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Students’, teachers’ and parents’ attitudes towards inclusive schooling


Academic year: 2022

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Students', teachers' and parents' attitudes towards inclusive schooling

SCHWAB, Susanne, HESSELS, Marco G.P.


Quite a few studies have addressed the academic learning development of students with and without special educational needs in inclusive schools (Kocaj, Kuhl, Kroth, Pant & Stanat, 2014). However, emotional well-being in school (Rauer & Schuck, 2003), the feeling of being integrated (Venetz, Zurbriggen & Eckhart, 2014), and attitudes towards students with special educational needs (Bossaert, Colpin, Pijl & Petry, 2011) are also important factors for social participation and successful inclusion (Schwab, 2015a). The aim of the ATIS-STEP study is to analyze the attitudes towards and beliefs about inclusive education of teachers, parents and students in Austria. Especially interesting are the interactions between opinions of teachers, parents and students. We search to identify factors that are particularly relevant for the development of an intervention program.

SCHWAB, Susanne, HESSELS, Marco G.P. Students', teachers' and parents' attitudes towards inclusive schooling. In: Optentia Research Day: Forging links and building networks, Vanderbijlpark (South Africa), September 8, 2016

Available at:


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Theoretical background

Quite a few studies have addressed the academic learning development of students with and without special educational needs in inclusive schools (Kocaj, Kuhl, Kroth, Pant & Stanat,

2014). However, emotional well-being in school (Rauer &

Schuck, 2003), the feeling of being integrated (Venetz,

Zurbriggen & Eckhart, 2014), and attitudes towards students with special educational needs (Bossaert, Colpin, Pijl & Petry,

2011) are also important factors for social participation and successful inclusion (Schwab, 2015a).

Students’, teachers’ and parents’

attitudes towards inclusive schooling

Susanne Schwab


& Marco G.P. Hessels




University of Graz, Austria,


University of Geneva, Switzerland,


North-West University, South Africa

Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Design

The study is characterized by a longitudinal design with mixed- methods. Data will be collected in September-October 2016

(T1), January-February 2017 (T2) and May-June 2017 (T3).

Students in 4th grade, their parents and teachers will be asked to fill out questionnaires at T1 and T3.

At T2, interviews and classroom observations will be

conducted in a limited number of classes with either very low or very high scores.

Furthermore, the event sampling method will be applied in a number of classes. Event sampling aims at gathering data at multiple moments, which are not known in advance by the teachers, in order to obtain information from short

questionnaires (for students and teachers) during various

classroom situations while recording the kind of tasks and the type of activities the students were executing at that moment.


Bossaert, G., Colpin, H., Pijl, S. J. & Petry, K. (2011). The attitudes of Belgian adolescents towards peers with disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 504-529.

Kocaj, A., Kuhl, P., Kroth, A.J., Pant, H.A. & Stanat, P. (2014). Wo lernen Kinder mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf besser? Ein Vergleich schulischer Kompetenzen zwischen Regel- und Förderschulen in der Primarstufe. Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 66, 165-191.

Perceptions of Inclusion Questionnaire - PIQ (n.d.). Retrieved from http://fns.unifr. ch/piq/de/ [30.05.2015].

Rosenbaum, P., Armstrong, R. & King, S. (1986). Children´s attitudes toward disabled peers: A self-report measure. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 11, 517-530.

Schwab, S. (2015a). Einstellung zur Integration im Zusammenhang mit sozialer Inklusion – Eine Fragebogenerhebung in österreichischen Integrations- und Regelschulklassen. Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete, 84, 66-67.

Schwab, S. (2015b). Evaluation of a Short-version of the Illinois Loneliness and Social Satisfaction Scale in a Sample of Students with Special Educational Needs – An Empirical Study with Primary and Secondary Students in Austria. British Journal of Special Education, 42(3), 257–278.

Venetz, M., Zurbriggen, C. & Eckhart, M. (2014). Entwicklung und erste Validierung einer Kurzversion des „Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Dimensionen der Integration von Schülern (FDI 4-6)“ von Haeberlin, Moser, Bless und Klaghofer. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 2, 99-113.

Venetz, M., Zurbriggen, C. L. A., Eckhart, M., Schwab, S., & Hessels, M. G. P. (2015). The Perceptions of Inclusion Questionnaire (PIQ). English Version.

Retrieved from www.piqinfo.ch


The sample for the quantitative surveys will consist of about 800 4th grade students in inclusive classes, their parents

and their teachers.

The sample for the qualitative observations and interviews will be derived from the results of the first measurement

wave. Six general teachers and six special needs teachers, as well as 12 students with and without SEN and their

parents will participate in this phase.

Aim of the study

The aim of the study is to analyze the attitudes towards and beliefs about inclusive education of teachers,

parents and students in Austria.

Especially interesting are the interactions between opinions of teachers, parents and students. We search

to identify factors that are particularly relevant for the development of an intervention program.

Funded by


CATCH-Questionaire (Rosenbaum, Armstrong & King, 1986; Schwab, 2015b): attitudes towards peers with disabilities.

Sociometric nominations of friends, interations with peers;

acceptance by peers.

Perceptions of Inclusion Questionnaire - PIQ (Venetz,

Zurbriggen, Eckhart, Schwab, & Hessels, 2015) to assess emotional and social inclusion and academic self-concept (assessed by students, teachers and parents).

Teacher and parent attitudes towards inclusion.


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