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The crystal structure of KCdF3


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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The crystal structure of KCdF3

M. Hidaka, S. Hosogi

To cite this version:

M. Hidaka, S. Hosogi. The crystal structure of KCdF3. Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (8), pp.1227-

1232. �10.1051/jphys:019820043080122700�. �jpa-00209499�


The crystal structure of KCdF3

M. Hidaka and S. Hosogi (*)

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University 33, Fukuoka 812, Japan (Reçu le 28 janvier 1982, accepté le 27 avril 1982)



La structure cristalline de KCdF3 est déterminée dans le cas de la troisième phase (ortho)rhombique

et affinée en utilisant une méthode de moindres carrés prenant en considération la structure en domaines. L’affine- ment utilise les intensités des réflexions de surstructure ponctuelles X, M et R mesurées en chambre de Weissenberg

en adoptant la technique des films superposés et la radiation filtrée MoK03B1. Le groupe d’espace de KCdF3 est

Pbnm-D162h (z = 4). La structure est bien décrite par les condensations successives des modes de phonon mou M3

et Z5 (semblables à Rx25 + Ry25). Le facteur R atteint 8 % lorsqu’on tient compte de l’intensité des reflexions X et M,

et 9,8 % si l’on inclut les réflexions R.



The crystal structure of KCdF3 is determined in the third, orthorhombic phase and refined by using

a full matrix least-squares method by taking domain structures into consideration. Refinement is performed with superlattice-X, M and R point reflection intensity data collected on the multiple-film Weissenberg photographs

taken with filtered MoK03B1 radiation. Pbnm-D162h (z = 4) is assigned to the space group of KCdF3. The R value

reaches 8 % for the intensity data of the X and M point reflections. When the R point reflections are included in the

calculation, the R value is 9.8 %. The structure is well described by the successive condensations of M3

and Z5 (Rx25 + Ry25-like) soft-phonon modes.


Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.


The structural analysis of crystals displaying structural phase transitions (SPT) is of

fundamental importance for studying the mechanism of the transition. Although there are a lot of investi-

gations concerning the transitions of the pseudo- perovskite compounds ABC3, it is difficult to determine

the structure in each phase because of the appearance of poly-domains in a single crystal.

By use of X-ray and differential scanning calorimetry technique, the perovskite crystal KCdF3 was found

to have three transition points at 485, 471 and

243 K [1] : The first two transitions are caused by the

condensations of soft-phonon modes at the cubic

Brillouin zone boundary. At the third transition neither a change in the extinction rule for the diffraction pattern nor a change in the number of formula units is observed. The space groups of the four phases are, from the high temperature side, Pm3m, P4/mbm,

Pbnm and Pbn21 (1) respectively. The first and second transitions can respectively be explained in terms of

(*) Present address : International Institute for Advanced

Study of Social Information Science, Fujitsu Ltd, Numazu 410-03, Japan.

(1) Non centrosymmetric space group is assumed

the condensation of M3 and Rx. + R]s soft-phonon

modes at the M and R points in the cubic Brillouin


The condensation of soft-phonon modes at the cubic

Brillouin zone boundary is accompanied by the development of superlattice reflections, which are

related to the translational symmetry of the lattice.

Since they do not exist in the cubic phase, atomic displacements due to the SPT directly contribute to intensities of superlattice reflections, by which the

structure can be determined Some problems however

exist in the structure analysis of non-cubic perovskites :

First since ions mainly participating in SPT are usually light ones, intensities of superlattice reflections should be rather weak in the X-ray diffraction; second,

in low temperature phases, crystallographic domains

take place, and this makes diffraction patterns compli-

cated and consequently not easily interpreted.

The first problem is inevitable in the X-ray diffrac-

tion method, but the neutron diffraction method may be complementary. Unfortunately, absorption of neu-

trons by Cd atoms is so high that neutron diffraction with KCdF3 crystals is not practicable. The only

way which is practicable in getting intensity data for

the structure analysis is to use X-ray diffraction at

temperatures as low as reasonable in each phase. This

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019820043080122700



will make the intensities of relevant superlattice

reflections a maximum. It will be rather difficult to get intensity data for the phase II, because it appears

only in a narrow temperature range. In the present

experiment, the structure analysis was therefore

undertaken only for the phase III and was qarried out

at room temperature.

