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The equivalent charge concept and its application to the electrostatic energy of charges and multipoles


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1978

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The equivalent charge concept and its application to the electrostatic energy of charges and multipoles

E.F. Bertaut

To cite this version:

E.F. Bertaut. The equivalent charge concept and its application to the electrostatic en- ergy of charges and multipoles. Journal de Physique, 1978, 39 (12), pp.1331-1348.

�10.1051/jphys:0197800390120133100�. �jpa-00208876�





Laboratoire de Cristallographie, C.N.R.S., 166 X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France and Laboratoire de Diffraction Neutronique, D.R.F., C.E.N.G., 38041 Grenoble Cedex, France

(Reçu le 24 avril 1978, révisé le 21 juillet 1978, accepté le 23 août 1978)



Le concept de charges sans empiètement, développé par l’auteur, s’est montré très utile dans l’évaluation de l’énergie Coulombienne, représentée par la différence de deux quantités positives dont l’une est un développement en série dans l’espace réciproque, l’autre une constante.

Nous montrons ici que des dipôles et plus généralement des multipôles, peuvent être remplacés

par des distributions équivalentes de charges sans empiètement de sorte que même dans le cas le

plus général charges et multipôles sont présents, l’énergie d’interaction électrostatique peut être représentée par la différence de deux quantités positives avec de bonnes propriétés de convergence et dans le cadre d’un formalisme simple. La méthode est applicable à toute symétrie. A titre de

vérification nous avons calculé l’énergie magnétostatique dipolaire, connue de MnO. Pour TiO2

et CdCl2 nous évaluons les énergies, potentiels et champs coulombiens et dipolaires ainsi que les moments dipolaires des anions d’une manière self-consistante.

Ce qui est remarquable dans la méthode est le très grand choix dont on dispose pour les fonctions de densité de charges sans empiètement..



The concept of non overlapping charges developed by the author has proven very useful for the evaluation of the Coulomb energy represented by the difference of two positive quan- tities of which one is an expansion in reciprocal space, the other is a constant. We show here that

dipoles and more generally multipoles can be replaced by equivalent non overlapping charge dis-

tributions. Thus even in the most general cases of charges and multipoles the electrostatic interaction energy can be represented by the difference of two positive quantities with good convergence pro-

perties and in the frame of a simple formalism. The method is applicable to any symmetry. As a

test we calculate the known dipolar magnetostatic energy of MnO. For TiO2 and CdCl2 we evaluate

the Coulomb energies, potentials and fields as well as the dipolar moments, energies and fields self

consistently. What is remarkable in the method is still the great arbitrariness left in the choice of the

non overlapping charge density functions.

Classification Physics Abstracts




For the evaluation of the Coulomb energy in ionic lattices the author has generalized

the concept of charges, distinguishing overlapping

and non overlapping charges [1]. He could identify

the famous Ewald method [2] with the case of charge overlap where two expansions are needed, one in reciprocal space, representing the approximate lattice potential, the second one in direct space representing

the overlap correction. The author could show that there was a very large choice of charges available (for instance that of the Ewald method is Gaus- sian [1,3]) and, if charges were chosen without overlap, only one expansion is needed in reciprocal space.

More particularly, in this last event the Coulomb

energy could be expressed in a compact form by the

difference of two positive quantities, where the first

one is a structure dependent summation and the

second one a non structure dependent constant. Thus

no oscillations can occur in the evaluation of the Coulomb energy. Also quantities such as potentials,

fields and field gradients, derived from the energy

expression show a simple form and good convergence

properties [4].

The question arises if such a procedure can be

extended to dipolar and more generally to multi- polar lattices. This is indeed shown to be the case

in the present paper by introducing the concept of

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0197800390120133100


equivalent charges, i.e. of charge distributions which

are equivalent to multipoles [5].

In the first part we recall the fundamentals for the case of non overlapping charges only. The case

of a dipole lattice is considered in the second part.

Simply replacing the charge operator qj in the Coulomb

energy expression by the equivalent charge operator

m;. grad r, of the dipole mj we obtain the energy of a dipole,lattice which, as expected, is the difference

of two positive quantities. Also another expression

of the dipolar energy is given where the Lorentz

polarization appears. Dipolar potentials and fields

are derived from the energy expression in the usual way.

The case of induced dipoles is examined in the third part where the polarizability relates the dipole

moments self consistently to the local electric field.

The total interaction energy when charges and dipoles are present is the sum of the Coulomb energy,

quadratic in the charges qj, of the dipole energy,

quadratic in the dipoles mj, and of a polarization term

bilinear in qi mj for which the expansion in reciprocal

space is given.

