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On the mu and lambda invariants of the logarithmic class group


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HAL Id: hal-01705140


Preprint submitted on 1 Apr 2019

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On the mu and lambda invariants of the logarithmic class group

Jose Ibrahim Villanueva Gutierrez

To cite this version:

Jose Ibrahim Villanueva Gutierrez. On the mu and lambda invariants of the logarithmic class group.

2019. �hal-01705140v4�




Abstract. Letbe a rational prime number. Assuming the Gross-Kuz’min conjec- ture along aZ-extensionKof a number fieldK, we show that there exist integers e

µ,eλandνesuch that the exponent ˜enof the ordere˜nof the logarithmic class group Cℓfn for then-th layerKn ofK is given by ˜en=µℓen+λne +ν, fore nbig enough.

We show some relations between the classical invariantsµandλ, and their logarith- mic counterparts µeand eλfor some class ofZ-extensions. Additionally, we provide numerical examples for the cyclotomic and the non-cyclotomic case.

1. Introduction

Let K be a number field and ℓ a prime integer. The logarithmic class group CℓfK of K is theZ-module measuring the gap between the cyclotomic Z-extension Kc of K and the maximal abelian pro-ℓ-extension Klc of K which splits completely over Kc, i.e. CℓfK is isomorphic to the relative Galois group Gal(Klc/Kc) (e.g. [9], [10, Thm. &

Conj. 2.3]). The logarithmic class group is conjectured to be finite for every number field, this is equivalent to the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture [13,§2]; its finiteness is verified in the abelian case and some other cases (e.g. [12, 11]). As an arithmetic invariant of a number field the logarithmic class group has importance in its own. The logarithmic class group is effective by computational methods [3, 2, 1] and it is related to the wild kernels inK-theory [14]. In spite of its tight relation to theℓ-class groupCℓK ofK, it behaves differently in several situations (see§5).

We are interested in the study of the logarithmic class group alongZ-extensions, in the spirit of Iwasawa’s work for class groups [7, 8]. This has been done in the cyclotomic case by Jaulent in [9]; in this situation the logarithmic class group attached to the n-th layer of the cyclotomic Z-extension has a nice interpretation as a quotient of Kuz’min-Tate modules [13]. This interpretation is no longer valid for non-cyclotomic Z-extensions whenever the base field admits such an extension.

Assuming the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture, the main result of this work provides a method for the non-cyclotomic case, and therefore completes the study of the logarithmic class group alongZ-extensions:

Theorem 1.1. Let K/K be a Z-extension. Assume the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture is valid along the Z-extension K. Let Cℓfn be the logarithmic class group of Kn and

Date: April 1, 2019.

This paper was written under the financial support of CONACYT (The Mexican Council of Science and Technology) as part of the author’s PhD project.


let ℓeen be its order. There exist integers eλ,µe≥0 and νesuch that e

en=µℓe n+eλn+ν,e for n big enough.

This article is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall briefly the basic definitions and properties of the logarithmic arithmetic that are helpful for our purposes, nonetheless, for more on logarithmic arithmetic we urge the reader to consult the seminal paper of Jaulent [10]. Then we show some results on logarithmic ramification in Z-extensions.

In Section 3 we construct a Λ-module, which is the logarithmic analogue to the Λ- module X in [16,§1], to which we apply the codescent techniques. We show that this logarithmic Λ-module is noetherian and assuming the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture also torsion.

In Section 4 we prove Theorem 1.1 in the non-cyclotomic case as well as a set of results involving theµe and eλlogarithmic invariants for some class of Z-extensions.

Finally, in section 5 we provide numerical examples, in both the cyclotomic and non- cyclotomic case, of logarithmic class groups in the first layers of Z-extensions. Addi- tionally we compare this information with the results in [6] to explicitly compute the e

µ,eλand eν logarithmic invariants.

Acknowledgements: I am very grateful to professor Jean-Fran¸cois Jaulent for having introduced me to the field of logarithmic arithmetic and his exemplary guidance. The author sincerely thanks the anonymous referee for the remarks and careful reading of the text, aiming to make the paper more accessible.

2. Logarithmic arithmetic

From now on we fix a number field K and a prime numberℓ6= 21. Let Pl0K be the set of finite places of K.

For any prime plet Qccp be the cyclotomic Z-extension ofb Qp. For a placep abovep we define the logarithmic ramification indexeep and the logarithmic inertia degreefep as


ep= [Kp:Kp∩Qccp] and fep= [Kp∩Qccp :Qp]

respectively. Similarly, for a local extension LP/Kp we define the relative logarithmic ramification indexeeP|p and relative logarithmic inertia degree feP|p as


eP|p = [LP:LP∩QccpKp] and feP|p= [LP∩QccpKp :Kp].

Proposition 2.1. Let LP/Kp be a local extension. The logarithmic ramification index and the logarithmic inertia degree satisfy the following properties:

(1) Multiplicative relation: np = [Kp :Qp] =epfp =eepfep, where ep and fp are the usual ramification index and inertia degree.

