConvemion. Copyright reserved underthe Pan American Convention. ln the U.S.A.: Postmaster: send address changes ta Newsweek International, 555 West 18th Street. New York.

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NEWSWEEK INTER- NATIONAL is written and edited for a wondwide audience and is published weekly, excepl occasionally two issues are combined into one expanded issue which co unIS as

NEWSWEEK INTERNATIONAL iswritten and edited for a worldwideaudi- ence and is published weekly, except occasionallytwo issues are combined into one expanded issue which counts as

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