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X-ray evidence for incommensurate phases in crystalline thiophene. An effect of the pseudo-pentagonal molecular symmetry ?


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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X-ray evidence for incommensurate phases in crystalline thiophene. An effect of the pseudo-pentagonal molecular

symmetry ?

D. André, H. Szwarc

To cite this version:

D. André, H. Szwarc. X-ray evidence for incommensurate phases in crystalline thiophene. An ef- fect of the pseudo-pentagonal molecular symmetry ?. Journal de Physique, 1986, 47 (1), pp.61-70.

�10.1051/jphys:0198600470106100�. �jpa-00210185�



X-ray evidence for incommensurate phases in crystalline thiophene.

An effect of the pseudo-pentagonal molecular symmetry ?

D. André (*) and H. Szwarc (**)

(*) Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Structurale, Université de Paris-Val de Marne, 94010 Créteil Cedex, France (**) Laboratoire de Chimie Physique des Matériaux Amorphes (+), Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France (Reçu le 24 mai 1985, accepté le 23 septembre 1985)



Cette nouvelle étude par diffraction des rayons X de la séquence des phases métastables du thiophène

de 98 à 218 K montre que les phases II (ou II’), II1 et II2 correspondent à des surstructures du réseau orthorhom-

bique de la phase I ; celui-ci constitue une structure géométrique commune avec laquelle celles des 3 phases pré-

cédentes ne sont pas commensurables. L’existence de ces 3 phases incommensurables pourrait bien être la consé- quence de la symetrie quasi-pentagonale de la molécule de thiophène.



A new X-ray investigation from 98 to 218 K on the sequence of metastable phases of crystalline thiophene shows that phases II (or II’), II1 and II2 correspond to superstructures of the orthorhombic lattice of phase I which constitutes a common geometrical frame with which they are not commensurable. The emergence of these incommensurate phases is believed to be related to the quasi-5-fold symmetry of the thiophene molecule.

J. Physique 47 (1986) 61-70 JANVIER 1986,


Physics Abstracts



61.50K - 61.65

Radiocrystallographic data on crystalline thiophene, C4H4S (1), which could not be understood in terms of the results of previous work [1, 2] led to a new experi-

mental investigation of the thermodynamic and

structural properties of this compound. Calorimetric

measurements revealed the existence of two series of crystalline phases [3, 4] and the thermal treat- ments to get them. The two phase sequences and the

corresponding phase transition temperatures are recorded on table I, which also shows that each phase

sequence contains a low temperature glassy crystalline phase [5] (Vg and II2g respectively). According to X-ray data [6], the best molecular packing for phase I

is obtained with space group Cmca with 20 equipro-

bable molecular orientations. At 183 K, the unit cell parameters are :

with Z


4 molecules per unit cell.

Phase III (mistakenly called II in Ref. [6]) is best

described by the space group Pnma with 10 molecular orientations. Single crystals of metastable phase II’

(instead of I’ in Ref. [6]) were easily obtained by cooling single crystals of phase I. At 163 K, the unit cell of

phase II’ could be derived from that of phase I by multiplying the parameter b by 2 and the parameter c

by 20, i.e. :

Such a factor for a crystalline superstructure is rather unusual. It was thought that, in some way, it was

linked to the 20 molecular orientations which are

equiprobable at each site of phase I and that this link would give some clue in understanding the rela- tionships between phases I and II (or II’).

Unfortunately, these single crystals spontaneously

shattered after a few hours (because phase II’ usually recrystallizes into phase III within the 150-165 K temperature range), so that it was not possible to get a complete X-ray collection. Accordingly, the purpose of the present work was to get such a collection and to

try and record as much information as possible about

the metastable phase sequence.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198600470106100


Table I.


Phase transitions in the two phase sequences of crystalline thiophene according to reference [5]. These

data correspond to thoroughly purified thiophene. Phases Vg and II2g are glassy crystalline. The arrow indicates

the irreversible transformation II’-to-III that occurs from the metastable sequence to the stable one.