(2) For all q6=p: vq(ep) =vq(eep).

(3) Multiplicative in towers: eeP=eeP|peep and feP=feP|pfep.

1The following results and statements have analogous formulations when = 2. In order to ease notations we will skip the treatment of such a prime.


Proof: This is [10, Thm. 1.4] and subsequent remarks.

We endow K with a family ofℓ-adic logarithmic valuations (evp)p∈Pl0

K taking values in Z and which are defined as follows

e vp(x) =



vp(x) ifp∤ℓ,



degp ifp|ℓ,


Here vp denotes the classical valuation, NKp/Q is the local norm, Log is Iwasawa’s logarithm and degpis a normalizing term defined2as follows

degp=fepdegp where degp=

Log(p) if p6=ℓ, Log(1 +ℓ) if p=ℓ.

Remark 2.2. It is clear that evp(x) takes values inZ for p∤ℓ. This is in fact the case also for places p over ℓ. Consider the function

hp(x) = Log(NKp/Q(x)) npdegp .

If Kp =Q we have im(h) = Z, since Q× ≃ℓZ·µℓ−1·U(1) and deg(ℓ) = ℓ·η where η ∈ Z×. In particular h(1 +ℓ) = 1. For general Kp we have that im(hp) is the Z- module [Kp : Kp∩Qcc]−1Z [10, Prop. 1.2], moreover evp = eephp [10, Thm. 1.4]. In particular this makes the logarithmic divisor map below well defined.

We define the logarithmic divisorsDℓK as the freeZ-module DℓK=L

p∈Pl0KZp and we extend additively the mapping deg to all of DℓK, that is, for a logarithmic divisor d:

deg(d) = deg

 X



= X


apdegp, withap∈Z. Let us denoteRK=ZZK×. The logarithmic divisor map

divf :RK −→ DℓK, x7→ X


e vp(x)p,

associates to each element in the tensor product a logarithmic divisor by means of the logarithmic valuation. It turns out that the image of an element inRK has degree 0 [10, Prop.& Def. 2.2]. The imagePℓK of all these elements is the subgroup of principal logarithmic divisors. Therefore it is natural to consider the following exact sequence:

0−→EeK −→ RK −→ DdivfK deg

−→CℓfK −→0,

we call EeK the group of logarithmic units (defined in the obvious way) and CℓfK ≃ DℓK/PℓK the group of logarithmic classes of arbitrary degree.

Definition 2.3. The logarithmic class group CℓfK ⊂ CℓfK consists of the classes of degree 0.

2The definition of deg(ℓ) given here differs to the one given in [10, Def. 1.1]. Both definitions differ by a unit inZand this does not affect subsequent results. With this definition it is clearer that there is an element with logarithmic valuation 1 as shown in Remark 2.2.


The group CℓfK of logarithmic classes of arbitrary degree is isomorphic to the Galois group Gal(Klc/K) of the maximal abelianℓ-extension ofK which splits completely over the cyclotomic Z-extension Kc ofK. The logarithmic class group is isomorphic to the relative Galois group Gal(Klc/Kc) [10, Thm. & Conj. 2.3]. The Gross-Kuz’min conjec- ture asserts that the Galois group Gal(Klc/K) is aZ-module of rank 1, equivalently, asserts the finiteness of the logarithmic class group.

Logarithmic ramification. Letp be a finite place of K. LetL/K be a finite extension, we say that p is logarithmically unramified if ˜eP|p = 1 for every place P above p.

Hence if L/K is infinite, we say that pis logarithmically unramified if and only if it is logarithmically unramified for every finite extensionK/Kcontained inL. In the Galois case it might be more convenient to work with inertia groups to study ramification, so we give the corresponding description in the logarithmic setting in the very special case when Lis an abelian ℓ-extension of K.

The so called ℓ-adic class field theory [9, I.1.2] establishes a correspondence between the decomposition group Dp of the maximal abelian ℓ-extension Kab of K with the pro-ℓ-completion Rp of the groups Kp×, i.e. Dp ≃ Rp = lim

←−Kp×/Kp×ℓk. We can ex- tend the logarithmic valuations ˜vp to the Rp; in the sense that we have an analogous decomposition3 Rp = ˜πpZUep to the classical decompositionRpZpUp, where ˜πp is a logarithmic uniformizer andUep is the subgroup of logarithmic units, i.e. the kernel un- der the corresponding logarithmic valuation. The image ˜Ip⊂Gal(Kab/K) ofUep is said to be the subgroup of logarithmic inertia. Hence, we define the group of logarithmic inertia ˜Ip(L/K) of the abelianℓ-extension L/K as the image ofUep in the Galois group Gal(L/K). We sayp is logarithmically unramified inL/K if ˜Ip⊆Gal(Kab/L). Notice that all the extensions we are considering are abelian, so we do not specify the placeP above psince the logarithmic inertia subgroups are isomorphic.