Part four generalizes the procedure to multipoles

with special emphasis on quadrupoles. It is conjectur-

ed that the charge-quadrupole interaction energy

might be of the same order of magnitude as the dipole- dipole interaction energy.

Part five is devoted to applications. A check of

the method is provided by the evaluation of the

magnetostatic dipolar energy of MnO which is found to be in good agreement with the Cohen-Keffer value. The Coulomb, dipole and polarization energies

as well as the potentials and fields are calculated for

CdC12 and Ti02. The sum of polarization and dipole

energy amounts to about 22 % for CdCl2 and only

4 % for Ti02 of the Coulomb energy. The dipolar

energy is positive in CDCI, and negative in Ti02

which results in a moment depression in the former and a moment enhancement in the latter by the respective factors of 0.664 and 1.67. The induced moments are found to be m(Cl) = 0.66 debye in CdC’2 and m(O)


0.79 debye in Ti02. It may be estimated that the corresponding displacement bet-

ween the nucleus and the centre of gravity of the charge cloud around the anion can be detected by combined X-ray and. neutron diffraction measure-

ments at least in Ti02.

Special topics as non overlapping density functions, lower limits of summations, self-energy computa- tions and overlap corrections with special emphasis

of the Ewald method are dealt with in appendices.

Part 1 : Fundamentals about charges.


1 . 1 THE



The method of non over-

lapping charges [1] combines three main ideas. The

first one is that the total Coulomb energy Wtot of a charge distribution p(r) generally written as

can be reexpressed by means of the self correlation function of the charge distribution p(r), say P(u) (the Patterson function of the crystallographers)

so that by the substitution of r’


r + u (1.1) becomes

The second idea makes use of the fact that the Fourier transform of a self-convolution as in (1.2)

is a positive quantity, a square. Thus the Fourier transform of P(u) is 1 F(h) 12, where F(h), the Fourier

transform of p(r) (1.4) is called the structure factor (1 . 5). In (1.4) V is the volume of the unit cell and 1


is a summation over the whole reciprocal space. In

(1.5) the integration and the summation 03A3 are over


the unit cell.

When P(u) is written as a Fourier expansion (1.6)

and the integration in (1.3) is performed over the

whole space, one gets a positive quantity (1.3’)

for Wtot.

Here il means that h


0 is omitted in the summation.

Note that F(0)


0 (neutrality condition). However Wtot( 1 3’) diverges when p(r) is a sum of point charges.

The reason is that Wtat also contains the self energy Ws,

i.e. the action of the charge on itself which in the Coulomb case is infinite. To escape this difficulty,

one must remember that the physically interesting quantity is neither the total nor the self energy, but their difference, the interaction energy W; per unit cell

The third idea uses the theorem, well known in

electrostatics, that point charges of density qj 03B4(r - r j)


can be replaced by non overlapping sphero-symmetri-

cal continuous charges

and vice versa without changing the interaction energy. Thus considering such continuous charges

it becomes possible to compute the Coulomb inter- action energy Wi (1.7) as the difference of two positive and finite quantities Wtot (1.8) and Ws (1.9), both

evaluated in reciprocal space.

cp(h) is the Fourier transform of f (r). The function f (r) is chosen such as to be non zero in a sphere of

radius R where 2 R ru, ri¡ being the smallest

distance between atoms, and zero for r > R. Examples

of choices for f(r) are found in the literature

(f(r) = constant [1] and /(r) oc (R - r)" with

n = 1 [5] [7], 2, 3 and 4 [6]) and in appendix A. For

instance in the parabolic case one has





From the interaction energy (1. 7 to 1. 9) one may derive the potential V(rj) (1 . 14), the electric field ( 1.15),

and the field gradient (1 .15) [4] at the lattice point rj,


In (1.14) to (1.16) we have introduced the abbreviation



It is worth- while to summarize here some properties of p(u) (1.18)

the selfcorrelation function of f(r) which will be used in the following :

One has

If f(r) has the reach R, p(u) has the reach 2 R.

(By reach is meant the non zero region of the function).

The Fourier transform of p(u) is ] ç(h) 12. One has

Thus when f(r) is normalized, p(u) is also norma-

lized. The self energy of a unit charge »,, can be

evaluated either in direct or reciprocal space (1.21).

where 0(h) is given by (1.17). We finally mention

the important sum rule (1.22) which, proven in

appendix B, is valid without any approximation and provides a good check for the correctness of calcula- tions and for convergence tests :

Throughout this paper the vector

is always a vector of reciprocal space. It is defined

as being discrete (hi integer, j = 1, 2, 3) under the


summation 1 which is over all vectors of the reci-


procal lattice, and as being continuous in hi under the integral which extends over the whole reciprocal

J oc

space. Note that h is not restricted to the k-space

of a Brillouin zone and that the zone concept is not needed here.

