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Micromirrors with controlled amplitude and phase


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Submitted on 13 Mar 2019

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Micromirrors with controlled amplitude and phase

Julien Lumeau, Cihan Koc, Thomas Begou

To cite this version:

Julien Lumeau, Cihan Koc, Thomas Begou. Micromirrors with controlled amplitude and phase.

Applied optics, Optical Society of America, 2017, 56 (20), pp.5655-5660. �10.1364/AO.56.005655�.



Micro-mirrors with controlled amplitude and phase


1 Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, Centrale Marseille, Institut Fresnel, F-13013 Marseille, France

*Corresponding author: julien.lumeau@fresnel.fr

Received XX Month XXXX; revised XX Month, XXXX; accepted XX Month XXXX; posted XX Month XXXX (Doc. ID XXXXX); published XX Month XXXX

This paper describes the fabrication of circular micro-mirrors with diameters between 50 and 150 µm with controlled amplitude and phase. Design, manufacturing and characterization method are presented.

OCIS codes: (310.0310) Thin films; (350.5030) Phase; (310.1620) Interference coatings.


1. Introduction

Optical coatings play a key role in most of the optical systems as they offer an efficient and versatile way to control the spectral properties of an incoming radiation. With the recent improvements of the deposition and optical monitoring techniques [1,2], it is now possible to fabricate more complex multilayer structures having up to several hundreds of layers. Most of the focus on the recent developments has been placed on the precise control of the intensity transmitted or reflected by these elements, but very little efforts has been placed in the control of the reflected phase except for the control of group delay dispersion, especially for short pulse laser applications [3] or for a few specific applications including bandpass filters or mirrors [4-7]. In addition, there is higher demand for larger optical elements, which required large efforts in order to improve the uniformity of optical coatings [8]. However, the decrease of the size of the coated area is also challenging and presents wide interest for example for the development of striped filters (e.g. for bolometers [9]), pixelated filters [10] or for laser beam shaping [11]. In this paper, we present the design, fabrication and characterization of mirrors deposited on half of a fused silica, with high reflectivity (>99%) and a phase shift between the mirror and the uncoated substrate equal to π/2 at 1064 nm [12].

We also show how this approach can be transferred to micro-mirrors with diameters between 50 and 150 µm and study the influence of decreasing the size of the micro-mirrors on the quality of the fabricated elements.

2. Design, fabrication and characterization of mirrors with controlled phase and amplitude

The simplest and fastest way to design and fabricate a mirror is the use of a metallic layer on top of a glass substrate. The advantage of such a solution is the fact that a single layer is sufficient. But when it comes to high energy laser applications, such an approach is not optimal and the use of dielectric materials appears as a better solution [13]. Such dielectric mirrors are then obtained using a stack of quaterwave layers with alternated high and low refractive indices. A quarterwave-based mirror made out of Nb




as a high refractive index material (H,



= 2.20) and SiO


as a low refractive index material (L, n


= 1.47) was designed. Based on the refractive index of these two materials, achieving a reflectivity higher than 99% at 1064 nm requires depositing at least 15 layers. In addition, we wanted to control the reflected phase, i.e. the difference between the reflected phase on the mirror and the phase reflected by the glass substrate on top of which the mirror is coated, and make it equal to π/2. The need of such π/2 phase shift is commonly required for several applications including phase contrast microscopy that was developed by Zernike [14]. By introducing a π/2 phase between the incident and the scattered components of the image field, it is possible to convert a phase information into an amplitude image. Such plates can also be used for passively coupling of lasers [15]. To achieve such a phase difference, the design of the mirror had to be optimized.

Fig. 1. Definition of the phase reflected by a dielectric mirror and its substrate. Phase is calculated at the level of the dashed line. H are high refractive index layers, L are low refractive index layers and C the phase control layer.

As a matter of fact, a regular quaterwave dielectric mirror exhibits a 0 or π phase shift at reflection at its central wavelength depending whether the last layer is a low refractive index material layer (L) or high refractive index material layer (H). In addition, it is possible to obtain any intermediate reflected phase value, between 0 and 2π, by adjusting the thickness of the last layer of the dielectric mirror (L or H).

