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Critical damping of first and second sound at a smectic A-nematic phase transition


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1975

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Critical damping of first and second sound at a smectic A-nematic phase transition

F. Jähnig

To cite this version:

F. Jähnig. Critical damping of first and second sound at a smectic A-nematic phase transition. Journal

de Physique, 1975, 36 (4), pp.315-324. �10.1051/jphys:01975003604031500�. �jpa-00208256�






Max-Planck-Institut für biophysikalische Chemie

34 Göttingen-Nikolausberg, Germany (Reçu le 15 juillet 1974, révisé le 2 décembre 1974)



On étudie à partir d’une théorie hydrodynamique généralisée les modes propres au

voisinage de la transition de phase smectique A-nématique. Il est nécessaire de tenir compte des

mouvements non hydrodynamiques du paramètre d’ordre du smectique et du directeur qui se ralen-

tissent à la transition de phase. Ceci conduit, en accord avec les résultats expérimentaux existants,

à une anisotropie spéciale de l’atténuation du premier son et du deuxième son. On discute la dépen-

dance en température de l’atténuation critique en la comparant aux résultats expérimentaux récents

sur les viscosités critiques.



Starting from a generalized hydrodynamic theory the eigenmodes in the vicinity

of a smectic A-nematic phase transition are derived. It is necessary to take account of the non-

hydrodynamic motions of the smectic order parameter and the director which slow down at the

phase transition. This leads to a special anisotropy of the critical damping of first and second sound which agrees with existing experimental results. The temperature dependence of the critical damping

is discussed in comparison with recent experimental results on the critical viscosities.


Classification Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.


Considerable work has been done to investigate the smectic A-nematic phase

transition. Up to now mainly the pretransitional

effects due to fluctuations of the smectic order para- meter in the nematic phase have been considered.

They show up statically in the divergence of some of

the Frank elastic constants at the phase transition TAN,

as predicted theoretically by de Gennes [1], and dynamically in the divergence of some of the Leslie

viscosities, as predicted by Jâhnig and Brochard [2]

[JB] and McMillan [3]. The dynamical behaviour

of a smectic A on both sides of the phase transition

was treated by Brochard [4] applying dynamical scaling theory. She was mainly interested in the temperature dependence of the critical eigenmodes

in the hydrodynamic regime and their wave vector dependence in the critical regime. In the present paper we want to investigate in more detail the aniso-

tropic properties of the eigenmodes in the smectic

phase in the hydrodynamic regime. Special attention

will be given to the critical damping of first and second sound.

As a theoretical framework we use the unified (*) Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Presented partially at the Fifth International Conference on

Liquid Crystals, Stockholm, June 17-21, 1974.

hydrodynamic theory for crystals, liquid crystals and liquids of Jâhnig and Schmidt [5] [JS]. They gave

already the application to nematics. For our problem

this has to be generalized to include the complex

smectic order parameter t/J. Its magnitude §o is a nonhydrodynamic variable. Its phase is a nonhydro- dynamic variable in the nematic phase, but in the smectic phase it is a hydrodynamic variable, the displacement u, of the layers. The orientational

displacements of the molecules, the director displa-

cements «5n_b behave in the opposite sense being a hydrodynamic variable in the nematic phase and a nonhydrodynamic variable in the smectic phase (more exactly the transverse part of c5n .L). As the nonhydrodynamic variables slow down at TAN they

have to be included in the set of dynamical variables

for our problem. As a special case, the theory pre- sented includes also the hydrodynamics of smectics A which has already been given by de Gennes [6], and

more recently by Martin, Parodi and Pershan [7]

as one application of their unified hydrodynamic theory.

The introduction of the displacement u., yields

an elastic coupling between translational and orien- tational displacements, and anisotropy in compres- sional behaviour, as shown in section 2. Dynamically

it implies a further dissipative process, the permea-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01975003604031500


tion. This effect is introduced together with the set

of equations of motion for all dynamical variables in section 3.