Part 2 : Dipole lattices.





2.1.1 1 Point dipoles.


A point dipole m is defined as the limit of the product ql when q - 00 and 1 - 0. By analogy we define the equivalent electric density ô(’)(r - rj) of a dipole m

at point ri as the limiting value of the difference of

two point charge densities

It is easily checked that the Coulomb potential produced by the equivalent electric density ô(1)(r - rj)

reproduces the classical potential of a dipole m

In the same way the Coulomb energy Wkl produced by the densities £5(1 )(r - rk) and ô(1)(r’ - r,) equals

the interaction energy of two point dipoles mk and

m, at points rk and r,.

The demonstration is based on the fact that

Thus the operator - mk8 or or + mk8 Vrk replaces

the charge operator qk as well in the potential as in

the energy formulae.

2 .1.2 Continuous charges.


A continuous charge density f(O)(r) equivalent to a point charge density ô(r) is obviously obtained by the convolution of a

spherically symmetric function f(O)(x) with ô(x)

We apply the same procedure to find a continuous

electric density f(1)(r) equivalent to that of a point dipole by convoluting 03B4(1)(x) with f(O)(x). Thus

in agreement with the operator rule given above.

Here f(O)(r) obeys the non overlap conditions outlined in part 1 (f(O)(r)


0 for r > R). The same condition

also imposed upon f(l)(r) implies however an addi-

tional constraint on f(O)(r), the vanishing of V f(O)(r)

for r


R. Thus the choice of the parabolic charge density f(O)(r) (1 . 0) is convenient for charges and dipoles.

It is instructive to prove that the continuous electric

density f(1)(r) is equivalent to the action of a dipole by checking the relations

Here the first integral (2. 7a) is easily transformed

to a surface integral with f(O)(r)


0 on the surface



R. The second formula is proven by partial integration. The third relation (2. 7c) is demonstrated

by the same steps as in (2.2). We only mention that

here the last step of the proof is the evaluation of

where the integral can be rewritten as

This last relation just expresses the theorem,

alluded to in part 1, of the equivalence of a point charge and a continuous charge density, non over- lapping on r.

2.1.3 The operator formalism in Fourier space.


The dipole operator - m. ~r corresponds in Fourier space to the scalar product 2 II im. h. One has indeed

This Fourier formalism is appropriate for many

calculations. For instance the self energy ws(1) of a


dipole which expresses the action of the dipole on

itself is easily evaluated as (see appendix C)

2.1.4 The importance of the equivalent cllarge



If the substitution qj - mj. ~rj is made

in the expression of p(r) ( 1. 4), one is led to the equi-

valent electric density

Here we have introduced a dipole structure jàctor

The importance of the equivalency concept deve- loped here resides in the scalar nature of the electric

density. Thus the total electric density will be additive

where p(O)(r) is the Coulomb charge density (1.4)

and p(1)(r) is given by (2 .11 ). The consequences of this additive relation will be examined later (Part 3).

For the time being we restrict ourselves to the study

of p(l)(r) alone, i.e. of dipolar lattices separately.



2. 2. 1 Ener- gy evpressions.


The energy of a dipole lattice Wi( 1)

can be found directly from the Coulomb energy formulae ((1.7) to (1.9)) by applying the above operator formalism, say replacing in the structure

factor F(h) each gk exp 2 nlb.rk by

and in the self-energy term

(cf. Appendix C). The result is, as stated in the intro-

duction, the difference of two positive quantities

We leave it as an exercise to the reader to arrive at the same relation by inserting o(l)(r) (2 .11 ) into

the total energy expression (1.1) or (1.3) and by substracting the self energy expression (2 .10) in complete analogy with (1.7) to (1.9).

A straightforward application of (2.14) is given

in our discussion of CdCl2 and of Ti02 and the

moments induced there. We shall describe still

another form of the dipolar energy which makes the total polarization appear. Consider a periodic

lattice of point dipoles mi, The dipolar density M(r)

which is periodic is described by

where D(h) is given by (2 ,12). If M(r) is convoluted

with a continuous function f °(r) as specified in part 1,

one obtains a continuous dipolar density, denoted M(r)

The convolution of M(r) with itself produces the following relation

Now put u = 0. In the left hand member peri - r,) is identically zero except for ri


rk. On the right hand side separate the h = 0 term which is


is the total polarization. One has finally the identity

which inserted into (2.14) gives rise to

This expression will be discussed in the paragraph

on dipolar fields.