In our specific case, a second phase term also appears: the phase



Fused silica Substrate





Coatingtotal thickness


incursion in air over the mirror-equivalent thickness. To mathematically express this problem and model these phase terms, let us define φ


, the phase reflected by the mirror at 1064 nm and φ


, the phase reflected by the uncoated substrate at the level of the last layer of the coating (Fig. 1). We can write that:


where B and C denote the appropriate normalized electric and magnetic fields at the air/coating interface and η


is the incident substrate admittance [16]. We have also:


where Σt


is the sum of the physical thicknesses of the high refractive index layers, Σt


is the sum of the physical thicknesses of the low refractive index layers, and t


is the physical thickness of the last phase controlling layers. By adjusting the thickness of this layer, both φ


and φ


are modified. We plotted in Fig. 2, the evolution of the φ


, φ


and φ


- φ


on the total thickness of the coating.

Fig. 2. Figure 2-a. Evolution of the phase reflected by the dielectric mirror (red) and the substrate (blue) on total thickness of the coated mirror (for the last 6 layers of the mirror).

Figure 2-b. Evolution of the difference of phase φ1 - φ2 (red) and the reflected amplitude (blue) on total thickness of the coated mirror.

For both Figures, green rectangles show the low refractive index layers position and the orange rectangles show the position of the high refractive index materials, starting from a 13-layer mirror and ending with a 19-layer mirror.

One can see that achieving a reflection higher than 99% on the mirror combined with a π/2 phase shift difference (φ


- φ


) is achieved only once in the graph of Figure 2, i.e. after deposition of a 17-layer

quaterwave mirror followed by a 50 nm thick silica layer. In addition, one can see that the phase difference is close to 90° after depositing the 17-layer mirror and that the 50 nm silica layer allows fine tuning the phase. This adjustment could probably be neglected, but we decided to take it into account in our fabrication process in order to secure a perfect theoretical phase. Also, in this range, as the phase is slowly varying, the precise control of this last layer is not critical and small thickness errors would only result in a few degrees error on the phase difference.

To validate the approach, we fabricated a prototype of such an element by physically masking half of a fused silica substrate and depositing a mirror on the other half. Deposition was achieved using a Bühler SYRUSpro 710 machine associated with an OMS 500 optical monitoring system. As it is critical to be able to precisely control both the total physical and the optical thickness of the mirror, we opted for an optical monitoring of the mirror during deposition. While the parameter controlling the phase reflected by the mirror at 1064 nm is the total optical thickness of the mirror and can be well controlled using a classical turning point optical monitoring strategy due to the well-known compensation of errors phenomenon, such an effect would however affect the total physical thickness of the stack and therefore the phase reflected on the uncoated side. To overcome this problem, we opted for a trigger point monitoring technique on one edge of the mirror (i.e. ~940 nm). This technique allows minimizing the errors on the thickness of each individual layer. In addition, it allows maintaining a large amplitude of the monitoring signal, even when the mirror becomes highly reflective. After fabrication, the spectral dependence of the reflection was characterized using a Perkin Elmer Lambda 1050 spectrophotometer equipped with an URA module that allows absolute measurement of the reflectivity. Accuracy of such high reflection coefficient measurement was tested using a calibration sample having more than 99.95% reflection at 1064 nm. A reflectivity exceeding 99% and equal to 99.7±0.2% was confirmed (Figure 3). One can also see a good theory/experiment agreement.




02 ∗


2= π 1 −4

+ +

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400

Reflection/ Transmission, %

Wavelength, nm

99 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 99.5 99.6 99.7 99.8 99.9 100

950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200

Reflection, %

Wavelength, nm 0

50 100 150 200 250 300 350

1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900

Phase, deg

Total thickness, nm

97.5 98 98.5 99 99.5 100 100.5

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900

Reflection, %

Phase, deg

Total thickness, nm a


14 15 16 17 18 19

14 15 16 17 18 19


Fig th blu To un m int fro m 7 ne pla m on bi- dif an an un

Fig dif Du tra is tra

th ac ph un tra

ca int at be no to fol Fo

g. 3. Spectral de ick yellow: exper ue: experiment) o o characterize th ncoated substrate easurement, the terferometer (Fig om Innolume wit

ode. The beam is mm. A pellicle b ew beams. On on

aced to reflect b easurement of th nto a CCD camera -zone plate and t ffraction problem nd the uncoated a nd signal proces nder LabVIEW.