The influence of the thermodynamic fluctuations of the modulus of the order parameter on the dyna-

mics of a smectic A will be taken into account by

the critical contributions to the elastic constants and viscosities. The critical contributions calculated

by JB for T > TAN have the same critical behaviour at T TAN. An additional contribution exists below

TAN which is shown to diverge also in the same way.

These effects will be discussed together with the generalization of the work of JB to compressible

systems in Section 4.

The eigenmodes are presented and discussed as to their critical behaviour in section 5. Finally,

in section 6 the results for the damping of first and second sound are compared with experimental results.

In this connection we also discuss some recent expe- rimental results on the critical behaviour of the twist viscosity y1.

2. The elastic energy.


To derive the elastic energy Fel of a smectic A phase we define the dila-

tion 0 (in volume), the displacement u. of the layers lying in the xy plane, and the angular displacements [5]

CPx and CPy of the axes of the molecules. In the general expression for the elastic energy Fei as a quadratic

function of the strains

only the terms including 0, Uz, CPx or (py have to be

kept as finite contributions. Because of the appea-

rance of the strain r which is typical for smectics [8]

we show the derivation of the elastic energy in some


In general the elastic energy can be written as

where Gijk is the Levi-Civita tensor. P, nô, IIaJ, and Tij

are defined as conjugate variables and can be express- ed as

For the uniaxial symmetry of a smectic A phase the nonvanishing components of the elasticity tensors C, E, G, and H are [8]

The components of Kijkl are the Frank elastic cons- tants [5]. A further condition on the elastic constants is imposed by the invariance of the elastic energy under a homogeneous rotation of the layers and the

molecules (staying normal to the layers in equili- brium)

The constants Ci, El, E2, E3 and H2 have to be set equal to zero as they give rise to terms containing

variables other than 0, uZ, and p y. Eqs. (2.2) then yield

where we have substituted C2 = C, E5 = B, and Hl = H. As 1Ij in eq. (2. 5) has no diagonal part,

P can be identified with the pressure, and the stress

acting on the centers of mass of the molecules is

given by

The result for the elastic energy is, if we further-

more introduce the director n = no + ôn, with bnx = (py and ôny = - PX,


The elastic constants Hi = G describe the elastic

coupling between the centers of mass and the axes

of the molecules, by which smectics differ from nema- tics. In nematics, this coupling is purely dissipative

and the viscosities y, and 72 are the dissipative coun- terparts to Hl and G, respectively.

JS set up a unified hydrodynamic theory without introducing displacements. For a definite phase, meaningful displacements can be defined and used to express the elastic energy. This is shown for a

smectic A phase in Appendix A, the result being




In order to investigate our system in the vicinity

of the smectic A-nematic phase transition, we must generalize the elastic energy to include the smectic order parameter t/J. This generalization has already

been given by de Gennes [1] in form of a Ginzburg-

Landau expression

where qS = 2 nld, and d the interlayer distance.

In the ordered phase the complex order parameter

can be decomposed into its magnitude t/lo, and its phase determined by the displacement u.,

Inserting this equation into eq. (2. 8) it is easily seen

that the energy connected with the variables 0, Uz, and c5n.l is identical to the above result eq. (2.6),

under the substitutions

3. The équations of motion.


For the determina- tion of the eigenmodes we need the equations of

motion for the dynamic variables by which we

describe our system. These are the particle density p

or the dilation 0 related by p = po(1 - 0), the

momentum p, the angular displacements qJx and qJy, the displacement Uz, and the magnitude t/J 0 of the

order parameter. We shall neglect thermal variables.

The equations of motion for the variables 0, p, qJx, and qJy are known from the hydrodynamics of nematics which we will use in the formulation of JS.