Finally we shall separate in Wil 1) (2.14) terms of

the same species and of différent species :



The dyadic Ajk is given by

It can be shown that due to thé sum rule (1 .22) in the cubic case, Wjj(1) (2.23) is identically zéro for

each species j (see appendix B) so that Wi( 1) strictly

reduces to

We have used the property expressed by Wjj(1) = 0

and by (2.26) in the computation of the dipolar magnetic energy of MnO.

2.2.2 Dipolar fields and potentials.


The field E(1) )

created by the dipole mk at the point where the dipole m, is located is given by derivation of the energy (2. 3)

This gradient relation also holds for a set of dipoles,

Thus in a periodic dipole lattice the field at point ri where the dipole mj is located will be

Multiplication with ’ mj and sommation over the unit cell reconstitutes (2.14) in agreement with



Of course the dipolar field E(l)(rj) (2.28)

is also obtained by the application of the operator rule to the expression (1.15) of thé Coulomb field E(O).

In thé same way, the potential V(l)(rj) as derived from

(1.14) isgiven by

The version (2.21) of the dipolar energy is parti- cularly interesting because it gives rise to

Here the first term on the right side represents the classical Lorentz polarization whilst the second term

represents the structure dependent deviation from

the Lorentz field. This formulation might be useful

in polar crystals.

Tlm cuhic lattice case.


One has the relation (2. 32),

proven in the appendix B,

In other words in a cubic cell the dipoles on the

Bravais lattice.j do not contribute to the field E( 1)(ri),

which reduces to

The equivalent of the Ewald version for the energy of dipolar lattioes is described in appendix E.

Put 3 : Induced moments. - 3 . 11 SELF CONSISTENT DETERMINATION OF THE INDUCED MOMENT. - The total electric field at rj, sum of the Coulomb field

El’o)(ri) and the dipolar field E(’)(rj) (2.28), is related

to the moment induced at r, by the polarizability ocj,

a symmetric tensor which for simplicity will be

written here as isotropic :

When the dipolar field E(’)(rj) (2.28) which is a

linear function of the moments is inserted in (3.1),

one obtains a linear set of équations of the form


Here 1 is the dyadic identity and Ajk is given by (2.25). (3.2) can be solved with respect to the unknown quantities which are the components of the moments, all other parameters being known. We shall not discuss hère (3. ) in its generality, but consider the

simple case where only one species of n équivalent polarizable ions with m, colincar to E)1) contributes to the dipolar energy (for instance n = 6 for Cl- in the hexagonal cell of CdC!2, 7ï


4 for 0 in the unit cell of Ti02).

One has then the simple relation

Here Wi(’)(1) is the dipolar energy for the unit dipole.

The solution or (3.2) is simply


One will have to distinguish two cases according

to the sign of the quantity W¡(1)(l).

i) The dipolar energy is positive in which case the

factor 2 + aj Wi(1)(I) . 2) -1 depresses the action of

(2 + aj W i (1) n n)-1 dep

the Coulomb field.

ii) The dipolar energy is negative in which case

the action of the Coulomb field is enhanced.

Both cases will be encountered in our discussion of CdCl2 and of Ti02.



The total interaction energy is not the sum of the Coulomb energy ((1.7) to (1.9)), quadratic in the charges q, and the dipolar energy (2.14), quadratic in the

moments m. Cross terms in q. m arise from the fact that the induced dipoles produce a supplementary potential acting on the charges, whilst the charges produce a Coulomb field acting on the induced

moments. The total interaction energy must have the form (appendix D)

where Vj and Ej are respectively the potentials and

fields of both charges and dipoles.

The simplest way for constructing W; (3.6) is again the operator formalism which replaces qi by

qj + mj. Vrj and thus F(h) by G(h) in the energy

expression (1. 7) :

The result is

where W;(g, m) is given by



In centrosymmetric crystals F(h) is

real and D(h) purely imaginary. Putting

one obtains a polarization contribution

which generally exceeds by far the contribution of

W.(l) i


Physical meaning of Wi(q, m).


Substituting the

definition of D(h) (2.12) in (3.9), the comparison

with the Coulomb field E(’)(rj) (1.15) leads to

On the other hand comparing the potential V(l)(rj)

(2. 30) to (3. 9) one finds

Thus one has certainly

This relation joined to the defining relations

completes the proof of the equivalence of (3. ) and (3 . 8).

Remark 1.


The total interaction energy (3.8) obeys the conditions


where Vj and Ej are respectively the potentials and

fields of both charges and dipoles. The condi-

tion (3.16b) is easily shown to hold from the identity

Remark 2.