The second problem was solved by Hidaka [2],

who determined the crystal structure of KMnF3

at 50 K taking the domain structure into account.

Furthermore, the structure of NaNiF3 [3] at room temperature, KMnF3 and SrTi03 [4] and KCaF3 [5]

were successively determined.

In this paper, the procedure of structure analysis

of the phase III of KCdF3 containing six kinds of domains is presented and the results are discussed in terms of the successive condensation of soft -

phonon modes.

2. ExperimentaL


The specimen used in the pre- sent experiment was of cylindrical form, about 0.13 mm in diameter and 1.5 mm in length, with the

axis parallel to the [001]. The lattice constants were

determined by using high-angle reflections on oscilla- tion and Weissenberg photographs : a = 6.103,

b = 6.103 and c = 8.660 A, which are slightly different

from those given by Swanson, McMurdie, Morris and

Evans [6]. Although the values of a and b coincide within experimental error, the intensities of crystallo- graphically related reflections on Weissenberg photo- graphs clearly show a two-fold symmetry, instead of a

four-fold one, about the [001]. For the structure ana- lysis, Weissenberg photographs with a multiple-film arrangement were taken with filtered MoKa radiation for the reciprocal-lattice planes from hk0 to hk5,

where 185 independent superlattice reflections were

observed; the intensity was measured by using a

microdensitometer. The intensity ratio of the strongest

to weakest superlattice reflection is about 200 to 1.

Corrections were made for the Lorentz-polarization effect, for elongation of spots on the film and absorp- tion ; the linear absorption coefficient for MoKa is 80.0 cm-1.

3. Structure determination.


Since Weissenberg photographs have revealed the domain structure, we should treat the intensity of reflections taking the

influence of the domain structure into account. In the

specimen used in the present experiment, one of the

six kinds of domains was accidentally predominant;

we designate it the domain I-A. The indexing of

reflections on Weissenberg photographs was made

on the basis of this domain. In figure 1 domains in the orthorhombic phase of KCdF3 are schematically

shown. Here ap, bp and cp are the axes of a pseudo- perovskite, while the orthorhombic cell has dimensions

-./2 ap x , ,/2- bp x 2 cp. Although these six domains

are the same as those of NaNiF3 [3] and KCaF3 [5],

the axial angle y between ap and bp is equal to 90° in

Fig. 1.


Crystallographic domains in the orthorhombic

phase of KCdF3. Domains labelled as I, II and III are speci-

fied by the direction of [001]p, while those labelled as A and B

are connected with each other by interchanging [100]p and [010]p.

KCdF3. Therefore lattice constants a and b take the

same value. Then a part of reflections coming from the

domains II and III completely overlap with those

from the domain I. This fact makes interpretation of

the diffraction pattern rather complicated.

Reflections on Weissenberg photographs can be

classified into five groups with the indices as follows :

where n is an integer. Here, the group (i) corresponds

to fundamental-lattice reflections and the others to

superlattice reflections : i.e., the groups (ii), (iii) and (iv) respectively correspond to the R, M and X points

in the cubic Brillouin zone. For the group (v), integral

indices can be assigned if we assume that the domain II

or III contributes to these reflections. As an example,

a zero-layer Weissenberg photograph taken with

filtered MoKa radiation is shown in figure 2, where

reflections with the half-integer index are visible.

It is to be noted that the intensity of the group (v)

is much weaker than that of M and X reflections; this

indicates that the volume of the domain I is much

larger than that of the domain II and III. In general,

R points of the domain II and III overlap with those

of the domain I, then the intensity at an R point on a Weissenberg photograph is consequently the sum of

intensities from all the domains. On the other hand,

X and M reflections from the domain II and III appear at the position with half-integer indices.

Glazer [7] and Aleksandrov [8] have shown that

successive condensations of the soft-phonon modes

M3 and R25 + Ry 5 lead to the space group

Pbnm (D"). Here we quantitatively discuss the


Fig. 2.