In general, ℓ-adic class field theory (e.g. [9, Thm. 1.1.13.], [10, §2]) establishes a correspondence between the Galois group of the maximal abelianℓ-extension ofK and the following quotient:

Gal(Kab/K)≃ JK/RK, whereJK is the restricted productQ

Rp of the ℓ-adic completionsRp defined above.

Remark 2.4. Notice that in the finite case this characterisation of logarithmic ramification for abelianℓ-extensions in terms of inertia subgroups, coincides with the definition given at the beginning of the section.

In fact, as we have seen, if L/K is a finite abelian ℓ-extension and P is a place of L above p ∈Pl0K, the logarithmic inertia subgroup I˜p(L/K) of the extension L/K is the image of Uep inside the Galois group Gal(L/K)≃ JK/NL/K(JL)RK, hence:


3Consider the short exact sequence ofZ-modules 1Uep → Rp evp Z0, where the logarithmic valuation vep is a Z-epimorphism by [10, Thm 1.4]. Then Rp is the direct sum of Uep and a free Z-module of rank 1.


on the other hand, the logarithmic ramification index is defined as the degree eeP|p = [LP :LP∩Kpc], which is equal to the order of the Galois group

Gal(LP/LP∩Kpc) =UepNLP/Kp(RP)/NLP/Kp(RP).

SinceL/K is abelian ([9, Ch. 1§2.a]) we have


and soI˜p(L/K)≃Gal(LP/LP∩Kpc).

Let K be a Z-extension of K. We denote Kn the n-th layer of K, i.e. Kn is the unique subfield of K with Gal(Kn/K)≃Z/ℓnZ.

As a consequence of the classic case, logarithmic ramification behaves well at the tame places inZ-extensions.

Proposition 2.5. Z-extensions are logarithmically unramified at the places p ∤ ℓ of K.

Proof: Let K/K be aZ-extension. Let p be a place of K over p withp6=ℓ. Let P be a place inKn lying over p.

For everynwe have thatKn is unramified atp[18, Prop. 13.2], i.e. eP|p= 1. We have thatvq(eP|p) =vq(eeP|p) = 0 for everyq 6=p, for the completions Kn,Pand Kp are both extensions of Qp, hence theq-parts of the relative indices coincide due to (2) and (3) in Proposition 2.1. Moreover eeP|p has no p-part since p ∤|Gal(Kn/K)|. We conclude

thateeP|p= 1 as desired.

In terms of ramification, the locally cyclotomic extension Klc of K corresponds to the maximal abelianℓ-extension of K which is logarithmically unramified. Unlike the classical case, this extensionKlc is infinite since it contains the cyclotomicZ-extension Kc of K. Since Klc is a subextension of the maximal abelian ℓ-ramified ℓ-extension of K, the group CℓfK ≃ Gal(Klc/K) is a noetherian Z-module, and assuming the Gross-Kuz’min Conjecture it has rank 1. This yields the following result.

Lemma 2.6. Let K be a number field verifying the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture for the prime ℓ, let K/K be a non-cyclotomic Z-extension. Then at least one place p above ℓis logarithmically ramified in K/K.

Proof: Let us suppose that K is logarithmically unramified, hence it is contained in Klc, but then Gal(Klc/K) would have Z-rank two which contradicts the Gross-

Kuz’min conjecture.

Remark 2.7. The cyclotomic Z-extension Kc of K is logarithmically unramified.

Under the same assumptions and as a consequence of the preceding lemma we have the following corollary.

Corollary 2.8. There is an integer dsuch that K/Kd is logarithmically totally ram- ified for a non-empty subset of places above ℓ and logarithmically unramified (possibly inert) for the rest of the places.


Proof: Let p1, . . . ,ps be the places in K above ℓ which are logarithmically ramified.

The logarithmic inertia subgroups ˜Ii are closed and non zero in Γ = Gal(K/K) (i= 1, . . . , s), therefore we have


for somedi∈N(i= 1, . . . , s), takingd= maxdi, it is clear that the extensionK/Kd is logarithmically totally ramified at every logarithmically ramified place.

Lemma 2.9. For aZ-extension K of K the following conditions are equivalent:

(i) There exists a place p of K such that eeP|p > 1 for some place P|p of the subextensionK1 of K.

(ii) K1/K is logarithmically ramified.

(iii) K is globally disjoint from the locally cyclotomic extension Klc of K.

Proof: (i)⇔ (ii) is clear. (ii) ⇔ (iii): If K∩Klc =Kn for some n >0, then Kn/K is logarithmically unramified. In particular K1/K is logarithmically unramified.

Definition 2.10. AZ-extensionKofKis called locally disjoint from the cyclotomic Z-extension Kc/K if it satisfies the above conditions.

LetKbe a non-cyclotomicZ-extension ofK andp1, . . . ,psbe the places inK above ℓwhich ramify logarithmically. Definen0 = min{di |I˜i ≃Γdi}. Then theZ-extension K/Kn0 ofKn0 is locally disjoint from the cyclotomic Z-extension Knc0/Kn0.