The motion of uz, being hydrodynamic below TAN,

was treated within the hydrodynamic theory of Martin, Parodi, and Pershan [7]. With this motion

a further dissipative process is connected, the per- meation. It has not been taken into account by JS

but can easily be treated within their framework

as shown in Appendix B. The result is given by the equation of motion for Uz

where v is the velocity and Âp is the permeation cons-


The dynamic behaviour of the order parameter t/1 0

is usually assumed to follow a simple relaxation law

The relaxation time i has been discussed by Bro-

chard [4].

Far below TAN one can eliminate the fast non-

hydrodynamic motions of the variables g/o and bOi by the conditions

The latter condition states that the molecules are

fixed normal to the layers. It implies that the trans-

verse part of l5n.l vanishes ; the longitudinal part is still a hydrodynamic variable. Under the conditions eq. (3.3) our theory reduces to the hydrodynamic theory of smectics A.

From the work of JB for T > TAN we know that

the motion of t/J 0’ its dynamical fluctuations, yields

contributions to some of the Frank elastic constants and viscosities which diverge at TAN. For T TAN, essentially the same critical contributions arise from the fluctuations of t/J o. Therefore we will take account

for the motion of t/Jo by keeping these critical contri- butions which will be investigated in more detail

in the next section.

The complete set of equations of motion is then

given by

where the dissipative stress tensor TCij = rc1j + n’ij

was split up into its symmetric and antisymmetric

parts. Explicit expressions for them define the vis- cosities (presented without restriction to critical




(In JS Yi and y2 were called (j and - v, respectively.)

These viscosities are related to the ones used by Mar- tin, Parodi, and Pershan [7] by

4. The critical elastic constants and viscosities.


Above the phase transition the critical contributions to the Frank elastic constants and the viscosities have been calculated for the incompressible system by JB

where jjj Il = (2 aM v) - 1/2 is the coherence length

in the z direction, z the relaxation time of the order parameter and T the temperature with Boltzmann’s constant KB = 1. Just those viscosities, for which

an elastic counterpart, E4 = G = Hl and E5, has

been introduced in section 2 for the description of

a smetic A, show a critical behaviour.

We don’t want to give a rigorous derivation of the critical effects for T TAN, but rather discuss the

qualitative features. As an example we treat the

critical contributions to y,. Following JB we start

with the expression for the stress tensor compo- nent IIZx, eq. (2. 5c) with the substitution eq. (2.10c).

Splitting up the order parameter t/J 0 in its mean

value t/Joo and the fluctuating part liÍo,

11, "Il, r w , 1.. -,

we find with

The first term 1Ii represents the ordinary hydrody-

namic stress, whereas llzx and 1I.-X are due to fluctua- tions tÍ o.

The last term ÎIZx corresponds to the stress tensor

component used by JB for the calculation of Y1

at T > TAN. Below TAN it will yield a contribution y1 with the same critical behaviour

This symmetry of the fluctuation effects, with respect

to TAN, is already known from the analogous pro- blem of superconductors [9, 10].

The second fluctuating term Îlzx exists only for

T TAN, as it is proportional to yGoo, and gives

rise to an additional critical contribution yi. The

Kubo formula for Yi is given by

This thermal average can most simply be evaluated

on working with the nonhydrodynamic variable tPx = Oxuz + c5nx instead of the variables Uz and c5nx separately. Dynamically px describes a relaxation with

and c5Yl = Yi + 00FF 1, as can be seen from eq. (5. 6).

The static fluctuations of 4>x are given approximately by

Following the lines of JB we get from eq. (4.6)

and with 1 tfro(K) 12 ) ~ (K2 + C-2)- ’ and eq. (4. 8)

Inserting eq. (4.7) this relation is fulfilled for

Critical contributions of this type were introduced first by Landau and Khalatnikov [11]. î, and yi

show the same behaviour, as discussed already for

the Â-transition in He by Hohenberg [12]. The complete

critical contribution at T TAN’



therefore has the same critical temperature divergence

as i for T > TAN. This symmetry would also follow from dynamical scaling [4].