The interaction energy (3. ) can

also be found by evaluating first the total electro- static energy according to the classical Coulomb

expression (1.1), where the total density p(r) is given by p(O)(r) + p(l)(r), and then subtracting the corres- ponding self energy terms.

Part 4 : Generalization to multipoles.


4 .1 CHAR-



Our procedure consists in replacing

charges qj by charge operators Qj so that the inter- action energy Wi continues to be given by the Coulomb like expression

For instance if only charges and dipoles are present

Qj is given by (4.2) and W; will contain thé charge- charge, charge-dipole and dipole-dipole interactions

of (3 . 8)


For the sake of uniformity in notation, we write for a charge, a dipole, a quadrupole the following :

Here the subscript j stands for the point r ¡, the

vectors n have unit length, and q(P) has the dimension of a charge. We define the charge operators at point j

and more generally for a 2P-pole, depending on 2 p + 1 parameters

so that

4. 1 . 1 Equivalent charge densities.


We have

already found the equivalent electric density of a dipole (2. . 1)

The equivalent electric density of a point quadrupole

at ri is obtained as the limiting value of the equi-

valent electric densities of two dipoles, displaced by 1 when q(1) tends to infinity and 1 to zero with the

result (4.7)

More generally, the equivalent electric density

of a point multipole of order 2P will be

In complete analogy with (2.6) the continuous

electric charge density f(P)(r - rj) equivalent to a point multipole is obtained by the folding operation (4.9) of ô(P)(r - r;) with a continuous function

For instance,

and the condition of non overlap imposes upon f(O)(r) the constraint of having its second derivative

equal to zero for r


R. The following function

satisfies this condition (cf. (A. 2)) :

for r R and zero for r > R.



When the gradient operation Vj at point rj is replaced by V at point r, one must multiply o p(p) by ( - 1 )p (cf. (2. 4)).



The substitution qj --> Qj (4. 5) in the expression of the total energy

(1 .3’) has the effect of replacing F(h) by a genera- lised structure factor Y(h)


New terms will have to be added to the total inter- action energy (3.8) corresponding to charge-quadru- pole, dipole-quadrupole and quadrupole-quadrupole

interactions :

where the new self energy terms ws(2) and ws(q(O) q(2»)

are given in appendix C (1). It is quite remarkable that

a cross term of self-energy charge-quadrupole exists.

It may also be conjectured that the dipole-dipole

interaction energy Wi(’) is of the same order of magni-

tude as that of charge-quadrupole W¡(q(O) q(2»). How

far should one go in such multipole expansions ?

From the point of view of physics it is quite clear

that the static Jahn-Teller effect is equivalent to multipole ordering. One must question however the

usefulness of lattice sums for multipoles of order higher than 22 where a near neighbour summation

in direct space will probably turn out to be sufficient.

In the case of overlapping densities (for instance

in the Ewald method) correction terms have to be added to the expressions ((4.14)-(4.I6)). They can

be obtained according to the rules specified in appen- dix E.

(’) In formulae (4.14) to (4.16) the quantities 0(h), F(h), D(h)

and Q(h) have been written without the argument h.


Part 5 : Applications.


5. 1 THE MAGNETOSTATIC ENERGY OF MNO. - As a test we have checked our

method on the magnetic structure of MnO where

good evaluations of the dipolar energy are already

available [8]. In MnO where ferromagnetic (111)

planes alternate in the [111] direction, the spin

direction being in the plane, the dipolar structure

factor can be written in the magnetic cell a


2 ao

as follows

Here the first bracket corresponds to a face centered lattice, the second one to a body anticentered lattice and the last one to the spins at the origin and to its

three nearest neighbours at 1/4 1/4 0 and permutations.

for h, k, 1 odd and such that

Otherwise D(h) is identically zero. The shortest

distance between two Mn-atoms is a /2-/4 so that

R = a l18 is chosen with the continuous parabolic charges ((1.10)-(1.11 )).


we form the average of (8.h)2 over the equivalent

vectors hkl, lhk and klh with the result


a, f3, y


direction cosines.