1. ExperimentaL

Thiophene was purchased from Merck (Spectroscopic Grade) and used without further purification. Two samples were used Crystal 1 was prepared with product taken from the same bottle that was used in references [3], [4] and [6]. Crystal 2 was made with thiophene taken from a more recently purchased


Both samples were processed according to the same procedure. A 0.3 mm diameter Lindemann capillary

was filled with liquid thiophene and sealed at both ends. Afterwards, it was fastened onto the goniometer

head of a Syntex P21 four-circle diffractometer which

was equipped with a copper X-ray tube and a graphite monochromator (CuKa = 1.5418 A). The temperature

was then lowered to about 10 K below melting using low-temperature equipment in which the cooling agent

was gaseous nitrogen [7]. Then, a cylindrical single crystal about 0.8 mm long was grown in situ by zone melting as previously described [8].

To prevent stresses from developing, the cooling or heating rates were kept low, about 0.01 K. s-1. The

uncertainties on the temperature values are believed

to be about 2 K.

2. Results.

The single crystals were studied in the 98 to 218 K

temperature range. Contrarily to what was observed

in reference [6], no alteration of the crystals occurred

at the different phase transitions which have been encountered either on cooling or on heating. The persistence of the metastable phase sequence is to be related to the influence of impurities (probably water

in the present case) which have been shown [5, 9] to prevent phase III from crystallizing.

The presence of impurities also explains the diffe-

rences between the phase transition temperatures which are recorded in table I (and which refer to

thoroughly purified thiophene) and those which have been determined in the present work and which will be given below.

In what follows, the chronological order for the temperatures of the measurements will be mentioned to point out the fair reproducibility of the different results for a given sample. Therefore, these results seem to be independent of thermal treatment.




The results described in reference [3]

indicate the temperature domains of existence of the different metastable phases of crystalline thiophene

of equivalent purity. Therefore rotation photographs

were taken at 160, 128 and 103 K, where phase II’

(that is phase II in its metastability range), II1 and 112, respectively, were expected to exist.

A 160 K, in phase II’, all Bragg reflexions of ortho- rhombic phase I are still observed. As already noted

some years ago [6], new superstructure reflexions appear, with intensities that are only one order of magnitude lower than those of the reflexions of the

original orthorhombic sublattice. An X-ray collection

has been made up to 2 0 = 500 with crystal 1. A list

of the observed reflexions I > 5 u(I) is given in

table II. From the examination of rotation photo- graphs, together with the calculation of indices from the orientation matrix and the analysis of the diffraction pattern, it can be concluded that parameter a remains

unchanged (neglecting thermal contraction). The exis-

tence of some new weak reflexions in the diffraction pattern could suggest that parameter b is to be multi- plied by 2, as we will assume in the following.

To get integer indices for I (that is, along c) several multiplying factors were tried. Although the results with 3 and its multiples are fair enough, it can be seen

on table III that the best results for all reflexions are

obtained for 20. In what follows, 20 will be used as the

multiplying factor for c.

At 128 K, in phase II,, the rotation photograph

reveals new Bragg reflexions with noticeable intensities.

They are of two kinds : some of them correspond to

reflexions which can be quite fairly indexed in the orthorhombic sublattice but which were forbidden in a

C-centred lattice such as Cmca. The other emerging

reflexions are of the same kind as those which appeared

in phase II’. Table IV records the reflexions we deter-



Table II.


Observed structure factors (I > 5 a(I))

corrected for Loren tz-polarization for the metastable

crystalline phase II’ of thiophene at 160 K. Bold type

corresponds to reflexions of the orthorhombic sublattice.

We have pointed out the reflexions with structure factors higher than 100 by underliping them. Multiplications of the original b by 2 and c by 20 have been taken into account.

mined for both types. An examination of the data recorded at 160 K in crystal 1 shows that the above reflexions are non-observed or very weak in phase II’.

They are truly characteristic of phase Ill. At 103 K,

no new Bragg reflexion is revealed by rotation photo- graphs.

It is to be stressed that we performed quantitative

studies only on the « new » Bragg reflexions that the rotation photographs revealed in each phase. No systematic search for new reflexions has been carried out in the present work because the 4-circle diffracto- meter is not the pertinent apparatus with which to do

so. This explains why a thorough description of the reciprocal space will not be given here.



The rotation photo- graph of crystal 1 at 160 K showed that the new

superstructure Bragg reflexions of phase II’ were

almost as intense as those of the orthorhombic sublattice. We found it rather intringuing and we

decided to study the evolution of the intensities of

some of the « new » reflexions as a function of tem-


In the case of crystal 2, the integrated intensities

(uncorrected for Lorentz-polarization) of 9 super- structure reflexions were determined in the 98 to 170 K temperature range and are recorded in table V.