The term 1IÀ, eq. (4.4a), and the corresponding

terms of the other stress tensor components are independent of the fluctuations §o and linear in the

displacements. They represent the ordinary hydro- dynamic stresses and will be used in Section 5 for the calculation of the eigenmodes.

If we wanted to calculate the director response function QafJ defined by [2] ]

the fluctuations of Uz arising from the first term in eq. (4.4a) would contribute to Qap. We only

mention that these fluctuations would serve to make the static director response function purely transverse

in the limit q --+ 0

(We introduced the assumption MT = Mv which

can be avoided by a scale transformation in momen- tum space.)

As spatial symmetry does not change at T AN,

the other critical viscosities and elastic constants, eq. (4.1), diverge for T TAN in the same way as for T > TAN.

For a generalization of our results to a compressible

system, it is sufficient to continue the work of JB at T > TAN because of the symmetry of the fluctua- tion effects. The two additional viscosities by which

a compressible system is described in comparison

to an incompressible system are critical

as shown explicitely in Appendix C. ôtll and 8r3 depend on the existence of the coupling constant C.

The critical behaviour of the permeation constant

we take from dynamical scaling [4]

5. The eigenmodes.


The critical eigenmodes in

the vicinity of the smectic A-nematic phase transition

are the solutions of the equations of motion, eq. (3.4), restricting ourselves to the critical parts of the elastic constants Ki and the viscosities fli and y,. Without loss of generality we can choose the wave vector q to lie in the xz plane, with 0 = (z, q). Then the eigenmodes with q in the xz plane (case 1) and the

others with q perpendicular to it (case 2) are decou- pled.

In case 2 the equations of motion reduce to (the coupling due to the elastic constant H may simply

be taken into account substituting - iWY1’ - iroY2,


i(0114 in JS by H - iwc5Yl)

The first eigenmode, eq. (5. la), has zero frequency

which means that this mode is noncritical. It corres-

ponds to the fast shear diffusion mode wF2 of nema-

tics. In eq. (5 .1 b) the elastic terms are of the relative

order Êi q2jH ~ (çq)2. In the hydrodynamic regime jq « 1 the Ki terms can be neglected. Then eq. (5. 1b) yields a relaxational eigenmode

This mode corresponds to the slow director mode WS2 of nematics.

In case 1 the equations of motion are

To simplify the discussion of the eigenmodes we

introduce the assumptions i) A > B, C and ii) B » C.

The first assumption is justified experimentally [16]

and implies the neglect of the constant C ( ~ B).

The second assumption implies the neglect of c5r¡ 1

and c5r¡3. The results in the absence of assumption ii)

will be given later.

As discussed in case 2, the K3 term in eq. (5. 4d)

can be neglected against the H term. Then this equa- tion for the orientational motion decouples from the equations for the translational motion. Substituting

vZ = icz in the dissipative term it reduces to

This equation describes a relaxational mode

in the variable 4>x. It corresponds to the director

mode ws1 of nematics.

We furthermore show that the H term describes

a purely transverse static director response. In the


static limit eq. (5 .4b) yields 0 = 0, and eq. (5 .4c)

and (5.4d) reduce to

Assuming MT = Mv as in eq. (4..14), which means

B = H, we find on eliminating u from eq. (5. 7b)

This result corresponds to the transverse static response function, eq. (4.14), mentioned in connec-

tion with the fluctuations of UZ.