g. 4. Optical syst fference between uring a measurem ansition is horizo

adjusted so th ansition. Thus, on

= + Where I


and I


e wavelength, Δ ccording to x) be hase shift at refle ncoated substrat ansition, it is thus Figure 5 descri alculation of the tensity graph sho the bottom. Th ecause of differen ot affect the phase

extract the int llows equation (3 ourier transform

ependence of the riment) and the r

of the fabricated m he phase differe

e, we developed e geometry chos g. 4). The laser so th a spectral widt ssuing from the fi

eam splitter is u ne arm of the in back the beam w he bizone plate.

a. It should be no the mirror on th ms that occur at area. Laser powe ssing are achiev

tem developed f n coated and unco

ment, the sample ontal and the virt hat the produce n each of the lines

+ +

are the intensitie Δt(x), the optical etween the 2 arm ection which equ te. By comparing s possible to meas ibes the method

phase shift φ


ows the uncoated he visibility of th nces in reflection

e calculation. For tensity fluctuatio 3). From this sign or do a cross-co

e transmission (t reflection (thin or


ence between th d a dedicated set sen is a geomet ource is a laser di th of 0.1 nm and iber is collimated used to separate nterferometer a r while the other a Finally, the beam oted that a lens is he CCD camera an

t the interface be er control, camer ved through pro

for the measurem oated substrate.

e is placed so tha tual angle betwee ed fringes are o s of the camera, th

es reflected by th l path difference ms of the interfer ual φ


on the mir g the phase bef sure the phase sh d that has been



from the in d area at the top a he interference f coefficients, but t r a given horizont ons versus X (p nal, it is then poss orrelation betwe

thin green: theo range: theory, thi

he mirror and t tup. For this pha try of a Michels iode fiber 1064 n

single-longitudin d with a diameter

the beam into tw reference mirror arm is used for t ms are recombin s used to image t nd thus reduce t etween the mirr ra-level acquisitio ograms develop

ment of the pha

at the mirror/gla en the two mirro orthogonal to th he intensity equa

+ (

he 2 components e (linearly variab

rometer and φ t rror and φ


on t fore and after t hift φ




developed for t nterferogram. T and the coated ar fringes is differe this difference do tal line, it is possib pixel number) th sible to calculate een two successi

ry, ick

the ase on nm r of nal wo r is the ned the the ror on, ped


ass ors his als:

(3) s, λ ble the the the

the The rea ent oes ble hat ive its

lines an the sam the two second

Fig. 5. P By ap extract approac the pha substrat zone is zone, th By prop cancel averagin of φ


is close to

Fig. 6. Ph Figur number (accord between the mea that at

Phase shift, deg

nd extract two inf me (or close) for a o mirrors (the hig information is th

Principle of the ph pplying this tech the evolution o ch is only possib ase is the same ate) and because occurring over a he phase is suppo perly aligning the any wavefront ng the phase in a s then calculated o the transition.

Phase difference m re 6 shows the e r) obtained by ding to equation [ n 0 and N (the to asured phase is Y = 0, this phase

-10 10 30 50 70 90 110

0 100

Unc su

formation, i.e. the all lines and depe gher the tilt, the h he phase φ of equ

hase calculation m hnique for each o

f the phase φ o ble because we su

along the whol e the transition b a narrow spatial r osed to be the sam

e fringes to have tilt. The value a coated region cl

by averaging the

measured on the evolution of the cross-correlatio [3]) for Y = 0 and

otal number of li the one of coate e is equal to zer

200 300

Pixel num

coated urface

e frequency of the ends on the virtua higher the freque uation (3).


of the line, it is the on Y (pixel numb uppose that for a le line (this is tr between coated a region. Then, for me all over the sa e them vertical, it of φ


is then lose to the transit e phase in an un

fabricated sampl phase along the on between th

the signal I'(x) fo ines along Y). Fo ed surface (φ


). W ro (reference pha

400 500


Coated surface

e signal, that is al tilt between ency), and the

en possible to ber). Such an a given line X, rue for plane and uncoated r the uncoated ample surface.

t is possible to calculated by tion and value ncoated region


e Y axis (pixel e signal I(x) or each Y value r Y = [0, 200], We supposed ase) and then

0 600


flu th re (i.e 0, dif tra dif π/



W dif siz dia ph ste

ma wa wo clo ov (F


pr an th th un by

T be

uctuates around 0 e measured pha spect to the phas e. over ~500 µm)

varies from 0° t ffraction at the ansition. Hence, u fference betwee /2 ± π/20.