The dipolar energy per magnetic unit cell of

volume V is then conveniently written

Here 1 is the summation under the conditions (5.2),


p is the multiplicity and d = 1 h ,- 1 the equidis-

tance of the lattice planes. The first term in the

right hand member of (5.6) turns out to be zero ;

it expresses the sum rule, given in appendix B. The

second term has been summed over the 14 vector

manifold 111, 311, 331, 333, 511, 531, 533, 551,

711, 553, 713, 733, 555, 715 with the result

Recalling that N


4la’ is the number of spins

per cm3 and that V


8 a30 one finds for the dipolar

energy per cm3

Cohen and Keffer [8] obtain nearly the same result,

their numerical coefficient being 3.615. Our precision

can be estimated from the degree to which our sum-

mation 32 L pcp2


123.100 approaches the theoreti-


cal value

For the general case of error estimation we refer the reader to appendix A. The difference is about 0.3 % so that we estimate the precision to be

3.615 + 0.011.



yp + {3y + ya has two extrema : a maximum



1 for a = {3


y, say the direction [111] which corresponds to (N.S.)2 3.615


1.640 x 10’ erg/cm3, representing the magnetic out of plane anisotropy (with N


4.59 x 1022 Mn atoms/cm3 and



5 uR


4.64 x 10- 20 erg/gauss), and a minimum

T = - 2 for a + {3 + y


0, say for any vector in the (111) plane which corresponds to a dipolar

energy of - 0.820 x 10’ erg/cm 3.

Note that the Cohen-Keffer result was obtained

by sampling about 30 points in the k-space of the

first Brillouin zone. Their method is restricted to cubic lattices whilst ours is perfectly general. le

also compare our method to the Ewald version of

dipolar energy in appendix E.


As first example of an ionic structure with induced

dipoles we choose the rhombohedral structure of


CdCl2 which is described here in the hexagonal

system with parameters a


3.85 Á and c


17.46 Á.

There are three formulae units in the unit cell of volume V


224.128 Â’. The atomic positions are :

Cd at 000 and Cl at ± (00z) plus translations 000,

333, 3- S3- In thé idealized structure z


1/4 and the struc-

ture factor is

It differs from zero only for - h + k + 1 = 3 n.

With z = 1/4 and q (Cd) + 2 q (Cl)


0 (neutrality condition), it takes the form

The smallest distance d (Cd-0), that between Cd (0, 0, 0) and Cl (-L, -Z, - 1/12), is 2.657 A so that

R = 1.329 A.

We have performed the summation in Wi(’) (1.4)

with the choice (1.10)-(1.11)) of f(r) and g(h), using 30 terms (11 with 1 even and 19 with 1 odd) in

the order of increasing reciprocal lattice vectors until | 1 h | = 1.06 Å-1, the last h used being 0, 0, 0, 18.

The explicit form is

The result is

Johnson et al. [7a] find a slightly different va-

lue = - 1.685 5 e2 that is Madelung constant/shor-

test distance due to different cell parameters a


3.86 and c = 17.50 Á.

The Coulomb potentials at the lattice points are

found to be


One checks that -1 E qj Vi,01 = wi(0).


The electric field at the Cd nucleus is £(0) (Cd) = 0

which is evident from the point symmetry. The field

at the CI position 00z has a non zero component

only along Oz. Its explicit form is

The quantity under 1 turns out to be negative so


that the field is along - z (q (Cl) is negative). Using

the conversion factor

the absolute value of E(0) is 4.82 V/Â in close agree- ment with the value of 4.81 calculated by Weenk

and Harwig with a very large number of terms in

their summation [9].

The Coulomb fields acting on 00z and 00E are

opposite and the induced moments are noted + m

and - m respectively so that the dipolar structure

factor is purely imaginary

The explicit form of the dipolar energy is per unit cell

We have calculated Wi(’) first with the function (p(h) already used for Wi(0) and based on the shortest Cd-Cl distance (2 R = 2.657 Â) obtaining

Wi(1) ~ 0.498 m2 Å -3 .

Actually Cd does not intervene in the dipolar energy

so that one may use as shortest distance that of the nearest Cl-Cl atoms which is 2 R’ = 3.664 A. The convergence is then greatly improved and one obtains

with only 15 terms, the last one (0, 0, 0, 15) contri- buting 6 x 10- 5 of the total,

It is remarkable that the dipolar energy of the induced

dipoles is positive in CdCI2.

The dipolar field is explicitly (cf. (2.28)),

Thus E(1) is opposite to m and will reduce the action

of E(Ol. Using the value x = 2.97 x 10-24 CM3 for

the polarizability of chlorine [10], the reduction factor


(1 1 + aWi(1)(I)/3)-l in relation (3.5) is 0.664, so that

from (5.11) we obtain

Substituting this value in Wi(1) one finds

say about 4.4 % of the Coulomb energy, but of oppo- site sign.

The dipolar field is numerically

The polarization term, linear in q and m, evaluated according to (3 . 9)-(3 .11 ) is explicitly

It is also equal to - 6 E(O).m according to (3.12)

as it should be. The interaction energy due to the induced dipoles (Wi(q,m) + Wi( 1)) is quite conside- rable, at 21.6 % of the Coulomb energy.