The equations of motion, eq. (5.4), for the varia- bles 0, v,,, vz, and Uz lead to the secular equation

We make the insertion W2 = s2 q2 - iDwq2. For

the velocities we find the well-known equation [6]

Using the assumption A » B the velocities of first and second sound result as

For the damping constant D we obtain the equation (using A > B)

. n v i . i


This is our main result. It should be mentioned that

starting from the pure hydrodynamic theory of

smectics A and using only critical viscosities for the calculation of the critical eigenmodes would yield

a wrong contribution of c5r¡4 in the damping expres- sions. On the other hand, the hydrodynamic theory

of nematics may be used as a check of our result eq. (5.13). The second sound corresponds to the

shear mode (wF1 = - iDFl q2 of nematics, and indeed

one finds D2 = DF,, neglecting permeation, and

also Dl = D1,nem (using only critical viscosities in the expressions of JS for DFl and D1,nem). We mention

that permeation contributes to the damping of first

sound in a term of higher order bÀ.p(B2/A) cos6 0.

The result of Brochard [4], D2 ~ by sin2 0, was derived on approximating inconsistently the viscous terms in the equations of motion.

Releasing the condition C B used above the viscositites c5r¡1 and c5r¡3 change the anisotropy of

the damping of first sound

whereas the anisotropy of the damping of second

sound is not changed

The cases 0=0 and 0 = n/2 deserve special consi-

deration since the velocity of second sound goes to

zero. For 0=0 the second sound mode decomposes

into two diffusional modes, the critical permeation

mode and a noncritical shear mode. For 0 = n/2

one finds also two diffusional modes, the undulation mode and a shear mode, both noncritical.

In table 1 the critical behaviour of the eigenmodes

below and above TAN is summarized omitting the complications for 0 = 0 and 0 = n/2. The relaxation of the phase of the order parameter for T > T AN

is denoted by WRO. Passing through the phase transition

from above to below the number of hydrodynamic

modes decreases by one. All critical modes show the scaling behaviour discussed by Brochard [4].


The critical behaviour of the eigenmodes. The

number in brackets give the number of modes, the hydrodynamic ones being underlined.

6. Discussion of the critical damping.


The critical

damping of first and second sound depends on the angle 0, the frequency f = co/2 n, and the temperature difference AT = T - TAN. We will discuss the theore- tical results for these effects and compare them with

experimental results.



The angular dependence of the damping of first

sound in a smectic A phase has been measured by

Lord [13]. The frequency was f = 3 MHz, and the temperature was 7 OC below the transition to the

isotropic phase. As shown in figure 1, the observed

anisotropy of the damping follows well a cos4 0 law as given by eq. (5.8a). This differs markedly

from the usual damping in a nematic which obeys

a cos’ 0 law (at comparable frequencies) and is much less anisotropic, as shown also in figure 1. In an experiment on CBOOA, however, Miyano and Ket-

terson [14] observed no significant change in

at f = 12 MHz on passing from the nematic to the smectic A phase. These results indicate that the smectic order is much softer below a smectic

A-isotropic transition than below TAN. A critical damping at the smectic A-nematic phase transition

in CBOOA has been observed, on the other hand,

at a higher frequency f = 560 MHz by Bacri [15].

He found a critical divergence of Dl for 0=0, but no divergence for 0 = 90°, in agreement with

our result eq. (5.8a).

FIG. 1.


The damping of first sound in a smectic A phase. The experimental values (+) were determined by Lord. The theoretical

curve (-) is a fit of the anisotropy to a cos’ 0 law. The damping in a

nematic phase (- -) is shown for comparison.

The anisotropy of the damping of second sound’

has not yet been measured accurately. But Liao, Clark, and Pershan [16] found, by means of Bril-

louin scattering, a strong increase of this damping

as 0 approached 45°. This behaviour agrees qualita- tively with our result eq. (5.13b) neglecting permea- tion. For larger angles the second sound mode could not be observed. This cannot be explained within our

theory and may be due to the noncritical KI term

which in the smectic phase destroys the long-range

order in the order parameter [26].