. Fabrication mplitude and

We were not o fferent reflected ze and shape of th

ameter of a few hotolithography b


1. Spin coa a glass su 2. Structur

amplitud reprodu diamete 3. Photores

exposur covered opening 4. The pha

substrat 5. Lift-off o the coat photores One can note th aterial depositio alls creation and ould alter the uni ose to the edges vercome this pro Figure 7) [17].

g. 7. Photolithogr It uses the comb roperties. The firs nd the second on at will prevent erefore possible niform propertie y the SILIOS Comp

The deposition o eam deposition

0° ± 3° due to noi ase is the one o se at Y = 0 and is

), the measured p to 90° with som e interface but

using this approa en the mirror an

n of micro d phase

nly interested in amplitudes and he mirrors in ord tens of microns.

based on lift-off te ating was first use

ubstrate (a).

red illumination de mask (b).

ucing a sequence rs ranging from 5 sist was develop e was performe

by a photores s produced by th ase mirror was te (d).

of the photoresist ting all over th sist was present ( hat if single phot n on the side of a wrong shape o iformity of the m s of the mirrors, oblem, a bilayer m

raphic approach w bination of two st one is dedicate ne is then added

side-wall depo to fabricate sm s. All photolithog pany.

of the filter was ob using the Bühl




se measurement of the uncoated equal to 90° ± 3°

phase, with respe me sharp fluctuat

also to a non ach, we could con nd the uncoated

o-mirrors wi

n fabricating a b phases, but also der to produce cir

For this purpose echnique followin ed to deposit a ph was then perfo This amplitud e of circular sha 50 to 125 µm.

ped in order to ed (c). All the wa sist film except he mask.

s then deposite t was performed he substrate, in


toresist is applie f the photoresist of each of the mir irrors over their increasing the t masking solution

with two photore photoresists wit d to creating the in order to crea sition. Using th mall mirrors with

graphic processe

btained by plasm ler SYRUSpro 7 Spin coating


Photoresist rem

t. For Y = [350, 60 surface (φ


) wi . For Y = [250, 35 ect to the one at Y tions related to t n-perfectly straig nfirm that the pha d face is equal

th controlle

bi-zone plate wi o by controlling t

rcular mirrors wi e, we used classic ng these 5 differe hotoresist on top ormed through de mask allow apes with differe remove it whe afer was therefo in the cylindric ed on top of th in order to remo

the parts whe

ed, there would t mask resulting rrors. Such an effe

aperture especia transition zone. T n was implement


th different etchi main mask patte ate cap-like profil is technique, it h sharp edges an es were perform

ma-assisted electr 710 machine. T moval


ith 50]

Y = the ght ase to


ith the ith cal ent p of an wed ent ere ore cal

his ove ere

be in ect ally To ted

ng ern les is nd med

on The

depositi Fresnel was Nb design o thickne than th during d Optical but on a mirrors phase m respons errors, i To confi we per measur use of a what w process be obse depositi depositi is appro

Figure 8 light pr 70, 90 a One can 5-10 µm masking that the techniq one can effects c mirror mirror i of the m smaller provide not pre analysis One can the aper

tion were carried l. Similarly to the b




while the l

of the mirror wa ss of each of the he smaller apertu deposition with

monitoring was a witness sample s. A bi-zone plat measurements.

se obtained on th identical to the on firm that these m rformed, after fa red the geometric a Zygo NewView was presented in s temperature an erved, but this e tion. This was ach tion to 100°C and oaching this limit

8. Interferogram rofilometry. From and 125 µm.

n also see that all m at the periphe g associated with e mirrors appear que did not affect n see that there

can be attribute deposition. Exac is a challenging t mirror when m r mirrors, only q ed by Figure 8 co ecisely calculate s could be done fo n see that the fab rture. As stated a

d out within the t e bi-zone plate, h low refractive in as identical to the e mirrors within ure. These mirro

the same techni s not performed e placed in the sam te was also plac

Preliminary tes he witness sampl ne of the structur micro-mirrors hav abricating, variou c properties of th 7300 and 10× ob Ref. [10], annea nd interaction wit effect was limite hieved by limitin d pausing the dep

t temperature.

ms of the micro-m m Left to right, in

l the mirrors pre ery of the micro h the deposition.

r pretty uniform t too much the d

are some defect ed to the photor ct analysis of th task as large diffr measurement is p qualitative analys ould be performe e the mirror pr or the larger mirr bricated mirrors and visible on the

thin film facility high refractive in ndex materials w e one of section 2 n 2.6 µm, i.e. 20

ors were optical que as presented directly on the m mple holder next ced in the chamb sts showed that

les is within the m red filters [18].