The behaviours of these intensities with tempera-

rature are even more obvious on figure 1, which

represents the reflexions (3 4 7,14 33) and (1 4 20, 2 0 13) which emerge in phase II and Ill, respectively.

Starting from 98 K, all intensities decrease as T increases. At about 109 K, most of the curves 3 = f(T)

exhibit a kink the more conspicuous of which lies on the 3 4 7 intensity curve.

Table III.


Calculated 1-values, Ical’ corresponding to superstructure reflexions in phase II’ of thiophene at 160 K

for different multiplying factors of the parameter c ; dl/l = B (/calc




Table IV.


Crystalline thiophene : Bragg reflexions

which were observed in phase III and which do not exist

in phase II’. The values between parentheses correspond

to the indexation with respect to the lattice of phase I

and would be forbidden in C-centred space group Cmca.

Heating further, the intensities continue to decrease,

but the behaviour of curves 3(1 4 20) and 8(2 0 13) is

most surprising : the intensities decrease almost

linearly with T and the corresponding straight lines

encounter the T axis at 136 K. Table V shows that

reflexions 1420,2013 and also 0 2 40 are non-

observable at 136 K. At this temperature, a noticeable kink can be observed on curve 3(3 4 7). These obser-

vations prove that 136 K is the temperature at which phase transition II1-to-II’ takes place.


As temperature increases further, 3(347) and J(1 4 33) decrease according to a T - 171 K I’ law,

with a roughly equal to 0.5 (Fig. 1). No careful intensity

measurements were performed at temperatures higher

than 170 K on crystal 2. However, it was checked that the above reflexions were not observable at 172 K in crystal 1. Furthermore, a very conspicuous kink

could be observed near 171 K on almost every intensity

versus temperature curve corresponding to the Bragg

reflexions of the everlasting orthorhombic lattice.

Therefore, it can be concluded that transition II-to-I takes place at 171 K in our experimental conditions.

The relationships 3 = f(T) near the transitions at 136 and 171 K are very approximate. It will therefore be

necessary to perform a detailed study using an accurate temperature control. Neutron measurements seem more fitted to this purpose with respect to the tempe-

rature control, but the intensity measurement accuracy could be found to be wanting.



Metastable phase sequence of crystalline thiophene.

Variations of the intensities (uncorrected for Lorentz-

polarization) of some superstructure Bragg reflexions as a

function of temperature :

The vertical straight lines correspond to the phase transition temperatures (109, 136 and 171 K).

We have seen that every Bragg reflexion disappea-

rance is accompanied by some kink in the J(T) curves corresponding to the remaining reflexions. The changes

in the J(T) slopes at 109 K could indicate the emer-

gence of some new superstructure Bragg reflexions accompanying a redistribution of X-ray scattered

energy at a new phase transition. It can be conjectured that, similarly to what happens at the phase transitions at 171 and 136 K, the intensities of the new reflexions would start at zero at 109 K and grow as temperature is lowered The rotation photograph at 103 K failed

to detect them, possibly because these new reflexions

had not benefitted from a temperature interval large enough (6 K) to grow to measurable sizes.

The value of 109 K corresponds to temperatures at which a phase transition has already been observed in thiophene of comparable purity [4], i.e. about 100

to 117 K depending on the sample and the experi-

mental method This represents an important diffe-

rence with the temperature that is reported in table I

for the phase transition 112-to-II, in a thoroughly purified thiophene sample. But the temperature sensi- tivity of the transition is demonstrated by the fact that

accurate heat capacity measurements failed to detect it in a thiophene sample containing 1.83 mol per cent benzene [10]. Therefore, we will tentatively assign the

kinks which exist at 109 K on the curves of figure 1 to



Table V.


Metastable phase sequence of crystalline thiophene : intensities of some superstructure Bragg reflexions

as a function of temperature. (The experimental chronological order for the temperatures has been followed.)

the phase transition 112-to-Il,. Nevertheless, we shall

have to check that our lower temperature phase is really phase II2 by performing X-ray or neutron

measurements on purified thiophene. Moreover, these experiments will have to be carried out at temperatures much lowek than that of the transition 112-to-11, so

that the possible new Bragg reflexions would have grown enough to be observable.