3. The logarithmic class group along non-cyclotomic Z-extensions Let K be a number field admitting a non-cyclotomic Z-extension K with Galois group Γ = Gal(K/K), and assume the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture is verified for K.

We denote Kn the unique subextension ofK such that Gal(Kn/K)≃Z/ℓnZ.

Letp1, . . . ,ps be the places ofK aboveℓwhich ramify logarithmically. There exist two integers n0 and dsuch that

(1) 0≤n0≤d,

(2) for everyn≥n0theZ-extensionK/Knis locally disjoint from the cyclotomic Z-extensionKnc =KnKc ofKn,

(3) K/Kd is completely logarithmically ramified at all the places that are loga- rithmically ramified in K/Kd.

The inverse limit lim

←−CℓfKn of the logarithmic classes of arbitrary degree of all the Kn is isomorphic to the Galois group Ce = Gal(Klc/K) of the maximal abelian logarithmically unramifiedℓ-extension ofK. HenceKnlc is the maximal sub-extension of Klc which is abelian over Knand splits completely over Knc, equivalentlyKnlc is the maximal sub-extension ofKlc which is abelian and logarithmically unramified overKn. Hence for n≥dwe have the following isomorphism of groups

CℓfKn ≃Gal(Knlc/Kn)≃Gal(KKnlc/K).

The profinite group Γ acts onCeby inner automorphisms. Since Γ is procyclic the action is uniquely defined by a topological generator γ ∈Γ. The group G= Gal(Klc/K) is


then isomorphic to the semidirect product Γ⋉Ce. We can extend the action of Γ to the Iwasawa algebra Λ =Z[[Γ]] of Γ, making ofCe a Λ-module.

For everyn≥0, we set

(1) ωnn−1.

We call cyclotomic factors the termω0 and the quotients ωnn−1 forn≥1.

Proposition 3.1. Ce is a noetherianΛ-module. Moreover, if the Gross-Kuz’min con- jecture holds forℓ and every Kn in K, it is torsion.

Proof: The locally cyclotomic extensionKlc ofKis contained in the maximal abelian ℓ-extension Klr of K which is ℓ-ramified. The Λ-module Ce can be written as a quotient of the noetherian Λ-module X = Gal(Klr/K) [8, Thm. 4]. This yields the noetherian property.

For n ≥ 0 let us denote L∞/n the maximal abelian ℓ-extension of Kn which is loga- rithmically unramified over K, i.e. the maximal abelian extension of Kn contained inKlc. Then

K⊆L∞/0⊆L∞/1⊆ · · · ⊆L∞/n ⊆ · · · ⊆Klc, and we haveKlc =S

n≥0L∞/n. Then we have the following group isomorphisms ωnCe ≃Gal(Klc/L∞/n) CenCe ≃Gal(L∞/n/K), n≥0.

Let d be as in Corollary 2.8, for n ≥ d let p1, . . . ,ps be the primes of Kn which are logarithmically ramified inK; the number of these primes is the same for all n≥d.

For each i = 1, . . . , s let ˜Ii be the logarithmic inertia subgroup of pi in the exten- sion L∞/n/Kn. Since pi is totally logarithmically ramified in K and the extension L∞/n/K is logarithmically unramified, the groups ˜Ii are pro-cyclic isomorphic to the free Z-module Γn ≃ Z. So we restrict ˜Ii to Γn. On the other hand, since none of the places apart ofp1, . . . ,ps are logarithmically ramified in L∞/n, it follows that the product ˜I12· · ·I˜s fixes the maximal logarithmically unramified subextension of L∞/n over Kn, which is nothing else than Knlc, i.e. Gal(L∞/n/Knlc) = ˜I12· · ·I˜s. Assuming the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture,CℓfKn≃Gal(Knlc/Kn) is a noetherianZ-module of rank 1. Then

rankZGal(L∞/n/Kn) = rankZGal(Knlc/Kn) + rankZGal(L∞/n/Knlc)

≤ 1 +s from which follows that

rankZGal(L∞/n/K) = rankZGal(L∞/n/Kn)−1≤s,

so rankZCenCe ≤s, for all n≥d, therefore for alln≥0. HenceCe is Λ-torsion by

[8, Lemma 3 (ii)].

Remark 3.2. We have just mimicked the classical proof of Iwasawa as in[8, Thm. 5].

In our case due to the structure of CℓfKn we have that

rankZCenCe ≤s, for alln≥0.


Proposition 3.3. Assume the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture for all Kn in K. Let Ce= Gal(Klc/Kc ) be the subgroup of Ce that corresponds to the inverse limit lim

←−CℓfKn of the logarithmic class groups CℓfKn. There is an isomorphism of Z-modules

(2) Ce ≃C ⊕e Z.

Proof: Consider the following exact sequence

0→ CℓfKn →CℓfKn →Z→0.

We take the inverse limit lim

←− for the arithmetic norm maps in each of the terms. It is a well known fact that profinite groups satisfy the Mittag-Leffler property (e.g. [15, II.7]). So we obtain the following short exact sequence after taking inverse limits

0→C →e Ce→Z →0.