ve the requested p us characterizatio he fabricated mir bjective (Figure 8 aling of the photo th the assistance ed by using low ng the temperatu position each time

mirrors as measu ncreasing mirror

sent a transition -mirrors, which In the center par m, confirming that deposition unifo ts of the mirror resist annealing he geometrical sh

raction occurs at performed. Ther sis of the mirror ed as the Zygo Ne rofiles. However,

rors (Figure 9).

are very uniform e interferograms,

of the Institut ndex material was SiO


. The , i.e. with total times thinner lly monitored d in section 2.

micro-mirrors t to the micro- ber for direct t the spectral measurement

performances, ons. First, we rrors with the 8). Similarly to oresist due to plasma could w temperature ure during the e temperature

ured by white diameter: 50,

zone equal to is due to the rt, one can see t the masking rmity. Finally, shape. These occurring the hape of these the boundary refore, for the rs as the one ewview could r, quantitative

m over 80% of

the transition


zone appears pretty sharp, not exceeding 5-10 µm. Small defects at the boundary however create small local non-uniformities.

Figure 9. Spatial profiles of the 125 µm micro-mirrors as measured by white light profilometry.

Phase and amplitude of the reflection at 1064 nm of the micro-mirrors could not directly be measured. However, we first indirectly characterized these properties on the witness sample similar to the one presented in section 2 and that was coated simultaneously with the micro-mirrors. Table 1 presents the performances measured on the witness samples of section 2 and 3.

Table 1. Performances measured on the witness sample

Sample name Lambda R







Sample section 2 1075 nm 99.7±0.2% 90° ± 3°

Witness sample

section 3 1076 nm 99.7±0.2% 90° ± 3°

One can see that due to the high repeatability of the fabrication processes of the SYRUSpro 710 machine associated with the direct optical monitoring, performances of the witness sample are comparable to the one presented in section 2. These result show that the deposited structure was the expected one.

In order to validate that the micro-mirrors have identical properties, transmission spectra was directly measured on the micro-mirrors measured using an internal system based on an optical spectral analyzer that is generally used to characterize the uniformity of optical filters [19]. Using a 50 µm beam diameter, transmission was measured on the 125 µm micro-mirror and compared to the one on the witness sample (Figure 10).

One can see that the two measured transmission spectra are very close. Higher noise is measured on the micro-mirror due to the lower energy level in this measurement. These data prove that masking did not affect the coating at least in the central part and confirm the one of previous studies that showed that the use of a photoresist mask does not affect the spectral properties of the deposited components compared to un-masked one [10,18]. One can wonder if this verification is enough to secure that both amplitude and phase properties are met. However, it is important to note that only dielectric materials with no measurable absorption at 1064 nm were used for the fabrication of the mirrors, securing minimal losses in the mirror and a reflection coefficient equal to 1-T where T is the measured transmission. The low average transmission around 1064 nm below 1% confirms a reflection coefficient larger than 99 %. In addition, it is interesting to note that the very good matching of the transmission spectral measurements over a broad spectrum (Figure 10), also secures an optimal value of the phase φ



as any fabrication errors

that would affect the phase value would also affect the transmitted intensity.

Figure 10. Spectral dependence of the transmission. Blue:

measurement on the 125 µm micro-mirror, yellow: measurement on the witness sample.

As an example, adding a 50 nm thick silica layer on top of the 17-layer mirror as the one used to finely tune the reflected phase shifts the minimum of transmission from 1064 to 1075 nm. These various characterizations therefore demonstrate that we were able to fabricate micro-mirrors with the expected properties. Finally, it is worth noting that the validity of the performances of the components could finally be indirectly verified by integrating the component in a laser system and verifying that it acts as expected.

4. Conclusions

Micro-mirrors with controlled phase and amplitude have been demonstrated. These mirrors were obtained by combining proper design of both the amplitude and the phase reflected by these elements and shaping using photolithographic process. These results pave a way towards more complex elements, especially for laser beam shaping by diffractive optical elements.

Acknowledgment. The Perkin Elmer Lambda 1050, the ZYGO NewView 7300 and BUHLER Optics SYRUSpro 710 machine were acquired within the framework of the Espace Photonique facility and funded by the financial support of the French Department of Industry, AMU, CNRS, the local administrations (Provence-Alpes Côte d'Azur Regional council, Bouche du Rhône council, town of Marseille), and the European Community.


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