Assuming q (Cl) = - e, the energies per molecule

CdC’2 are : Wi(0) = - 1.695 Wi(1) = 0.076 and

Wi(q, m) = - 0.442 in units e2 Å-1, say

The conventional polarization energy (see appen- dix D) is 2 1 W¡(q, m) = - 73.5 kcal/mol, still an appreciable amount of 13 % of the Coulomb energy.




Ti02, rutile crystallizes in the tetragonal

space group P42/mnm. The lattice parameters are [9a]

a = 4.592 9 Å ; c = 2.959 1. Ti is in the positions 2 a : 000, 222 0 is in the positions 4 g : xx0 (1), Ri0 (2), + x t - x 2 (3) ; 1/2 - x 1/2 + x 1/2 (4) with



0.305 3 [9a]. For reasons of symmetry the

moments induced on these four atoms have the

following form

(x and y are orthogonal unit vectors) which is imposed by the glide plane n. Furthermore the site symmetry of the oxygen site is mm and the intersection of these mirrors (one in xyO and xy1/2, the other one in xxz and

xxz) is a twofold diagonal axis which must be the

direction of all polar vectors ; this implies

The central Ti atom at -1/2-1/2-1/2 has four nearest oxygen

neighbours at d,


1.946 4 À (in xxO and homologous points) and two next nearest ones at d2 = 1.983 0 A (in points (3) and (4)). Consequently the radius of

non overlap is chosen R = 2 d,


0.973 2.

The structure factors F(h) and D(h) are

Here we have abbreviated

Note that the dipoles (5.16) form four sublattices with m,

= -

M2, m3 = - m4, and ml orthogonal

to m3, and that consequently D(h) is purely imaginary

as expected.



The Coulomb energy (cf. (1.7) to (1.9)) amounts to - 4.911 q2 (0) Å -1 1 per unit cell.

If we suppose that the oxygen charge is q (0) = - 2(e)

we obtain

We have checked independently the potentials accord- ing to (1. 14) and find

The Coulomb field acting on the oxygen atom in xxo has a value of

in good agreement with the value of Weenk and

Harwig [9] of 2.82 V/Å. The direction of the field is’ along l- 1, -, l, 0] (in tact we have calculated

Ex(0) and found Ex(O) = Ey(O) by a simple interchange

of the variates h and k under the summation in




Disregarding first the symmetry condi- tion (5.17) we have found the following numerical expression for the dipolar energy

Here the first term is the différence between the isotro-

pic part of the total energy and of the self energy ; the second term does not depend on the self energy

and represents a dipolar anisotropy. This result


has been checked with several charge distributions, respecting the conditions f(r)


0 and Vf (r)



for r


R. One may wonder why Wi(1) is not minimal

for mx


my. In fact one has to minimize


it turns out that the symmetry conditions (5.17) minimize the m-dependent part of the interaction energy for mx negative. Finally

wherefrom the dipolar field

Adopting the value a(0)


2.4 x 10-24 cm3 for

the oxygen polarizability [10], the factor

becomes here an enhancement factor (cf. (3.5)) equal to 1.672 so that

The total field acting on the oxygen atom is thus

Finally the different contributions to the electro- static interaction energy are given here per mole- cule Ti02 in e2 A -1 1 and in kcal/mol

Their sum, 135.8 kcal/mol amounts to only 4 %

of the Coulomb energy and the conventional pola-

rization energy contribution to the cohesive energy

(2 Wi(q, m)) is only 1.6 % of the Coulomb energy.

Still the dipolar energy per molecule is about 57 times kT for T


300 K so that no transition may be expected unless the charges and polarization are greatly overestimated.

Comparison with CdCI2.


CdCl2 is a typical layer structure and it is certain that the dipolar polarization stabilizes this structure type (’). This

does not seem to be the case for Ti02. On the other

(2) If one considers as a measure of ionic strength the quantity Coulomb energy x smallest cation anion distance/q2 (cation)

one finds 375 for CdC12 and 397 for Ti02 (in kcal x Á x mol-’ e-2).

hand, it is remarkable that the dipole moment of

the anion induced in Ti02, in spite of its smaller polarizability and smaller Coulomb field is greater than in CdCl2. If we make the rough estimation

that the moment value of nearly 0.8 debye corres- ponds to a charge of 10 electrons multiplied by a

shift s between the nucleus and the centroid of the

charge cloud, we find s


0.08 Á. This corresponds

to a variation of 0.012 3 of the parameter-value x

between the neutron and the X-ray observation and should be observable. We hope that such an experi-

ment will be undertaken on Ti02 in the near future.