The claim follows sinceZ is free and hence projective.

Assumption on the logarithmic ramification. Before approaching our problem in great generality, let us assume first that the places of K which ramify logarithmically inK are totally logarithmically ramified. We can always do so by rewriting theZ-extension in order to have K=Kd, withdas in Corollary 2.8.

For each place pi ramifying logarithmically, let G = Gal(Klc/K) ≃ Ce ⋊Γ and let I˜i ⊂G its logarithmic inertia subgroup. Since Klc/K is logarithmically unramified, we have that each logarithmic inertia subgroup has trivial intersection with the group Gal(Klc/K): ˜Ii∩Gal(Klc/K) = 1. SinceK/K is totally logarithmically ramified over pi, the groups of logarithmic inertia ˜Ii restrict to Γ.

Since we are mainly interested in the study of the logarithmic class groups (of zero degree) CℓfKn, we consider the group H = Gal(Klc/Kc). We take advantage of the fact that the cyclotomic extension is logarithmically unramified, so the logarithmic ramification groups ˜Ii ⊂Gremain unchanged inH, i.e. they are procyclic and restrict to Γ. The group H is the semi-direct product of Γ and the normal subgroup Ce, and can be written as

H= ˜IiCe=CeI˜i for i= 1, . . . , s.

Fixing topological generators ˜σi of ˜Ii, there exists ˜a1, . . . ,˜as ∈Cesuch that


σi = ˜aiσ˜1.

In particular we can take ˜σ1 =γ for a topological generator γ of Γ.

LetHbe the closure of the commutator subgroup ofH. We know thatH ≃ω0C ≃e TCe, the last is the isomorphism Z[[Γ]≃Z[[T]] given byγ 7→T+ 1 [18, Lemma 13.14].

Remark 3.4. After what we have been discussing we have the next result whose proof goes the same way as in the classical case of [18, Lemma 13.15]. Nonetheless we repro- duce the proof in our special setting.

Proposition 3.5. Let Y0 be the Z-submodule of Cegenerated by {˜ai|2 ≤i ≤s} and ω0Ce=TCe. Let Yn= ωωn

0Y0, where ωn

ω0 = 1 +γ+γ2+· · ·+γn−1 = (1 +T)n−1

T .


Then CℓfKn ≃Ce/Yn for n≥0.

Proof: First, we show the case CℓfK ≃Ce/Y0. The locally cyclotomic extension Klc is the maximal abelian extension logarithmically unramified ofKc contained inKlc. Its Galois group Gal(Klc/Kc) is hence equal to Gal(Klc/Kc)/Z0, whereZ0 is the smallest subgroup ofH= Gal(Klc/Kc) containing the commutator subgroupH as well as the logarithmic inertia subgroups ˜Ii, 1≤i ≤s. The decomposition of H in a semi-direct product of ˜I1 and Ceyields

CℓfK ≃ Gal(Klc/Kc)

≃ H/Gal(Klc/Klc)

≃ CeI˜1/hI˜1,a˜2. . . ,˜as, ω0Cie

≃ Ce/ha˜2, . . . ,˜as, ω0Cie

= Ce/Y0.

Now let us assume n ≥ 1. If we replace Kc by Knc, the extension Kc /Knc is also a Z-extension. The above result can be applied by replacing the topological generatorγ byγn and the ˜σi become ˜σin. Notice that for every integer k, we have:


σik = (˜aiσ˜1)k

= ˜ai(˜σ1˜aiσ˜−11 )(˜σ12˜aiσ˜1−2)· · ·(˜σ1k−1˜aiσ˜−(k−1)1 )˜σk1

= ˜a1+˜σ1+...+˜σk

−1 1

i σ˜1k

and particularly, for k = ℓn, the isomorphism ˜I1 ≃ Γ gives ˜σin = ˜aωin0(˜σ1)n. This implies that the groups of logarithmic inertia of Hn = Gal(Klc/Knc) are generated by the ωωn0˜ai. Finally, the commutator subgroup Hn of Hn is given by ωnCe. From which

the result follows.

General case. In what follows we come back to the general situation exposed in the beginning of the section. LetKbe a non-cyclotomicZ-extension ofK. Letp1, . . . ,ps be the places ofK which ramify logarithmically and letdthe smallest integer such that theZ-extension K/Kd is totally logarithmically ramified at all thepi, 1≤i≤s.

Proposition 3.6. LetK be a non-cyclotomic Z-extension of K. There exists d≥0 such that

CℓfKn ≃Ce/Yn for n≥d.

Proof: We apply the Proposition 3.5 to the extension K/Kd, the groupCebeing the same as the original extension. The elementγd generates Gal(K/Kdc), and naturally ωdCegenerates the commutator subgroup of Gal(K/Kd). For n≥dwe have


ωd = 1 +γd2ℓd+· · ·+γn−ℓd,

it comes that the commutator subgroup of Gal(K/Kn) is given by ωωn

ddCe) =ωnCe; in general for theYn we have Yn= ωωn



The exact sequence

0→Yd→C →e CℓfKd→0

sets a pseudo-isomorphismYd∼Ce, that is a morphismYd→Ceof Λ-modules with finite kernel and cokernel.