To sum up this paragraph, superstructure Bragg reflexions appear at 171 K and their intensities increase while cooling through phases II, II’, III and ,12. At 136 K, other superstructure reflexions emerge, which in turn have intensities which increase through phases 11 and 112. It is thought that new superstructure reflexions appear at 109 K and their intensities increase on cooling. During all these transformations and evolution, the orthorhombic lattice of phase I

continues to exist as a frame within which structural

complexity increases.



Advan- tage was taken of the persistence of the orthorhombic sublattice to compare the dimensional properties of

the crystalline unit cell of all the phases.

The evolution of this sublattice has been followed as a function of temperature through all phases, using sets

of Bragg reflexions which were initially observed in

phase I (6 reflexions with 18° 20 31° for crystal 1 :

002, 112,112,111,111 and 200; 7 Friedel pairs with

51° 2 0 81° for crystal 2 : 004, 331, 422, 204, 600,

240 and 044). The parameters of the orthorhombic

crystalline cell were first determined using a routine of

the Syntex Nicolet P21 diffractometer [11]. For each temperature, the angles a, fl, y of the unit cell remain

equal to 900 with the same accuracy as in phase I.

Therefore, in the refinement process, the cell was

initially considered as orthorhombic and the values of the crystalline parameters a, b, c and V have been calculated by means of the programme PARAM of the

X-ray 72 system [12] (2).

The agreement between the values we determined for the two crystals is quite good. Figures 2 and 3 show

the variations of the parameters corresponding to crystal 2.

The behaviour of parameter b is quite remarkable.

(1) The cell parameter values may be obtained from the

authors on request


Fig. 2.


Metastable phase sequence of crystalline thiophene.

Variations of the parameters a, b and c of the unit cell of the orthorhombic sublattice with temperature.

It seems to freeze when approaching the phase transi-

tions I-to-II, II’ -to-II1, and IIl-to-II2 on cooling.

Furthermore, the corresponding expansion coefficient is negative from 170 K downwards. The other crys- talline parameters (a, c and Y) behave in a usual way with positive expansion coefficients (the larger one corresponds to c) and slight discontinuities at the different phase transitions. This can be roughly

related to what is known about the molecular packing

of phase I [6]. Figure 4 shows that direction b corres-

ponds to closely packed parallel thiophene molecules,

whereas direction c corresponds to a looser packing

in the herringbone-patterned crystallographic struc-

ture of this phase. This packing will undoubtedly

constitute an important clue in describing the mecha-

nisms of the phase transitions at 171, 136 and 109 K which are not yet understood.


Fig. 3.


Metastable phase sequence of crystalline thiophene.

Variation of the volume V of the unit cell of the orthorhombic sublattice as a function of temperature.

Fig. 4. - Thiophene phase I at 183 K (from Ref. [6]) : projections of the mean molecular planes on the (1 0 0) plane. Full lines correspond to molecules at x


0.0 and dotted lines to molecules at x





The values of parameter c at temperatures lower than 170 K seemed surprisingly large (about 140 A) and it

was decided to put them under closer scrutiny to detect

the possible evolutions of the positions of the super- structure Bragg reflexions in the reciprocal space. At every temperature, the angular values corresponding

to each reflexion were refined and their indices were

calculated using the orientation matrix which defines the orthorhombic sublattice. In table VI, the values of h, k and I for the reflexion 347 are reported This particular reflexion has been chosen because the values of the 3 indices are of the same order of magnitude so

that their variations can be easily compared.

It gives a fair example of what is observed for all reflexions. In all cases, the indices h and k remain constant in the whole temperature range. The diffe-

rence between their lowest value and the highest one

never exceeds 0.01 and one of their extremum values is

always an integer.

On the contrary, the values of I exhibit a slight but



Table VI.


Metastable phase sequence of crystalline thiophene : variation with temperature of the indices I I of different Bragg reflexions for crystal 2. The values of I I that would have resulted from the multiplication of the corresponding parameter of the orthorhombic sublattice by 3 have been tabulated for some reflexions for comparison.

