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Underutilized fruits in Africa


Academic year: 2021

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Éric malézieux 1-5

Biodiversity and indigenous consumption

[Lianas of Togo bearing edible fruit]

Abalo Atato, Kpérkouma Wala, Marra Dourma, Ronald Bellefontaine, Yao A. Woegan,

Komlan Batawila, Koffi Akpagana 67 (5) 353–368

[Degradation of protected areas through the use of plant resources: the case of the partial

wildlife reserve of Pama, Burkina Faso (West Africa)]

Elisée Mbayngone, Adjima Thiombiano 66 (3) 187-202

[Relationship between production and consumption of fruit grown on the Allada plateau

in southern Benin]

Christophe Cocou Tossou, Anne B. Floquet, Brice A. Sinsin 67 (1) 3-12

Use and management of natural stands

[Bissap (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) production in Senegal]

Mady Cisse, Manuel Dornier, Mama Sakho, Codou Mar Diop, Max Reynes, Oumar Sock 64 (2) 111-124

[The ditax (Detarium senegalense J.F. Gmel.): main characteristics and uses in Senegal]

Nafissatou Diop, Augustin Ndiaye, Mady Cisse, Oumar Dieme, Manuel Dornier, Oumar Sock 65 (5) 293-306

Uses and management of black plum (Vitex doniana Sweet) in Southern Benin

Colombe Dadjo, Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo, Belarmain Fandohan, Romain Glèlè Kakaï,

Sebastian Chakeredza, Thierry Dèhouégnon Houehanou, Patrick Van Damme, Brice Sinsin 67 (4) 239-248

[The oil of Carapa (Carapa spp. Meliaceae) in West Africa: uses and implications

in the conservation of natural tree stands]

Natalie Weber, Philippe Birnbaum, Pierre-Michel Forget, Mathieu Gueye, David Kenfack 65 (6) 343-354

The baobab tree in Malawi

Aida Cuni Sanchez 66 (6) 405-416

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) in the traditional West African diet:

not just a famine food

Christine Van Der Stege, Sarah Prehsler, Anna Hartl, Christian Reinhard Vogl 66 (3) 171-185

Impact of habitat type on the conservation status of tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.)

populations in the W National Park of Benin

Adandé Belarmain Fandohan, Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo, Romain Lucas Glele Kakaï, Brice Sinsin,

Patrick Van Damme 65 (1) 11-19

Geographical distribution, tree density and fruit production of Tamarindus indica

L. (Fabaceae) across three ecological regions in Benin

Belarmain Fandohan, Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo, Romain Glèlè Kakaï, Brice Sinsin 66 (2) 65-78

Contents special edition

Underutilised fruit species in Africa

This Fruits issue is distributed apart from the annual subscription. It gathers, in the same booklet, fifteen

articles already published in Fruits during the last years. In this special edition, the articles keep the

identification (volume, issue number, pages) which they had at the time of their first publication.


Fruit composition and their nutritional value

[Nutritive composition and energy contribution of the fruit of Maerua pseudopetalosa,

a food extender in Senegal]

Nicolas Cyrille Ayessou, Mathieu Gueye, Edmond Dioh, Marième Konteye, Mady Cissé,

Manuel Dornier 64 (3) 147-156.

[Characterization of the baobab tree fruit and study of its processing into nectar]

Mady Cisse, Mama Sakho, Manuel Dornier, Codou Mar Diop, Max Reynes, Oumar Sock 64 (1) 19-34

[The bissap (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.): composition and principal uses]

Mady Cisse, Manuel Dornier, Mama Sakho, Augustin Ndiaye, Max Reynes, Oumar Sock 64 (3) 179-193 [Mineral and vitamin composition of fruits of five underexploited species in Algeria:

Celtis australis L., Crataegus azarolus L., Crataegus monogyna Jacq., Elaeagnus angustifolia L.

and Zizyphus lotus L.]


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