Zero-layer Weissenberg photograph of KCdF3

around the [001]p taken with filtered MoKa radiation.

Reflections with the half-integer indices are visible; some of

these reflections are labelled by circles.

volume ratio of the domains on the basis of this space group. The space group Pbnm will be confirmed if the volume ratios of domains consistent with all the

intensity data are determined and if the structural parameters are determined with a reasonable reliability


In the space group Pbnm, the following conditions

should be observed :

It was found, however, that the conditions for the hOl and Okl were not fulfilled in the present case.

In figure 3a the diffraction pattern along hOl and Okl

on the hkl photographs (I = odd) is schematically

shown. This figure suggests that there is a certain relation between the intensity of Okl and hOI.

Intensities of the following three pairs of X points

were measured : i.e., 041 (88), 401 (11); 063 (49),

603 (7); 045 (78), 405 (12), where the intensity is given

in the parenthesis. For these three pairs of reflections the intensity ratio is nearly constant. This fact can be explained if we regard hOl, which is prohibited in Pbnm

as h + 1 = 2 n + 1, as the Chl of the domain I. In

figures 3b and c the diffraction patterns from the domains I-A and I-B are schematically shown respec-

tively. Superposition of these patterns gives the pat-

Fig. 3.


Schematic representation of diffraction patterns

along [100] and [O10] on first layer Weissenberg photograph.

a) Observed diffraction pattern. b) Diffraction pattern cau- sed only by domain I-A, which is predominant in the speci-

men. c) That caused by I-B.

tem shown in figure 3a. We can therefore assume

that the space group of the phase III of KCdF3 is Pbnm; the co-ordinates of equivalent atomic positions

are given in table I. On the other hand, from the intensity of reflections with half-integer indices given below, we can determine the volume ratio for the domains I, II and III.

Table I.


Atomic positions in KCdF3 (space group


Since we see that the -12 0 reflection is the 225 of the domain II and that the 110 is the 221 of the domain III,

the volume ratios of the domains I, ’II and III are

obtained to be 85, 9 and 6%, respectively. These ratios

were used as initial parameters in the course of the

refinement of the structure.



4. Refinement of the structure.


A refinement of the structure was carried out by using the full matrix

least-squares method. The quantity minimized is

where i denotes i-th kind of domains, Ilk scale factor, F. and Fr the observed and calculated structure factors

respectively, and Vi the volume ratio for each domain;

the atomic scattering factors given in the International Tables for X-ray Crystallography are used. Unit

weight (Whkl = 1) is assumed for all the reflections.

Parameters refined are positional parameters, the

isotropic temperature factor for K and F atoms and the scale factors. The temperature factor of Cd atom cannot be determined, since Cd atoms are at the special position and consequently there is no contri-

bution of Cd atoms to superlattice reflections.

Since the quantity X 2 is not a linear function of the structural parameters, it is necessary to expand X 2

as a function of the parameters and to use the method of linear least-squares to determine optimum values

of the parameters. To start the calculation, approxi-

mate values of the parameters should be known;

if not, X 2 does not converge. The values of corres-

ponding parameters of NaNiF3 [3] were used as

initial values of the parameters. The key-shift method [9] was applied at the early stage of the refinement;

by this method the value of the R factors, which is a measure of goodness of the fit, becomes about 15 %

for each parameter. A plausible set of parameters thus determined was used as initial values for the ordinary least-squares refinement. Starting from 20 %, the value

of the R factor decreased gradually and finally reached

8.0 % for the intensity data of the X and M point

reflections. When the intensity data of the R point

reflections were included in the calculation, the R

value was 9.8 %.

5. Results and discussion.


The final values of the structural parameters of the phase III of KCdF3

determined at room temperature are given in table II ; values on the left- and right-hand sides of the column

are determined by using the data of X and M reflections and those of X, M and R reflections, respectively.

An error for each parameter value is given in paren-

thesis. The difference between the corresponding parameter values is not so significant. Hereinafter we

describe the structure of KCdF3 by the parameter values determined from the intensity data excluding

those of R points. Table III lists the calculated and observed structure factors. The crystal structure is

shown in figure 4, where arrows indicate the displa-

cement of the ions from the positions in the cubic-

phase structure.