4. Structural parameters Let us recall a fundamental result (e.g. [18, Thm 13.12]).

Theorem 4.1 (Structure theorem of noetherian Λ-modules). Let M be a noetherian Λ-module. There is a Λ-module morphism M → E to a unique elementary Λ-module E with finite kernel and finite cokernel:

M ∼E = Λρ⊕ Ms




 Mt j=1


with Pj distinguished polynomials, ordered by divisibility: P1|P2|. . .|Pt. The integer ρ is the rank of the Λ-module M, and the polynomial

χ= Ys i=1

mi Yt j=1


is the characteristic polynomial of the torsion sub-module of M.

Definition 4.2. With the same notation of the above theorem let’s set ρ= rankΛM, µ=

Xs i=1

mi and λ= Xt j=1


we say that ρ,µ and λare the structural invariants of the Λ-moduleM.

We have that Ceis isomorphic to a noetherian Λ-module (Prop. 3.1). Let us write ˜ρ,


µ and ˜λ for the invariants defined above forCe. Therefore assuming the Gross-Kuzmin conjecture we have ˜ρ= 0 and we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 4.3. Let K be a non-cyclotomic Z-extension of K. Let CℓfKn be the logarithmic class group ofKn. Assuming the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture forℓand every finite subextension Kn of K/K there exist integers ˜λ,µ˜≥0 and ν, such that˜

|CℓfKn|=ℓµℓ˜ nλn+˜ν, for n big enough.

Remark 4.4. The above theorem together with Jaulent’s results in the cyclotomic case yield Theorem 1.

Let K/K be a non-cyclotomic Z-extension of K. The inverse limit lim

←−Cℓ of the ℓ-class groups of the Kn, corresponds to the Galois group C = Gal(Knr/K) of the maximal abelian unramifiedℓ-extensionKnrofK. It is well known thatCis a torsion Λ-module. Similarly the inverse limit lim

←−CℓfKn of the logarithmic classes of arbitrary


degree of theKn, corresponds to the Galois groupCe= Gal(Klc/K) of the maximal abelian logarithmically unramified ℓ-extension Klc of K; after the propositions 3.1 and 3.3, assuming the Gross-Kuz’min conjectureCe is a noetherian torsion Λ-module, isomorphic as Z-module to a direct sum Ce ≃C ⊕e Z. As a consequence of theorem 4.1 we obtain the following proposition.

Proposition 4.5. Let Ce andCebe as before. The characteristic polynomials associated to these Λ-modules satisfy

χC∗eCe·(γ−1), and we have the following relations for their parameters

(3) µe=µe and eλ=eλ+ 1,

where µe and eλ (respectively µe and eλ) are the parameters associated to the Λ-module Ce (respectively Ce).

Letp1, . . . ,ps be the places of K aboveℓ. We have the short exact sequence of pro-ℓ- groups (e.g. [1,§3])

(4) 0−→Cℓf∗[ℓ]K −→CℓfK −→Θ CℓK −→0,

whereCℓf∗[ℓ]K is the subgroup ofCℓfK generated by the logarithmic classes of thepi; the groupCℓK is the quotient of the ℓ-part of the ideal class group of K by the ℓ-part of the subgroup generated by the ideal classes of thepi

(5) 0−→Cℓ[ℓ]K −→CℓK−→CℓK −→0;

and Θ is defined as

Θ :X





Since the Mittag-Leffler property holds on profinite groups, taking the inverse limit in (4) and (5) gives short exact sequences. LetCe∗[ℓ](respectivelyC[ℓ]) be the subgroup ofCe (respectivelyC) that corresponds to lim

←−Cℓf∗[ℓ]n (respectively lim

←−Cℓ[ℓ]n). The inverse limit lim←−CℓKn, corresponds to the Galois groupC of the maximalℓ-extension ofK which is unramified and splits completely over ℓ. Then we have the following isomorphisms (6) C ≃Ce/Ce∗[ℓ]≃ C/C[ℓ].

Le us denote byµandλ(respectivelyµ) the parameters attached to the Λ-module C (respectivelyC). We have the following obvious relations

(7) µe =µe µe+µe∗[ℓ] λe+eλ∗[ℓ]

λe=eλ+ 1 µ=µ[ℓ] λ=λ[ℓ]

with µ[ℓ] and λ[ℓ] (respectively µe∗[ℓ] and eλ∗[ℓ]) as the associated parameters to C[ℓ]


The following definition, if verified, allows us to have some control on the characteristic polynomials of the preceding modules. Specifically, we will show thatµ[ℓ]=µe∗[ℓ]= 0.


Definition 4.6. Let K be a Z-extension of K. We say that a place p of K splits finitely in the towerK/K, if its decomposition group in Gal(K/K) is open, equiva- lently, if there is an integernpsuch that the layerKnp corresponds to the decomposition field ofp inK/K.