(The chronological order for the temperatures of the measurements is 163, 170, 165, 160, 154, 148, 143, 138, 133, 128,123,118,113,108,103 and 98 K.)

systematic shift for all reflexions when temperature varies. Tables VI and VII show the evolutions of the values of lwith temperature for different superstructure reflexions together with reflexions of the orthorhombic sublattice for crystals 2 and 1, respectively. The repro-

ducibility between the data for both crystals is not perfect. There are differences in the values of 1 at a given

temperature and 1 does not seem to change at all in crystal 2 at temperatures lower than 136 K (that is the II1-to-II’ phase transition temperature). However,

the overall trend is analogous in both cases. For instance, for both crystals I I increases when T increases for 1 = 33, while it decreases with increasing

T for / = 7, 27 and 47. Simultaneously, 1 values for the


Table VII.


Metastable phase sequence of crystalline thiophene : variation with temperature of the indices 1

of different Bragg reflexions for crystal 1. (The chrono- logical order for the temperatures of the measurements

is:160,164,168,170,158,153,148,143,138,133,128, 123,118,113,108 and 162 K.)

(*) After a 30-hours stay at this temperature.

orthorhombic sublattice hardly change. This is illus- trated on figure 5 where the evolution of 111 for different reflexions are represented.

Another way to point out the differences between the orthorhombic sublattice (A) and the sublattice defined

by the superstructure Bragg reflexions (B) is shown

on table VIII. This table reports the values of the parameters of the crystalline unit cell for crystal 2 at

168 K as calculated by means of the diffractometer routine method using reflexions of sublattices A and B, respectively. Even when the calculated uncertainties

are always greater with sublattice B, the agreement for parameters a, b, c and Y is good. But, while right angles

are calculated from sublattice A, angle fl as calculated

from sublattice B differs significantly from 900.

All these results clearly show that sublattice B is not commensurable with the original orthorhombic sublat- tice for phases 11(11’), III and 112, so that these 3 phases

Fig. 5.


Metastable phase sequence of crystalline thio- phene. Variation of index III as a function of temperature for some Bragg reflexions :

* Crystal 1 : Reflexions 1 4 27 and 1 2 20;

40 Crystal 2 : Reflexions 1 4 27 and 3 6 20.

are to be considered as incommensurate. As pointed

out by one of the referees, the incommensurability may be characterized by a wave vector q = bc* with 6 - 7/20. 6 varie from 0.33 to 0.36 when temperature decreases and the positions of the supplementary

intense reflexions can be described by vectors GBragg - q

for 1 = 33 and GBragg + q for 1 = 7,27 and 47.

3. Discussion and conclusions.

The lattices of the metastable phases of thiophene, II(II’), II1 and 112 correspond to superstructures of the orthorhombic lattice of phase I which constitutes a common geometrical frame down to the lowest temperature. On cooling, the complexity of these superstructures increases each time a phase transition

is encountered, as witnessed by the emergence of new

Bragg reflexions. Nevertheless the mean geometrical

characteristics of the superstructure which emerges in phase II are retained.

The most remarkable feature is that the superstruc-

Table VIII.


Crystalline thiophene. Phase II’. Unit cell parameters at 168 K as calculated by means of the Syntex P21 diffractometer routine method : A) Using Bragg reflexions of the orthorhombic sublattice (7 Friedel pairs : 004, 331, 422, 204, 600, 240, 044) ; B) Using Bragg reflexions of the superstructure lattice (7 Friedel pairs : 14 33,

14 27, 2 2 53, 2 2 47, 3 0 47, 3 4 7, 4 2 27).



ture lattices are not commensurable with the ortho- rhombic sublattice from the temperature of the I-to-II

phase transition downwards.

Incommensurate phases are known to be very sensitive to impurities [13] and this probably explains

the differences we have already pointed out in the

detailed behaviours of the index I in crystals 1 and 2, respectively. It could also explain the formidable shift of the 112-to-III transition temperature (almost 20 K

between thoroughly purified thiophene and the present


Heat capacity measurements have failed to detect any phase transition between 13 and 90 K, except a glass transition at about 37 K [5]. One nay wonder whether this glass transition corresponds to the supercooling of phase II2 while avoiding some

incommensurate-commensurate phase transition lying

between 37 and 90 K.