The frequency dependence of the critical viscosities has not yet been calculated. Some insight may however be gained using the analogy between our problem

and the case of superconductors. Yi corresponds to

the fluctuation conductivity whose frequency dis- persion has been calculated within time dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory by H. Schmidt [10]. Its

behaviour is more complicated than a single Lorent-

zian. As this dispersion depends on mz it shows up also in the critical temperature dependence of the damping of first and second sound. For first sound this might have been observed by Bacri [15].

The temperature dependence of c5r¡s is given by

eq. (4.1e) and (4.15)

with e = Ar !/7BN’ In the classical region, where

mean field theory holds, this yields btl _, - ’e-0.5,

whereas in the non-classical region, where the smectic

A-nematic phase transition is assumed to obey scaling theory as for the Â-transition in He, this would give âtl.5 - B- 0.33. Evaluating his data on the damping

of first sound Bacri obtained the critical exponent o.33.

This result can however not be taken too seriously

as his assumptions for the evaluation are -open to criticism.

Lacking further measurements on the temperature dependence of the damping of first and second sound

we will discuss in place of that the critical divergence

of Yi at T > TAN which has been studied experimen- tally most extensively. In scaling theory eq. (4. 1 c) gives

An order of magnitude estimate yields (with ç /1 0 = 10 A, a numerical error in JB was already noted’by Huang et al. [18])

This leads to a small effect, at AT = 0.5 OC we get

Hardouin et al. [17] derived from their experimental

results on CBOOA a critical exponent 1.07, with

a value lo N 0.2 poise at AT = 0.5 °C. Both results

are in contradiction with the theoretical scaling result.

Recently, critical exponents 0.37 for CBOOA [18]

and 0.36 for HAB [19] with the same order of magni-

tude of the effect, yio = 0.4 poise at AT = 0.5 OC, have been published.

In an attempt to interprete the results of Hardouin

et al. [17] we may profit from the expérimental results

of Cladis [20] on the critical divergence of K3 in

CBOOA. She investigated the influence of impurities


on the critical exponent of K3 ~ Çll ~ E v. For the

pure system she found (evaluating the data with a

least-squares fit) the classical value v = 0.5, whereas for impurity concentrations higher than ~ 1 % she

found v = 1. The latter value we propose to be inter-

preted as the classical value for a two-dimensional system, two-dimensionality being evoked by the impurities. Assuming that they do not like to enter

the ordered regions, these regions extend no more

over the coherence length jjj Il but over a distance

t ç Il ’ as shown in figure 2. This represents the condition for two-dimensional behaviour. It would be interesting to test this suggestion by X-ray stu-

dies [21] on doped systems.

Recently, accurate specific heat measurements by Djurek et al. [22] on CBOOA gave a nonclassical critical exponent a, for AT 1.5°C. Their sample

was of still higher purity than the samples without doped impurities of Cladis (because of the higher

transition temperature) for which she found a classical critical exponent v in the same temperature range.

Interpreting this difference as an effect of impurities

would imply that the impurities reduce the nonclassical

region. For a qualitative understanding of this effect

we discuss the temperature range of the fluctuation effects given by the Ginzburg criterium [23]

where j jj o and çJ.o are the zero temperature coherence

lengths, and AC is the jump in the specific heat at

the phase transition (without fluctuations). In our

model for the effect of impurities, the C;o’s are not changed by the impurities (in contrast to the case of superconductors). On the other hand, the impurities

may increase AC due to the entropy decrease asso- éiated with the aggregation outside the ordered

regions. In this way 8c would be reduced by the impurities. The same mechanism should serve not to

enlarge 8c on passing from three to two dimensions.

The result for the critical contribution yB2) in

the two-dimensional case for classical behaviour

can be taken from the analogous result for super- conductors [9]


Inserting t = 350 A (corresponding to t = 10 d

for CBOOA) we find at AT= 0.5 -C yb( = 0.02 poise.