(From a similar reasoning the shift of the Cl nucleus in CdCl2 is expected to be equal to 0.037 Á



where from Az


0.002 only.)

Appendix A : Problems of self energy and conver- gence.


We first question the problem of lower

bounds of Coulomb and dipolar energy which is equivalent to the search of the smallest possible self-






We have

considered the simple polynomial

The normalizing constant Cn is found to be

By tedious, but straightforward procedures one gets for the self energy

ws tends to infinity with n (at the same time one tends

toward the point case); its smallest value is ws(n




3/(5 R).

Dirac Function.


The smallest self energy is obtained for charges at maximum distance, i.e.

when all the charges are concentrated on the surface of a sphere of radius R, say for

The Fourier transform is formally identical to the

well known interference function of a linear grating :

The self energy is readily evaluated in reciprocal



Thus a suitable lower bound for the Coulomb energy (with all f(r) identical) is

For instance in NaCI where R


a/4 and



8 e2 this lower bound is


16 e2/a whilst

wil" J


13.980 8 e2/a.



The self energy being proportional

to p(0), one has to look for the smallest possible

value of the self correlation function at the origin,

say of f 2(r) d3r. We have investigated polynomials fm(r) having their first m derivatives equal to zero

at the origin and having f ’(r)


0 for r


R. These polynomials have the simple form


The case m


0 reduces to (1. 0). When m tends

to infinity, y(x) tends to a rectangular shape (= 1

for 0 x 1 and = 0 for x = 1). One finds :

wherefrom (cf. (2. 10) and Appendix C)

Thus the lower bound for dipolar energies is

This result agrees precisely with an estimate by

Griffiths [11], obtained by another method, CONVERGENCE. - Smallest self energy is not syno- nymous with best convergence. For instance Wi(O)

converges as oc-6 for the uniform density (w°


3/(5 R)) and as a-4 for the Dirac density (A. 4) where ws


1/(2 R ).

Some special cases :

The infinite product

is such that cp(0)


1. In direct space it corresponds

to the successive folding of p functions of type f(r)


and of reach R/2 , R/4 , ... R/2p , the reach of the resulting

2 ’ 4 ’... 2p g

convolution product being

The infinite product function

has been recommended by Tournarie [12]. In direct

space it corresponds to the infinite convolution pro- duct of Dirac functions of type (A. 4).

The function fm(r) with m


1 (A. 8) has been

found very convenient [13]. We have used it for

Wi(1) in Ti02



Templeton [14] was the

first to suggest a significant improvement by an

order of magnitude. When the summation is stopped

at hmax, he replaces the rest by an integration between hmax and infinity. In the Coulomb case this correction to be added is


AWi(0) is tabulated for uniform [14] and linear densi-

ties [7].

In the dipole case, we find with obvious notations


Due to the sum rule of appendix B one has approxi-



Appendix B : The sum rule.


The Fourier trans- form of the correlation function p(u) is




Consider the special case of points of mass one,

distributed on a lattice. Their density is a lattice delta function

Summing relation (B .1) over all h and inverting

summation and integration on the r.h.s. one obtains, using (B. 4)

Relation (B. 3) and (B. 5) establish the sum rule

(1.22) of the text.

The sum L 1 (p(h) 12 has remarkable properties


of homogeneity for selected sets of indices h, k, 1 which we list here without detailed proof. One has

where the indicated parities apply to h, k and 1 res- pectively.

Thus for instance

We have proven and checked this relation (cf. rela-

tion (3.15") in reference [4]). Furthermore for h, k and 1 odd, the sums h + k, k + 1, 1 + h can only

have one of the following forms with equal weight

Finally, one has for the summation performed under

the condition (5.2) of the text

The cubic case.


Consider the dyadic

and evaluate the quantity m.R.m where m is an

arbitrary, but fixed vector. The average of

over the symmetry equivalent vectors in the cubic system is 1 h 12 m2 . 1/3. Consequently


m being arbitrary the vector quantity in brackets

must be zero.



We have derived the sum rule (1.22)

in the form needed for the text. In fact if qJ(h) is the

Fourier transform of any function f(r)

one easily shows by the same method as above ((B 1)

to (B. 5)) that the following sum rule holds

privided f (0) is finite. However one has not

because :

i) the Fourier transform of 0(h) (1.17) is p(u)/u and

lim p(u)/u is not finite and

u- o

ii) W(0) is infinite even when the integral is finite.

The sum rules (1.22) and (B. 13) do not depend

on overlap (cf. appendix E).


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