One important feature does not fit in with the usual characteristics of the hitherto known incommensurate solids. The intensities of some superstructure reflexions increase in such a way as to become some of the strongest ones of the diffraction pattern and are far too strong to represent harmonics related to some struc- tural modulation. So, important modifications in the scattered intensities undoubtedly correspond to

noticeable changes in the mean electronic densities in the different metastable phases. One may speculate

on the part played by orientational disorder : phase I is

known to be plastic with some complex dynamic

disorder [6]. Nuclear magnetic resonance data [14]

show that this disorder continues to exist in the metastable phases when temperature decreases and that the frequency of the molecular reorientation is still much higher than 104 Hz at 85 K in phase II2. This

suggests that the molecular orientations undergo some complex progressive rearrangements leading to stacks

of molecules the reorientations of which would be correlated along the c-direction.

The length of axis c should be related to the sizes of

these possible stacks, but this very length gives rise to

some ambiguity. We have seen that it is necessary to

multiply the length of parameter c of the orthorhombic sublattice, as derived from phase I, by 20 to get near integers for the values of the c indices of all Bragg

reflexions in phases 11(11’), III and II2. The agreement

is almost perfect at 160 K, but table VI shows that

multiplying c by 3 (or multiples of 3) gives results that

are closer and closer to integers as the transition II-to-I is approached

We have already shown [6] that the 20 equiprobable

molecular positions at each crystalline site of phase I

can be roughly distributed between 6 groups. On the other hand, Sanford an Boyd [9] and Gavezzotti and Simonetta [15] have calculated independently a 6-well

distribution for the thiophene molecule using

Abrahams and Lipscomb’s 4-position description [2]

for phase I as a starting point. Finally, mechanical

simulations performed by Branka and Wojciechowski [16] for a system of hard cyclic pentamers reveal a rotational 2D-phase in which the mean molecular symmetry is a 6-fold one.

It can be conjectured that such a 5-6 duality corres- ponds to the manner in which the crystalline structure

may accomodate itself to the quasi five-fold symmetry of the reorientating thiophene molecule. It could be thought that this duality is the origin of the incommen-

surability when a decrease in temperature leads to a partial ordering of molecular reorientations.

Close similarities can be found between the two sequences of phases of thiophene : their heat capacity

behaviours are very similar [5] and fast reorientational motions (with frequencies higher than 104 Hz) persist

down to 85 K in both sequences [4]. Thus we expect to find similar structural results in the stable sequence as we have done so in the metastable one. If this were

the case, it would emphasize the part that we believe the pseudo-pentagonal molecular symmetry plays in

the emergence of incommensurate phases and/or glassy crystalline states [3].


[1] WADDINGTON, G., KNOWLTON, J. W., SCOTT, D. W., OLIVER, G. D., TODD, S. S., HUBBARD, W. N., SMITH, J. C. and HUFFMAN, H. M., J. Am. Chem.

Soc. 71 (1949) 797.

[2] ABRAHAMS, S. C. and LIPSCOMB, W. N., Acta Crystal- logr. 5 (1952) 93.


and SZWARC, H., C.R. Hebd. Séan. Acad. Sci.

Paris, Ser. II 295 (1982) 145.


and SZWARC, H., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 46 (1985)



J. Physique Lett. 45 (1984) L-1167; J. Chem.

Thermodynamics 17 (1985) 949.


Solids 45 (1984) 299.

[7] RENAUD, M. and FOURME, R., Acta Crystallogr. 22 (1967) 695.

[8] RENAUD, M. and FOURME, R., Bull. Soc. Fr. Mineral.

Cristallogr. 89 (1966) 243.

[9] SANFORD, W. E. and BOYD, R. K., Can. J. Chem. 54

(1976) 2773.


[10] SUGA, H., Private communication.

[11] SPARKS, R. A., in Crystallographic Computing Tech- niques, ed. R. F. Ahmed, Munksgaard, Copen- hagen (1976), p. 452-467.

[12] STEWART, J. M., KUNDELL, F. A. and BALDWIN, J. C., The X-ray system, University of Maryland, Col- lege Park, Maryland (1972).

[13] DENOYER, F. and ANDRÉ, G., unpublished results on


[14] FRIED, F., Thèse, Nice A. O. CNRS 9740 (1974);

some of the N.M.R. data have been reproduced in

reference [4] with the permission of Dr. Fried.

[15] GAVEZZOTTI, A. and SIMONETTA, M., Acta Crystallogr.

A 31 (1975) 645.

[16] BRANKA, A. C. and WOJCIECHOWSKI, K. W., Phys. Lett.

101A (1984) 349.


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