The critical exponent and the order of magnitude of

the effect in this case agree better with the experimental

results of Hardouin et al. on CBOOA than in the three-dimensional case discussed above. The assump- tion of classical theory for CBOOA over the experi- mentally accessible temperature range is also strongly supported by the results of Salin et al. [24] who found

no critical divergence for the width of the twist mode

K2 N

WS2 = - 1 -,Z- q. in CBOOA.


Summarizing the discussion of pretransitional

effects it seems difficult to reach the nonclassical

region in CBOOA due to the still relatively high

transition enthalpy [19] at the weak first order tran- sition [22, 25, 26] and the influence of impurities.

For other systems the situation may be more favo- rable.

The above discussion of pretransitional effects,

which is based on the suggested influence of impurities

should be regarded as a first attempt to bring together

some of the contradictory experimental results. Surely,

further experimental investigations are needed to

clear up the controversial situation. The critical effects on the low temperature side of the phase

transition will certainly show the same problems.



Most of this work was done

during my stay at the Collège de France. 1 would like to thank all the members of the Physique de la

Matière Condensée for the pleasant time 1 spent there.

Furthermore 1 thank the referee for pointing out two

errors in the first version of the manuscript.

APPENDIX A In their unified theory JS avoided introducing dis-

placements or strains. Instead they use the stresses Hj and Tu as dynamic variables, whose equations

of motion were found for a system with translational

and orientational degrees of freedom to be [8]



v and il are the drift and angular velocities, respec-

tively. In contrast to section 2, the diagonal part of the stress tensor has not been written down separately,

but was included in the complete symmetric part 77y.

For the symmetry of a smectic A phase the nonva- nishing components of the elasticity tensors E, G, and H are given by eq. (2. 3). In addition to symmetry,

a smectic A phase is characterized by the invariance

of the elastic energy or stresses under i) a homogeneous

rotation of the layers and the molecules, ii) a strain

in the plane of the layers, and iii) a rotation of the molecules around their long axes. This leads to the conditions

The r.h.s. of eqs. (A.1) can now be expressed in terms

of ViVi’ ViVz, Q,, and Dy. If we introduce displace-

ments 0, u,-, cpx, and çoy by

these displacements are meaningful quantities in a

smectic A phase in the sense that their static fluctua- tions stay finite. On linearizing eqs. (A .1) and integrat- ing them, the components of the stress tensors, with

IIscij = Pbij + IIsij, agree with eq. (2.5), under the


APPENDIX B The permeation effect is already covered by the

hydrodynamic theory of smectics A where the mole- cules are fixed to the normal of the layers, eq. (3. 3).

For simplicity we will discuss it within this theory neglecting the second order elastic constant Kl.

In analogy to JS we start with the expression for the

conserved thermodynamic potential cpN per particle

where s’ is the entropy per particle. This relation has to be completed by the equations of motion for the

quantities p, p, and ç, the nonconserved quantity s, and the quasi-conserved quantity uz (or V zUz)

Applying the standard procedure to derive hydrody-

namic equations the convective currents result as

In the case with dissipation one finds

As under time reversal Aii is odd, whereas ViT and

vin:z are even, no dissipative coupling exists between them. Therefore the constitutive equations are

Spatial symmetry allows for five independent visco-

sities and two independent components of each the thermal conductivity Kij, the coupling constant pj, and the permeation constant Âii. Neglecting the coupling Jlij the linearized equation of motion for Uzz reads

From the case q,- = 0 we find Â. 1. = 0. After integration

of this equation we find the result eq. (3. 1), with

Àz = 4.


APPENDIX C The Kubo relations for the viscosities defined in

eq. (3. ) have been given by JS. For the compressional

viscosities they are

The fluctuating parts of the stresses follow from eq. (2.5a) and (2.5b)

Fluctuations of 0 will be neglected. Comparing with

the result of JB for the case Co = 0, eq. (4. le), we find

and analogously

As n23 = ifl ifs the condition for a positive entropy production is fulfilled.

References [1] DEGENNES, P. G., Solid State Commun. 10 (1972) 753.

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