Remark 4.7. The preceding definition holds for every place p|ℓ in the cyclotomic Z-extension of every number field.

With the notation of (7) and (1) we state the following theorem:

Theorem 4.8. Let K/K be a non-cyclotomic Z-extension. Assume that the places of K above ℓ split finitely in the extension K/K. Then assuming the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture for ℓ and all layers ofK/K the structural invariants attached to C and Ce satisfy the following relations:

ρ=ρe= 0, µ=µe but λ might be different of ˜λ.

And the characteristic polynomials of the torsion Λ-modules C and Ce just differ by cyclotomic factors.

Proof: The first relation is trivial since C and Ce are Λ-torsion modules.

Let Di be the decomposition subgroup for the place pi in K/K; since the Di are open they are isomorphic to Γmi for some mi. Take m = max1≤i≤s{mi}, then Γm acts trivially on C[ℓ] and Ce∗[ℓ], therefore ωm = γm −1 annihilates them, i.e. their characteristic polynomial has noℓ-power factors which implies µ[ℓ]=µe∗[ℓ]= 0.

We have the decomposition into cyclotomic factors ωm0ω1



ω1· · · ωm ωm−1


Since the minimal polynomial and the characteristic polynomials must have the same factors, the characteristic polynomials ofC[ℓ]andCe∗[ℓ]differ just by cyclotomic factors.

Hence the Λ-modulesCandCe have the sameµinvariants by (7) and theirλinvariants might be different. From (3) we recover the relations for the invariants ofCe. Corollary 4.9. With the same notation as above we have


Remark 4.10. Assuming the Gross-Kuz’min conjecture in Proposition 3.3 we deduced that eλ =eλ+ 1. Observing that the Z-submodule Ce∗[ℓ] of Ce is infinite, for it contains the classes α·p for p a place over ℓ and α ∈Z (see §2), we can apply an analogous argument to the Λ-modules Ce[ℓ] and Ce∗[ℓ], from which we deduce that eλ∗[ℓ]=eλ[ℓ]+ 1.

The following table summarizes our results.


Invariants attached to finiteZ-modules.

Modules Definition Parameters

ρ λ µ

Cℓn Cℓn is the ℓ-group of ℓ-classes ofKn 0 λ µ Cℓfn Cℓfn is the logarithmic class group of Kn 0 ˜λ=λ+eλ[ℓ] µ Cℓn Cℓnis the ℓ-class group of Kn 0 λ=λ[ℓ] µ We give an example for which we can apply our results.

Example 4.11. Let K be a quadratic imaginary number field and ℓa prime number splitting in K, say (ℓ) = l¯l. The maximal abelian l-ramified ℓ-extension Ml of K contains a non-cyclotomicZ-extension ofK, sayK. For consider theℓ-Hilbert class fieldH of K, then

Gal(Ml/H) = Y





= Ul/Ul∩(Y



= Ul/slK)

= Z,

whereslK) is the image of the generalized unitsµK of K under the localisation map sl [9, Thm. & Def. 1.1.22]. Therefore Gal(Ml/K)≃Z ×finite abelianℓ-group.

In particular, since K/Q is abelian, Lemma 2.6 states that at least one place l over ℓ ramifies logarithmically in K. Finally, the image of the decomposition subgroupD¯l

inside Gal(Ml/K) is isomorphic toZ×finite abelianℓ-group, hence it has finite index in Gal(Ml/K). For the image ofD¯l is




Therefore both places land ¯l split finitely.

5. Numerical examples

5.1. Quadratic fields. We use the functions and algorithms implemented by Belabas and Jaulent in [1] to compute the logarithmic class group of a number field. These algorithms are now available in PARI/GP [17]. We use PARI/GP to compute the extensions corresponding to the first layers of someZ-extensions, afterwards we apply the logarithmic class group algorithms to each of these number fields.

LetK be a quadratic field of the formQ(√

d). For now we will restrict to the compu- tation of the 3-group of logarithmic classes in the layers K = K0, K1 and K2 of the cyclotomic Z3-extension ofK.

In the next table we take−100< d <100. For sake of space, we just show all the cases for which the logarithmic class group is not trivial and for which 3 splits inQ(√




d) Q(√

d,cos(2π/9)) Q(√

d,cos(2π/27)) d CℓfK Cℓf[ℓ]K CℓK CℓfK1 Cℓf[ℓ]K1 CℓK1 CℓfK2 Cℓf[ℓ]K2 CℓK2 -86 [3] [3] [] [9, 9] [3] [9, 3] [27, 27] [3] [27, 9]

-74 [9] [9] [] [27] [9] [3] [81] [9] [9]

-65 [3] [3] [] [9] [3] [3] [27] [3] [9]

-47 [9] [9] [] [27] [9] [3] [81] [9] [9]

-41 [27] [27] [] [81, 3] [27] [3, 3] [243, 9] [27] [9, 9]