The structure of KCdF3 cannot be described by a

linear combination of displacements corresponding

to condensation of M3 and R’. 2 + R2 5 modes, both

Table II.


Structural parameters of the phase III of KCdF3 determined at room temperature.

of which consist in static rotational displacement of CdF6 octahedra. As the figure shows, an additional

shift of K atom is noticeable; the shift has a staggered arrangement along the z axis. It is therefore reasonable to connect the shift with an eigenvector of the irre- ducible representation of the X point in the cubic

Brillouin zone. It has been pointed out that once a

normal mode at the M point has condensed, the M point becomes the r point in the phase II [10, 11].

The R and X points in the cubic phase become equi-

valent in the phase II, both being Z point of the simple tetragonal Brillouin zone.

The R25 normal mode, which is a pure rotational mode of CdF6 octahedra around the four-fold axis in the cubic phase, is modified in the tetragonal phase

caused by the condensation of the M3 mode. Fujii, Hoshino, Yamada and Shirane [10] and Hirotsu, Harada, Iizumi and Gesi [11] ] made a normal-mode

analysis for the Z point in the tetragonal lattice with

the space group D 4h 5 and the eigenvectors for each

Fig. 4.


Crystal structure of KCdF3 at room temperature.

Numerical figures are given in A.


Table III.


Calculated (Fe) and observed (Fo ) structure factors, FcA and FcD are calculated structure for the

domains I-A and I-B respectively.

normal mode were determined According to the

notations of Fujii et al., triply degenerate R25 modes split into doubly degenerate ZS modes and a non- degenerate Zl mode, the Z5 mode, represents the rotational vibration of CdF6 octahedra around

pseudo-cubic [t00]p and [010]p axes, while the Zl mode

is accompanied by displacements of both K and F 1

atoms along the rotation axis [OOl]p’ Since the succes-

sive condensations of M3 and Z 1 modes do not change

the tetragonal symmetry of the lattice, Z5 mode should be taken for the condensation mode at the tetragonal-

to-orthorhombic phase transition.

The interatomic distances and bonding angles in

CdF6 octahedron are shown in figure 5, from which



Fig. 5.


Interatomic distances and bond angles in the CdF6 octahedron.

we find that the octahedra are rotated from the posi-

tion in the ideal perovskite structure; at room tem- perature the octahedra are rotated around [001]p

and [110]p by as much as 8.80 and 6.14 degree respec-

tively, while the distortion of an octahedron is not so


The root-mean-squared displacement of the ion is related with the isotropic thermal parameter by

B = 8 n’ U2 ). Therefore we obtain that



The authors wish to grate- fully thank Professor K. Horai for supplying crystals,

Professor A. Okazaki for various comments and critical reading of the manuscript Thanks are also

due to Dr. M. Ono for collaboration at an early stage of the work.


[1] HIDAKA, M., HOSOGI, S., ONO, M. and HORAI, K., Solid State Commun. 23 (1977) 503.

[2] HIDAKA, M., J. Phys. Soc. Japan 39 (1975) 180.

[3] HIDAKA, M. and ONO, M., J. Phys. Soc. Japan 43 (1977) 258.

[4] OKAZAKI, A. and ONO, M., J. Phys. Soc. Japan 45 (1978) 206.

[5] ONO, M., INOUE, K. and HIDAKA, M., to be published.


and EVANS, E. H., 1970 Standard X-ray Diffraction

Powder Patterns, Natl. Bur. Std., Monograph 25,

Sect. 8. through Landolt-Bornstein New Series

(Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York) 1973, Vol. 7, p. 110.

[7] GLAZER, A. M., Acta Crystallogr. B 28 (1972) 3384.

[8] ALEKSANDROV, K. S., Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 21 (1976)


[9] ITO, T., Z. Kristallogr. 137 (1973) 399.

[10] FUJII, Y., HOSHINO, S., YAMADA, Y. and SHIRANE, G., Phys. Rev. B 9 (1974) 4549.

[11] HIROTSU, S., HARADA, J., IIZUMI, M. and GESI, K.,

J. Phys. Soc. Japan 37 (1974) 1374.


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