-35 [3] [3] [] [9] [3] [3] [27] [3] [9]

-14 [3] [3] [] [9] [3] [3] [27] [3] [9]

67 [3] [3] [] [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3]

In the next table we present all the cases meeting with the following criteria:

−100< d <3 000, 3 splits inQ(√

d) and the groups CℓfK and CℓK are not trivial.


d) Q(√

d,cos(2π/9)) Q(√

d,cos(2π/27)) d CℓfK Cℓf[ℓ]K CℓK CℓfK1 Cℓf[ℓ]K1 CℓK1 CℓfK2 Cℓf[ℓ]K2 CℓK2

1129 [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3]

1654 [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3]

1954 [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3]

2419 [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3]

2713 [3] [] [3] [9] [] [9] [9] [] [9]

2971 [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3] [3] [] [3]

In the next table we present all the cases issued with the following criteria:

−100< d <20 000, 3 splits inQ(√

d) and the groups Cℓf[ℓ]K and CℓK are non trivial.


d) Q(√

d,cos(2π/9)) Q(√

d,cos(2π/27)) d CℓfK Cℓf[ℓ]K CℓK CℓfK1 Cℓf[ℓ]K1 CℓK1 CℓfK2 Cℓf[ℓ]K2 CℓK2

3739 [9] [3] [3] [27] [3] [9] [81] [3] [27]

7726 [3,3] [3] [3] [9,3,3] [] [9,3,3] [27,3,3] [] [27,3,3]

11545 [9] [3] [3] [9] [] [9] [9] [] [9]

17134 [9] [3] [3] [9] [] [9] [9] [] [9]

19330 [9] [3] [3] [9] [] [9] [9] [] [9]

5.2. Logarithmic invariants: Cyclotomic case. We are now interested in explicitly knowing the values of the logarithmic invariants µe eteλ. In [9] Jaulent showed (in the caseK/Ka cyclotomicZ-extension) that the invariantµeattached to the logarithmic class group equals its classical counterpart µ. Hence we can state the following result.


Theorem 5.1 (Logarithmic Ferrero-Washington). Let K be an abelian number field over Q, and letKc/K be its cyclotomic Z-extension. Then

e µ= 0.

Remark 5.2. We have µe= 0 for the examples given in the preceding section 5.1.

In the cyclotomic case we have thatλ =eλ, where λ is the invariant attached to the ℓ-subgroup of ℓ-classes Cℓn. This follows from [9, IV.2.1] and the fact that in the cyclotomic Z-extension we haveCℓfn≃ CnC (e.g. [13,§2]).

Lemma 5.3. Let K =Q(√

−d) be an imaginary quadratic number field and consider an odd prime ℓ such that ℓ ∤ d. For the cyclotomic Z-extension of K the following relations hold


λ+ 1 if −d

= 1, λ if −d


where λand λ are the invariants attached to theΛ-modules C and C.

Proof. Suppose that ℓ splits in K. Let pn and ¯pn be the ideals of Kn above ℓ. The productpn¯pn is an ideal in the n-th layer of the cyclotomic Z-extension Qc of Q. By a classical argument in Iwasawa theory (e.g. [16,§4]), the ℓ-part of the class groups of the finite layers of Qc is trivial. This implies thatpn and ¯pn generate the same cyclic subgroup ofCℓn. Alsopnn =p0.

Let ℓa be the order of the subgroup generated by p0 in Cℓ0, then the order of pn in Cℓn is pna+n. Hence the short exact sequence (5) becomes

0−→Z/ℓn+aZ−→Cℓn−→Cℓn−→0, for everyn≥0. Taking inverse limits we find thatλ=λ+ 1.

If ℓ is inert in K, then we have Cℓ[ℓ] = 0. The submodule C[ℓ] of C is a noetherian torsion Λ-module. Moreover, since there is only one place pn in Kn above ℓ, by a classical argument in Iwasawa theory (e.g. [16,§4]) we have

Cℓ[ℓ]n ≃ C[ℓ]nC[ℓ] for n≥0.

From which we deduce C[ℓ] = mC[ℓ], where m is the maximal ideal of Λ. From the Nakayama’s lemma for compact Λ-modules [18, Lem. 13.16] we have C[ℓ] = 0. Then

from a relation in (7) we haveλ=λ as claimed.

Remark 5.4. Notice that if −d

=−1 and CℓK = 0 then λ=λ =eλ= 0.

The above lemma together with the following theorem allow us to compute explicitly the value of eλfor the cyclotomicZ-extension of some imaginary quadratic fields.

Theorem 5.5 (Gold [4, 5]). Let K =Q(√

−d) be an imaginary quadratic number field such that ℓ∤d. Let Kn be the n-th layer of the cyclotomic Z-extension of K, and en be the exponent of the ℓ-part of the class group of Kn. If there is n ≥ 1, such that en−en−1 < ϕ(ℓn), then


Moreover, ifℓ splits in K, it suffices that en−en−1 ≤ϕ(ℓn).


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